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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 23 Mar 2025 01:43:35 GMTServer: Apache/2.4.57 (Ubuntu)Set-Cookie: OJSSIDqfgir9ig7l8umrq6scgc8nl265; path/; domainbulletin.kpi.uaCache-Control: no-storeVary: Accept-EncodingTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8 !DOCTYPE html>html langen-US xml:langen-US>head> meta charsetutf-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0> title> Research Bulletin of the National Technical University of Ukraine Kyiv Politechnic Institute /title> meta namegenerator contentOpen Journal Systems>link relalternate typeapplication/atom+xml href>link relalternate typeapplication/rdf+xml href>link relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml href> link relstylesheet href$$$call$$$/page/page/css?namestylesheet typetext/css />link relstylesheet href//,400italic,700,700italic typetext/css />link relstylesheet href typetext/css />link relstylesheet href typetext/css />/head>body classpkp_page_index pkp_op_index dirltr> div classpkp_structure_page> header classpkp_structure_head idheaderNavigationContainer rolebanner> nav classcmp_skip_to_content aria-labelJump to content links> a href#pkp_content_main>Skip to main content/a> a href#siteNav>Skip to main navigation menu/a> a href#homepageAbout>Skip to about the journal/a> a href#homepageIssue>Skip to the current issue/a> a href#pkp_content_footer>Skip to site footer/a>/nav> div classpkp_head_wrapper> div classpkp_site_name_wrapper> button classpkp_site_nav_toggle> span>Open Menu/span> /button> h1 classpkp_screen_reader> Research Bulletin of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Politechnic Institute" /h1> div classpkp_site_name> a href classis_text>Research Bulletin of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Politechnic Institute"/a> /div> /div> nav classpkp_site_nav_menu aria-labelSite Navigation> a idsiteNav>/a> div classpkp_navigation_primary_row> div classpkp_navigation_primary_wrapper> ul idnavigationPrimary classpkp_navigation_primary pkp_nav_list> li class> a href> Current /a> /li> li class> a href> Archives /a> /li> li class> a href> Announcements /a> /li> li class> a href> About /a> ul> li class> a href> About the Journal /a> /li> li class> a href> Submissions /a> /li> li class> a href> Editorial Team /a> /li> li class> a href> Privacy Statement /a> /li> li class> a href> Contact /a> /li> /ul> /li> /ul> form classpkp_search pkp_search_desktop action methodget rolesearch aria-labelArticle Search> input typehidden namecsrfToken value0a44d9384e645fc71313d5939cba48bf> input namequery value typetext aria-labelSearch Query> button typesubmit> Search /button> div classsearch_controls aria-hiddentrue> a href classheaderSearchPrompt search_prompt aria-hiddentrue> Search /a> a href# classsearch_cancel headerSearchCancel aria-hiddentrue>/a> span classsearch_loading aria-hiddentrue>/span> /div> /form> /div> /div> div classpkp_navigation_user_wrapper idnavigationUserWrapper> ul idnavigationUser classpkp_navigation_user pkp_nav_list> li classprofile> a href> Login /a> /li> /ul> /div> form classpkp_search pkp_search_mobile action methodget rolesearch aria-labelArticle Search> input typehidden namecsrfToken value0a44d9384e645fc71313d5939cba48bf> input namequery value typetext aria-labelSearch Query> button typesubmit> Search /button> div classsearch_controls aria-hiddentrue> a href classheaderSearchPrompt search_prompt aria-hiddentrue> Search /a> a href# classsearch_cancel headerSearchCancel aria-hiddentrue>/a> span classsearch_loading aria-hiddentrue>/span> /div> /form> /nav> /div>!-- .pkp_head_wrapper --> /header>!-- .pkp_structure_head --> div classpkp_structure_content has_sidebar> div classpkp_structure_main rolemain> a idpkp_content_main>/a>div classpage_index_journal> section classhomepage_about> a idhomepageAbout>/a> h2>About the Journal/h2> p> strong>a stylefont-size:22px; href>Dear authors! This site contains the archive of the journal for 2015-2018. If you’d like to submit an article or view the issues from 2019 please visit> /p>/strong>p> International scientific and technical journalstrong> was founded/strong > in 1997./p>p>strong>Certificate/strong>strong> of state registration:/strong> КВ № 23144-12984ПР from 07 August 2017./p> p>ISSN 1810-0546 (printed)/ p> p > span lang EN-GB >ISSN /span>2519-8890 (electronic)/p>p> span> CODEN: /span>span>NVNTB7/span> /p>span> LCCN: 2016214741 (Library of Congress)/span> /p> p> The journal publishes only the new results of fundamental and applied scientific research on the subjects of the journal, which had not been previously published in other scientific publications in Ukraine or abroad./p>p> The editorial board of the journal accepts overview and original research papers on the following strong>topics:/strong>strong>/strong> electronics, radio engineering and telecommunications; power engineering and energy generating technologies; Information technologies, system analysis and control; science of materials and mechanical engineering; instrument-making and information-measuring equipment; energy saving problems./p> p> span langUK> According to the order of MES of Ukraine from 07.13.2015 no. 747, from 07.10.2015 /span> span langUK> no. 1021, and from 09.03.2016 no. /span>span langUK> 241 is a strong> specialized journal on /strong> physical and mathematical, technical, biological and chemical sciences./span>/p>p>strong> The journal is included in the following databases:/strong> DOAJ, EBSCO, WorldCat, J-Gate, Google Scholar, Chemical Abstracts Plus (CASSI), OpenAIRE, Ulrichs periods Directory, BASE, Open Academic Journal Index, AcademicKeys, ResearchBib, span lang EN-US >Turkish Education Index, /span>Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, Cosmos Impact Factor, Miar, WCOSJ, I2OR, Scholarsteer, SIS, IIJIF, InfoBase Index./p>p>strong> Issue Frequency:/strong>strong> /strong> 6 times a year. strong> br/>/strong>strong> Full Text Language:/strong> Ukrainian, Russian, English./p>p>strong> Publisher:/strong> National Technical University of Ukraine Kyiv Polytechnic Institute./p>p>strong>Address:/strong> 03056, Kiev, Peremohy Avenue, 37, building 1, Room 193-b and>E-mail: a>> p>Tel.: +38(044)204-91-23; +38(044)204-94-53/p> /section> section classcurrent_issue> a idhomepageIssue>/a> h2> Current Issue /h2> div classcurrent_issue_title> No. 6 (2018) /div> div classobj_issue_toc> div classheading> div classpublished> span classlabel> Published: /span> span classvalue> 2019-01-15 /span> /div> /div> div classsections> div classsection> h3> Art /h3> ul classcmp_article_list articles> li> div classobj_article_summary> h4 classtitle> a idarticle-151520 href> Microwave Filters Based on the Structures with Resonators in Parallel Channels as Metamaterial Cells /a> /h4> div classmeta> div classauthors> Mikhail E. Ilchenko, Alexander P. Zhivkov /div> div classpages> 7-21 /div> /div> ul classgalleys_links> li> a classobj_galley_link pdf href aria-labelledbyarticle-151520> PDF /a> /li> /ul> /div> /li> li> div classobj_article_summary> h4 classtitle> a idarticle-151561 href> Efficiency of a Heat Pump Recuperative Heating and Ventilation System with Use of Heat of Ventilation and Atmospheric Air /a> /h4> div classmeta> div classauthors> Michail K. Bezrodny, Tymofii O. Misiura /div> div classpages> 22-29 /div> /div> ul classgalleys_links> li> a classobj_galley_link pdf href aria-labelledbyarticle-151561> PDF (Українська) /a> /li> /ul> /div> /li> li> div classobj_article_summary> h4 classtitle> a idarticle-151536 href> Practical Aspects of Recognition of Electric Type Defects on the Analysis Results of Gases Dissolved in Oil /a> /h4> div classmeta> div classauthors> Oleg V. Shutenko, Volodymyr B. Abramov, Ivan S. Yakovenko /div> div classpages> 30-43 /div> /div> ul classgalleys_links> li> a classobj_galley_link pdf href aria-labelledbyarticle-151536> PDF (Українська) /a> /li> /ul> /div> /li> li> div classobj_article_summary> h4 classtitle> a idarticle-151546 href> Logical Operations in Algebraic System of Aggregates for Multimodal Data Representation and Processing /a> /h4> div classmeta> div classauthors> Ivan A. Dychka, Yevgeniya S. Sulema /div> div classpages> 44-52 /div> /div> ul classgalleys_links> li> a classobj_galley_link pdf href aria-labelledbyarticle-151546> PDF /a> /li> /ul> /div> /li> li> div classobj_article_summary> h4 classtitle> a idarticle-151759 href> Program of Simplification of High-Level Polynomial at the Example of Simplification of Wilson’s Formula /a> /h4> div classmeta> div classauthors> Artem M. Yevtushenko, Yuri D. Shcherbashin /div> div classpages> 53-58 /div> /div> ul classgalleys_links> li> a classobj_galley_link pdf href aria-labelledbyarticle-151759> PDF (Українська) /a> /li> /ul> /div> /li> li> div classobj_article_summary> h4 classtitle> a idarticle-151645 href> Analysis of Air Heating in Winter in Underground Heat Exchangers and in Water Bodies During Water Freezing on Submerged Pipes /a> /h4> div classmeta> div classauthors> Ivan I. Puhoviy, Alla Ye. Denysova /div> div classpages> 59-65 /div> /div> ul classgalleys_links> li> a classobj_galley_link pdf href aria-labelledbyarticle-151645> PDF (Українська) /a> /li> /ul> /div> /li> li> div classobj_article_summary> h4 classtitle> a idarticle-149681 href> Modulation Transfer Function of the Remote Sensing System when the Line of Sight Deviates From the Nadir /a> /h4> div classmeta> div classauthors> Bogdan Yu. Pinchuk, Valentin G. Kolobrodov, Volodymyr M. Tiagur /div> div classpages> 66-80 /div> /div> ul classgalleys_links> li> a classobj_galley_link pdf href aria-labelledbyarticle-149681> PDF (Українська) /a> /li> /ul> /div> /li> li> div classobj_article_summary> h4 classtitle> a idarticle-143490 href> Factors of Microdrift of Piece Surfaces in Mechanical Processing /a> /h4> div classmeta> div classauthors> Gregory S. Tymchik, Volodymyr I. Skytsiouk, Tatiana R. Klotchko /div> div classpages> 81-87 /div> /div> ul classgalleys_links> li> a classobj_galley_link pdf href aria-labelledbyarticle-143490> PDF (Українська) /a> /li> /ul> /div> /li> /ul> /div> /div>!-- .sections -->/div> a href classread_more> View All Issues /a> /section> /div>!-- .page --> /div>!-- pkp_structure_main --> div classpkp_structure_sidebar left rolecomplementary aria-labelSidebar> div classpkp_block block_developed_by> h2 classpkp_screen_reader> Developed By /h2> div classcontent> a href> Open Journal Systems /a> /div>/div>div classpkp_block block_language idsidebarFlagToggle> img src altEnglish titleEnglish width24 height24 /> a classicon href> РУ /a> a classicon href> img src altУкраїнська titleУкраїнська width24 height24 /> /a> /div>div classpkp_block block_Keywordcloud> span classtitle>Keywords/span> div classcontent idwordcloud>/div> script> function randomColor(){ var cores #1f77b4, #ff7f0e, #2ca02c, #d62728, #9467bd, #8c564b, #e377c2, #7f7f7f, #bcbd22, #17becf; return coresMath.floor(Math.random()*cores.length); } document.addEventListener(DOMContentLoaded, function() { var keywords {text:Structure,size:12},{text:Microhardness,size:8},{text:Temperature,size:7},{text:Mathematical model,size:6},{text:Phase composition,size:6},{text:Decision support system,size:6},{text:Mathematical modeling,size:6},{text:Heat pump,size:5},{text:Pressure,size:5},{text:Modulation transfer function,size:5},{text:Friction parts,size:5},{text:New composite materials,size:5},{text:Asymptotic behavior,size:5},{text:Antiviral activity,size:4},{text:Thermal imager,size:4},{text:Model,size:4},{text:Temperature distribution,size:4},{text:Surface roughness,size:4},{text:Consistency,size:4},{text:Wiener process,size:4},{text:Credit scoring,size:4},{text:Sorption,size:4},{text:Adsorption,size:4},{text:Density functional theory,size:4},{text:Thermogram,size:3},{text:Neural network,size:3},{text:Spin waves,size:3},{text:Training set,size:3},{text:Vortex chamber,size:3},{text:Submerged cultivation,size:3},{text:Ultrafiltration,size:3},{text:Microstructure,size:3},{text:Hydrogen peroxide,size:3},{text:Algorithm,size:3},{text:Microcrystalline cellulose,size:3},{text:Coherent vortical structures,size:3},{text:Myocardium,size:3},{text:Hydrolysis,size:3},{text:Delignification,size:3},{text:Vacancy formation energy,size:3},{text:Laetiporus sulphureus,size:3},{text:Optical radiometry,size:3},{text:Productivity,size:3},{text:Metrology,size:3},{text:Cutting modes,size:3},{text:Basidiomycetes,size:3},{text:Magnetic field,size:3},{text:Zernike coefficients,size:3},{text:Financial risks,size:3},{text:Control,size:3}; var pesoTotal 0; keywords.forEach(function(item,index){pesoTotal + item.size}); var svg .attr(width, 100%) .attr(height, 100%); var width document.getElementById(wordcloud).clientWidth; var height document.getElementById(wordcloud).clientHeight; var layout .size(width, height) .words(keywords) .padding(2) .fontSize(function(d){ var minimo 0.1 * height, maximo 0.3 * height; var peso (d.size/pesoTotal) * height; if(peso minimo) return minimo; if(peso > maximo) return maximo; return peso; }) .on(end, draw); function draw(words) { svg .append(g) .attr(transform, translate( + layout.size()0 / 2 + , + layout.size()1 / 2 + )) .selectAll(text) .data(words) .enter().append(text) .style(font-size, function(d) { return d.size + px; }) .style(fill, randomColor) .style(cursor, pointer) .attr(class, keyword) .attr(text-anchor, middle) .attr(transform, function(d) { return translate( + d.x, d.y + )rotate( + d.rotate + ); }) .text(function(d) { return d.text; }) .on(click, function(d, i){ window.location, encodeURIComponent(+d.text+)); }) .on(mouseover, function(d, i) {,function(d) { return (1.25*d.size) + px; }); }) .on(mouseout, function(d, i) {,function(d) { return d.size + px; }); }); } layout.start(); }); /script>/div> /div>!-- pkp_sidebar.left --> /div>!-- pkp_structure_content -->div classpkp_structure_footer_wrapper rolecontentinfo> a idpkp_content_footer>/a> div classpkp_structure_footer> div classpkp_footer_content> !-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->script async src>/script>script> window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag(js, new Date()); gtag(config, UA-119470310-1);/script> /div> div classpkp_brand_footer rolecomplementary> a href> img altMore information about the publishing system, Platform and Workflow by OJS/PKP. src> /a> /div> /div>/div>!-- pkp_structure_footer_wrapper -->/div>!-- pkp_structure_page -->script src// typetext/javascript>/script>script src// typetext/javascript>/script>script src typetext/javascript>/script>script src typetext/javascript>/script>script src typetext/javascript>/script>script src typetext/javascript>/script>script src typetext/javascript>/script>script src typetext/javascript>/script>script src typetext/javascript>/script>/body>/html>
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