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HTTP/1.1 200 OKserver: nginx/1.14.1date: Wed, 26 Mar 2025 15:33:37 GMTcontent-type: text/htmlcontent-length: 63540last-modified: Mon, 27 Jan 2025 15:43:42 GMTetag: 6797a9ae-f834accept-ranges: bytes !DOCTYPE html>html langen data-wf-page63c6a49f0dc97377597c5ed0 data-wf-site63c6a49f0dc9738c8c7c5eee>head>link relcanonical href /> link relalternate hreflangen href /> link relalternate hreflangde href /> link relalternate hreflanges href /> link relalternate hreflangit href /> link relalternate hreflangsv href /> link relalternate hreflangtr href /> link relalternate hreflangnl href /> link relalternate hreflangpt href /> link relalternate hreflangpl href /> link relalternate hreflangno href /> link relalternate hreflangda href /> link relalternate hreflangfi href /> link relalternate hreflangru href /> link relalternate hreflangth href /> link relalternate hreflangtl href /> link relalternate hreflangar href /> link relalternate hreflangzh href /> link relalternate hreflanghi href /> link relalternate hreflangko href /> link relalternate hreflangsk href /> link relalternate hreflangcs href /> link relalternate hreflangro href /> link relalternate hreflanghu href /> link relalternate hreflanghr href /> link relalternate hreflangbg href /> link relalternate hreflangid href /> link relalternate hreflangel href /> link relalternate hreflangfr href /> link relalternate hreflangja href /> script typeapplication/ld+json>{ @context:, @type: WebSite, name: Bitcoin V7 Avage, url:, potentialAction: { @type: SearchAction, target: {search_term_string}, query-input: required namesearch_term_string }}/script>script typeapplication/ld+json>{@context:,@type: Organization,name: Bitcoin V7 Avage,url:,logo:}{ @context :, @type : SoftwareApplication, name : Bitcoin V7 Avage, image :, url :, applicationCategory : Bitcoin, trading, Cryptocurrencies , downloadUrl : }/script>script typeapplication/ld+json>{@context:, @type: Product, name: Bitcoin V7 Avage,image:,brand: Bitcoin V7 Avage,offers: {@type: Offer,url:,priceCurrency: EUR,price: 250,priceValidUntil: 2021-12-31,availability:,itemCondition:}}/script>base href..\..\> script typeapplication/ld+json> { @context:, @type: FAQPage, mainEntity: { @type: Question, name: What is the cost to become a part of the Bitcoin V7 Avage community?, acceptedAnswer: { @type: Answer, text: Utilizing Bitcoin V7 Avage is completely free. It offers a lifetime membership and grants you unlimited access to future opportunities without any charges. } }, { @type: Question, name: What potential profits can I anticipate from trading on Bitcoin V7 Avage?, acceptedAnswer: { @type: Answer, text: Earnings may vary based on factors like initial capital and the specific trading parameters employed. } }, { @type: Question, name: How much time commitment is necessary for Bitcoin V7 Avage on a daily basis?, acceptedAnswer: { @type: Answer, text: With Bitcoin V7 Avages fully automated crypto trading software, just dedicate less than 20 minutes to set your trading preferences. From there, Bitcoin V7 Avage takes care of the rest, trading seamlessly without investor involvement. } }, { @type: Question, name: Is Bitcoin V7 Avage a Reliable Platform?, acceptedAnswer: { @type: Answer, text: Bitcoin V7 Avage stands out as the ultimate, top-notch trading software globally, enabling investors to consistently earn profits from the dynamic cryptocurrency market. } }, { @type: Question, name: Is Bitcoin V7 Avage similar to MLM or Affiliate Marketing?, acceptedAnswer: { @type: Answer, text: Certainly not. Bitcoin V7 Avage stands as a groundbreaking automated crypto trading software, harnessing the potential of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies price fluctuations to generate substantial profits. } } } /script> script typeapplication/ld+json>{ @context:, @type: BreadcrumbList, itemListElement: { @type: ListItem, position: 1, name: Bitcoin V7 Avage } }/script> link relpreload asimage href/images/main-bg-2.webp media(max-width: 800px)>link relpreload asimage href/images/poster_index.jpg>link relpreload asimage href/images/logo.png> meta charsetutf-8> title>Bitcoin V7 Avage ™ - The Official App WebSite 2025 UPDATED/title> meta contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1 nameviewport> link href/css/normalize.css relstylesheet typetext/css> link href/css/components.css relstylesheet typetext/css> link href/css/pattern-traderbot-new.css relstylesheet typetext/css> link href relpreconnect> link href relpreconnect crossoriginanonymous> script typetext/javascript>!function(o,c){var 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Websitebr>/h2> div classvideo-container> img src/images/poster_index.jpg width100% classmain-image altBitcoin V7 Avage - Trade the Markets with the Number One Automated Crypto Software The Official Bitcoin V7 Avage Website> /div> /div> div classform-col> div idformTop classform-container> div classform-title-box> h3 classform-title>Join the Crypto Evolution/h3> /div> div classform-box w-form-wrapper> form idemail-form nameemail-form data-nameEmail Form action# methodget classmembers-form data-wf-page-id63c6a49f0dc97377597c5ed0 data-wf-element-idd7b380f6-a1e3-586a-d28b-95ef864af961> div classform-row> div classform-cell form-cell-fn> div classform-group>input typetext classform-control w-input maxlength256 nameFunnelRegistrationFormfirst_name data-nameFunnelRegistrationFormfirst_name placeholderFirst Name> div classwarning-icon>/div> /div> /div> div classform-cell form-cell-ln> div classform-group>input typetext classform-control w-input maxlength256 nameFunnelRegistrationFormlast_name data-nameFunnelRegistrationFormlast_name placeholderLast Name> div classwarning-icon>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classform-group>input typeemail classform-control w-input maxlength256 nameFunnelRegistrationFormemail data-nameFunnelRegistrationFormemail placeholderE-mail> div classwarning-icon>/div> /div> div classform-row-nowrap> div classform-cell> div classform-group>input typetext classform-control w-input maxlength256 nameFunnelRegistrationFormpassword data-nameFunnelRegistrationFormpassword pattern^(?.*a-z)(?.*A-Z)(?.*\d)A-Za-z\d{6,12}$ placeholderPassword> div classwarning-icon>/div> /div> /div> div classform-cell> div classbtn generate-pass>Generate passwords/div> /div> /div> div classform-group>input typetext classform-control w-input maxlength256 nameFunnelRegistrationFormcountry data-nameFunnelRegistrationFormcountry placeholderCountry> div classwarning-icon>/div> /div> div classphone-row> div classprefix-cell> div classform-group>input typetext classform-control fc-prefix w-input maxlength256 nameFunnelRegistrationFormphone_prefix data-nameFunnelRegistrationFormphone_prefix placeholderPrefix> div classwarning-icon>/div> /div> /div> div classphone-cell> div classform-group>input typetext classform-control w-input maxlength256 nameFunnelRegistrationFormphone_number data-nameFunnelRegistrationFormphone_number placeholderPhone> div classwarning-icon>/div> /div> /div> /div>button typesubmit data-waitPlease wait... classbtn btn-submit w-button disabled>Get Started Now/button> div classform-footer>By registering and creating an account, you certify that you have read and agreed to our a href/terms target_blank>Terms and Conditions/a> and a href/privacy target_blank>Privacy Policy/a> and a href/cookie target_blank>Cookie Policy/a>.div classmembers-form-policy-toggle>Read More/div>div classmembers-form-policy-tooltip styledisplay: none;>/div>/div> div classscenario-input w-embed>input typehidden namescenario value_user_registration_without_phone>/div> /form> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classbest-section> div classcontainer w-container> div classbest-items> div classbest> div classbest-img-icon>img loadinglazy src/images/best-ico-1.webp altBitcoin V7 Avage - Automated trading>/div> h3 classbest-title>Automated trading/h3> div classp>Revolutionize your crypto trading with Bitcoin V7 Avage, the ultimate automated solution. This groundbreaking software executes flawless trading strategies, eliminating the risk of human error. Unlock the potential for substantial profits with passive earnings, even for novice traders who lack experience in online trading or market knowledge./div> /div> div classbest> div classbest-img-icon>img loadinglazy src/images/best-ico-2.webp altBitcoin V7 Avage - Best strategies>/div> h3 classbest-title>Best strategies/h3> div classp>Harness the strength of Bitcoin V7 Avage as it deploys the most advanced trading strategies in cryptocurrency trading. Our platform integrates a myriad of sophisticated analysis tools, meticulously studying over 22 indicators including technical, fundamental, and sentimental factors. These powerful insights generate highly accurate trading signals backed by cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology, real-time economic event monitoring, and unrivaled trading opportunities./div> /div> div classbest> div classbest-img-icon>img loadinglazy src/images/best-ico-3.webp altBitcoin V7 Avage - Top technologies>/div> h3 classbest-title>Top technologies/h3> div classp>Bitcoin V7 Avage not only utilizes top-notch strategies but also leverages cutting-edge FinTech (Financial Technology) to trade the cryptocurrency markets with unmatched precision. Its cloud-based Time Leap feature propels the software ahead of the markets, while VPS technology guarantees optimal execution at all times, leaving you to rely on Bitcoin V7 Avage for market analysis./div> /div> div classbest> div classbest-img-icon>img loadinglazy src/images/best-ico-4.webp altBitcoin V7 Avage - High success rate>/div> h3 classbest-title>High success rate/h3> div classp>Harnessing cutting-edge strategies and revolutionary technologies, Bitcoin V7 Avage delivers exceptional trading signals derived from meticulously analyzing the crypto markets price action. Through real-time execution, our signals boast an unmatched success rate./div> /div> div classbest> div classbest-img-icon>img loadinglazy src/images/best-ico-5.webp altBitcoin V7 Avage - World-class brokers>/div> h3 classbest-title>World-class brokers/h3> div classp>Bitcoin V7 Avage has established collaborative partnerships with renowned brokerage firms that offer top-tier trading services, creating an optimal environment for our clients to achieve their investment objectives and aspirations. Additionally, our recommended brokers provide advanced trading platforms that enhance the performance of Bitcoin V7 Avage./div> /div> div classbest> div classbest-img-icon>img loadinglazy src/images/best-ico-6.webp altBitcoin V7 Avage - Security>/div> h3 classbest-title>Security/h3> div classp>Bitcoin V7 Avage utilizes the highest security standards across its entire ecosystem to guarantee the safety and security of customer funds and confidential information. When you trade with the Bitcoin V7 Avage, you worry about nothing other than your profits. We make sure to take care of the rest so that you have complete peace of mind./div> /div> /div> div classbest-btn-wrap> a href#formTop classbtn white-btn anchor-js w-button>Join now/a> /div> /div> /div> div classsteps-section> div classcontainer w-container> h2 classtitle>Getting started with Bitcoin V7 Avagebr>/h2> div classcols> div classcol-50 text-col> div classsteps> div classstep> div classstep-header> div classstep-name>Step one /div> h2 classtitle step-title>Sign upbr>/h2> /div> p classp step-text>Complete the registration process in the above sign-up section by providing your details. To finalize the process, check your inbox for an email that requires your confirmation. Once confirmed, patiently await approval. Signing up with Bitcoin V7 Avage is completely free of charge./p> div classtitle-line>/div> /div> div classstep> div classstep-header> div classstep-name>Step two/div> h2 classtitle step-title>Fund accountbr>/h2> /div> p classp step-text>Once approved, choose a preferred broker from our esteemed selection of top-rated companies. Kickstart your trading venture by opening an account and making a minimum deposit of $250. Enjoy the flexibility of hassle-free withdrawals./p> div classtitle-line>/div> /div> div classstep> div classstep-header> div classstep-name>Step three/div> h2 classtitle step-title>Make moneybr>/h2> /div> p classp step-text>Unlock the potential of Bitcoin V7 Avage by activating our cutting-edge software on your trading platform. Seamlessly switch between auto-trade or manual mode and establish your preferred trading parameters. Witness the worlds leading cryptocurrency trading software generate significant profits for you./p> div classtitle-line>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-50 sign-img-col> div classsteps-img-wrap>img loadinglazy src/images/steps.webp sizes(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 58vw, (max-width: 991px) 48vw, 40vw srcset/images/steps-p-500.webp 500w, /images/steps.webp 713w altBitcoin V7 Avage - Sign up classsteps-img>/div> /div> /div> div classsteps-btn-wrap> a href#formTop classbtn anchor-js w-button>Claim your complimentary account today/a> /div> /div> /div> div classsoftware-section> div classcontainer w-container> h2 classtitle software-title>Bitcoin V7 Avage Crypto Trading Platformbr>/h2> p classp software-p>Bitcoin V7 Avage welcomes investors of all levels, offering a user-friendly interface that ensures easy navigation. For experienced traders, the software provides customizable options to maintain control over trading activities and strategies. With round-the-clock trading capabilities, Bitcoin V7 Avage maximizes daily profits for its investors./p> /div> div classsoftware-bg-wrap>img loadinglazy src/images/software-bg-1.webp altBitcoin V7 Avage - Bitcoin V7 Avage Crypto Trading Platform classsoftware-img>/div> div classsoftware-bg-wrap wrap-2>img loadinglazy src/images/software-bg-2.webp altBitcoin V7 Avage - Bitcoin V7 Avage Crypto Trading Platform classsoftware-img>/div> /div> div classtime-section> div classcontainer w-container> div classcols time-cols> div classcol-50 text-col> h2 classtitle section-title>Exploring the Vast Potential of Digital Asset Tradingbr>/h2> p classp>Dive into the world of cryptocurrencies, where dynamic financial assets present unique opportunities for astute investors. While some may view their volatility as a drawback, it actually opens the door to exciting speculation. Initially, the strategy was simple: purchase a promising coin at a low price, hold it, and sell when its value soared. Although this approach may have worked in the past, todays market demands a more sophisticated>br>Cryptocurrency prices have experienced fluctuations, yet the explosive rally seen by early investors has yet to be replicated. However, volatility remains a constant. Savvy traders now leverage market conditions, taking both long and short positions to capitalize on the inherent unpredictability. Furthermore, cryptocurrency trading operates 24/7 without the constraints of a centralized marketplace. This is the distinctive opportunity that Bitcoin V7 Avage offers investors: the chance to mine profits day and night, throughout the year./p> div classsoft-btn-wrap> a href#formTop classbtn anchor-js w-button>Commence Trading on Bitcoin V7 Avage/a> /div> /div> div classcol-50 history-img-col-1> div classtime-img-wrap>img loadinglazy src/images/time.webp sizes(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 58vw, (max-width: 991px) 48vw, 32vw srcset/images/time-p-500.webp 500w, /images/time.webp 736w altBitcoin V7 Avage - Exploring the Vast Potential of Digital Asset Trading classtime-img>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classunder-section> div classcontainer w-container> h2 classtitle under-title>Unleash Trading Potential with Bitcoin V7 Avagebr>/h2> p classp center>Bitcoin V7 Avage offers a revolutionary approach to automated cryptocurrency trading. With just a few minutes of daily input, investors can set their trade preferences and let the software handle all trading activities seamlessly throughout the day./p> /div> div classunder-bg-wrap>img loadinglazy src/images/under-bg.webp altBitcoin V7 Avage - Unleash Trading Potential with Bitcoin V7 Avage classunder-img>/div> /div> div classwhy-section> div classcontainer w-container> h2 classtitle why-title>Why Bitcoin V7 Avage?br>/h2> p classp>Explore the unparalleled benefits of teaming up with Bitcoin V7 Avage:/p> div classwhy-items> div classwhy-item> div classwhy-item-num>1/div> h3 classtitle why-item-title>Free Software/h3> p classp>Join our community at Bitcoin V7 Avage and gain access to the worlds leading crypto trading software, completely free of charge. Benefit from our transparent trading system without worrying about any hidden fees or commissions on your profits!/p> /div> div classwhy-item> div classwhy-item-num>2/div> h3 classtitle why-item-title>Multiple Assets/h3> p classp>Diversify your investments by trading a wide range of assets including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, BAT, and IOTA on our innovative platform. Discover a myriad of tradable asset classes offered by our partner brokers, from Forex pairs like EURUSD to commodities like Oil and even stocks such as Coca-Cola./p> /div> div classwhy-item> div classwhy-item-num>3/div> h3 classtitle why-item-title>Web-Based Interface/h3> p classp>Embrace the user-friendly web-based interface of Bitcoin V7 Avage, bidding farewell to lengthy downloads, installations, and updates. Enjoy seamless trading across both desktop and mobile devices by simply accessing our platform through any browser./p> /div> div classwhy-item> div classwhy-item-num>4/div> h3 classtitle why-item-title>High Success Rate/h3> p classp>Embrace the dynamic nature of cryptocurrencies with Bitcoin V7 Avage, ensuring a remarkable track record of success that allows investors to consistently achieve substantial profits at any given hour./p> /div> div classwhy-item> div classwhy-item-num>5/div> h3 classtitle why-item-title>Quick Registration/h3> p classp>Signing up with the Bitcoin V7 Avage is quick and easy. You will be required to fill out your registration details then wait for more instructions via email. You can start to make money with Bitcoin V7 Avage within 10 minutes./p> /div> div classwhy-item> div classwhy-item-num>6/div> h3 classtitle why-item-title>Consistent Profits/h3> p classp>Venture into the crypto markets ceaseless realm of opportunity with Bitcoin V7 Avage as your unwavering companion. Our cutting-edge software incessantly scans for the most lucrative trading prospects and diligently exploits them with utmost precision and strategy./p> /div> div classwhy-item> div classwhy-item-num>7/div> h3 classtitle why-item-title>Low Investment/h3> p classp>Embark on your trading journey with Bitcoin V7 Avage by making a minimum deposit of $250./p> /div> div classwhy-item> div classwhy-item-num>8/div> h3 classtitle why-item-title>Demo Account/h3> p classp>By becoming a valued member of Bitcoin V7 Avage, you unlock exclusive access to a free and unlimited demo account across their esteemed partner brokerage firms. This allows you to trade with confidence in a risk-free environment, ensuring Bitcoin V7 Avages performance aligns with your expectations before venturing into a live account with real money and profits./p> /div> div classwhy-item> div classwhy-item-num>9/div> h3 classtitle why-item-title>Efficient Banking/h3> p classp>Investors can conveniently deposit and withdraw funds from their Bitcoin V7 Avage trading accounts using efficient banking systems. Our broker partners support various payment methods, including Major Credit/Debit card, eWallets, and Local Bank Wire. Rest assured, there are no fees charged for deposits and withdrawals./p> /div> div classwhy-item> div classwhy-item-num>10/div> h3 classtitle why-item-title>Customer Service/h3> p classp>To enhance the overall trading experience, Bitcoin V7 Avage places great importance on good customer service. We have a dedicated customer support team available 24/7 to address any concerns or issues investors may have. Our team is not only friendly and professional but also responsive and committed to ensuring investors can focus solely on their profits./p> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classfeatures-section> div classcontainer relative w-container> h2 classtitle features-title>Unleashing the Boundless Potential of Bitcoin V7 Avagebr>/h2> p classfeatures-subtitle>Bitcoin V7 Avage emerges as an extraordinary cryptocurrency trading software. Discover its distinctive qualities:/p> div classfeatures> div classfeature> div classfeature-icon-img>img loadinglazy src/images/features-ico-1.webp altBitcoin V7 Avage - VPS>/div> h3 classtitle feature-title>VPS/h3> p classp>Employing cutting-edge VPS (Virtual Private Server) technology, Bitcoin V7 Avage guarantees seamless execution at all times. No more concerns about computer crashes, connectivity problems, or market interruptions affecting optimal performance./p> /div> div classfeature> div classfeature-icon-img>img loadinglazy src/images/features-ico-2.webp altBitcoin V7 Avage - Time Leap>/div> h3 classtitle feature-title>Time Leap/h3> p classp>Harnessing the power of Time Leap technology, Bitcoin V7 Avage maintains its competitive edge in the markets, ensuring exclusively profitable trades at all times./p> /div> div classfeature> div classfeature-icon-img>img loadinglazy src/images/features-ico-3.webp altBitcoin V7 Avage - Unleash Your Trading Potential>/div> h3 classtitle feature-title>Unleash Your Trading Potential/h3> p classp>Concerns arise when relying solely on automated software, as it eliminates investor involvement in decision-making. However, Bitcoin V7 Avage empowers investors by offering an extensive range of customization options for various trading parameters, including assets, trading times, and risk management plans. This grants investors complete autonomy over their trading activities./p> /div> div classfeature> div classfeature-icon-img>img loadinglazy src/images/features-ico-4.webp altBitcoin V7 Avage - Automated Trading>/div> h3 classtitle feature-title>Automated Trading/h3> p classp>Effortlessly establish your unique trading parameters (achievable in under 20 minutes per day), relax, and observe Bitcoin V7 Avage flawlessly execute all trading functions automatically, generating profits for you without any effort on your part./p> /div> /div> div classfeat-btn-wrap> a href#formTop classbtn white-btn anchor-js w-button>Embark on a Trading Journey with Bitcoin V7 Avage Today/a> /div> /div> div classfeatures-bg-wrap>img loadinglazy src/images/features-bg.webp altBitcoin V7 Avage - VPS classfeatures-img>/div> /div> div classfaq-section> div classcontainer w-container> h2 classtitle faq-title>Frequently asked questionsbr>/h2> div classfaq-accordion> div classfaq-accordion-item> div classfaq-accordion-title> h2 classfaq-question>span classfaq-accord-num>1/span>What is the cost to become a part of the Bitcoin V7 Avage community?/h2> div classfaq-arrow> div classfaq-a>/div> /div> /div> div classfaq-accordion-wrap> p classfaq-answer>Utilizing Bitcoin V7 Avage is completely free. It offers a lifetime membership and grants you unlimited access to future opportunities without any>/p> /div> /div> div classfaq-accordion-item> div classfaq-accordion-title> h2 classfaq-question>span classfaq-accord-num>2/span>What potential profits can I anticipate from trading on Bitcoin V7 Avage?/h2> div classfaq-arrow> div classfaq-a>/div> /div> /div> div classfaq-accordion-wrap> p classfaq-answer>Earnings may vary based on factors like initial capital and the specific trading parameters>/p> /div> /div> div classfaq-accordion-item> div classfaq-accordion-title> h2 classfaq-question>span classfaq-accord-num>3/span>How much time commitment is necessary for Bitcoin V7 Avage on a daily basis?/h2> div classfaq-arrow> div classfaq-a>/div> /div> /div> div classfaq-accordion-wrap> p classfaq-answer>With Bitcoin V7 Avages fully automated crypto trading software, just dedicate less than 20 minutes to set your trading preferences. From there, Bitcoin V7 Avage takes care of the rest, trading seamlessly without investor>/p> /div> /div> div classfaq-accordion-item> div classfaq-accordion-title> h2 classfaq-question>span classfaq-accord-num>4/span>Is Bitcoin V7 Avage a Reliable Platform?/h2> div classfaq-arrow> div classfaq-a>/div> /div> /div> div classfaq-accordion-wrap> p classfaq-answer>Bitcoin V7 Avage stands out as the ultimate, top-notch trading software globally, enabling investors to consistently earn profits from the dynamic cryptocurrency>/p> /div> /div> div classfaq-accordion-item> div classfaq-accordion-title> h2 classfaq-question>span classfaq-accord-num>5/span>Is Bitcoin V7 Avage similar to MLM or Affiliate Marketing?/h2> div classfaq-arrow> div classfaq-a>/div> /div> /div> div classfaq-accordion-wrap> p classfaq-answer>Certainly not. Bitcoin V7 Avage stands as a groundbreaking automated crypto trading software, harnessing the potential of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies price fluctuations to generate substantial>/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /main> div classsticky-btn-wrap> a href#formTop classbtn sticky-btn anchor-js w-button>Begin trading today/a> /div> footer classfooter> div classcontainer w-container> div classfooter-cols> div classfooter-col fc-1> a href/ classfooter-logo w-inline-block> img loadinglazy src/images/logo.png widthAuto altBitcoin V7 Avage - Join the Crypto Evolution height40 classfooter-img> /a> /div> div classfooter-col fc-2> div classfooter-nav-list> div classfooter-nav-item> a href/login classfooter-nav-link>Login/a> /div> div classfooter-nav-item> a href/about classfooter-nav-link>About Us/a> /div> div classfooter-nav-item> a href/terms classfooter-nav-link>Terms and Conditions/a> /div> div classfooter-nav-item> a href/privacy classfooter-nav-link>Privacy Policy/a> /div> div classfooter-nav-item> a href/cookie classfooter-nav-link>Cookie Policy/a> /div> div classfooter-nav-item> a href/contact classfooter-nav-link>Contact Us/a> /div> div classfooter-nav-item> div classcopyright>@span classyear>2025/span>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classfooter-disclaimer>/div> /div> /footer> /div> script src typetext/javascript integritysha256-9/aliU8dGd2tb6OSsuzixeV4y/faTqgFtohetphbbj0 crossoriginanonymous>/script> script src/js/pattern-traderbot-new.js typetext/javascript>/script> style> .logo.w--current .name { color: #525252; }/style> script> $(document).ready(function(){ let modal $(#mob-links-modal); let stickyBtnWrap $(.sticky-btn-wrap); var scrolled false; function showModal(){ stickyBtnWrap.addClass(d-none); modal.removeClass(d-none); modal.addClass(d-block); setTimeout(function(){ modal.addClass(h-show); }, 0) } function closeModal(){ modal.removeClass(h-show); setTimeout(function(){ modal.removeClass(d-block); modal.addClass(d-none); stickyBtnWrap.removeClass(d-none); }, 300) } $(#h-hamburger).on(click, function(e) { showModal(); }) $(#close-modal-btn, #mob-links-modal).on(click, function(e) { closeModal(); }) $(document).on(scroll,function(){ if(!scrolled && $(this).scrollTop()>500){ scrolled true; closeModal(); } else if(scrolled && $(this).scrollTop()500){ scrolled false; } }); })/script>script src typetext/javascript>/script> script typetext/javascript>WebFont.load({ google: { families: Ubuntu:300,300italic,400,400italic,500,500italic,700,700italic,Roboto:300,regular,500,700,900:cyrillic,greek,latin,vietnamese&displayswap }});/script>div styledisplay: none>SB2.0 2025-01-27 17:43:20/div>script async src/assets/languageSwitcher.js>/script>script> const apiPath window.location.protocol + //api. + window.location.hostname; const script document.createElement(script); script.src apiPath + /dist/js/loader.js; document.body.appendChild(script); const styles document.createElement(link); styles.href apiPath + /dist/css/integration.css; styles.rel stylesheet; styles.type text/css; document.body.appendChild(styles);/script>link href relstylesheet mediaprint onloadthis.mediaall>style> .top-warning { .warning { &:before { font-size: 14px; font-weight: 700; line-height: 1; content: Warning: Due to extremely high media demand, we will close registration as of; color: inherit; } } } .members-form-policy-tooltip:after { display: block; width: 100%; height: auto; content: By registering and creating an account you hereby confirm and acknowledge that we are neither brokers nor financial advisors. 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