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Bad Behavior 2.2.24 run time: 5.520 ms --> style>img#wpstats{display:none}/style> style typetext/css idcustom-background-css>body.custom-background { background-color: #444444; background-image: url(; background-position: center top; background-size: auto; background-repeat: repeat; background-attachment: fixed; }/style> link relicon href sizes32x32 />link relicon href sizes192x192 />link relapple-touch-icon href />meta namemsapplication-TileImage content /> style typetext/css idwp-custom-css> /*Welcome to Custom CSS!To learn how this works, see*/ /style> /head>body classhome blog custom-background custom-font-enabled single-author hfeed>div idpage classsite> header idmasthead classsite-header rolebanner> div classthemonic-logo> a href titleSean Gursky: Pioneer on the Internet relhome>img src altSean Gursky: Pioneer on the Internet>/a> /div> nav idsite-navigation classthemonic-nav rolenavigation> a classassistive-text href#main titleSkip to content>Skip to content/a> ul idmenu-top classnav-menu>li classcurrent_page_item>a href>Home/a>/li>/ul> /nav>!-- #site-navigation --> div classclear>/div> /header>!-- #masthead --> div idmain classwrapper> div idprimary classsite-content> div idcontent rolemain> article idpost-4553 classpost-4553 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-blog> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to My Concrete Replacement Experts Review relbookmark>My Concrete Replacement Experts Review/a> /h2> div classbelow-title-meta> div classadt> By span classvcard author> span classfn>a href titlePosts by Sean relauthor>Sean/a>/span> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classdate updated>July 22, 2021/span> /div> div classadt-comment> a classlink-comments href>0 Comment/a> /div> /div>!-- below title meta end --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>A short word before I begin…/p>p>I prepared this review of a href>Concrete Replacement Experts/a> in the summer of 2020 and intended on posting it to a href relnoopener target_blank>>, where the majority of reviews for a href relnoopener target_blank>Concrete Replacement Experts/a> resides. /p>p>img data-recalc-dims1 decodingasync src altC width300 height146 classaligncenter size-medium wp-image-4572 srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 660w, 1282w sizes(max-width: 440px) 380px, 200px, (max-width: 767px) large, (max-width: 1027px) large />/p>p>We used the reviews on to assist with our decision making process. However, this wasn’t posted because we didn’t want to deal with the owner responding back, ignoring the constructive criticism and continuing to justify his actions. /p>p>Checking reviews in 2021 the same pattern is visible where there is a communication issue with the owner and the response turns defensive. /p>p>Why am I posting it now? To add my voice to the small minority that had issues with the owner, to highlight a fault with how he operates his business and encourage him to improve. /p>p>a href relnoopener target_blank>Concrete Replacement Experts/a> did great work, but dealing with the owner (Wade), was a challenge. This will be covered in the longer review below but it took three weeks to get a response from Wade plus a few more before he came on site. /p>p>At that site visit he called me “high maintenance”, didn’t appreciate my “snarky” comments and threatened to quit the job. In the end my question didn’t need a site visit and could be discussed once demolition was completed and forms were being set up. /p>p>That’s all I needed to know. /p>p>27 days of stress and follow up with Wade could have been avoided if he responded to any of my earlier messages and said the same. /p>p>Read on to see how this /> a href classmore-link>Continue reading span classmeta-nav>→/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-meta> span>Category: a href relcategory tag>Blog/a>/span> span>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-meta --> /article>!-- #post --> article idpost-4411 classpost-4411 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-travel> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to My Eastern Destination relbookmark>My Eastern Destination/a> /h2> div classbelow-title-meta> div classadt> By span classvcard author> span classfn>a href titlePosts by Sean relauthor>Sean/a>/span> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classdate updated>October 31, 2019/span> /div> div classadt-comment> a classlink-comments href>0 Comment/a> /div> /div>!-- below title meta end --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>I enjoy planning a vacation almost as much as being on one. You start with a blank page and ultimately arrive at a milestone where you have all airfare, accommodation and top attractions identified. You research so much about the cities, tourist do’s and don’ts, and outdoor activities that you feel you could be an honorary ambassador for that location./p>p>For the last decade we have taken our vacations abroad (England, Iceland, New Zealand, Italy, Hawaii) but in 2019 we became tourists in our own country. In June we touched the Pacific Ocean and in August we touched the Atlantic after we spent two weeks in Atlantic Canada. It was pretty special to get to Eastern Canada but it wasn’t done without hours of research and a bit of luck./p>p>Here are some takeaways of our trip and pointers to help others if they are struggling to see these provinces./p>p>strong>Preparation/strong>/p>p>Why does Atlantic Canada require a blog post? It’s within our own country so what’s so difficult? Two weeks is a good length of time to work with but the challenge was getting to Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island em>and/em> Newfoundland. Travel blogs, Tripadvisor posts and YouTube videos rarely covered all four provinces in a single trip and fewer did it in a fortnight./p>p>This was an ambitious plan and not one that was commonly recommended./p>p>Two weeks for the Maritimes (NS, NB and PEI) is manageable but would still require sacrificing sights. Adding in NL without backtracking was a logistical challenge and one I relished./p>p>strong>The Itinerary/strong>/p>p>For reference here is where we were each day:/p>ul>li>Day 1: Halifax, NS/li>li>Day 2: Halifax, NS/li>li>Day 3: Moncton, NB/li>li>Day 4: Moncton, NB/li>li>Day 5: Kensington, PEI/li>li>Day 6: Kensington, PEI/li>li>Day 7: Port Hawksbury, NS/li>li>Day 8: Chéticamp, NS/li>li>Day 9: North Sydney, NS/li>li>Day 10: Bonne Bay Pond, NL/li>li>Day 11: Bonne Bay Pond, NL/li>li>Day 12: St. John’s, NL/li>li>Day 13: St. John’s, NL/li>li>Day 14: St. John’s, NL/li>/ul>p>I will back up and explain how that came to /> a href classmore-link>Continue reading span classmeta-nav>→/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-meta> span>Category: a href relcategory tag>Travel/a>/span> span>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-meta --> /article>!-- #post --> article idpost-4161 classpost-4161 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-travel tag-new-zealand> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to My New Zealand Experience relbookmark>My New Zealand Experience/a> /h2> div classbelow-title-meta> div classadt> By span classvcard author> span classfn>a href titlePosts by Sean relauthor>Sean/a>/span> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classdate updated>April 11, 2016/span> /div> div classadt-comment> a classlink-comments href>0 Comment/a> /div> /div>!-- below title meta end --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>In October 2014 Jenna and I spent 22 days travelling the North and South Island of New Zealand. This was a trip I had been anticipating for eight years and over that time my expectations for the country grew exponentially. Thankfully the country met and exceeded every hope I had for it. /p>p>For three weeks we didn’t sit still. We each battled an illness at separate times on the trip and went sightseeing in all weather conditions. Each day was magical and full of experiences that it is difficult to articulate in speech, let alone text. In the past I broke up significant trips in to multiple posts. A trip of this magnitude would occupy at least five installments and that is slightly too much for anyone to read, so I will capture the important travel bits and write up the highs and lows./p>p>strong>By the Numbers/strong>br />Using a daily journal and our credit card statements here are some numbers about our trip. /p>ul>li>Number of fill-ups: 7/li>li>Total mileage: 3795KM/li>li>Cost spent on fuel: $539.89 NZD (~ $491 CAD)/li>li>Number of nights camped: 21/li>li>Number of nights dry camped (no utilities hook up): 7/li>li>Number of nights free camping: 4/li>li>Cost spent on camping: $600 NZD (~$528 CAD)/li>li>Cost spent on food: $733.73 CAD/li>/ul>p> a href classmore-link>Continue reading span classmeta-nav>→/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-meta> span>Category: a href relcategory tag>Travel/a>/span> span>Tags: a href reltag>new zealand/a>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-meta --> /article>!-- #post --> article idpost-4188 classpost-4188 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-blog tag-hiking> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to My Walk on the West Coast Trail relbookmark>My Walk on the West Coast Trail/a> /h2> div classbelow-title-meta> div classadt> By span classvcard author> span classfn>a href titlePosts by Sean relauthor>Sean/a>/span> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classdate updated>August 28, 2015/span> /div> div classadt-comment> a classlink-comments href>4 Comments/a> /div> /div>!-- below title meta end --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>Gord and I planned our first West Coast Trail experience for nearly a year and August 13-19 2015 we did it! Leading up to the hike I tried to find answers about fuel, bug spray and itineraries for daily hikes and meals. Now that I have experienced the trail I wanted to share some of that knowledge for others who would be looking for the same details. /p>p>By the numbers here was our West Coast Trail hike: /p>ul>li>Distance: 75 KM/li>li>Hiking Time: 25 hours 43 minutes/li>li>Steps: Nearly 222,000/li>li>Duration: Six nights, seven days/li>/ul>p>b>The Hike/b>br />We went South (Port Renfrew/Gordon River) to North (Pachena). There weren’t any compelling reasons to go the other way for us, but the appeal of attacking the harder terrain (60KM to 75KM on the trail) first was a bonus. /p>p>When the Gordon River ferry drops you off on the trailhead you are overwhelmed with the age of the forest, the scale of what you are up against and feel a bit like storming enemy territory as you and your other ferry mates hit the trail. /p>p>Years of alpine hiking prepared us for this hike. What elevation gains there were in this section was done over a well groomed trail with roots and more roots. We saw everything the trail had to offer on day one, with rotted boardwalks, tricky roots, mud and ladders. Having long legs and poles helped us navigate the roots and mud with ease but you still had to plan your steps because the roots are slippery and we were only a misplaced foot away from a serious /> a href classmore-link>Continue reading span classmeta-nav>→/span>/a>/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-meta> span>Category: a href relcategory tag>Blog/a>/span> span>Tags: a href reltag>hiking/a>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-meta --> /article>!-- #post --> article idpost-4131 classpost-4131 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-blog> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to My Commute Data Collection relbookmark>My Commute Data Collection/a> /h2> div classbelow-title-meta> div classadt> By span classvcard author> span classfn>a href titlePosts by Sean relauthor>Sean/a>/span> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classdate updated>August 29, 2014/span> /div> div classadt-comment> a classlink-comments href>4 Comments/a> /div> /div>!-- below title meta end --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>I enjoy data. I like seeing details on the mundane, figures on the minutiae and histogram on the meaningless. I track which songs I listed to on a href target_blank>>, how many steps I do with a href target_blank>FitBit/a> and for the last two and a half years, have been keeping track of when my Sherwood Park transit bus would arrive in the morning and afternoon./p>p>What started as a way for me to become familiar with the frequency of the buses turned in to a habit and each time a 425 or a 401 bus would arrive in my life I would take a screenshot on my phone and mark the date and time of that specific bus in a spreadsheet./p>p>On a href target_blank>September 2 the Sherwood Park transit routes/a> are changing and my routine will have to change. All the data I have collected since April 2012 is now useless, but instead of putting that to waste let’s see what information I can pull out of this spreadsheet. /p>p>The timing of my morning bus was captured 454 times and my afternoon bus was captured 375 times. This difference is attributed to not starting to capture afternoon bus time until nearly three months later. There are also times where I would take an ETS bus elsewhere to Edmonton, commute on the LRT to ride home with Jenna, or find another way home. There were times I would drive to the transit center and not need the local commuter so on those days I would only record my afternoon numbers./p>p>The morning information was useful to determine when the bus would arrive at home. The afternoon data was used to see when I typically left work. My average work hours could be determined from below, so a typical day to and from work is from 6:49 AM until 4:44 PM, which is closer to eleven hours than ten when you add the time for the commute time home. /p>p>Morning commute data:/p>ul>li>Earliest bus pick up: 6:23 AM/li>li>Latest bus pick up: 7:11 AM/li>li>Average pick up: 6:49 AM/li>li>Mode: 6:56 AM/li>/ul>p>I spent the first 2/3 of my commute to TELUS going in at 6:56 AM and started to go in 15 minutes earlier catching the 6:40 AM bus in 2014. This explains why the Average is closer to the Mode since the majority of my mornings started at the later, 6:56 AM, time. /p>p>Afternoon commute data:/p>ul>li>Earliest bus pick up: 2:37 PM/li>li>Latest bus pick up: 6:41 PM /li>li>Average pick up: 4:44 PM/li>li>Mode: 4:22 PM/li>/ul>p>Number of times caught the afternoon bus:/p>ul>li>…before 4PM: 8/li>li>…after 5PM: 100/li>li>…after 6PM: 14/li>/ul>p>For the first six to eight months at TELUS I typically caught the 4:21 PM bus. As my responsibilities grew so did my time at the office and I ended up catching a 5:00 PM or later bus. I aim to be logging off between 4:30 PM and 5:00 PM, but I found the afternoon bus schedule to be inconsistent so needing to be in the elevator at a certain time to catch a bus didn’t matter because I would need to wait until closer to 5:00 PM to catch a bus anyway. As someone who strived for consistency in data the variance in the afternoon schedule bothered me, but eventually a bus did arrive and I would always get home. /p>p>Let’s view this data in graph form!br />Morning commute data for the 425:br />center>a href rellightbox4131>img data-recalc-dims1 decodingasync src />/a>/center>br />Afternoon commute data for the 401:br />center>a href rellightbox4131>img data-recalc-dims1 decodingasync src />/a>/center>/p>p>What does all this mean? Very little. My mornings were pretty set and the afternoon was a gamble on when I would leave and when a bus would be there to take me home. I like knowing when my morning bus arrives and plan my routine around that and the afternoon information is purely for entertainment purposes to see what time I leave the office. /p>p>I will continue monitoring the bus schedules in September but will start a new worksheet and maybe in a few years time post a similar summary of my data to see if my working hours have changed at all./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-meta> span>Category: a href relcategory tag>Blog/a>/span> span>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-meta --> /article>!-- #post --> article idpost-4103 classpost-4103 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-blog tag-jetta tag-toyota> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to My New Ride relbookmark>My New Ride/a> /h2> div classbelow-title-meta> div classadt> By span classvcard author> span classfn>a href titlePosts by Sean relauthor>Sean/a>/span> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classdate updated>August 13, 2014/span> /div> div classadt-comment> a classlink-comments href>2 Comments/a> /div> /div>!-- below title meta end --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>In the summer of 2005 I was working at Dell and living at home with Dad. I wasn’t paying any bills and with my first decent paying job I was getting more money than I had made before. With my earnings I was spending carelessly and as I was making plans to purchase a studio microphone and a four track deck to record my jam sessions with friends Dad urged me to consider looking at vehicles instead. /p>p>I had been fortunate to always use a family vehicle but never had one myself, but he made a valid point. Within a few days of Dad’s urging we went to Southgate VW and I was signing the paperwork on a new 2006 Jetta TDI. The Jetta was loaded on the inside, upgrades on the outside and came with a monthly payment that would stretch my budget for a few years./p>p>The car may have been outside of my means, but the loan was eventually paid down and I was left with a low mileage vehicle that could run forever. The car was amazing for a lot of things, but what it was best at was gas mileage. I got so used to being about to go a href target_blank>900+ KM on a single tank/a> of gas I thought every vehicle had that kind of mileage. The car was my own, every scratch or repair done on it was under my watch. I grew up in that car, transitioned through some major life events and although I never did try driving to Vancouver in it the car travelled Alberta and ventured to Saskatchewan once. /p>p>There were a lot of nice things to like about the car, but there were also some items that were grating. The heated leather seats were a blessing because the heater in the car was abysmal and would take 20 minutes to heat up. In the winter the trunk wouldn’t latch properly so I had to force it down or ignore the interior warning of the door being ajar. The car seated four comfortably and had a huge trunk for cargo, but after being in a house for a while the realization that I needed a truck for garbage runs, hauling tree branches or picking up larger items grew in my mind. /p>p>It wasn’t until Jenna suggested we look at a truck in early July that my plan was able to come to fruition. I started looking at small vehicles (Ford Ranger, Dodge Dakota) but the long term practicality was missing so when I sat inside a four door Toyota Tacoma a light went on. Just like the Jetta was my ideal first car, a Toyota truck was something I had envied since back in High School. /p>p>center>div classtiled-gallery type-rectangular tiled-gallery-unresized data-original-width665 data-carousel-extranull itemscope itemtype > div classgallery-row stylewidth: 665px; height: 321px; data-original-width665 data-original-height321 > div classgallery-group images-1 stylewidth: 427px; height: 321px; data-original-width427 data-original-height321 > div classtiled-gallery-item tiled-gallery-item-large itempropassociatedMedia itemscope itemtype> a href border0 itempropurl rellightbox4103> meta itempropwidth content423> meta itempropheight content317> img decodingasync class data-attachment-id4106 data-orig-file data-orig-size3264,2448 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"2.2","credit":"","camera":"iPhone 5s","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1406043932","copyright":"","focal_length":"4.12","iso":"80","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":""} data-image-titleJetta Interior data-image-description<p>Final interior shot of the car as I park at Park Mazda. I was *this* close to another 1000KM on a tank of gas.</p> data-medium-file data-large-file src srcset 3264w, 300w, 1024w, 660w, 1330w, 1995w width423 height317 loadinglazy data-original-width423 data-original-height317 itemprop titleJetta Interior altJetta Interior stylewidth: 423px; height: 317px; /> /a> /div> /div> !-- close group --> div classgallery-group images-2 stylewidth: 238px; height: 321px; data-original-width238 data-original-height321 > div classtiled-gallery-item tiled-gallery-item-small itempropassociatedMedia itemscope itemtype> a href border0 itempropurl rellightbox4103> meta itempropwidth content234> meta itempropheight content157> img decodingasync class data-attachment-id4108 data-orig-file data-orig-size640,427 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"7.1","credit":"","camera":"Canon EOS REBEL T1i","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1251738120","copyright":"","focal_length":"73","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.0125","title":""} data-image-titleJetta Detailing data-image-description<p>The Jetta is detailed and looks brand new again.</p> data-medium-file data-large-file src srcset 640w, 300w width234 height157 loadinglazy data-original-width234 data-original-height157 itemprop titleJetta Detailing altJetta Detailing stylewidth: 234px; height: 157px; /> /a> /div> div classtiled-gallery-item tiled-gallery-item-small itempropassociatedMedia itemscope itemtype> a href border0 itempropurl rellightbox4103> meta itempropwidth content234> meta itempropheight content156> img decodingasync class data-attachment-id4109 data-orig-file data-orig-size640,427 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"11","credit":"","camera":"Canon EOS 5D","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1318921457","copyright":"","focal_length":"24","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"13","title":""} data-image-titleJetta 100000KM data-image-description<p>The Jetta reached 100,000KM and is photographed in all its glory.</p> data-medium-file data-large-file src srcset 640w, 300w width234 height156 loadinglazy data-original-width234 data-original-height156 itemprop titleJetta 100000KM altJetta 100000KM stylewidth: 234px; height: 156px; /> /a> /div> /div> !-- close group --> /div> !-- close row --> div classgallery-row stylewidth: 665px; height: 167px; data-original-width665 data-original-height167 > div classgallery-group images-1 stylewidth: 222px; height: 167px; data-original-width222 data-original-height167 > div classtiled-gallery-item tiled-gallery-item-small itempropassociatedMedia itemscope itemtype> a href border0 itempropurl rellightbox4103> meta itempropwidth content218> meta itempropheight content163> img decodingasync class data-attachment-id4111 data-orig-file data-orig-size1632,1224 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"2.2","credit":"","camera":"iPhone 5s","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1406663700","copyright":"","focal_length":"4.12","iso":"125","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":""} data-image-titleTacoma Inside Garage data-image-description<p>The truck fits in the garage…barely.</p> data-medium-file data-large-file src srcset 1632w, 300w, 1024w, 660w, 1330w width218 height163 loadinglazy data-original-width218 data-original-height163 itemprop titleTacoma Inside Garage altTacoma Inside Garage stylewidth: 218px; height: 163px; /> /a> /div> /div> !-- close group --> div classgallery-group images-1 stylewidth: 222px; height: 167px; data-original-width222 data-original-height167 > div classtiled-gallery-item tiled-gallery-item-small itempropassociatedMedia itemscope itemtype> a href border0 itempropurl rellightbox4103> meta itempropwidth content218> meta itempropheight content163> img decodingasync class data-attachment-id4112 data-orig-file data-orig-size1632,1224 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"2.2","credit":"","camera":"iPhone 5s","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1407578619","copyright":"","focal_length":"4.12","iso":"40","shutter_speed":"0.00014600671630895","title":""} data-image-titleTacoma Mulch Load data-image-description<p>1 yard of black mulch. Landscaping trips are made easier with your own vehicle.</p> data-medium-file data-large-file src srcset 1632w, 300w, 1024w, 660w, 1330w width218 height163 loadinglazy data-original-width218 data-original-height163 itemprop titleTacoma Mulch Load altTacoma Mulch Load stylewidth: 218px; height: 163px; /> /a> /div> /div> !-- close group --> div classgallery-group images-1 stylewidth: 221px; height: 167px; data-original-width221 data-original-height167 > div classtiled-gallery-item tiled-gallery-item-small itempropassociatedMedia itemscope itemtype> a href border0 itempropurl rellightbox4103> meta itempropwidth content217> meta itempropheight content163> img decodingasync class data-attachment-id4113 data-orig-file data-orig-size1632,1224 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"2.2","credit":"","camera":"iPhone 5s","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1406882330","copyright":"","focal_length":"4.12","iso":"32","shutter_speed":"0.0021459227467811","title":""} data-image-titleTacoma Wood Load data-image-description<p>600 pounds of lumber heading off to the dump – truck’s first garbage run!</p> data-medium-file data-large-file src srcset 1632w, 300w, 1024w, 660w, 1330w width217 height163 loadinglazy data-original-width217 data-original-height163 itemprop titleTacoma Wood Load altTacoma Wood Load stylewidth: 217px; height: 163px; /> /a> /div> /div> !-- close group --> /div> !-- close row --> div classgallery-row stylewidth: 665px; height: 274px; data-original-width665 data-original-height274 > div classgallery-group images-1 stylewidth: 409px; height: 274px; data-original-width409 data-original-height274 > div classtiled-gallery-item tiled-gallery-item-large itempropassociatedMedia itemscope itemtype> a href border0 itempropurl rellightbox4103> meta itempropwidth content405> meta itempropheight content270> img decodingasync class data-attachment-id4115 data-orig-file data-orig-size800,533 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"8","credit":"","camera":"Canon EOS 6D","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1406925420","copyright":"","focal_length":"50","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.005","title":""} data-image-titleToyota at LLB data-image-description<p>Toyota parked at LLB with Dad’s Dodge in the background.</p> data-medium-file data-large-file src srcset 800w, 300w, 660w width405 height270 loadinglazy data-original-width405 data-original-height270 itemprop titleToyota at LLB altToyota at LLB stylewidth: 405px; height: 270px; /> /a> /div> /div> !-- close group --> div classgallery-group images-1 stylewidth: 256px; height: 274px; data-original-width256 data-original-height274 > div classtiled-gallery-item tiled-gallery-item-large itempropassociatedMedia itemscope itemtype> a href border0 itempropurl rellightbox4103> meta itempropwidth content252> meta itempropheight content270> img decodingasync class data-attachment-id4128 data-orig-file data-orig-size400,429 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"4.5","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D50","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1174344229","copyright":"","focal_length":"34","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.01","title":""} data-image-titleStormtrooper Helmet data-image-description data-medium-file data-large-file src width252 height270 loadinglazy data-original-width252 data-original-height270 itemprop titleStormtrooper Helmet altStormtrooper Helmet stylewidth: 252px; height: 270px; /> /a> /div> /div> !-- close group --> /div> !-- close row --> /div>/center>br />After a week of looking through the Used section of dealerships and Kijiji, test drives on several trucks, I made my decision and traded in the 2006 Jetta TDI for a 2010 Toyota Tacoma TRD. /p>p>The Toyota is rugged but comfortable. The interior is roomy and has clean lines, a comfy bucket seat and some upgrades over my previous car (ie: Bluetooth, standard Auxiliary input, backup camera). The truck sits high but I don’t feel like I am crowding the lines on the road. After adjusting the garage around the truck fits, albeit with a paltry three feet of clearance, but it fits. /p>p>I have taken several truck loads to the garbage dump and it recently made a trip to Lac la Biche. The ride was smooth and I didn’t feel sore from the two and a half hour journey. Jenna was comfortable in her spot and the cats in the back were actually the quietest they had been in a vehicle in a long time. I miss the trunk but we put everything in Rubbermaid boxes for the lake so the open air box works just as well for now./p>p>The truck isn’t new and has quirks. As best I can tell the vehicle came from Nova Scotia and had a past life as a fleet vehicle, but yet it has low mileage and not much wear and tear, but enough to show that it is used. The front driver side mudflap is missing, the brake pedal rubber cover is gone, some bed accessories like the plastic cover for the storage compartment or the sliding bedrail cleats are absent; but these can be replaced. /p>p>The interior fan has a ticking sound like a cricket when the fan is spinning, and according to others online, this is a common problem and some tightening of screws on the fan blade fixes it. I haven’t been one for doing anything myself in a vehicle, but fixing the fan noise is on my list now. Unlike the VW manual, the Toyota one actually tells you how to remove and inspect items. When I tried to change the Jetta’s battery in 2013 I had to search online for the information before the manual mentioned nothing about how to change it yourself, only the hazards of doing so and ensuring it was an official VW battery./p>p>The benefits of a truck come at a cost: gas mileage. Instead of making multiple trips to the cabin on a single tank I used 3/4 to go there and back. The tank is 80L and thankfully gas is cheaper than diesel, but it a href target_blank>does cost a bit to drive/a>. Toyota carries a strong and reliable brand recognition and if I can avoid expensive oil changes or maintenance bills the two may even themselves out over the distance I drive the truck./p>p>All in all having a truck has been fun and it’s been great to put a garbage load in and go, and not have to coordinate borrowing a vehicle. When winter comes the 4×4 feature will provide peace of mind during the really bad days. I miss the Jetta but I am enjoying the Toyota, especially as some have said it looks a little like a Stormtrooper./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-meta> span>Category: a href relcategory tag>Blog/a>/span> span>Tags: a href reltag>jetta/a>, a href reltag>toyota/a>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-meta --> /article>!-- #post --> article idpost-4024 classpost-4024 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-general category-photography> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to My Tunnel Exploration relbookmark>My Tunnel Exploration/a> /h2> div classbelow-title-meta> div classadt> By span classvcard author> span classfn>a href titlePosts by Sean relauthor>Sean/a>/span> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classdate updated>October 29, 2013/span> /div> div classadt-comment> a classlink-comments href>0 Comment/a> /div> /div>!-- below title meta end --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>a href rellightbox4024>img data-recalc-dims1 decodingasync src altGuatemala Sinkhole width100 height100 classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-4025 srcset 150w, 200w, 300w sizes(max-width: 440px) 380px, 200px, (max-width: 767px) large, (max-width: 1027px) large />/a>I have a strange fascination with sink holes. It is the only topic I seem to post about on a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>Google Plus/a>. I admire the symmetry of a sink hole and its cylindrical hallway to doom. I love that a sink hole appearing in the a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>middle of a street looks like a Photoshop/a>. However, I understand that they are very serious and deadly phenomenons. In a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>Florida a sink hole appeared under the bed of a man sleeping/a> and was never heard from again. This is a terrifying thought and perhaps my curiosity with sink holes is what makes me interested in tunnels for transit systems. /p>p>a href rellightbox4024>img data-recalc-dims1 decodingasync src altChunnel Side View width300 height107 classaligncenter size-medium wp-image-4027 srcset 300w, 660w, 800w sizes(max-width: 440px) 380px, 200px, (max-width: 767px) large, (max-width: 1027px) large />/a>/p>p>The entire construction of an underground tunnel intrigues me. The a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>tunnel boring machines/a> used to dig tunnels are mind-boggling. The ability to dig em>under/em> a body of water, be it False Creek in Vancouver, the East Side Access bringing Long Island and New York together (a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>YouTube video/a>, a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>Huffingtonpost/a>) or the English Channel between England and France, is all amazing. The fact that the a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>London Underground/a> is older than the University of Alberta and that more complex transit systems have lines layered on top of each other excites me like a kid on Christmas./p>p>During my weekend courses at NAIT a team member in our group mentioned they were an installation coordinator on the a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>North LRT line in Edmonton/a>. His previous work experience includes the Canada Line in Vancouver as well as lines in Montreal. After the North LRT line is finished he will return to Vancouver to work on a 13 KM extension. I confessed my tunnel obsession with him and he offered to take me in to North LRT construction area. Once I removed the shock from my face I immediately agreed to his offer. /p>p>The tunnel boring machines have been removed from the site but the tunnels are in various levels of completion and I was able to see completed tunnels that could see a train tomorrow, and others that required a lot more infrastructure in place before they could carry cars./p>p>Did this experience live up to what I imagined it could be? em>Yes!/em> I am a fan of symmetry and pairing that with underground construction the photographic opportunities alone were worth it, and being able to walk in an area that few will legally be allowed to explore was icing on the cake. /p>p>Almost as if this was an organized birthday present to myself I put on the safety boots purchased just for this occasion, strapped all the camera gear to me and went in to the tunnels. My tour started at the MacEwan station, walked under CN Tower and took the new LRT line until it met with the Churchill Station. Below are some of the photos from the trip, and others can be found in the a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>Gallery here/a>./p>div classtiled-gallery type-rectangular tiled-gallery-unresized data-original-width665 data-carousel-extranull itemscope itemtype > div classgallery-row stylewidth: 665px; height: 299px; data-original-width665 data-original-height299 > div classgallery-group images-1 stylewidth: 446px; height: 299px; data-original-width446 data-original-height299 > div classtiled-gallery-item tiled-gallery-item-large itempropassociatedMedia itemscope itemtype> a href border0 itempropurl rellightbox4024> meta itempropwidth content442> meta itempropheight content295> img decodingasync class data-attachment-id4054 data-orig-file data-orig-size3000,2000 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"2.2","credit":"","camera":"Canon EOS 5D","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1382978705","copyright":"","focal_length":"50","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.00015625","title":""} data-image-titleNorth LRT Tunnel Exploration data-image-description data-medium-file data-large-file src srcset 3000w, 300w, 1024w, 660w, 1330w, 1995w width442 height295 loadinglazy data-original-width442 data-original-height295 itemprop titleNorth LRT Tunnel Exploration altNorth LRT Tunnel Exploration stylewidth: 442px; height: 295px; /> /a> /div> /div> !-- close group --> div classgallery-group images-2 stylewidth: 219px; height: 299px; data-original-width219 data-original-height299 > div classtiled-gallery-item tiled-gallery-item-small itempropassociatedMedia itemscope itemtype> a href border0 itempropurl rellightbox4024> meta itempropwidth content215> meta itempropheight content143> img decodingasync class data-attachment-id4055 data-orig-file data-orig-size2999,2000 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"2.2","credit":"","camera":"Canon EOS 5D","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1382979101","copyright":"","focal_length":"50","iso":"800","shutter_speed":"0.025","title":""} data-image-titleNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1350 data-image-description data-medium-file data-large-file src srcset 2999w, 300w, 1024w, 660w, 1330w, 1995w width215 height143 loadinglazy data-original-width215 data-original-height143 itemprop titleNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1350 altNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1350 stylewidth: 215px; height: 143px; /> /a> /div> div classtiled-gallery-item tiled-gallery-item-small itempropassociatedMedia itemscope itemtype> a href border0 itempropurl rellightbox4024> meta itempropwidth content215> meta itempropheight content148> img decodingasync class data-attachment-id4056 data-orig-file data-orig-size2914,2000 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"2.5","credit":"","camera":"Canon EOS 5D","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1382979152","copyright":"","focal_length":"50","iso":"640","shutter_speed":"0.016666666666667","title":""} data-image-titleNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1353 data-image-description data-medium-file data-large-file src srcset 2914w, 300w, 1024w, 660w, 1330w, 1995w width215 height148 loadinglazy data-original-width215 data-original-height148 itemprop titleNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1353 altNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1353 stylewidth: 215px; height: 148px; /> /a> /div> /div> !-- close group --> /div> !-- close row --> div classgallery-row stylewidth: 665px; height: 149px; data-original-width665 data-original-height149 > div classgallery-group images-1 stylewidth: 222px; height: 149px; data-original-width222 data-original-height149 > div classtiled-gallery-item tiled-gallery-item-small itempropassociatedMedia itemscope itemtype> a href border0 itempropurl rellightbox4024> meta itempropwidth content218> meta itempropheight content145> img decodingasync class data-attachment-id4057 data-orig-file data-orig-size3000,2000 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"1.8","credit":"","camera":"Canon EOS 5D","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1382979482","copyright":"","focal_length":"50","iso":"640","shutter_speed":"0.02","title":""} data-image-titleNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1357 data-image-description data-medium-file data-large-file src srcset 3000w, 300w, 1024w, 660w, 1330w, 1995w width218 height145 loadinglazy data-original-width218 data-original-height145 itemprop titleNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1357 altNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1357 stylewidth: 218px; height: 145px; /> /a> /div> /div> !-- close group --> div classgallery-group images-1 stylewidth: 222px; height: 149px; data-original-width222 data-original-height149 > div classtiled-gallery-item tiled-gallery-item-small itempropassociatedMedia itemscope itemtype> a href border0 itempropurl rellightbox4024> meta itempropwidth content218> meta itempropheight content145> img decodingasync class data-attachment-id4058 data-orig-file data-orig-size3000,2000 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"2","credit":"","camera":"Canon EOS 5D","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1382979939","copyright":"","focal_length":"50","iso":"640","shutter_speed":"0.016666666666667","title":""} data-image-titleNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1369 data-image-description data-medium-file data-large-file src srcset 3000w, 300w, 1024w, 660w, 1330w, 1995w width218 height145 loadinglazy data-original-width218 data-original-height145 itemprop titleNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1369 altNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1369 stylewidth: 218px; height: 145px; /> /a> /div> /div> !-- close group --> div classgallery-group images-1 stylewidth: 221px; height: 149px; data-original-width221 data-original-height149 > div classtiled-gallery-item tiled-gallery-item-small itempropassociatedMedia itemscope itemtype> a href border0 itempropurl rellightbox4024> meta itempropwidth content217> meta itempropheight content145> img decodingasync class data-attachment-id4061 data-orig-file data-orig-size3000,2000 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"2","credit":"","camera":"Canon EOS 5D","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1382980509","copyright":"","focal_length":"50","iso":"500","shutter_speed":"0.0125","title":""} data-image-titleNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1408 data-image-description data-medium-file data-large-file src srcset 3000w, 300w, 1024w, 660w, 1330w, 1995w width217 height145 loadinglazy data-original-width217 data-original-height145 itemprop titleNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1408 altNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1408 stylewidth: 217px; height: 145px; /> /a> /div> /div> !-- close group --> /div> !-- close row --> div classgallery-row stylewidth: 665px; height: 112px; data-original-width665 data-original-height112 > div classgallery-group images-1 stylewidth: 167px; height: 112px; data-original-width167 data-original-height112 > div classtiled-gallery-item tiled-gallery-item-small itempropassociatedMedia itemscope itemtype> a href border0 itempropurl rellightbox4024> meta itempropwidth content163> meta itempropheight content108> img decodingasync class data-attachment-id4060 data-orig-file data-orig-size3000,2000 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"2","credit":"","camera":"Canon EOS 5D","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1382980463","copyright":"","focal_length":"50","iso":"800","shutter_speed":"0.02","title":""} data-image-titleNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1405 data-image-description data-medium-file data-large-file src srcset 3000w, 300w, 1024w, 660w, 1330w, 1995w width163 height108 loadinglazy data-original-width163 data-original-height108 itemprop titleNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1405 altNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1405 stylewidth: 163px; height: 108px; /> /a> /div> /div> !-- close group --> div classgallery-group images-1 stylewidth: 166px; height: 112px; data-original-width166 data-original-height112 > div classtiled-gallery-item tiled-gallery-item-small itempropassociatedMedia itemscope itemtype> a href border0 itempropurl rellightbox4024> meta itempropwidth content162> meta itempropheight content108> img decodingasync class data-attachment-id4059 data-orig-file data-orig-size3000,2000 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"3.2","credit":"","camera":"Canon EOS 5D","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1382980169","copyright":"","focal_length":"50","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.076923076923077","title":""} data-image-titleNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1392 data-image-description data-medium-file data-large-file src srcset 3000w, 300w, 1024w, 660w, 1330w, 1995w width162 height108 loadinglazy data-original-width162 data-original-height108 itemprop titleNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1392 altNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1392 stylewidth: 162px; height: 108px; /> /a> /div> /div> !-- close group --> div classgallery-group images-1 stylewidth: 166px; height: 112px; data-original-width166 data-original-height112 > div classtiled-gallery-item tiled-gallery-item-small itempropassociatedMedia itemscope itemtype> a href border0 itempropurl rellightbox4024> meta itempropwidth content162> meta itempropheight content108> img decodingasync class data-attachment-id4062 data-orig-file data-orig-size3000,2000 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"1.8","credit":"","camera":"Canon EOS 5D","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1382980631","copyright":"","focal_length":"50","iso":"500","shutter_speed":"0.005","title":""} data-image-titleNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1412 data-image-description data-medium-file data-large-file src srcset 3000w, 300w, 1024w, 660w, 1330w, 1995w width162 height108 loadinglazy data-original-width162 data-original-height108 itemprop titleNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1412 altNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1412 stylewidth: 162px; height: 108px; /> /a> /div> /div> !-- close group --> div classgallery-group images-1 stylewidth: 166px; height: 112px; data-original-width166 data-original-height112 > div classtiled-gallery-item tiled-gallery-item-small itempropassociatedMedia itemscope itemtype> a href border0 itempropurl rellightbox4024> meta itempropwidth content162> meta itempropheight content108> img decodingasync class data-attachment-id4063 data-orig-file data-orig-size3000,2000 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"1.8","credit":"","camera":"Canon EOS 5D","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1382980674","copyright":"","focal_length":"50","iso":"250","shutter_speed":"0.005","title":""} data-image-titleNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1415 data-image-description data-medium-file data-large-file src srcset 3000w, 300w, 1024w, 660w, 1330w, 1995w width162 height108 loadinglazy data-original-width162 data-original-height108 itemprop titleNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1415 altNorth_LRT_Tunnels_20131028_1415 stylewidth: 162px; height: 108px; /> /a> /div> /div> !-- close group --> /div> !-- close row --> /div>p>What impressed me most was how much work is required to put a tunnel together. It’s more than digging a hole and laying in a track, the infrastructure for communication, lighting, water all has to be considered before concrete is poured and the number of teams involved in such a project is staggering. The amount of material that is beneath the scenes is not something I could fully comprehend but seeing conduits, fire-proof access boxes and other important areas in the tunnel lead you to understanding there is a very complex system surrounding another complicated system. /p>p>My guide admitted to me that the North LRT line lacked the glamour of other lines and may come across as simple, but that doesn’t mean this line is without challenges. Case in point are the track switches at Churchill Station. This is where the Metro line will be coming in to Churchill Station, crossing over existing track and arriving at the platform. The original track had to be replaced to allow for the track switches, and the software to control the direction of the tracks is currently being />img data-recalc-dims1 loadinglazy decodingasync src altTrack Switch width274 height75 classaligncenter size-full wp-image-4070 />br />Two lines, each with a north bound and south bound car, arriving at a single station may be small apples to larger city lines, but standing in front of the track and seeing how much has to happen in a small space to ensure a car gets to where it’s going is overwhelming. If you think of the logic required to control a traffic light and get frustrated when you are sitting still for longer than necessary. Now extrapolate that to managing the tracks that will control the meeting point of two LRT lines in to one. /p>p>img data-recalc-dims1 loadinglazy decodingasync src altCrumpled Blueprints width100 height100 classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-4073 srcset 150w, 200w, 300w sizes(max-width: 440px) 380px, 200px, (max-width: 767px) large, (max-width: 1027px) large />To take a step back and apply a project manager view on this, I was most surprised that there is still room for error on tasks or that specifications can be interpreted differently. This isn’t to say they are wrong or faulty, just that this is far from the first underground transit line created and the best practices done by other teams elsewhere should set a standard for other projects to follow, but they seem to be more of a guideline and not a rule. What the North LRT line is doing is not unique but a em>simple/em> line may have been made more complicated through the teams involved in the execution. The mentality that ‘my way is the best way’ goes beyond software development and debugging a faulty line of code or re-wiring electrical could likely have been avoided if more time was spent in the beginning of the project. /p>p>I am not about to switch my careers and begin working on tunnel construction but the variety of jobs and tasks required to complete a line are more than team of blunt instruments digging a hole. There is a lot of finish work that ties it all together and it was a great opportunity to see behind the curtain. First and foremost I was a curious bystander and secondly I was taking a work perspective on this, picturing a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>network diagrams/a> of how work can be organized and trying to plan the project in my head. /p>p>This was a fantastic opportunity and I will be looking out the window of the LRT a little more fondly now knowing a bit about what is beyond the rail car./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-meta> span>Category: a href relcategory tag>General/a> a href relcategory tag>Photography/a>/span> span>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-meta --> /article>!-- #post --> article idpost-3952 classpost-3952 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-travel tag-okanagan tag-wine> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to My Local Southern Comfort relbookmark>My Local Southern Comfort/a> /h2> div classbelow-title-meta> div classadt> By span classvcard author> span classfn>a href titlePosts by Sean relauthor>Sean/a>/span> /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classdate updated>October 14, 2013/span> /div> div classadt-comment> a classlink-comments href>0 Comment/a> /div> /div>!-- below title meta end --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>After yearly trips to foreign locales and enjoying what other countries have to offer we did something different with our vacation this year. We left our passports behind and became tourists in our own backyard. Our vacation consisted of borrowing Dad’s truck and camper and hit the road in late June to spend 11 days going through the a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>Okanagan/a>. /p>p>Over the years we have marvelled at sights locals take for granted and decided to see what Canada has to offer. There are many areas we’d like to see in Canada but for now we’re starting small and going through the BC Southern Interior. Perhaps in the future we’ll visit the Maritimes or go north but this time we’re chasing sunshine, desert conditions and vineyards. /p>p>a href rellightbox3952>img data-recalc-dims1 loadinglazy decodingasync src altBC Route width100 height100 stylefloat: left; padding-right: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;/>/a>/p>p>Our trip took us through the BC interior going in a clockwise drive with stops in Golden, Kelowna, Penticton, Osoyoos, Christina Lake, Kimberley back to Golden and then home. Where possible we reserved a spot on a lake or within walking distance of sights and activities. If there was a bike or walking path nearby all the better. /p>p>Planning a trip within your own country is easier than international trips, but contacting camp grounds during their winter season made the reservation process slow and we had to modify plans as we went (one day here and take away a day there). We started our planning as far back as January knowing that some places wouldn’t accept reservations until March and we wanted to be ready to book the moment they were open. Some items that caused us troubles were required length of stays in the high season summer months and restrictions around long weekends. We had to modify our Osoyoos/Christina Lake itinerary to fit in to a spot in Osoyoos over Canada Day weekend but more time in Osoyoos was not a bad thing by any means./p>p>It was a great vacation that went by too fast. Some highlights were…/p>p>Experiencing +40 weather in Osoyoos. We went to the tip of the Sonoran Desert and weren’t disappointed with arid conditions and hot weather. Locals were talking about it being em>too/em> warm for them so we knew we were experiencing something special. /p>p>The weather was great on the whole trip and we only experienced one morning with rain, which didn’t last long before warm weather broke through. The camper is equipped with air conditioning so on hot evenings we were able to bring the unit to a reasonable temperature./p>p>a href rellightbox3952>img data-recalc-dims1 loadinglazy decodingasync src altWine Purchases width100 height100 classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-3996 srcset 150w, 96w, 24w, 36w, 48w, 64w, 200w, 300w sizes(max-width: 440px) 380px, 200px, (max-width: 767px) large, (max-width: 1027px) large />/a>Wine, wine, wine. We left Edmonton thinking we were fans of red wine and were exposed to some great tasting whites. I still enjoy a full red but now a Gewürztraminer or a dry Riesling may suit me fine. I also understand what I like about red’s and am looking at all types of red’s with a new appreciation. On the day we went to six wineries (a wine tour so we weren’t driving) things became hazy before high noon and we had to be poured out of the van at the end of the day. /p>p>Over the course of the trip we visited 18 wineries and bought wine at almost all of them. Some were better than others, and we came back with 60 bottles. The true test has been seeing if the wine is still good back at home and so far our favorites in the Okanagan are still our favorites back home./p>p>Walking along the beach in Penticton. Of all the places we stopped at Penticton stood out for us. There was something about the town, some vibe, which made it unique from other places we visited. Situated between two bodies of water and rolling foot hills it is a pretty scenic location. Also, it doesn’t hurt that the tourist center in Penticton has a liquor store that stocks a lot of BC wineries so you don’t need to drive up to Kelowna or Naramata to get your favorite bottle./p>p>a href rellightbox3952>img data-recalc-dims1 loadinglazy decodingasync src altBluth Stair Car width100 height100 classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-4007 srcset 150w, 96w, 24w, 36w, 48w, 64w, 200w, 300w sizes(max-width: 440px) 380px, 200px, (max-width: 767px) large, (max-width: 1027px) large />/a>The drive between camp sites wasn’t horrendous, however it couldn’t be avoided that some days were longer than others. At most we travelled 7.5 hours and other days it was a quiet 90 minute drive down the road. The worst part of any day was managing the truck on the roads, busy or not. I felt like I was in a stair car, stepping on the gas to speed up and then immediately going on the brakes because there was a red light four blocks away. /p>p>Travelling through a major area on the Canada Day long weekend was a bit of an oversight, and we had some hairy moments amongst the traffic, but we survived and it made for an adventure. Once we reached a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>Vernon and started towards Kelowna/a> it felt like we were in one big traffic jam. The ingredients were there for a tedious drive: long weekend in July, start of holidays, great weather; all reasons why others were probably on the road too. Thankfully this was the exception and not the norm when we travelled, but I was always happy to park for the day and know that I wouldn’t need to head out again./p>p>We limited some of the sights we went to because we knew driving there would have been a challenge (ie: the trestles in Osoyoos, or any of the switch backs that lead to a hiking trail). This is not to say the unit wouldn’t have made it there, it just would have been extremely stressful and slow going. /p>p>For as big as the truck/camper is on the road the amenities it offered when we parked was worth it. We could put the air conditioning on to cool the camper down, take a shower, cook all of our meals and had enough on board water and battery power to sustain us when we had to dry camp in a provincial park. I have a new respect for large units on the road and more that venture on the mountain roads from Golden and Revelstoke; those corners were taken extremely slow in the truck and I am amazed that the shuttle we take there for skiing in the winter time manages that, and in worse conditions. /p>p>The trip was a nice break and a calm before the storm of house renovations, cat emergencies and unplanned expenses and it left us wanting to return to the Okanagan region sooner than later. Plus, we now have a fully stocked wine cellar and the weekly debate of ‘drinking the good stuff or a bottle we bought locally’. /p>p>Images from the trip can be found in the Gallery a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>here/a>./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-meta> span>Category: a href relcategory tag>Travel/a>/span> span>Tags: a href reltag>okanagan/a>, a href reltag>wine/a>/span> /footer>!-- .entry-meta --> /article>!-- #post --> nav idnav-below classnavigation rolenavigation> div classassistive-text>Post navigation/div> div classnav-previous alignleft>a href >span classmeta-nav>←/span> Older posts/a>/div> div classnav-next alignright>/div> /nav>!-- #nav-below .navigation --> /div>!-- #content --> /div>!-- #primary --> div idsecondary classwidget-area rolecomplementary> aside idblock-3 classwidget widget_block widget_search>form rolesearch methodget action classwp-block-search__button-outside wp-block-search__text-button wp-block-search >label 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