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srcassets/images/main/new2.gif width30 height20 altNew> /div> a hrefpdf/2024/final_Supp_timetable_2024.pdf target_blank>font colorred>DIPLOMA/font>/a> || a hrefpdf/2024/final_UNDER_SUPP_EXAM_TIMETABLE_2024.pdf target_blank>font colorred>UNDERGRADUATE/font>/a> || a hrefpdf/2024/final_POST_SUPPL_EXAM_TIMETABLE_2024.pdf target_blank>font colorred>POSTGRADUATE/font>/a> /div> /div>--> /div> /div>small classd-block text-end mt-3> a hrefnews.php>View All News/a> /small> /div>/section>section classcontainer-fluid> div classrow mb-3 text-center> div classcol-sm-12 col-lg-8> div classcard> nav> div classnav nav-pills mb-3 idnav-tab roletablist> button classnav-link active idnav-home-tab data-bs-toggletab data-bs-target#nav-home typebutton roletab aria-controlsnav-home aria-selectedtrue>VICE CHANCELLOR/button> button classnav-link idnav-profile-tab data-bs-toggletab data-bs-target#nav-profile typebutton roletab aria-controlsnav-profile aria-selectedfalse>UNIVERISTY PROGRAMMES/button> button classnav-link idnav-contact-tab data-bs-toggletab data-bs-target#nav-contact typebutton roletab aria-controlsnav-contact aria-selectedfalse>UNIVERSITY PROJECTS/button> /div> /nav> div classtab-content idnav-tabContent> !-- Content for Vice Chancellor tab --> div classtab-pane fade show active idnav-home roletabpanel aria-labelledbynav-home-tab> div classrow row-cols-1 row-cols-md-2 g-4> div classcol> div classcard text-center> img srcassets/images/main/vc_2024.jpg width100% height200 roleimg classmx-auto d-block> text x50% y50% fill#dee2e6 dy.3em> b>Prof. Erasmus Kazaura Kamugisha - MD(UDSM),MSc(Makerere),PhD (SAUT)- Vice Chancellor - CUHAS/b> /text> div classcard-body> p classh4>span classbadge bg-primary>Message from Vice Chancellor/span>/p> /div> p>As a University, we continue to challenge ourselves to improve the learningand social environment for our students as well as a good workingenvironment for our staff, including investing in a modern Post-graduateBlock./p> a hrefcuhas_overview.php#featured-3>button typebutton classbtn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary>Read More/button>/a> /div>/div> div classcol> div classcard> div classcard-header navbar-light bg-warning>OUR VISION/div> div classcard-body> h5 classcard-title>/h5> p classcard-text>The Vision of the University is to become an outstanding Tanzanian Catholic University excelling in training, research, and health care; while remaining responsive to societal needs/p> /div> div classcard-header navbar-light bg-warning>OUR MISSION/div> div classcard-body> h5 classcard-title>/h5> p classcard-text p-0 text-end alignleft> ul styletext-align: left; > li>To provide skilled and competent human resources that are vested with moral and ethical values;/li> li>Search, discover, and communicate the truth to advance the frontiers of knowledge; and/li> li>Provide quality services to the community./li> /ul> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Content for University Programmes tab --> div classtab-pane fade idnav-profile roletabpanel aria-labelledbynav-profile-tab> p> !-- Table content for Diploma Programmes --> table classtable table-sm table-bordered> thead> tr> th alignleft>DIPLOMA PROGRAMMES/th> th>/th> th>Duration/th> /tr> /thead> tbody> tr> td alignleft>1. DIPLOMA IN MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCES (DMLS)/td> td>/td> td>3 YEARS/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft>2. DIPLOMA IN DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY (DDR)/td> td>/td> td>3 YEARS/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft>3. DIPLOMA IN PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES (DPS)/td> td>/td> td>3 YEARS/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> !-- Table content for Undergraduate Programmes --> table classtable table-sm table-bordered> thead> tr> th alignleft>UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES/th> th>/th> th>Duration/th> /tr> /thead> tbody> tr> td alignleft>1. DOCTOR OF MEDICINE (MD)/td> td>/td> td>5 YEARS/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft>2. BACHELOR OF PHARMACY (BPharm)/td> td>/td> td>4 YEARS/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft>3. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING (BSN)/td> td>/td> td>4 YEARS/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft>4. BACHELOR OF MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCES (BMLS)/td> td>/td> td>3 YEARS/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft>5. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING EDUCATION (BSNed)/td> td>/td> td>4 YEARS/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft>6. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MEDICAL IMAGING AND RADIOTHERAPY (BScMIR)/td> td>/td> td>4 YEARS/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> !-- Table content for Postgraduate Programmes --> table classtable table-sm table-bordered> thead> tr> th alignleft>POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMMES/th> th>/th> th>Duration/th> /tr> /thead> tbody> tr> td alignleft>1. MASTERS OF PUBLIC HEALTH/td> td>/td> td>1 YEAR/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft>2. MASTER OF MEDICINE (INTERNAL MEDICINE, SURGERY, PAEDIATRICS, OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY, ANATOMICAL PATHOLOGY, RADIOLOGY, ENT)/td> td>/td> td>3 YEARS/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft>3. MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PAEDIATRIC NURSING/td> td>/td> td>2 YEARS/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft>4. MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND DIAGNOSTIC MOLECULAR BIOLOGY/td> td>/td> td>2 YEARS/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft>5. MASTERS OF SCIENCE IN EPIDEMIOLOGY & BIOSTATISTICS/td> td>/td> td>2 YEARS/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft>6. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Ph.D)/td> td>/td> td>3-5 YEARS/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /p> /div> !-- Content for University Projects tab --> div classtab-pane fade idnav-contact roletabpanel aria-labelledbynav-contact-tab> div classbd-example-snippet bd-code-snippet> div classbd-example> div classlist-group> a href target_blank classlist-group-item list-group-item-action list-group-item-primary>HEPI-THET/a> a href# classlist-group-item list-group-item-action list-group-item-secondary>OPEN ACCESS FOR ALL PROJECT/a> a href target_blank classlist-group-item list-group-item-action list-group-item-primary>IMPACT AFRICA/a> a href# classlist-group-item list-group-item-action list-group-item-secondary>SOPHEA PROJECT/a> a classlist-group-item list-group-item-action list-group-item-secondary href target_blank>HATUA PROJECT/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-12 col-lg-4> div classcard> div classcard-header> strong>CUHAS ABSTRACT BOOKS/strong> /div> div classcard-body> a href classbtn btn-primary target_blank>GET THEM NOW/a> /div> /div> br> div classcard> div classcard-header> strong>RECENT PUBLICATIONS/strong> /div> div classcard-body> p class>a href target_blank classbtn btn-success alignleft>Intersecting social and environmental determinants of multidrug-resistant urinary tract infections in East Africa beyond antibiotic use/a>/p> p class>a href target_blank classbtn btn-success alignleft>Protocol for surveillance of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria causing community-acquired urinary tract infections in low-income countries/a>/p> p class>a href target_blank classbtn btn-success alignleft>Developing a logic model for communication-based interventions on antimicrobial resistance (AMR)/a>/p> /div> div classcard-footer text-body-secondary> a hrefpublications.php classbtn btn-primary>More Publication/a> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section> section> div classcontainer> div classrow data-masonry{percentPosition: true }> div classcol-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-4> div classcard> img classcard-img-top srcassets/images/main/cuhasnewletter.jpg altCUHAS Overview> button classw-100 py-2 mb-2 btn btn-outline-danger rounded-2 typesubmit> svg classbi me-1 width16 height16>use xlink:href#facebook/>/svg> CUHAS NEWSLETTER /button> div classcard-body> p classcard-text>The CUHAS Newsletter has been established to serve as a vehicle to conveyCUHAS news to our internal and external stakeholders, keep them informed of important events, activities and programmesthat we as an institution are engaged in. It is our hope that the Bi-Annual issues ofthis Newsletter will keep our readers closer to CUHAS and get them excited and involved inwhat we are doing.This first issue of the Newsletter focuses on the Change of Guard at CUHAS./p> div classd-flex justify-content-between align-items-center> div classbtn-group> a hrefcuhasnewsletter.php>button typebutton classbtn btn-sm btn-outline-primary>Read More/button>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-4> div classcard> img classcard-img-top srcassets/images/main/sample3.jpg altResearch Activities> button classw-100 py-2 mb-2 btn btn-outline-primary rounded-2 typesubmit> svg classbi me-1 width16 height16>use xlink:href#facebook/>/svg> RESEARCH ACTIVITIES /button> div classcard-body> p classcard-text>Research is one of the core functions of CUHAS. This is embodied within the mission of the institution in which the University pledges to be “a centre of excellence providing high quality education, research and services in the field of health sciences”. Research in an institution of higher learning, such as CUHAS, serves many purposes that relate to Training, Services Provision to Society and Human Resource Development./p> div classd-flex justify-content-between align-items-center> div classbtn-group> a hrefresearch.php>button typebutton classbtn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary>Read More/button>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-4> div classcard> img classcard-img-top srcassets/images/main/scientific.jpg altScientific Conference> button classw-100 py-2 mb-2 btn btn-outline-success rounded-2 typesubmit> svg classbi me-1 width10 height6>use xlink:href#facebook/>/svg> SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE /button> div classcard-body> p classcard-text>Each year in November, CUHAS-BUGANDO organizes a Scientific Conference, as one of the events of the Graduation Week. This year will see our 13rd Scientific Conference taking place in Mwanza. An Abstract Book is produced containing the presentations made and the posters exhibited during the event. The attendance includes local and international researchers and offers also the possibility to students to showcase their research./p> div classd-flex justify-content-between align-items-center> div classbtn-group> a hrefprojects/Scientific_Conference/Scientific_Portal/index.php>button typebutton classbtn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary>Read More/button>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> div classrow data-masonry{percentPosition: true }> div classcol-md-4 mb-4> div classcard> p aligncenter>Event & Gallery/p> div classcard-body> article classmy-2 idcarousel> div> div classbd-example-snippet bd-code-snippet>div classbd-example> div idcarouselExampleCaptions classcarousel slide data-bs-ridecarousel> div classcarousel-indicators> button typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleCaptions data-bs-slide-to0 classactive aria-currenttrue aria-labelSlide 1>/button> button typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleCaptions data-bs-slide-to1 aria-labelSlide 2>/button> button typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleCaptions data-bs-slide-to2 aria-labelSlide 3>/button> button typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleCaptions data-bs-slide-to3 aria-labelSlide 4>/button> button typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleCaptions data-bs-slide-to4 aria-labelSlide 5>/button> button typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleCaptions data-bs-slide-to5 aria-labelSlide 0>/button> /div> div classcarousel-inner> div classcarousel-item active> img classbd-placeholder-img bd-placeholder-img-lg d-block w-100 src altSecond slide> div classcarousel-caption d-none d-md-block> h5>/h5> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item > img classbd-placeholder-img bd-placeholder-img-lg d-block w-100 srcassets/images/main/gender_2024.jpg roleimg aria-labelPlaceholder: First slide preserveAspectRatioxMidYMid slice focusablefalse>rect width100% height100% fill#777/>text x50% y50% fill#555 dy.3em>/text>/img> div classcarousel-caption d-none d-md-block> h5>GBV&H ON MENTAL HEALTH/h5> /div> /div> /div> button classcarousel-control-prev typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleCaptions data-bs-slideprev> span classcarousel-control-prev-icon aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classvisually-hidden>Previous/span> /button> button classcarousel-control-next typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleCaptions data-bs-slidenext> span classcarousel-control-next-icon aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classvisually-hidden>Next/span> /button> /div> /div>/div> /div> /article> p classcard-text alignright>small classtext-body-secondary>a hrefgallery.php>VIEW MORE/a>/small>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 mb-4> div classcard> p aligncenter>YouTube Channel/p> div classcard-body> iframe width100% height280 src titleCUHAS BUGANDO 16th GRADUATION 2023 frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share allowfullscreen>/iframe> p classcard-text alignright>small classtext-body-secondary>a href target_blank>View More Video/a>/small>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 mb-4> div classcard> p aligncenter>ALUMNI OF THE MONTH/p> div classcard-body> img srcassets/images/alumni/adam.jpg width220 height250 aligncenter>br>br> MR. 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hrefcuhas_overview.php#featured-3>button typebutton classbtn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary>Read More/button>/a> /div>/div> div classcol> div classcard> div classcard-header navbar-light bg-warning>OUR VISION/div> div classcard-body> h5 classcard-title>/h5> p classcard-text>The Vision of the University is to become an outstanding Tanzanian Catholic University excelling in training, research, and health care; while remaining responsive to societal needs/p> /div> div classcard-header navbar-light bg-warning>OUR MISSION/div> div classcard-body> h5 classcard-title>/h5> p classcard-text p-0 text-end alignleft> ul styletext-align: left; > li>To provide skilled and competent human resources that are vested with moral and ethical values;/li> li>Search, discover, and communicate the truth to advance the frontiers of knowledge; and/li> li>Provide quality services to the community./li> /ul> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Content for University Programmes tab --> div classtab-pane fade 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DIPLOMA IN MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCES (DMLS)/td> td>/td> td>3 YEARS/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft>2. DIPLOMA IN DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY (DDR)/td> td>/td> td>3 YEARS/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft>3. DIPLOMA IN PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES (DPS)/td> td>/td> td>3 YEARS/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> !-- Table content for Undergraduate Programmes --> table classtable table-sm table-bordered> thead> tr> th alignleft>UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES/th> th>/th> th>Duration/th> /tr> /thead> tbody> tr> td alignleft>1. DOCTOR OF MEDICINE (MD)/td> td>/td> td>5 YEARS/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft>2. BACHELOR OF PHARMACY (BPharm)/td> td>/td> td>4 YEARS/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft>3. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING (BSN)/td> td>/td> td>4 YEARS/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft>4. BACHELOR OF MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCES (BMLS)/td> td>/td> td>3 YEARS/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft>5. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING EDUCATION (BSNed)/td> td>/td> td>4 YEARS/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft>6. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MEDICAL IMAGING AND RADIOTHERAPY (BScMIR)/td> td>/td> td>4 YEARS/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> !-- Table content for Postgraduate Programmes --> table classtable table-sm table-bordered> thead> tr> th alignleft>POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMMES/th> th>/th> th>Duration/th> /tr> /thead> tbody> tr> td alignleft>1. MASTERS OF PUBLIC HEALTH/td> td>/td> td>1 YEAR/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft>2. MASTER OF MEDICINE (INTERNAL MEDICINE, SURGERY, PAEDIATRICS, OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY, ANATOMICAL PATHOLOGY, RADIOLOGY, ENT)/td> td>/td> td>3 YEARS/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft>3. MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PAEDIATRIC NURSING/td> td>/td> td>2 YEARS/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft>4. MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND DIAGNOSTIC MOLECULAR BIOLOGY/td> td>/td> td>2 YEARS/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft>5. MASTERS OF SCIENCE IN EPIDEMIOLOGY & BIOSTATISTICS/td> td>/td> td>2 YEARS/td> /tr> tr> td alignleft>6. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Ph.D)/td> td>/td> td>3-5 YEARS/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /p> /div> !-- Content for University Projects tab --> div classtab-pane fade idnav-contact roletabpanel aria-labelledbynav-contact-tab> div classbd-example-snippet bd-code-snippet> div classbd-example> div classlist-group> a href target_blank classlist-group-item list-group-item-action list-group-item-primary>HEPI-THET/a> a href# classlist-group-item list-group-item-action list-group-item-secondary>OPEN ACCESS FOR ALL PROJECT/a> a href target_blank classlist-group-item list-group-item-action list-group-item-primary>IMPACT AFRICA/a> a href# classlist-group-item list-group-item-action list-group-item-secondary>SOPHEA PROJECT/a> a classlist-group-item list-group-item-action list-group-item-secondary href target_blank>HATUA PROJECT/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-12 col-lg-4> div classcard> div classcard-header> strong>CUHAS ABSTRACT BOOKS/strong> /div> div classcard-body> a href classbtn btn-primary target_blank>GET THEM NOW/a> /div> /div> br> div classcard> div classcard-header> strong>RECENT PUBLICATIONS/strong> /div> div classcard-body> p class>a href target_blank classbtn btn-success alignleft>Intersecting social and environmental determinants of multidrug-resistant urinary tract infections in East Africa beyond antibiotic use/a>/p> p class>a href target_blank classbtn btn-success alignleft>Protocol for surveillance of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria causing community-acquired urinary tract infections in low-income countries/a>/p> p class>a href target_blank classbtn btn-success alignleft>Developing a logic model for communication-based interventions on antimicrobial resistance (AMR)/a>/p> /div> div classcard-footer text-body-secondary> a hrefpublications.php classbtn btn-primary>More Publication/a> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section> section> div classcontainer> div classrow data-masonry{percentPosition: true }> div classcol-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-4> div classcard> img classcard-img-top srcassets/images/main/cuhasnewletter.jpg altCUHAS Overview> button classw-100 py-2 mb-2 btn btn-outline-danger rounded-2 typesubmit> svg classbi me-1 width16 height16>use xlink:href#facebook/>/svg> CUHAS NEWSLETTER /button> div classcard-body> p classcard-text>The CUHAS Newsletter has been established to serve as a vehicle to conveyCUHAS news to our internal and external stakeholders, keep them informed of important events, activities and programmesthat we as an institution are engaged in. It is our hope that the Bi-Annual issues ofthis Newsletter will keep our readers closer to CUHAS and get them excited and involved inwhat we are doing.This first issue of the Newsletter focuses on the Change of Guard at CUHAS./p> div classd-flex justify-content-between align-items-center> div classbtn-group> a hrefcuhasnewsletter.php>button typebutton classbtn btn-sm btn-outline-primary>Read More/button>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-4> div classcard> img classcard-img-top srcassets/images/main/sample3.jpg altResearch Activities> button classw-100 py-2 mb-2 btn btn-outline-primary rounded-2 typesubmit> svg classbi me-1 width16 height16>use xlink:href#facebook/>/svg> RESEARCH ACTIVITIES /button> div classcard-body> p classcard-text>Research is one of the core functions of CUHAS. This is embodied within the mission of the institution in which the University pledges to be “a centre of excellence providing high quality education, research and services in the field of health sciences”. Research in an institution of higher learning, such as CUHAS, serves many purposes that relate to Training, Services Provision to Society and Human Resource Development./p> div classd-flex justify-content-between align-items-center> div classbtn-group> a hrefresearch.php>button typebutton classbtn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary>Read More/button>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-4> div classcard> img classcard-img-top srcassets/images/main/scientific.jpg altScientific Conference> button classw-100 py-2 mb-2 btn btn-outline-success rounded-2 typesubmit> svg classbi me-1 width10 height6>use xlink:href#facebook/>/svg> SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE /button> div classcard-body> p classcard-text>Each year in November, CUHAS-BUGANDO organizes a Scientific Conference, as one of the events of the Graduation Week. This year will see our 13rd Scientific Conference taking place in Mwanza. An Abstract Book is produced containing the presentations made and the posters exhibited during the event. The attendance includes local and international researchers and offers also the possibility to students to showcase their research./p> div classd-flex justify-content-between align-items-center> div classbtn-group> a hrefprojects/Scientific_Conference/Scientific_Portal/index.php>button typebutton classbtn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary>Read More/button>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> div classrow data-masonry{percentPosition: true }> div classcol-md-4 mb-4> div classcard> p aligncenter>Event & Gallery/p> div classcard-body> article classmy-2 idcarousel> div> div classbd-example-snippet bd-code-snippet>div classbd-example> div idcarouselExampleCaptions classcarousel slide data-bs-ridecarousel> div classcarousel-indicators> button typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleCaptions data-bs-slide-to0 classactive aria-currenttrue aria-labelSlide 1>/button> button typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleCaptions data-bs-slide-to1 aria-labelSlide 2>/button> button typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleCaptions data-bs-slide-to2 aria-labelSlide 3>/button> button typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleCaptions data-bs-slide-to3 aria-labelSlide 4>/button> button typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleCaptions data-bs-slide-to4 aria-labelSlide 5>/button> button typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleCaptions data-bs-slide-to5 aria-labelSlide 0>/button> /div> div classcarousel-inner> div classcarousel-item active> img classbd-placeholder-img bd-placeholder-img-lg d-block w-100 src altSecond slide> div classcarousel-caption d-none d-md-block> h5>/h5> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item > img classbd-placeholder-img bd-placeholder-img-lg d-block w-100 srcassets/images/main/gender_2024.jpg roleimg aria-labelPlaceholder: First slide preserveAspectRatioxMidYMid slice focusablefalse>rect width100% height100% fill#777/>text x50% y50% fill#555 dy.3em>/text>/img> div classcarousel-caption d-none d-md-block> h5>GBV&H ON MENTAL HEALTH/h5> /div> /div> /div> button classcarousel-control-prev typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleCaptions data-bs-slideprev> span classcarousel-control-prev-icon aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classvisually-hidden>Previous/span> /button> button classcarousel-control-next typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleCaptions data-bs-slidenext> span classcarousel-control-next-icon aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classvisually-hidden>Next/span> /button> /div> /div>/div> /div> /article> p classcard-text alignright>small classtext-body-secondary>a hrefgallery.php>VIEW MORE/a>/small>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 mb-4> div classcard> p aligncenter>YouTube Channel/p> div classcard-body> iframe width100% height280 src titleCUHAS BUGANDO 16th GRADUATION 2023 frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share allowfullscreen>/iframe> p classcard-text alignright>small classtext-body-secondary>a href target_blank>View More Video/a>/small>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 mb-4> div classcard> p aligncenter>ALUMNI OF THE MONTH/p> div classcard-body> img srcassets/images/alumni/adam.jpg width220 height250 aligncenter>br>br> MR. ADAM ABSALOM MWAKYOMA:- HEALTH LABORATORY SCIENTIST p classcard-text alignright>small classtext-body-secondary>a href target_blank>READ MORE /a>/small>/p> /div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/main>div idfb-root>/div>script async defer src>/script>div classb-example-divider>/div> div classcontainer px-4 py-1 bg-dark idicon-grid > footer classpt-4 my-md-5 pt-md-2 border-top bg-dark data-bs-themedark> div classrow> div classcol-12 col-md text-info> h6>CONTACT INFO/h6>hr> p classlist-unstyled text-small text-light>CUHAS, P.O. 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