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We promise that you wont get rich quickly simply by reading our materials./p> p stylefont-size:12px;>strong classeatlink>But you will learn how to start and grow a strong, healthy business, without a whole lot of money - faster than you probably anticipated./strong>/p> p stylefont-size:12px;>Youll learn to Bootstrap your business – from real world entrepreneurs who have Bootstrapped dozens of their own./p> p stylefont-size:12px;> /p>/td> /tr> tr> td>h1>Youll learn to be a better Bootstrapper and Entrepreneur./h1>/td> /tr> tr> td height10 classmainText>img srcimages/spacer.gif width1 height10>/td> /tr> tr> td classmainText>table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tbody>tr> td>p classstyle2>If you understand that its going to be hard work, and that nothing is guaranteed - but want to know how to maximize your chances of business success – we can certainly help. br> br> The fastest, most effective way is to attend either a Half-Day Basic Training Session or full-blown Bootstrap Boot-Camp. /p> p> /p>/td> td>div alignright>img srcrichandron3.jpg altRich and Ron width213 height214>/div>/td> /tr> /tbody>/table> p> Think you have great business idea? Then put it to the test at a a href#>Half-Day Basic Training Session/a>. You ll find out if you have a winner, and if you dont, what steps you can take to come up with one. And well teach you what we call the Zig Zag principle, and how it will enable you to correctly take the first three critical steps needed to launch a business off the ground. a href stylecolor:#FFF>Garrett Gunderson Power Hour/a>br> br> The Bootstrap Boot -Camp is 3 day business development workshop where youll learn to apply specific tactics to your business. This isnt a theory-filled seminar, but a ground-level, action oriented workshop that will show you specific steps to take. Its coaching. Its planning. Its applicable strategy. And it will give you a much better chance of realizing your goals. /p> p>u classeatlink>a href>Find out where and when the next Bootstrap Boot-Camp is happening./a>/u>/p> p> You can begin to bootstrap your business, even if you cant attend the boot-camp. One way a href#>get the book - strong>Bootstrap Business/strong>/a> - by Rich Christiansen and Ron Porter. /p> p>br>em> This book attacks business creation with the same vigor and discipline that I climb mountains. I love how Rich has tied in the analogies of mountain climbing to business creation. If your desire is to reach the summit of small business ownership, dont try it without this survival guide. The book is simple, straightforward and spot on! /em> br>br>-Ed Viesturs, Himalayan mountain climber and nationally bestselling author of No Shortcuts to the Top /p> p> strong classeatlink>u>Bootstrap Boot-Camp will show you:/u>/strong> /p>ul> li>How to bootstrap a business starting with very little money/li> li>How to avoid the big mistakes that kill most small businesses /li> li>How to secure your future financially while maintaining a balanced lifestyle/li> li>Why and when to take specific actions that will give you the best chance at success/li>/ul>p>strong classeatlink>More than anything a href#>the book/a> will show you that you u>can/u> do this. You can be a successful entrepreneur. You can build something strong - and all your own./strong>br>br>Want a shortcut? Weve made things even easier. 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We promise that you wont get rich quickly simply by reading our materials./p> p stylefont-size:12px;>strong classeatlink>But you will learn how to start and grow a strong, healthy business, without a whole lot of money - faster than you probably anticipated./strong>/p> p stylefont-size:12px;>Youll learn to Bootstrap your business – from real world entrepreneurs who have Bootstrapped dozens of their own./p> p stylefont-size:12px;> /p>/td> /tr> tr> td>h1>Youll learn to be a better Bootstrapper and Entrepreneur./h1>/td> /tr> tr> td height10 classmainText>img srcimages/spacer.gif width1 height10>/td> /tr> tr> td classmainText>table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tbody>tr> td>p classstyle2>If you understand that its going to be hard work, and that nothing is guaranteed - but want to know how to maximize your chances of business success – we can certainly help. br> br> The fastest, most effective way is to attend either a Half-Day Basic Training Session or full-blown Bootstrap Boot-Camp. /p> p> /p>/td> td>div alignright>img srcrichandron3.jpg altRich and Ron width213 height214>/div>/td> /tr> /tbody>/table> p> Think you have great business idea? Then put it to the test at a a href#>Half-Day Basic Training Session/a>. You ll find out if you have a winner, and if you dont, what steps you can take to come up with one. And well teach you what we call the Zig Zag principle, and how it will enable you to correctly take the first three critical steps needed to launch a business off the ground. a href stylecolor:#FFF>Garrett Gunderson Power Hour/a>br> br> The Bootstrap Boot -Camp is 3 day business development workshop where youll learn to apply specific tactics to your business. This isnt a theory-filled seminar, but a ground-level, action oriented workshop that will show you specific steps to take. Its coaching. Its planning. Its applicable strategy. And it will give you a much better chance of realizing your goals. /p> p>u classeatlink>a href>Find out where and when the next Bootstrap Boot-Camp is happening./a>/u>/p> p> You can begin to bootstrap your business, even if you cant attend the boot-camp. One way a href#>get the book - strong>Bootstrap Business/strong>/a> - by Rich Christiansen and Ron Porter. /p> p>br>em> This book attacks business creation with the same vigor and discipline that I climb mountains. I love how Rich has tied in the analogies of mountain climbing to business creation. If your desire is to reach the summit of small business ownership, dont try it without this survival guide. The book is simple, straightforward and spot on! /em> br>br>-Ed Viesturs, Himalayan mountain climber and nationally bestselling author of No Shortcuts to the Top /p> p> strong classeatlink>u>Bootstrap Boot-Camp will show you:/u>/strong> /p>ul> li>How to bootstrap a business starting with very little money/li> li>How to avoid the big mistakes that kill most small businesses /li> li>How to secure your future financially while maintaining a balanced lifestyle/li> li>Why and when to take specific actions that will give you the best chance at success/li>/ul>p>strong classeatlink>More than anything a href#>the book/a> will show you that you u>can/u> do this. You can be a successful entrepreneur. You can build something strong - and all your own./strong>br>br>Want a shortcut? Weve made things even easier. 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