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idisPasted>span stylefont-size: 14px;>O escritório BISI é uma empresa que foi constituída para oferecer a excelência em serviços contábeis, atuando também nos ramos de Assessoria e Planejamento Tributário. Presente na cidade de Campo Mourão desde 1997, atua na área Contábil prestando serviços para empresas de pequeno, médio e grande porte e oferece soluções personalizadas de acordo com as regras de negócio de cada empresa fornecendo consultoria e serviços especializados que proporcionem maior saúde financeira./span>/p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classed-element ed-container full-width ided-339426428>div classbackground>div classed-element ed-image wv-bg ided-339426431>div classbackground-image-holder stylebackground-image: url("/images/0/10286870/backgroundContadoraBisi.png");>/div>/div>/div>div classoverlay stylebackground-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.506);>/div>div classinner>div classed-element ed-container full-width preset-separator-v3-diagonal ided-339426446>div classinner data-parallax-amount50>div classed-element ed-container wv-boxed wv-spacer full-width ided-339426440>div classinner>div classed-element ed-headline custom-theme ided-339426443>h2>span classcolor-user-1>n/span>span classcolor-primary>span classcolor-background>ossos serviços/span>/span>/h2>/div>/div>/div>div classed-element ed-html separator-container ided-339426449>svg classdouble-triangle xmlns version1.1 width100% height100 viewBox0 0 100 100 preserveAspectRationone>path classpath1 dM0 0 L50 100 L100 0 Z>/path>path classpath2 dM50 100 L100 40 L100 0 Z>/path>path classpath3 dM0 40 L50 100 L0 0 Z>/path>/svg> svg classcircle xmlns version1.1 width100% height100 viewBox0 0 100 100 preserveAspectRationone>path classpath1 dM0 100 C40 0 60 0 100 100 Z>/path>/svg>svg classpolygon1 width100% height100% viewBox0 0 1280 140 preserveAspectRationone xmlns> path classpath1 dM0 70.35l320-49.24 640 98.49 320-49.25V140H0V70.35z>/path>/svg>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classed-element ed-container wv-boxed wv-spacer wv-overflow_hidden animation-initial preset-boxes-v3-default servico-hover styletransform-origin: 50% 50% 0px; 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idisPasted>Proprietário de imóvel rural, mantenha suas obrigações em dia./p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classed-element ed-container boxes-box wv-overflow_visible ided-339426470>div classinner servico-hover>div classed-element ed-icon boxes-icon ided-339426473>svg xmlns viewBox179 -787 640 874 data-iconico-cur-dollar-plus preserveAspectRatioxMidYMid styleoverflow: hidden;>path dM521.9 -115.1c0 -45.2 18.4 -86.4 48 -116.1 16.8 -16.8 37.5 -29.5 60.4 -37.7 -1.7 -8 -3.6 -15.6 -6 -22.4 -7.6 -21.2 -18.2 -39.3 -31.8 -54.2 -13.7 -14.9 -30.3 -27.4 -49.9 -37.5 -19.6 -10.1 -41.5 -19.9 -65.5 -29.4l-57 -21.9c-9.5 -3.8 -19 -7.8 -28.5 -11.9 -9.5 -4.1 -18 -9.2 -25.6 -15.2 -7.6 -6 -13.6 -13.3 -18 -21.9 -4.5 -8.6 -6.6 -19.2 -6.6 -31.9 0 -15.8 2.9 -28.6 8.6 -38.5 5.7 -9.8 12.9 -17.2 21.9 -22.3 8.8 -5.1 18.8 -8.6 29.9 -10.4 11.1 -1.9 22 -2.9 32.7 -2.9 17.8 -0 33.5 0.8 47.5 2.4 13.9 1.6 26.4 3.7 37.5 6.2 11.1 2.5 21.5 5.7 31.3 9.5s19.5 7.6 29 11.4c16.4 -35.4 26.6 -71.6 30.4 -108.2 -31.1 -10.8 -60.6 -19 -88.8 -24.7 -15.8 -3.2 -32.2 -5.4 -49.3 -6.8v-88H343.5v96.8c-3 0.8 -6 1.6 -8.9 2.5 -28.5 8.6 -52.9 21.2 -73.1 38s-36 37.5 -47 62.2c-11.1 24.7 -16.6 53.2 -16.6 85.5 0 26.6 3.3 49.4 10 68.3 6.7 19 16 35.3 28 48.9 12 13.7 26.6 25.4 43.7 35.2s36.4 18.8 57.9 27l57.9 21.9c11.4 4.5 22.5 9 33.2 13.7 10.8 4.7 20.4 10.6 29 17.6s15.5 15.5 20.9 25.6c5.3 10.1 8.1 22.8 8.1 38 0 30.4 -11.4 53 -34.2 67.9 -22.8 14.9 -54.2 22.3 -94.1 22.3 -26.6 -0 -51.6 -2.7 -75 -8.1 -23.5 -5.3 -48.5 -13.5 -75 -24.2 -7 20.3 -12.9 40.3 -18 60.3C185.2 -68.2 181.7 -49 179.9 -30.6c15.8 6.3 31 11.7 45.6 16.2C240 -9.9 254.8 -6.3 269.7 -3.5c14.9 2.9 30.5 4.9 47 6.2 8.4 0.6 17.4 1.1 26.9 1.4v83.4H472V-7.6c4.5 -1.2 8.9 -2.5 13.2 -3.9 21.2 -7 40 -15.9 56.8 -26.4 -2.1 -3.9 -4.7 -7.6 -6.5 -11.8 -8.8 -20 -13.6 -42.1 -13.6 -65.4zM782.8 -205c-22 -22.3 -52.4 -36.2 -85.7 -37.5h-4.5c-35.5 -0 -67.3 14.3 -90.6 37.5 -22.9 22.9 -37.5 54.9 -37.5 90.2 0 18.1 3.9 35.3 10.7 50.8 6.5 14.9 15.5 28.4 26.9 39.7C625.4 -1.4 657 12.9 692.7 12.9c70.4 -0 127.8 -57.2 127.8 -127.8 -0.2 -35.2 -14.4 -67.2 -37.7 -90.1zM753.1 -96.1h-42V-54.4h-37.2v-41.7h-41.7v-37.5h41.7v-41.7h37.2v41.7h42V-96.1z>/path>/svg>/div>div classed-element ed-container boxes-box-inner ided-339426476>div classinner>div classed-element ed-headline custom-theme ided-339426479>h3>planejamento tributário/h3>/div>div classed-element ed-text custom-theme ided-339426482>p stylemargin-bottom: 0.28cm; 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