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10.06 l-3.44 0 l0 -10.68 z M39.74 19.28 l-2.3 0 l-2.76 -5.14 l-1.86 0.02 l0 5.12 l-2.02 0 l0 -13.28 l-0.72 0 l0 14 l3.48 0 l0 -5.14 l0.7 0 l2.74 5.14 l3.94 0 l-2.76 -5.16 l-0.66 0.26 z M34.980000000000004 6.720000000000001 c2.9 0 4.54 1.3 4.54 3.68 c0 2.16 -1.3 3.48 -3.56 3.72 l-0.54 0.06 l2.5 4.62 l0.82 0 l-2.18 -4.06 c2.4 -0.42 3.68 -1.88 3.68 -4.34 c0 -0.82 -0.18 -1.56 -0.52 -2.22 c-0.8 -1.42 -2.44 -2.18 -4.74 -2.18 l-3.54 0 l0 12.78 l0.72 0 l0 -12.06 l2.82 0 z M34.82 13.52 c2.74 0 4.04 -0.94 4.04 -3.02 c0 -1.98 -1.36 -3.1 -3.54 -3.1 l-2.52 0 l0 2.1 l2.3 0 c1.06 0 1.6 0.3 1.6 0.9 c0 0.7 -0.66 1.04 -2 1.04 l-1.16 0 l0 -1.24 l-0.74 0 l0 1.96 l1.9 0 c1.78 0 2.72 -0.62 2.72 -1.76 c0 -0.36 -0.08 -0.64 -0.26 -0.86 c-0.34 -0.5 -1.02 -0.74 -2.06 -0.74 l-1.56 0 l0 -0.68 l1.78 0 c1.78 0 2.82 0.86 2.82 2.38 c0 1.58 -1.06 2.32 -3.32 2.32 l-2 0 l0 0.7 l2 0 z M42.660000000000004 6 l2.1 0 l0 12.66 l-0.72 0 l0 -11.94 l-0.66 0 l0 12.56 l2.02 0 l0 -13.28 l0.72 0 l0 14 l-3.46 0 l0 -14 z M54.2 9.84 l-0.76 1.18 l-2.82 -4.3 l0.76 0 l2.06 3.2 l0.42 -0.68 l-2.08 -3.24 l-2.48 0 l4.14 6.34 l4.04 -6.34 l-0.86 0 l-2.4 3.8 z M49.72 19.28 l-0.68 0 l4.04 -6.38 l-4.4 -6.88 l-0.86 0 l4.4 6.9 l-4.5 7.1 l2.38 -0.02 l8.48 -13.26 l0.72 0 l-4.74 7.44 l2.96 4.64 l0.86 0 l-2.98 -4.64 l5.22 -8.16 l-2.42 0 z M56.14 14.24 l3.26 5.04 l-2.28 0 l-2.96 -4.5 l-3.36 5.22 l0.86 0 l2.52 -3.9 l2.54 3.9 l4 0 l-4.08 -6.34 l-0.06 -0.1 z M62.46 6 l0.72 0 l0 13.28 l1.96 0 l0 -5 l4.68 0 l0 -0.66 l-4.66 0 l0 -0.72 l5.38 0 l0 2.1 l-4.68 0 l0 5 l-3.4 0 l0 -14 z M63.800000000000004 6 l7.72 0 l0 3.4 l-5 0 l0 -0.72 l4.28 0 l0 -1.96 l-6.3 0 l0 12 l-0.7 0 l0 -12.72 z M65.14 7.300000000000001 l5.04 0 l0 0.72 l-4.32 0 l0 3.54 l4.68 0 l0 0.74 l-5.4 0 l0 -5 z M74.6 18.76 l0.88 0 l0.7 -1.68 l5.22 0.02 l1.28 2.9 l3.68 -0.02 l-6.3 -13.98 l-1.28 0 l-6.26 13.98 l3.9 0 l0.68 -1.6 l3.98 0 l-0.3 -0.68 l-4.12 0 l-0.64 1.58 l-2.38 0 l5.54 -12.6 l0.48 0 l5.56 12.6 l-2.12 0 l-1.28 -2.86 l-6.2 0 z M76.97999999999999 15.24 l2.44 -5.82 l4.1 9.32 l0.82 0 l-4.92 -10.96 l-3.6 8.08 l5.8 0 l-2.2 -4.86 l-1.52 3.66 l0.78 0 l0.74 -1.82 l1.1 2.4 l-3.54 0 z M95.42 15.440000000000001 c-1.26 0.82 -1.88 1.06 -2.74 1.06 c-0.6 0 -1.16 -0.16 -1.7 -0.48 c-1.06 -0.64 -1.78 -1.8 -1.78 -3 c0 -0.64 0.16 -1.24 0.48 -1.78 c0.62 -1.08 1.8 -1.72 3 -1.72 c0.76 0 1.44 0.22 2.02 0.64 c0.1 0.06 0.22 0.14 0.36 0.28 l0.3 0.22 l1.34 -1.58 l-0.22 -0.22 c-0.14 -0.14 -0.32 -0.26 -0.54 -0.4 c-0.94 -0.72 -2.04 -1.08 -3.26 -1.08 c-1.5 0 -2.88 0.58 -3.98 1.64 c-1.06 1.12 -1.66 2.5 -1.66 4 s0.6 2.92 1.66 3.98 s2.48 1.66 3.98 1.66 c1.08 0 2.08 -0.3 3.02 -0.9 l-0.4 -0.6 c-0.82 0.54 -1.68 0.8 -2.62 0.8 c-1.3 0 -2.54 -0.52 -3.48 -1.46 s-1.44 -2.18 -1.44 -3.48 s0.5 -2.52 1.44 -3.46 c0.94 -0.96 2.18 -1.46 3.48 -1.46 c0.98 0 1.92 0.3 2.86 0.92 l0.16 0.14 l-0.44 0.5 c-0.06 -0.02 -0.1 -0.04 -0.14 -0.08 c-0.74 -0.5 -1.56 -0.76 -2.44 -0.76 c-0.78 0 -1.48 0.18 -2.1 0.54 c-1.26 0.74 -2.1 2.2 -2.1 3.66 c0 0.7 0.2 1.4 0.58 2.06 c0.78 1.34 2.2 2.16 3.62 2.16 c0.94 0 1.7 -0.28 2.84 -1 l1.12 1.66 c-1.46 0.96 -2.6 1.36 -3.96 1.36 c-1.12 0 -2.16 -0.28 -3.12 -0.84 c-1.94 -1.12 -3.14 -3.16 -3.14 -5.4 c0 -1.12 0.28 -2.16 0.84 -3.14 c1.12 -1.92 3.18 -3.12 5.42 -3.12 c1.58 0 3.08 0.58 4.22 1.64 l0.12 0.1 l0.16 0.16 l0.5 -0.52 l-0.28 -0.28 c-1.28 -1.14 -2.96 -1.8 -4.72 -1.8 c-1.26 0 -2.42 0.3 -3.48 0.92 c-2.12 1.22 -3.5 3.56 -3.5 6.04 c0 1.22 0.32 2.38 0.96 3.46 c1.26 2.16 3.52 3.52 6.02 3.52 c1.58 0 2.9 -0.5 4.68 -1.72 l0.28 -0.18 l-1.9 -2.86 z M102.60000000000001 8.6 l4.78 0 l0 -1.9 l-8.5 0 l0 0.62 l7.82 0 l0 0.72 l-8.54 0 l0 -2.06 l9.94 0 l0 3.34 l-4.78 0 l0 9.36 l-0.72 0 l0 -10.08 z M101.26 9.32 l-3.1 0 l0 -0.72 l3.82 0 l0 10.66 l2 0 l0 -9.32 l0.72 0 l0 10.06 l-3.44 0 l0 -10.68 z M116.4 20 c-1.22 0 -2.38 -0.32 -3.48 -0.96 c-2.2 -1.26 -3.56 -3.58 -3.56 -6.06 c0 -1.24 0.32 -2.4 0.96 -3.5 c1.26 -2.16 3.62 -3.52 6.08 -3.52 c1.22 0 2.4 0.32 3.5 0.94 c2.2 1.28 3.52 3.66 3.52 6.08 c0 1.22 -0.32 2.36 -0.94 3.46 c-1.28 2.2 -3.6 3.56 -6.08 3.56 z M116.4 6.66 c-1.14 0 -2.2 0.28 -3.16 0.84 c-1.94 1.12 -3.14 3.18 -3.14 5.48 c0 1.14 0.28 2.2 0.84 3.16 c1.12 1.94 3.16 3.14 5.46 3.14 c1.14 0 2.2 -0.28 3.18 -0.84 c1.94 -1.12 3.14 -3.16 3.14 -5.46 c0 -1.14 -0.28 -2.2 -0.84 -3.18 c-1.12 -1.94 -3.24 -3.14 -5.48 -3.14 z M116.4 18.64 c-1 0 -1.94 -0.26 -2.84 -0.76 c-1.78 -1.02 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -4.9 c0 -1.02 0.26 -1.96 0.76 -2.84 c1.02 -1.76 2.82 -2.8 4.96 -2.8 c1.08 0 2.06 0.24 2.92 0.72 c1.72 0.96 2.72 2.76 2.72 4.92 c0 1.02 -0.24 1.96 -0.72 2.82 c-0.98 1.74 -2.9 2.84 -4.92 2.84 z M116.4 8.04 c-0.9 0 -1.72 0.22 -2.48 0.66 c-1.54 0.88 -2.48 2.46 -2.48 4.28 c0 0.88 0.22 1.7 0.68 2.46 c0.88 1.54 2.44 2.5 4.28 2.5 c0.9 0 1.72 -0.22 2.48 -0.68 c1.5 -0.88 2.46 -2.52 2.46 -4.28 c0 -0.9 -0.22 -1.74 -0.66 -2.5 c-0.88 -1.52 -2.54 -2.44 -4.28 -2.44 z M116.4 17.34 c-0.78 0 -1.52 -0.2 -2.18 -0.58 c-1.34 -0.78 -2.2 -2.26 -2.2 -3.78 c0 -0.78 0.2 -1.52 0.6 -2.2 c0.78 -1.36 2.16 -2.14 3.78 -2.14 c0.78 0 1.5 0.2 2.16 0.58 c1.34 0.78 2.12 2.14 2.12 3.76 c0 0.8 -0.18 1.52 -0.54 2.18 c-0.74 1.32 -2.16 2.18 -3.74 2.18 z M116.4 9.36 c-0.64 0 -1.24 0.16 -1.8 0.48 c-1.12 0.66 -1.84 1.84 -1.84 3.14 c0 0.64 0.16 1.24 0.48 1.78 c0.64 1.12 1.8 1.8 3.16 1.8 c0.66 0 1.28 -0.16 1.82 -0.48 c1.1 -0.64 1.76 -1.82 1.76 -3.1 c0 -0.66 -0.16 -1.26 -0.48 -1.82 c-0.64 -1.12 -1.82 -1.8 -3.1 -1.8 z M134.08 19.28 l-2.3 0 l-2.76 -5.14 l-1.86 0.02 l0 5.12 l-2.02 0 l0 -13.28 l-0.72 0 l0 14 l3.48 0 l0 -5.14 l0.7 0 l2.74 5.14 l3.94 0 l-2.76 -5.16 l-0.66 0.26 z M129.32 6.720000000000001 c2.9 0 4.54 1.3 4.54 3.68 c0 2.16 -1.3 3.48 -3.56 3.72 l-0.54 0.06 l2.5 4.62 l0.82 0 l-2.18 -4.06 c2.4 -0.42 3.68 -1.88 3.68 -4.34 c0 -0.82 -0.18 -1.56 -0.52 -2.22 c-0.8 -1.42 -2.44 -2.18 -4.74 -2.18 l-3.54 0 l0 12.78 l0.72 0 l0 -12.06 l2.82 0 z M129.16 13.52 c2.74 0 4.04 -0.94 4.04 -3.02 c0 -1.98 -1.36 -3.1 -3.54 -3.1 l-2.52 0 l0 2.1 l2.3 0 c1.06 0 1.6 0.3 1.6 0.9 c0 0.7 -0.66 1.04 -2 1.04 l-1.16 0 l0 -1.24 l-0.74 0 l0 1.96 l1.9 0 c1.78 0 2.72 -0.62 2.72 -1.76 c0 -0.36 -0.08 -0.64 -0.26 -0.86 c-0.34 -0.5 -1.02 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div classrow align-items-center> div classcol-lg-7 pe-lg-5> div classrow align-items-center> div classcol-md-6> div classcard position-relative border-0 custom-box-shadow-1 custom-border-radius-1 mb-4 appear-animation data-appear-animationfadeInUpShorter data-appear-animation-delay850> div classcustom-dots-rect-1 stylebackground-image: url(img/demos/seo-2/dots-group.png);>/div> div classcard-body text-center pt-5> img srcimg/logos/bitrix_logo.webp classimg-fluid mb-4 pb-2 width80 height80 altЛоготип Битрикс /> h4 classtext-color-dark font-weight-semibold mb-2>Разработка на 1С Bitrix/h4> p>Создаем современные и высокопроизводительные сайты для вашего бизнеса./p> /div> /div> div classcard border-0 custom-box-shadow-1 custom-border-radius-1 mb-4> div classcard-body text-center pt-5> img srcimg/logos/bitrix_logo.webp classimg-fluid mb-4 pb-2 width80 height80 altЛоготип Битрикс/> h4 classtext-color-dark font-weight-semibold mb-2>Миграция на 1С Bitrix/h4> p>Безболезненно переносим ваш сайт на 1С Bitrix для улучшения функционала./p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-6> div classcard position-relative border-0 custom-box-shadow-1 custom-border-radius-1 mb-4 appear-animation data-appear-animationfadeInUpShorter data-appear-animation-delay1000> div classcustom-dots-rect-2 stylebackground-image: url(img/demos/seo-2/dots-group-2.png);>/div> div classcard-body text-center pt-5> img srcimg/logos/bitrix24_logo.webp classimg-fluid mb-4 pb-2 width80 height80 altЛоготип Битрикс 24 /> h4 classtext-color-dark font-weight-semibold mb-2>Интеграция с Bitrix24/h4> p>Синхронизируем ваш сайт с Bitrix24 для оптимизации бизнес-процессов./p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-5 pt-lg-5 ps-lg-4 mt-lg-5> h2 classtext-color-dark font-weight-semibold text-6 line-height-3 pt-5 mt-5 mb-0 appear-animation data-appear-animationfadeInUpShorter data-appear-animation-delay300>Преобразуйте бизнес с BitrixFactory!/h2> span classd-block mb-3 appear-animation data-appear-animationfadeInUpShorter data-appear-animation-delay450>ЛЕГКОСТЬ И УСПЕХ В ДОСТИЖЕНИИ ВАШИХ ЦЕЛЕЙ/span> p classlead appear-animation data-appear-animationfadeInUpShorter data-appear-animation-delay600>Мы предлагаем всеобъемлющие решения для вашего e-commerce бизнеса на основе 1С Bitrix и Bitrix24./p> p classmb-4 pb-2 appear-animation data-appear-animationfadeInUpShorter data-appear-animation-delay750>В BitrixFactory мы ставим ваши потребности на первое место. Наша команда экспертов заботится о каждой детали, обеспечивая надежность, скорость и качество на каждом этапе вашего проекта. Мы не просто разрабатываем сайты, мы помогаем вашему бизнесу расти и преуспевать в цифровом мире./p> /div> /div> /div> /section> section idprojects classcustom-bg-color-light-2 position-relative border-0 pt-4 m-0> svg classcustom-section-curved-top-2 width100% height298 xmlns> path idsvg_3 dm-79.33393,-38.33344c20.00001,16.00001 346.66686,448.00024 826.66712,236.00013c240.00013,-106.00006 647.58388,-25.45831 786.45913,6.2709c138.87524,31.72921 295.36054,26.21434 359.54203,2.72919c64.18149,-23.48515 718.67317,-158.11072 742.33982,-143.77728c214.66852,222.83259 61.00168,333.66623 77.22357,376.2222c16.22188,42.55598 -2796.23167,-33.44489 -2795.56445,-33.77815c-0.33361,0.16663 -0.83375,-98.08344 -1.16708,-196.41683c-0.33334,-98.33338 -0.49987,-196.75009 -0.16626,-196.91671 stroke-width0 stroke#000 fill#eff1f3/> /svg> div classcontainer position-relative z-index-1> div classrow justify-content-center pt-5 mt-5> div classcol-lg-9 text-center> div classappear-animation data-appear-animationfadeInUpShorter> h2 classfont-weight-bold mb-2>Проекты/h2> p classmb-4>ВАШ ПРОЕКТ В НАДЕЖНЫХ РУКАХ/p> /div> p classpb-3 mb-4 appear-animation data-appear-animationfadeInUpShorter data-appear-animation-delay200>Ознакомьтесь с нашими недавними проектами и увидите, как мы в BitrixFactory помогаем компаниям улучшить свои бизнес-процессы./p> /div> /div> div classrow pb-5 mb-5> div classcol> div classappear-animation popup-gallery-ajax data-appear-animationfadeInUpShorter data-appear-animation-delay200> div classowl-carousel owl-theme mb-0 data-plugin-options{items: 4, margin: 35, loop: false}> div classportfolio-item> a href/ajax/portfolio/ data-ajax-on-modal> span classthumb-info thumb-info-lighten> span classthumb-info-wrapper> img srcimg/projects/ classimg-fluid border-radius-0 altПКП Ресурс> span classthumb-info-title> span classthumb-info-inner>ПКП Ресурс/span> span classthumb-info-type>Переезд/span> /span> span classthumb-info-action> span classthumb-info-action-icon bg-dark opacity-8>i classfas fa-plus>/i>/span> /span> /span> /span> /a> /div> div classportfolio-item> a hrefajax/portfolio/ data-ajax-on-modal> span classthumb-info thumb-info-lighten> span classthumb-info-wrapper> img srcimg/projects/ classimg-fluid border-radius-0 altАвтомобильные гаджеты> span classthumb-info-title> span classthumb-info-inner>Автогаджеты/span> span classthumb-info-type>Разработка/span> /span> span classthumb-info-action> span classthumb-info-action-icon bg-dark opacity-8>i classfas fa-plus>/i>/span> /span> /span> /span> /a> /div> div classportfolio-item> a hrefajax/portfolio/ data-ajax-on-modal> span classthumb-info thumb-info-lighten> span classthumb-info-wrapper> img srcimg/projects/ classimg-fluid border-radius-0 altКонсалтСтройПроект> span classthumb-info-title> span classthumb-info-inner>КонсалтСтройПроект/span> span classthumb-info-type>Bitrix 24/span> /span> span classthumb-info-action> span classthumb-info-action-icon bg-dark opacity-8>i classfas fa-plus>/i>/span> /span> /span> /span> /a> /div> div classportfolio-item> a hrefajax/portfolio/ data-ajax-on-modal> span classthumb-info thumb-info-lighten> span classthumb-info-wrapper> img srcimg/projects/ classimg-fluid border-radius-0 altУчебный центр Знание> span classthumb-info-title> span classthumb-info-inner>Знание/span> span classthumb-info-type>Bitrix 24/span> /span> span classthumb-info-action> span classthumb-info-action-icon bg-dark opacity-8>i classfas fa-plus>/i>/span> /span> /span> /span> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classsection bg-color-light position-relative border-0 pt-4 m-0> svg classcustom-section-curved-top-3 width100% height298 xmlns> path idsvg_2 fill#FFF stroke#000 stroke-width0 dm-19.87006,126.33922c0,0 2.16796,-1.48437 6.92379,-3.91356c4.75584,-2.42918 12.09956,-5.80319 22.45107,-9.58247c20.70303,-7.55856 53.43725,-16.7382 101.56202,-23.22255c48.12477,-6.48434 111.6401,-10.27339 193.90533,-7.05074c41.13262,1.61132 88.20271,5.91306 140.3802,12.50726c52.17748,6.59421 -86.4742,-15.61273 171.02458,26.26208c64.37469,10.4687 130.09704,0.19531 175.01626,-5.4736c44.91922,-5.66892 49.93384,-12.28022 191.44685,-45.34647c141.51301,-33.06625 221.34662,-61.99188 426.81438,-59.4919c102.73388,1.24999 203.44102,29.65927 398.99543,109.88821c195.55441,80.22895 668.78972,-44.38181 814.0537,-9.88704c-76.25064,69.23438 407.49874,281.32592 331.2481,350.5603c-168.91731,29.52009 85.02254,247.61162 -83.89478,277.13171c84.07062,348.27313 -2948.95065,-242.40222 -2928.39024,-287.84045>/path> /svg> div classcontainer position-relative z-index-1 mt-3 mb-5> div classcustom-circle custom-circle-extra-small custom-circle-pos-24 appear-animation data-appear-animationexpandIn data-appear-animation-delay200> div classcustom-bg-color-grey-2 rounded-circle w-100 h-100 data-plugin-float-element data-plugin-options{startPos: bottom, speed: 0.3, transition: true, transitionDuration: 2000}>/div> /div> div classcustom-circle custom-circle-small custom-circle-pos-25 appear-animation data-appear-animationexpandIn data-appear-animation-delay500> div classcustom-bg-color-grey-2 rounded-circle w-100 h-100 data-plugin-float-element data-plugin-options{startPos: bottom, speed: 0.3, transition: true, transitionDuration: 3000}>/div> /div> div classcustom-circle custom-circle-extra-small custom-circle-pos-26 appear-animation data-appear-animationexpandIn data-appear-animation-delay800> div classcustom-bg-color-grey-2 rounded-circle w-100 h-100 data-plugin-float-element data-plugin-options{startPos: bottom, speed: 0.3, horizontal: true, transition: true, transitionDuration: 1500}>/div> /div> div classcustom-circle custom-circle-extra-small custom-circle-pos-27 custom-bg-color-grey-2>/div> div classcustom-circle custom-circle-extra-small custom-circle-pos-28 appear-animation data-appear-animationexpandIn data-appear-animation-delay1100> div classcustom-bg-color-grey-2 rounded-circle w-100 h-100 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counters pe-5 me-5> div classcustom-circle custom-circle-big custom-circle-pos-31 bg-color-secondary>/div> div classcustom-circle custom-circle-small custom-circle-pos-32 custom-bg-color-grey-2>/div> div classcustom-circle custom-circle-medium custom-circle-pos-33 custom-bg-color-grey-1>/div> div classcustom-circle custom-circle-extra-small custom-circle-pos-34 custom-bg-color-grey-2>/div> div classcustom-circle custom-circle-medium custom-circle-pos-35 bg-color-quaternary>/div> div classcustom-circle custom-circle-small custom-circle-pos-36 custom-bg-color-grey-1>/div> div classcustom-circle custom-circle-big custom-circle-pos-37 bg-color-tertiary>/div> div classcustom-circle custom-circle-small custom-circle-pos-38 custom-bg-color-grey-2>/div> div classcustom-circle custom-circle-medium custom-circle-pos-39 custom-bg-color-grey-1>/div> div classcustom-circle custom-circle-extra-small custom-circle-pos-40 custom-bg-color-grey-2>/div> div classcircle-1 bg-color-secondary> div classcounter> strong classtext-color-light text-10 line-height-1 data-to80 data-append+>0/strong> label classtext-color-light text-4 mb-0>Клиентов/label> /div> /div> div classcircle-2 bg-color-tertiary> div classcounter> strong classtext-color-light text-10 line-height-1 data-to200 data-append+>0/strong> label classtext-color-light text-4 mb-0>Проектов/label> /div> /div> div classcircle-3 bg-color-quaternary> div classcounter> strong classtext-color-light text-10 line-height-1 data-to5 data-append+>0/strong> label classtext-color-light text-4 mb-0>Команда/label> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-6> h2 classtext-color-dark font-weight-semibold text-6 line-height-3 mb-0 pe-5 me-5>BitrixFactory: качество и доверие на каждом этапе./h2> span classd-block mb-3 pb-2>БЫСТРЫЙ ПУТЬ К УСПЕХУ/span> p classlead font-weight-normal pe-5 mb-4>Вместе с BitrixFactory вы сможете обновить свой бизнес и достичь новых высот. Мы предоставляем эффективные инструменты для повышения производительности, улучшения функционала и достижения максимальной удовлетворенности клиентов./p> div classprogress-bars custom-progress-bars-style-1 mt-4> div classprogress-label> span classd-block text-3 mb-1>Улучшена производительность/span> /div> div classprogress mb-3> span classprogress-bar-tooltip>95%/span> div classprogress-bar progress-bar-quaternary data-appear-progress-animation95%>/div> /div> div classprogress-label> span classd-block text-3 mb-1>Улучшение функционала/span> /div> div classprogress mb-3> span classprogress-bar-tooltip>99%/span> div classprogress-bar progress-bar-quaternary data-appear-progress-animation99% data-appear-animation-delay300>/div> /div> div classprogress-label> span classd-block text-3 mb-1>Довольных клиентов/span> /div> div classprogress mb-3> span classprogress-bar-tooltip>99%/span> div classprogress-bar progress-bar-quaternary data-appear-progress-animation99% data-appear-animation-delay600>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol> hr> /div> /div> div classrow mt-5 mb-5> div classcol-lg-4 pe-lg-0> h2 classtext-color-dark font-weight-semibold text-6 line-height-3 mb-3>Что наши клиенты говорят о нас/h2> p>В BitrixFactory мы стремимся к высочайшему уровню удовлетворенности клиентов. вот что говорят наши клиенты о нас./p> /div> div classcol-lg-8 ps-lg-4> div classowl-carousel custom-carousel-style-1 custom-carousel-dots-style-1 data-plugin-options{responsive: {0: {items: 1}, 479: {items: 1}, 979: {items: 2}, 1199: {items: 2}}, margin: 0, loop: true, dots: true, nav: false, autoplay: true}> div> div classtestimonial testimonial-style-3 custom-testimonial-style-1> blockquote> p classmb-0>Сотрудничество превзошло наши ожидания. Они Обеспечили полный переход на 1С Bitrix и внедрили маркетинговые инструменты, которые упростили нашу работу. /p> /blockquote> div classtestimonial-author> div classtestimonial-author-thumbnail> img srcimg/clients/4_yuri-s.jpg classimg-fluid rounded-circle alt> /div> p>strong classfont-weight-semibold text-4 mb-1>Юрий С./strong>span classtext-2>Генеральный директор/span>/p> /div> /div> /div> div> div classtestimonial testimonial-style-3 custom-testimonial-style-1> blockquote> p classmb-0>У нас не было четко четкого тз, мы не айтишники. Команда BitrixFactory очень вдумчиво подошла к работе и помогли сформулировать и реализовать все наши хотелки./p> /blockquote> div classtestimonial-author> div classtestimonial-author-thumbnail> img srcimg/clients/2_mariya-i.jpg classimg-fluid rounded-circle alt> /div> p>strong classfont-weight-semibold text-4 mb-1>Мария И./strong>span classtext-2>Директор по маркетингу/span>/p> /div> /div> /div> div> div classtestimonial testimonial-style-3 custom-testimonial-style-1> blockquote> p classmb-0>Мы были впечатлены скоростью и качеством работы BitrixFactory. Их поддержка и обслуживание на высоте. /p> /blockquote> div classtestimonial-author> div classtestimonial-author-thumbnail> img srcimg/clients/3_dmitriy-v.jpg classimg-fluid rounded-circle alt> /div> p>strong classfont-weight-semibold text-4 mb-1>Дмитрий В./strong>span classtext-2>IT-директор/span>/p> /div> /div> /div> div> div classtestimonial testimonial-style-3 custom-testimonial-style-1> blockquote> p classmb-0>Помогли нам интегрировать наш сайт с Bitrix24 и все настроить. Это помогло нам оптимизировать работу менеджеров/p> /blockquote> div classtestimonial-author> div classtestimonial-author-thumbnail> img srcimg/clients/1_elena-p.jpg classimg-fluid rounded-circle alt> /div> p>strong classfont-weight-semibold text-4 mb-1>Елена П./strong>span classtext-2>Владелец бизнеса/span>/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcustom-circle custom-circle-medium custom-circle-pos-41 bg-color-quaternary>/div> div classcustom-circle custom-circle-small custom-circle-pos-42 custom-bg-color-grey-1>/div> div classcustom-circle custom-circle-extra-small custom-circle-pos-43 custom-bg-color-grey-2>/div> /div> /section> section classsection section-height-4 bg-color-quaternary position-relative border-0 pt-5 m-0> svg classcustom-section-curved-top-4 width100% height298 xmlns> path idsvg_2 fill#171940 stroke#000 stroke-width0 dm-16.68437,95.44889c0,0 5.33335,176.00075 660.00283,93.33373c327.33474,-41.33351 503.33549,15.3334 639.00274,35.66682c135.66725,20.33342 59.66691,9.66671 358.33487,28.33346c298.66795,18.66676 268.66829,-45.00088 382.66831,-112.00048c114.00002,-66.9996 718.31698,-59.48704 1221.66946,95.563c503.35248,155.05004 -221.83202,184.10564 -243.66935,197.60521c-21.83733,13.49958 -3008.67549,-19.83371 -3008.00467,-20.83335c-0.67082,0.99964 -30.00428,-232.33469 -10.00419,-317.66839z classsvg-fill-color-quaternary/> /svg> div classcontainer position-relative z-index-1 pt-2 pb-5 mt-3 mb-5> div classrow justify-content-center mb-3> div classcol-md-8 col-lg-6 text-center> div classoverflow-hidden mb-2> h2 classfont-weight-bold text-color-light text-7 line-height-2 mb-0 appear-animation data-appear-animationmaskUp data-appear-animation-delay250>Готовы улучшить свой бизнес?/h2> /div> div classoverflow-hidden mb-1> p classlead custom-text-color-grey-2 mb-0 appear-animation data-appear-animationmaskUp data-appear-animation-delay400>С BitrixFactory это проще, чем вы думаете./p> /div> div classoverflow-hidden mb-3> p classcustom-text-color-grey-2 mb-0 appear-animation data-appear-animationmaskUp data-appear-animation-delay550>Не упустите возможность преобразить ваш сайт и увеличить продуктивность. Свяжитесь с нами сегодня и начните свой путь к успеху!/p> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol> form classcustom-form-style-1 custom-form-simple-validation form-errors-light contact-form action/php/contact-form.php> div classcontact-form-success alert alert-success d-none> strong>Успех!/strong> Ваше сообщение отправлено. /div> div classcontact-form-error alert alert-danger d-none> strong>Ошибка!/strong> Проблема с отправкой сообщения. /div> div classrow mb-4 appear-animation data-appear-animationfadeInUpShorter data-appear-animation-delay700> div classform-group col-md-6 pe-md-2> input typetext nametel classform-control value placeholderВведите свой телефон data-msg-requiredПожалуйста заполните телефон. required /> /div> div classform-group col-md-6 ps-md-2> input typeemail nameemail classform-control value placeholderВведите свой E-mail data-msg-requiredПожалуйста заполните E-mail адрес. data-msg-emailПожалуйста заполните корректный E-mail адрес. required /> /div> /div> div classrow justify-content-center appear-animation data-appear-animationfadeInUpShorter data-appear-animation-delay850> div classform-group col-auto mb-0> button typesubmit classbtn btn-color btn-rounded font-weight-bold px-5 py-3 text-3>ОТПРАВИТЬ ЗАЯВКУ/button> /div> /div> /form> /div> /div>/div> /section> /div> footer idfooter classbg-color-quaternary position-relative mt-0> !--svg classcustom-section-curved-top-7 width100% height400 xmlns> path idsvg_2 fill#171940 stroke#000 stroke-width0 dm-16.68437,95.44889c0,0 5.33335,176.00075 660.00283,93.33373c327.33474,-41.33351 503.33549,15.3334 639.00274,35.66682c135.66725,20.33342 59.66691,9.66671 358.33487,28.33346c298.66795,18.66676 268.66829,-45.00088 382.66831,-112.00048c114.00002,-66.9996 718.31698,-59.48704 1221.66946,95.563c503.35248,155.05004 -221.83202,184.10564 -243.66935,197.60521c-21.83733,13.49958 -3008.67549,-19.83371 -3008.00467,-20.83335c-0.67082,0.99964 -30.00428,-232.33469 -10.00419,-317.66839z classsvg-fill-color-quaternary/>/svg>-->div classcontainer position-relative mt-0 mb-4> div classrow py-5> div classcol-lg-3 mb-5 mb-lg-0> h4 classfont-weight-bold text-color-light text-5 ls-0 pb-1 mb-2>О НАС/h4> p>В BitrixFactory мы стремимся предоставить лучшие решения для вашего бизнеса, используя мощь 1С Bitrix. С командой опытных профессионалов и ориентацией на качество, мы помогаем вам достичь ваших целей быстрее и эффективнее.../p> a href/> svg width300 height45 viewBox0 0 369.5483870967742 56.45161290322581 classcss-1j8o68f> defs idSvgjsDefs2076>/defs> g idSvgjsG2077 featurekeyodWo6G-0 transformmatrix(0.7049395442008972,0,0,0.7049395442008972,-6.94337903638857,-7.021170215360601) fill#a33188> path xmlns dM49.8896484,36.2685547c-7.5712891,0-13.7314453,6.1601562-13.7314453,13.7314453 s6.1601562,13.7314453,13.7314453,13.7314453c7.5722656,0,13.7324219-6.1601562,13.7324219-13.7314453 S57.4619141,36.2685547,49.8896484,36.2685547z M49.8896484,61.7314453c-6.46875,0-11.7314453-5.2626953-11.7314453-11.7314453 s5.2626953-11.7314453,11.7314453-11.7314453c6.4697266,0,11.7324219,5.2626953,11.7324219,11.7314453 S56.359375,61.7314453,49.8896484,61.7314453z>/path> path xmlns dM78.78125,44.7861328c0.2822266-0.0292969,0.5390625-0.1777344,0.7050781-0.4072266 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dM9.74 13.059999999999999 c0.46 -0.7 0.7 -1.58 0.7 -2.6 c0 -2.78 -1.64 -4.36 -4.46 -4.36 l-4.62 0 l0 6.02 l4.7 0 c1.06 0 1.7 -0.6 1.7 -1.66 c0 -0.56 -0.2 -1.02 -0.6 -1.4 c-0.26 -0.24 -0.7 -0.38 -1.1 -0.38 l-3.34 0 l0 2.1 l0.72 0 l0 -1.4 l2.62 0 c0.58 0 0.98 0.38 0.98 1.08 c0 0.62 -0.32 0.94 -0.98 0.94 l-4 0 l0 -4.58 l3.82 0 c2.48 0 3.86 1.26 3.86 3.64 c0 0.78 -0.16 1.46 -0.5 2.08 l-0.2 0.32 l-0.22 0.22 l0.26 0.26 l0.38 0.44 c0.24 0.3 0.36 0.92 0.36 1.88 c0 2.34 -1.4 3.6 -3.94 3.6 l-5.16 0 l0 -13.18 l-0.72 0 l0 13.9 l5.88 0 c2.9 0 4.66 -1.6 4.66 -4.32 c0 -1.04 -0.26 -1.9 -0.8 -2.6 z M6.36 18.68 c0.7 0 1.36 -0.26 1.98 -0.8 c0.58 -0.58 0.88 -1.28 0.88 -2.08 c0 -1 -0.32 -1.78 -0.98 -2.36 l-0.52 -0.38 c0.9 -0.5 1.44 -1.46 1.44 -2.72 c0 -0.54 -0.12 -1.06 -0.36 -1.52 c-0.48 -0.92 -1.34 -1.42 -2.44 -1.42 l-3.62 0 l0 0.72 l3.62 0 c0.34 0 0.66 0.1 1 0.3 c0.64 0.4 1.06 1.12 1.06 1.92 c0 1.38 -0.84 2.36 -2.12 2.36 l-4.92 0 l0 0.72 l4.92 0 c1.34 0 2.2 0.92 2.2 2.38 c0 0.8 -0.34 1.42 -1.04 1.84 c-0.34 0.2 -0.7 0.3 -1.1 0.3 l-4.3 0 l0 -3.16 l4 0 c0.7 0 1.04 0.32 1.04 0.94 c0 0.64 -0.34 0.96 -1.04 0.96 l-2.62 0 l0 -1.32 l-0.72 0 l0 2.04 l3.34 0 c0.78 0 1.3 -0.28 1.58 -0.86 c0.12 -0.22 0.18 -0.5 0.18 -0.82 c0 -1.04 -0.7 -1.68 -1.76 -1.68 l-4.7 0 l0 4.64 l5 0 z M13.14 6 l2.1 0 l0 12.66 l-0.72 0 l0 -11.94 l-0.66 0 l0 12.56 l2.02 0 l0 -13.28 l0.72 0 l0 14 l-3.46 0 l0 -14 z M22.520000000000003 8.6 l4.78 0 l0 -1.9 l-8.5 0 l0 0.62 l7.82 0 l0 0.72 l-8.54 0 l0 -2.06 l9.94 0 l0 3.34 l-4.78 0 l0 9.36 l-0.72 0 l0 -10.08 z M21.180000000000003 9.32 l-3.1 0 l0 -0.72 l3.82 0 l0 10.66 l2 0 l0 -9.32 l0.72 0 l0 10.06 l-3.44 0 l0 -10.68 z M39.74 19.28 l-2.3 0 l-2.76 -5.14 l-1.86 0.02 l0 5.12 l-2.02 0 l0 -13.28 l-0.72 0 l0 14 l3.48 0 l0 -5.14 l0.7 0 l2.74 5.14 l3.94 0 l-2.76 -5.16 l-0.66 0.26 z M34.980000000000004 6.720000000000001 c2.9 0 4.54 1.3 4.54 3.68 c0 2.16 -1.3 3.48 -3.56 3.72 l-0.54 0.06 l2.5 4.62 l0.82 0 l-2.18 -4.06 c2.4 -0.42 3.68 -1.88 3.68 -4.34 c0 -0.82 -0.18 -1.56 -0.52 -2.22 c-0.8 -1.42 -2.44 -2.18 -4.74 -2.18 l-3.54 0 l0 12.78 l0.72 0 l0 -12.06 l2.82 0 z M34.82 13.52 c2.74 0 4.04 -0.94 4.04 -3.02 c0 -1.98 -1.36 -3.1 -3.54 -3.1 l-2.52 0 l0 2.1 l2.3 0 c1.06 0 1.6 0.3 1.6 0.9 c0 0.7 -0.66 1.04 -2 1.04 l-1.16 0 l0 -1.24 l-0.74 0 l0 1.96 l1.9 0 c1.78 0 2.72 -0.62 2.72 -1.76 c0 -0.36 -0.08 -0.64 -0.26 -0.86 c-0.34 -0.5 -1.02 -0.74 -2.06 -0.74 l-1.56 0 l0 -0.68 l1.78 0 c1.78 0 2.82 0.86 2.82 2.38 c0 1.58 -1.06 2.32 -3.32 2.32 l-2 0 l0 0.7 l2 0 z M42.660000000000004 6 l2.1 0 l0 12.66 l-0.72 0 l0 -11.94 l-0.66 0 l0 12.56 l2.02 0 l0 -13.28 l0.72 0 l0 14 l-3.46 0 l0 -14 z M54.2 9.84 l-0.76 1.18 l-2.82 -4.3 l0.76 0 l2.06 3.2 l0.42 -0.68 l-2.08 -3.24 l-2.48 0 l4.14 6.34 l4.04 -6.34 l-0.86 0 l-2.4 3.8 z M49.72 19.28 l-0.68 0 l4.04 -6.38 l-4.4 -6.88 l-0.86 0 l4.4 6.9 l-4.5 7.1 l2.38 -0.02 l8.48 -13.26 l0.72 0 l-4.74 7.44 l2.96 4.64 l0.86 0 l-2.98 -4.64 l5.22 -8.16 l-2.42 0 z M56.14 14.24 l3.26 5.04 l-2.28 0 l-2.96 -4.5 l-3.36 5.22 l0.86 0 l2.52 -3.9 l2.54 3.9 l4 0 l-4.08 -6.34 l-0.06 -0.1 z M62.46 6 l0.72 0 l0 13.28 l1.96 0 l0 -5 l4.68 0 l0 -0.66 l-4.66 0 l0 -0.72 l5.38 0 l0 2.1 l-4.68 0 l0 5 l-3.4 0 l0 -14 z M63.800000000000004 6 l7.72 0 l0 3.4 l-5 0 l0 -0.72 l4.28 0 l0 -1.96 l-6.3 0 l0 12 l-0.7 0 l0 -12.72 z M65.14 7.300000000000001 l5.04 0 l0 0.72 l-4.32 0 l0 3.54 l4.68 0 l0 0.74 l-5.4 0 l0 -5 z M74.6 18.76 l0.88 0 l0.7 -1.68 l5.22 0.02 l1.28 2.9 l3.68 -0.02 l-6.3 -13.98 l-1.28 0 l-6.26 13.98 l3.9 0 l0.68 -1.6 l3.98 0 l-0.3 -0.68 l-4.12 0 l-0.64 1.58 l-2.38 0 l5.54 -12.6 l0.48 0 l5.56 12.6 l-2.12 0 l-1.28 -2.86 l-6.2 0 z M76.97999999999999 15.24 l2.44 -5.82 l4.1 9.32 l0.82 0 l-4.92 -10.96 l-3.6 8.08 l5.8 0 l-2.2 -4.86 l-1.52 3.66 l0.78 0 l0.74 -1.82 l1.1 2.4 l-3.54 0 z M95.42 15.440000000000001 c-1.26 0.82 -1.88 1.06 -2.74 1.06 c-0.6 0 -1.16 -0.16 -1.7 -0.48 c-1.06 -0.64 -1.78 -1.8 -1.78 -3 c0 -0.64 0.16 -1.24 0.48 -1.78 c0.62 -1.08 1.8 -1.72 3 -1.72 c0.76 0 1.44 0.22 2.02 0.64 c0.1 0.06 0.22 0.14 0.36 0.28 l0.3 0.22 l1.34 -1.58 l-0.22 -0.22 c-0.14 -0.14 -0.32 -0.26 -0.54 -0.4 c-0.94 -0.72 -2.04 -1.08 -3.26 -1.08 c-1.5 0 -2.88 0.58 -3.98 1.64 c-1.06 1.12 -1.66 2.5 -1.66 4 s0.6 2.92 1.66 3.98 s2.48 1.66 3.98 1.66 c1.08 0 2.08 -0.3 3.02 -0.9 l-0.4 -0.6 c-0.82 0.54 -1.68 0.8 -2.62 0.8 c-1.3 0 -2.54 -0.52 -3.48 -1.46 s-1.44 -2.18 -1.44 -3.48 s0.5 -2.52 1.44 -3.46 c0.94 -0.96 2.18 -1.46 3.48 -1.46 c0.98 0 1.92 0.3 2.86 0.92 l0.16 0.14 l-0.44 0.5 c-0.06 -0.02 -0.1 -0.04 -0.14 -0.08 c-0.74 -0.5 -1.56 -0.76 -2.44 -0.76 c-0.78 0 -1.48 0.18 -2.1 0.54 c-1.26 0.74 -2.1 2.2 -2.1 3.66 c0 0.7 0.2 1.4 0.58 2.06 c0.78 1.34 2.2 2.16 3.62 2.16 c0.94 0 1.7 -0.28 2.84 -1 l1.12 1.66 c-1.46 0.96 -2.6 1.36 -3.96 1.36 c-1.12 0 -2.16 -0.28 -3.12 -0.84 c-1.94 -1.12 -3.14 -3.16 -3.14 -5.4 c0 -1.12 0.28 -2.16 0.84 -3.14 c1.12 -1.92 3.18 -3.12 5.42 -3.12 c1.58 0 3.08 0.58 4.22 1.64 l0.12 0.1 l0.16 0.16 l0.5 -0.52 l-0.28 -0.28 c-1.28 -1.14 -2.96 -1.8 -4.72 -1.8 c-1.26 0 -2.42 0.3 -3.48 0.92 c-2.12 1.22 -3.5 3.56 -3.5 6.04 c0 1.22 0.32 2.38 0.96 3.46 c1.26 2.16 3.52 3.52 6.02 3.52 c1.58 0 2.9 -0.5 4.68 -1.72 l0.28 -0.18 l-1.9 -2.86 z M102.60000000000001 8.6 l4.78 0 l0 -1.9 l-8.5 0 l0 0.62 l7.82 0 l0 0.72 l-8.54 0 l0 -2.06 l9.94 0 l0 3.34 l-4.78 0 l0 9.36 l-0.72 0 l0 -10.08 z M101.26 9.32 l-3.1 0 l0 -0.72 l3.82 0 l0 10.66 l2 0 l0 -9.32 l0.72 0 l0 10.06 l-3.44 0 l0 -10.68 z M116.4 20 c-1.22 0 -2.38 -0.32 -3.48 -0.96 c-2.2 -1.26 -3.56 -3.58 -3.56 -6.06 c0 -1.24 0.32 -2.4 0.96 -3.5 c1.26 -2.16 3.62 -3.52 6.08 -3.52 c1.22 0 2.4 0.32 3.5 0.94 c2.2 1.28 3.52 3.66 3.52 6.08 c0 1.22 -0.32 2.36 -0.94 3.46 c-1.28 2.2 -3.6 3.56 -6.08 3.56 z M116.4 6.66 c-1.14 0 -2.2 0.28 -3.16 0.84 c-1.94 1.12 -3.14 3.18 -3.14 5.48 c0 1.14 0.28 2.2 0.84 3.16 c1.12 1.94 3.16 3.14 5.46 3.14 c1.14 0 2.2 -0.28 3.18 -0.84 c1.94 -1.12 3.14 -3.16 3.14 -5.46 c0 -1.14 -0.28 -2.2 -0.84 -3.18 c-1.12 -1.94 -3.24 -3.14 -5.48 -3.14 z M116.4 18.64 c-1 0 -1.94 -0.26 -2.84 -0.76 c-1.78 -1.02 -2.88 -2.88 -2.88 -4.9 c0 -1.02 0.26 -1.96 0.76 -2.84 c1.02 -1.76 2.82 -2.8 4.96 -2.8 c1.08 0 2.06 0.24 2.92 0.72 c1.72 0.96 2.72 2.76 2.72 4.92 c0 1.02 -0.24 1.96 -0.72 2.82 c-0.98 1.74 -2.9 2.84 -4.92 2.84 z M116.4 8.04 c-0.9 0 -1.72 0.22 -2.48 0.66 c-1.54 0.88 -2.48 2.46 -2.48 4.28 c0 0.88 0.22 1.7 0.68 2.46 c0.88 1.54 2.44 2.5 4.28 2.5 c0.9 0 1.72 -0.22 2.48 -0.68 c1.5 -0.88 2.46 -2.52 2.46 -4.28 c0 -0.9 -0.22 -1.74 -0.66 -2.5 c-0.88 -1.52 -2.54 -2.44 -4.28 -2.44 z M116.4 17.34 c-0.78 0 -1.52 -0.2 -2.18 -0.58 c-1.34 -0.78 -2.2 -2.26 -2.2 -3.78 c0 -0.78 0.2 -1.52 0.6 -2.2 c0.78 -1.36 2.16 -2.14 3.78 -2.14 c0.78 0 1.5 0.2 2.16 0.58 c1.34 0.78 2.12 2.14 2.12 3.76 c0 0.8 -0.18 1.52 -0.54 2.18 c-0.74 1.32 -2.16 2.18 -3.74 2.18 z M116.4 9.36 c-0.64 0 -1.24 0.16 -1.8 0.48 c-1.12 0.66 -1.84 1.84 -1.84 3.14 c0 0.64 0.16 1.24 0.48 1.78 c0.64 1.12 1.8 1.8 3.16 1.8 c0.66 0 1.28 -0.16 1.82 -0.48 c1.1 -0.64 1.76 -1.82 1.76 -3.1 c0 -0.66 -0.16 -1.26 -0.48 -1.82 c-0.64 -1.12 -1.82 -1.8 -3.1 -1.8 z M134.08 19.28 l-2.3 0 l-2.76 -5.14 l-1.86 0.02 l0 5.12 l-2.02 0 l0 -13.28 l-0.72 0 l0 14 l3.48 0 l0 -5.14 l0.7 0 l2.74 5.14 l3.94 0 l-2.76 -5.16 l-0.66 0.26 z M129.32 6.720000000000001 c2.9 0 4.54 1.3 4.54 3.68 c0 2.16 -1.3 3.48 -3.56 3.72 l-0.54 0.06 l2.5 4.62 l0.82 0 l-2.18 -4.06 c2.4 -0.42 3.68 -1.88 3.68 -4.34 c0 -0.82 -0.18 -1.56 -0.52 -2.22 c-0.8 -1.42 -2.44 -2.18 -4.74 -2.18 l-3.54 0 l0 12.78 l0.72 0 l0 -12.06 l2.82 0 z M129.16 13.52 c2.74 0 4.04 -0.94 4.04 -3.02 c0 -1.98 -1.36 -3.1 -3.54 -3.1 l-2.52 0 l0 2.1 l2.3 0 c1.06 0 1.6 0.3 1.6 0.9 c0 0.7 -0.66 1.04 -2 1.04 l-1.16 0 l0 -1.24 l-0.74 0 l0 1.96 l1.9 0 c1.78 0 2.72 -0.62 2.72 -1.76 c0 -0.36 -0.08 -0.64 -0.26 -0.86 c-0.34 -0.5 -1.02 -0.74 -2.06 -0.74 l-1.56 0 l0 -0.68 l1.78 0 c1.78 0 2.82 0.86 2.82 2.38 c0 1.58 -1.06 2.32 -3.32 2.32 l-2 0 l0 0.7 l2 0 z M142.46 18.72 l0.72 0 l-0.02 -5.82 l4.26 -6.18 l0.78 0 l-4.34 6.22 l0 6.34 l-2.06 0 l0.02 -6.34 l-4.86 -6.94 l-0.88 0 l4.98 7.16 l0 6.84 l3.52 0 l0 -6.84 l5 -7.16 l-2.52 0 l-4.6 6.66 l0 6.06 z M145.4 6 l-3.34 4.9 l-2.96 -4.18 l0.78 0 l2.24 3.16 l0.44 -0.64 l-2.3 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