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classcap-right>/div>/div>div classfauxborder-left tabs-fauxborder-left>div classfauxborder-right tabs-fauxborder-right>/div>div classregion-inner tabs-inner>div classtabs section idcrosscol>div classwidget PageList data-version1 idPageList1>h2>Pages/h2>div classwidget-content>ul>li classselected>a href>Home/a>/li>li>a href>shop/a>/li>li>a href>about/a>/li>li>a href>contact/a>/li>/ul>div classclear>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classtabs no-items section idcrosscol-overflow>/div>/div>/div>div classtabs-cap-bottom cap-bottom>div classcap-left>/div>div classcap-right>/div>/div>/div>div classmain-outer>div classmain-cap-top cap-top>div classcap-left>/div>div classcap-right>/div>/div>div classfauxborder-left main-fauxborder-left>div classfauxborder-right main-fauxborder-right>/div>div classregion-inner main-inner>div classcolumns fauxcolumns>div classfauxcolumn-outer fauxcolumn-center-outer>div classcap-top>div classcap-left>/div>div classcap-right>/div>/div>div classfauxborder-left>div classfauxborder-right>/div>div classfauxcolumn-inner>/div>/div>div classcap-bottom>div classcap-left>/div>div classcap-right>/div>/div>/div>div classfauxcolumn-outer fauxcolumn-left-outer>div classcap-top>div classcap-left>/div>div classcap-right>/div>/div>div classfauxborder-left>div classfauxborder-right>/div>div classfauxcolumn-inner>/div>/div>div classcap-bottom>div classcap-left>/div>div classcap-right>/div>/div>/div>div classfauxcolumn-outer fauxcolumn-right-outer>div classcap-top>div classcap-left>/div>div classcap-right>/div>/div>div classfauxborder-left>div classfauxborder-right>/div>div classfauxcolumn-inner>/div>/div>div classcap-bottom>div classcap-left>/div>div classcap-right>/div>/div>/div>!-- corrects IE6 width calculation -->div classcolumns-inner>div classcolumn-center-outer>div classcolumn-center-inner>div classmain section idmain>div classwidget Blog data-version1 idBlog1>div classblog-posts hfeed> div classdate-outer> h2 classdate-header>span>Saturday, February 7, 2015/span>/h2> div classdate-posts> div classpost-outer>div classpost hentry itempropblogPost itemscopeitemscope itemtype>meta content itempropimage_url/>meta content5666165102555370929 itempropblogId/>meta content6828714704879434336 itemproppostId/>a name6828714704879434336>/a>h3 classpost-title entry-title itempropname>a href>DIY :: whimsical mobile/a>/h3>div classpost-header>div classpost-header-line-1>/div>/div>div classpost-body entry-content idpost-body-6828714704879434336 itempropdescription articleBody>About a month ago I made my friend a mobile for her baby shower. It was her second baby girl and she didnt need/want much so I decided to go the creative diy route for her gift. Well it turned out much better than I planned and now I have made several since, including one for my baby girl (yep thats how much I loved it).br />br />This is a very easy project, but I figured I would give a quick guide to anyone wanting to make one. The best part is that you can make it while sitting on the couch and watching kind of late night project for />br />Please note that this could get pricey if you are not careful on what ribbons you buy. Make sure you check the yardage on the back of the spool since some dont come with much and therefore may only give you 2 strands. I always buy my items on sale or I plan ahead and buy larger spools />b>br />/b>b>Materials:/b>br />embroidery hoop ($2.99 at Joannes)br />fabric/lace/ribbon/string (price will vary)br />scissorsbr />br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>/div>br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height392 src width400 />/a>/div>br />br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width640 />/a>/div>br />You can get super creative with what you use to tie around your hoop. I like getting lace fabric on sale and then cutting my own strands. I use these fabric lace strands the most and then fill in with the other />br />b>Steps:/b>br />1. Cut your pieces into 30 strands (I normally start by cutting 4 strands of each different type of ribbon, and 8 strands of my base fabric lace />2. Tie them onto your hoop. (Fold the strand in half and loop it over your hoop while pulling itself />3. Repeat steps one and two until you are happy with the />4. And lastly, Hang it up. Take twine/fishing line (some kind of string) and tie 4 strands to your hoop. Then have them meet in the middle to the desired height you want it hanging. Tie them all together and secure to your />br />That is it! Here are a few pics of the one I made for my />br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width458 />/a>/div>br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width426 />/a>/div>br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width640 />/a>/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>/div>br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height426 src width640 />/a>/div>br />div styleclear: both;>/div>/div>div classpost-footer>div classpost-footer-line post-footer-line-1>span classpost-comment-link>a classcomment-link href onclick>1 comment: /a>/span>span classpost-icons>span classitem-control blog-admin pid-158399403>a href titleEdit Post>img alt classicon-action height18 src width18/>/a>/span>/span>div classpost-share-buttons goog-inline-block>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-email href target_blank titleEmail This>span classshare-button-link-text>Email This/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-blog href, _blank, height270,width475); return false; target_blank titleBlogThis!>span classshare-button-link-text>BlogThis!/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter href target_blank titleShare to Twitter>span classshare-button-link-text>Share to Twitter/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook href, _blank, height430,width640); return false; target_blank titleShare to Facebook>span classshare-button-link-text>Share to Facebook/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest href target_blank titleShare to Pinterest>span classshare-button-link-text>Share to Pinterest/span>/a>/div>/div>div classpost-footer-line post-footer-line-2>span classpost-labels>/span>/div>div classpost-footer-line post-footer-line-3>/div>/div>/div>/div> /div>/div> div classdate-outer> h2 classdate-header>span>Sunday, February 1, 2015/span>/h2> div classdate-posts> div classpost-outer>div classpost hentry itempropblogPost itemscopeitemscope itemtype>meta content itempropimage_url/>meta content5666165102555370929 itempropblogId/>meta content2008599163071981812 itemproppostId/>a name2008599163071981812>/a>h3 classpost-title entry-title itempropname>a href>month // 2/a>/h3>div classpost-header>div classpost-header-line-1>/div>/div>div classpost-body entry-content idpost-body-2008599163071981812 itempropdescription articleBody>Two months baby girl. Your dad and I were just staring at you last night and thinking how quickly this has gone for us. It seems like you are enjoying life on the outside and your latest is showing us your beautiful smile. Your siblings think it is the greatest thing when they get you to smile. They try tickling you, singing to you and making funny faces. Please dont ever stop showing the world your precious smile. A smile truly is contagious as you have shown us. br />br />Bedtime has gotten easier for all of us. Thank goodness :) You started taking naps in your crib at 6 weeks and just a week ago began sleeping in your crib at night. Just like your siblings, you seem to sleep really well in it. We swaddle you, let you suck on the pacifier a little and sing jesus loves you. We lay you down awake and you normally fall asleep peacefully. Unless of course we waited to long to put you down and you are overly tired. Then we rock you to sleep. You want to be asleep by 6:30 so we follow your cue. Your sister then goes to bed at 7:00 and your brother at />br />You still look more like your daddy. It must be your light skin and blue eyes (for now anyway).br />br />b>INTRODUCTIONS:/b>br />b>Play mat/activity gym: /b>br />We introduced you to your play mat this past month and you seem to have a love hate relationship with it. Somedays you will lay and kick happily others you cry at first />br />b>Bottle:/b>br />At 6 weeks you had your first bottle (brand: first born). I pumped and went on a little date with your brother while daddy fed it to you. You took it like a champ. Since then you have had a few more. Sometimes I pump a bottle before we go out on certain adventures with your siblings. Like last week we went to get air (a jump place). It makes it a little easier on mommy when I have all 3 of />br />You had your 2 month check up and you are developing and growing />br />weight: 10 pounds 9 ouncesbr />length:br />br />Thank you for making all of us so happy. Braeden really loves when you pick him up from school and everly loves that you share your pacifier with her. Lately she wants to sleep with it during naps while she sucks her thumb. She must think its cool since you like it :) We are all excited to see what this next month has in store for you and what new tricks you show us. I also think we will begin to enjoy more adventures out, as mommy has heeled and feels a lot more comfortable being outnumbered :)br />br />Love you baby />-mama xxbr />br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width640 />/a>/div>br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width640 />/a>/div>br />br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width640 />/a>/div>br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width640 />/a>/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>br />/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width640 />/a>/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>br />/div>br />br />div styleclear: both;>/div>/div>div classpost-footer>div classpost-footer-line post-footer-line-1>span classpost-comment-link>a classcomment-link href onclick>No comments: /a>/span>span classpost-icons>span classitem-control blog-admin pid-158399403>a href titleEdit Post>img alt classicon-action height18 src width18/>/a>/span>/span>div classpost-share-buttons goog-inline-block>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-email href target_blank titleEmail This>span classshare-button-link-text>Email This/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-blog href, _blank, height270,width475); return false; target_blank titleBlogThis!>span classshare-button-link-text>BlogThis!/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter href target_blank titleShare to Twitter>span classshare-button-link-text>Share to Twitter/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook href, _blank, height430,width640); return false; target_blank titleShare to Facebook>span classshare-button-link-text>Share to Facebook/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest href target_blank titleShare to Pinterest>span classshare-button-link-text>Share to Pinterest/span>/a>/div>/div>div classpost-footer-line post-footer-line-2>span classpost-labels>Labels:a href reltag>baby/a>,a href reltag>baby number 3/a>,a href reltag>Kenzie/a>/span>/div>div classpost-footer-line post-footer-line-3>/div>/div>/div>/div> /div>/div> div classdate-outer> h2 classdate-header>span>Saturday, January 31, 2015/span>/h2> div classdate-posts> div classpost-outer>div classpost hentry itempropblogPost itemscopeitemscope itemtype>meta content itempropimage_url/>meta content5666165102555370929 itempropblogId/>meta content591218604538639879 itemproppostId/>a name591218604538639879>/a>h3 classpost-title entry-title itempropname>a href>DIY :: kids leg warmers/a>/h3>div classpost-header>div classpost-header-line-1>/div>/div>div classpost-body entry-content idpost-body-591218604538639879 itempropdescription articleBody>I love leg warmers. And when I wanted plain ones (just grey or black. simple. casual. comfy.) for my newborn baby I couldnt find them. I knew they would be easy to sew out of fabric if I found the right kind, but I wanted to make it even easier for myself...because I have a newborn baby of course. Off to target I went and picked up some ladies knee high socks. A whole $2.50 per pair. For my one month old baby I cut the foot off and then cut up the back of the tube and in about 20 seconds sewed a skinnier/tinier pair for my />br />BUT- if you dont have a newborn it gets even easier. Just cut off the foot. Done. Yep thats it. And how cute are these heart ones with valentines day right around the corner. I just bought them on Friday too so you should still be able to snag some :) For $10 bucks youve got yourself 4 pairs. What are you waiting for....go make some!br />br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height478 src width640 />/a>/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>br />/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width480 />/a>/div>br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>br />/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width428 />/a>/div>br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height444 src width640 />/a>/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>br />/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width452 />/a>/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>They are perfect for dance too :)/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>br />/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width586 />/a>/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>These are the ones I cut open and sewed up the back to make them tiny.../div>br />div styleclear: both;>/div>/div>div classpost-footer>div classpost-footer-line post-footer-line-1>span classpost-comment-link>a classcomment-link href onclick>1 comment: /a>/span>span classpost-icons>span classitem-control blog-admin pid-158399403>a href titleEdit Post>img alt classicon-action height18 src width18/>/a>/span>/span>div classpost-share-buttons goog-inline-block>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-email href target_blank titleEmail This>span classshare-button-link-text>Email This/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-blog href, _blank, height270,width475); return false; target_blank titleBlogThis!>span classshare-button-link-text>BlogThis!/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter href target_blank titleShare to Twitter>span classshare-button-link-text>Share to Twitter/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook href, _blank, height430,width640); return false; target_blank titleShare to Facebook>span classshare-button-link-text>Share to Facebook/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest href target_blank titleShare to Pinterest>span classshare-button-link-text>Share to Pinterest/span>/a>/div>/div>div classpost-footer-line post-footer-line-2>span classpost-labels>Labels:a href reltag>diy/a>,a href reltag>diy on a dime/a>/span>/div>div classpost-footer-line post-footer-line-3>/div>/div>/div>/div> /div>/div> div classdate-outer> h2 classdate-header>span>Monday, January 12, 2015/span>/h2> div classdate-posts> div classpost-outer>div classpost hentry itempropblogPost itemscopeitemscope itemtype>meta content itempropimage_url/>meta content5666165102555370929 itempropblogId/>meta content1536851987180785978 itemproppostId/>a name1536851987180785978>/a>h3 classpost-title entry-title itempropname>a href>first month favorites/a>/h3>div classpost-header>div classpost-header-line-1>/div>/div>div classpost-body entry-content idpost-body-1536851987180785978 itempropdescription articleBody>We recently just hit the one month mark of sweet Kenzie joining our family. I have been asked by multiple mamas what some of my favorite products are. So I decided that each month I will do a quick round up of my frequently used and approved items. Here is month one -- in no specific />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width640 />/a>/div>br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>br />/div>br />b>1. Solly baby wrap/b>br />Love this wrap, especially for a newborn. Having multiple kids wearing my baby is a must. Dont let the fabric scare you, it is super easy to use and your babe will feel so comfortable being right next to your />br />b>2. Boppy/b>br />Ever since having my first baby, the boppy has been an essential part to all my at home feedings. It makes feedings easy and comfortable for myself and baby. I have a few covers too so that they are easy to switch out in case of spit ups :)br />br />b>3. Fiber one bars/b>br />Sometimes I just get really hungry. Looking after the kids and making sure the three of them are fed and happy sometimes makes me forget about myself. Having bars around makes it super easy to grab and go or to just quickly eat at />br />b>4. Cradle n swing - my little snugabunny /b>b>by Fisher Price/b>br />Sometimes you just need to put the baby down. This swing is great for Kenzie to chill in while the other kiddos play in front of her or around the house. She can have happy awake time in here and then normally takes a morning snooze in it too while I make breakfast. Bonus- this one plugs into the wall so you dont need to worry about batteries!br />br />b>5. Ollie swaddle/b>br />I have always swaddled my little ones and never found it easy nor long lasting when I just use a regular blanket. This swaddle special blanket is very easy to use and keeps my baby sleeping for long durations at night-- which means I get more sleep too!br />br />b>6. Rock and play deluxe sleeper by Fisher Price/b>br />I am so happy I stumbled upon this item online and very thankful we didnt waste anytime getting it (like I sometimes do with products). At night after Kenzies last feeding I swaddle her (in the ollie) rock her a bit and then lay her in this cozy contraption. The vibration mode on it makes the transition from baby in my arms to this sleeper quite easy. Also huge plus, its very easy to fold up and take with you for an />br />b>7. My baby homedics sound spa machine/b>br />Constant noise has always been key to our kiddos sleeping so well. This sound machine has the perfect noise options (heart beat, rain, twinkle twinkle little star, etc.) and you can just plug it in and have it run all night for white noise. During the day when Kenzie naps we put it on rain and at night she sleeps to the heartbeat. It also has the option of a nightlight to project on the ceiling. My two older kids still sleep with theirs every night. This also helps with noise during middle of the night awakenings/feedings since the rooms in our house are close />br />b>8. Humble hilo {diaper} bag/b>br />This is not a traditional diaper bag, but it makes a perfect one! From the first time I saw it, I knew it was a must have item for baby #3. I have the size large bag and it is big enough to carry my many baby/kid items. Plus super bonus is that it is gorgeous and I feel like a stylish mama every time I carry it. Oh and the compliments from strangers dont stop coming :)br />br />b>9. Pampers swaddlers/b>br />Hands down the best diapers for a newborn. So soft and gentle on their skin. I wont use any other brand on my newborn babys />br />b>10. Burp Cloth /b>br />Yep one of our items and I think the image explains it all. I can never have too many burp cloths as spit ups are a multiple daily occurrence around here. And I love this one since its not your traditional one...oh and its super soft and hard to miss!br />br />br />br />br />br />br />div styleclear: both;>/div>/div>div classpost-footer>div classpost-footer-line post-footer-line-1>span classpost-comment-link>a classcomment-link href onclick>No comments: /a>/span>span classpost-icons>span classitem-control blog-admin pid-158399403>a href titleEdit Post>img alt classicon-action height18 src width18/>/a>/span>/span>div classpost-share-buttons goog-inline-block>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-email href target_blank titleEmail This>span classshare-button-link-text>Email This/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-blog href, _blank, height270,width475); return false; target_blank titleBlogThis!>span classshare-button-link-text>BlogThis!/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter href target_blank titleShare to Twitter>span classshare-button-link-text>Share to Twitter/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook href, _blank, height430,width640); return false; target_blank titleShare to Facebook>span classshare-button-link-text>Share to Facebook/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest href target_blank titleShare to Pinterest>span classshare-button-link-text>Share to Pinterest/span>/a>/div>/div>div classpost-footer-line post-footer-line-2>span classpost-labels>Labels:a href reltag>baby/a>,a href reltag>Kenzie/a>,a href reltag>newborn/a>,a href reltag>one month/a>/span>/div>div classpost-footer-line post-footer-line-3>/div>/div>/div>/div> /div>/div> div classdate-outer> h2 classdate-header>span>Thursday, January 1, 2015/span>/h2> div classdate-posts> div classpost-outer>div classpost hentry itempropblogPost itemscopeitemscope itemtype>meta content itempropimage_url/>meta content5666165102555370929 itempropblogId/>meta content3441432964476259265 itemproppostId/>a name3441432964476259265>/a>h3 classpost-title entry-title itempropname>a href>month // 1/a>/h3>div classpost-header>div classpost-header-line-1>/div>/div>div classpost-body entry-content idpost-body-3441432964476259265 itempropdescription articleBody>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height177 src width640 />/a>/div>br />br />One month of you sweet Kenzie. We have been blessed this past month to have you join our family. I dont even know where to start. Yep, tears as I write this {and Im not a crier}. I am in love with you and in love with the way your brother and sister look at you, care for you and constantly want to hold and kiss you. They already are over-protective of you and at the first sign of a cry everly runs to you and says its okay, its okay, ah kenzie its okay. Then she places her head on you and puts her arms around you to try and pick you up... Thats when mom {me} runs over and interjects a little ;)br />br />Your eyes are a very dark blue and your hair dark brown. Youve got your mamas nose and daddys chin. You love being held and are soothed to sleep the best when sucking, however rocking works too (just takes longer). You still wont take a pacifier and sometimes shove your little hand in your mouth. You enjoy your swing for small spurts and most often enjoy relaxing and stretching out on your changing />br />Somehow you created your own routine very early on and mommy and daddy followed your cue. It goes a little something like this:br />br />- bedtime: between 8:30 and 9:30 for 4-6 hours {except last night you did 7!}br />- you wake up 1-2 more times to feedbr />- wake up time is 6:30-7:00 am {just depends when braeden comes in and wakes you up}br />- I then feed you and let you chill on the changing tablebr />- you then go in the swing for a 45 minute snooze while I (or your daddy) make your siblings breakfastbr />- the rest of the day you eat poop and sleep {on repeat} with a little bit of crying mixed in :)br />br />You are still wearing newborn clothes and diapers, but not for much />br />h3>first outings:/h3>Drs for your first check upbr />targetbr />mallbr />opa and grandmasbr />starbucksbr />rb inn for a girls lunchbr />br />I could keep writing but you just woke you sweet girl and happy one month!br />xx mommybr />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width640 />/a>/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width640 />/a>/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width640 />/a>/div>br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height400 src width400 />/a>/div>div styletext-align: center;>celebrating new years eve :: your daddy brought us home these fun accessories. love him./div>div styleclear: both;>/div>/div>div classpost-footer>div classpost-footer-line post-footer-line-1>span classpost-comment-link>a classcomment-link href onclick>1 comment: /a>/span>span classpost-icons>span classitem-control blog-admin pid-158399403>a href titleEdit Post>img alt classicon-action height18 src width18/>/a>/span>/span>div classpost-share-buttons goog-inline-block>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-email href target_blank titleEmail This>span classshare-button-link-text>Email This/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-blog href, _blank, height270,width475); return false; target_blank titleBlogThis!>span classshare-button-link-text>BlogThis!/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter href target_blank titleShare to Twitter>span classshare-button-link-text>Share to Twitter/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook href, _blank, height430,width640); return false; target_blank titleShare to Facebook>span classshare-button-link-text>Share to Facebook/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest href target_blank titleShare to Pinterest>span classshare-button-link-text>Share to Pinterest/span>/a>/div>/div>div classpost-footer-line post-footer-line-2>span classpost-labels>Labels:a href reltag>baby/a>,a href reltag>baby number 3/a>,a href reltag>Kenzie/a>/span>/div>div classpost-footer-line post-footer-line-3>/div>/div>/div>/div> /div>/div> div classdate-outer> h2 classdate-header>span>Friday, December 19, 2014/span>/h2> div classdate-posts> div classpost-outer>div classpost hentry itempropblogPost itemscopeitemscope itemtype>meta content itempropimage_url/>meta content5666165102555370929 itempropblogId/>meta content7361622210017203113 itemproppostId/>a name7361622210017203113>/a>h3 classpost-title entry-title itempropname>a href>gender neutral nursery/a>/h3>div classpost-header>div classpost-header-line-1>/div>/div>div classpost-body entry-content idpost-body-7361622210017203113 itempropdescription articleBody>I realized I never posted pics of the nursery. Since we didnt know if we were having a boy or a girl we kept everything pretty gender neutral. Ill be honest though, I thought for sure we were having a boy-- so it may have swayed a little more that way. And of course to our surprise we had a girl! Next week Ill post what the nursery now looks like. Just added a few little girly touches :)br />br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height426 src width640 />/a>/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>br />/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width426 />/a>/div>br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width456 />/a>/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>br />/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width424 />/a>/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>br />/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height426 src width640 />/a>/div>br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width426 />/a>/div>br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height444 src width640 />/a>/div>br />br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height426 src width640 />/a>/div>br />div styleclear: both;>/div>/div>div classpost-footer>div classpost-footer-line post-footer-line-1>span classpost-comment-link>a classcomment-link href onclick>2 comments: /a>/span>span classpost-icons>span classitem-control blog-admin pid-158399403>a href titleEdit Post>img alt classicon-action height18 src width18/>/a>/span>/span>div classpost-share-buttons goog-inline-block>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-email href target_blank titleEmail This>span classshare-button-link-text>Email This/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-blog href, _blank, height270,width475); return false; target_blank titleBlogThis!>span classshare-button-link-text>BlogThis!/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter href target_blank titleShare to Twitter>span classshare-button-link-text>Share to Twitter/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook href, _blank, height430,width640); return false; target_blank titleShare to Facebook>span classshare-button-link-text>Share to Facebook/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest href target_blank titleShare to Pinterest>span classshare-button-link-text>Share to Pinterest/span>/a>/div>/div>div classpost-footer-line post-footer-line-2>span classpost-labels>Labels:a href reltag>baby number 3/a>,a href reltag>gender neutral nursery/a>/span>/div>div classpost-footer-line post-footer-line-3>/div>/div>/div>/div> /div>/div> div classdate-outer> h2 classdate-header>span>Thursday, December 4, 2014/span>/h2> div classdate-posts> div classpost-outer>div classpost hentry itempropblogPost itemscopeitemscope itemtype>meta content itempropimage_url/>meta content5666165102555370929 itempropblogId/>meta content4115460235221570593 itemproppostId/>a name4115460235221570593>/a>h3 classpost-title entry-title itempropname>a href>Boys are outnumbered :: welcome to the world Kenzie/a>/h3>div classpost-header>div classpost-header-line-1>/div>/div>div classpost-body entry-content idpost-body-4115460235221570593 itempropdescription articleBody>Our Quinn clan now consists of three girls and 2 boys! On Monday morning we welcomed a beautiful baby girl into this world, Kenzie Rae Quinn. She was born at 10:00 am weighing 7 lbs 8 ozs and measuring 19.5 in length. As I type this she is peacefully asleep in daddys arms on the couch. I still feel like this is all a dream. I feel incredibly blessed that our baby was healthy and that we were able to come home yesterday where Kenzie can begin bonding with her brother and sister-- who just adore />br />We were team green (as we were with the other two kids) and wanted to wait to find out if we were to welcome a baby boy or girl into this world. My husband and I both thought that we would have another boy. So when a precious baby girl was born we were incredibly surprised. I cant describe how happy I am, how this feels so right and how much Everly and Braeden are already loving on their baby sister. I did not imagine this to all go so well. And never did I imagine that I would be doing a blog post already. But everyone is asleep and I cant help but get some typing in and begin documenting our Quinn adventures as a family of />br />Here are a few pics ... all taken from our iphones---br />br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width640 />/a>/div>div styletext-align: center;>daddy did great. first pic with his new baby girl. mama was getting closed up./div>br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width478 />/a>/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>hello world. meet Kenzie rae quinn./div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>br />/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width640 />/a>/div>div styletext-align: center;> skin to skin. the best./div>div styletext-align: center;>br />/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width640 />/a>/div>br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width480 />/a>/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>my first walk./div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>br />/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width480 />/a>/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>me and my everbug. and her dolly of course./div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>br />/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width640 />/a>/div>br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>family of five. My heart is full. words could never come close to describe my happiness./div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>br />/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width640 />/a>/div>br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width638 />/a>/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>daddy checking on kenzie/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>br />/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width640 />/a>/div>div styletext-align: center;> another visit from sissy. it was raining, so perfect for a pajama day./div>div styletext-align: center;>br />/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width592 />/a>/div>div styletext-align: center;>And thats a wrap. goodbye hospital. We are now proud parents of three babes :)/div>br />div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width640 />/a>/div>div styletext-align: center;>were home! proud brother and unsure sister :)/div>div styletext-align: center;>br />/div>div classseparator styleclear: both; text-align: center;>a href imageanchor1 stylemargin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;>img border0 height640 src width640 />/a>/div>div styletext-align: center;>home is where my family is. /div>div styleclear: both;>/div>/div>div classpost-footer>div classpost-footer-line post-footer-line-1>span classpost-comment-link>a classcomment-link href onclick>No comments: /a>/span>span classpost-icons>span classitem-control blog-admin pid-158399403>a href titleEdit Post>img alt classicon-action height18 src width18/>/a>/span>/span>div classpost-share-buttons goog-inline-block>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-email href target_blank titleEmail This>span classshare-button-link-text>Email This/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-blog href, _blank, height270,width475); return false; target_blank titleBlogThis!>span classshare-button-link-text>BlogThis!/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter href target_blank titleShare to Twitter>span classshare-button-link-text>Share to Twitter/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook href, _blank, height430,width640); return false; target_blank titleShare to Facebook>span classshare-button-link-text>Share to Facebook/span>/a>a classgoog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest href target_blank titleShare to Pinterest>span classshare-button-link-text>Share to Pinterest/span>/a>/div>/div>div classpost-footer-line post-footer-line-2>span classpost-labels>Labels:a href reltag>Kenzie/a>/span>/div>div classpost-footer-line post-footer-line-3>/div>/div>/div>/div> /div>/div> /div>div classblog-pager idblog-pager>span idblog-pager-older-link>a classblog-pager-older-link href idBlog1_blog-pager-older-link titleOlder Posts>Older Posts/a>/span>a classhome-link href>Home/a>/div>div classclear>/div>div classblog-feeds>div classfeed-links>Subscribe to:a classfeed-link href target_blank typeapplication/atom+xml>Posts (Atom)/a>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classcolumn-left-outer>div classcolumn-left-inner>aside>/aside>/div>/div>div classcolumn-right-outer>div classcolumn-right-inner>aside>div classsidebar section idsidebar-right-1>div classwidget Image data-version1 idImage1>h2>about/h2>div classwidget-content>img altabout height290 idImage1_img src width290/>br/>span classcaption>hello. im Kamaya. 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