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picture> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1800px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1500px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1200px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 992px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 768px)/>img srcset 2x, 1x src alt/> /picture> /div> div classcs-woocommerce__card-title>Catalog/div> /div> div classcs-woocommerce__card> div classcs-woocommerce__card-img> picture> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1800px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1500px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1200px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 992px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 768px)/>img srcset 2x, 1x src alt/> /picture> /div> div classcs-woocommerce__card-title>Product Page/div> /div> div classcs-woocommerce__card> div classcs-woocommerce__card-img> picture> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1800px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1500px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1200px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x 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Floating share buttons on desktops. Mobile share bar. Blockquote share./div> /div> /div> div classcs-social__item-img cs-social__item-img_1> picture> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1800px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1500px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1200px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 992px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 768px)/>img srcset 2x, 1x src alt/> /picture> /div> /div> div classcs-social__item> div classcs-social__text> div classcs-social__text-icon>svg width40 height40 viewBox0 0 40 40 fillnone xmlns>rect width40 height40 rx8 fill#5E6690/>path dM26 27H14C13.45 27 13 26.55 13 26V14C13 13.45 13.45 13 14 13H19C19.55 13 20 12.55 20 12C20 11.45 19.55 11 19 11H13C11.89 11 11 11.9 11 13V27C11 28.1 11.9 29 13 29H27C28.1 29 29 28.1 29 27V21C29 20.45 28.55 20 28 20C27.45 20 27 20.45 27 21V26C27 26.55 26.55 27 26 27ZM22 12C22 12.55 22.45 13 23 13H25.59L16.46 22.13C16.07 22.52 16.07 23.15 16.46 23.54C16.85 23.93 17.48 23.93 17.87 23.54L27 14.41V17C27 17.55 27.45 18 28 18C28.55 18 29 17.55 29 17V11H23C22.45 11 22 11.45 22 12Z fillwhite/>/svg> /div> div classcs-social__text-info> div classcs-social__item-title>Social Links/div> div classcs-social__item-desc>54 social networks, 8 color schemes. Followers counts, footer, header locations. Gutenberg block. Sidebar widget./div> /div> /div> div classcs-social__item-img cs-social__item-img_2> picture> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1800px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1500px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1200px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 992px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 768px)/>img srcset 2x, 1x src alt/> /picture> /div> /div> div classcs-social__item > div classcs-social__text> div classcs-social__text-icon>svg width40 height40 viewBox0 0 40 40 fillnone xmlns>rect width40 height40 rx8 fill#3771E3/>path dM20 10C14.477 10 10 14.477 10 20C10 24.991 13.657 29.128 18.438 29.879V22.89H15.898V20H18.438V17.797C18.438 15.291 19.93 13.907 22.215 13.907C23.309 13.907 24.453 14.102 24.453 14.102V16.562H23.193C21.95 16.562 21.563 17.333 21.563 18.124V20H24.336L23.893 22.89H21.563V29.879C26.343 29.129 30 24.99 30 20C30 14.477 25.523 10 20 10Z fillwhite/>/svg> /div> div classcs-social__text-info> div classcs-social__item-title>Facebook Integration/div> div classcs-social__item-desc>Facebook Page sidebar widget. Gutenberg block. Integrated support for Facebook comments./div> /div> /div> div classcs-social__item-img cs-social__item-img_3> picture> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1800px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1500px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1200px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 992px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 768px)/>img srcset 2x, 1x src alt/> /picture> picture> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1800px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1500px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1200px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 992px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 768px)/>img srcset 2x, 1x src alt/> /picture> /div> /div> div classcs-social__item > div classcs-social__text> div classcs-social__text-icon>svg width40 height40 viewBox0 0 40 40 fillnone xmlns>rect width40 height40 rx8 fillurl(#paint0_linear_725_198)/>path dM20 17C19.2044 17 18.4413 17.3161 17.8787 17.8787C17.3161 18.4413 17 19.2044 17 20C17 20.7956 17.3161 21.5587 17.8787 22.1213C18.4413 22.6839 19.2044 23 20 23C20.7956 23 21.5587 22.6839 22.1213 22.1213C22.6839 21.5587 23 20.7956 23 20C23 19.2044 22.6839 18.4413 22.1213 17.8787C21.5587 17.3161 20.7956 17 20 17ZM20 15C21.3261 15 22.5979 15.5268 23.5355 16.4645C24.4732 17.4021 25 18.6739 25 20C25 21.3261 24.4732 22.5979 23.5355 23.5355C22.5979 24.4732 21.3261 25 20 25C18.6739 25 17.4021 24.4732 16.4645 23.5355C15.5268 22.5979 15 21.3261 15 20C15 18.6739 15.5268 17.4021 16.4645 16.4645C17.4021 15.5268 18.6739 15 20 15ZM26.5 14.75C26.5 15.0815 26.3683 15.3995 26.1339 15.6339C25.8995 15.8683 25.5815 16 25.25 16C24.9185 16 24.6005 15.8683 24.3661 15.6339C24.1317 15.3995 24 15.0815 24 14.75C24 14.4185 24.1317 14.1005 24.3661 13.8661C24.6005 13.6317 24.9185 13.5 25.25 13.5C25.5815 13.5 25.8995 13.6317 26.1339 13.8661C26.3683 14.1005 26.5 14.4185 26.5 14.75ZM20 12C17.526 12 17.122 12.007 15.971 12.058C15.187 12.095 14.661 12.2 14.173 12.39C13.739 12.558 13.426 12.759 13.093 13.093C12.78 13.3954 12.5394 13.7646 12.389 14.173C12.199 14.663 12.094 15.188 12.058 15.971C12.006 17.075 12 17.461 12 20C12 22.474 12.007 22.878 12.058 24.029C12.095 24.812 12.2 25.339 12.389 25.826C12.559 26.261 12.759 26.574 13.091 26.906C13.428 27.242 13.741 27.443 14.171 27.609C14.665 27.8 15.191 27.906 15.971 27.942C17.075 27.994 17.461 28 20 28C22.474 28 22.878 27.993 24.029 27.942C24.811 27.905 25.338 27.8 25.826 27.611C26.259 27.442 26.574 27.241 26.906 26.909C27.243 26.572 27.444 26.259 27.61 25.829C27.8 25.336 27.906 24.809 27.942 24.029C27.994 22.925 28 22.539 28 20C28 17.526 27.993 17.122 27.942 15.971C27.905 15.189 27.8 14.661 27.61 14.173C27.4593 13.765 27.2191 13.396 26.907 13.093C26.6047 12.7798 26.2355 12.5392 25.827 12.389C25.337 12.199 24.811 12.094 24.029 12.058C22.925 12.006 22.539 12 20 12ZM20 10C22.717 10 23.056 10.01 24.122 10.06C25.187 10.11 25.912 10.277 26.55 10.525C27.21 10.779 27.766 11.123 28.322 11.678C28.8305 12.1779 29.224 12.7826 29.475 13.45C29.722 14.087 29.89 14.813 29.94 15.878C29.987 16.944 30 17.283 30 20C30 22.717 29.99 23.056 29.94 24.122C29.89 25.187 29.722 25.912 29.475 26.55C29.2247 27.2178 28.8311 27.8226 28.322 28.322C27.822 28.8303 27.2173 29.2238 26.55 29.475C25.913 29.722 25.187 29.89 24.122 29.94C23.056 29.987 22.717 30 20 30C17.283 30 16.944 29.99 15.878 29.94C14.813 29.89 14.088 29.722 13.45 29.475C12.7823 29.2245 12.1775 28.8309 11.678 28.322C11.1694 27.8222 10.7759 27.2175 10.525 26.55C10.277 25.913 10.11 25.187 10.06 24.122C10.013 23.056 10 22.717 10 20C10 17.283 10.01 16.944 10.06 15.878C10.11 14.812 10.277 14.088 10.525 13.45C10.7752 12.7822 11.1688 12.1773 11.678 11.678C12.1777 11.1692 12.7824 10.7757 13.45 10.525C14.088 10.277 14.812 10.11 15.878 10.06C16.944 10.013 17.283 10 20 10Z fillwhite/>defs>linearGradient idpaint0_linear_725_198 x140 y1-15 x25.48363e-07 y248 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse>stop stop-color#4D60C2/>stop offset0.328125 stop-color#8D3FA1/>stop offset0.739583 stop-color#E78451/>stop offset1 stop-color#FFC451/>/linearGradient>/defs>/svg> /div> div classcs-social__text-info> div classcs-social__item-title>Instagram Integration /div> div classcs-social__item-desc>Instagram feed sidebar widget. Gutenberg block./div> /div> /div> div classcs-social__item-img cs-social__item-img_bigger cs-social__item-img_5> picture> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1800px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1500px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1200px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 992px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 768px)/>img srcset 2x, 1x src alt/> /picture> /div> /div> div classcs-social__item > div classcs-social__text> div classcs-social__text-icon>svg width40 height40 viewBox0 0 40 40 fillnone xmlns>rect width40 height40 rx8 fill#B4322F/>path dM21.37 10.0943C18.9772 9.76518 16.5462 10.3129 14.5258 11.6363C12.5054 12.9597 11.032 14.9694 10.3778 17.2944C9.72353 19.6194 9.93258 22.1025 10.9663 24.2854C12.0001 26.4682 13.7887 28.2033 16.002 29.1703C15.9421 28.4021 15.9971 27.6293 16.165 26.8773C16.35 26.0383 17.461 21.4143 17.461 21.4143C17.2397 20.9184 17.1292 20.3803 17.137 19.8373C17.137 18.3523 17.994 17.2443 19.06 17.2443C19.2515 17.2415 19.4413 17.28 19.6166 17.3572C19.792 17.4343 19.9486 17.5483 20.0759 17.6913C20.2032 17.8344 20.2983 18.0032 20.3545 18.1863C20.4108 18.3694 20.427 18.5624 20.402 18.7523C20.402 19.6523 19.824 21.0143 19.522 22.2923C19.4623 22.5267 19.4585 22.7718 19.5109 23.0079C19.5633 23.2441 19.6705 23.4645 19.8237 23.6517C19.977 23.8388 20.172 23.9873 20.3932 24.0852C20.6144 24.1831 20.8554 24.2277 21.097 24.2153C22.995 24.2153 24.267 21.7843 24.267 18.9143C24.267 16.7143 22.81 15.0663 20.124 15.0663C19.4813 15.0413 18.8404 15.1472 18.2399 15.3776C17.6395 15.6079 17.0921 15.9579 16.631 16.4062C16.17 16.8546 15.8048 17.3919 15.5578 17.9857C15.3108 18.5795 15.187 19.2172 15.194 19.8603C15.1653 20.5736 15.3955 21.2733 15.842 21.8303C15.9254 21.8926 15.9863 21.9803 16.0155 22.0803C16.0448 22.1802 16.0407 22.2869 16.004 22.3843C15.958 22.5683 15.842 23.0073 15.796 23.1683C15.7864 23.2229 15.7641 23.2745 15.731 23.3189C15.6978 23.3634 15.6547 23.3994 15.6051 23.4241C15.5555 23.4488 15.5008 23.4615 15.4453 23.4612C15.3899 23.4609 15.3353 23.4476 15.286 23.4223C13.902 22.8683 13.25 21.3453 13.25 19.6063C13.25 16.7593 15.634 13.3513 20.404 13.3513C24.2 13.3513 26.724 16.1283 26.724 19.0983C26.724 23.0073 24.547 25.9463 21.33 25.9463C20.8492 25.9617 20.3722 25.8556 19.9433 25.6378C19.5144 25.42 19.1473 25.0976 18.876 24.7003C18.876 24.7003 18.298 27.0163 18.184 27.4543C17.9513 28.211 17.6079 28.9291 17.165 29.5853C18.088 29.8653 19.047 30.0053 20.011 30.0013C21.3246 30.0024 22.6254 29.7443 23.8391 29.2419C25.0528 28.7395 26.1555 28.0026 27.084 27.0734C28.0126 26.1443 28.7487 25.0411 29.2502 23.827C29.7518 22.613 30.0089 21.3119 30.007 19.9983C30.0057 17.5833 29.1308 15.2503 27.5436 13.4301C25.9564 11.6099 23.7643 10.4254 21.372 10.0953L21.37 10.0943Z fillwhite/>/svg> /div> div classcs-social__text-info> div classcs-social__item-title>Pinterest Integration/div> div classcs-social__item-desc>Pin it buttons on images. Pinterest Board Widget. Pinterest Profile Widget. Gutenberg blocks./div> /div> /div> div classcs-social__item-img cs-social__item-img_bigger cs-social__item-img_6> picture> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1800px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1500px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1200px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 992px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 768px)/>img srcset 2x, 1x src alt/> /picture> /div> /div> div classcs-social__item > div classcs-social__text> div classcs-social__text-icon>svg width40 height40 viewBox0 0 40 40 fillnone xmlns>rect width40 height40 rx8 fill#5CA3D5/>path dM30.1621 13.6559C29.3986 13.9936 28.589 14.2154 27.7601 14.3139C28.6338 13.7914 29.2878 12.9689 29.6001 11.9999C28.7801 12.4879 27.8811 12.8299 26.9441 13.0149C26.3147 12.3415 25.4804 11.8949 24.571 11.7445C23.6616 11.5941 22.728 11.7484 21.9153 12.1834C21.1026 12.6183 20.4564 13.3096 20.0772 14.1497C19.6979 14.9898 19.6068 15.9317 19.8181 16.8289C18.1552 16.7456 16.5284 16.3134 15.0433 15.5606C13.5583 14.8077 12.2482 13.751 11.1981 12.4589C10.8263 13.0974 10.631 13.8232 10.6321 14.5619C10.6321 16.0119 11.3701 17.2929 12.4921 18.0429C11.8281 18.022 11.1787 17.8427 10.5981 17.5199V17.5719C10.5983 18.5376 10.9324 19.4735 11.5439 20.221C12.1554 20.9684 13.0065 21.4814 13.9531 21.6729C13.3367 21.84 12.6904 21.8646 12.0631 21.7449C12.3299 22.5762 12.8501 23.3031 13.5506 23.824C14.2512 24.3449 15.0972 24.6337 15.9701 24.6499C15.1025 25.3313 14.1092 25.8349 13.0469 26.1321C11.9846 26.4293 10.8742 26.5142 9.77905 26.3819C11.6908 27.6114 13.9161 28.264 16.1891 28.2619C23.8821 28.2619 28.0891 21.8889 28.0891 16.3619C28.0891 16.1819 28.0841 15.9999 28.0761 15.8219C28.8949 15.2301 29.6017 14.4969 30.1631 13.6569L30.1621 13.6559Z fillwhite/>/svg> /div> div classcs-social__text-info> div classcs-social__item-title>Twitter Integration/div> div classcs-social__item-desc>Twitter feed sidebar widget. Gutenberg block./div> /div> /div> div classcs-social__item-img cs-social__item-img_bigger cs-social__item-img_4> picture> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1800px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1500px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1200px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 992px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 768px)/>img srcset 2x, 1x src alt/> /picture> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classcs-speed> div classcs-container> div classcs-speed__wrapper> div classcs-speed__content> h2>Optimized for Performance/h2> p>Built-in AMP support, Lazy Loading, Low Quality Image Placeholders, adaptive image sizes, and other advanced performance features./p> div classcs-speed__content-items> div classcs-speed__content-items-element>svg width132 height40 viewBox0 0 132 40 fillnone xmlns>path dM57.281 26H64.417V23.968H59.457V14.48H57.281V26ZM68.0492 26.24C68.7159 26.24 69.2759 26.1387 69.7292 25.936C70.1879 25.728 70.6092 25.3973 70.9932 24.944V26H72.8972V20.72C72.8972 20.3253 72.8812 19.968 72.8492 19.648C72.8172 19.328 72.7159 19.008 72.5452 18.688C72.2412 18.112 71.7932 17.7067 71.2012 17.472C70.6092 17.2373 69.9319 17.12 69.1692 17.12C68.1292 17.12 67.3079 17.344 66.7052 17.792C66.1026 18.24 65.6919 18.8213 65.4732 19.536L67.4412 20.16C67.5799 19.7653 67.8226 19.4907 68.1692 19.336C68.5159 19.1813 68.8492 19.104 69.1692 19.104C69.6812 19.104 70.0626 19.2 70.3132 19.392C70.5639 19.5787 70.7106 19.8747 70.7532 20.28C69.9426 20.3973 69.2279 20.512 68.6092 20.624C67.9906 20.7307 67.4732 20.8587 67.0572 21.008C66.3639 21.264 65.8759 21.6133 65.5932 22.056C65.3106 22.4933 65.1692 23.0133 65.1692 23.616C65.1692 24.096 65.2786 24.536 65.4972 24.936C65.7212 25.3307 66.0466 25.648 66.4732 25.888C66.9052 26.1227 67.4306 26.24 68.0492 26.24ZM68.5132 24.528C68.1399 24.528 67.8439 24.4453 67.6252 24.28C67.4066 24.1093 67.2972 23.8773 67.2972 23.584C67.2972 23.3653 67.3666 23.1787 67.5052 23.024C67.6439 22.864 67.8732 22.72 68.1932 22.592C68.4386 22.5013 68.7399 22.4187 69.0972 22.344C69.4599 22.264 70.0066 22.1627 70.7372 22.04C70.7319 22.248 70.7159 22.4773 70.6892 22.728C70.6626 22.9733 70.6039 23.1893 70.5132 23.376C70.4546 23.4987 70.3426 23.6507 70.1772 23.832C70.0172 24.0133 69.7986 24.176 69.5212 24.32C69.2492 24.4587 68.9132 24.528 68.5132 24.528ZM74.0494 26H81.4894V24.112H77.4254L81.6494 17.632V17.36H74.5294V19.248H78.2894L74.0494 25.728V26ZM84.2316 29.84H86.2476L91.1276 17.36H88.9516L86.6956 23.24L84.4236 17.36H82.1676L85.6556 25.928L84.2316 29.84ZM95.3597 26H102.496V23.968H97.5357V14.48H95.3597V26ZM107.616 26.24C108.48 26.24 109.24 26.048 109.896 25.664C110.557 25.2747 111.072 24.7387 111.44 24.056C111.813 23.368 112 22.576 112 21.68C112 20.7893 111.816 20.0027 111.448 19.32C111.08 18.632 110.565 18.0933 109.904 17.704C109.248 17.3147 108.485 17.12 107.616 17.12C106.763 17.12 106.008 17.312 105.352 17.696C104.696 18.08 104.181 18.616 103.808 19.304C103.435 19.9867 103.248 20.7787 103.248 21.68C103.248 22.5707 103.429 23.36 103.792 24.048C104.16 24.7307 104.672 25.2667 105.328 25.656C105.984 26.0453 106.747 26.24 107.616 26.24ZM107.616 24.208C106.939 24.208 106.424 23.9813 106.072 23.528C105.725 23.0693 105.552 22.4533 105.552 21.68C105.552 20.928 105.717 20.32 106.048 19.856C106.384 19.3867 106.907 19.152 107.616 19.152C108.304 19.152 108.821 19.3813 109.168 19.84C109.52 20.2987 109.696 20.912 109.696 21.68C109.696 22.4213 109.523 23.0293 109.176 23.504C108.835 23.9733 108.315 24.208 107.616 24.208ZM116.031 26.24C116.698 26.24 117.258 26.1387 117.711 25.936C118.17 25.728 118.591 25.3973 118.975 24.944V26H120.879V20.72C120.879 20.3253 120.863 19.968 120.831 19.648C120.799 19.328 120.698 19.008 120.527 18.688C120.223 18.112 119.775 17.7067 119.183 17.472C118.591 17.2373 117.914 17.12 117.151 17.12C116.111 17.12 115.29 17.344 114.687 17.792C114.085 18.24 113.674 18.8213 113.455 19.536L115.423 20.16C115.562 19.7653 115.805 19.4907 116.151 19.336C116.498 19.1813 116.831 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Is very responsive, modern, warm and easy to use. The support is very helpful./div> div classcs-reviews__slider-item-author> div classcs-reviews__slider-item-author-img>svg width24 height24 viewBox0 0 24 24 fillnone xmlns>path dM18.5542 3.07307C15.8498 -0.0960336 7.09764 6.04855 7.16864 13.9552C7.16714 14.0523 7.1279 14.145 7.05923 14.2137C6.99055 14.2823 6.89784 14.3216 6.80074 14.3231C6.73699 14.3224 6.67449 14.3054 6.61914 14.2738C6.56379 14.2422 6.51744 14.1969 6.48447 14.1424C5.97283 13.0358 5.70852 11.831 5.70994 10.6118C5.70938 9.69468 5.85761 8.78353 6.14884 7.91387C6.17421 7.83897 6.17284 7.75759 6.14497 7.68358C6.1171 7.60957 6.06445 7.5475 5.99598 7.50794C5.9275 7.46837 5.84743 7.45376 5.76939 7.46658C5.69136 7.47939 5.62017 7.51885 5.56795 7.57824C1.16089 12.3881 3.61356 20.1656 9.98275 21.5772C10.5824 21.7101 11.1949 21.7773 11.8093 21.7779C23.7242 21.5391 20.9681 5.9001 18.5542 3.07307Z fill#81B441/>/svg> /div> div classcs-reviews__slider-item-author-info>camiloaccr/div> /div> /div> div classcs-reviews__slider-item> div classcs-reviews__slider-item__stars>svg width136 height24 viewBox0 0 136 24 fillnone xmlns>path dM12 0L14.6942 8.2918H23.4127L16.3593 13.4164L19.0534 21.7082L12 16.5836L4.94658 21.7082L7.64074 13.4164L0.587322 8.2918H9.30583L12 0Z fill#F5CE31/>path dM40 0L42.6942 8.2918H51.4127L44.3593 13.4164L47.0534 21.7082L40 16.5836L32.9466 21.7082L35.6407 13.4164L28.5873 8.2918H37.3058L40 0Z fill#F5CE31/>path dM68 0L70.6942 8.2918H79.4127L72.3593 13.4164L75.0534 21.7082L68 16.5836L60.9466 21.7082L63.6407 13.4164L56.5873 8.2918H65.3058L68 0Z fill#F5CE31/>path dM96 0L98.6942 8.2918H107.413L100.359 13.4164L103.053 21.7082L96 16.5836L88.9466 21.7082L91.6407 13.4164L84.5873 8.2918H93.3058L96 0Z fill#F5CE31/>path dM124 0L126.694 8.2918H135.413L128.359 13.4164L131.053 21.7082L124 16.5836L116.947 21.7082L119.641 13.4164L112.587 8.2918H121.306L124 0Z fill#F5CE31/>/svg> /div> div classcs-reviews__slider-item-desc>I love the look of this theme. I didnt have to do much to set it up on my site that already had content. Really just added my Logo and updated the colors. Awesome theme./div> div classcs-reviews__slider-item-author> div classcs-reviews__slider-item-author-img>svg width24 height24 viewBox0 0 24 24 fillnone xmlns>path dM18.5542 3.07307C15.8498 -0.0960336 7.09764 6.04855 7.16864 13.9552C7.16714 14.0523 7.1279 14.145 7.05923 14.2137C6.99055 14.2823 6.89784 14.3216 6.80074 14.3231C6.73699 14.3224 6.67449 14.3054 6.61914 14.2738C6.56379 14.2422 6.51744 14.1969 6.48447 14.1424C5.97283 13.0358 5.70852 11.831 5.70994 10.6118C5.70938 9.69468 5.85761 8.78353 6.14884 7.91387C6.17421 7.83897 6.17284 7.75759 6.14497 7.68358C6.1171 7.60957 6.06445 7.5475 5.99598 7.50794C5.9275 7.46837 5.84743 7.45376 5.76939 7.46658C5.69136 7.47939 5.62017 7.51885 5.56795 7.57824C1.16089 12.3881 3.61356 20.1656 9.98275 21.5772C10.5824 21.7101 11.1949 21.7773 11.8093 21.7779C23.7242 21.5391 20.9681 5.9001 18.5542 3.07307Z fill#81B441/>/svg> /div> div classcs-reviews__slider-item-author-info>criswellscc/div> /div> /div> div classcs-reviews__slider-item> div classcs-reviews__slider-item__stars>svg width136 height24 viewBox0 0 136 24 fillnone xmlns>path dM12 0L14.6942 8.2918H23.4127L16.3593 13.4164L19.0534 21.7082L12 16.5836L4.94658 21.7082L7.64074 13.4164L0.587322 8.2918H9.30583L12 0Z fill#F5CE31/>path dM40 0L42.6942 8.2918H51.4127L44.3593 13.4164L47.0534 21.7082L40 16.5836L32.9466 21.7082L35.6407 13.4164L28.5873 8.2918H37.3058L40 0Z fill#F5CE31/>path dM68 0L70.6942 8.2918H79.4127L72.3593 13.4164L75.0534 21.7082L68 16.5836L60.9466 21.7082L63.6407 13.4164L56.5873 8.2918H65.3058L68 0Z fill#F5CE31/>path dM96 0L98.6942 8.2918H107.413L100.359 13.4164L103.053 21.7082L96 16.5836L88.9466 21.7082L91.6407 13.4164L84.5873 8.2918H93.3058L96 0Z fill#F5CE31/>path dM124 0L126.694 8.2918H135.413L128.359 13.4164L131.053 21.7082L124 16.5836L116.947 21.7082L119.641 13.4164L112.587 8.2918H121.306L124 0Z fill#F5CE31/>/svg> /div> div classcs-reviews__slider-item-desc>Beautiful theme, with a lot of original features. Ive used a lot of themes and this one was the easiest/fastest to set up./div> div classcs-reviews__slider-item-author> div classcs-reviews__slider-item-author-img>svg width24 height24 viewBox0 0 24 24 fillnone xmlns>path dM18.5542 3.07307C15.8498 -0.0960336 7.09764 6.04855 7.16864 13.9552C7.16714 14.0523 7.1279 14.145 7.05923 14.2137C6.99055 14.2823 6.89784 14.3216 6.80074 14.3231C6.73699 14.3224 6.67449 14.3054 6.61914 14.2738C6.56379 14.2422 6.51744 14.1969 6.48447 14.1424C5.97283 13.0358 5.70852 11.831 5.70994 10.6118C5.70938 9.69468 5.85761 8.78353 6.14884 7.91387C6.17421 7.83897 6.17284 7.75759 6.14497 7.68358C6.1171 7.60957 6.06445 7.5475 5.99598 7.50794C5.9275 7.46837 5.84743 7.45376 5.76939 7.46658C5.69136 7.47939 5.62017 7.51885 5.56795 7.57824C1.16089 12.3881 3.61356 20.1656 9.98275 21.5772C10.5824 21.7101 11.1949 21.7773 11.8093 21.7779C23.7242 21.5391 20.9681 5.9001 18.5542 3.07307Z fill#81B441/>/svg> /div> div classcs-reviews__slider-item-author-info>Charlottehardy/div> /div> /div> div classcs-reviews__slider-item> div classcs-reviews__slider-item__stars>svg width136 height24 viewBox0 0 136 24 fillnone xmlns>path dM12 0L14.6942 8.2918H23.4127L16.3593 13.4164L19.0534 21.7082L12 16.5836L4.94658 21.7082L7.64074 13.4164L0.587322 8.2918H9.30583L12 0Z fill#F5CE31/>path dM40 0L42.6942 8.2918H51.4127L44.3593 13.4164L47.0534 21.7082L40 16.5836L32.9466 21.7082L35.6407 13.4164L28.5873 8.2918H37.3058L40 0Z fill#F5CE31/>path dM68 0L70.6942 8.2918H79.4127L72.3593 13.4164L75.0534 21.7082L68 16.5836L60.9466 21.7082L63.6407 13.4164L56.5873 8.2918H65.3058L68 0Z fill#F5CE31/>path dM96 0L98.6942 8.2918H107.413L100.359 13.4164L103.053 21.7082L96 16.5836L88.9466 21.7082L91.6407 13.4164L84.5873 8.2918H93.3058L96 0Z fill#F5CE31/>path dM124 0L126.694 8.2918H135.413L128.359 13.4164L131.053 21.7082L124 16.5836L116.947 21.7082L119.641 13.4164L112.587 8.2918H121.306L124 0Z fill#F5CE31/>/svg> /div> div classcs-reviews__slider-item-desc>The craftsmanship put into this theme is remarkable. No pages are dumped into your installation. This is a theme to grow your site with./div> div classcs-reviews__slider-item-author> div classcs-reviews__slider-item-author-img>svg width24 height24 viewBox0 0 24 24 fillnone xmlns>path dM18.5542 3.07307C15.8498 -0.0960336 7.09764 6.04855 7.16864 13.9552C7.16714 14.0523 7.1279 14.145 7.05923 14.2137C6.99055 14.2823 6.89784 14.3216 6.80074 14.3231C6.73699 14.3224 6.67449 14.3054 6.61914 14.2738C6.56379 14.2422 6.51744 14.1969 6.48447 14.1424C5.97283 13.0358 5.70852 11.831 5.70994 10.6118C5.70938 9.69468 5.85761 8.78353 6.14884 7.91387C6.17421 7.83897 6.17284 7.75759 6.14497 7.68358C6.1171 7.60957 6.06445 7.5475 5.99598 7.50794C5.9275 7.46837 5.84743 7.45376 5.76939 7.46658C5.69136 7.47939 5.62017 7.51885 5.56795 7.57824C1.16089 12.3881 3.61356 20.1656 9.98275 21.5772C10.5824 21.7101 11.1949 21.7773 11.8093 21.7779C23.7242 21.5391 20.9681 5.9001 18.5542 3.07307Z fill#81B441/>/svg> /div> div classcs-reviews__slider-item-author-info>storybynumbers/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcs-reviews__featured> div classcs-reviews__featured__counter>4.97/div> div classcs-reviews__featured__desc>Average rating basedbr> on 377 reviews/div> /div> /div> /div> section classcs-documentation idsupport> div classcs-container> div classcs-documentation__grid> div classcs-documetation__text> div classcs-section__header> h2>span>Documentation/span>/h2> /div> p>Find answers to all your questions in the detailed documentation with live-search and straight-forward navigation./p> div classcs-documentation__buttons>a classcs-button cs-button_border href target_blank>View Documentation/a>/div> /div> div classcs-documetation__illustration> div classcs-documetation__illustration-item cs-documetation__illustration-item_1> picture> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1800px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1500px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1200px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 992px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 768px)/>img srcset 2x, 1x src alt/> /picture> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classcs-build data-schemedark> div classcs-build__wrapper> div classcs-container> div classcs-build__grid> div classcs-build__text> div classcs-build__logo>img src altblueprint - logo>/div> h2>Create a Modern Blogbr> or Magazine with Blueprint/h2> p>Start your perfect blog or magazine with Blueprint, the premium WordPress theme youve been looking for./p> div classcs-build__button>a classcs-button href target_blank>span classcs-button__text>Buy Now/span>/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classcs-build__illustration> picture> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1800px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1500px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 1200px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 992px)/> source srcset 1x, 2x media(min-width: 768px)/>img srcset 2x, 1x src alt/> /picture> /div> div classcs-container> div classcs-build__author> div classcs-icon-badge> div classcs-icon-badge__icon>svg width43 height49 viewBox0 0 43 49 fillnone xmlns>g clip-pathurl(#clip0_11_814)>path dM43 32.4271C43 34.0124 41.925 36.03 40.5992 36.8947L23.865 48.0999C22.5392 48.9646 20.3892 48.9646 19.0992 48.0999L2.40083 36.8947C1.075 36.03 0 34.0124 0 32.4271V16.5742C0 14.9889 1.075 12.9712 2.40083 12.1065L19.0992 0.865326C20.425 0.00062038 22.575 0.00062038 23.9008 0.865326L40.635 12.0705C41.9608 12.9352 43.0358 14.9528 43.0358 16.5381V32.4271H43Z fill#89B637/>path dM15.7666 19.4555H27.2332V21.6173H15.7666V19.4555ZM14.3332 23.0585H28.6666V25.2202H14.3332V23.0585ZM12.5416 26.6614H30.4582V28.8232H12.5416V26.6614ZM21.4999 11.1688C28.8099 11.1688 34.7582 17.1497 34.7582 24.4997C34.7582 31.8497 28.8099 37.8305 21.4999 37.8305C14.1899 37.8305 8.24156 31.8497 8.24156 24.4997C8.24156 17.1497 14.1899 11.1688 21.4999 11.1688ZM21.4999 10.0879C13.5807 10.0879 7.16656 16.5372 7.16656 24.4997C7.16656 32.4622 13.5807 38.9114 21.4999 38.9114C29.4191 38.9114 35.8332 32.4622 35.8332 24.4997C35.8332 16.5372 29.4191 10.0879 21.4999 10.0879Z fillwhite/>/g>defs>clipPath idclip0_11_814>rect width43 height49 fillwhite/>/clipPath>/defs>/svg> /div> div classcs-icon-badge__text> div classcs-icon-badge__title>Made by Code Supply Co./div> div classcs-icon-badge__description>Power Elite ThemeForest Author /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classcs-subscribe> div classcs-container> div classcs-subscribe__grid> div classcs-subscribe__content> h2 classcs-h2_biger>Subscribe to Our Newsletter/h2> p>Never miss a chance of getting a new theme with a huge discount at a reduced introductory price within the first week since the release date./p> /div> div classcs-subscribe__form> form action methodpost idmc-embedded-subscribe-form namemc-embedded-subscribe-form classvalidate target_blank novalidate> div idmc_embed_signup_scroll> div classcs-subscribe__form-row> input classform-control cs-subscribe__form-input typeemail value placeholderYour Email nameEMAIL idmce-EMAIL> button classcs-subscribe__form-button cs-button 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rx12 fill#5E6690 fill-opacity0.1/>path dM31.8571 44C25.2297 44 19.8571 38.6274 19.8571 32C19.8571 28.1755 21.6463 24.7689 24.4333 22.5714M31.8571 20C38.4846 20 43.8571 25.3726 43.8571 32C43.8571 35.8245 42.068 39.2311 39.281 41.4286M38.7143 36.2857V42.2857H44.7143M19 21.7143H25V27.7143 stroke#5E6690 stroke-width2/>/svg> /div> div classcs-quality__text> div classcs-quality__title>Lifetime Updates/div> div classcs-quality__desc>Free for the Lifetime/div> /div> /div> div classcs-quality__item> div classcs-quality__icon>svg width64 height64 viewBox0 0 64 64 fillnone xmlns>rect width64 height64 rx12 fill#5E6690 fill-opacity0.1/>path dM16.9167 31.9993C16.9167 23.6657 23.6664 16.916 32 16.916C40.3337 16.916 47.0834 23.6657 47.0834 31.9993C47.0834 40.333 40.3337 47.0827 32 47.0827C23.6664 47.0827 16.9167 40.333 16.9167 31.9993ZM46.9146 31.9993C46.9146 23.7757 40.2237 17.0848 32 17.0848C23.7764 17.0848 17.0854 23.7757 17.0854 31.9993C17.0854 40.223 23.7764 46.9139 32 46.9139C40.2237 46.9139 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