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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 01 Jun 2024 23:44:24 GMTServer: ApacheSet-Cookie: think_langzh-cn; path/Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID523de1b778d6970a69001e02b8875f53; path/Upgrade: h2Connection: Upgrade, closeVary: !DOCTYPE html>!--if lt IE 7>html classie oldie ie6 langzh>!endif-->!--if IE 7>html classie oldie ie7 langzh>!endif-->!--if IE 8>html classie ie8 langzh>!endif-->!--if IE 9>html classie ie9 langzh>!endif-->!--if gt IE 10>!-->html langzh>!--!endif-->head> meta charsetutf-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, maximum-scale1, user-scalableno> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge,chrome1/> !-- Set render engine for 360 browser --> meta namerenderer contentwebkit> !-- No Baidu Siteapp--> meta http-equivCache-Control contentno-siteapp/> meta namereferrer contentorigin> !-- HTML5 shim for IE8 support of HTML5 elements --> !--if lt IE 9> script src>/script> !endif--> link relicon href/favicon.ico typeimage/x-icon> link relshortcut icon href/favicon.ico typeimage/x-icon> link typetext/css relstylesheet href/static/home/css/common.css?t1542606715/> link typetext/css relstylesheet href/static/home/css/login.css/> title>bikmedia/title>meta namekeywords content/>meta namedescription content/>link typetext/css relstylesheet href/static/js/swiper/swiper.min.css/>link typetext/css relstylesheet href/static/home/css/index.css/>/head>body>div classwrapper> div iddoc-hd classheader double> div classtopbar> div classcontainer clearfix> div classhd-logo> a href# classlinks>/a> /div> ul classhd-nav> li classitem>a href/ classcurrent >首页/a>/li> li classitem>a href/home/Category/classlive?catclasslive >分类/a>/li> li classitem>a href/home/Category/index?cat2 >女神驾到/a>/li> li classitem>a href/home/Category/index?cat1 >国民男神/a>/li> li classitem>a href/home/App/programe >APP/a>/li> /ul> div classhd-login> div classno-login> i classicon-avatar>/i> a hrefjavascript:void(0); classtologin stylemax-width: 73px;>登录/注册/a> i classicon-level>/i> i classicon-more>/i> /div> div classhuajiaodou> a >/a>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 01 Jun 2024 23:44:25 GMTServer: ApacheSet-Cookie: think_langzh-cn; path/Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID0a2b646b69e7f7b72724b17faa812fbc; path/Upgrade: h2Connection: Upgrade, closeVary: !DOCTYPE html>!--if lt IE 7>html classie oldie ie6 langzh>!endif-->!--if IE 7>html classie oldie ie7 langzh>!endif-->!--if IE 8>html classie ie8 langzh>!endif-->!--if IE 9>html classie ie9 langzh>!endif-->!--if gt IE 10>!-->html langzh>!--!endif-->head> meta charsetutf-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, maximum-scale1, user-scalableno> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge,chrome1/> !-- Set render engine for 360 browser --> meta namerenderer contentwebkit> !-- No Baidu Siteapp--> meta http-equivCache-Control contentno-siteapp/> meta namereferrer contentorigin> !-- HTML5 shim for IE8 support of HTML5 elements --> !--if lt IE 9> script src>/script> !endif--> link relicon href/favicon.ico typeimage/x-icon> link relshortcut icon href/favicon.ico typeimage/x-icon> link typetext/css relstylesheet href/static/home/css/common.css?t1542606715/> link typetext/css relstylesheet href/static/home/css/login.css/> title>bikmedia/title>meta namekeywords content/>meta namedescription content/>link typetext/css relstylesheet href/static/js/swiper/swiper.min.css/>link typetext/css relstylesheet href/static/home/css/index.css/>/head>body>div classwrapper> div iddoc-hd classheader double> div classtopbar> div classcontainer clearfix> div classhd-logo> a href# classlinks>/a> /div> ul classhd-nav> li classitem>a href/ classcurrent >首页/a>/li> li classitem>a href/home/Category/classlive?catclasslive >分类/a>/li> li classitem>a href/home/Category/index?cat2 >女神驾到/a>/li> li classitem>a href/home/Category/index?cat1 >国民男神/a>/li> li classitem>a href/home/App/programe >APP/a>/li> /ul> div classhd-login> div classno-login> i classicon-avatar>/i> a hrefjavascript:void(0); classtologin stylemax-width: 73px;>登录/注册/a> i classicon-level>/i> i classicon-more>/i> /div> div classhuajiaodou> a >/a>
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