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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 23:56:37 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlTransfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-alivelocation: hostingerpanel: hpanelcontent-security-policy: upgrade-insecure-requestsx-turbo-charged-by: LiteSpeedcf-cache-status: DYNAMICReport-To: {endpoints:{url:https:\/\/\/report\/v4?sOEdek0l4gPEaMNJYGV57J3gv9baBGm9JNAuvGHOWf6wmUYIlDODohJEMo4Xij9EpoO9BX%2B%2BbWi01ftm7PCGw6OeSr9BXbJV20Zfpc1Re%2BZt4z4nG2EubOHFi5ncJuQ%3D%3D},group:cf-nel,max_age:604800}NEL: {success_fraction:0,report_to:cf-nel,max_age:604800}Server: cloudflareCF-RAY: 8df9802e3d84eb9f-SEAalt-svc: h3:443; ma86400server-timing: cfL4;desc?protoTCP&rtt10678&sent1&recv3&lost0&retrans0&sent_bytes0&recv_bytes50&delivery_rate0&cwnd245&unsent_bytes0&cid0000000000000000&ts0&x0 !DOCTYPE html>html styleheight:100%>head>meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, shrink-to-fitno />title> 301 Moved Permanently/title>style>@media (prefers-color-scheme:dark){body{background-color:#000!important}}/style>/head>body stylecolor: #444; margin:0;font: normal 14px/20px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; height:100%; background-color: #fff;>div styleheight:auto; min-height:100%; > div styletext-align: center; width:800px; margin-left: -400px; position:absolute; top: 30%; left:50%;> h1 stylemargin:0; font-size:150px; line-height:150px; font-weight:bold;>301/h1>h2 stylemargin-top:20px;font-size: 30px;>Moved Permanently/h2>p>The document has been permanently moved./p>/div>/div>/body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 23:56:38 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-alivex-powered-by: PHP/7.4.33vary: Accept-Encodingplatform: hostingerpanel: hpanelcontent-security-policy: upgrade-insecure-requestsx-turbo-charged-by: LiteSpeedcf-cache-status: DYNAMICReport-To: {endpoints:{url:https:\/\/\/report\/v4?sC1%2FVRrpCQZAEXcQIqXPVCeQ2HsZSxZOTDo18Z90uBlIjFOzQWtyTUUDJUc0YEyeYFc0xtn3As79NV%2FLifroREt0xcnRGof%2Fo9hNQYg2pRpMeoRFonOzd1bjNL%2FcqFg%3D%3D},group:cf-nel,max_age:604800}NEL: {success_fraction:0,report_to:cf-nel,max_age:604800}Server: cloudflareCF-RAY: 8df980308faf16da-SEAalt-svc: h3:443; ma86400server-timing: cfL4;desc?protoTCP&rtt10343&sent5&recv6&lost0&retrans0&sent_bytes2850&recv_bytes722&delivery_rate281246&cwnd252&unsent_bytes0&cidb42fa362fa0a8f72&ts379&x0 !DOCTYPE html>html langfr>head> title>Page par défaut/title> meta charsetutf-8> meta contentIEedge,chrome1 http-equivX-UA-Compatible> meta contentPage par défaut namedescription> meta contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1 nameviewport> link href relstylesheet> script src>/script> script src>/script> link href relstylesheet> link href,300i,400,400i,600,600i,700,700i,800,800i&subsetcyrillic,cyrillic-ext,greek,greek-ext,latin-ext,vietnamese relstylesheet> style> body { font-family: Open Sans, Helvetica, sans-serif; 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} .column-custom { border-radius: 5px; background-color: #eeecf9; padding: 35px; margin-bottom: 20px; } .footer { font-size: 13px; color: gray !important; margin-top: 25px; line-height: 1.4; margin-bottom: 45px; } .footer a { cursor: pointer; color: #646464 !important; font-size: 12px; } .copyright { color: #646464 !important; font-size: 12px; } .navbar a { color: white !important; } .navbar { border-radius: 0px !important; } .navbar-inverse { background-color: #434343; border: none; } .column-custom-wrap{ padding-top: 10px 20px; } @media screen and (max-width: 768px) { .message { width: 75%; padding: 35px; } .container { margin-top: 30px; } } } /style>/head>body>nav classnavbar navbar-inverse> div classcontainer-fluid> div classnavbar-header> button classnavbar-toggle data-target#myNavbar data-togglecollapse typebutton> span classicon-bar>/span> span classicon-bar>/span> span classicon-bar>/span> /button> a classnavbar-brand href relnofollow>img src width120 altHostinger>/a> /div> div classcollapse navbar-collapse idmyNavbar> ul classnav navbar-nav navbar-right> li> a href relnofollow>i aria-hiddentrue classfa fa-graduation-cap>/i> Tutoriels/a> /li> li> a href relnofollow>i aria-hiddentrue classfa fa-trophy>/i> Gagnez de largent/a> /li> li> a href relnofollow>i aria-hiddentrue classfa fa-user>/i> Affiliés/a> /li> li> a href relnofollow>i aria-hiddentrue classfa fa-lock>/i> Connexion/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div>/nav>div classempty-account-page> div classcontainer> div classrow congratz> h1>Votre compte a été créé/h1>em>/em> h2 idpathName>em>/em>/h2> /div> div classrow message> p>Le site web span idwebsite styleword-break:break-all;>/span> a bien été installé sur le serveur! Veuillez supprimer le fichier span stylefont-weight: bold;>default.php/span> dans le dossier public_html et mettre en ligne votre site par FTP ou avec le Gestionnaire de Fichiers/p> /div> div classcol-xs-12> h2>Et ensuite ?/h2> /div> div classcolumn-wrap clearfix> div classcol-xs-12> hr> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-4 column-custom-wrap> div classcolumn-custom> h3>Club Elite dAffiliation/h3> br> p>Vous cherchez un moyen facile de gagner de largent en ligne ? Rejoignez le Club Elite dAffiliation : un nouveau programme daffiliation optimisé qui vous rapportera de gros sous en peu de temps/p> br> a href relnofollow>En savoir plus/a> /div> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-4 column-custom-wrap> div classcolumn-custom> h3 stylepadding-bottom: 5px>Base de connaissances/h3> br> p>Vous avez une idée de site web mais ne savez pas par où commencer ? Nous avons les réponses. Cherchez parmi les catégories ou tapez simplement un mot pour commencer votre recherche./p> br> a href relnofollow>En savoir plus/a> /div> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-4 column-custom-wrap> div classcolumn-custom> h3 stylepadding-bottom: 5px>Blog Hostinger (anglais)/h3> br> p>Faites partie de la communaute Hostinger. Inscrivez vous pour avoir des infos sur linginérie, le marketing et dautres nouveautés du monde de lhébergement web./p> br> a href relnofollow>En savoir plus/a> /div> /div> /div> div classfooter> div classrow> div classtext-center stylemargin-bottom: 10px;> a href relnofollow>Client Connexion/a> /div> div classcopyright text-center> Hostinger © 2024. Tous droits réservés /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>script> var pathName window.location.hostname; var account document.getElementById(pathName); var accountText document.getElementById(website); account.innerHTML pathName; accountText.innerHTML pathName;/script>/body>/html>
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