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classcontent-area> main idmain classsite-main> article idpost-5 classpost-5 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-photography> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2014-02-23T22:24:02+00:00>February 23, 2014/time>time classupdated datetime2018-01-02T09:42:10+00:00>January 2, 2018/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h3 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Lens Review: Sigma 120-300 f/2.8 DG OS HSM A1/a>/h3> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>The Sigma 120-300/2.8 lens I rented for the past week has been boxed up and is ready to be shipped back. It’s been a fun shooting with it, and I’m sad to see it go back./p>p>strong>Pros:/strong>/p>ul>li>Sharp, even wide open/li>li>Minimal vignetting wide open/li>li>Being able to shoot 300/2.8 without being locked into a prime lens is really handy during a shoot./li>li>Being able to cover the entire 120-300 range at 2.8 is really, really handy./li>li>Usable without a monopod (but barely)/li>/ul>p>strong>Cons:/strong>/p>ul>li>Heavy. Very heavy. 1DX + this lens + 600EX-RT is almost 12 pounds./li>li>Focusing is a little on the slow side. (It’s not THAT slow, but it’s not a true sports lens by any stretch.)/li>li>It’s not cheap. However, there’s no other lens like it, and it’s a lot cheaper than say, Canon’s 200-400/4./li>li>Very conspicuous. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten this many comments about my lens before. Carrying the lens definitely makes you stand out./li>/ul>p>strong>Should You Buy It?/strong>/p>p>If you need a f/2.8 zoom lens that goes beyond 200mm, this is an excellent value. If you rarely need to shoot beyond 200mm at f/2.8, consider the Canon 70-200/2.8 instead./p>p>strong>Will I Buy It and Why?/strong>/p>p>Probably — there are many times when shooting cosplay and my kids that I want to go beyond 200mm and still have the bokeh from f/2.8./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> /article>!-- #post-5 -->article idpost-49 classpost-49 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-cosplay category-photography> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2012-08-09T20:44:11+00:00>August 9, 2012/time>time classupdated datetime2018-01-28T07:58:56+00:00>January 28, 2018/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h3 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Better Cosplay Photos: In-Camera vs Post-processing/a>/h3> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignleft>a href!i1920585764&k2nkrKbT&lb1&sA>img fetchpriorityhigh decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>Owldepot as Juvia from Fairy Tail. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>p>One of the easiest ways to start an argument among photographers is to ask, “How hard should I try to get the photo right in-camera?”. Some photographers believe that all Real Photographers™ nail the settings in-camera; that having to adjust exposure or white balance or anything else during post-processing is the mark of a lesser photographer. Other photographers go the other way, and believe the insistence on in-camera perfection is an archaic holdover from the days of film, and is a waste of shooting time./p>p>Before diving into this controversy, I want to point out that almost all non-photographers strong>really don’t care/strong>. The final result, the photo itself, is what people care about; the process you the photographer went through to create it is of limited interest at best. If it looks good, it’s good, regardless of whether the shot is straight off the camera or whether it required 3 hours of post-processing./p>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignright>a href!i1939966239&k4k9Qh8X&lb1&sA>img decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>Young cosplayer HiME dress as a witch. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>p>(As a side note, almost all non-photographers also don’t care what gear you used or what photography rules you followed/broke. They’re not going to like your photo any more if you tell them you used a Canon 1DX or less if you tell them you used a super-zoom lens.)/p>p>One of the key skills for photographers to learn is to differentiate between “This photo looks great!” and “This photo required a lot of effort/gear/skill to create!”. Too many photographers post the photos that required a special technique, or expensive gear, or that were otherwise tricky to take, instead of posting the photos that look good, and then wonder why their audience isn’t impressed. Yes, it can be frustrating when the off-the-cuff photo you took on a whim is better than all the shots you spent hours setting up, but that’s the way it goes sometimes. If you post the lesser shots because of all the effort you went through for them, you will be short-changing yourself and your portfolio./p>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignleft>a href!i1958217900&kSxQHjjk&lb1&sA>img decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>Kimu as Himura Kenshin from Ruroni Kenshin. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>p>So now that we’ve established that (almost) no one cares if you got it right in camera, why should you care?/p>p>The rule that applies here is to do the least amount of work to get the same result. In other words, if you can create the exact same final photo in 15 minutes or 90 minutes, isn’t the 15 minute method preferred?/p>p>Frequently, getting it right in camera will save you time. For example, getting the white balance right in-camera may take 30 seconds with a white balance card vs taking 2 minutes to fix it in Lightroom, so getting it right in-camera is preferred. Other settings that are usually faster to get right in camera include exposure and framing/composition./p>p>There are, of course, exceptions./p>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignright>a href!i1934615072&k87Bd33f&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync class src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>Myalchod as Risai from Twelve Kingdoms. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>ul>li>Sometimes, using a white balance card isn’t an option. (Stage shows, for example.)/li>li>Other times, getting the settings right in-camera my have too steep of an opportunity cost (weddings & other special events), where the time you spend adjusting your camera settings is time you miss capturing a special moment./li>li>Sometimes things move too fast to keep up with settings adjustments (photographing kids, for example)./li>li>Sometimes you have so little of the subject’s time that you can’t adjust settings. Hallway cosplay and event photography come to mind here./li>li>If you’re paying a model by the hour, do you want to spent 10 minutes fiddling with something in the background that can be fixed in 2 minutes of Photoshop?/li>li>And sometimes, it’s just plain faster to do it in post. If there’s a soda can in the distant background, cloning it out in post will probably be faster than sending a someone to move the can./li>/ul>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignleft>a href!i1951847806&kpkGH9fz&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>Bekalou as Panty from Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>p>Of course, there are some things that can’t be completely fixed in post, like high-levels of noise or very under/over-exposed shots, so while nailing it perfectly in camera may not always be the best solution, you always want to be in the ballpark./p>p>Also, there are times you can’t/don’t want to post-process — if you’re running a photo booth and selling the prints on-site, you have to nail the shot in-camera because no post-processing is possible./p>p>Conversely, there are some things that can’t be done in-camera. Localized adjustments, color tuning, and many other effects must be done in post. No camera today produces images that don’t benefit from some post-processing, so unless you’re in a “can’t-postprocess” situation, you should always do at least some basic post-processing to make your photos look their best./p>p>Like for so many other photography questions, the answer to, “How important is it to get it right in-camera?” is “It depends.” It depends on how much time you have to adjust settings when shooting, how much time you have to post-process, and what’s easiest for you. Don’t let the purists on either side of the debate get to you — do what’s right for you and your photos in your situation./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> /article>!-- #post-49 -->article idpost-7 classpost-7 post type-post status-publish format-video hentry category-cosplay category-photography post_format-post-format-video> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2012-08-08T00:25:06+00:00>August 8, 2012/time>time classupdated datetime2018-01-02T11:29:28+00:00>January 2, 2018/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h3 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Fanime 2012 Panel Video: Cosplayers and Photographers Working Together/a>/h3> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> div classentry-video>iframe loadinglazy styledisplay: block; margin: 0px auto; id_ytid_48528 width525 height295 data-origwidth525 data-origheight295 src class__youtube_prefs__ no-lazyload titleYouTube player allowfullscreen; accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture allowfullscreen data-no-lazy1 data-skipgform_ajax_framebjll>/iframe>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> /article>!-- #post-7 -->article idpost-51 classpost-51 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-cosplay category-photography> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2012-06-28T02:02:34+00:00>June 28, 2012/time>time classupdated datetime2018-01-28T07:58:47+00:00>January 28, 2018/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h3 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Better Cosplay Photos: Storing Your Photos/a>/h3> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>Scott Kelby’s a href>recent hard drive troubles/a> got me thinking: How should you store your photos after you download them from your camera?/p>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignleft>a href!i1910465546&kN5MQxmS&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>eclecticmaniac as Kagami from Lucky Star./figcaption>/figure>p>The easiest approach is to store them on your local computer’s hard drive. You don’t need to buy or do anything special, and for some period of time it will work. Life is good… until it fills up./p>p>When that happens, you can buy an external (USB) drive, plug it in, and voila, more disk space for your photos! Even better, if you need to share your photos among several computers at home, many home routers have a disk sharing feature. Plug your USB drive into the router, and your files are available to everyone on your home network. Life is really good… until the hard drive dies./p>p>Hard drive failure is a “when”, not an “if”. Some drives fail in 6 months; some fail in 6 years, but eventually, all drives strong>will/strong> fail. If your only copy of your photos was on the drive, say good-bye to your photos! If you don’t want to lose your photos and other personal data, you have to be ready for the day your drive dies./p>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignright>a href!i1884765578&kT6Gj6LC&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>Blueskadoo as Hikaru from Magic Knight Rayearth./figcaption>/figure>p>To do this, RAID is a technology that spreads data across multiple hard drives. The common types of RAID for home use are RAID 0, RAID 1, and RAID 5./p>ul>li>RAID 0 is a way to combine multiple drives into one giant drive. For example, two 2TB hard drives can be combined to act like one 4TB hard drive. However, since any given file is written to only one drive, a single drive failure will still cause you to lose data. (In fact, it’s worse than a single drive from a reliability point-of-view, since the loss of either drive will cause you to effectively lose the data from both, doubling the odds that a failure will occur at any given time.)/li>li>RAID 1 is also known as mirroring. Given two hard drives, RAID 1 will write each file twice, once to each drive, causing the two drives to be exact copies (mirrors) of each other. If one drive were to fail, your data would be accessible from the other drive./li>li>RAID 5 is a way of spreading your data across three or more drives in a way that if one of the drives in the group were to fail, your data would be preserved on the remaining drives. However, if a second drive from the group were to fail before the first were replaced, your data would be lost./li>/ul>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignleft>a href!i1882515766&k35xN5Mz&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>toastersix as Angel Starr from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney/figcaption>/figure>p>Many vendors offer multi-hard-disk appliances that support RAID 0/1/5, including Drobo, the brand that Scott was using. Using one of these units (in RAID 1 or RAID 5 mode) is very good protection against disk failures, and I strongly recommend it as compared to using just one drive or a RAID 0 set of drives./p>p>Now, life is really, really good. If a drive fails, you can replace it and not lose any data! What else could you want? Unfortunately, this by itself still suffers from three flaws./p>p>The obvious issue is that the appliance itself could fail. It is especially common for an appliance’s power supply to fail, and is what Scott ran into. If the appliance fails, your data is still intact, but it’s inaccessible until the unit is repaired. If you’re using a proprietary appliance like a Drobo, you’re going to be dependant on that company for repairs. If the warranty has expired, be prepared to spend a non-trivial amount./p>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignright>a href!i1879546567&kDZ242TB&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>Rai as Mami Tomoe from Puella Magi Madoka Magica./figcaption>/figure>p>The less obvious issue is that any disk appliance does exactly what the computer tells it to do. If the computer tells it to delete your photos, it will happily delete your photos from all of its drives./p>p>How could that happen?/p>p>Unfortunately, this could happen in a number of ways. For example:/p>ul>li>You could accidentally delete the wrong folder./li>li>A virus infecting your computer may deliberately destroy data./li>li>Someone you share your computer with may decide your photos are taking up too much space and delete them to make room for downloaded movies./li>/ul>p>Even less obvious is that all hard drives may become inaccessible at the same />This is extremely unlikely to happen from random drive failures, but some not all failures are random. For example:/p>ul>li>Your house floods or has a fire./li>li>Someone breaks in and steals the appliance./li>li>You leave the appliance running for long periods of time in a 120F room because you forgot to turn on the A/C before going on vacation./li>/ul>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignleft>a href!i1794296535&k6h6mmw2&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>Cheshire as Doll from Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler)./figcaption>/figure>p>For all these reasons, you need to do backups of your photos, even if they are stored on an ultra-reliable, super-redundant, enterprise-grade disk appliance./p>p>Fortunately, backups are easy. They can be done to a regular (single) external drive; since it’s only a backup, if the backup drive fails, it’s no big deal. You simply buy a new external drive and do a backup to the new drive. Windows comes with a built-in app to back up data to an external drive, and I think MacOS does too. Once the backup is done, disconnect the drive and put it in a safe place! (If you leave your backup drive always-on, it’s convenient, but then it’s also prone to human error and viruses, just like your main drive.)/p>p>There are two wrinkles to backups. First, if you’re like me and paranoid about the possibility of a failure during a backup, alternate between two external drives. That is, the first time you do a backup, back up to drive A. The second time, back up to drive B. The third time, back up to drive A again, and so on./p>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignright>a href!i1865245220&kx6msgQs&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>OwlDepot as Juvia Lockser from Fairy Tail./figcaption>/figure>p>Second, to make it less likely that you will lose data if something were to happen your house (burglary, fire, flood, etc), store one of those two external drives somewhere not at home. A friend’s house you visit often works well for this. Periodically pick up the drive, do a backup, and return the drive to your friend. This gives you something to fall back on in the event of a disaster at home./p>p>Finally, consider how often you should back up your data. To determine that, consider how much data you’re willing to lose, and balance that against how much time you’re willing to spend doing backups. For example, to ensure you lose no more than 2 weeks of data in the event of a failure, you will need to do backups at least every two weeks./p>p>Using a RAID drive for your photos and doing backups takes time and money, but it becomes well worth it the first time you encounter a drive failure and don’t lose all your photos as a result./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> /article>!-- #post-51 -->article idpost-53 classpost-53 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-conventions category-cosplay category-photography> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2012-05-17T14:24:32+00:00>May 17, 2012/time>time classupdated datetime2018-01-28T07:58:33+00:00>January 28, 2018/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h3 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Better Cosplay Photos: Why Hallway Shooting?/a>/h3> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignright>a href!i1829681353&kfkWBRpN&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>Hallway shot from ACen 2012. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>p>Last month I attended Anime Central (ACen), a large anime convention near Chicago. I didn’t have many shoots scheduled, so I spent most of the convention doing hallway cosplay shooting. Even though some cosplay photographers belittle hallway shooting as boring, I had a great time, and I got a lot of positive comments about my shots./p>p>I don’t agree with the belief that hallway shooting is what novice photographers do before they graduate to “real” shoots. Certainly, hallway shooting does have a lot of disadvantages:/p>ul>li>You can rarely get a clean background, and you pretty much never get a pretty background/li>li>Your lighting options are limited, usually to just an on-camera flash+diffuser./li>li>Because you have maybe 30 seconds (at most!) of the cosplayer’s time, there’s almost no time to pose the cosplayer or to think about the shot./li>/ul>p>However, from those disadvantages come practice in several important techniques:/p>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignright>a href!i1839544694&k2WMNg49&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>Hallway shot from ACen 2012. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>ul>li>Shooting quickly. Cosplay photographers can become a bit lazy in this area, since cosplayers are almost never paid to model by the hour, and are usually very patient. Learning to shoot quickly is important when shooting paid models. It’s also important when shooting children’s birthday parties, wedding receptions, and other events where you, the photographer, need to capture the action without getting in the way./li>li>Selecting and processing a large set of photos. Nothing like coming home with 1100 hallway shots to make you hone your photo selection skills, and nothing like having to process the 300 photos from that set to make you hone your speed-processing skills. Both skills are helpful for all photographers, but they become especially useful when you shoot other large events./li>li>Experience shooting a wide variety of costumes. Just at ACen, I shot more different cosplays than I did in all my private shoots in the past 3 years./li>li>Making new contacts. Shooting a lot of cosplayers helped me meet some new friends, and introduced a large number of people to my photography. Some of those people have already asked for private shoots. If you only shoot private shoots, you can end up in a bubble, isolated from the larger cosplay community./li>/ul>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignright>a href!i1836434854&kwxwwFGf&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>Hallway shot from ACen 2012. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>p>Because of all the skills you hone when doing hallway shooting, I strongly encourage even experienced cosplay photographers to hallway shoot at least one convention a year./p>p>Here are some tips when doing hallway shooting:/p>ul>li>Scope out the venue as early as you can, and be prepared. Some venues have low, white ceilings that are very conducive to bouncing a flash off, but most of the time you’re not so lucky. An on-camera flash with a diffuser or mini-softbox is usually required for decent-looking photos./li>li>If you’re indoors shooting with a flash, shoot in M (manual) mode, with a setting that picks up some ambient. To do this, figure out what the camera thinks are the “right” settings, and then set them about two stops lower. For example, if your camera is metering 1/200th of a sec @f/2.8 at ISO 1600, you could shoot with those settings at ISO 400, making the background darker but not completely black. If you don’t like that look, play around with the settings until you find a flash/ambient mix you like./li>/ul>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignright>a href!i1840131193&k7QKLB6F&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>Hallway shot from ACen 2012. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>ul>li>Don’t shoot in one spot for a long time. Move around the convention to find a nice variety of cosplays. (Don’t forget to update your camera settings if you move to a location with different lighting!)/li>li>Don’t carry around a lot of stuff. You will quickly get tired of carrying it, and it’s more things that could get misplaced or stolen while you’re shooting./li>li>Have business cards ready to hand out. A common cosplayer complaint is, “A hundred photographers shot my costume, but I can’t find any of the photos!” By making your photos easy to find, the cosplayer will remember you and your photography, so you will have made a contact. There are many sites where you can order good quality business cards at a very reasonable price./li>li>Post them as quickly as you can. Interest in hallway photos diminishes quickly after a convention./li>li>To post photos quickly, you will need to process them quickly. A quick photo selection pass followed by 30 seconds of Lightroom tweaking is usually plenty./li>/ul>p>Finally, it’s important to keep in mind that hallway photos will not look as good as private shoot photos; that’s not the goal here. Instead of spending 60 minutes trying to get near-perfect photos of one cosplayer, you’re going to spend that time trying to get good photos of 30 cosplayers. If you do that well, they still may be some of the best photos those cosplayers will have of their cosplays./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> /article>!-- #post-53 -->article idpost-55 classpost-55 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-cosplay category-photography> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2012-05-03T14:02:38+00:00>May 3, 2012/time>time classupdated datetime2018-01-28T08:01:13+00:00>January 28, 2018/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h3 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Better Cosplay Photos: Before You Shoot/a>/h3> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>One of the most common myths about cosplay photography (and portrait photography in general) is that doing a shoot is as simple as running out the door with a camera, snapping some photos of a model, and posting the results. With today’s digital cameras, it certainly is possible to shoot that way, but doing so pretty much guarantees mediocre results. So what’s missing?/p>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignleft>a href!i1656812898&kLsbQKgz&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>Bekalou as Youko from 12 Kingdoms. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>p>The most obvious missing piece is post-processing. Almost every shot you take can be improved with a little (1-2 minutes) of post-processing. Pretty much every “WOW!” shot you’ve ever seen has been post-processed to some extent; posting photos straight off the camera is a sure road to average-looking photos./p>p>Another missing piece is photo selection. Choosing what to post is key to making your photos look good. Not only does it hide your mistakes, it prevents your awesome photos from being drowned in a vast sea of mediocre and redundant shots./p>p>However, both photo selection and post-processing occur after a shoot, so I will save them for another time. Just as important as those post-shoot tasks is pre-shoot planning, and that’s the topic for this post./p>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignright>a href!i1207245220&kvQ5A3&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>KittyCatChi as Catwoman. Photo by OscarC photography./figcaption>/figure>p>When planning a shoot, the first thing to choose is a location. It should be appropriate to the cosplay, of course, but you should also consider the location’s rules on photography, how crowded the location will be, and so on. (If you’re shooting at a convention, your choices for a location are more limited, but you can still decide where around con to shoot.)/p>p>Once you’ve selected the location, you should think from a shoot logistics point of view:/p>ul>li>How much room will I have to shoot? In a large park, a 200mm lens works great; in a hotel room, a 24-105mm or similar wide lens works much better./li>li>What kind of lighting will be available/allowed/possible? Will I need to bring my own? For outdoor shoots, will it be too windy for a soft box? Maybe it will be too windy for even for a reflector? For indoor shoots, can I bounce the flash off the ceiling? Are the normal room lights suitable? Is flash even allowed?/li>li>What time(s) would work best at that location? Noon on the beach usually isn’t good, unless it’s overcast. Midnight in a bad part of town also isn’t recommended./li>li>When is the location too crowded? Does the location have special events that you want to avoid?/li>li>What’s the parking situation like? How much gear can I get to/from the shooting site?/li>li>How much background will I want visible in each shot? Do I want to pick up narrow slivers of background, or do I want wide-angle “everything around me” shots? (You can do both, as long as you’re willing to change lenses as needed, or if you are willing and able to juggle two camera bodies.)/li>li>When does the location close? How much time will I have to shoot there?/li>li>What style of shots do I want? Sunset photos with the city in the background? High-noon wild-west style? A completely blurred foliage background? etc./li>/ul>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignleft>a href!i1311696949&kkSGkNHD&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>WindoftheStars as Princess Serenity from Sailor Moon. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>p>This info should also help you to pick a shooting time. Most cosplayers aren’t very aware of how time of day affects lighting (for outdoor shoots). You, as the photographer and lighting expert, need to work with them to pick a time that matches the style of shoot that they (and you) want to do. For example, if they request a park shoot at 1pm, you may want to ask if sometime closer to sunset might work better. Don’t forget to allow set up, prep, and warm up time. For example, if you want to do a sunset shoot, don’t meet up 5 minutes before sunset and expect to be able to get the shot./p>p>Once you’ve picked a shooting location and time, determine what gear you will need. For example, if you have multiple lenses, which one(s) will work best for the shots you want? Occasionally swapping lenses isn’t a problem, but if you find yourself swapping your lens every few photos, you probably haven’t planned out your shoot well. Also, what lighting gear will you need? Will you need an assistant?/p>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignright>a href!i1245127527&kx2SfA&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>WrenTheFaceless as Albert Wesker from Resident Evil. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>p>Being prepared for the unexpected is good. Extra batteries, memory cards, etc, are a must. Throwing in an extra lens or a piece of lighting gear “just in case” is good, but if you find yourself bringing lots and lots of stuff “just in case”, that usually means you haven’t thought through your shoot well enough. There’s a fine line between taking advantage of the unexpected and just plain making everything up as you go along./p>p>Ideally, every cosplayer will come to each shoot with a set of character-appropriate poses all ready; in reality, many cosplayers will have no poses ready, or, at best, one or two. Be ready with posing suggestions, and the composition and lighting to go with them. If you wait until the shoot before you start thinking about poses, your best pose ideas will likely occur to you in the car as you’re driving home afterwards. (Don’t ask me how I know!)/p>p>Finally, make sure you’re in sync with the cosplayer. Do your ideas for the shoot match what they want? For example, if you show up ready to shoot dark and broody, and they want bright and cheerful, you have a problem. If the cosplayer doesn’t like what you have planned, work with them before the shoot to come up with something mutually agreeable. Also, exchange cell numbers ahead of time, so that you can reach each other if something comes up or if someone has a problem finding the meetup location./p>p>Once you’ve completed the pre-shoot planning, you’re ready to shoot! The planning doesn’t stop when the shooting starts, though, so my next post will discuss at-shoot planning./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> /article>!-- #post-55 -->article idpost-57 classpost-57 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-cosplay category-photography> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2012-04-19T00:11:38+00:00>April 19, 2012/time>time classupdated datetime2018-01-28T08:02:37+00:00>January 28, 2018/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h3 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Better Cosplay Photos: Field-of-View/a>/h3> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>One of the most basic decisions when taking a shot is how close to stand to the model./p>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignright>a href!i1746012457&kgdJtSJX&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>200mm narrow shot of L as Hermione. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>p>If you’re using a prime (fixed-length) lens, the decision is straightforward — stand at the distance required to get the framing you want. If you want to zoom in, walk closer; if you want to zoom out, walk away./p>p>If you’re using a zoom lens, the decision is more complicated. If you want to zoom in, you can either zoom in with the lens, or you can keep the lens as-is and walk closer. Likewise, if you want to zoom out, you can either walk further away, or zoom out with the lens./p>p>You may be asking, “Does it really matter how I zoom in and out?”. The answer is yes, it matters a lot, and that is the subject of this post./p>p>To illustrate why it matters, I took the two photos below. In both, the model was standing in the same spot, and both were shot with the same camera, lens, and settings. Neither photo has been retouched. The only difference in how these two were taken is that the one on top was shot on the wide-angle end of a zoom lens (24mm), and the one on the bottom was shot on the zoomed-in (telephoto) end of the same lens (105mm)./p>p>In both photos, I wanted Caroline, the model, to fill the shot. To accomplish this, when I was shooting on the wide-angle end, I was standing very close to the model, and when I was shooting on the telephoto end, I was standing far away. In other words, in the top one, I zoomed in closer with my feet, while in the bottom one, I zoomed in closer with the lens./p>p>img loadinglazy decodingasync classaligncenter size-full wp-image-1742 titleWide-angle example src altWide-angle example width550 height367 />/p>p styletext-align: center;>img loadinglazy decodingasync classaligncenter size-full wp-image-1743 titleTelephoto example src altTelephoto example width550 height367 />/p>p>As these photos show, it matters very much whether you zoom in with your lens or your feet. There are quite a few differences between the two photos. Among them are:/p>ul>li>The wide-angle shot is more distorted, with straight lines looking slightly curved/li>li>The wide-angle shot makes it seem as if the model is standing further away from the bushes. The photo also makes the distance between the bushes and the window seem greater./li>li>The telephoto shot makes the model’s face and body seem flatter./li>/ul>p>The most noticeable difference, though, is that the wide-angle photo shows a lot more background. For example, the wide-angle shot shows the whole door, while the telephoto shot shows just the corner./p>p>So why the differences?/p>p>The picture below is a simplified diagram of how these two photos were taken. In the photo on top and the diagram on the left, the photographer is close to the model, the lens is zoomed out, and so the camera is pulling in light from a very wide angle. (Hence, the term “wide-angle shot”.) In the shot on the bottom and the diagram on the right, the photographer is further away, the lens is zoomed in more, and so the camera is pulling in light from a much narrower angle./p>p>img loadinglazy decodingasync classaligncenter size-full wp-image-1738 titlePerspective diagram src altPerspective diagram width550 height425 />/p>p>The angle of light that a lens pulls in is called the field-of-view or angle-of-view. The wide-angle shot above was shot at 24mm, which has a field-of-view of about 84 degrees. The zoomed-in shot above was shot at 105mm, which has a field-of-view of about 23 degrees. The narrower the field-of-view, the smaller the section of background that’s included in the photo./p>p>So which way of zooming is best? The answer, like most things in photography, is: It depends. If I’m shooting at a scenic location and want to pick up a lot of background, I shoot at a wide angle:/p>figure stylewidth: 600px classwp-caption aligncenter>a href!i1694559770&kD7gv4nQ&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width600 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>12mm wide-angle shot with Myalchod as Hyou Shusui. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>p>Note how much of the background on either side of the cosplayer is in the photo because of the extreme wide field-of-view./p>p>On the other hand, if I want to pick up only a narrow sliver of background, I shoot with a narrow field-of-view:/p>figure stylewidth: 300px classwp-caption aligncenter>a href!i1785845451&k5SXQD56&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width300 height450 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>135mm narrow shot with Sara Sekhmet as Megurine Luka and Creamsicle Jupiter as Miku Hatsune. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>p>Note that only the background directly behind the cosplayers is in the photo because of the relatively narrow field-of-view. The crowds and neighboring stores have been excluded from the shot./p>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignleft>a href!i1707660057&k3VKBZ8p&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>24mm wide-angle shot of Bekalou as Maeda Keiji. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>p>If you’re shooting with a prime, of course, you don’t have the option of zooming in or out while shooting, so you may not think this post applies to you. It does, though, because at the start of the shoot you picked the lens to shoot with, and in doing so, you’ve decided the field-of-view for the photos from your shoot. You may have chosen a 50mm prime and gotten a medium-wide field of view, or a 200mm prime for a fairly narrow field-of view./p>p>A zoom is more convenient because you can change the field-of-view between each shot. However, since most zoom lenses don’t go from very wide to very narrow, you still need to decide the range of field-of-views for your shoot by choosing which lens to use./p>p>For example, if you own both a 24-105mm and a 70-200mm lens, which one do you take on a shoot? You need to decide the field-of-view you’re going to want for the shots (wide angle or telephoto), and choose appropriately./p>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignright>a href!i1570669498&k8z5rqw3&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>200mm narrow shot of CoffeeLunatic as Sen. Photo by Oscarc Photography./figcaption>/figure>p>As I’ve mentioned before in other posts, one of the keys to a successful shoot is to visualize ahead of time what kinds of shots you’re going to do, and bring the gear appropriate for those shots. Don’t bring a 300mm prime to a shoot and expect to be able to do landscape shots; likewise, don’t bring a 16-35 wide-angle for hallway cosplay shooting and wonder why you’re picking up so much of the crowd./p>p>Unless you’re already very familiar with wide vs. telephoto shots, I highly recommend experimenting until you can visualize the field-of-view. At your next few shoots, if you’re shooting with a zoom, take some photos of the model in the same spot at both the wide-angle and telephoto ends of your lens (like my two shots above), and examine them to see the differences. Try to visualize the difference in the field-of-view angle between the two shots. Which one worked best for that shot, and why?/p>p>Mastering field-of-view can be tricky for many people, but once you do, you will have one more skill in your toolbox for making photos look the way you want them./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> /article>!-- #post-57 -->article idpost-59 classpost-59 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-cosplay category-photography> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2012-04-05T14:27:42+00:00>April 5, 2012/time>time classupdated datetime2018-01-28T08:10:17+00:00>January 28, 2018/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h3 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Better Cosplay Photos: Where Can I Shoot Cosplay? Part 3/a>/h3> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>There are four location types for shooting cosplay photos. Each has its own style, and each has its pros and cons./p>p>The types are:/p>ul>li>Convention Hallway photography/li>li>Convention scheduled shoot/li>li>Cosplay Gathering shoot/li>li>Non-Convention shoot/li>/ul>p>I’ve already covered convention shoots and gatherings. This week I’ll wrap up this series by discussing non-convention shoots./p>h2>Non-Convention Shoots/h2>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignright>a href!i1691607694&kkcgjwZD&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>Non-convention shoot at Kelley Park with Bekalou. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>p>With a non-convention shoot, the possibilities are wide open. You can work with the cosplayer ahead of time to select the cosplay to be photographed, to find a location that matches that cosplay, to select the time of day, and to decide on a shooting style. You can spend as much time as you need (within reason, of course) to pose the cosplayer and to get every shot exactly right. Done right, your best cosplay photos will be from non-convention shoots./p>p>Of course, all that freedom also means you have ample opportunities to make mistakes. You can pick a bad location. You can get stuck on a 4 hour shoot with a hard-to-work-with cosplayer. You’re also on your own. If your batteries run out, there are no other photographers around you to borrow spares from. If you don’t know what to do, there are no other photographers to watch and learn from. If you’re stuck, there’s no one to ask advice from. (If you’re really lucky, the cosplayer may have enough photography experience to make suggestions and help you out, but in the end they will usually look to you as the photographer to run the shoot.)/p>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignleft>a href!i1699115183&kdBbgkLF&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>Non-convention shoot with Katsumiyo at Overfelt Gardens Park. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>p>I’ve found that non-convention shoots work best if the shoot is with two or three cosplayers instead of just one. (They don’t all have to be from the same group/series, as long as they all work well in the same background and shooting style.) This has several advantages. First, whichever cosplayer(s) you’re not shooting can help out with lighting and posing suggestions. Second, alternating between cosplayers gives each cosplayer a chance to rest between shots. Finally, having several people there really helps with the energy of the shoot, making it more fun and improving the quality of the photos. Because of this, unless I’m doing a quick shoot of a cosplayer I’ve already worked with a lot, I always shoot with at least two cosplayers at every non-convention shoot./p>p>I don’t recommend shooting more than two or three cosplayers at a time, as having that many tends to bog down shooting until you get comfortable with large group shoots./p>p>strong>Safety Warning:/strong> Do not go someplace alone with a cosplayer you don’t know! Bring a friend along! Yes, even if you’re a big strong guy! (Then you can put your friend to work as a lighting assistant too!) Cosplayers, this also applies to you too! Almost every cosplayer and cosplay photographer would never do anything bad, but it only takes one bad person…/p>p>When setting up a non-convention shoot, here are some things to consider:/p>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignright>a href!i1202433532&kJjkev&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>Non-convention shoot with KittyCatChi at Treasure Island. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>ul>li>What cosplay will the cosplayer be wearing, and what’s the series it’s from like? (For example, My Little Pony has a very different tone than Death Note.)/li>li>What background is suitable for that cosplay? This is important in terms of tone (robot pilots don’t usually work in the middle of a park), cosplayer comfort (bikinis and very windy locations don’t mix), and public-appropriateness (revealing costumes don’t work well in crowded public places)./li>li>What shooting/lighting style is best for that cosplay? For example, Pokemon and Soul Eater require very different shooting and lighting styles. The choice of location also figures into this; trying to do studio lighting on a windy beach would be quite challenging, for example./li>li>How much time does the cosplayer have for the shoot? How much time do you have? Don’t forget to allow for cosplayer prep time before the shoot. In windy or otherwise costume-unfriendly environments, the cosplayer will also need time between shots to fix up their costume./li>li>How will you meet up with the cosplayer? Are you carpooling, or will you meet at the shoot location? What time will you meet up? Exchanging cell numbers ahead of time is very important in case something comes up at the last minute./li>li>What expectations does the cosplayer have for the shoot? What expectations do you have? When does the cosplayer expect to see the photos?/li>li>What equipment do you need to bring? It’s important to bring spares (batteries, an extra lens if you can, etc) in case something dies, but it’s easy to go overboard and bring everything you have. Then, not only is all that gear a distraction, but you also have to carry it around with you for the entire shoot. Keep it as simple as possible!/li>/ul>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignleft>a href!i1656811213&kRDSdCJK&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>Non-convention shoot with Bekalou at Angel’s Camp. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>p>On the subject of equipment, being flexible enough to handle unexpected challenges or opportunities is good; bringing everything you own and redoing your whole setup for each shot may be a bit extreme. Even though time is not as tight as at a convention or gathering, it’s still very important not to waste the cosplayer’s time, so keep the shoot moving! Remember, if you ever decide to shoot pro models, you will be paying them by the hour! Learn to make the most of the time you have./p>p>Most importantly, don’t forget to have fun! Cosplaying and cosplay photography are supposed to be enjoyable hobbies; don’t get so stressed out shooting that you lose sight of that./p>p>There’s a lot more that can be said about non-convention shoots, but I’ll leave that to future posts. If you have questions or suggestions for topics you’d like for me to cover, please leave them as comments or PM me!/p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> /article>!-- #post-59 -->article idpost-61 classpost-61 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-cosplay category-photography> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2012-03-22T02:20:44+00:00>March 22, 2012/time>time classupdated datetime2018-01-28T08:11:15+00:00>January 28, 2018/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h3 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Better Cosplay Photos: Where Can I Shoot Cosplay? Part 2/a>/h3> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>There are four location types for shooting cosplay photos. Each has its own style, and each has its pros and cons./p>p>The types are:/p>ul>li>Convention Hallway photography/li>li>Convention scheduled shoot/li>li>Cosplay Gathering shoot/li>li>Non-Convention shoot/li>/ul>p>I covered the first two types in a previous post. This week I’ll cover the third, and my next post will cover the fourth./p>h2>Cosplay Gatherings/h2>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignleft>a href!i1750368058&kQwCR22d&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>Studio-style shot from the Spring 2012 NorCal Gathering. Cosplayer: Rose. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>p>Cosplay Gatherings are events where a group of cosplayers decide to meet up at a local park, zoo, or other area attraction. Frequently, these social gatherings are held at scenic locations that make great backgrounds for photo shoots. For photographers, they’re great places to meet and shoot with cosplayers away from the craziness and stress of a convention./p>p>In many ways, cosplay gatherings combine the best aspects of convention hallway shooting and convention scheduled shoots. Like with hallway shooting, you don’t have to know any cosplayers in advance, and it doesn’t require any preplanning or scheduling. Like with scheduled shoots, you have a much better choice of backgrounds, and you can spend more time composing each shot./p>p>Because of the informal nature of most gatherings, there are several ways you can shoot them. Some of the gathering shooting styles I’ve seen include:/p>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignright>a href!i1278233152&kJWT9TJg&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>Natural light shot from the Spring 2011 NorCal Gathering. Cosplayer: Bekalou. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>ul>li>Candid photos of cosplayers having fun./li>li>Quick, hallway-style shots of each cosplayer./li>li>5-10 minute mini-shoots. Most photographers do these with natural light or a reflector, but, depending on the location, some will set up mini-studios in one corner of the gathering, complete with umbrellas or softboxes./li>li>30+ minute full shoots, where the photographer and cosplayer walk around the venue taking pictures in various pretty locations. If you’ve never done a non-convention shoot before, this type of gathering shoot is a good way to learn the skills you will need./li>/ul>p>strong>Safety Warning:/strong> Do not go someplace alone with a cosplayer you don’t know! Bring a friend along! Yes, even if you’re a big strong guy! (Then you can put your friend to work as a lighting assistant too!) Cosplayers, this also applies to you too! Almost everyone you meet at a gathering would never do anything bad, but it only takes one bad person…/p>figure stylewidth: 300px classwp-caption alignleft>a href!i1455889454&kHsgHcJx&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width300 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>Natural light shot from the Summer 2011 NorCal Gathering. Cosplayer: Bekalou. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>p>Gatherings do have a number of downsides. Because gatherings are in public, some types of costumes are inappropriate. Also, many cosplayers will save their best (and usually most uncomfortable) cosplays for large conventions. Gatherings, being social events, are usually for less complicated and more comfortable cosplays. Gatherings also have much smaller attendance than most conventions; for example, Northern California gatherings usually have 60-120 people, as compared to Fanime’s 15,000. Finally, while gatherings are usually held in scenic locations, you’re still limited to the selected venue; for example, finding a good background to shoot a robot pilot cosplay in the middle of a park can be a challenge./p>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignright>a href!i1642748991&kZtC3fz2&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>Environment-lit shot from the Winter 2011 NorCal Gathering. Cosplayer: Angelx624. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>p>Finding a gathering near you can also be a challenge. Gatherings are usually not as well advertised as conventions, and depending on where you live, there may not be any near you. Generally, locations with large cosplay communities like Seattle or San Jose will have regular cosplay gatherings; people in smaller communities will have fewer options. Gatherings are usually advertised on regional cosplay Facebook groups, on and other cosplay-oriented websites, and on the forums of regional anime conventions./p>p>You should choose the gear you bring based on the shooting style you plan on using. For example, when I was planning on doing mainly full shoots, I brought a portable softbox and a fast (large aperture) prime lens. When I was planning on doing studio-style mini-shoots, I brought my preferred studio lens, studio strobes and a large battery pack. The key is to bring the equipment to match the style you’re going to shoot, and then shoot in a style that matches your equipment./p>p>I highly recommend that all cosplay photographers with nearby gatherings should go and attend them! If you don’t, you are missing out on a prime opportunity to take some great photos, meet cosplayers, and learn from other cosplay photographers./p>p>In my next post, I’ll wrap up this series on shoot locations with a discussion of non-convention shoots./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> /article>!-- #post-61 -->article idpost-63 classpost-63 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-cosplay category-photography> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta>span classscreen-reader-text>Posted on/span> a href relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2012-03-08T04:03:55+00:00>March 8, 2012/time>time classupdated datetime2018-01-28T08:08:43+00:00>January 28, 2018/time>/a>/div>!-- .entry-meta -->h3 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Better Cosplay Photos: Where Can I Shoot Cosplay? Part 1/a>/h3> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>There are four shooting types of cosplay photography, each with its own style, and each with its pros and cons. In this post I’m going to discuss the first two, and in my next posts I’ll go over the other two./p>p>The types are:/p>ul>li>Convention Hallway Shooting/li>li>Convention Scheduled Shoots/li>li>Cosplay Gathering Shoots/li>li>Non-Convention Shoots/li>/ul>h2>Convention Hallway Shooting/h2>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignright>a href!i1708083726&kjN6pvDw&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>Hallway shot from Fanime 2011. Cosplayer: artisticpsyco. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>p>This is the simplest form of cosplay photography, and what most cosplay photographers do first. It’s easy — show up at a convention, walk around, and when you see a nice costume, ask the cosplayer for a quick photo or two. It requires no preplanning or scheduling; you don’t need to know any cosplayers in advance. It’s a great way to meet people, to get practice shooting a wide variety of costumes, and to learn to shoot quickly./p>p>It also has a number of downsides. Most obviously, the background for hallway shots is out of your control; you might have people walking through, or random signs, or some other distracting element. You also have very little time to think about the shot, because the person you stopped is on their way somewhere; if you get 30 seconds of their time, that’s pretty good. You’re also at the mercy of the lighting and environment where you stopped them; occasionally you can get them to step off to one side, where the lighting/background might be a little better, or you can spend more time in the areas of the convention with better lighting & backgrounds. Fundamentally, though, you’re stuck in the high-traffic areas of the convention, for better or for worse./p>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignleft>a href!i1486449436&kTf34hCv&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>Hallway shot from DragonCon 2011. Cosplayer: Kasea Vp. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>p>Some photographers will carry portable softboxes or other bulky gear for hallway photography, but for most photographers this isn’t practical. It cuts down on your mobility, and it gets very tiring by the end of the day if you’re not used to it./p>p>For this type of photography, if you have an SLR, I recommend a relatively wide-angle lens; a prime or a relatively fast (large maximum aperture) zoom lens is ideal. Lenses like the 24-70 f/2.8, 18-55 f/2.8, 50/1.8, or 30/1.8 work well. (The 50/1.8 is an especially economical choice for many SLR brands.) An external flash bounced off the ceiling (if possible) or with a diffuser is also a good idea, and looks much better than a built-in pop-up flash./p>h2>Convention Scheduled Shoots/h2>figure stylewidth: 200px classwp-caption alignright>a href!i587869186&kqLCAk&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width200 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>Convention shoot with Heulangel at Anime Expo 2009. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>p>With this type of photography, you set up a time to meet up with a cosplayer at a convention and shoot for about 30 minutes at locations around the convention center. Because you now have a dedicated block of time with the cosplayer, you have more time to think about and compose each shot. You can also go with the cosplayer to areas with less foot traffic and better backgrounds./p>p>strong>Safety Warning/strong>: Do not go someplace alone with a cosplayer you don’t know! Bring a friend along! Yes, even if you’re a big strong guy! (Then you can put your friend to work as a lighting assistant too!) Cosplayers, this also applies to you too! Almost everyone you meet a convention would never do anything bad, but it only takes one bad person…/p>p>Because the cosplayer you’re shooting will be at the convention anyway, finding and scheduling shoots with cosplayers usually isn’t too hard. Shooting at a convention also makes it easy to schedule several shoots on one day. (Perhaps too easy! Don’t overschedule yourself! Allow time for meals, water, and breaks.)/p>figure stylewidth: 212px classwp-caption alignleft>a href!i552646490&kbzkcL&lb1&sA>img loadinglazy decodingasync src alt width212 height300 />/a>figcaption classwp-caption-text>Convention shoot at Fanime 2009 with Riby-san and Yukari Kaiba. Photo by OscarC Photography./figcaption>/figure>p>The biggest downside of at-con shoots is that you’re still limited to the convention center and the immediately-surrounding area for backgrounds. Some convention centers aren’t too bad, and have a wide variety of reasonably lit and not-too-crowded locations. Others are crowded, with only ugly or busy backgrounds, or with terrible lighting. Also, since you’re shooting at con, you’re limited by the cosplayer’s schedule and the general hectic nature of a convention. Your shoot may end up being scheduled when the cosplayer has 30 minutes to spare between panel A and gathering B, so you may not have the cosplayer’s full attention during the shoot. And good luck if panel A runs late, and you have another shoot scheduled immediately after this one…/p>p>Gear-wise, you have a lot more flexibility than with hallway photography. Regardless of what you bring, keep in mind you’re going to be carrying it around the convention center to each location you shoot at, so unless you’re going to do all the shoots in one location near your hotel room, it’s wise to keep the gear to relative minimum./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> /article>!-- #post-63 --> nav classnavigation pagination aria-labelPosts pagination> h2 classscreen-reader-text>Posts pagination/h2> div classnav-links>span aria-currentpage classpage-numbers current>span classmeta-nav screen-reader-text>Page /span>1/span>a classpage-numbers href>span classmeta-nav screen-reader-text>Page /span>2/a>span classpage-numbers dots>…/span>a classpage-numbers href>span classmeta-nav screen-reader-text>Page /span>4/a>a classnext page-numbers href>span classscreen-reader-text>Next page/span>svg classicon icon-arrow-right aria-hiddentrue roleimg> use href#icon-arrow-right xlink:href#icon-arrow-right>/use> /svg>/a>/div> /nav> /main>!-- #main --> /div>!-- #primary --> aside 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0.295q0.643-0.089 1.33-0.125t1.313-0.036 1.232 0.027 1.143 0.071 1.009 0.098 0.857 0.116 0.652 0.107 0.446 0.080zM27.429 16q0 3.732-1.839 6.884t-4.991 4.991-6.884 1.839-6.884-1.839-4.991-4.991-1.839-6.884 1.839-6.884 4.991-4.991 6.884-1.839 6.884 1.839 4.991 4.991 1.839 6.884z>/path>/symbol>symbol idicon-skype viewBox0 0 27 32>path classpath1 dM20.946 18.982q0-0.893-0.348-1.634t-0.866-1.223-1.304-0.875-1.473-0.607-1.563-0.411l-1.857-0.429q-0.536-0.125-0.786-0.188t-0.625-0.205-0.536-0.286-0.295-0.375-0.134-0.536q0-1.375 2.571-1.375 0.768 0 1.375 0.214t0.964 0.509 0.679 0.598 0.714 0.518 0.857 0.214q0.839 0 1.348-0.571t0.509-1.375q0-0.982-1-1.777t-2.536-1.205-3.25-0.411q-1.214 0-2.357 0.277t-2.134 0.839-1.589 1.554-0.598 2.295q0 1.089 0.339 1.902t1 1.348 1.429 0.866 1.839 0.58l2.607 0.643q1.607 0.393 2 0.643 0.571 0.357 0.571 1.071 0 0.696-0.714 1.152t-1.875 0.455q-0.911 0-1.634-0.286t-1.161-0.688-0.813-0.804-0.821-0.688-0.964-0.286q-0.893 0-1.348 0.536t-0.455 1.339q0 1.643 2.179 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0.723t-0.661 1.705q0 0.214 0.036 0.429t0.071 0.384 0.143 0.411 0.161 0.375 0.214 0.402 0.223 0.375 0.259 0.429 0.25 0.411q1.125 1.911 1.125 3.786zM16.232 17.196l4.232 11.554q0.018 0.107 0.089 0.196-2.25 0.786-4.554 0.786-2 0-3.875-0.571zM28.036 9.411q1.696 3.107 1.696 6.589 0 3.732-1.857 6.884t-4.982 4.973l4.196-12.107q1.054-3.018 1.054-4.929 0-0.75-0.107-1.411zM16 0q3.25 0 6.214 1.268t5.107 3.411 3.411 5.107 1.268 6.214-1.268 6.214-3.411 5.107-5.107 3.411-6.214 1.268-6.214-1.268-5.107-3.411-3.411-5.107-1.268-6.214 1.268-6.214 3.411-5.107 5.107-3.411 6.214-1.268zM16 31.268q3.089 0 5.92-1.214t4.875-3.259 3.259-4.875 1.214-5.92-1.214-5.92-3.259-4.875-4.875-3.259-5.92-1.214-5.92 1.214-4.875 3.259-3.259 4.875-1.214 5.92 1.214 5.92 3.259 4.875 4.875 3.259 5.92 1.214z>/path>/symbol>symbol idicon-stumbleupon viewBox0 0 34 32>path classpath1 dM18.964 12.714v-2.107q0-0.75-0.536-1.286t-1.286-0.536-1.286 0.536-0.536 1.286v10.929q0 3.125-2.25 5.339t-5.411 2.214q-3.179 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0.161-0.75 0.929 0 0.357 0.241 0.616t0.634 0.259q0.089 0 0.661-0.143 2.357-0.482 4.339-0.482 4.036 0 7.089 1.839 0.339 0.196 0.589 0.196 0.339 0 0.589-0.241t0.25-0.616zM21.839 17.768q0-0.714-0.625-1.089-4.232-2.518-9.786-2.518-2.732 0-5.411 0.75-0.857 0.232-0.857 1.143 0 0.446 0.313 0.759t0.759 0.313q0.125 0 0.661-0.143 2.179-0.589 4.482-0.589 4.982 0 8.714 2.214 0.429 0.232 0.679 0.232 0.446 0 0.759-0.313t0.313-0.759zM23.768 13.339q0-0.839-0.714-1.25-2.25-1.304-5.232-1.973t-6.125-0.67q-3.643 0-6.5 0.839-0.411 0.125-0.688 0.455t-0.277 0.866q0 0.554 0.366 0.929t0.92 0.375q0.196 0 0.714-0.143 2.375-0.661 5.482-0.661 2.839 0 5.527 0.607t4.527 1.696q0.375 0.214 0.714 0.214 0.518 0 0.902-0.366t0.384-0.92zM27.429 16q0 3.732-1.839 6.884t-4.991 4.991-6.884 1.839-6.884-1.839-4.991-4.991-1.839-6.884 1.839-6.884 4.991-4.991 6.884-1.839 6.884 1.839 4.991 4.991 1.839 6.884z>/path>/symbol>symbol idicon-soundcloud viewBox0 0 41 32>path classpath1 dM14 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0.25 0.232zM7.161 16.018l0.375 4.179-0.375 4.393q-0.036 0.286-0.286 0.286-0.107 0-0.188-0.080t-0.080-0.205l-0.357-4.393 0.357-4.179q0-0.107 0.080-0.188t0.188-0.080q0.25 0 0.286 0.268zM8.839 13.411l0.375 6.786-0.375 4.393q0 0.125-0.089 0.223t-0.214 0.098q-0.286 0-0.321-0.321l-0.321-4.393 0.321-6.786q0.036-0.321 0.321-0.321 0.125 0 0.214 0.098t0.089 0.223zM10.518 11.875l0.339 8.357-0.339 4.357q0 0.143-0.098 0.241t-0.241 0.098q-0.321 0-0.357-0.339l-0.286-4.357 0.286-8.357q0.036-0.339 0.357-0.339 0.143 0 0.241 0.098t0.098 0.241zM12.268 11.161l0.321 9.036-0.321 4.321q-0.036 0.375-0.393 0.375-0.339 0-0.375-0.375l-0.286-4.321 0.286-9.036q0-0.161 0.116-0.277t0.259-0.116q0.161 0 0.268 0.116t0.125 0.277zM19.268 24.411v0 0zM15.732 11.089l0.268 9.107-0.268 4.268q0 0.179-0.134 0.313t-0.313 0.134-0.304-0.125-0.143-0.321l-0.25-4.268 0.25-9.107q0-0.196 0.134-0.321t0.313-0.125 0.313 0.125 0.134 0.321zM17.5 11.429l0.25 8.786-0.25 4.214q0 0.196-0.143 0.339t-0.339 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