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2005-04-29 00:00:00
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Port 80
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Wed, 04 Dec 2024 11:58:57 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 02:51:12 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 2648Content-Type: text html>head>title>All Hail Borgoth/title>/head>body bgcolorFFFFFF>center>H2>>Everything is under construction in some sense or another. How could this be any different?/center>This is NOT a blog.p>Im a> I came to my faith as an adult, on my own (well, Jesus helped some). I dont go to church. Church seems to be full of people whove gone to church and had faith all of their lives, and for whom faith, fellowship, and doing right are a lifelong habit. People of faith get on my last>br>I dont doubt their faith at all, but it is so irritating how easy its all been for them. I used to work with a Christian like that. Shed had a whole lifetime of supportive family, fulfilling friendships with her fellow parishioners, and the encouragement not to do horrible bad things because she knew that ol typea>li>it was the wrong darn thing to do, andli>shed burn in hell if she did them./ol>Drove me nuts being around somebody like that. It was even worse because she wasnt goody-goody -- really quite smart, thoughtful, and adult. Difficult to simply dismiss as silly, and so it brought it into stark relief the difference I had with somebody who had lived their life in the habit of being>br>OK, if you ever talk to somebody in AA, a lot of them will tell you that the best thing about AA is hearing other people talk about how much they want to drink, and talking themselves about how much they want to>br>Thats how I am about doing bad things. I LOVED doing bad things. I MISS doing bad things. I occassionally think about doing bad things, the way alcoholics think about a drink even when theyve been on the wagon for 3 years. And how the heck am I supposed to talk about what I need to talk about with people whove got so much practice being good? How can they tell me about how much they loved lying, stealing, violence, self-destruction? I cant talk with these people, theyve never been part of the vicious, mean, callous, compulsively dishonest, habitually bad, hopeless scene.
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Wed, 04 Dec 2024 11:58:57 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 02:51:12 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 2648Content-Type: text html>head>title>All Hail Borgoth/title>/head>body bgcolorFFFFFF>center>H2>>Everything is under construction in some sense or another. How could this be any different?/center>This is NOT a blog.p>Im a> I came to my faith as an adult, on my own (well, Jesus helped some). I dont go to church. Church seems to be full of people whove gone to church and had faith all of their lives, and for whom faith, fellowship, and doing right are a lifelong habit. People of faith get on my last>br>I dont doubt their faith at all, but it is so irritating how easy its all been for them. I used to work with a Christian like that. Shed had a whole lifetime of supportive family, fulfilling friendships with her fellow parishioners, and the encouragement not to do horrible bad things because she knew that ol typea>li>it was the wrong darn thing to do, andli>shed burn in hell if she did them./ol>Drove me nuts being around somebody like that. It was even worse because she wasnt goody-goody -- really quite smart, thoughtful, and adult. Difficult to simply dismiss as silly, and so it brought it into stark relief the difference I had with somebody who had lived their life in the habit of being>br>OK, if you ever talk to somebody in AA, a lot of them will tell you that the best thing about AA is hearing other people talk about how much they want to drink, and talking themselves about how much they want to>br>Thats how I am about doing bad things. I LOVED doing bad things. I MISS doing bad things. I occassionally think about doing bad things, the way alcoholics think about a drink even when theyve been on the wagon for 3 years. And how the heck am I supposed to talk about what I need to talk about with people whove got so much practice being good? How can they tell me about how much they loved lying, stealing, violence, self-destruction? I cant talk with these people, theyve never been part of the vicious, mean, callous, compulsively dishonest, habitually bad, hopeless scene.
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