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leading-6 text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-400> span>La Vie Immigration Website and Branding/span> svg classh-5 w-5 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400 viewBox0 0 20 20 fillcurrentColor aria-hiddentrue> path fill-ruleevenodd dM7.21 14.77a.75.75 0 01.02-1.06L11.168 10 7.23 6.29a.75.75 0 111.04-1.08l4.5 4.25a.75.75 0 010 1.08l-4.5 4.25a.75.75 0 01-1.06-.02z clip-ruleevenodd>/path> /svg> /span> /a> /div> h1 classmt-10 text-2xl font-bold tracking-tight text-gray-800 dark:text-gray-100 sm:text-4xl>Building Tomorrows Solutions Today, Simplifying Complexity - Thats How We strong>Build it/strong>/h1> p classmt-6 text-lg leading-8 text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-400> We specialize in developing bespoke software solutions that precisely align with your business objectives and creating stunning websites that seamlessly integrate form and function. /p> div classmt-10 flex items-center gap-x-6> a href titleView all projects classtext-sm font-semibold leading-6 text-indigo-600 hover:text-indigo-500>View all Projects span aria-hiddentrue>→/span>/a> /div> /div> div classmx-auto mt-16 flex max-w-2xl sm:mt-24 lg:ml-10 lg:mr-0 lg:mt-0 lg:max-w-none lg:flex-none xl:ml-32> div classmax-w-3xl flex-none sm:max-w-5xl lg:max-w-none relative x-data{ active: 1, loop() { setInterval(() > { 4 ? 1 : }, 3000) }, } x-initloop > img x-showactive 1 src altApp screenshot width2432 height1442 classw-76rem rounded-md bg-white/5 shadow-2xl ring-1 ring-white/10> img x-showactive 2 src altApp screenshot width2432 height1442 classw-76rem rounded-md bg-white/5 shadow-2xl ring-1 ring-white/10> img x-showactive 3 src altApp screenshot width2432 height1442 classw-76rem rounded-md bg-white/5 shadow-2xl ring-1 ring-white/10> img x-showactive 4 src altApp screenshot width2432 height1442 classw-76rem rounded-md bg-white/5 shadow-2xl ring-1 ring-white/10> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classpx-6 pt-14 lg:px-8> div classmx-auto max-w-2xl text-center> h2 classtext-4xl font-bold tracking-tight dark:text-gray-100 text-gray-800 sm:text-4xl>We Transform Brands and Organizations with Well-crafted Software and IT Solutions/h2> p classmt-6 text-lg leading-8 text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300> Your success is our success. Join us on an exciting journey where we build a future where technology works seamlessly, complexity is simplified, and your business thrives. Together, well turn your ideas into reality, one line of code at a time. /p> /div>/div>div classmx-auto mt-20 max-w-7xl px-6 lg:px-8> div classmx-auto max-w-2xl lg:mx-0 lg:max-w-none> div classgrid max-w-xl grid-cols-1 gap-8 text-base leading-7 text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-400 lg:max-w-none lg:grid-cols-2> div> p> At Build it, we are your trusted partner in the digital realm. Our journey is rooted in a passion for innovation and an unwavering commitment to excellence. Today, we stand as a beacon of technology expertise, known for creating cutting-edge software solutions and captivating web designs that harness the power of the latest technologies. Join us to turn your ideas into reality, one line of code at a time. /p> p classmt-8> We approach each project with a fresh perspective, driven by the thrill of simplifying complexity and turning visionary ideas into reality. Whether youre a startup with ambitious goals or an established enterprise looking to streamline operations, we bring your unique vision to life. /p> /div> div> p> What sets us apart is our dedication to crafting elegant and highly functional solutions. We firmly believe that the most powerful solutions are often the simplest ones. By harnessing a rich toolkit of technologies, including PHP, Laravel, Livewire, TailwindCSS, Alpine JS, TALL Stack, NUXT JS, Vue JS, Flutter, Yii2, and more, we create digital experiences that not only astound visually but also deliver exceptional performance. /p> p classmt-8> Our team comprises a diverse blend of tech enthusiasts, designers, and creatives who thrive on innovation and staying at the forefront of industry trends. We continually evolve to ensure that your business stays ahead with the latest technological advancements. /p> /div> /div> dl classmt-16 grid grid-cols-1 gap-x-8 gap-y-12 sm:mt-20 sm:grid-cols-2 sm:gap-y-16 lg:mt-28 lg:grid-cols-4> div classflex flex-col-reverse gap-y-3 border-l border-gray-900/20 dark:border-white/20 pl-6> dt classtext-base leading-7 text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300>Business was founded/dt> dd classtext-3xl font-semibold tracking-tight text-gray-800 dark:text-white>2017/dd> /div> div classflex flex-col-reverse gap-y-3 border-l border-gray-900/20 dark:border-white/20 pl-6> dt classtext-base leading-7 text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300>People on the team/dt> dd classtext-3xl font-semibold tracking-tight text-gray-800 dark:text-white>12/dd> /div> div classflex flex-col-reverse gap-y-3 border-l border-gray-900/20 dark:border-white/20 pl-6> dt classtext-base leading-7 text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300>Companies Served/dt> dd classtext-3xl font-semibold tracking-tight text-gray-800 dark:text-white>21+/dd> /div> div classflex flex-col-reverse gap-y-3 border-l border-gray-900/20 dark:border-white/20 pl-6> dt classtext-base leading-7 text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300>Current Projects/dt> dd classtext-3xl font-semibold tracking-tight text-gray-800 dark:text-white>4/dd> /div> /dl> /div>/div> div classpy-24 sm:py-32> div classmx-auto max-w-7xl px-6 lg:px-8> div classgrid grid-cols-1 items-center gap-x-8 gap-y-16 lg:grid-cols-2> div classmx-auto w-full max-w-xl lg:mx-0> h2 classtext-3xl font-bold tracking-tight text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-100>Our customers love us/h2> p classmt-6 text-lg leading-8 text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-400>These logos represent the businesses weve had the privilege to collaborate with, each a testament to our commitment to excellence./p> div classmt-8 flex items-center gap-x-6> a href# classtext-sm font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-100>Contact us span aria-hiddentrue>→/span>/a> /div> /div> div classmx-auto grid w-full max-w-xl grid-cols-2 items-center gap-y-12 sm:gap-y-14 lg:mx-0 lg:max-w-none lg:pl-8> img classcol-span-2 max-h-12 w-full object-contain object-center lg:col-span-1 src altE-Zone HRM Limited width158 height48> img classcol-span-2 max-h-12 w-full object-contain object-center lg:col-span-1 src altBayanno TV width158 height48> img classcol-span-2 max-h-12 w-full object-contain object-center lg:col-span-1 src altFiction Factory width158 height48> img classcol-span-2 max-h-12 w-full object-contain object-center lg:col-span-1 src altLa Vie Immigration width158 height48> img classcol-span-2 max-h-12 w-full object-contain object-center lg:col-span-1 src altGlobal Energy Limited width158 height48> img classcol-span-2 max-h-12 w-full object-contain object-center lg:col-span-1 src altLa Vie Foundation width158 height48> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classrelative z-10 mt-32 bg-gray-900 pb-20 sm:pb-24 xl:pb-0> div classabsolute inset-0 overflow-hidden aria-hiddentrue> div classabsolute left-calc(50%-19rem) top-calc(50%-36rem) transform-gpu blur-3xl> div classaspect-1097/1023 w-68.5625rem bg-gradient-to-r from-#ff4694 to-#776fff opacity-25 styleclip-path: polygon(74.1% 44.1%, 100% 61.6%, 97.5% 26.9%, 85.5% 0.1%, 80.7% 2%, 72.5% 32.5%, 60.2% 62.4%, 52.4% 68.1%, 47.5% 58.3%, 45.2% 34.5%, 27.5% 76.7%, 0.1% 64.9%, 17.9% 100%, 27.6% 76.8%, 76.1% 97.7%, 74.1% 44.1%)>/div> /div> /div> div classmx-auto flex max-w-7xl flex-col items-center gap-x-8 gap-y-10 px-6 sm:gap-y-8 lg:px-8 xl:flex-row xl:items-stretch> div class-mt-8 w-full max-w-2xl xl:-mb-8 xl:w-96 xl:flex-none> div classrelative aspect-2/1 h-full md:-mx-8 xl:mx-0 xl:aspect-auto> img classabsolute inset-0 h-full w-full rounded-2xl bg-gray-800 object-cover sm:object-80% shadow-2xl src alt> /div> /div> div classw-full max-w-2xl xl:max-w-none xl:flex-auto xl:px-16 xl:py-24> figure classrelative isolate pt-6 sm:pt-12> svg viewBox0 0 162 128 fillnone aria-hiddentrue classabsolute left-0 top-0 -z-10 h-32 stroke-white/20> path idb56e9dab-6ccb-4d32-ad02-6b4bb5d9bbeb dM65.5697 118.507L65.8918 118.89C68.9503 116.314 71.367 113.253 73.1386 109.71C74.9162 106.155 75.8027 102.28 75.8027 98.0919C75.8027 94.237 75.16 90.6155 73.8708 87.2314C72.5851 83.8565 70.8137 80.9533 68.553 78.5292C66.4529 76.1079 63.9476 74.2482 61.0407 72.9536C58.2795 71.4949 55.276 70.767 52.0386 70.767C48.9935 70.767 46.4686 71.1668 44.4872 71.9924L44.4799 71.9955L44.4726 71.9988C42.7101 72.7999 41.1035 73.6831 39.6544 74.6492C38.2407 75.5916 36.8279 76.455 35.4159 77.2394L35.4047 77.2457L35.3938 77.2525C34.2318 77.9787 32.6713 78.3634 30.6736 78.3634C29.0405 78.3634 27.5131 77.2868 26.1274 74.8257C24.7483 72.2185 24.0519 69.2166 24.0519 65.8071C24.0519 60.0311 25.3782 54.4081 28.0373 48.9335C30.703 43.4454 34.3114 38.345 38.8667 33.6325C43.5812 28.761 49.0045 24.5159 55.1389 20.8979C60.1667 18.0071 65.4966 15.6179 71.1291 13.7305C73.8626 12.8145 75.8027 10.2968 75.8027 7.38572C75.8027 3.6497 72.6341 0.62247 68.8814 1.1527C61.1635 2.2432 53.7398 4.41426 46.6119 7.66522C37.5369 11.6459 29.5729 17.0612 22.7236 23.9105C16.0322 30.6019 10.618 38.4859 6.47981 47.558L6.47976 47.558L6.47682 47.5647C2.4901 56.6544 0.5 66.6148 0.5 77.4391C0.5 84.2996 1.61702 90.7679 3.85425 96.8404L3.8558 96.8445C6.08991 102.749 9.12394 108.02 12.959 112.654L12.959 112.654L12.9646 112.661C16.8027 117.138 21.2829 120.739 26.4034 123.459L26.4033 123.459L26.4144 123.465C31.5505 126.033 37.0873 127.316 43.0178 127.316C47.5035 127.316 51.6783 126.595 55.5376 125.148L55.5376 125.148L55.5477 125.144C59.5516 123.542 63.0052 121.456 65.9019 118.881L65.5697 118.507Z>/path> use href#b56e9dab-6ccb-4d32-ad02-6b4bb5d9bbeb x86>/use> /svg> blockquote classtext-lg leading-8 text-white> p> Dear Build it Team,br> Im writing to express our satisfaction with your work on our website and EZJobsBD portal. Build IT showcased exceptional professionalism and delivered beyond our expectations. /p> p classmy-2> The websites user-friendly interface and innovative features have significantly improved our online presence and engagement. EZJobsBD portal has streamlined our HR processes, enhancing overall efficiency. /p> p classmy-2> Your teams communication, collaboration, and adherence to timelines were impressive. The impact of your work is fransformative, and we highly recommend Build it for top-notch website development. /p> p> Thank you for your outstanding service. /p> /p> /blockquote> figcaption classmt-8 text-base> div classfont-semibold text-white>AKM Nurul Huda Pintoo/div> div classmt-1 text-gray-400>Director & CSO of E-Zone HRM Limited/div> /figcaption> /figure> /div> /div> /div> div classrelative z-10 py-24 sm:py-32> div classmx-auto max-w-7xl px-6 lg:px-8> div classmx-auto max-w-2xl text-center> h2 classtext-3xl font-bold tracking-tight text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-100 sm:text-4xl>Our Projects/h2> p classmt-2 text-lg leading-8 text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300>Discover the Impactful Projects Shaped by strong>Build it/strong> – Where Innovation Meets Functionality./p> /div> div classmx-auto mt-16 grid max-w-2xl grid-cols-1 gap-x-8 gap-y-20 lg:mx-0 lg:max-w-none lg:grid-cols-3> article classflex flex-col items-start justify-between> div classrelative w-full> img src alt classaspect-16/9 w-full rounded-2xl bg-gray-100 object-cover sm:aspect-2/1 lg:aspect-3/2> a href titleLa Vie Immigration Website and Branding> span classabsolute inset-0>/span> div classabsolute inset-0 rounded-2xl ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-900/10>/div> /a> /div> div classmax-w-xl> div classmt-8 flex items-center gap-x-4 text-xs> time datetime2022-07-01 00:00:00 classtext-gray-500>January 9, 2024/time> a href titleWeb Development classrelative z-10 rounded-full bg-gray-50 dark:bg-gray-700 px-3 py-1.5 font-medium text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-100>Web Development/a> a href titleBranding classrelative z-10 rounded-full bg-gray-50 dark:bg-gray-700 px-3 py-1.5 font-medium text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-100>Branding/a> /div> div classgroup relative> h3 classmt-3 text-lg font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-100 group-hover:text-gray-600 dark:group-hover:text-gray-50 dark:text-gray-300> a href titleLa Vie Immigration Website and Branding> span classabsolute inset-0>/span> La Vie Immigration Website and Branding/a> /h3> p classmt-5 line-clamp-3 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300>Welcome to Lavie Immigration, your one-stop destination for all things Canada and USA immigration. Crafted with care by 'Build it,' this website is not just a digital space but a comprehensive resource hub./p> /div> div classrelative mt-8 flex items-center gap-x-4> div classtext-sm leading-6> p classfont-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-100> Technologies used /p> a href titleWordpress> span classinline-flex items-center gap-x-1.5 rounded-full px-2 py-1 text-xs font-medium text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 ring-1 ring-inset> svg classh-1.5 w-1.5 mr-1 fill-green-500 viewBox0 0 6 6 aria-hiddentrue> circle cx3 cy3 r3 /> /svg> Wordpress /span> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classflex flex-col items-start justify-between> div classrelative w-full> img src alt classaspect-16/9 w-full rounded-2xl bg-gray-100 object-cover sm:aspect-2/1 lg:aspect-3/2> a href titleDeshvoice News Portal> span classabsolute inset-0>/span> div classabsolute inset-0 rounded-2xl ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-900/10>/div> /a> /div> div classmax-w-xl> div classmt-8 flex items-center gap-x-4 text-xs> time datetime2022-12-15 00:00:00 classtext-gray-500>November 30, 2023/time> a href titleWeb Development classrelative z-10 rounded-full bg-gray-50 dark:bg-gray-700 px-3 py-1.5 font-medium text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-100>Web Development/a> /div> div classgroup relative> h3 classmt-3 text-lg font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-100 group-hover:text-gray-600 dark:group-hover:text-gray-50 dark:text-gray-300> a href titleDeshvoice News Portal> span classabsolute inset-0>/span> Deshvoice News Portal/a> /h3> p classmt-5 line-clamp-3 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300>Build it's integration of Laravel and the TALL Stack brings a new dimension to Desh Voice's digital presence, providing not just a news portal but an all-encompassing platform for immersive content creation and consumption/p> /div> div classrelative mt-8 flex items-center gap-x-4> div classtext-sm leading-6> p classfont-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-100> Technologies used /p> a href titleTALL Stack> span classinline-flex items-center gap-x-1.5 rounded-full px-2 py-1 text-xs font-medium text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 ring-1 ring-inset> svg classh-1.5 w-1.5 mr-1 fill-green-500 viewBox0 0 6 6 aria-hiddentrue> circle cx3 cy3 r3 /> /svg> TALL Stack /span> /a> a href titleLaravel> span classinline-flex items-center gap-x-1.5 rounded-full px-2 py-1 text-xs font-medium text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 ring-1 ring-inset> svg classh-1.5 w-1.5 mr-1 fill-green-500 viewBox0 0 6 6 aria-hiddentrue> circle cx3 cy3 r3 /> /svg> Laravel /span> /a> a href titleTailwind CSS> span classinline-flex items-center gap-x-1.5 rounded-full px-2 py-1 text-xs font-medium text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 ring-1 ring-inset> svg classh-1.5 w-1.5 mr-1 fill-green-500 viewBox0 0 6 6 aria-hiddentrue> circle cx3 cy3 r3 /> /svg> Tailwind CSS /span> /a> a href titleLivewire> span classinline-flex items-center gap-x-1.5 rounded-full px-2 py-1 text-xs font-medium text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 ring-1 ring-inset> svg classh-1.5 w-1.5 mr-1 fill-green-500 viewBox0 0 6 6 aria-hiddentrue> circle cx3 cy3 r3 /> /svg> Livewire /span> /a> a href titleAlpine JS> span classinline-flex items-center gap-x-1.5 rounded-full px-2 py-1 text-xs font-medium text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 ring-1 ring-inset> svg classh-1.5 w-1.5 mr-1 fill-green-500 viewBox0 0 6 6 aria-hiddentrue> circle cx3 cy3 r3 /> /svg> Alpine JS /span> /a> a href titlePHP> span classinline-flex items-center gap-x-1.5 rounded-full px-2 py-1 text-xs font-medium text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 ring-1 ring-inset> svg classh-1.5 w-1.5 mr-1 fill-green-500 viewBox0 0 6 6 aria-hiddentrue> circle cx3 cy3 r3 /> /svg> PHP /span> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classflex flex-col items-start justify-between> div classrelative w-full> img src alt classaspect-16/9 w-full rounded-2xl bg-gray-100 object-cover sm:aspect-2/1 lg:aspect-3/2> a href titleBayanno TV Website> span classabsolute inset-0>/span> div classabsolute inset-0 rounded-2xl ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-900/10>/div> /a> /div> div classmax-w-xl> div classmt-8 flex items-center gap-x-4 text-xs> time datetime2022-05-21 00:00:00 classtext-gray-500>November 30, 2023/time> a href titleWeb Development classrelative z-10 rounded-full bg-gray-50 dark:bg-gray-700 px-3 py-1.5 font-medium text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-100>Web Development/a> /div> div classgroup relative> h3 classmt-3 text-lg font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-100 group-hover:text-gray-600 dark:group-hover:text-gray-50 dark:text-gray-300> a href titleBayanno TV Website> span classabsolute inset-0>/span> Bayanno TV Website/a> /h3> p classmt-5 line-clamp-3 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300>Bayanno television needed an easy interface for their news portal website./p> /div> div classrelative mt-8 flex items-center gap-x-4> div classtext-sm leading-6> p classfont-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-100> Technologies used /p> a href titleWordpress> span classinline-flex items-center gap-x-1.5 rounded-full px-2 py-1 text-xs font-medium text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 ring-1 ring-inset> svg classh-1.5 w-1.5 mr-1 fill-green-500 viewBox0 0 6 6 aria-hiddentrue> circle cx3 cy3 r3 /> /svg> Wordpress /span> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> /div> div classmt-8 flex border-t border-gray-300 dark:border-gray-600 pt-8> a href titleView all projects classtext-sm font-semibold leading-6 text-indigo-600 hover:text-indigo-500>View all Projects span aria-hiddentrue>→/span>/a> /div> /div>/div> /main> /div> footer classtext-gray-300 bg-gray-50 dark:bg-gray-800 aria-labelledbyfooter-heading> h2 idfooter-heading classsr-only>Footer/h2> div classmx-auto max-w-7xl px-6 pb-8 pt-16 sm:pt-24 lg:px-8 lg:pt-32> div classxl:grid xl:grid-cols-3 xl:gap-8> div classspace-y-8> a href titleBuild it classtext-red-300/90 flex items-center> img altBuild it classh-6 hidden dark:block src height16> img altBuild it classh-6 block dark:hidden src 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