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autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture>/iframe>div classvideo-embed-note fs08 style> Click on the playlist title above to access the full playlist./div>/div>hr>div classradial gray video-embed t2023-07-23 style>h2 classvideo-embed-title style> a href>CHINAbr classbreak>Progressive News Monitor/a>/h2>iframe classvideo-embed-iframe src allowaccelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture>/iframe>div classvideo-embed-note fs08 style> Click on the playlist title above to access the full playlist./div>/div>hr>div classradial gray video-embed t2023-07-23 style>h2 classvideo-embed-title style> a href>China and Usa Prepare For War/a>/h2>iframe classvideo-embed-iframe src allowaccelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture>/iframe>div classvideo-embed-note fs08 style> Click on the playlist title above to access the full playlist./div>/div>hr>div classradial gray video-embed t2023-07-23 style>h2 classvideo-embed-title style> a href>The 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, China/a>/h2>iframe classvideo-embed-iframe src allowaccelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture>/iframe>div classvideo-embed-note fs08 style> Click on the playlist title above to access the full playlist./div>/div>hr>div classradial gray video-embed t2023-07-23 style>h2 classvideo-embed-title style> a href>CHINA IN A POSITIVE LIGHTbr classbreak>Progressive News Monitor/a>/h2>iframe classvideo-embed-iframe src allowaccelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture>/iframe>div classvideo-embed-note fs08 style> Click on the playlist title above to access the full playlist./div>/div>hr>div classradial gray video-embed t2023-07-23 style>h2 classvideo-embed-title style> a href>China History, Society and Culture/a>/h2>iframe classvideo-embed-iframe src allowaccelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture>/iframe>div classvideo-embed-note fs08 style> Click on the playlist title above to access the full playlist./div>/div>hr>div classradial gray video-embed t2023-07-23 style>h2 classvideo-embed-title style> a href>China Planning Presentation for Winter Olympics/a>/h2>iframe classvideo-embed-iframe src allowaccelerometer; 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src> The province will advance 75 key projects, including a global intelligent computing centre…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>UN experts urge Thailand not to deport 48 Uyghurs to China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> United Nations human rights experts have urged Thailand not to send 48 Human rights groups and some Thai lawmakers have raised concerns in the past week that the transfer to China of the Uyghurs, who have been held in immigration detention for more than a decade, was imminent. The government has said it has…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Lyn Neeley/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Defend Socialist China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Portland, Oregon A program on "Defend Socialist China" will take place in Portland, Oregon, on Sunday, Jan. 26, and online. This hybrid event features panel discussions led by Friends of Socialist China. Topics to be addressed include: What is the Pentagon's plan for war with China? How does China's foreign . . . | /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>tvbrics/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Winter Sports Festival to be held on Russia-China border./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Participants of the event will create an international postcard with the size of 50 by 35 metres…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Have Trump's tariff threats helped China boost its exports?/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Trump has said he is considering imposing a 10 percent tariff on China from February./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Dan Collyns/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Peru's Chancay port receives its first cargo of EV cars from China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Chancay, the Chinese-built mega port in Peru, has received its first cargo of electric cars from China. While it's not the first batch of EVs to reach the country, it represents a shift in the flow of hi-tech vehicles to the South American country. Dan Collyns reports from Lima./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Nathan King/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>What's the future of China-U.S. relations?/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> As Donald Trump assumes the U.S. presidency for the second time, much of his focus will be on the most important bilateral global relationship with China. What will the next four years hold? CGTN's White House Correspondent Nathan King has this report./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Steve Ellner/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Trump's Foreign Policy Is About Pushing Back on China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>By Steve Ellner — Jan 20, 2025 | Donald Trump's recent blustery foreign policy proclamations have many pundits scratching their heads. They should be seen as part of a broader project of reasserting US hegemony in the Americas and pushing back on Chinese geopolitical influence. | Donald Trump's threats to take over the Panama Canal, convert Canada into the fifty-first state, and purchase Greenland may not be as ludicrous as they first seem. The proposals, albeit unachievable, lay the groundwork for a more "rational" strategy of targeting China (not so much Russia) and singling out real adversaries (as oppose…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Rescue workers search for survivors after powerful quake strikes China's Tibet./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Rescue workers search rubble for survivors after powerful quake strikes China's Tibet./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ileana Ferrer Fonte/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Experts call for developing SEZs under China-Pakistan cooperation./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Islamabad, Jan 22 (Prensa Latina) Pakistani experts have called for enhancing collaboration between Pakistan and China to learn from the latter's experience in developing green special economic zones (SEZs)./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ileana Ferrer Fonte/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China rejects bloc confrontation against other countries./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning reiterated China's opposition to any cooperation among nations directed against other countries. | Mao also stressed that alliances and political blocs are not conducive to international peace and security. | "China has always held that cooperation among countries should not be aimed at forming exclusive alliances or conducting bloc confrontation, as this does not contribute to regional or global stability," she stressed. | The meeting in Washington focused on regional security issues, such as activities in the South China Sea, in the context of growing cooperation among th…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>María Candela/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Más allá de las listas criminales, Cuba crecerá./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Hoy quiero hablarles sobre un tema que ha generado gran repercusión y daños a la economía cubana: la lista de entidades restringidas impuesta por el gobierno estadounidense, al igual que la espuria lista de paises supuestamente terroristas, desprecian la verdad y la soberanía del país./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Mali's FLA rebels 'free Spanish man kidnapped in Algeria'./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> A rebel alliance in Mali said Tuesday it has freed The Azawad Liberation Front (FLA), a coalition of separatist armed groups in Mali's predominately Tuareg north, said on the social media platform X that it freed Spanish citizen Gilbert Navarro. | "The former Spanish hostage, Mr. Navarro Giane Gilbert, has been released by the FLA and is in good health," said Mohamed Maouloud Ramaadan, spokesperson for the separatist movement. | Boubacar Sadigh Ould Taleb, the Azawad Liberation Front's communication…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Search, rescue ops continue in Tibet's Shigatse following deadly 7.1 magnitude earthquake./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Rescue efforts continue in Shigatse region after a devastating earthquake hit Tibet./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Alasdair Baverstock/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Migrants stranded along the U.S.-Mexico border./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Following the suspension of all U.S. asylum claims as one of the first actions taken by President Donald Trump's administration, migrants have been left reeling throughout the U.S.-Mexico border region, looking at their options. CGTN's Alasdair Baverstock reports./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ediz Tiyansan/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Community members unite to support fire victims./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The Eaton and Palisades fires have destroyed more than 12,000 structures and displaced tens of thousands of families. While local governments are scrambling to coordinate relief efforts across the city, many community members have come together to provide help. Our correspondent Ediz Tiyan≈üan reports from Los Angeles./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Hendrik Sybrandy/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Altadena resident who lost home shares Eaton Fire impact./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Firefighters and residents in Los Angeles were back on high alert Tuesday, Jan. 21. as winds that have propelled several destructive wildfires kicked back up. For thousands of homeowners across the region, the damage is done. CGTN's Hendrik Sybrandy spoke with one Altadena, California, resident who lost everything in the Eaton Fire./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Andrea GIORGETTA/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Taiwan: First execution under President Lai condemned./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Alina Ramos Martin/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Afghanistan highlights good state of relations with China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> During the celebration in Kabul for the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Afghanistan and China, Stanikzai described the bilateral ties as historic, adding that with the return of the Islamic Emirate (Taliban government), political and economic ties between the two countries have been strengthened more than ever. | In the last three years, especially in 2024, more Chinese businessmen and tourists than ever have traveled to Afghanistan. Today, thousands of Chinese citizens are present in Afghan cities, some for tourism and others for investment and trade, Stanikzai said. | For his part, the Chinese…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Alina Ramos Martin/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Afghanistan highlights good state of relations with China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> During the celebration in Kabul for the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Afghanistan and China, Stanikzai described the bilateral ties as historic, adding that with the return of the Islamic Emirate (Taliban government), the political and economic relationship between the two countries have been strengthened more than ever. | In the last three years, especially in 2024, more Chinese businessmen and tourists than ever have traveled to Afghanistan. Today, thousands of Chinese citizens are present in Afghan cities, some for tourism and others for investment and trade, Stanikzai said. | The Chinese a…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>tvbrics/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China unveils plan to build strong education system by 2035./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Special attention will be paid to the creation of new relevant disciplines…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Brian Berletic/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Anduril's "Arsenal 1" and "Rebuilding the Arsenal of Democracy"/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The growing challenges in matching the military industrial capabilities of Russia and China highlight the flaws in the U.S. defense industry's profit-driven approach, exemplified by Anduril's ambitious yet controversial "Arsenal 1" project. | With the conflict in Ukraine exposing how unprepared the United States' military industrial base is for a peer or near-peer conflict, continued efforts are being made to either match Russian and Chinese military industrial output or otherwise compensate for it. | Many attempts to do so, including ongoing efforts by the US Army to expand 155mm artillery shell production, have…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>infobrics/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Sanction-Proof? Russia's Arctic Ambitions and the China Factor./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Russia's Arctic ambitions are not just surviving — they're evolving, largely thanks to a deepening partnership with China. This resilience underscores the strategic importance Russia places on its Arctic resources and the increasing limitations of sanctions in a globally interconnected economy…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Rescue workers search for survivors after powerful quake strikes China's Tibet./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Rescue workers search rubble for survivors after powerful quake strikes China's Tibet./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pablo Rafael Fuentes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China critica a EE.UU. por devolver a Cuba a lista terrorista./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 21 ene (RHC) China criticó hoy la decisión de la nueva administración estadounidense de devolver a Cuba a la lista de supuestos países patrocinadores del terrorismo y cuestionó la credibilidad internacional de Washington./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Andy Kroll/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>A Time Capsule from 2048./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> My name isn't important, only what I have to say. I'm writing with a pencil because I need to conserve my batteries tonight. It's Year 24 of Our Trump (though he himself, of course, is no longer with us, just his kids who are running things). I feel like I should try to explain our era to whoever opens this time capsule a century from now, though you may need scuba gear to get at it. A lot of records could be lost by then. The Chinese climate hoax was less of a hoax than we thought at the time. Forgive me, Donald, but despite what the New Evangelical Church says, you were anything but infallible — even if I…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>La Operación Verdad: La campaña propagandística del Gobierno de EE. UU. que la hizo necesaria./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Encaminada al aislamiento internacional de la triunfante Revolución, el núcleo de tal campaña se basó en la utilización de la carga emotiva del término baño de sangre, del cual supuestamente eran víctimas, indiscriminada y masivamente, partidarios de la recién derrocada tiranía batistiana. Tal campaña encontró una inmediata respuesta revolucionaria a través de lo que se denominó Operación Verdad./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo hallan otra nieta y ya son 139 encontrados./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Las Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo anunciaron este martes el hallazgo de la nieta 139. La asociación ofrecerá más información en una conferencia de prensa en el Espacio Memoria y Derechos Humanos. Abuelas ha denunciado que el gobierno de Javier Milei hace todo lo posible por obstaculizar la búsqueda de los bebés robados en la última dictadura./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Search, rescue ops continue in Tibet's Shigatse following deadly 7.1 magnitude earthquake./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Rescue efforts continue in Shigatse region after a devastating earthquake hit Tibet./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Owen Fairclough/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Trump suggest 25% tariffs on Canadian, Mexican goods in February./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Donald Trump's first presidency was defined by trade battles with America's major trading partners. The U.S. president threatened new trade conflicts on the campaign trail. And now he appears to be following through on them with threats of 25% tariffs on goods from Canada and Mexico starting on Feb. 1. Owen Fairclough reports./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Prof Michel Chossudovsky/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>There Never Was a "New Corona Virus", There Never Was a Pandemic./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The official story is that a dangerous new coronavirus was detected in Wuhan, PRC. It had not been isolated, it's identity had not been confirmed. And then in February, the name of the "new virus" was changed to SARS-CoV-2, a virus first detected 20 years ago in 2003./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Andrea GIORGETTA/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Taiwan: First execution under President Lai condemned./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>A a/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>La guerra dei microchip continua./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> La guerra dei microchip continua e potrebbe presto prendere una nuova direzione. Da essa dipenderanno molti degli eventi geopoliticamente significativi del 20225, e non solo. | Segue nostro I chip TSMC in crescita, come pianificato dagli USA | Le vendite trimestrali della Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC) hanno superato le stime, rafforzando le speranze degli investitori che il ritmo sostenuto della spesa in hardware per l'in…/span>/p>div classjump idjump>202501221739 | tr | 33 | 0 | 15 | 18 | 0 a stylecolor:gray; href#top>∧/a>/div>/div>!-- .entry-content -->footer classentry-meta>Posted on a href title5:38 pm relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2025-01-22T17:38:47+00:00>January 22, 2025/time>/a>!-- KLUDGE in Uncategorized -->span classby-author> by span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by admin relauthor>admin/a>/span>/span>./footer>!-- .entry-meta -->/article>!-- #post -->article idpost-8308 classpost-8308 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry>header classentry-header>h2 classentry-title>a href titlePermalink to 2025-01-20: News Headlines relbookmark>2025-01-20: News Headlines/a>/h2>/header>!-- .entry-header -->div classentry-content>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>The Independent/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>US, China back on a collision course./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Trump likely to decouple the world's most important geopolitical relationship and increase risk of global disruption COMMENT | IAN BREMMER | Donald Trump's return to the White House will almost certainly trigger an unmanaged decoupling of the world's most important geopolitical relationship, increasing the risk of global economic disruption and crisis. After all, Chinese leaders will …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>tvbrics/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Chinese Consul General in Durban, Li Zhigong: 2024 is milestone year for China-South African relations./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> This was stated during a gala dinner held in Durban, South Africa, in honour of the Chinese New Year…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China executes two men for committing deadly 'revenge on society crimes'./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Fan Weiqu had rammed his car into a crowd, killing 35, while Xu Jiajin, 21, killed eight people in a stabbing attack./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>The Sirius Report/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>The rise of China panics a confused Trump administration./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> We assess why Washington continues to completely misunderstand China and the reasons why statements are made by Trump administration officials. /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>James Corbett/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>How the West Re-colonized China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The "Chinese dragon" of the last two decades may be faltering but it is still hailed by many as an economic miracle. Far from a great advance for Chinese workers, however, it is the direct result of a consolidation of power in the hands of a small clique of powerful families./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Rescue workers search for survivors after powerful quake strikes China's Tibet./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Rescue workers search rubble for survivors after powerful quake strikes China's Tibet./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Envía China segundo lote de donativo para sistema eléctrico cubano./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> China envió un segundo lote de donativo de piezas y accesorios para los equipos de grupos electrógenos de Cuba, como parte de la implementación de los consensos entre los gobiernos de los dos países. Se trata de suministros para la recuperación de capacidades de la generación distribuida, que deben arribar al país en la tarde de este lunes./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Bárbara Gómez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Envía China segundo lote de donativo para sistema eléctrico cubano./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 20 ene (RHC) El gobierno de China envió un segundo lote de donativo de piezas y accesorios para los equipos de grupos electrógenos de Cuba, como parte de la implementación de los consensos entre los dos países./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Megan Russell/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Can the Internet Wage Peace?/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> With the Tiktok ban just days away, American youth have started flooding the Chinese social media app RedNote, pushing it into #1 position on the app store. Labeled "Tiktok refugees" by Chinese netizens, the newcomers have been welcomed by app users with open arms, curiosity, and a fair bit of humor. Though initially confused at /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Editor/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Glenn Greenwald: TikTok "Refugees" Flee To Chinese RedNote App./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ann Brown/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>After Supreme Court Ruling, TikTok Briefly Paused U.S. Operations After Coming Under Scrutiny For Chinese Espionage./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TikTok officially paused its operations in the United States on Jan. 18 following a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that upheld a ban on the Chinese-owned app, citing national security concerns. It was brief. Less than 24 hours later, the app was pack, along with a note praises President-elect Donald Trump. "Thanks for your patience and …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>María Candela/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>España: Presidente defiende democracia ante bulos en redes./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Madrid, 20 ene (RHC) El presidente del Gobierno de España, Pedro Sánchez, defendió este lunes el valor de la democracia frente a bulos y campañas que se difunden en redes sociales./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Bárbara Gómez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Unión Africana reiteró apoyo continental al Gobierno y pueblo de Cuba (+Foto)./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Addis Abeba, 20 ene (RHC) El presidente de la Comisión de la Unión Africana, Moussa Faki Mahamat, reiteró este lunes el apoyo inquebrantable de àÅfrica al Gobierno y pueblo cubanos, tras recibir las cartas credenciales del embajador caribeño ante esa organización, Lucas Domingo Hernández./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>"El Canal es y seguirá siendo de Panamá": La inmediata respuesta del presidente Mulino al anuncio de Trump./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El presidente de Panamá, José Raúl Mulino, expresó su rechazo frontal a las declaraciones hechas por Donald Trump sobre el Canal de Panamá durante su primer discurso tras ser investido presidente de Estados Unidos este lunes. Trump expresó la intención de su gobierno de "recuperar" la vía interoceánica para EE.UU./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Search, rescue ops continue in Tibet's Shigatse following deadly 7.1 magnitude earthquake./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Rescue efforts continue in Shigatse region after a devastating earthquake hit Tibet./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Jim Spellman/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>A look back at Trump's first term./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Donald Trump's first term as U.S. president from 2017 to 2021 was unlike any that came before. Trump recalibrated America politics then lost reelection only to rebuild support during the Biden administration to once again win the White House. CGTN's Jim Spellman looks back at Trump's first term and the questions surrounding his second term that begins on Jan. 20, 2025./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Nitza Soledad Perez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Hear what Panamanians have to say about Trump's proposed 'take back' of canal./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> At his inauguration ceremony and in prior statements, U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has suggested America should "take back" the Panama Canal, igniting a firestorm of reaction in Panama. This vital waterway, transferred to full Panamanian control in 1999, stands as a symbol of the nation's hard-won sovereignty. The remarks have reopened old wounds and sparked passionate debate across the country. CGTN's Nitza Soledad Perez, brings us local reactions from the streets of Panama City./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Andrea GIORGETTA/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Taiwan: First execution under President Lai condemned./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Rescue workers search for survivors after powerful quake strikes China's Tibet./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Rescue workers search rubble for survivors after powerful quake strikes China's Tibet./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China irrumpe con fuerza en la industria de cruceros mundial./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La entrada de China en el mercado de cruceros impacta directamente en la industria global. Con capacidad para construir barcos en tiempo récord y con tecnologías avanzadas, el país cambia las reglas del juego. Con dos barcos terminados y muchos más en el horizonte, China promete dominar aún más el sector. Entonces, øveremos pronto cruceros chinos surcar por el Mar Caribe?/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Codepink/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Can the Internet Wage Peace? Amidst a Push for War, Chinese and American Citizens Connect Online./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> With the Tiktok ban just days away, American youth have started flooding the Chinese social media app The app "Xiaohongshu" directly translates to 'Little Red Book," but it has been dubbed RedNote in the United States. Many are quick to think of Chinese communist leader Mao Zedong's famous Little Red Book, though app officials say it isn't a direct reference. Still, th…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>TikTok goes dark for US users ahead of Trump's inauguration./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The ban follows months of legal battles and heightened scrutiny over the popular app's Chinese ownership./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>En vilo, 16 millones de personas en EU que residen con estatus "irregular"/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> A pesar de las repetidas advertencias de Trump y sus aliados de que se enfrenta una invasión de migrantes en la frontera, datos oficiales del gobierno estadunidense indican que la intrusión está en pausa como resultado de los esfuerzos de los dos gobiernos por controlar el flujo./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>La lista y el cachumbambé./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Cuba, su pueblo y su gobierno han reconocido las muestras de apoyo de países amigos, de movimientos de solidaridad, y de personas honestas dentro de los propios Estados Unidos, que durante este tiempo alzaron sus voces contra el bochornoso listado. Pero es difícil coincidir en este caso con aquello de que fue tantas veces el cántaro a la fuente hasta que se rompió. El cántaro sigue intacto./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Search, rescue ops continue in Tibet's Shigatse following deadly 7.1 magnitude earthquake./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Rescue efforts continue in Shigatse region after a devastating earthquake hit Tibet./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ediz Tiyansan/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Some California residents return home but wildfires continue./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> As some evacuation orders from the Palisades Fire are lifted, some residents returned to inspect the damage to their homes. | But vast areas of completely leveled homes are still not cleared as search and rescue dogs are still scanning the area for hazardous materials or human remains. | CGTN's Ediz Tiyan≈üan reports./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Elliott Wallace/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Trump's comments on Panama Canal continues to stir up diplomatic controversy./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src ⚪ 350x197.jpg> A diplomatic storm is brewing over the Panama Canal after Donald Trump suggested that America should retake control of this crucial waterway. | The controversy touches on both historical wounds and modern economic realities. | CGTN's Nitza Soledad Perez reports from Panama City on what's at stake for both nations and global commerce./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Andrea GIORGETTA/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Taiwan: First execution under President Lai condemned./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span>/p>div classjump idjump>202501201654 | tr | 28 | 0 | 10 | 18 | 0 a stylecolor:gray; href#top>∧/a>/div>/div>!-- .entry-content -->footer classentry-meta>Posted on a href title4:54 pm relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2025-01-20T16:54:07+00:00>January 20, 2025/time>/a>!-- KLUDGE in Uncategorized -->span classby-author> by span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by admin relauthor>admin/a>/span>/span>./footer>!-- .entry-meta -->/article>!-- #post -->article idpost-8306 classpost-8306 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry>header classentry-header>h2 classentry-title>a href titlePermalink to 2025-01-16: News Headlines relbookmark>2025-01-16: News Headlines/a>/h2>/header>!-- .entry-header -->div classentry-content>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Raouf Halaby/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-16)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Ceasefire: I Am Not Holding My Breath./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The announced ceasefire agreement between Israel and Gaza is reminiscent of the last days of the Carter administration, a time when American hostages were released with Reagan (and his behind-the-scenes machinations) taking credit for ending the hostage impasse. Be on the look-out for Trump to take 95% of the credit. Between today and the 19th (when /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>The Sirius Report/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-16)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Massive China trade surplus exposes fake Western economies./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> We assess the latest trade data coming out of China for year ending 2024 and why this highlights that China and Global South economies are real as opposed to fictitious Western economies dominated by financialization. /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Workers World Party/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-16)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>PDF of January 16 print issue./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Download the PDF LA fires showDisaster response in U.S. collapsed Dr. King's legacy & recent strikes Philly Chinatown wins arena battle Capitalism's housing crisis On the picket line Global warming inferno Musk boosts bigots worldwide Galápagos — Pentagon base? Editorials: Real solidarity with Los Angeles Trump puts profits first Tear . . . | /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>tvbrics/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-16)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China unveils advanced research platform to revolutionise sustainable energy development./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> This holds potential to address global energy needs without the environmental downsides of fossil fuels…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-16)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>'Key to space ambitions': India succeeds in historic space docking mission./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Only the US, Russia and China have previously docked in space. The expertise is critical for advanced missions./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Mark Niu/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-16)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China's chip industry advances, despite more U.S. chip export restrictions./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The Biden Administration recently laid out its latest framework for governing the exports of advanced chip technology, which sets restrictions on sales to China. The incoming Trump administration will soon be reviewing this policy and making its own decisions on whether to continue pursuing the same course. In the meantime, China continues to innovate even without those components. Mark Niu reports./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-16)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Rescue workers search for survivors after powerful quake strikes China's Tibet./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Rescue workers search rubble for survivors after powerful quake strikes China's Tibet./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pablo Rafael Fuentes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-16)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>A punto de terminar las obras civiles del parque eólico La Herradura>./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 16 ene (RHC) La construcción civil del parque eólico La Herradura 1, en el norte de la provincia de Las Tunas, está a punto de terminar, para abrir las puertas, así, a la instalación de 22 aerogeneradores, cuando continúe el programa inversionista pactado con la República Popular China./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Javier Arana Villasusa/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-16)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China and Philippines hold consultation mechanism on the South Sea./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Beijing, Jan 16 (Prensa Latina) Representatives of China and the Philippines presided today in the southern city of Xiamen, Fujian province, the tenth meeting of the bilateral consultation mechanism on the South Sea./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Human Rights Watch/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-16)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>North Korea: No Easing of Systemic Rights Abuses./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Click to expand Image | The town of Chunggang, North Korea, as seen from the Chinese border town of Linjiang, February 29, 2024. | © 2024 PEDRO PARDO/AFP via Getty Images | (Bangkok) — North Korea's government under Kim Jong Un in 2024 retained repressive Covid-19-era policies that restrict movement and trade and blocked humanitarian organizations from entering the country, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2025.For the 546-page world report, in its 35th edition, Human Rights Watch reviewed human rights practices in more than 100 countries. In much of the world, Executive Director Ti…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>The Independent/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-16)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Chinese netizens welcome influx of 'TikTok refugees'./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> BEIJING | Xinhua | Chinese internet users on a popular social networking platform have noticed a sudden influx of foreign newcomers who claim to have migrated from TikTok due to concerns about a potential ban by the U.S. government within the week. On Xiaohongshu, a Chinese platform with combined features of Instagram and Pinterest, hashtags …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>María Candela/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-16)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Asociaciones y movimientos de solidaridad con Cuba continúan expresando su complacencia por decisión del gobierno estadounidense./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El 14 de enero de 2025, el gobierno de Estados Unidos anunció su decisión de retirar a Cuba de la vergonzosa lista del Departamento de Estado de países que supuestamente patrocinan el terrorismo./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pablo Rafael Fuentes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-16)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Movimiento Rebelde de Dominicana saluda defensa de Cuba a soberanía./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 16 ene (RHC) El Movimiento Rebelde (MR) de la República Dominicana expresó hoy que el Gobierno y el pueblo de Cuba demuestran, una vez más, el valor de la persistencia en la defensa de su soberanía./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pablo Rafael Fuentes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-16)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Aboga Cuba por enfoque integral en estrategias de desarrollo local./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 16 ene (RHC) El primer ministro cubano, Manuel Marrero, instó a los gobiernos provinciales a implementar estrategias de desarrollo que se correspondan con las proyecciones nacionales para corregir distorsiones y reimpulsar la economía, revelan hoy medios de prensa./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-16)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>øCuba resistirá la "máxima presión económica"?/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El 16 de abril de 1960, el diplomático estadounidense Lester D. Mallory escribió un memorándum en el que abogaba por un embargo contra Cuba "para provocar hambre, desesperación y el derrocamiento del gobierno". Dado que la mayoría de la población de la isla apoyaba a Fidel Castro y que el país había vivido recientemente una revolución./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>APR editor/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-16)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>MƒÅori politicians call for 'rapid' aid to Gaza after ceasefire deal./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> By Daniel Perese of Te Ao MƒÅori News MƒÅori politicians across the political spectrum in Aotearoa New Zealand have called for immediate aid to enter Gaza following a temporary ceasefire agreement between Hamas and Israel. The ceasefire, agreed yesterday, comes into effect on Sunday, January 19. Foreign Minister Winston Peters said New Zealand welcomed the…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-16)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Search, rescue ops continue in Tibet's Shigatse following deadly 7.1 magnitude earthquake./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Rescue efforts continue in Shigatse region after a devastating earthquake hit Tibet./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Jody Jacobs/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-16)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>UN braces for impact of Trump's second term./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The United Nations is bracing itself for the worst case scenario should the Donald Trump administration decide to cut funding to the /> | During his first term, Trump suspended funding for the U.N. health and family planning agencies and withdrew from its cultural organization and top human rights /> | Jody Jacobs reports from the United Nations in New York about what the next four years could potentially hold./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Anand Naidoo/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-16)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>The Heat: BRICS 2025./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Indonesia has formally joined the BRICS as a full member, becoming the first Southeast Asian country to join the group. There are now ten full members and eight new partner countries in the bloc, making up 41.4% of global GDP and half the world population. | Joining the discussion: | Anton Fedyashin is a Pro…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Dan Williams/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-16)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Trudeau warns of retaliation as Trump threatens 25% tariff on Canadian goods./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is vowing a "strong, national response" should incoming U.S. President-elect Donald Trump makes good on threats to impose a 25% tariff on all Canadian /> | Trudeau held a meeting with Canada's provincial leaders on Wednesday, Jan. 15 to discuss possible retaliatory /> | One of the key Canadian industries that would feel the impact of stiff tariffs is Canada's energy sector. CGTN's Dan Williams reports./span>/p>p classnewsitem c3a> a href classautohyperlink>> (2025-01-15). a href>Users flock to Chinese Xiaohongshu, or 'RedNote,' with TikTok ban looming/a>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Betsey Piette/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-15)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Philadelphia: Chinatown celebrates stopping 76 Place./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Philadelphia After an over two-year struggle to stop construction of a basketball arena that threatened the destruction of Philadelphia's historic Chinatown and a contentious 12-to-5 City Council vote approving the plan on Dec. 19, just a few weeks later on Jan. 12 Philadelphia 76ers' team owners suddenly announced that their . . . | /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-15)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>TikTok users in US flock to 'China's Instagram' ahead of ban./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Chinese users of Xiaohongshu welcome influx of Americans, but caution that sensitive topics are off-limits./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Claire Elise Thompson/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-15)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Fiction to reality: Will the U.S. ever embrace insect cuisine?/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> | ?xml encodingUTF-8> | The vision: | pAfter the ninth epidemic of mad cow disease, everyone was already eating insects. So we werent the first restaurant in PuertoChina to do it, said Nai Nai. | p>"But no one," said Nai Nai, finally getting to the part Grace liked best, "no one was serving silkworm on Canal Street. Not until I opened up the first restaurant! And they couldn't get enough of it. I got the idea when I was walking past Mulberry. The city was planting more trees, and…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>WSWS/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-15)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Outgoing Biden administration announces sweeping AI controls./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Directed against China, but encompassing a range of many other countries as well, the new regulations have brought forth strident opposition from US high-tech companies./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>WSWS/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-15)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Indonesia and Japan pledge to deepen military ties./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The Japanese prime minister visited Indonesia and Malaysia, as part of efforts to integrate the Southeast Asian nations into Tokyo's preparations for a catastrophic US-led war against China./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-15)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Rescue workers search for survivors after powerful quake strikes China's Tibet./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Rescue workers search rubble for survivors after powerful quake strikes China's Tibet./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Tyler Rogoway/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-15)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>What China's Next Generation Stealth Jet Reveal Really Means./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Dec. 26, 2024, was a huge day for the global airpower, military technology, and strategy communities. The emergence of not one, but two Chinese advanced tailless tactical combat aircraft sent shockwaves around the globe and garnered very high interest from the public. You can read our initial coverage and preliminary analysis on the appearance of both those aircraft /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>cameron orr/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-15)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Will there be war with China?/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Will there be a war with China? People are asking this question as there is a high level of tension near Taiwan and in the South China (East) Sea. U.S. imperialism pushes an aggressive posture with air and naval exercises and continues to arm Taiwan, in violation of previous agreements. Such a war would be a huge disaster for the working class. | Following up on the 2011 pivot to Asia, U.S. imperialism is creating new anti-China military alliances like AUKUS (which includes Australia, the U.K. and the U.S.), and is expanding its strategic military presence in the Pacific region, such as enlarging the naval bas…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pablo Rafael Fuentes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-15)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China: Quitar a Cuba de lista terrorista era deuda histórica de EE.UU./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 15 ene (RHC) China enfatizó hoy que eliminar a Cuba de la lista de países que supuestamente patrocinan el terrorismo era una deuda histórica de Estados Unidos que debió corregir hace mucho tiempo./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pablo Rafael Fuentes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-15)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Expresan solidaridad con Cuba ante política de Estados Unidos./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 15 ene (RHC) Movimientos de solidaridad con Cuba en El Salvador manifestaron hoy su solidaridad con la isla ante las políticas de gobiernos estadounidenses para someter a su pueblo./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-15)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Cuba y la "injusticia" de su inclusión en la lista de EE.UU. de patrocinadores del terrorismo./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El Gobierno del presidente de Colombia, Gustavo Petro, envió una nota diplomática a la administración de Joe Biden para pedir la exclusión de Cuba de la lista de Estados patrocinadores del terrorismo, que fue citada el martes por la Casa Blanca como una de las razones por las que decidió retirar a la isla de ese ranking./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-15)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>México apoya retiro de Cuba de la lista de países patrocinadores del terrorismo./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La presidenta de México, Claudia Sheinbaum, celebró hoy la decisión del gobierno de Estados Unidos de retirar a Cuba de la lista unilateral de países patrocinadores del terrorismo. Sheinbaum se sumó a la lista de personalidades y mandatarios, entre ellos los de Bolivia, Venezuela y Colombia, que manifestaron satisfacción por la noticia difundida ayer./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Achment Gonim/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-15)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Why was UFC legend Khabib Nurmagomedov kicked off a U.S. flight ?/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Khabib Nurmagomedov, the legendary former UFC lightweight champion from Russia was removed from a Frontier Airlines flight traveling from Las Vegas to San Francisco on January 11. | The According to the airline, Khabib didn't comply with repeated requests from the crew to conf…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ediz Tiyansan/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-15)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Search and rescue efforts continue amid Los Angeles wildfires./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> It's been a week since those deadly fires broke out in the Los Angeles area and it's far from over as new wildfires have been reported on Wednesday, Jan. 15. Search teams have been deployed to comb through the charred remnants of homes, looking for potential human remains. But given the scale of devastation, they warn the process could take a long time. Our correspondent Ediz Tiyan≈üan reports./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Florence CGTN/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-15)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Hegseth faces Senate questioning for defense secretary./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Donald Trump's pick for Secretary of Defense, Pete Hegseth, underwent a grilling by lawmakers on Tuesday, Jan. 14, in a confirmation hearing sharply divided along partisan lines. | With less than a week to go until his inauguration, Donald Trump's cabinet nominees are facing questioning by members of Congress. Hegseth and the other nominees require Senate approval. | Hegseth is a decorated army veteran and former Fox news host who has swatted away criticisms over his alleged personal misconduct. Benji Hyer reports./span>/p>div classjump idjump>202501161825 | tr | 36 | 0 | 16 | 20 | 0 a stylecolor:gray; href#top>∧/a>/div>/div>!-- .entry-content -->footer classentry-meta>Posted on a href title6:25 pm relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2025-01-16T18:25:36+00:00>January 16, 2025/time>/a>!-- KLUDGE in Uncategorized -->span classby-author> by span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by admin relauthor>admin/a>/span>/span>./footer>!-- .entry-meta -->/article>!-- #post -->article idpost-8305 classpost-8305 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry>header classentry-header>h2 classentry-title>a href titlePermalink to 2025-01-13: News Headlines relbookmark>2025-01-13: News Headlines/a>/h2>/header>!-- .entry-header -->div classentry-content>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Police dog in Yunnan 'criticized' by training base for four straight weeks./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> On Sunday, a police dog attracted people's attention on China's social media for being cited in weekly reports by the training base for four consecutive weeks. The report included incidents such as instigating fights and urinating on fellow dogs' beds./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Memorial service held for victims of earthquake in Xizang./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> A memorial ceremony was held at 9: 30 am on Monday morning to honor the earthquake victims in Chamco Township, the area most severely affected by the 6.8-magnitude earthquake in Dingri County, Southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China's exports hit record high as Trump tariffs loom./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Exports rose 10.7 percent in 2024, beating economists' forecasts, customs data shows./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>_____/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Yanis Varoufakis: What to Watch for in 2025 — Trump, the US Dollar, China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> 31 Dec 2024 Yanis Varoufakis dives into the key global trends and challenges shaping 2025 and breaks down what these developments mean for the world economy and politics./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China's third-largest freshwater lake sees its water quality break 30-year record./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Taihu Lake, the country's third-largest freshwater lake in the lower Yangtze River region, has seen its water reach fairly good quality for the first time in the past 30 years./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>A A/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Sicut in Coelo et in Terra: China and the U.S., the space race./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China EV exports rise to record 2 mln in 2024./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Chinese exports of electric vehicles exceeded two million for the first time in 2024, the State Council told press on Monday./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China delivers 400,000-metric ton offshore oil gear to Brazail's Petrobras./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Thirteen topside modules for the 400,000-metric ton P79 Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) project, built for Brazilian petroleum corporation Petrobras, have been completed and delivered at the Qingdao International High-end Equipment Manufacturing Base, east China's Shandong Province, according to the Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd. (COOEC) on Sunday./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Production, sales of Chinese NEVs exceed 12 mln respectively in 2024./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Data released by China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM) showed that in 2024, both new energy vehicle (NEV) production and sales in China exceeded 12 million, ranking first in the world for 10 consecutive years./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Guangxi's selenium-rich soil ranks first in China, reaches 7.6 million hectares./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in south China boasts 114 million mu (7.6 million hectares) of selenium-rich soil, the largest area nationally, said Liu Yongxian, a member of the the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) in Guangxi, on Sunday./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>(W.E. Talk)Professor William N.Brown: How Should the World Today Better Understand China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> William N. Brown, a professor from the United States at Xiamen University, who has been living in China over three decades since 1988. Recently, he was interviewed by China News Service's West-East Talk. In the interview, he shares how he formed his connection with China and discusses how he introduces a more authentic, comprehensive, and vivid picture of China to the world./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>330-kilovolt project guarantees stable energy supply in NW China's Qinghai./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The second line of the 330-kilovolt project in Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province was completed and put into operation on Sunday, effectively meeting the electricity demands for clean heating and industrial development./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>20,000 metric tons of Chilean cherries arrives in China ahead of Spring Festival./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> A shipment of 20,000 metric tons of Chilean cherries arrived at Nansha Port in Guangzhou, south China's Guangdong Province on Saturday, further enriching the upcoming Spring Festival "fruit platter," according to Guangzhou Customs./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China-EU trade rises by 1.6% in 2024./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The trade relationship between China and the European Union (EU) demonstrated resilience in 2024 despite some trade frictions, as their bilateral trade reached 5,591.5 billion yuan ($762 billion)./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China sees average temperature in coastal waters hit a record high./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The average temperature in China's coastal waters has reached a record high, reflecting the global trend of rising ocean temperatures, the National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center has said./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>2025 Share your views on traveling in China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Joel Wendland-Liu/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Hu Yamin's new book on Chinese Marxist literary criticism./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Hu Yamin is a prominent Chinese scholar specializing in comparative Marxist literary criticism. Her recent work, The Contemporary Construction of the Chinese Form of Marxist Literary Criticism, offers a historical-geographic comparative analysis of Western and Chinese Marxist literary theories. Her previous translated work includes a two-volume edited set titled Keywords in Western Literary Criticism and …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>øCómo podría Canadá enfrentarse a Donald Trump?/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Aunque algunos analistas creen que la retórica es la típica bravuconada de Trump, sus comentarios han sido ampliamente condenados por políticos y economistas canadienses, ya que Canadá no fue uno de los principales objetivos del candidato republicano durante la campaña electoral estadounidense, a diferencia de China, México, los BRICS y la OTAN./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>tvbrics/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Chinese scientists develop advanced solid electrolyte interphase./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The innovation is poised to drive technological advancements in next-generation energy storage…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Chinese surgeons transplant world's first full pig liver into human./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Chinese doctors have successfully transplanted a genetically edited pig liver into a brain-dead patient, making it the world's first such surgery to date./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Smart lampposts provide public charging service in Beijing./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Beijing has accelerated the construction of smart lampposts, with shared power banks and wireless charging equipment installed to serve the public at low prices or even for free./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Cuba formaliza su adhesión a la demanda de Sudáfrica contra Israel por el genocidio en Palestina./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El Gobierno de la República de Cuba hizo entrega formal ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia en su sede en La Haya, Países Bajos, de la Declaración de intervención en el caso Sudáfrica contra Israel. El Gobierno de Cuba reitera su profunda preocupación con la continua escalada de violencia, por parte de Israel, en los territorios palestinos ilegalmente ocupados./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Giant pandas at Smithsonian's National Zoo ready to meet public./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Giant pandas Bao Li and Qing Bao are ready to make their debut, according to the zoo./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>New direct air route links Shanghai with Serbia's Belgrade./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Flight JU986 from Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport successfully landed in the Shanghai Pudong International Airport on Saturday, inaugurating the new direct air route between the two cities./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Poppie Mphuthing/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Mexico, Canada and other U.S. states join firefighting efforts in LA./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> As the wildfires in California continue to rage, regional neighbors Canada and Mexico are stepping up to help. Several other U.S. states have also joined the effort to extinguish the historic and deadly fires. Poppie Mphuthing reports./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Toni Waterman/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>LA residents return to Pacific Palisades after fire./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The death toll from the Los Angeles fires has now risen to 24. Officials expect that number to rise as specialized teams, including cadaver dogs — search through the rubble. Firefighters on Sunday, Jan. 12, also continued their efforts to contain the inferno encircling downtown LA, but the return of powerful winds threatens to undo the progress that has been made. Meanwhile, the residents in Pacific Palisades are slowly making brief visits back to their neighborhood to survey the damage. Toni Waterman reports./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-13)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>'Made in Russia' fair to showcase thousands of products in Shenyang./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The Russian Export Center (REC) is set to host the "Made in Russia" festival and trade fair in Shenyang from Friday to Sunday./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Scott Ritter/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-12)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Interesting Times. Scott Ritter./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> "May you live in interesting times." | Said to be a curse, this apocryphal saying, attributed to China, is in fact more than likely the product of an Englishman's imagination. It is, however, accurate nonetheless, especially if one's understanding of the …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Nava J. Thakuria/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-12)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Dam in Tibet, A Concern for India, Bangladesh./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The construction of a colossal hydropower project by China in Tibet has emerged as a matter of grave concern for India, especially for those residing in its eastern regions including Bangladesh. These areas now face a perpetual threat akin to living under a water bomb, controlled by a foreign power governed by a Communist regime that lacks credible bilateral relations with India, the world's largest democracy. The recent earthquake in the Tibetan plateau, which claimed over 125 lives and injured numerous others, has exacerbated these fears. The disaster has underscored the seismic vulnerabilities of the region, f…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-12)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Massive earthquake hits China's Tibet region, scores dead./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> A massive earthquake struck China's Tibet region Tuesday January 07, 2025 leaving scores dead and hundreds injured./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>The Sirius Report/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-12)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>UK Goes to China with a Begging Bowl as Bond Markets Are in Free Fall./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> We assess why UK officials are visiting China and why this may cause antagonism with the US who made similar previous visits which failed to achieve their objectives. /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Prof Michel Chossudovsky/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-12)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Video: Peace in the Middle East or Nuclear War? Michel Chossudovsky, Drago Bosnic./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> This Video with subtitles in 8 languages, English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Persian, Chinese, Turkish and Russian focusses on the dangers of nuclear war and the need to establish a Worldwide Peace movement. The unspoken truth regarding the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine. The Truth is a powerful "weapon"./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-12)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Watch: Xpeng Aero HT showcases 'Modular Flying Car' at CES 2025./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Chinese automobile giant, Xpeng Aero HT, showcased its 'modular flying car' at CES 2025./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pablo Rafael Fuentes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-12)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Presidenta de México presenta informe por 100 días de gobierno./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 12 ene (RHC) La presidenta de México, Claudia Sheinbaum, presentará hoy ante los ciudadanos en el Zócalo capitalino el informe por sus 100 días de gobierno./span>/p>div classjump idjump>202501131858 | tr | 34 | 0 | 7 | 45 | 0 a stylecolor:gray; href#top>∧/a>/div>/div>!-- .entry-content -->footer classentry-meta>Posted on a href title6:57 pm relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2025-01-13T18:57:30+00:00>January 13, 2025/time>/a>!-- KLUDGE in Uncategorized -->span classby-author> by span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by admin relauthor>admin/a>/span>/span>./footer>!-- .entry-meta -->/article>!-- #post -->article idpost-8304 classpost-8304 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry>header classentry-header>h2 classentry-title>a href titlePermalink to 2025-01-11: News Headlines relbookmark>2025-01-11: News Headlines/a>/h2>/header>!-- .entry-header -->div classentry-content>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Arnold August/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-11)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Canada Should Focus on Its Own Human Rights Issues./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Editorial note: Orinoco Tribune does not generally publish pieces older than two weeks. However, an exception is being made in this case as the current article remains as relevant today as when it was first published. | By Arnold August — Dec 24, 2024 | China has decided to impose countermeasures against two Canadian organizations as well as 20 personnel from these organizations in accordance with the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law. The decision took effect on December 21, 2024. | China's measures responded to the Canadian government's Human Rights Day announcement on December 10. On a day devoted to honoring hu…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-11)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Massive earthquake hits China's Tibet region, scores dead./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> A massive earthquake struck China's Tibet region Tuesday January 07, 2025 leaving scores dead and hundreds injured./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>tvbrics/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-11)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Brazilian beef exports are expected to hit new record in 2025./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> China was the main destination for Brazilian beef exports in 2024…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Brian Berletic/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-11)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Chinese Military Might vs Washington's Asymmetrical Tools of Empire./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> China continues to strengthen its military capabilities, combining rapid growth in conventional power with readiness to counter U.S. asymmetrical strategies. | Over the past few months China has achieved several breakthroughs in terms of military power in both quantity and quality including the introduction of new aircraft, increased production rates of existing aircraft, and the launching of a new amphibious assault ship proposed as recently as 2020, demonstrating a rapid progression from drawing board to dockside all within China's already vast shipbuilding capacity. | The implications of these recent developme…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Dan Williams/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-11)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Detroit Auto Show focuses on the future of EVs./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Car enthusiasts have descended on the U.S. state of Michigan for the Detroit Auto Show. One topic of conversation is focused on the future of Electric Vehicles. Although EV sales continue to rise in China, sales of EVs in Germany have slumped, while growth in the U.S. EV market has slowed. | CGTN's Dan Williams has the story./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-11)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Panama official rejects Trump threat to take back canal control./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> China does not control the Panama Canal, and the US cannot take it back, says a Panamanian official./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Juan M. Garcia/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-11)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China and UK hold economic-financial talks./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Beijing, Jan 11 (Prensa Latina) China and the United Kingdom resumed the Economic and Financial Dialogue on Saturday, after a six-year pause, during British Minister of Economy Rachel Reeves's visit to Beijing./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Bárbara Gómez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-11)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Anuncian celebraciones por el Año Nuevo Chino en Cuba./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Fiesta de la Primavera es la celebración más importante para recibir el nuevo año en China y para los chinos de ultramar. En 2025 tendrá en La Habana un amplio programa de actividades./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-11)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Watch: Xpeng Aero HT showcases 'Modular Flying Car' at CES 2025./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Chinese automobile giant, Xpeng Aero HT, showcased its 'modular flying car' at CES 2025./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Bárbara Gómez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-11)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Cuba considera histórico tercer mandato de Nicolás Maduro./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 11 en (RHC) El gobierno de Cuba consideró histórica la jornada en la cual el presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, realizó la toma de posesión para su tercer mandato, según trascendió este sábado./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-11)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Perú declara estado de emergencia ante intensas lluvias./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El Gobierno peruano declaró este sábado el estado de emergencia en 338 distritos de 20 regiones del país, como respuesta al peligro inminente generado por las intensas lluvias que afectan diversas zonas de ese territorio. La medida pretende mitigar los efectos de las lluvias extremas, proteger a la población afectada y salvaguardar la infraestructura crítica del país./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Bárbara Gómez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-11)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Corte evaluará decreto que encarga presidencia de Ecuador./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Quito, 11 ene (RHC) La Corte Constitucional de Ecuador analizará una demanda contra el decreto con el cual Daniel Noboa encargó la presidencia a Cynthia Gellibert, aunque los jueces negaron la suspensión provisional y hoy ella está al frente del Gobierno./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Bárbara Gómez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-11)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Agradecen en Cuba gesto solidario de India (+Fotos)./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 11 ene (RHC) El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, agradeció hoy la más reciente muestra de solidaridad del gobierno indio con el pueblo y las autoridades del país antillano./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>The Independent/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-11)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Residents decry poor road conditions in Kwania district./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Kwania, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Residents of Abwoc B Cell in Inomo Town Council, Kwania District, have voiced their frustration over the continued neglect of the Kwania to Kole Road, which remains in a deplorable state. The 4.5-kilometer Ogobi to Omoladyang Parish road, passing through Amambale Primary School and connecting Inomo Town Council to …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ediz Tiyansan/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-11)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Water scarcity amid deadly LA wildfires./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> California Governor Gavin Newsom ordered an investigation on Friday into the causes behind water supply problems that hindered firefighting efforts. He said reports of water shortages are "deeply troubling." In the meantime, some communities threatened by fires had to rely on their own means to mitigate the water crisis. | CGTN's Ediz Tiyansan brings this exclusive report from Altadena, California./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Toni Waterman/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-11)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Blocks of homes reduced to rubble in Altadena./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Firefighters on Friday made some progress in containing the largest blazes ravaging Southern California — as the fierce winds fanning the flames settled. Officials say the death toll from the wildfires now stands at 11; a number that will probably rise. | CGTN'S Toni Waterman has this report from one of the hardest hit neighborhoods near Los Angeles./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Luis Linares Petrov/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-10)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China allocates millions of dollars for aid and recovery in Tibet./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Beijing, Jan 10 (Prensa Latina) The Communist Party of China (CPC) has allocated 50 million yuan (approximately 7.3 million dollars) to support the relief and recovery efforts that continue in Tibet after the earthquake./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>CounterSpin/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-10)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Dean Baker on China Trade Policy./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Douglas Rooney/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-10)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Trump's China Team: The Men and Women Who Will be Shaping the US-China Relationship./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> We are now less than a month away from Donald Trump being sworn in as the 47th President of the United States. | Trump's cabinet is starting to take shape, and while his picks still need to be confirmed in …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>infobrics/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-10)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Indonesia Joins BRICS Group of Emerging Economies./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Indonesia joins South Africa, Russia, China and others in the group, which is viewed as a counterweight to the West…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Eve Ottenberg/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-10)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>The West Makes War; the East, Peace./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> While the west subsidizes carnage in Gaza and Ukraine, the east does the opposite. For instance, one potential far east flashpoint has long been the India/China border, but that's changing — for the better, due to high-level meetings in December between political bigwigs from both countries. It was the first such confab since 2019, RT /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Editor/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-10)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China Is Not Our Enemy./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>WSWS/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-10)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China's economic malaise deepens as economic warfare intensifies./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The continuing fall in bond market yields reflects the fear of long-term deflation./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>The Independent/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-10)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Kalungu residents unhappy with Chinese contractor over stone quarry./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Kalungu, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | A section of residents of Mabuye, Kyaggunda, and Kikonda villages in Bukulula sub-county, Kalungu district, are embroiled in a bitter dispute with a Chinese road construction company, which they accuse of disrupting their lives. The dispute pits residents against China Communication Construction Company-CCCC Limited, which is quarrying stone …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Janine/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-10)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>NICD calls for calm amidst reported HMPV cases in China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> NICD calls for calm amidst reported HMPV cases in China | The National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) has issued a statement assuring the public that there is no need to panic about the reported cases of human metapneumovirus (HMPV). | "This commonly occurring virus causes respiratory illness and is in the same family of viruses as the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). HMPV is detected all year round in South Africa as one of the regular seasonal respiratory viruses," said the NICD, a division of the National Laboratory Service. | The virus is transmitted through respiratory droplets, much like RSV a…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-10)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Watch: Xpeng Aero HT showcases 'Modular Flying Car' at CES 2025./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Chinese automobile giant, Xpeng Aero HT, showcased its 'modular flying car' at CES 2025./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>María Candela/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-10)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Venezuela, Operación Guaidó-Dos./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Por acción de la extrema derecha venezolana, gobiernos de esa tendencia en América Latina, la administración estadounidense saliente y los grandes medios de comunicación de Occidente, se ha querido dibujar una atmósfera de tensión en torno a la toma de posesión de Nicolás Maduro el 10 de enero./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pablo Rafael Fuentes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-10)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>India envió a Cuba asistencia humanitaria en medicamentos./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 10 ene (RHC) El gobierno de India envío hoy a Cuba asistencia humanitaria en medicamentos esenciales para contribuir a la recuperación de la isla, afectada por el huracán Rafael en noviembre pasado./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-10)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>El Gobierno brasileño exigirá a Meta que explique el fin de sus programas de verificación./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El Gobierno brasileño exigirá formalmente que la multinacional Meta explique sus nuevas políticas y el fin de sus sistemas de verificación de contenidos, informó este viernes el ministro de la Presidencia, Rui Costa./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-10)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Giant pandas prepare for big public debut in U.S. capital./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Few things spark more excitement in Washington, D.C., than pandas at the zoo. The giant pandas Bao Li and Qing Bao are making their highly anticipated public debut on Jan. 24, and CGTN's Jim Spellman gives us a sneak peek at the adorable main attractions. …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-10)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Meta's move to end fact-checking reflects turn toward freewheeling internet./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Mark Zuckerberg's invocation of 'cultural tipping point' comes as number of fact-checking initiatives has plateaued./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>CGTN America/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-10)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Heartbreak in Pacific Palisades as some residents return home to wildfire devastation./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Residents of Pacific Palisades returned to their neighborhoods on Thursday, Jan. 9 to witness the destruction caused by recent wildfires, with homes and businesses reduced to ashes. CGTN's Ediz Tiyansan reports from Los Angeles./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Prof Michel Chossudovsky/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-10)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>There Never Was a "New Corona Virus", There Never Was a Pandemic./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The official story is that a dangerous new coronavirus was detected in Wuhan, PRC. It had not been isolated, it's identity had not been confirmed. And then in February, the name of the "new virus" was changed to SARS-CoV-2, a virus first detected 20 years ago in 2003./span>/p>div classjump idjump>202501111859 | tr | 33 | 0 | 17 | 16 | 0 a stylecolor:gray; href#top>∧/a>/div>/div>!-- .entry-content -->footer classentry-meta>Posted on a href title6:58 pm relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2025-01-11T18:58:45+00:00>January 11, 2025/time>/a>!-- KLUDGE in Uncategorized -->span classby-author> by span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by admin relauthor>admin/a>/span>/span>./footer>!-- .entry-meta -->/article>!-- #post -->article idpost-8303 classpost-8303 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry>header classentry-header>h2 classentry-title>a href titlePermalink to 2025-01-09: News Headlines relbookmark>2025-01-09: News Headlines/a>/h2>/header>!-- .entry-header -->div classentry-content>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>United World International/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-09)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Some thoughts on the upcoming Donald Trump administration./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Trump's main foreign policy issues will be China, migration and energy, and his actions will be structured around them. By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein Two weeks before Donald Trump is going to be sworn in as President of the United States, I am going to venture to make some observations about the prospects of the new …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Nava J. Thakuria/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-09)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Northeast India: Engineers' Forum Expresses Concern over Tibet Dam./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Guwahati: Expressing anxiety over the recent earthquake that hit the Tibetan plateau killing over 125 residents and injuring several others, a forum of graduate engineers in northeast India apprehended probable damages in the Brahmaputra valley if the China-made massive hydropower project on Yarlung Zangbo collapses some day because of a high-intensity tremor. All Assam Engineer's Association (AAEA), in a media statement, also urges the Union government in New Delhi to strongly deal with the Beijing administration for safeguarding the entire Brahmaputra river basin comprising eastern Bharat localities along with…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>tvbrics/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-09)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China unveils world's first megawatt electrolyser for hydrogen production from seawater./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The device has already demonstrated its efficiency…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-09)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Chad's presidency attacked: Coup attempt, Boko Haram or 'drunk' fighters?/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Assault on N'Djamena comes amid visit by China FM, withdrawal of French troops, and instability caused by armed groups./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-09)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>As Trump talks up trade war with China, fears rise for rare earths supply./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Beijing dominates the production of critical elements used in the production of electronics, vehicles and weapons./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-09)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Chad say military foiled armed assault on presidential complex, 19 killed./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The attack came just hours after China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with government officials in the capital N'Djamena…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-09)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>HMPV outbreak in China sparks panic./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> China has raised the alarm over the outbreak of the Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV), sparking panic in the country and elsewhere and prompting the authorities to declare health emergency./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Luis Linares Petrov/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-09)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China rejects attempts to politicize cybersecurity./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Foreign Ministry spokesman Guo Jiakun stressed that cyberspace is highly virtual and difficult to track, with multiple actors involved. He also criticized the Japanese authorities' lack of professionalism and responsibility who based their judgments solely on the objectives and methods of the attack. | In the official's opinion, these types of conclusions are not supported by an adequate technical approach. He also noted that some allies of the United States had begun to cooperate disseminating "false information about China." | The spokesman urged all parties to "address cybersecurity issues based on facts and…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>tvbrics/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-09)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Chinese Foreign Ministry states there is great potential for deepening cooperation in BRICS after expansion./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Guo Jiakun, congratulated Indonesia on joining the group…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-09)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>US withholds WADA dues; calls for reforms to global anti-doping watchdog./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The move comes in the wake of WADA's controversial handling of positive doping tests by Chinese swimmers./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-09)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Watch: Xpeng Aero HT showcases 'Modular Flying Car' at CES 2025./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Chinese automobile giant, Xpeng Aero HT, showcased its 'modular flying car' at CES 2025./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>thecommunists/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-09)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>El papel del gobierno laborista británico y la necesaria respuesta de los trabajadores./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Article in English Article in French ***** Nadie que preste atención puede haber dejado de notar cómo el constante debilitamiento de las supuestas libertades democráticas de las que disfrutan los trabajadores en Gran Bretaña -un proceso que ha estado en marcha durante un tiempo considerable- se está acelerando ahora rápidamente. Y que el medio preferido ...>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Prof Michel Chossudovsky/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-09)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Video: End of Trudeau Era. Canada's Transition to a New Government./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> CGTN's Xu Qinduo talks with Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Prof. Radhika Desai and Benoit Hardy-Chartrand on the resignation of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the factors which contributed to such decision. | Click the link below the image to watch the …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>United World International/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Lessons from Syria for China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> By Oràßun Gà∂ktàºrk, Beijing / China For 13 years, the Assad leadership in Syria has resisted an imperialist, reactionary, and separatist war. Last month, however, Assad's government collapsed following the advance of HTS (Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham), first to Aleppo and then to Damascus. The new situation in Syria poses a significant threat to China, as well as …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>United World International/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Lessons from Syria for China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> China needs to revise its traditional 'wait-and-see' or 'economy-first' approach to International Relations. By Oràßun Gà∂ktàºrk, Beijing / China For 13 years, the Assad leadership in Syria has resisted an imperialist, reactionary, and separatist war. Last month, however, Assad's government collapsed following the advance of HTS (Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham), first to Aleppo and then to Damascus. The new situation …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>The Sirius Report/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China protects itself from Western financial crisis as Western bond markets crater./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> We discuss why, contrary to Western reports, China is making intelligent moves to protect its bond markets and financial system in stark contrast to developments we are witnessing in the West. /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran Sympathizes with China over Earthquake Deaths./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The Iranian Foreign Ministry offered condolences to China on the loss of lives in a powerful earthquake that struck a remote region of Tibet on Tuesday morning./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China's millionaires eye the exit as economic storm clouds gather./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Some 15,200 Chinese millionaires were expected to relocate in 2024, according to Henley & Partners./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>What is HMPV, the respiratory virus surging in China?/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> HMPV infections are spreading in China while cases of flu-like disease have also been found in India and the UK./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>With Trump looming, Pakistan braces for foreign policy challenges in 2025./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Analysts predict a tough year, as Islamabad prepares for more US belligerence towards China, the closest Pakistan ally./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>HMPV outbreak in China sparks panic./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> China has raised the alarm over the outbreak of the Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV), sparking panic in the country and elsewhere and prompting the authorities to declare health emergency./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>taliamullin18/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>BRICS Grows, Adding Indonesia as Member: World's 4th Most Populous Country, 7th Biggest Economy./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Alina Ramos Martin/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China and Congo to boost model relationship for Africa./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Brazzaville, Jan 8 (Prensa Latina) Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi called for building a relationship with Congo that is a model for Africa in terms of depth and bilateral cooperation, the Congolese Presidency said./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ileana Ferrer Fonte/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Over 46,000 evacuees and 646 aftershocks reported after China's quake./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Lhasa, China, Jan 8 (Prensa Latina) Local authorities informed on Wednesday that 46,500 people have been displaced and 646 aftershocks were reported following a 6.8-magnitude quake on the Richter scale that struck Dingri County in China's Xizang Autonomous Region (Tibet) on January 7./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy./span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>BRICS Grows, Adding Indonesia As Member./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Indonesia is the world's number one producer of nickel, by a large margin. Nickel is an important mineral needed for renewable energy technologies like batteries and solar panels. | In the past decade, the Indonesian government has embarked upon an ambitious industrialization program. Through careful state planning and industrial policy, Jakarta banned the export of raw minerals and, with strategic investments from Chinese state-owned enterprises and favorable loans from Chinese state-owned banks, Indonesia has moved up the value chain, processing nickel at home, instead of simply exporting the ore./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pablo Rafael Fuentes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Brasil conmemora segundo aniversario de tentativa golpista./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 8 ene (RHC) El Gobierno federal de Brasil conmemora hoy los dos años de la invasión y depredación de las sedes de los Tres Poderes en Brasilia que puso en peligro a la democracia./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pablo Rafael Fuentes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Presidenta de México llega a 100 días de gobierno con alta aprobación./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 8 ene (RHC) La presidenta de México, Claudia Sheinbaum, llega hoy a sus primeros 100 días de gobierno con una alta aprobación ciudadana y una gestión caracterizada por la continuidad del proceso de cambios sociales iniciado en 2018./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Search, rescue ops continue in Tibet's Shigatse following deadly 7.1 magnitude earthquake./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Rescue efforts continue in Shigatse region after a devastating earthquake hit Tibet./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ediz Tiyansan/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Pacific Palisades fire burns in Los Angeles./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The City of Los Angeles has declared an emergency, as powerful winds fuel an explosive wildfire in the coastal Pacific Palisades neighborhood forcing 30,000 residents to evacuate./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Mark Niu/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>CES 2025 kicks off in Las Vegas./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The world's largest personal electronics show officially kicked off in Las Vegas on Tuesday, Jan. 7. Some heavyweight tech industry leaders made appearances, as well as companies from all over the world. Check it out./span>/p>div classjump idjump>202501092024 | tr | 30 | 0 | 17 | 13 | 0 a stylecolor:gray; href#top>∧/a>/div>/div>!-- .entry-content -->footer classentry-meta>Posted on a href title8:24 pm relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2025-01-09T20:24:39+00:00>January 9, 2025/time>/a>!-- KLUDGE in Uncategorized -->span classby-author> by span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by admin relauthor>admin/a>/span>/span>./footer>!-- .entry-meta -->/article>!-- #post -->article idpost-8302 classpost-8302 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry>header classentry-header>h2 classentry-title>a href titlePermalink to 2025-01-08: News Headlines relbookmark>2025-01-08: News Headlines/a>/h2>/header>!-- .entry-header -->div classentry-content>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>United World International/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Lessons from Syria for China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> By Oràßun Gà∂ktàºrk, Beijing / China For 13 years, the Assad leadership in Syria has resisted an imperialist, reactionary, and separatist war. Last month, however, Assad's government collapsed following the advance of HTS (Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham), first to Aleppo and then to Damascus. The new situation in Syria poses a significant threat to China, as well as …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>United World International/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Lessons from Syria for China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> China needs to revise its traditional 'wait-and-see' or 'economy-first' approach to International Relations. By Oràßun Gà∂ktàºrk, Beijing / China For 13 years, the Assad leadership in Syria has resisted an imperialist, reactionary, and separatist war. Last month, however, Assad's government collapsed following the advance of HTS (Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham), first to Aleppo and then to Damascus. The new situation …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>The Sirius Report/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China protects itself from Western financial crisis as Western bond markets crater./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> We discuss why, contrary to Western reports, China is making intelligent moves to protect its bond markets and financial system in stark contrast to developments we are witnessing in the West. /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran Sympathizes with China over Earthquake Deaths./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The Iranian Foreign Ministry offered condolences to China on the loss of lives in a powerful earthquake that struck a remote region of Tibet on Tuesday morning./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China's millionaires eye the exit as economic storm clouds gather./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Some 15,200 Chinese millionaires were expected to relocate in 2024, according to Henley & Partners./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>What is HMPV, the respiratory virus surging in China?/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> HMPV infections are spreading in China while cases of flu-like disease have also been found in India and the UK./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>With Trump looming, Pakistan braces for foreign policy challenges in 2025./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Analysts predict a tough year, as Islamabad prepares for more US belligerence towards China, the closest Pakistan ally./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>HMPV outbreak in China sparks panic./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> China has raised the alarm over the outbreak of the Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV), sparking panic in the country and elsewhere and prompting the authorities to declare health emergency./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>taliamullin18/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>BRICS Grows, Adding Indonesia as Member: World's 4th Most Populous Country, 7th Biggest Economy./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Alina Ramos Martin/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China and Congo to boost model relationship for Africa./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Brazzaville, Jan 8 (Prensa Latina) Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi called for building a relationship with Congo that is a model for Africa in terms of depth and bilateral cooperation, the Congolese Presidency said./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ileana Ferrer Fonte/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Over 46,000 evacuees and 646 aftershocks reported after China's quake./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Lhasa, China, Jan 8 (Prensa Latina) Local authorities informed on Wednesday that 46,500 people have been displaced and 646 aftershocks were reported following a 6.8-magnitude quake on the Richter scale that struck Dingri County in China's Xizang Autonomous Region (Tibet) on January 7./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy./span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>BRICS Grows, Adding Indonesia As Member./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Indonesia is the world's number one producer of nickel, by a large margin. Nickel is an important mineral needed for renewable energy technologies like batteries and solar panels. | In the past decade, the Indonesian government has embarked upon an ambitious industrialization program. Through careful state planning and industrial policy, Jakarta banned the export of raw minerals and, with strategic investments from Chinese state-owned enterprises and favorable loans from Chinese state-owned banks, Indonesia has moved up the value chain, processing nickel at home, instead of simply exporting the ore./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pablo Rafael Fuentes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Brasil conmemora segundo aniversario de tentativa golpista./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 8 ene (RHC) El Gobierno federal de Brasil conmemora hoy los dos años de la invasión y depredación de las sedes de los Tres Poderes en Brasilia que puso en peligro a la democracia./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pablo Rafael Fuentes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Presidenta de México llega a 100 días de gobierno con alta aprobación./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 8 ene (RHC) La presidenta de México, Claudia Sheinbaum, llega hoy a sus primeros 100 días de gobierno con una alta aprobación ciudadana y una gestión caracterizada por la continuidad del proceso de cambios sociales iniciado en 2018./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Search, rescue ops continue in Tibet's Shigatse following deadly 7.1 magnitude earthquake./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Rescue efforts continue in Shigatse region after a devastating earthquake hit Tibet./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ediz Tiyansan/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Pacific Palisades fire burns in Los Angeles./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The City of Los Angeles has declared an emergency, as powerful winds fuel an explosive wildfire in the coastal Pacific Palisades neighborhood forcing 30,000 residents to evacuate./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Mark Niu/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-08)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>CES 2025 kicks off in Las Vegas./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The world's largest personal electronics show officially kicked off in Las Vegas on Tuesday, Jan. 7. Some heavyweight tech industry leaders made appearances, as well as companies from all over the world. Check it out./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-07)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>HMPV outbreak in China sparks panic./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> China has raised the alarm over the outbreak of the Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV), sparking panic in the country and elsewhere and prompting the authorities to declare health emergency./span>/p>p classnewsitem> a href classautohyperlink>> (2025-01-07). a href>Death toll rises to 95 after M6.8 quake hits Xizang (China's Tibet Region)/a>span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:96% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /p>p classnewsitem> a href classautohyperlink>> (2025-01-07). a href>Death toll rises to 95 after M6.8 quake hits Xizang (China's Tibet Region)/p>p classnewsitem> a href classautohyperlink>> (2025-01-07). a href>Death toll rises to 95 after M6.8 quake hits Xizang (China's Tibet Region)/a>span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:96% !important;margin:9px auto; src>/p>p classnewsitem> a href classautohyperlink>> (2025-01-07). a href>Death toll rises to 95 after M6.8 quake hits Xizang (China's Tibet Region)/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-07)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>At least 126 killed after strong earthquake hits China's Tibet./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Rescue efforts are under way after an earthquake hits Tibet, with tremors felt as far away as Nepal, India and Bhutan./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-07)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Dozens killed and injured in earthquake in China's Tibet./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Videos have captured the moments a powerful earthquake hit the Chinese region of Tibet, reportedly killing dozens./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-07)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Massive earthquake hits China's Tibet region, scores dead./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> A massive earthquake struck China's Tibet region Tuesday January 07, 2025 leaving scores dead and hundreds injured./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-07)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Indonesia joins BRICS group of emerging economies./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Indonesia joins Russia, China and others in the group, which is viewed as a counterweight to the West./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Abdul Rahman/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-07)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Indonesia becomes a full member of BRICS, boosting Global South unity and economic cooperation./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The world's fourth most populous country and Southeast Asia's largest economy, Indonesia, joined BRICS as a full member. The development was announced by Brazil which holds the presidency of the multilateral organization for 2025 on Monday, January 6. The move fosters hope for strengthening BRICS' efforts to democratize global politics and enhance South-South cooperation. | Indonesia, with a population of over 280 million, is the fourth most populous country in the world following India, China, and the US. It also boasts the largest economy in Southeast Asia, with a GDP exceeding USD 1.3 trillion. | Indonesia's m…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Editor/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-07)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Goals Behind Trump's Tariffs: Cut Taxes on Rich & Escalate New Cold War on China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Peter Koenig/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-07)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China, Forward-Looking — 2025 and Beyond./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China (RDCY) has successfully completed several studies in 2024 which contributed to China's success story for 2024 and, in addition had an international flair. | Main studies included, | Policy briefs for …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Mark Gruenberg, John Wojcik/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-07)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Los multimillonarios se preparan para tomar el poder en Washington./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> WASHINGTON—Una vez más, los medios corporativos, como lo hicieron durante la campaña electoral, no se están enfocando en los temas que son importantes para la clase trabajadora estadounidense. Mientras los multimillonarios se preparan para tomar el control directo del gobierno en Washington y usar ese control para darse enormes recortes de impuestos recortando la Seguridad …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-07)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>At least 95 reported killed as powerful earthquake hits Tibet./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Many also injured as tremors felt as far away as Nepal's capital, Kathmandu./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-07)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Earthquake hits Tibet's Shigatse: What we know so far./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Rescue efforts are under way after the earthquake hits Tibet, with tremors felt as far as Nepal, India and Bhutan./span>/p>div classjump idjump>202501081622 | tr | 32 | 0 | 17 | 17 | 0 a stylecolor:gray; href#top>∧/a>/div>/div>!-- .entry-content -->footer classentry-meta>Posted on a href title4:22 pm relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2025-01-08T16:22:43+00:00>January 8, 2025/time>/a>!-- KLUDGE in Uncategorized -->span classby-author> by span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by admin relauthor>admin/a>/span>/span>./footer>!-- .entry-meta -->/article>!-- #post -->article idpost-8301 classpost-8301 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry>header classentry-header>h2 classentry-title>a href titlePermalink to 2025-01-07: News Headlines relbookmark>2025-01-07: News Headlines/a>/h2>/header>!-- .entry-header -->div classentry-content>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-07)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>HMPV outbreak in China sparks panic./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> China has raised the alarm over the outbreak of the Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV), sparking panic in the country and elsewhere and prompting the authorities to declare health emergency./span>/p>p classnewsitem> a href classautohyperlink>> (2025-01-07). a href>Death toll rises to 95 after M6.8 quake hits Xizang (China's Tibet Region)/a>span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:96% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /p>p classnewsitem> a href classautohyperlink>> (2025-01-07). a href>Death toll rises to 95 after M6.8 quake hits Xizang (China's Tibet Region)/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-07)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Dozens killed and injured in earthquake in China's Tibet./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Videos have captured the moments a powerful earthquake hit the Chinese region of Tibet, reportedly killing dozens./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-07)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Massive earthquake hits China's Tibet region, scores dead./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> A massive earthquake struck China's Tibet region Tuesday January 07, 2025 leaving scores dead and hundreds injured./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-07)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Indonesia joins BRICS group of emerging economies./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Indonesia joins Russia, China and others in the group, which is viewed as a counterweight to the West./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Abdul Rahman/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-07)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Indonesia becomes a full member of BRICS, boosting Global South unity and economic cooperation./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The world's fourth most populous country and Southeast Asia's largest economy, Indonesia, joined BRICS as a full member. The development was announced by Brazil which holds the presidency of the multilateral organization for 2025 on Monday, January 6. The move fosters hope for strengthening BRICS' efforts to democratize global politics and enhance South-South cooperation. | Indonesia, with a population of over 280 million, is the fourth most populous country in the world following India, China, and the US. It also boasts the largest economy in Southeast Asia, with a GDP exceeding USD 1.3 trillion. | Indonesia's m…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Editor/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-07)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Goals Behind Trump's Tariffs: Cut Taxes on Rich & Escalate New Cold War on China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Peter Koenig/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-07)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China, Forward-Looking — 2025 and Beyond./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China (RDCY) has successfully completed several studies in 2024 which contributed to China's success story for 2024 and, in addition had an international flair. | Main studies included, | Policy briefs for …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Mark Gruenberg, John Wojcik/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-07)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Los multimillonarios se preparan para tomar el poder en Washington./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> WASHINGTON—Una vez más, los medios corporativos, como lo hicieron durante la campaña electoral, no se están enfocando en los temas que son importantes para la clase trabajadora estadounidense. Mientras los multimillonarios se preparan para tomar el control directo del gobierno en Washington y usar ese control para darse enormes recortes de impuestos recortando la Seguridad …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-07)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>At least 95 reported killed as powerful earthquake hits Tibet./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Many also injured as tremors felt as far away as Nepal's capital, Kathmandu./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-07)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Earthquake hits Tibet's Shigatse: What we know so far./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Rescue efforts are under way after the earthquake hits Tibet, with tremors felt as far as Nepal, India and Bhutan./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Why Trump's blow-hot, blow-cold on China worries India./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> After a four-year-long border standoff, India and China arrived at a detente in October. But can it survive Trump?/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>HMPV outbreak in China sparks panic./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> China has raised the alarm over the outbreak of the Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV), sparking panic in the country and elsewhere and prompting the authorities to declare health emergency./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Editor/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China imposes sanctions on U.S. defense contractors for selling arms to Taiwan./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> China alleges that the U.S. approach to Taiwan is guided by "cold war zero sum mentality" which violates its own declared commitments to the "one-China policy" and agreements of non-interference in internal matters./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Mark Niu/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Sneak preview into latest gadgets at CES 2025./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The world's largest personal electronics show CES officially kicks off on Tuesday, Jan 7. But reporter Mark Niu got a sneak preview of the event, catching up with some of the exhibiting tech companies from around the world, including China./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>editor/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>New Year's message of 2025 from the Federation for a Democratic China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The Tiananmen Massacre of 1989 marked the end of any prospects for top-down political reforms toward democratic constitutionalism under the CCP's rule./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>_____/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>1421 — 1434./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> In 1421 the Chinese traveled to the Americas. They came, saw, did not conquer, many stayed. Unlike the West no empire, no sucking tentacles. Also unlike the West they learnt, and preserved much of it. The center of the world now moves toward China./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Global Research News/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Selected Articles: Video: 'Globalisation of War: US-NATO Threats Directed Against Russia, China, Iran and North Korea'./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> By America's hegemonic project in…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>United World International/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Trump will focus on "regime change" in Iran in his new term!/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> He would see success as a major achievement for his political legacy and a victory against the Russia-China-Iran bloc. By Adem Kƒ±lƒ±àß, Political Scientist On January 20, as Trump prepares to return to the White House, his team announced so far and the signs of his approach to the Middle East suggest that Iran will …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>OMS desmiente informaciones falsas sobre nueva emergencia mundial por virus en China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) indicó que no se han recibido informes de parte de China que indiquen de un aumento de enfermedades respiratorias, desmintiendo los rumores de un posible estado de emergencia. "No existen indicios que sugieran un brote significativo en China relacionado con el hMPV ni con otras enfermedades respiratorias", aclaró la OMS./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Los BRICS+ y la derrota de Occidente./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El bloque deberá lidiar con la presidencia de Donald Trump, cuyos planes de gobierno incluyen una guerra arancelaria contra China y México, la indiferencia respecto a la OTAN, la expulsión masiva de latinoamericanos y un abandono de los acuerdos sanitarios con la OMS y con las organizaciones internacionales ambientales. Esa orientación proteccionista no parece ser el resultado de una excentricidad trumpista: Washington busca con desesperación superar las limitaciones de productividad y competitividad en la que se encuentra sumido./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pablo Rafael Fuentes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China rechaza acusaciones de EE.UU. sobre ciberespionaje./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 6 ene (RHC) China rechazó hoy las acusaciones de Estados Unidos sobre supuesto ciberespionaje y reiteró su compromiso de combatir cualquier tipo de ataque en este sentido./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Alina Ramos Martin/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Namibian President-elect receives Chinese Foreign Minister./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Windhoek, Jan 6 (Prensa Latina) President-elect of Namibia, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, received Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in this capital, who began an important tour of African countries, the digital portal The Namibian reported./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Justin Trudeau anuncia su dimisión tras casi una década como primer ministro canadiense (+ Video)./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El primer ministro de Canadá, Justin Trudeau, ha anunciado este lunes su dimisión tras su pérdida de popularidad y una crisis en el seno de su Gobierno que le ha dejado debilitado políticamente. Trudeau lleva casi una década al frente del Gobierno de Canadá. Su renuncia marca el fin de una era en pleno año electoral./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Parlamento israelí estudia convertir el norte de Gaza en un erial, sin alimentos, agua y electricidad./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El Parlamento israelí estudia convertir el norte de Gaza en un erial, sin alimentos, agua y electricidad. Por eso, un grupo de ocho diputados del Comité de Defensa y Asuntos Exteriores del Parlamento israelí ha exigido al Gobierno la destrucción todas las fuentes de agua, recursos alimentarios y sistemas de electricidad en esa zona./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>México presenta Olinia, la primera armadora mexicana de vehículos eléctricos./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Durante su habitual conferencia, la presidenta mexicana Claudia Sheinbaum presentó el proyecto Olinia con el que su gobierno espera producir, con el apoyo del sector privado, tres modelos de automóviles compactos eléctricos que tendrán un costo entre 90 000 pesos (unos 4 500 dólares) a 150 000 pesos (unos 7 500 dólares). El nuevo automóvil será totalmente mexicano./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Indonesia se adhiere a los BRICS como miembro de pleno derecho del grupo (+ Video)./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Indonesia se convirtió en un miembro de pleno derecho del grupo BRICS, comunicó el Gobierno brasileño, que ostenta la presidencia rotativa de la asociación a partir del 1 de enero de 2025. La candidatura de Indonesia fue respaldada por consenso de los líderes del grupo en la Cumbre de Johannesburgo en agosto de 2023./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Nine killed in roadside bomb attack in central India./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Police said eight policemen and a driver were killed in bomb blast set off by Maoist rebels in Chhattisgarh./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Owen Fairclough/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Much of US blanketed by snow./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Large parts of the northern hemisphere were at a standstill this Monday, Jan. 6 after a polar vortex triggered a blizzard and record snowfalls. Much of the eastern and southern U.S. was hit a day after similar conditions in northern Europe and parts of Asia. Owen Fairclough reports./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Mike Walter/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>The Heat: Global Economic Outlook./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>The Onion Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>SATIRE: Ecologists Call For Bee Extinction After Watching 'My Girl'./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> STANFORD, CA—In response to seeing what the pollinators were capable of in the 1991 coming-of-age drama, ecologists at Stanford University issued a statement Monday calling for the extinction of bees after they watched My Girl. "Upon observing the heartbreaking scene in which Macaulay Culkin's character Thomas J. is attacked and ultimately killed by a swarm of …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>WSWS/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Taiwan's former presidential candidate Ko Wen-je charged with bribery./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Ko is the second major politician to face anti-graft investigations and charges since President Lai Ching-te took power in May 2024. Both have shown an interest in competing for president in 2028, and they were and continue to be Lai's political opponents./span>/p>div classjump idjump>202501071850 | tr | 33 | 0 | 21 | 13 | 0 a stylecolor:gray; href#top>∧/a>/div>/div>!-- .entry-content -->footer classentry-meta>Posted on a href title6:50 pm relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2025-01-07T18:50:23+00:00>January 7, 2025/time>/a>!-- KLUDGE in Uncategorized -->span classby-author> by span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by admin relauthor>admin/a>/span>/span>./footer>!-- .entry-meta -->/article>!-- #post -->article idpost-8300 classpost-8300 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry>header classentry-header>h2 classentry-title>a href titlePermalink to 2025-01-06: News Headlines relbookmark>2025-01-06: News Headlines/a>/h2>/header>!-- .entry-header -->div classentry-content>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Why Trump's blow-hot, blow-cold on China worries India./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> After a four-year-long border standoff, India and China arrived at a detente in October. But can it survive Trump?/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>HMPV outbreak in China sparks panic./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> China has raised the alarm over the outbreak of the Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV), sparking panic in the country and elsewhere and prompting the authorities to declare health emergency./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Editor/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China imposes sanctions on U.S. defense contractors for selling arms to Taiwan./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> China alleges that the U.S. approach to Taiwan is guided by "cold war zero sum mentality" which violates its own declared commitments to the "one-China policy" and agreements of non-interference in internal matters./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Mark Niu/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Sneak preview into latest gadgets at CES 2025./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The world's largest personal electronics show CES officially kicks off on Tuesday, Jan 7. But reporter Mark Niu got a sneak preview of the event, catching up with some of the exhibiting tech companies from around the world, including China./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>editor/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>New Year's message of 2025 from the Federation for a Democratic China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The Tiananmen Massacre of 1989 marked the end of any prospects for top-down political reforms toward democratic constitutionalism under the CCP's rule./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>_____/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>1421 — 1434./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> In 1421 the Chinese traveled to the Americas. They came, saw, did not conquer, many stayed. Unlike the West no empire, no sucking tentacles. Also unlike the West they learnt, and preserved much of it. The center of the world now moves toward China./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Global Research News/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Selected Articles: Video: 'Globalisation of War: US-NATO Threats Directed Against Russia, China, Iran and North Korea'./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> By America's hegemonic project in…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>United World International/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Trump will focus on "regime change" in Iran in his new term!/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> He would see success as a major achievement for his political legacy and a victory against the Russia-China-Iran bloc. By Adem Kƒ±lƒ±àß, Political Scientist On January 20, as Trump prepares to return to the White House, his team announced so far and the signs of his approach to the Middle East suggest that Iran will …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>OMS desmiente informaciones falsas sobre nueva emergencia mundial por virus en China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) indicó que no se han recibido informes de parte de China que indiquen de un aumento de enfermedades respiratorias, desmintiendo los rumores de un posible estado de emergencia. "No existen indicios que sugieran un brote significativo en China relacionado con el hMPV ni con otras enfermedades respiratorias", aclaró la OMS./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Los BRICS+ y la derrota de Occidente./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El bloque deberá lidiar con la presidencia de Donald Trump, cuyos planes de gobierno incluyen una guerra arancelaria contra China y México, la indiferencia respecto a la OTAN, la expulsión masiva de latinoamericanos y un abandono de los acuerdos sanitarios con la OMS y con las organizaciones internacionales ambientales. Esa orientación proteccionista no parece ser el resultado de una excentricidad trumpista: Washington busca con desesperación superar las limitaciones de productividad y competitividad en la que se encuentra sumido./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pablo Rafael Fuentes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China rechaza acusaciones de EE.UU. sobre ciberespionaje./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 6 ene (RHC) China rechazó hoy las acusaciones de Estados Unidos sobre supuesto ciberespionaje y reiteró su compromiso de combatir cualquier tipo de ataque en este sentido./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Alina Ramos Martin/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Namibian President-elect receives Chinese Foreign Minister./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Windhoek, Jan 6 (Prensa Latina) President-elect of Namibia, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, received Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in this capital, who began an important tour of African countries, the digital portal The Namibian reported./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Justin Trudeau anuncia su dimisión tras casi una década como primer ministro canadiense (+ Video)./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El primer ministro de Canadá, Justin Trudeau, ha anunciado este lunes su dimisión tras su pérdida de popularidad y una crisis en el seno de su Gobierno que le ha dejado debilitado políticamente. Trudeau lleva casi una década al frente del Gobierno de Canadá. Su renuncia marca el fin de una era en pleno año electoral./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Parlamento israelí estudia convertir el norte de Gaza en un erial, sin alimentos, agua y electricidad./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El Parlamento israelí estudia convertir el norte de Gaza en un erial, sin alimentos, agua y electricidad. Por eso, un grupo de ocho diputados del Comité de Defensa y Asuntos Exteriores del Parlamento israelí ha exigido al Gobierno la destrucción todas las fuentes de agua, recursos alimentarios y sistemas de electricidad en esa zona./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>México presenta Olinia, la primera armadora mexicana de vehículos eléctricos./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Durante su habitual conferencia, la presidenta mexicana Claudia Sheinbaum presentó el proyecto Olinia con el que su gobierno espera producir, con el apoyo del sector privado, tres modelos de automóviles compactos eléctricos que tendrán un costo entre 90 000 pesos (unos 4 500 dólares) a 150 000 pesos (unos 7 500 dólares). El nuevo automóvil será totalmente mexicano./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Indonesia se adhiere a los BRICS como miembro de pleno derecho del grupo (+ Video)./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Indonesia se convirtió en un miembro de pleno derecho del grupo BRICS, comunicó el Gobierno brasileño, que ostenta la presidencia rotativa de la asociación a partir del 1 de enero de 2025. La candidatura de Indonesia fue respaldada por consenso de los líderes del grupo en la Cumbre de Johannesburgo en agosto de 2023./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Nine killed in roadside bomb attack in central India./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Police said eight policemen and a driver were killed in bomb blast set off by Maoist rebels in Chhattisgarh./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Owen Fairclough/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Much of US blanketed by snow./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Large parts of the northern hemisphere were at a standstill this Monday, Jan. 6 after a polar vortex triggered a blizzard and record snowfalls. Much of the eastern and southern U.S. was hit a day after similar conditions in northern Europe and parts of Asia. Owen Fairclough reports./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Mike Walter/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>The Heat: Global Economic Outlook./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>The Onion Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>SATIRE: Ecologists Call For Bee Extinction After Watching 'My Girl'./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> STANFORD, CA—In response to seeing what the pollinators were capable of in the 1991 coming-of-age drama, ecologists at Stanford University issued a statement Monday calling for the extinction of bees after they watched My Girl. "Upon observing the heartbreaking scene in which Macaulay Culkin's character Thomas J. is attacked and ultimately killed by a swarm of …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>WSWS/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-06)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Taiwan's former presidential candidate Ko Wen-je charged with bribery./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Ko is the second major politician to face anti-graft investigations and charges since President Lai Ching-te took power in May 2024. Both have shown an interest in competing for president in 2028, and they were and continue to be Lai's political opponents./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-05)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>HMPV outbreak in China sparks panic./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> China has raised the alarm over the outbreak of the Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV), sparking panic in the country and elsewhere and prompting the authorities to declare health emergency./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Prof Michel Chossudovsky/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-05)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Video: 'Globalisation of War: US-NATO Threats Directed Against Russia, China, Iran and North Korea'. Michel Chossudovsky./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Below is the key note address by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky to the Kuala Lumpur 2018 July Venue organized by the The world is at …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Kathy Ou/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-05)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>A New Law Could Be a Lifeline for Los Angeles's Immigrant-Owned Small Businesses./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> After 30 years of single-handedly running an Asian boutique store located inside an indoor plaza in Los Angeles called The Shop in LA's Chinatown, Mai Tu received an eviction notice at the start of 2020 from the building's new owner, the Santa Monica, California-based Redcar Properties. Tu moved out in March 2020 as the pandemic hit and the stay-at-home order started. Tu didn't want to close… | /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Elsy Fors Garzon/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-05)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Trade of Chinese products in El Salvador advances./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> San Salvador, Jan 5 (Prensa Latina) Sales of Chinese products in El Salvador ¥s market have increased in the last year, while today the terms of a Free Trade Agreement between the two nations are also being adjusted./span>/p>div classjump idjump>202501062041 | tr | 25 | 0 | 4 | 21 | 0 a stylecolor:gray; href#top>∧/a>/div>/div>!-- .entry-content -->footer classentry-meta>Posted on a href title8:41 pm relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2025-01-06T20:41:31+00:00>January 6, 2025/time>/a>!-- KLUDGE in Uncategorized -->span classby-author> by span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by admin relauthor>admin/a>/span>/span>./footer>!-- .entry-meta -->/article>!-- #post -->article idpost-8299 classpost-8299 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry>header classentry-header>h2 classentry-title>a href titlePermalink to 2025-01-04: News Headlines relbookmark>2025-01-04: News Headlines/a>/h2>/header>!-- .entry-header -->div classentry-content>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ben Norton/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-04)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Goals behind Trump's tariffs: cut taxes on rich & escalate new cold war on China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Donald Trump's tariffs will not reduce US public debt. The federal deficit will keep growing, but they will be an excuse to further cut taxes on the rich and to ratchet up the new cold war on China./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-04)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Could a board game help prepare Taiwan for war with China?/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The latest development in a growing trend for 'military boardgames' gives players the chance to 'defend' Taiwan./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-04)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Fire at market in northern China kills at least eight people and injures 15./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Authorities are investigating the cause of the blaze at a busy market in the city of Zhangjiakou, Hebei province./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>mforinoco/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-04)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China Donates 70 Tons of Equipment to Cuba To Restore Its Electric System./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The People's Republic of China has donated almost 70 tons of power generator parts and accessories to The materials arrived in the country on Sunday (29) and were received by China's ambassador to Cuba, Hua Xin, and Cuba's deputy ministers of Foreign Trade and Investment, Déborah Rivas, and Energy and Mining, Tatiana Amarán…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-04)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>US approves $3.6 billion sale of missiles to Japan./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The US says it has approved a $3.6 billion sale of up to 1,200 advanced air-to-air missiles and related equipment to Japan as Washington continues to build up alliances in Asia against China./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Editor/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-04)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>The U.S. sees China through the dark mirror of its own unbridled aggression./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> As China grows and prospers many in the U.S. want us to believe that China will follow the same path that the U.S. itself pursued—global military aggression, the overthrow of numerous governments around the world and persecution of minorities at home. (A repost from February 2023.)…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Mark Niu/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-03)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Works of renowned Chinese painter reaches San Francisco museum./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src ⚪ 350x197.jpg> In San Francisco, art enthusiasts are getting their first look at one of China's greatest painters — Qi Baishi. His work is being viewed as a bridge between Chinese ink painting and Western audiences. | CGTN's Mark Niu has details./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Dean Baker/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-03)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Best Bet for 2025: Stronger Trade Ties Between Europe and China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> One development for 2025 that can be seen clearly in the crystal ball is improving trade ties between China and Europe. The reason this is a virtual certainty is Donald Trump is doing everything he can to convince the world that, under his leadership, the United States is an unreliable trading partner. He already worked /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Editor/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-03)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China donates 70 tons of equipment to Cuba to restore its electric system./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Equipment such as radiators and engines were sent to the Caribbean island to promote energy transition./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Jose Eloy Richards Richards/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-03)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Chinese foreign ministry backs restrictions against US entities./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Spokeswoman Mao Ning stressed that the Ministry of Commerce's actions respond to national laws and regulations based on international practices. | Previously, China announced the inclusion of several US companies on the 'Untrustworthy Entity List' in response to their involvement in arms sales to Taiwan. | The companies include Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, Lockheed Martin Missile System Integration Lab, Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories, and Lockheed Martin Ventures. | These entities are prohibited from: importing and exporting activities related to China…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Eve Ottenberg/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-03)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Mass Hysteria Strikes Again: The Great Drone Invasion of 2024./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The latest American mass psychosis involves drones, a rather mundane twist in a long, gaudy, societal psychopathology leading from communists under the bed, to the lunatic Havana Syndrome, to dastardly Chinese spy balloons. So our current fixation is mystery drones, sighted across the U.S. but most alarmingly, for birdbrains I guess, over U.S. military bases. /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pablo Rafael Fuentes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-03)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Continúa impune genocidio israelí en Gaza, denuncia canciller de Cuba./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 3 ene (RHC) El titular de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, denunció hoy la impunidad con que persiste el genocidio cometido por el gobierno de Israel contra la población gazatí, que asciende a más de 45 mil muertos./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pablo Rafael Fuentes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-03)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gobierno de Brasil prepara evento por aniversario de actos golpistas./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 3 ene (RHC) El Gobierno federal de Brasil prepara hoy un acto simbólico para el 8 de enero, fecha en la que se cumplen dos años de la invasión y saqueo de las sedes capitalinas de los Tres Poderes./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Alasdair Baverstock/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-03)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>FBI says New Orleans attacker acted alone./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src ⚪ 350x197.jpg> The FBI now says it believes the driver of a pickup truck that barreled through a crowd of New Year's celebrants in New Orleans, Louisiana, in the early hours of 2025 acted alone. He was ultimately shot dead by police, but not before killing 14 people. Dozens more were injured. | CGTN's Alasdair Baverstock has the details from New Orleans./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Alasdair Baverstock/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-03)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>New Orleans works to recover after deadly attack./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src ⚪ 350x197.jpg> The city of New Orleans is working to recover following a deadly truck attack on New Year's Day — and its residents are attempting to get back to some sense of normalcy. | CGTN's Alasdair Baverstock has more from New Orleans./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Owen Fairclough/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-03)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>U.S. bulks up security ahead of presidential events./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src ⚪ 350x197.jpg> Just days into a new year, the New Orleans terror attack and Las Vegas vehicle explosion have put the U.S. on high alert, particularly Washington D.C. — the focus of significant presidential events in the coming days and weeks. | CGTN's Owen Fairclough has more./span>/p>div classjump idjump>202501042021 | tr | 16 | 0 | 10 | 6 | 0 a stylecolor:gray; href#top>∧/a>/div>/div>!-- .entry-content -->footer classentry-meta>Posted on a href title8:20 pm relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2025-01-04T20:20:44+00:00>January 4, 2025/time>/a>!-- KLUDGE in Uncategorized -->span classby-author> by span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by admin relauthor>admin/a>/span>/span>./footer>!-- .entry-meta -->/article>!-- #post -->nav idnav-below classnavigation rolenavigation>h3 classassistive-text>Post navigation/h3>div classnav-previous alignleft>a href >span classmeta-nav>←/span> Older posts/a>/div>div classnav-next 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