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HTTP/1.1 200 OKX-Powered-By: PHP/7.4.3Content-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedDate: Sun, 24 Nov 2024 07:34:12 GMTServer: LiteSpeedConnection: Keep-Alive !-- __#### HH#### HHH HH#### ___ BBB HH ,z.#### HHH .___. HH %%%% .o. ,zZZZ>#### HHH BBB | | HH 838 \\ EEE AAAAA ,0X0 ,zZZZ#### HHH BBB || HH 838 %%%% EEE ## DDDDD ,0X0 ,zZZZ#### HHH BBB | S | HH 838 %GR% +++ ## AAAAA ,0X0 ,zZZZ#### HHH BBB | 2 | HH 838 %%%% EEE ## v>> ,0X0 ,zZZZ#### HHH BBB | 7 | HH 838 %%%% EEE ## AAAAA ,0X0,zZZZHH$HHHHHHHDDHH$HH#### ___ || HH 838 //// EEE ## AAAAA.0X0;zZZZ EEBEEEEEEEDDEE$EE#### HHH BBB |___| HH 838 %%%% EEE ## AAAAA0 Z HH$HHHHHHHDDHH$HH -->!DOCTYPE html>!DOCTYPE HTML>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8/>meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale 1.0, user-scalable no>meta nameKeywords contentPull it, Bend it, Press it, Roll it, Tape it, Glue it, Cut it, Measure it, Margins, Too close, Blank page, Last page, Get rid of it, Sharp , Blunt, Through, Edge, Spine, Width, Thickness, Crease, Fold, Trim, Flush, Stack, Round, Straight, 45 degrees, Angle, Tight, Loose, Wrap it, Around it, On top of it, On the inside, On the back, Roll it, Straighten it, More, Less, Thicker/>meta nameDescription contentPull it, Bend it, Press it, Roll it, Tape it, Glue it, Cut it, Measure it, Margins, Too close, Blank page, Last page, Get rid of it, Sharp , Blunt, Through, Edge, Spine, Width, Thickness, Crease, Fold, Trim, Flush, Stack, Round, Straight, 45 degrees, Angle, Tight, Loose, Wrap it, Around it, On top of it, On the inside, On the back, Roll it, Straighten it, More, Less, Thicker/>title>Book Bindery/title>link typetext/css relstylesheet hrefcss/reset.css/>link typetext/css relstylesheet hrefcss/styles.css/>link typetext/css relstylesheet hrefcss/sections.css/>/head>body classblack closed>div idsections classfull>h2 idhours classteaser>Opens again Monday the 25th of November at 10am/h2>div idlister classteaser>li>br/>br/>/li>ul idlist>li>Cut it/li>li>Tape it/li>li>Edge/li>li>Flush/li>li>Straight/li>l
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKX-Powered-By: PHP/7.4.3Content-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedDate: Sun, 24 Nov 2024 07:34:13 GMTServer: LiteSpeedAlt-Svc: quic:443; ma2592000; v43,46, h3-Q043:4 !-- __#### HH#### HHH HH#### ___ BBB HH ,z.#### HHH .___. HH %%%% .o. ,zZZZ>#### HHH BBB | | HH 838 \\ EEE AAAAA ,0X0 ,zZZZ#### HHH BBB || HH 838 %%%% EEE ## DDDDD ,0X0 ,zZZZ#### HHH BBB | S | HH 838 %GR% +++ ## AAAAA ,0X0 ,zZZZ#### HHH BBB | 2 | HH 838 %%%% EEE ## v>> ,0X0 ,zZZZ#### HHH BBB | 7 | HH 838 %%%% EEE ## AAAAA ,0X0,zZZZHH$HHHHHHHDDHH$HH#### ___ || HH 838 //// EEE ## AAAAA.0X0;zZZZ EEBEEEEEEEDDEE$EE#### HHH BBB |___| HH 838 %%%% EEE ## AAAAA0 Z HH$HHHHHHHDDHH$HH -->!DOCTYPE html>!DOCTYPE HTML>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8/>meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale 1.0, user-scalable no>meta nameKeywords contentPull it, Bend it, Press it, Roll it, Tape it, Glue it, Cut it, Measure it, Margins, Too close, Blank page, Last page, Get rid of it, Sharp , Blunt, Through, Edge, Spine, Width, Thickness, Crease, Fold, Trim, Flush, Stack, Round, Straight, 45 degrees, Angle, Tight, Loose, Wrap it, Around it, On top of it, On the inside, On the back, Roll it, Straighten it, More, Less, Thicker/>meta nameDescription contentPull it, Bend it, Press it, Roll it, Tape it, Glue it, Cut it, Measure it, Margins, Too close, Blank page, Last page, Get rid of it, Sharp , Blunt, Through, Edge, Spine, Width, Thickness, Crease, Fold, Trim, Flush, Stack, Round, Straight, 45 degrees, Angle, Tight, Loose, Wrap it, Around it, On top of it, On the inside, On the back, Roll it, Straighten it, More, Less, Thicker/>title>Book Bindery/title>link typetext/css relstylesheet hrefcss/reset.css/>link typetext/css relstylesheet hrefcss/styles.css/>link typetext/css relstylesheet hrefcss/sections.css/>/head>body classblack closed>div idsections classfull>h2 idhours classteaser>Opens again Monday the 25th of November at 10am/h2>div idlister classteaser>li>br/>br/>/li>ul idlist>li>Loose/li>li>Tight/li>li>Measure it/li>li>Round/li>li>On the ins
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