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This corner of the Berry was described by the romantic novelist, George Sand, as la vallée noire, an enchanting earthly paradise./li> li classflex-item column contentHomepageStayLalande small image pos3>a href/booking/ titleStay at the Chateau>Stay at the Chateau/a>/li> !--li classcontentHomepageBook column big>a href/booking/ titleStay at the Chateau target_blank>Stay at the Chateau/a>/li>--> li classflex-item column contentHomepageEttcd small image pos4>a href/escape-to-the-chateau-diy target_blank titleEscape to the Chateau DIY> /a>/li> li classflex-item column small contentaAdoptAStar image pos5>a href titleAdopt a star target_blank> /a>/li> li classflex-item column contentJarvisJanssen small image pos6>a href titleJarvis Janssen target_blank> /a>/li> /ul> /div> div idinstagram> ul classflex-container> li classflex-item contentHomepageInstagramTitle column small>Chateau de Lalandebr>On Instagrambr>a href titleChateau de Lalande on Instagram target_blank>@chateaudelalande/a>/li> li classflex-item column tiny>a href target_blank>img src/images/base/insta1.jpg>/a>/li> li classflex-item column tiny>a href target_blank>img src/images/base/insta2.jpg>/a>/li> li classflex-item column tiny>a href target_blank>img src/images/base/insta3.jpg>/a>/li> /ul> /div>/div>!-- background: url(/images/reception/image10.jpg)--> /div>div idcontentHomepage2> div classcontentHomepageContact> div classcolumn> ul> li>a href/contactmail.php>img src/images/base/mail.png altContact Us>/a>/li> li>Chateau de Lalande,br>Route de la Lande,br>36140br>Crozon-sur-Vauvre/li> li>a href,1.8957306,15z/data!4m8!3m7!1s0x0:0x53d7c61a6c1ae459!5m2!4m1!1i2!8m2!3d46.4697661!4d1.8949458 target_blank titleFind us on Google Maps>Find us on Google Maps/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classcolumn> ul> li>a href/press titlePress and News>Press and News/a>/li> li>a href/terms-and-conditions titleTerms and Conditions>Terms and Conditions/a>/li> li>a href/privacy-policy titlePrivacy Policy>Privacy Policy/a>/li> li>a href/sitemap titleSitemap>Sitemap/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classcolumn> ul> li>a href titleThe Château Diaries on YouTube target_blank>The Château Diaries on YouTube/a>/li> li>a href titleChateau de Lalande on Instagram target_blank>Chateau de Lalande on Instagram/a>/li> li>a href titleStephanie Jarvis on Instagram target_blank>Stephanie Jarvis on Instagram/a>/li> li>a href titleChateau de Lalande on Facebook target_blank>Chateau de Lalande on Facebook/a>/li> li>a href titleChateau de Lalande on Trip Advisor target_blank>Chateau de Lalande on Trip Advisor/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div>/div>div idfooter classsite-footer rolecontentinfo> ul classphotography> li>Photographs by :/li> li>a href titleInge Prins target_blank>Inge Prins/a>/li> li>&/li> li>a href titleMichael Potts Photography target_blank>Michael Potts/a>/li>/ul> /div>!-- .site-footer .site-footer -->/div>script src/scripts/jquery.min.js>/script>script src/scripts/easing.js>/script>script src/scripts/bgpos.js>/script>script src/scripts/scrollto.js>/script>script src/scripts/scale.js>/script>script src/scripts/main.js>/script>!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> script async src>/script> script> window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag(js, new Date()); gtag(config, UA-1305323-27); /script>script typeapplication/ld+json>{ @context :, @type : Business, name : , url : https:/, sameAs :,, }/script>script typeapplication/ld+json>{ @context :, @type : WebSite, name : , alternateName : , url :}/script>/body>/html>
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