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HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/htmlLast-Modified: Fri, 30 Sep 2022 11:54:10 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesETag: c93f259c3d4d81:0Server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0X-Powered-By: ASP.NETX-Powered-By-Plesk: PleskWinDate: Thu, 20 Mar 2025 19:57:08 GMTContent-Length: 11415 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8 />title>Welcome To Camp Exotica | Luxury Camps in Kullu - Manali India/title>meta namekeywords contentcamp, exotica, camp exotica, camp in manali, camps in manali, campexotica, Whitewater Rafting in manali, Paragliding in manali, Zorbing in manali, Rock climbing, Trekking in manali, Cycling in manali, Snow scooters, Skiing in Manali, Hot Air Ballooning In Manali, Fishing in Manali, Hidimba Devi Temple, Manu Temple Manali, Vashisht Temple Manali, Manikaran, Temple of Ramchandra and Shiva, Tibetan Monastery, Jagatsukh Manali, Naggar, Chandra Taal, Khoksar, Rahala Waterfalls, Rohtang La pass, Solang Nala - Valley, Gulaba picnic spot in Manali, Lahaul and Spiti valley, tent, camps near kullu, camps near manali, tents, luxury tent, stay in camp />meta namedescription contentWelcome to Camp Exotica is a perfect weekend getaway in the serene environs of Manali. It is located on the main Kullu - Manali stay in camp luxury tents in kullu manali. />meta namealexaVerifyID content81SHr6Y7QLBwAPHAaxk2h7Omu4U />link relshortcut icon hreffavicon.ico />link hrefcss/campexotica_style.css relstylesheet typetext/css /> script typetext/javascript srcjs/swfobject.js>/script> script typetext/javascript> var flashvars {}; flashvars.xml_file photo_list.xml; var params {}; params.wmode transparent; var attributes {}; slider; swfobject.embedSWF(flash_slider.swf, flash_grid_slider, 940, 280, 9.0.0, false, flashvars, params, attributes); /script>script typetext/javascript> var _gaq _gaq || ; _gaq.push(_setAccount, UA-26926082-1); _gaq.push(_trackPageview); (function() { var ga document.createElement(script); ga.type text/javascript; ga.async true; ga.src (https: document.location.protocol ? https://ssl : http://www) +; var s document.getElementsByTagName(script)0; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })();/script>!-- Place this tag where you want the +1 button to render -->g:plusone sizemedium>/g:plusone>!-- Place this render call where appropriate -->script typetext/javascript> (function() { var po document.createElement(script); po.type text/javascript; po.async true; po.src; var s document.getElementsByTagName(script)0; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s); })();/script> /head>body>div idcampexotica_wrapper>div idedu_header_wrapper> div idedu_header> div idsite_title> table width890 border0 alignleft> tr> td>h1>a href target_parent> img srcimages/campexotica_logo.png altSite Title /> span>font color#FFFFFF >b>The Luxury Camps in Kulu - Manali/b>/font>/span> /a>/h1>/td> td alignright>a hrefkullu_manali_special_offers.html target_parent>img srcimages/offer2.gif altSite Title />/a>/td> /tr>/table> !--h1>a href target_parent> img srcimages/campexotica_logo.png altSite Title /> span>font color#FFFFFF >b>The Luxury Camps in Kulu - Manali/b>/font>/span> /a>/h1> --> /div> /div> !-- end of edu_header -->/div> !-- end of edu_menu_wrapper -->div idedu_menu_wrapper> div idedu_menu> ul> li>a hrefindex.html classcurrent>HOME/a>/li> li>a hrefmanali_Holidays_Tours_Travel_Honeymoon_Packages.html target_parent>TARIFF/a>/li> li>a hrefmanali_site_seeing_Places_to_visit_in_and_near_by_Manali.html target_parent>SITE SEEING/a>/li> li>a hrefCamp_Exotica_Manali.html target_parent>GALLERY/a>/li> li>a hrefcamp_in_kullu_manali.html target_parent>ABOUT US/a>/li> li>a hreftent_camp_hotel_packages_in_kullu_manali.html>CONTACT US/a>/li>/ul> /div> div idcampexotica_slider> div idflash_grid_slider> a href target_blank> Camp Exotica Flash /a> br />br /> a href> img src altGet Adobe Flash player /> /a> /div> /div> div idcampexotica_content> div classimage_wrapper fl_img> div idTA_excellent674 classTA_excellent>ul idEuctSB0kD classTA_links eoMZn9T5i>li idylYQcB26ana classGpYfC0New>a target_blank href>Camp Exotica/a> rated excellent by travellers/li>/ul>/div>script src>/script> !--a href>img srcimages/Camp_Exotica.png altimage 1 />/a> --> /div> p alignjustify>font color#FF33CC>b>Camp Exotica/b>/font> is a heaven located on Kullu-Manali bypass. We have captured the romance of luxury tents which have always been an important part of exotic lifestyle. Camp Exotica is heaven far from the crowd and surrounded by green devdar trees and icy mountains in a very peaceful environment. Camp Exotica offers a unique experience of cozy camp where the traditional & coloured tents are luxuriously furnished with every comfort. /p> p alignjustify>Camp Exotica offers 18 Luxury Swiss Tents. The tents feature king size four-poster beds, with attached modern bathrooms with 24 hours hot and cold water. All the tents have floors with carpets and are furnished in regal style. A tranquil environment yet studded with the best in amenities for business conferences, seminars and celebratory functions. /p> div classcleaner_h40>/div> div classtwo_column float_l> p>font color#FF33CC>b>Adventure:/b>/font>/p> p>Go for long walks, Mountain Climbing, Trekking, River Rafting, Heli-Skiing, and Fishing./p> p>font color#FF33CC>b>Facilities:/b>/font>/p> ul> li>Multi - Cuisine restaurant./li> li>Gymnasium in Camp. /li> li>Private car / Coach parking./li> li>Attached washrooms have geyser and usual bath amenities./li> li>Color TV with DTH services./li> /ul> /div> div classtwo_column float_r> ul classsmall_gallery> li>a hrefmanali_site_seeing_Places_to_visit_in_and_near_by_Manali.html>img srcimages/Camp_Exotica_Manali_1.jpg altimage 2 />/a>/li> li>a hrefmanali_site_seeing_Places_to_visit_in_and_near_by_Manali.html>img srcimages/Camp_Exotica_Manali_2.jpg altimage 3 />/a>/li> li>a hrefmanali_site_seeing_Places_to_visit_in_and_near_by_Manali.html>img srcimages/Camp_Exotica_Manali_3.jpg altimage 4 />/a>/li> li>a hrefmanali_site_seeing_Places_to_visit_in_and_near_by_Manali.html>img srcimages/Camp_Exotica_Manali_4.jpg altimage 5 />/a>/li> li>a hrefmanali_site_seeing_Places_to_visit_in_and_near_by_Manali.html>img srcimages/Camp_Exotica_Manali_5.jpg altimage 6 />/a>/li> li>a hrefmanali_site_seeing_Places_to_visit_in_and_near_by_Manali.html>img srcimages/Camp_Exotica_Manali_6.jpg altimage 7 />/a>/li> /ul> div classcleaner_h30>/div> div classbutton>a hrefmanali_site_seeing_Places_to_visit_in_and_near_by_Manali.html>View all/a>/div> /div> div classcleaner>/div> /div> !-- end of content --> /div> !-- end of wrapper -->/div>div idcampexotica_footer_wrapper> div idcampexotica_footer> div classfooter_box> h3>Follow us on/h3> ul classfooter_menu> li>a href!/profile.php?id100001993012469 target_new>Facebook/a>/li> li>a href!/Campexotica target_new>Twitter/a>/li> li>a href target_new>Panoramia/a>/li> li>a href target_blank>YouTube/a>/li> li>a href target_blank>Flicker/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classfooter_box> h3>Navigation/h3> ul classfooter_menu> li>a hrefindex.html>Homepage/a>/li> li>a hrefmanali_Holidays_Tours_Travel_Honeymoon_Packages.html>Tariff/a>/li> li>a hrefmanali_site_seeing_Places_to_visit_in_and_near_by_Manali.html>Site Seeing/a>/li> li>a hrefCamp_Exotica_Manali.html target_parent>Gallery/a>/li> li>a hreftent_camp_hotel_packages_in_kullu_manali.html>Contact Us/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classfooter_box> h3>About Us/h3> p>The Camp Exotica luxury camp is a perfect weekend getaway in the serene environs of Manali. It is located on the main Kullu- Manali bypass, on the Naggar road, 6 km from the famous Naggar Castle and 12 km short of Manali in a very peaceful environment./p> div classbutton>a hrefcamp_in_kullu_manali.html>More/a>/div> /div> div classcleaner>/div> /div> !-- end of footer -->/div> !-- end of footer wrapper --> div idcampexotica_copyright_wrapper> div idcampexotica_copyright> Copyright © 2022 a href> Camp Exotica/a> | a href<mpldefault<mplcache2>Mail/a>/div> !-- end of copyright wrapper -->/body>/html>
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