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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 06:35:37 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 167Connection: keep-aliveCache-Control: max-age3600Expires: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 07:35:37 GMTLocation: {endpoints:{url:https:\/\/\/report\/v4?sir7pxgybfQThEgoiMhYlx2vkU%2B6M31XWsKL1kvDIN71XWoLlNjwjWY8fkS1JB8jbR8r2qM38BbHLHe4sRJk4q9N2XTn0G1PEQoslI1K%2Baht7oRPMh0y2OI9pr0R5dumR%2FIoZ},group:cf-nel,max_age:604800}NEL: {success_fraction:0,report_to:cf-nel,max_age:604800}Server: cloudflareCF-RAY: 8f7f0d4439592f49-PDXalt-svc: h3:443; ma86400server-timing: cfL4;desc?protoTCP&rtt6268&min_rtt6268&rtt_var3134&sent1&recv3&lost0&retrans0&sent_bytes0&recv_bytes55&delivery_rate0&cwnd234&unsent_bytes0&cid0000000000000000&ts0&x0 html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>center>h1>301 Moved Permanently/h1>/center>hr>center>cloudflare/center>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 06:35:37 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveCache-Control: max-age600expires: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 06:45:37 UTClast-modified: Wed, 17 Feb 2021 16:54:36 GMTpermissions-policy: interest-cohort()vary: Originx-request-id: 01JG0TV20DYWJM590921J9FJRXcf-cache-status: DYNAMICReport-To: {endpoints:{url:https:\/\/\/report\/v4?stIcMpSRh57mTFpN5evMGmKuCtRW662kBKO84KfNrui2EeGmOnQjJzN9G7cX8w7X9z%2FKPzsYfGoGXFs1bTuy9B07%2BrCVUYBDzVTWUsyxlwzcYBKD7XvSK3nmOgDGezJFG0XdD},group:cf-nel,max_age:604800}NEL: {success_fraction:0,report_to:cf-nel,max_age:604800}Server: cloudflareCF-RAY: 8f7f0d44defa2f3c-PDXalt-svc: h3:443; ma86400server-timing: cfL4;desc?protoTCP&rtt6161&min_rtt6060&rtt_var1769&sent5&recv6&lost0&retrans0&sent_bytes2849&recv_bytes727&delivery_rate477887&cwnd250&unsent_bytes0&cidf5aa9223953a98c8&ts558&x0 !DOCTYPE html>html>head> meta namedescription contentSebastian Motraghi is a software engineer. /> title>Sebastian Motraghi/title> link relstylesheet href/pure-min.css>link relstylesheet href/style.css>link relstylesheet href/pygments.css>link href relalternate typeapplication/atom+xml>meta namegoogle-site-verification contentqa1bduMiBQi9Uh_ockmcbmbWVCaNCQ8lQeaNrmXbU2c />meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0>meta charsetutf-8>meta propertyarticle:author content />meta propertyog:locale contenten_US />meta propertyog:site_name contentSebastian Motraghis blog/>/head>body> div idcontainer> header idpage-header> h1>a href/>Sebastian Motraghi/a> small>on life, tech, et cetera/small>/h1> /header> section> div idriver> article classpost itemscope itemtype> header> h2>a href/2014/03/08/automating-gmail/ itempropname headline>Automating Gmail/a>/h2> time datetime2014-03-08T00:00:00+00:00 itempropdatePublished> 08 Mar 2014 /time> /header> main itemproparticlebody> p>One of Gmail’s hidden treasures is how easily it can be automated.Its filtering system is widely known, but the real treat is a href>>, which lets you script Gmail.The scripts are written in a language called “Google Apps Script” (which is more or less JavaScript), and there is a wide-ranging API that lets you control almost all of your Google services (Drive, Analytics, Calendar, etc). These tasks can be run periodically, in response to triggers, or ad-hoc./p>h3 idan-example-automatically-mark-emails-as-read>An example: automatically mark emails as read/h3>p>If your inbox has thousands of unread emails that are unlikely ever to be read, and you are anxious about this, you might benefit from automatically managing your unread email count.I’ve created a script which, on weekdays, marks as read strong>any unread email older than 24 hours/strong>. This lets me skim the subject lines in my inbox, open the emails that seem interesting, and ignore the rest, which will quietly vanish a day later./p>p>Combined with a href>Priority Inbox/a>,this script helps me have a high ratio of “effectiveness at email” to “attention spent on email”,which I lack if I have to read every single message in my inbox.Despite how risky this approach seems, it hasn’t caused me to miss out on anything important./p>p>You can see my “Mark All As Read” script a href>here/a>./p>h3 iddevelopment>Development/h3>p>Scripting Gmail is very approachable. The API covers lots of functionality, and the documentation is comprehensive.You don’t need an in-depth knowledge of JavaScript.Google even provides a little web-based IDE in which to edit and debug your scripts.My one complaint is that there is no mock environment for testing - you have to develop your scripts on a real inbox.If this is a problem for you, you can use a dummy email account for development./p>h3 idin-conclusion>In conclusion/h3>p>In the future, I’d be interested to try a href>> to automate my use of other Google services.For now, it’s proven extremely useful at managing my email, and I strongly recommend it./p> /main>/article>article classpost itemscope itemtype> header> h2>a href/2012/12/01/how-to-replace-a-roland-microcube-speaker/ itempropname headline>How to Replace a Roland Micro Cube Speaker/a>/h2> time datetime2012-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 itempropdatePublished> 01 Dec 2012 /time> /header> main itemproparticlebody> p>img src/img/microcube.JPG altMicro Cube Speaker Connection />/p>p>A few years ago I dropped my a href>Roland Micro Cube/a> guitar amplifier and ripped the speaker cone. As a result, it would make terrible farty noises if played above a certain volume. Last week I replaced the speaker - here are the steps I followed./p>p>Tools needed: a screwdriver, a phone, and a credit card. No soldering iron required./p>ol> li> p>Call a href>Roland Customer Support/a> and ask for a replacement Micro Cube speaker, model number W120FP70-00C. It costs about $30 with tax and shipping. Mine arrived after about two weeks./p> /li> li> p>When you have the new speaker, set the Micro Cube down with its grill facing up. Unscrew the grill, then unscrew the old speaker from the mount./p> /li> li> p>Gently remove the old speaker from the mount, so its connectors are visible./p> /li> li> p>Pull the connectors out of the old speaker - they’ll slide off with a little force, as shown in the above photo - and connect them to the new speaker. The connectors are different sizes, so don’t worry about connecting them incorrectly./p> /li> li> p>Mount the new speaker and reattach the front grill./p> /li> li> p>Plug in your guitar and rock out./p> /li>/ol>p>This is the most straightforward method I’ve seen to replace a Micro Cube’s speaker. If you want to try a non-Roland speaker, there are a href>tutorials/a> for a href>that/a> online too. Happy jamming!/p> /main>/article>article classpost itemscope itemtype> header> h2>a href/2012/06/17/a-simple-image-carousel-without-jquery/ itempropname headline>A Simple Image Slider without jQuery/a>/h2> time datetime2012-06-17T00:00:00+00:00 itempropdatePublished> 17 Jun 2012 /time> /header> main itemproparticlebody> p>I’ve used a href>jQuery/a> since I began my web development career, but I sometimes feel like it makes life em>too/em> easy.In the spirit of rejecting complacency,I wrote a simple JavaScript image slider without jQuery or other libraries./p>p>You can find a demonstration of the image slider a href>here/a>, and the Github repo is a href>here/a>./p>p>It was illuminating to see how much I take jQuery for granted.For example, I wanted to add a button to the page.jQuery makes this very easy:/p>figure classhighlight>pre>code classlanguage-javascript data-langjavascript>span classnx>container/span>span classp>./span>span classnx>append/span>span classp>(/span>span classs1><button>text</button>/span>span classp>);/span>/code>/pre>/figure>p>Without jQuery, however, you have to be a little more verbose:/p>figure classhighlight>pre>code classlanguage-javascript data-langjavascript>span classkd>var/span> span classnx>button/span> span classo>/span> span classnb>document/span>span classp>./span>span classnx>createElement/span>span classp>(/span>span classs1>button/span>span classp>);/span>span classnx>button/span>span classp>./span>span classnx>innerHTML/span> span classo>/span> span classs1>text/span>span classp>;/span>span classnx>container/span>span classp>./span>span classnx>appendChild/span>span classp>(/span>span classnx>button/span>span classp>);/span>/code>/pre>/figure>p>I wanted to add a wrapper element to my group of code classhighlighter-rouge><img>/code> tags.This is a breeze with jQuery:/p>figure classhighlight>pre>code classlanguage-javascript data-langjavascript>span classnx>outer/span>span classp>./span>span classnx>find/span>span classp>(/span>span classs1>img/span>span classp>)./span>span classnx>wrapAll/span>span classp>(/span>span classs1><div />/span>span classp>)/span>/code>/pre>/figure>p>Without jQuery, you have to flex your JavaScript muscles:/p>figure classhighlight>pre>code classlanguage-javascript data-langjavascript>span classkd>var/span> span classnx>wrapper/span> span classo>/span> span classnb>document/span>span classp>./span>span classnx>createElement/span>span classp>(/span>span classs1>div/span>span classp>);/span>span classkd>var/span> span classnx>outer/span> span classo>/span> span classnb>document/span>span classp>./span>span classnx>getElementById/span>span classp>(/span>span classs1>whatever/span>span classp>);/span>span classkd>var/span> span classnx>nodes/span> span classo>/span> span classnx>outer/span>span classp>./span>span classnx>childNodes/span>span classp>;/span>span classkd>var/span> span classnx>elementsWidth/span> span classo>/span> span classmi>0/span>span classp>;/span>span classk>for/span> span classp>(/span>span classkd>var/span> span classnx>i/span> span classo>/span> span classmi>0/span>span classp>;/span> span classnx>i/span> span classo></span> span classnx>nodes/span>span classp>./span>span classnx>length/span>span classp>;/span> span classnx>i/span>span classo>++/span>span classp>)/span> span classp>{/span> span classk>if/span> span classp>(/span>span classnx>nodes/span>span classp>/span>span classnx>i/span>span classp>./span>span classnx>nodeType/span> span classo>/span> span classnx>Node/span>span classp>./span>span classnx>ELEMENT_NODE/span> span classo>&&/span> span classnx>nodes/span>span classp>/span>span classnx>i/span>span classp>./span>span classnx>tagName/span> span classo>/span> span classs1>IMG/span> span classp>)/span> span classp>{/span> span classnx>elementsWidth/span> span classo>+/span> span classnx>nodes/span>span classp>/span>span classnx>i/span>span classp>./span>span classnx>width/span>span classp>;/span> span classnx>wrapper/span>span classp>./span>span classnx>appendChild/span>span classp>(/span>span classnx>nodes/span>span classp>/span>span classnx>i/span>span classp>);/span> span classp>}/span>span classp>}/span>span classnx>outer/span>span classp>./span>span classnx>appendChild/span>span classp>(/span>span classnx>wrapper/span>span classp>);/span>/code>/pre>/figure>p>I looked at jQuery’s source code after I finished the exerciseto see how code classhighlighter-rouge>$.wrapAll/code> was implemented, and unsurprisingly a href>their implementation/a> is very elegant. I think the average web developer can learn a lot from reading thejQuery source; for an excellent introduction, check out a href>this screencast/a>by Paul Irish./p>p>This proved to be a fun and educational task,and it renewed my appreciation for jQuery’s simplicity andeffectiveness.If you want to better understand the gifts jQuery gives you,I strongly recommend you try a little project without it./p> /main>/article>article classpost itemscope itemtype> header> h2>a href/2012/02/14/my-mac-setup/ itempropname headline>My Mac Setup/a>/h2> time datetime2012-02-14T00:00:00+00:00 itempropdatePublished> 14 Feb 2012 /time> /header> main itemproparticlebody> p>Getting a new Mac is a lot of fun, but it can be tedious to install all your favourite software packages,especially if you’re a developer who uses lots of them.There’s something to be said for keeping a list of URLs to your usual tools, so that you can set up a development environment faster.Also, who knows - perhaps it would be fun in the future to look back at your toolset and reminisce./p>p>Without further ado, here is the software I’ve installed on my work-issued MacBook Pro:/p>h4 idthe-basics>The Basics/h4>ul> li>a href>Xcode/a>/li> li>a href>OS X GCC Installer/a> (As of this post Xcode no longer includes GCC, hence the need for this package)/li> li>a href>Git/a>/li> li>a href>Homebrew/a>/li>/ul>h4 idhomebrew-packages>Homebrew Packages/h4>ul> li>a href>MySQL/a>/li> li>a href>rbenv/a> to manage Ruby versions/li> li>a href>ruby-build/a> to install different Ruby versions/li> li>a href>rbenv-gemset/a> gives rbenv gemset support/li> li>a href>MacVim/a>/li> li>a href>s3cmd/a> for interacting with S3 buckets/li> li>a href>ack/a> is a great code search tool/li> li>a href>MongoDB/a>/li> li>a href>z/a> is code classhighlighter-rouge>cd/code> with memory/li>/ul>h4 idassorted-productivity>Assorted Productivity/h4>ul> li>a href>Janus/a>, a distribution of Vim tools/li> li>a href>oh-my-zsh/a>, a distribution of zsh plugins/li> li>a href>Sequel Pro/a>, a MySQL gui/li> li>a href>iTerm2/a>, an excellent replacement for the standard terminal/li> li>a href>Quicksilver/a>, the much-beloved application launcher/li> li>a href>VirtualBox/a>/li> li>a href>Divvy/a> for sizing windows nicely/li> li>a href>GitX/a>, an excellent Git gui/li>/ul>h4 idweb-browsers>Web Browsers/h4>p>(I hardly use the non-Chrome browsers now that Web Inspector is so good, but you’ve gotta keep them around.)/p>ul> li>a href>Google Chrome Beta/a> (sometimes has fancier development tools than standard Chrome)/li> li>a href>Google Chrome Canary/a> (an even more experimental Chrome build)/li> li>a href>Firefox/a>/li> li>a href>Opera/a>/li>/ul>h4 idmiscellaneous-steps>Miscellaneous Steps/h4>ul> li>Install the a href>Consolas/a> font/li> li>Make zsh the default shell (using code classhighlighter-rouge>chsh/code>)/li> li>Set up vi keybindings for zsh/li> li>Load up a href>my vim config/a>/li> li>Disable OS X Lion’s annoying new features such as a href>animated new windows/a>, a href>natural scrolling/a>, and a href>hidden scrollbars/a>/li>/ul>p>That’s pretty much everything.I’m sure that in a few years this list will look incredibly outdated, but right now, these are my favourite utilities with which to make websites.Thanks for reading!/p> /main>/article> div classpagination> ul classpure-paginator> li classprev disabled> a classpure-button href > ← Newer /a> /li> li classactive> a classpure-button href/>1/a> /li> li class> a classpure-button href/page2> 2 /a> /li> li class> a classpure-button href/page3> 3 /a> /li> li class> a classpure-button href/page4> 4 /a> /li> li class> a classpure-button href/page5> 5 /a> /li> li class> a classpure-button href/page6> 6 /a> /li> li class> a classpure-button href/page7> 7 /a> /li> li class> a classpure-button href/page8> 8 /a> /li> li class> a classpure-button href/page9> 9 /a> /li> li classnext > a classpure-button href /page2 >Older → /a> /li> /ul>/div> /div> aside idsidebar> p>Social: a href>Twitter/a> /a href>GitHub/a> //p> /aside> /section> footer> p>© Sebastian Motraghi 2019/p>/footer> /div> script async src>/script>script> window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag(js, new Date()); gtag(config, UA-127118526-2);/script>/body>/html>
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