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Great to see such dedication and comitment put into a system that is so easy to use. My finances just got an upgrade!"div classtestimonial-author>- Michael R., Member Since 2025/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>!-- Right side with form -->div classright-side>div classform-container>h3>Get Free Access Today/h3>!-- Countdown Timer -->div classcountdown-container>div classcountdown-title>Limited Time Offer Expires In:/div>div classcountdown-display>div classcountdown-item>div classcountdown-number idhours>23/div>div classcountdown-label>Hours/div>/div>div classcountdown-item>div classcountdown-number idminutes>59/div>div classcountdown-label>Minutes/div>/div>div classcountdown-item>div classcountdown-number idseconds>59/div>div classcountdown-label>Seconds/div>/div>/div>/div>!-- Form -->form idregistrationForm>div classinput-wrapper>input classinput-field namename placeholderYour Name required typetext />/div>div classinput-wrapper>input classinput-field nameemail placeholderYour Email Address required typeemail />/div>button classsubmit-button pulse typesubmit>CLICK TO CONTINUE/button>/form>!-- Loading spinner -->div classspinner idspinner> /div>!-- Success message -->div classsuccess-message idsuccessMessage>h4>Thank You!/h4>p>Your access details have been sent to your email. Check your inbox in the next few minutes./p>/div>/div>/div>/div>!-- JavaScript -->script> // Countdown timer function startTimer() { const hoursEl document.getElementById(hours); const minutesEl document.getElementById(minutes); const secondsEl document.getElementById(seconds); let hours 23; let minutes 59; let seconds 59; const interval setInterval(function() { seconds--; if (seconds 0) { seconds 59; minutes--; } if (minutes 0) { minutes 59; hours--; } if (hours 0) { clearInterval(interval); hours 0; minutes 0; seconds 0; } hoursEl.textContent hours 10 ? 0 + hours : hours; minutesEl.textContent minutes 10 ? 0 + minutes : minutes; secondsEl.textContent seconds 10 ? 0 + seconds : seconds; }, 1000); } // Form submission handler document.addEventListener(DOMContentLoaded, function() { // Start the countdown startTimer(); const form document.getElementById(registrationForm); const spinner document.getElementById(spinner); const successMessage document.getElementById(successMessage); form.addEventListener(submit, function(event) { event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default form submission // Get form values const email document.querySelector(inputnameemail).value; const name document.querySelector(inputnamename).value; // Show loading state none; block; // Build the Magic Auth URL const baseUrl; const redirectUrl; // You can change this to any specific page you want users to land on const params new URLSearchParams({ email: email, name: name, tags: CashFlowCycler,NewSignup, redirect: redirectUrl // Add other parameters as needed: affiliate_provider_id, affiliate_id, referrer_id }); const magicAuthUrl `${baseUrl}?${params.toString()}`; // Simulate a brief delay before redirecting (for UX purposes) setTimeout(function() { // Redirect to the Magic Auth URL window.location.href magicAuthUrl; }, 1500); // Note: If the redirect fails for some reason, well show the success message // This is just a fallback and shouldnt normally be visible to users setTimeout(function() { none; block; }, 5000); }); }); /script>/body>/html> script> window.___landingPage { action:, tracking_code: , }; var postEmail ; var postName ; function customFunctionIsEmail(email) { return /^(a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-\+)+\@((a-zA-Z0-9\-)+\.)+(a-zA-Z0-9{2,4})+$/.test(email) } function removeDuplicates(arr) { return arr.filter((item, index) > arr.indexOf(item) index); } $(ahref#submit-form) .on(click, function () { try { submitForm() } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); $(inputtypeemail) .on(keypress, function (e) { if (e.which 13) { try { submitForm() } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } }); var submitForm function () { $(inputnameemail) .each(function (index, element) { if ($(element).val().trim() ! ) { $(element).css(border, 0px solid red); if (customFunctionIsEmail($(element).val().trim())) { postEmail.push($(element).val().trim()); } else { $(element).css(border, 1px solid red); } } }); if (!Array.isArray(postEmail) || postEmail.length 1) return; postEmail removeDuplicates(postEmail) postName removeDuplicates(postName) const formVals { name: postName0, email: postEmail0, tracking_code: window.___landingPage.tracking_code, } Object.keys(formVals).forEach(key > { if (!formValskey) { delete formValskey; } }); }; /script>script src>/script>script src>/script>script> document.addEventListener(DOMContentLoaded, function () { });/script>/body>/html>
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