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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 29 Mar 2025 01:17:03 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeVary: Accept-EncodingTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> meta charsetutf-8> meta http-equivcontent-language contenten-us /> meta nameviewport contentinitial-scale1.0, widthdevice-width> title>Buy calling cards (international) |> meta namedescription content Find the BEST RATES from variety cards for selected destination!PIN Free Access, Permanent PIN, No Maintenance Fee, Speed Dial and other cards.Get PIN online.> link relSTYLESHEET typetext/css href/css/style.css> style> @media screen and (min-width: 600px) { li.menu__item{width:20%;} } /style> link relicon href/favicon.ico typeimage/x-icon> link relshortcut icon href/favicon.ico typeimage/x-icon> !-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> script async src>/script> script> window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag(js, new Date()); gtag(config, UA-162236304-1); /script>/head>body>div classcontainer> header classheader> div classheader__wrap wrap> table classheader__top> tr> td classheader__logo logo> img classlogo__img SRC/img/logo.gif WIDTH50 HEIGHT64 altCalling-cardsonline_logo titleCalling-cardsonline> /td> td classheader__info> h1 classheader__title blue>International and USA calling cards at Calling-cardsonline/h1> /td> /tr> /table> div classclear>/div> div classheader__subinfo col-6> SPAN CLASScard STYLEpadding-left:8%;FONT-SIZE: 19px;overflow: visible;white-space:nowrap>International calling cards/SPAN>BR>BR> SPAN CLASSblack STYLEpadding-left:4%;FONT-SIZE: 16px;overflow: visible;white-space:nowrap>Prepaid phone cards shop./SPAN>BR> SPAN CLASSblack STYLEpadding-left:4%;FONT-SIZE: 16px;overflow: visible;white-space:nowrap>Best card rates! /SPAN> /div> div classheader__subinfo2 col-6> /div> div classclear>/div> div> input typecheckbox idmenu-mobile> nav>!-- навигация --> label formenu-mobile classtoggle-button onclick>Menu/label> ul classmain-menu>!-- пункты меню --> !-- li classmenu__item>a classmenu href>HOME/a>/li>--> li classmenu__item>a classmenu href/best-rates/from>BEST RATES/a>/li> !--- li classmenu__item>a classmenu relnofollow href>PC to PHONE/a>/li> --> li classmenu__item>a classmenu relnofollow href>CONTACT/a>/li> li classmenu__item>a classmenu relnofollow href>HELP/a>/li> li classmenu__item>a classmenu relnofollow href>MY ACCOUNT/a>/li> /ul> /nav> /div> /div> /header> div classwrap> div classcols col-8 home> div class idsteps> BR> H2 CLASSblackbold style>How to buy calling card online!/H2> div class styletext-align:left;padding-left:4%> SPAN CLASSwhiteb>1. Select Countries to find the/SPAN> SPAN CLASSblackb> best rates!/SPAN>BR> SPAN CLASSwhiteb>2. place an order with secure/SPAN> SPAN CLASSblackb>charge online!/SPAN> /div> /div> div class idsearch_home>!-- RATE_SEARH_BOX% --> form classsearch_home namerate_search methodget action/rdcards.php> div classcols col-6>table classsearch_home>tr>td>From: /td> td> /td>td> /td>/tr>/table>/div> div classcols col-6>table classsearch_home>tr>td>To: /td>td> /td>td> /td>/tr>/table>/div> div classcols col-6>input typesubmit valueBest Rates Search styletext-align:left>/div> /form> /div> div classcols col-12 style> br>br> TABLE styleborder:0;padding:0;border-spacing:0; IDTable_05> TR> TD> /TD> TD stylewidth:18px>IMG SRC/img/pushline_temp1_32.jpg WIDTH11 HEIGHT15 ALTCalling cards international>/TD> TD CLASSblue_s>H3>INTERNATIONAL PREPAID PHONE CARDS/H3>/TD> /TR> /TABLE> div classcols aside hometext> BR>We offer international calling cards for calls all over the world and domestic calling cards.BR>BR>We provide long-distance cards at the best rates. We also provide cards for SMS-calls for calls from cell phones and web calls . BR>BR>We provide also phone cards with PIN-less dialing. Some cards have a balance transfer feature.BR>BR>Register at our site and buy a card online. The PIN and the dialing instructions for your calling card will be e-mailed to you upon your purchase and youll be able to make calls immediately!BR>BR>Enjoy using our international calling cards! BR>BR> /div> TABLE styleborder:0;padding:0;border-spacing:0; IDTable_05> TR> TD> /TD> TD stylewidth:18px>IMG SRC/img/pushline_temp1_32.jpg WIDTH11 HEIGHT15 ALTCalling cards international>/TD> TD CLASSblue_s>H3>Why it is beneficial to use virtual calling card/H3>/TD> /TR> /TABLE>div classcols aside hometext>In todays fast-paced digital world, communication has become more important than ever. And with the advent of modern technologies, communication has taken a new form that is more convenient and cost-effective. One such technology is virtual calling cards, which have gained popularity in recent years. In this article, we will discuss why it is beneficial to use virtual calling cards.BR>BR>Firstly, virtual calling cards are cost-effective. They are an affordable option for people who make international calls frequently. With a virtual calling card, you do not have to pay expensive roaming charges or long-distance fees. You can purchase a virtual calling card at a much lower cost than traditional calling cards, and you can use them for a longer period of time. Additionally, virtual calling cards offer more flexibility in terms of the amount of credit you want to add, which can be especially helpful for those on a budget.BR>BR>Secondly, virtual calling cards are convenient. They eliminate the need for you to carry multiple calling cards or remember multiple access numbers. With virtual calling cards, you can easily access your account online or through a mobile app, making it easy to recharge your account and make calls from anywhere. Furthermore, virtual calling cards do not require any physical card, which makes them more environmentally friendly.BR>BR>Thirdly, virtual calling cards offer more features than traditional calling cards. For example, some virtual calling cards offer call recording, call forwarding, and other advanced features. Additionally, some virtual calling cards come with a mobile app that can be used to make calls over Wi-Fi or data, which can be particularly useful when traveling abroad.BR>BR>Fourthly, virtual calling cards provide better call quality. Since virtual calling cards use the internet to make calls, they offer better call quality than traditional calling cards. With virtual calling cards, you can expect a clear and uninterrupted connection, even when making international calls.BR>BR>Lastly, virtual calling cards provide more security. They are less prone to fraud and theft than traditional calling cards since they are not physical. Moreover, virtual calling cards come with a PIN that provides an extra layer of security to prevent unauthorized use.BR>BR>In conclusion, virtual calling cards offer a more affordable, convenient, and secure option for making international calls. They eliminate the need for multiple physical cards, provide better call quality and more features, and are more environmentally friendly. With all these benefits, its no wonder that virtual calling cards have become a popular choice for communication in the digital age.BR>BR>/div> /div> /div>div classcols col-4 aside> div class>table class bgcolor#f0f0f0 stylewidth: 100% border0>tr class style> td colspan2 aligncenter class styleheight:0.5em/td>/tr> tr classodd style> td colspan2 aligncenter classnm>a href/best-rates/from/USA>More Rates from USA .../a> /td>/tr> /table>/div> /div> div classwrap clear> div classcol-12 footer style background: url(/img/bull.gif) top repeat-x;> nav classfooter> ul classfooter> li classfooter> a class relnofollow href>User Agreement/a> /li> li classfooter> a class relnofollow href>Disclaimer/a> /li> li classfooter> a class relnofollow href>Payment Acceptance/a> /li> li classfooter> a class relnofollow href>Privacy Policy/a> /li> li classfooter> a relnofollow href>Return Policy/a> /li> li classfooter> a relnofollow href>Contact/a> /li> li classfooter> a relnofollow href>Help/a> /li> li classfooter> a relnofollow href>Affiliate/a> /li> /ul> /nav> /div>div classcol-12 style height:4px;background:#ddd>/div>div classcol-12 style height:0.9em;margin-bottom: 6px;background: url(/img/foo_fon.gif) top repeat-x;>/div>div styletext-align: center; font-size: 12px;> - © 2004 - 2008 All rights reserved /div>script typetext/javascript>var sc_project9277165; var sc_invisible1; var sc_securityf6178360; var scJsHost ((https: document.location.protocol) ?https://secure. : http://www.);document.write(sc+ript typetext/javascript src>/+script>);/script>noscript>div classstatcounter>a titleweb analyticshref target_blank>imgclassstatcountersrc analytics>/a>/div>/noscript>/div>/div>!--container-->/body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 29 Mar 2025 01:17:04 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeVary: Accept-EncodingTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> meta charsetutf-8> meta http-equivcontent-language contenten-us /> meta nameviewport contentinitial-scale1.0, widthdevice-width> title>Buy calling cards (international) |> meta namedescription content Find the BEST RATES from variety cards for selected destination!PIN Free Access, Permanent PIN, No Maintenance Fee, Speed Dial and other cards.Get PIN online.> link relSTYLESHEET typetext/css href/css/style.css> style> @media screen and (min-width: 600px) { li.menu__item{width:20%;} } /style> link relicon href/favicon.ico typeimage/x-icon> link relshortcut icon href/favicon.ico typeimage/x-icon> !-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> script async src>/script> script> window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag(js, new Date()); gtag(config, UA-162236304-1); /script>/head>body>div classcontainer> header classheader> div classheader__wrap wrap> table classheader__top> tr> td classheader__logo logo> img classlogo__img SRC/img/logo.gif WIDTH50 HEIGHT64 altCalling-cardsonline_logo titleCalling-cardsonline> /td> td classheader__info> h1 classheader__title blue>International and USA calling cards at Calling-cardsonline/h1> /td> /tr> /table> div classclear>/div> div classheader__subinfo col-6> SPAN CLASScard STYLEpadding-left:8%;FONT-SIZE: 19px;overflow: visible;white-space:nowrap>International calling cards/SPAN>BR>BR> SPAN CLASSblack STYLEpadding-left:4%;FONT-SIZE: 16px;overflow: visible;white-space:nowrap>Prepaid phone cards shop./SPAN>BR> SPAN CLASSblack STYLEpadding-left:4%;FONT-SIZE: 16px;overflow: visible;white-space:nowrap>Best card rates! /SPAN> /div> div classheader__subinfo2 col-6> /div> div classclear>/div> div> input typecheckbox idmenu-mobile> nav>!-- навигация --> label formenu-mobile classtoggle-button onclick>Menu/label> ul classmain-menu>!-- пункты меню --> !-- li classmenu__item>a classmenu href>HOME/a>/li>--> li classmenu__item>a classmenu href/best-rates/from>BEST RATES/a>/li> !--- li classmenu__item>a classmenu relnofollow href>PC to PHONE/a>/li> --> li classmenu__item>a classmenu relnofollow href>CONTACT/a>/li> li classmenu__item>a classmenu relnofollow href>HELP/a>/li> li classmenu__item>a classmenu relnofollow href>MY ACCOUNT/a>/li> /ul> /nav> /div> /div> /header> div classwrap> div classcols col-8 home> div class idsteps> BR> H2 CLASSblackbold style>How to buy calling card online!/H2> div class styletext-align:left;padding-left:4%> SPAN CLASSwhiteb>1. Select Countries to find the/SPAN> SPAN CLASSblackb> best rates!/SPAN>BR> SPAN CLASSwhiteb>2. place an order with secure/SPAN> SPAN CLASSblackb>charge online!/SPAN> /div> /div> div class idsearch_home>!-- RATE_SEARH_BOX% --> form classsearch_home namerate_search methodget action/rdcards.php> div classcols col-6>table classsearch_home>tr>td>From: /td> td> /td>td> /td>/tr>/table>/div> div classcols col-6>table classsearch_home>tr>td>To: /td>td> /td>td> /td>/tr>/table>/div> div classcols col-6>input typesubmit valueBest Rates Search styletext-align:left>/div> /form> /div> div classcols col-12 style> br>br> TABLE styleborder:0;padding:0;border-spacing:0; IDTable_05> TR> TD> /TD> TD stylewidth:18px>IMG SRC/img/pushline_temp1_32.jpg WIDTH11 HEIGHT15 ALTCalling cards international>/TD> TD CLASSblue_s>H3>INTERNATIONAL PREPAID PHONE CARDS/H3>/TD> /TR> /TABLE> div classcols aside hometext> BR>We offer international calling cards for calls all over the world and domestic calling cards.BR>BR>We provide long-distance cards at the best rates. We also provide cards for SMS-calls for calls from cell phones and web calls . BR>BR>We provide also phone cards with PIN-less dialing. Some cards have a balance transfer feature.BR>BR>Register at our site and buy a card online. The PIN and the dialing instructions for your calling card will be e-mailed to you upon your purchase and youll be able to make calls immediately!BR>BR>Enjoy using our international calling cards! BR>BR> /div> TABLE styleborder:0;padding:0;border-spacing:0; IDTable_05> TR> TD> /TD> TD stylewidth:18px>IMG SRC/img/pushline_temp1_32.jpg WIDTH11 HEIGHT15 ALTCalling cards international>/TD> TD CLASSblue_s>H3>Why it is beneficial to use virtual calling card/H3>/TD> /TR> /TABLE>div classcols aside hometext>In todays fast-paced digital world, communication has become more important than ever. And with the advent of modern technologies, communication has taken a new form that is more convenient and cost-effective. One such technology is virtual calling cards, which have gained popularity in recent years. In this article, we will discuss why it is beneficial to use virtual calling cards.BR>BR>Firstly, virtual calling cards are cost-effective. They are an affordable option for people who make international calls frequently. With a virtual calling card, you do not have to pay expensive roaming charges or long-distance fees. You can purchase a virtual calling card at a much lower cost than traditional calling cards, and you can use them for a longer period of time. Additionally, virtual calling cards offer more flexibility in terms of the amount of credit you want to add, which can be especially helpful for those on a budget.BR>BR>Secondly, virtual calling cards are convenient. They eliminate the need for you to carry multiple calling cards or remember multiple access numbers. With virtual calling cards, you can easily access your account online or through a mobile app, making it easy to recharge your account and make calls from anywhere. Furthermore, virtual calling cards do not require any physical card, which makes them more environmentally friendly.BR>BR>Thirdly, virtual calling cards offer more features than traditional calling cards. For example, some virtual calling cards offer call recording, call forwarding, and other advanced features. Additionally, some virtual calling cards come with a mobile app that can be used to make calls over Wi-Fi or data, which can be particularly useful when traveling abroad.BR>BR>Fourthly, virtual calling cards provide better call quality. Since virtual calling cards use the internet to make calls, they offer better call quality than traditional calling cards. With virtual calling cards, you can expect a clear and uninterrupted connection, even when making international calls.BR>BR>Lastly, virtual calling cards provide more security. They are less prone to fraud and theft than traditional calling cards since they are not physical. Moreover, virtual calling cards come with a PIN that provides an extra layer of security to prevent unauthorized use.BR>BR>In conclusion, virtual calling cards offer a more affordable, convenient, and secure option for making international calls. They eliminate the need for multiple physical cards, provide better call quality and more features, and are more environmentally friendly. With all these benefits, its no wonder that virtual calling cards have become a popular choice for communication in the digital age.BR>BR>/div> /div> /div>div classcols col-4 aside> div class>table class bgcolor#f0f0f0 stylewidth: 100% border0>tr class style> td colspan2 aligncenter class styleheight:0.5em/td>/tr> tr classodd style> td colspan2 aligncenter classnm>a href/best-rates/from/USA>More Rates from USA .../a> /td>/tr> /table>/div> /div> div classwrap clear> div classcol-12 footer style background: url(/img/bull.gif) top repeat-x;> nav classfooter> ul classfooter> li classfooter> a class relnofollow href>User Agreement/a> /li> li classfooter> a class relnofollow href>Disclaimer/a> /li> li classfooter> a class relnofollow href>Payment Acceptance/a> /li> li classfooter> a class relnofollow href>Privacy Policy/a> /li> li classfooter> a relnofollow href>Return Policy/a> /li> li classfooter> a relnofollow href>Contact/a> /li> li classfooter> a relnofollow href>Help/a> /li> li classfooter> a relnofollow href>Affiliate/a> /li> /ul> /nav> /div>div classcol-12 style height:4px;background:#ddd>/div>div classcol-12 style height:0.9em;margin-bottom: 6px;background: url(/img/foo_fon.gif) top repeat-x;>/div>div styletext-align: center; font-size: 12px;> - © 2004 - 2008 All rights reserved /div>script typetext/javascript>var sc_project9277165; var sc_invisible1; var sc_securityf6178360; var scJsHost ((https: document.location.protocol) ?https://secure. : http://www.);document.write(sc+ript typetext/javascript src>/+script>);/script>noscript>div classstatcounter>a titleweb analyticshref target_blank>imgclassstatcountersrc analytics>/a>/div>/noscript>/div>/div>!--container-->/body>/html>
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