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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyServer: nginxDate: Fri, 21 Mar 2025 21:29:53 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlTransfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveLocation: max-age31536000Alt-Svc: quic:443; h3:443; h3-29:443; h3-27:443;h3-25:443; h3-T050:443; h3-Q050:443;h3-Q049:443;h3-Q048:443; h3-Q046:443; h3-Q043:443 html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>center>h1>301 Moved Permanently/h1>/center>hr>center>nginx/center>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginxDate: Fri, 21 Mar 2025 21:29:54 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlTransfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveVary: Accept-EncodingStrict-Transport-Security: max-age31536000Alt-Svc: quic:443; h3:443; h3-29:443; h3-27:443;h3-25:443; h3-T050:443; h3-Q050:443;h3-Q049:443;h3-Q048:443; h3-Q046:443; h3-Q043:443 !DOCTYPE html>html>head> meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0, maximum-scale1.0, user-scalableno> meta nameformat-detection contenttelephoneno> meta nameapple-mobile-web-app-capable contentyes> meta nameapple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style contentblack> meta http-equivx-ua-compatible contentIE11,10,9,8> title>金年会 金字招牌诚信至上 |(中国)官方网站/title> meta namekeywords content金年会 金字招牌诚信至上 /> meta namedescription content金年会 金字招牌诚信至上简称“金年会”【网祗】是亚洲顶级的综合平台,金年会是一家从事创新和高品质药品研制及推广的民族制药企业,已发展成为国内知名的抗肿瘤药、手术用药和影像介入产品的供应商。2020年,公司入选全球投行Torreya公布的全球1000强药企榜单,位列第21位。在美国制药经理人杂志(PharmExec)公布的2021年全球制药企业TOP50榜单中,金年会排名连续三年攀升,位列第38位 /> script languagejavascript typetext/javascript srcstatic/js/jquery.js>/script> script languagejavascript typetext/javascript srcstatic/js/global.js>/script> link hrefstatic/css/global.css relstylesheet typetext/css> link hrefstatic/css/max800.css relstylesheet typetext/css> link hrefstatic/css/idangerous.swiper.css relstylesheet typetext/css> link hrefstatic/css/swiper-bundle.css relstylesheet typetext/css> link hrefstatic/css/animate.css relstylesheet typetext/css> link hrefstatic/css/aos.css relstylesheet typetext/css> script typetext/javascript> var Column 0; /script> /head> body classbgf4f4f4> !--手机端菜单--> div idcd-lateral-nav>/div> !--手机端菜单end--> section classheadbox>/section> article> section classswiper-container indexkv> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide positionRelative indexkvbox inkv01 overhidden> div classcontainer poabsolute-w50 cf zindex3> div classindexkv-animation01 mo_tcenter> h1 classmo_undis letterspacing5 line-height1_5em>科技为本 br>为人类创造健康生活/h1> p classmo_undis paddingtop20>PROMOTE A HEALTHIER LIFE FOR HUMANKIND THROUGH br> ADVANCEMENTS IN SCIENCE./p> h2 classmo_dis letterspacing5 line-height1_5em>科技为本 br>为人类创造健康生活/h2> p classmo_dis paddingtop5>PROMOTE A HEALTHIER LIFE FOR HUMANKIND THROUGH ADVANCEMENTS IN SCIENCE./p> /div> /div> a hrefproduct/#pinv1 classdis index_kvbg index_kv1>/a> /div> div classswiper-slide positionRelative indexkvbox inkv04 overhidden> div classcontainer poabsolute-w50 cf zindex3> div classindexkv-animation01 mo_tcenter> h1 classmo_undis letterspacing5 line-height1_5em>锐意创新 br>攻坚克难造福患者/h1> p classmo_undis paddingtop20>BENEFIT THE PATIENTS WITH HIGH-QUALITY MEDICATIONbr> AS WE DETERMINED TO INNOVATE./p> h2 classmo_dis letterspacing5 line-height1_5em>锐意创新 br>攻坚克难造福患者/h2> p classmo_dis paddingtop5>BENEFIT THE PATIENTS WITH HIGH-QUALITY MEDICATION AS WE DETERMINED TO INNOVATE./p> /div> /div> a hrefhealthy/innovation.html classdis index_kvbg index_kv4>/a> /div> div classswiper-slide positionRelative indexkvbox inkv02 overhidden> div classcontainer poabsolute-w50 cf zindex3> div classindexkv-animation01 mo_tcenter> h1 classmo_undis letterspacing5 line-height1_5em>汇智全球 br>打造跨国制药集团/h1> p classmo_undis paddingtop20 mo_tleft >BUILD A LEADING GLOBAL BIOPHARMACEUTICAL GROUPbr> TO SERVE MORE./p> h2 classmo_dis letterspacing5 line-height1_5em>汇智全球 br>打造跨国制药集团/h2> p classmo_dis paddingtop5>BUILD A LEADING GLOBAL BIOPHARMACEUTICAL GROUP TO SERVE MORE./p> /div> /div> a hrefhealthy/international.html classdis index_kvbg index_kv2>/a> /div> div classswiper-slide positionRelative indexkvbox inkv03 overhidden> div classcontainer poabsolute-w50 cf zindex3> div classindexkv-animation01 mo_tcenter> h1 classmo_undis letterspacing5 line-height1_5em>勇于担当 br>积极履行社会责任/h1> p classmo_undis paddingtop20>FULFILL SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES THROUGHbr> ACCOUNTABLE ACTIONS./p> h2 classmo_dis letterspacing5 line-height1_5em>勇于担当 br>积极履行社会责任/h2> p classmo_dis paddingtop5>FULFILL SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES THROUGH ACCOUNTABLE ACTIONS./p> /div> /div> a hrefabout/socialWelfare.html classdis index_kvbg index_kv3>/a> /div> /div> div classswiper-pagination index_pagination poabsolute-w50 mo_undis>/div> a classscroll-icon dis cursor_pointer colorfff href#002>/a> /section> section classblock-padding-t60 container positionRelative mo_paddingtop40 mo_paddingbottom20 overhidden aosfade-up> a name002 id002 styleposition: absolute;top: -60px;>/a> div classcf positionRelative paddingbottom40> h2 classfleft>i classcolor134290 font-bold>新闻/i>动态/h2> a hrefmedia/ classpoabsolute-h50 more_a padding20 color131313>了解更多 >>/a> /div> div classswiper-container inedxNewSwiper aosfade-up> div classswiper-wrapper paddingbottom20> div classswiper-slide> a hrefmedia/detail-639.html classiNswiper> img srcstatic/picture/f1350x760.jpg classdis width100 zoomimg loadinglazy alt title> div classpadding10> p classfontSize12 paddingbottom15>新闻速递/p> p classh4 com-rows_2>金年会 金字招牌诚信至上1类新药HRS-5041前列腺癌联合疗法获批临床/p> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide> a hrefmedia/detail-635.html classiNswiper> img srcstatic/picture/f1350x760.png classdis width100 zoomimg loadinglazy alt title> div classpadding10> p classfontSize12 paddingbottom15>焦点新闻/p> p classh4 com-rows_2>2024 ESMO口头报告丨疾病控制率88.9%,金年会 金字招牌诚信至上Claudin18.2 ADC创新药SHR-A1904胃癌领域研究数据公布/p> /div> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide> a hrefmedia/detail-619.html classiNswiper> img srcstatic/picture/f1350x7601.png classdis width100 zoomimg loadinglazy alt title> div classpadding10> p classfontSize12 paddingbottom15>公益新闻/p> p classh4 com-rows_2>金年会 金字招牌诚信至上公益支持,“体重管理年”活动启动会在京成功举行/p> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classswiper-pagination indexNews-pagination>/div> /div> /section> section classpaddingtop40 block-padding-b60 mo_paddingtop0 mo_paddingbottom40> div classbg134290 aboutcode> div classcontainer colorfff cf tcenter aosfade-up> div classarea_20 padding30 mo_padding20> img srcstatic/picture/icon1.png classdis imgw20 marginauto loadinglazy alt title> p classh5 paddingtop10>创立于/p> div classh5> h2 classdisinblock paddingtop15 timer font-bold data-to1970 data-speed2000>1970 /h2>年 /div> /div> div classarea_20 padding30 mo_padding20> img srcstatic/picture/icon6.png classdis imgw20 marginauto loadinglazy alt title> p classfontSize12 paddingtop10>全球员工/p> div> h2 classdisinblock paddingtop10 timer font-bold data-to20000 data-speed2000>20000/h2> 人 /div> /div> div classarea_20 padding30 mo_padding20> img srcstatic/picture/icon2.png classdis imgw20 marginauto loadinglazy alt title> p classfontSize12 paddingtop10>在菲律宾上市创新药/p> div> h2 classdisinblock paddingtop10 timer font-bold data-to17 data-speed2000>17/h2> 款 /div> /div> div classarea_20 padding30 mo_padding20> img srcstatic/picture/icon5.png classdis imgw20 marginauto loadinglazy alt title> p classfontSize12 paddingtop10>在菲律宾上市2类新药/p> 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mo_padding10_0_0> a hrefinvestor/ classdis width100 waper-height60 positionRelative marginbottom20 mo_marginbottom20 hover-zoom> div classpoabsolute-b padding30 zindex2> p classdisinblock border-484c4c paddingbottom5>投资者关系/p> h4 classpaddingtop30 com-rows_4no mo_width100 mo_paddingtop15>加强公司与投资者的沟通/h4> i classiconfont icon-next fa-1_6x color04357c dis paddingtop30 mo_paddingtop15>/i> /div> /a> a hrefdevelopment/talentDevelopment.html classdis padding30 bg2264c8 colorfff tcenter zp-lab com-link-032763> i classdis iconfont icon-zhaopin fa-3x>/i> p classh3 paddingtop10>人才发展,了解更多/p> i classdis iconfont icon-next fa-2x paddingtop30>/i> /a> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classfootbox>/section> /article> script srcstatic/js/idangerous.swiper.min.js>/script> script srcstatic/js/swiper-bundle.js>/script> script srcstatic/js/countUp.min.js>/script> script srcstatic/js/aos.js>/script> script> $(window).bind(load resize, function () { $(.indexkv, .indexkv .swiper-wrapper, .indexkv 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