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rolesearch methodget classsearch-form action> label> span classscreen-reader-text>Search for:/span> input typesearch classsearch-field placeholderSearch … value names /> /label> input typesubmit classsearch-submit valueSearch /> /form> /div> /div> /header>!-- #masthead --> div idmain classsite-main>div idmain-content classmain-content> div idprimary classcontent-area> div idcontent classsite-content rolemain> article idpost-1332 classpost-1332 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-random> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta> span classcat-links>a href relcategory tag>Random/a>/span> /div> h1 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Running musescore from within a docker container/a>/h1> div classentry-meta> span classentry-date>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2024-09-08T21:01:32+00:00>Sunday, September 8, 2024/time>/a>/span> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>Mark/a>/span>/span> span classcomments-link>a href>2 Comments/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> !-- wpsso pinterest pin it image added on 2025-01-31T13:51:36+00:00 -->div classwpsso-pinterest-pin-it-image styledisplay:none !important;> img src width0 height0 classskip-lazy stylewidth:0;height:0; alt data-pin-descriptionFor a project, I'm wanting to run the excellent musescore from the CLI to bulk convert .mscz files into MusicXML, PDF renders and even instrumental MP3s in bulk. However because the user content is from modern versions of musescore, and the server is very old, I'm having to use docker to run a... />/div>!-- .wpsso-pinterest-pin-it-image -->p>For a project, I’m wanting to run the excellent a relnoreferrer noopener href data-typeURL data-id target_blank>musescore/a> from the CLI to bulk convert .mscz files into MusicXML, PDF renders and even instrumental MP3s in bulk. However because the user content is from modern versions of musescore, and the server is very old, I’m having to use docker to run a modernish version of ubuntu that supports version 4 of musescore. Also when running musescore from a CLI it is very painful because it’s unfortunately built to be a GUI application. The following Dockerfile allows us to run it:/p>pre classEnlighterJSRAW data-enlighter-languagedockerfile data-enlighter-theme data-enlighter-highlight data-enlighter-linenumbers data-enlighter-lineoffset data-enlighter-title data-enlighter-group>FROM ubuntu:22.04RUN apt update && \ DEBIAN_FRONTENDnoninteractive apt install -y --no-install-suggests xvfb wget libopengl0 musescore ca-certificates && \ wget -O musescore.appimage && \ chmod +x musescore.appimage && \ apt remove -y wget musescore && \ ./musescore.appimage --appimage-extract && \ rm musescore.appimageENTRYPOINT \ # Hangs with the error in the GUI if there was an issue so force it to stop at some point /usr/bin/timeout, 10, \ # Fake X server xvfb-run, -s, -screen 0 640x480x24 -ac +extension GLX +render -noreset, \ # Run the actual command squashfs-root/bin/mscore4portable \ /pre>p>For some reason the appimage itself doesn’t pass stuff through correctly so we have to extract it and run the app directly from the filesystem. We can then run it like:/p>pre classEnlighterJSRAW data-enlighter-languageshell data-enlighter-theme data-enlighter-highlight data-enlighter-linenumbers data-enlighter-lineoffset data-enlighter-title data-enlighter-group>docker run --rm -v $PWD:/data -it musescore /data/001.mscz -o /data/out.xml/pre>p>to convert a file./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> /article>!-- #post-1332 -->article idpost-1316 classpost-1316 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-random> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta> span classcat-links>a href relcategory tag>Random/a>/span> /div> h1 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Adding a primary key to a partitioned table in postgres with zero downtime or locks/a>/h1> div classentry-meta> span classentry-date>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2023-11-06T18:25:36+00:00>Monday, November 6, 2023/time>/a>/span> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>Mark/a>/span>/span> span classcomments-link>a href>Leave a comment/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> !-- wpsso pinterest pin it image added on 2025-01-31T13:51:36+00:00 -->div classwpsso-pinterest-pin-it-image styledisplay:none !important;> img src width0 height0 classskip-lazy stylewidth:0;height:0; alt data-pin-descriptionIn postgres (14), we have a table pubsub_node_option which looks like: Partitioned table "public.pubsub_node_option" Column │ Type │ Collation │ Nullable │ Default ────────┼────────┼───────────┼──────────┼───────── nodeid │ bigint │ │ │ name │ text │ │ not null │ val │ text │ │ not null │... />/div>!-- .wpsso-pinterest-pin-it-image -->p>In postgres (14), we have a table code>pubsub_node_option/code> which looks like:/p>pre classEnlighterJSRAW data-enlighter-languagegeneric data-enlighter-theme data-enlighter-highlight data-enlighter-linenumbers data-enlighter-lineoffset data-enlighter-title data-enlighter-group> Partitioned table public.pubsub_node_option Column │ Type │ Collation │ Nullable │ Default ────────┼────────┼───────────┼──────────┼───────── nodeid │ bigint │ │ │ name │ text │ │ not null │ val │ text │ │ not null │ Partition key: HASH (nodeid)Indexes: partitioner btree (nodeid)Number of partitions: 64 (Use \d+ to list them.)/pre>p>The 64 partitions are named like code>pubsub_node_option_p0/code> to code>_p63/code>. It has a few hundred Gb of data and we want to add a primary key to it with no downtime or locks (perhaps 1s is acceptable). The standard code>ADD PRIMARY KEY/code> etc commands will lock the table for the duration of the process which means we can’t use them./p>p>In Postgres a primary key is just a unique index over a set of non-null columns. The documentation says that whilst the code>SET NOT NULL/code> command requires a full table scan (with exclusive lock), code>ADD PRIMARY KEY/code> has another option which takes an already-existing index, and strong>if/strong> there is also code>NOT NULL/code> strong>or/strong> a similar code>CHECK/code> constraint on all of the columns it can do it without needing any locks./p>p>So the basic process looks like:/p>ol>li>Add a CHECK constraint on code>nodeid/code>/li>li>Create a unique index over code>(nodeid, name)/code>/li>li>use code>ALTER TABLE ... ADD PRIMARY KEY USING INDEX .../code> to set the PK./li>/ol>p>Lets start with (1). If we just add a code>CHECK/code> constraint directly, postgres will take out an exclusive lock on the table which will freeze all updates for the duration. However there is a code>NOT VALID/code> setting which allows us to later run a validator in the background. So we can do:/p>pre classEnlighterJSRAW data-enlighter-languagegeneric data-enlighter-theme data-enlighter-highlight data-enlighter-linenumbers data-enlighter-lineoffset data-enlighter-title data-enlighter-group>ALTER TABLE pubsub_node_option ADD CONSTRAINT pubsub_node_option_nodeid_not_null CHECK (nodeid is not null) NOT VALID;/pre>p>Then we can try to run the validator which shouldn’t take any locks:/p>pre classEnlighterJSRAW data-enlighter-languagegeneric data-enlighter-theme data-enlighter-highlight data-enlighter-linenumbers data-enlighter-lineoffset data-enlighter-title data-enlighter-group>ALTER TABLE pubsub_node_option VALIDATE CONSTRAINT pubsub_node_option_nodeid_not_null;/pre>p>Unfortunately, at this point the database locks up. Presumably because this is a partitioned table./p>p>So, what I figured out (I’m not sure it’s actually documented anywhere) is that you can run the validator on all partitions, and then it will run instantly without locking on the parent:/p>pre classEnlighterJSRAW data-enlighter-languagegeneric data-enlighter-theme data-enlighter-highlight data-enlighter-linenumbers data-enlighter-lineoffset data-enlighter-title data-enlighter-group>ALTER TABLE only pubsub_node_option_p0 VALIDATE CONSTRAINT pubsub_node_option_nodeid_not_null;...ALTER TABLE only pubsub_node_option_p63 VALIDATE CONSTRAINT pubsub_node_option_nodeid_not_null;ALTER TABLE pubsub_node_option VALIDATE CONSTRAINT pubsub_node_option_nodeid_not_null;/pre>p>So (1) is solved – we’ve shown postgres that we don’t have any code>NULL/code>s in that column./p>p>Time for (2) the code>UNIQUE KEY/code>. An index can be created code>CONCURRENTLY/code> however this doesn’t work on partitioned tables. So we have to create it on each partition and then hook it in to the main table./p>p>Firstly, we create the index on the main table:/p>pre classEnlighterJSRAW data-enlighter-languagegeneric data-enlighter-theme data-enlighter-highlight data-enlighter-linenumbers data-enlighter-lineoffset data-enlighter-title data-enlighter-group>create unique index pubsub_node_option_pkey on only pubsub_node_option (nodeid, name);/pre>p>The code>ON ONLY/code> means it doesn’t happen on the child tables./p>p>Then we create a new index in each of the children, but code>CONCURRENTLY/code> so no locking:/p>pre classEnlighterJSRAW data-enlighter-languagegeneric data-enlighter-theme data-enlighter-highlight data-enlighter-linenumbers data-enlighter-lineoffset data-enlighter-title data-enlighter-group>create unique index concurrently pubsub_node_option_p0_pkey on pubsub_node_option_p0 (nodeid, name);...create unique index concurrently pubsub_node_option_p63_pkey on pubsub_node_option_p63 (nodeid, name);/pre>p>Now this is done we can attach each of them in to the main primary key:/p>pre classEnlighterJSRAW data-enlighter-languagegeneric data-enlighter-theme data-enlighter-highlight data-enlighter-linenumbers data-enlighter-lineoffset data-enlighter-title data-enlighter-group>alter index pubsub_node_option_pkey attach partition pubsub_node_option_p0_pkey;...alter index pubsub_node_option_pkey attach partition pubsub_node_option_p63_pkey;/pre>p>Perfect./p>p>Then, we should be able to do the final step of the process to convert the index + check constraint to a primary key (which is really only a bit of semantics for Postgres):/p>pre classEnlighterJSRAW data-enlighter-languagegeneric data-enlighter-theme data-enlighter-highlight data-enlighter-linenumbers data-enlighter-lineoffset data-enlighter-title data-enlighter-group>> alter table pubsub_node_option add primary key using index pubsub_node_option_pkey;ERROR: ALTER TABLE / ADD CONSTRAINT USING INDEX is not supported on partitioned tables/pre>p>D’oh. But at least we can add to all of the individual tables:/p>pre classEnlighterJSRAW data-enlighter-languagegeneric data-enlighter-theme data-enlighter-highlight data-enlighter-linenumbers data-enlighter-lineoffset data-enlighter-title data-enlighter-group>alter table pubsub_node_option_p0 add primary key using index pubsub_node_option_p0_pkey;...alter table pubsub_node_option_p63 add primary key using index pubsub_node_option_p63_pkey;.../pre>p>I still can’t see a way to add it to the main table though, even code>ALTER TABLE ONLY pubsub_node_option/code> comes up with the same error./p>p>I’m not really sure where to go from here, however the reason for wanting a code>PRIMARY KEY/code> is because we want to use code>pglogical/code> to replicate data, and this requires “a PRIMARY KEY or other valid replica identity such as using an index, which must be unique, not partial, not deferrable, and include only columns marked NOT NULL”. So I em>think/em> we should be OK with how far we have gotten for now./p>p>Please leave a comment if you know how to complete the process!/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> /article>!-- #post-1316 -->article idpost-1312 classpost-1312 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-random> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta> span classcat-links>a href relcategory tag>Random/a>/span> /div> h1 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Easily running unison on different Ubuntu versions/a>/h1> div classentry-meta> span classentry-date>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2023-11-04T17:37:38+00:00>Saturday, November 4, 2023/time>/a>/span> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>Mark/a>/span>/span> span classcomments-link>a href>Leave a comment/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> !-- wpsso pinterest pin it image added on 2025-01-31T13:51:36+00:00 -->div classwpsso-pinterest-pin-it-image styledisplay:none !important;> img src width0 height0 classskip-lazy stylewidth:0;height:0; alt data-pin-descriptionUnison is a great file-synchronization tool, but it's highly dependent on both the unison version and the OCAML version being the same between client and server to enable syncing. I've wasted much time over the years trying to backport versions to ubuntu as I upgrade a laptop but not the server... />/div>!-- .wpsso-pinterest-pin-it-image -->p>Unison is a great file-synchronization tool, but it’s highly dependent on both the unison version and the OCAML version being the same between client and server to enable syncing. I’ve wasted much time over the years trying to backport versions to ubuntu as I upgrade a laptop but not the server it backs up to or vice-versa./p>p>This seems like a great problem to solve with containers, and fortunately it seems like it’s quite easy./p>p>Create a new unison container on the server – Dockerfile should look like:/p>pre classEnlighterJSRAW data-enlighter-languagedockerfile data-enlighter-theme data-enlighter-highlight data-enlighter-linenumbers data-enlighter-lineoffset data-enlighter-title data-enlighter-group>FROM ubuntu:22.04RUN apt update && apt -y install unison/pre>p>Then, build it:/p>pre classEnlighterJSRAW data-enlighter-languagegeneric data-enlighter-theme data-enlighter-highlight data-enlighter-linenumbers data-enlighter-lineoffset data-enlighter-title data-enlighter-group>docker build --network host -t unison ./pre>p>And create code>/usr/bin/unison/code> looking like:/p>pre classEnlighterJSRAW data-enlighter-languagegeneric data-enlighter-theme data-enlighter-highlight data-enlighter-linenumbers data-enlighter-lineoffset data-enlighter-title data-enlighter-group>#!/bin/bashEXTRAfor g in $(id -G); do EXTRA$EXTRA --group-add $gdoneexec docker run --rm \ -v /home/:/home/ \ -e USER$USER -e HOME$HOME \ -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \ $EXTRA \ -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro \ -v /etc/group:/etc/group:ro \ --network host \ -i \ unison \ unison $@/pre>p>It’s necessary to run on host network so it picks up the server’s hostname as unison is highly dependent on this, and the environment variables that are passed in./p>p>Then it seems to work just fine. Happy days!/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> /article>!-- #post-1312 -->article idpost-1307 classpost-1307 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-random> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta> span classcat-links>a href relcategory tag>Random/a>/span> /div> h1 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Easily dumping all AWS SSM details/a>/h1> div classentry-meta> span classentry-date>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2023-08-21T11:37:22+00:00>Monday, August 21, 2023/time>/a>/span> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>Mark/a>/span>/span> span classcomments-link>a href>Leave a comment/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> !-- wpsso pinterest pin it image added on 2025-01-31T13:51:36+00:00 -->div classwpsso-pinterest-pin-it-image styledisplay:none !important;> img src width0 height0 classskip-lazy stylewidth:0;height:0; alt data-pin-descriptionWe have a lot of credentials and config mixed up in AWS SSM/Parameter Store over many different regions and profiles. We want to export all of these to a spreadsheet to allow some more junior team members to convert the non-secret ones into standard parameters which can be stored in our... />/div>!-- .wpsso-pinterest-pin-it-image -->p>We have a lot of credentials and config mixed up in AWS SSM/Parameter Store over many different regions and profiles. We want to export all of these to a spreadsheet to allow some more junior team members to convert the non-secret ones into standard parameters which can be stored in our kubernetes git config (on a per-environment basis). The following script does this:/p>pre classEnlighterJSRAW data-enlighter-languageshell data-enlighter-theme data-enlighter-highlight data-enlighter-linenumbers data-enlighter-lineoffset data-enlighter-title data-enlighter-group>#!/bin/bashfor profile in x y z; do awsv2 --profile $profile ssm get-parameters-by-path --path / --with-decryption > paramstore-$profile.jsondonecat *.json | jq -r .Parameters | select(.Name+.Value |test(pass|private|secret|token|://.*:|certificate|pwd|cookie|key; i)|not) | .Name, .Value | @csv > out.csv/pre> /div>!-- .entry-content --> /article>!-- #post-1307 -->article idpost-1299 classpost-1299 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-random> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta> span classcat-links>a href relcategory tag>Random/a>/span> /div> h1 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Using Postgres NOTIFY with placeholders/a>/h1> div classentry-meta> span classentry-date>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2022-12-20T17:36:37+00:00>Tuesday, December 20, 2022/time>/a>/span> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>Mark/a>/span>/span> span classcomments-link>a href>Leave a comment/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> !-- wpsso pinterest pin it image added on 2025-01-31T13:51:36+00:00 -->div classwpsso-pinterest-pin-it-image styledisplay:none !important;> img src width0 height0 classskip-lazy stylewidth:0;height:0; alt data-pin-descriptionWhen writing SQL you always want to use placeholders rather than trying to escape text yourself and risk an SQL injection attack. Postgres provides great functionality for this such as: SELECT * FROM table WHERE username $1 Today I was trying to send arbitrary text to a channel via the very... />/div>!-- .wpsso-pinterest-pin-it-image -->p>When writing SQL you always want to use placeholders rather than trying to escape text yourself and risk an SQL injection attack./p>p>Postgres provides great functionality for this such as:/p>pre classEnlighterJSRAW data-enlighter-languagesql data-enlighter-theme data-enlighter-highlight data-enlighter-linenumbers data-enlighter-lineoffset data-enlighter-title data-enlighter-group>SELECT * FROM table WHERE username $1/pre>p>Today I was trying to send arbitrary text to a channel via the very powerful code>NOTIFY/code> command. However every time I tried to use placeholders I was getting errors (from python’s code>asyncpg/code> driver, which is pulling it directly from postgres error code code>42601/code>)./p>p>Eventually, looking through the docs I found a href target_blank relnoreferrer noopener>this quote/a>:/p>blockquote classwp-block-quote>p>To send a notification you can also use the function code>pg_notify(text, text)/code>. The function takes the channel name as the first argument and the payload as the second. The function is much easier to use than the code>NOTIFY/code> command if you need to work with non-constant channel names and payloads./p>/blockquote>p>So, after wasting an hour trying all sorts of different quoting strategies, I was able to change code>NOTIFY $1, $2/code> into code>SELECT pg_notify($1, $2)/code> and resolve the issue./p>p>I’m using SQLAlchemy by the way so it looks something like:/p>pre classEnlighterJSRAW data-enlighter-languagesql data-enlighter-theme data-enlighter-highlight data-enlighter-linenumbers data-enlighter-lineoffset data-enlighter-title data-enlighter-group>from sqlalchemy import text await session.execute( text(SELECT pg_notify(:channel, :data)) .bindparams(channelchannel, datamy text))/pre>p>Perfect!/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> /article>!-- #post-1299 -->article idpost-1296 classpost-1296 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-random> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta> span classcat-links>a href relcategory tag>Random/a>/span> /div> h1 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Hacking ElasticSearch python client to work with AWS OpenSearch/a>/h1> div classentry-meta> span classentry-date>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2022-11-14T11:09:56+00:00>Monday, November 14, 2022/time>/a>/span> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>Mark/a>/span>/span> span classcomments-link>a href>Leave a comment/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> !-- wpsso pinterest pin it image added on 2025-01-31T13:51:37+00:00 -->div classwpsso-pinterest-pin-it-image styledisplay:none !important;> img src width0 height0 classskip-lazy stylewidth:0;height:0; alt data-pin-descriptionBecause of various disagreements between AWS and ElasticSearch, AWS released a fork called OpenSearch but and Elastic updated their clients to throw errors if you try to use them with this product. This is obviously really annoying if you are using 3rd party software which uses the Elastic... />/div>!-- .wpsso-pinterest-pin-it-image -->p>Because of various disagreements between AWS and ElasticSearch, AWS released a fork called OpenSearch but and Elastic updated their clients to throw errors if you try to use them with this product./p>p>This is obviously really annoying if you are using 3rd party software which uses the Elastic libraries, but trying to run them against AWS managed services. The following hack fixes this for Python elasticsearch v7.17 at least, by disabling the unnecessary version check:/p>pre classEnlighterJSRAW data-enlighter-languagepython data-enlighter-theme data-enlighter-highlight data-enlighter-linenumbers data-enlighter-lineoffset data-enlighter-title data-enlighter-group># Hack elasticsearch to work with AWSfrom elasticsearch import TransportTransport._do_verify_elasticsearch lambda self, headers, timeout: None/pre>p>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> /article>!-- #post-1296 -->article idpost-1291 classpost-1291 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-random> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta> span classcat-links>a href relcategory tag>Random/a>/span> /div> h1 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Screen corruption on KDE with Ubuntu 20.04/a>/h1> div classentry-meta> span classentry-date>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2022-03-18T17:34:30+00:00>Friday, March 18, 2022/time>/a>/span> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>Mark/a>/span>/span> span classcomments-link>a href>Leave a comment/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> !-- wpsso pinterest pin it image added on 2025-01-31T13:51:37+00:00 -->div classwpsso-pinterest-pin-it-image styledisplay:none !important;> img src width0 height0 classskip-lazy stylewidth:0;height:0; alt data-pin-descriptionAt some point in the past couple of weeks I guess my laptop updated libraries or something, because when I had to reboot my laptop yesterday I started seeing massive screen corruption in some applications. It manifested itself in horizontal white/black lines remaining especially when selecting... />/div>!-- .wpsso-pinterest-pin-it-image -->p>At some point in the past couple of weeks I guess my laptop updated libraries or something, because when I had to reboot my laptop yesterday I started seeing massive screen corruption in some applications. It manifested itself in horizontal white/black lines remaining especially when selecting text. This was especially visible in konsole. I couldn’t see any package in particular which had updated recently and I tried looking at a few different Xorg or kernel options but to no />br />Eventually I looked at the KDE compositor settings. I noticed that the “Rendering Backend” was set to XRender, which as far as I understand it is very old. Updating it to ‘OpenGL 3.1 instantly fixed the />br />I’m leaving this mostly as a note to myself for if it happens again in the future, but at the same time perhaps it is a wider regression in the ubuntu 20.04 KDE packages so it would help someone else./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> /article>!-- #post-1291 -->article idpost-1283 classpost-1283 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-random> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta> span classcat-links>a href relcategory tag>Random/a>/span> /div> h1 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Best wordle starter words/a>/h1> div classentry-meta> span classentry-date>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2022-01-28T11:25:18+00:00>Friday, January 28, 2022/time>/a>/span> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>Mark/a>/span>/span> span classcomments-link>a href>Leave a comment/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> !-- wpsso pinterest pin it image added on 2025-01-31T13:51:37+00:00 -->div classwpsso-pinterest-pin-it-image styledisplay:none !important;> img src width0 height0 classskip-lazy stylewidth:0;height:0; alt data-pin-descriptionI recently, like pretty much everyone else got into Wordle. One of the most important things in getting the correct answer is to find the best first word or two to start with which will help guide you to the correct answer. The ideal first word(s) should use one each of the most common letters... />/div>!-- .wpsso-pinterest-pin-it-image -->p>I recently, like pretty much everyone else got into a relnoreferrer noopener href data-typeURL data-id target_blank>Wordle/a>. One of the most important things in getting the correct answer is to find the best first word or two to start with which will help guide you to the correct answer. The ideal first word(s) should use one each of the most common letters so for example in the first 2 guesses you can test the top 10 characters./p>p>My first (relatively uneducated) guesses based on what I vaguely remembered about letter frequency in English were ‘spear’ and ‘mount’ – 4 vowels and some of the most common consonants. However it’s pretty much a random guess so I was wondering if we could figure out a better approach./p>p>It’s pretty straight forward to look at the source code of Wordle, which contains two word lists. The first one contains 2315 5-letter words which can be the answer, the second contains a further 10,000 of all possible 5 letter words in English./p>p>So, I wrote a small script to analyse the frequency of letters in the list of possible answers, and then based on that filter the possible words to find the best starting (and subsequent) guesses which would work./p>p>I’ve put the simple python script I used at the bottom of the article, but the output is:/p>p>Matching 5 new letters (39%) are: ‘arose’br />Matching 5 new letters (66%) are: ‘unlit’, ‘until’br />Matching 4 new letters (81%) are: ‘duchy’br />Matching 3 new letters (89%) are: ‘pygmy’/p>p>What this means is that if you start with the word ‘arose’, and then ‘until’ (or ‘unlit’), even though it’s only 10 unique letters (38% of the alphabet) because they are the most frequent ones they will cover 2/3 (66%) of the possible words./p>p>In terms of letter frequency overall we get the following ordered detail:/p>p>(‘e’, 1233), (‘a’, 979), (‘r’, 899), (‘o’, 754), (‘t’, 729), (‘l’, 719), (‘i’, 671), (‘s’, 669), (‘n’, 575), (‘c’, 477), (‘u’, 467), (‘y’, 425), (‘d’, 393), (‘h’, 389),br />(‘p’, 367), (‘m’, 316), (‘g’, 311), (‘b’, 281), (‘f’, 230), (‘k’, 210), (‘w’, 195), (‘v’, 153), (‘z’, 40), (‘x’, 37), (‘q’, 29), (‘j’, 27)/p>p>The script I wrote is not perfect but it’s at least a start at finding some optimum words/p>pre classEnlighterJSRAW data-enlighter-languagepython data-enlighter-theme data-enlighter-highlight data-enlighter-linenumbers data-enlighter-lineoffset data-enlighter-title data-enlighter-group>import syswith open(sys.argv1) as fh: words l.strip() for l in fhchars {}for char in .join(words): charschar chars.get(char, 0) + 1frequency sorted(chars.keys(), keylambda c: -charsc)print(sorted(chars.items(), keylambda c: -c1))total_freq 0while len(frequency) > 5: matching words letters for char in frequency: new_matching w for w in matching if char in w if new_matching: matching new_matching letters.append(char) if len(letters) 5: break total_freq + sum(charsc for c in letters) print(Matching %d new letters (%d%%) are: %r % (len(letters), total_freq / sum(chars.values()) * 100, matching)) frequency c for c in frequency if c not in letters/pre>p>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> /article>!-- #post-1283 -->article idpost-1247 classpost-1247 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-dns category-iptables category-linux category-security> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta> span classcat-links>a href relcategory tag>DNS/a>, a href relcategory tag>IPTables/a>, a href relcategory tag>Linux/a>, a href relcategory tag>Security/a>/span> /div> h1 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Simple mitigation for the new DNS cache poisoning attack/a>/h1> div classentry-meta> span classentry-date>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2020-11-13T11:37:02+00:00>Friday, November 13, 2020/time>/a>/span> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>Mark/a>/span>/span> span classcomments-link>a href>Leave a comment/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> !-- wpsso pinterest pin it image added on 2025-01-31T13:51:37+00:00 -->div classwpsso-pinterest-pin-it-image styledisplay:none !important;> img src width0 height0 classskip-lazy stylewidth:0;height:0; alt data-pin-descriptionAs reported in many places, a new attack has been presented which can allow an attacker to poison caching and forwarding DNS server entries. The PDF is an interesting read and contains many different ideas which chained together can lead to this attack. I believe the following firewall rule... />/div>!-- .wpsso-pinterest-pin-it-image -->p>As reported in a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>many places/a>, a new attack has been presented which can allow an attacker to poison caching and forwarding DNS server entries. a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>The PDF is an interesting read/a> and contains many different ideas which chained together can lead to this attack. I believe the following firewall rule should defend against the attack on caching servers with very little side effect by preventing sending of ICMP messages saying that the given UDP port was unreachable:/p>pre classEnlighterJSRAW data-enlighter-languageshell data-enlighter-theme data-enlighter-highlight data-enlighter-linenumbers data-enlighter-lineoffset data-enlighter-title data-enlighter-group>iptables -I OUTPUT -p icmp --icmp-type port-unreachable -m u32 --u32 34 & 0xFF 17 -j DROP/pre> /div>!-- .entry-content --> /article>!-- #post-1247 -->article idpost-1229 classpost-1229 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-centos category-docker category-linux> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta> span classcat-links>a href relcategory tag>Centos/a>, a href relcategory tag>Docker/a>, a href relcategory tag>Linux/a>/span> /div> h1 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Running systemd inside a Centos 8 Docker container/a>/h1> div classentry-meta> span classentry-date>a href relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2020-10-10T08:24:58+00:00>Saturday, October 10, 2020/time>/a>/span> span classbyline>span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href relauthor>Mark/a>/span>/span> span classcomments-link>a href>Leave a comment/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> !-- wpsso pinterest pin it image added on 2025-01-31T13:51:37+00:00 -->div classwpsso-pinterest-pin-it-image styledisplay:none !important;> img src width0 height0 classskip-lazy stylewidth:0;height:0; alt data-pin-descriptionSupport for systemd in Docker has improved a lot since this 2016 article, but it's still not obvious quite how to make it work. Why would you want this? Mostly for testing full-server deploys (for example we test ansible deployments against various docker containers to ensure there are no bugs)... />/div>!-- .wpsso-pinterest-pin-it-image -->Support for systemd in Docker has improved a lot since a href>this 2016 article/a>, but it’s still not obvious quite how to make it work. Why would you want this? Mostly for testing full-server deploys (for example we test ansible deployments against various docker containers to ensure there are no bugs).Here’s a systemd-based centos 8 Dockerfile that also includes an ssh server: pre classEnlighterJSRAW data-enlighter-languagesh data-enlighter-title>FROM centos:8# Set up base packages that are expectedRUN dnf -y install openssh-server crontabs NetworkManager firewalld selinux-policyRUN systemctl mask dev-mqueue.mount dev-hugepages.mount \ systemd-remount-fs.service sys-kernel-config.mount \ sys-kernel-debug.mount sys-fs-fuse-connections.mount \ systemd-logind.service \ NetworkManager.service systemd-hostnamed.serviceSTOPSIGNAL SIGRTMIN+3# SSHd setupEXPOSE 22COPY /root/.ssh/authorized_keysRUN chmod 600 /etc/ssh/ssh_host* /root/.ssh/authorized_keysCMD "/sbin/init"/pre> You can then launch this like: pre classEnlighterJSRAW data-enlighter-languagesh data-enlighter-title>docker run -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro --tmpfs /run container-name/pre> For the latest centos 7 you can use the following Dockerfile: pre classEnlighterJSRAW data-enlighter-languagesh data-enlighter-title>FROM centos:7RUN yum -y install openssh-server NetworkManager firewalld && \ systemctl disable NetworkManager && systemctl enable sshdEXPOSE 22COPY /root/.ssh/authorized_keysRUN chmod 600 /etc/ssh/ssh_host* /root/.ssh/authorized_keysSTOPSIGNAL SIGRTMIN+3CMD "/sbin/init"/pre> /div>!-- .entry-content --> /article>!-- #post-1229 --> nav classnavigation paging-navigation rolenavigation> h1 classscreen-reader-text>Posts navigation/h1> div classpagination loop-pagination> span aria-currentpage classpage-numbers current>1/span>a classpage-numbers href>2/a>span classpage-numbers dots>…/span>a classpage-numbers href>26/a>a classnext page-numbers href>Next →/a> /div>!-- .pagination --> /nav>!-- .navigation --> /div>!-- #content --> /div>!-- #primary --> /div>!-- #main-content -->div idsecondary> h2 classsite-description>High-performance Linux optimization and 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