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Team Cup Challenge, Saturday April 12. titleSchedules I.S.S. Team Cup Challenge, Saturday April 12. />/a> div classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/div> h2>a href>Schedules I.S.S. Team Cup Challenge, Saturday April 12./a>/h2> div classpost-meta>by span classpost-author>a href titlePosts by Event_admin>Event_admin/a>/span> on span classpost-date>Apr 8, 2014/span> • a href>No Comments/a> /div> div classpost-content>All Teams start @ 4 PM schedules This Saturday ISS(Integrated Security Services)and BTA host the 3rd Team Cup challenge of 2014 @ Tropicana BT club. All winners get lunch certificate ‘Suikertuintje’ AWG 50.- p.p. Teams The Caribean Black pearls Advanced Maria Tina Antonio Rafael Kiss our aces Advanced John Luis.../div> /div> /div> div classslide clear> div classpost> a href>img width640 height290 src classattachment-slide size-slide wp-post-image altNew Membership Prices titleNew Membership Prices />/a> div classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>General information/a> / a href relcategory tag>League/a> / a href relcategory tag>News/a>/div> h2>a href>New Membership Prices/a>/h2> div classpost-meta>by span classpost-author>a href titlePosts by marc>marc/a>/span> on span classpost-date>Apr 1, 2014/span> • a href>No Comments/a> /div> div classpost-content>Since today our membership prices have been adjusted. See below the new prices for the different types of memberships. We tried to keep our prices as low as we can, to keep it possible for everybody to play. Until April 1 you could still renew your membership for the old.../div> /div> /div> /div> a hrefjavascript: void(0); idlarr>/a> a hrefjavascript: void(0); idrarr>/a> !-- Got Sand logo in slider a hrefjavascript: void(0); idgotsand>/a> --> /div> !-- Container --> div idcontainer classclear> !-- Content --> div idcontent>div classcontent-title> Latest entries a hrefjavascript: void(0); idmode>/a>/div> div idloop classlist clear> div classpost clear post-3693 type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news idpost_3693> a href classthumb>img width290 height290 src classattachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail wp-post-image altSchedules Que Pasa ITF G4 Beach Tennis ranking tournament, March 29 & 30. titleSchedules Que Pasa ITF G4 Beach Tennis ranking tournament, March 29 & 30. srcset 290w, 50w sizes(max-width: 290px) 100vw, 290px />/a> div classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/div> h2>a href>Schedules Que Pasa ITF G4 Beach Tennis ranking tournament, March 29 & 30./a>/h2> div classpost-meta>by span classpost-author>a href titlePosts by marc>marc/a>/span> on span classpost-date>Mar 20, 2014/span> em>• /em>a href>No Comments/a> /div> div classpost-content>Sunday-doubles-schedule1 Please be on time, we have a schedule to run and the sun doesn’t wait for us..:) 15 minutes late is a default. singles schedules mix schedule Next weekend BTA & Que Pasa our Food partner will host the 3rd ITF G4 ranking tournament of 2014. 14 Courts will be set up with tents,.../div> /div> div classpost clear post-3682 type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news idpost_3682> a href classthumb>img width290 height290 src classattachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail wp-post-image alt'Reschedule weekend' March 21-23 @ Tropicana title'Reschedule weekend' March 21-23 @ Tropicana srcset 290w, 50w sizes(max-width: 290px) 100vw, 290px />/a> div classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/div> h2>a href>‘Reschedule weekend’ March 21-23 @ Tropicana/a>/h2> div classpost-meta>by span classpost-author>a href titlePosts by Event_admin>Event_admin/a>/span> on span classpost-date>Mar 18, 2014/span> em>• /em>a href>No Comments/a> /div> div classpost-content>Dear players, this weekend is the last chance to do your reschedules. We will have 6 courts reserved for reschedule matches. For players/opponent information email or ask @ the bar. After Monday March 24th 10 am we don’t accept any scores. This is also the last day to sign up for the new Spring.../div> /div> div classpost clear post-3675 type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news idpost_3675> a href classthumb>img width290 height290 src classattachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail wp-post-image altExciting games in the first ArubaDeal Beach tennis tournament. titleExciting games in the first ArubaDeal Beach tennis tournament. srcset 290w, 50w sizes(max-width: 290px) 100vw, 290px />/a> div classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/div> h2>a href>Exciting games in the first ArubaDeal Beach tennis tournament./a>/h2> div classpost-meta>by span classpost-author>a href titlePosts by Event_admin>Event_admin/a>/span> on span classpost-date>Mar 18, 2014/span> em>• /em>a href>No Comments/a> /div> div classpost-content>The first Teamcup Beach Tennis Tournament of, the free market for Aruba , Saturday yielded exciting parties with sometimes surprising results . 20 teams had registered for the Team Cup competitions on the fields of Beach Tennis Aruba at Tropicana. The participating teams were divided into three classes to strength and played a ladies’.../div> /div> div classpost clear post-3668 type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news idpost_3668> a href classthumb>img width290 height290 src classattachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail wp-post-image altSchedules Aruba Team Cup Challenge, Saturday March 15! titleSchedules Aruba Team Cup Challenge, Saturday March 15! srcset 290w, 50w sizes(max-width: 290px) 100vw, 290px />/a> div classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/div> h2>a href>Schedules Aruba Team Cup Challenge, Saturday March 15!/a>/h2> div classpost-meta>by span classpost-author>a href titlePosts by Event_admin>Event_admin/a>/span> on span classpost-date>Mar 11, 2014/span> em>• /em>a href>No Comments/a> /div> div classpost-content>Tournament starts 4 PM!! schedules Team Unexpected Marije Bobby Tino Moniek La Cosa Nostra Lella Isa Joey Indy Stay cool Kristen Michelle Thijs Chris under dogs Douglas Eddie Angelique X Scala y sus Paleteros Antonio Chiquito Maria Italica Kamikaze Marc Patrick Ilonka Yvone Eat Sand michelle Els Little Randy J.J Beat that! Eline Anne Emil.../div> /div> div classpost clear post-3656 type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news idpost_3656> a href classthumb>img width290 height290 src classattachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail wp-post-image altYouth singles League schedule titleYouth singles League schedule srcset 290w, 50w sizes(max-width: 290px) 100vw, 290px />/a> div classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/div> h2>a href>Youth singles League schedule/a>/h2> div classpost-meta>by span classpost-author>a href titlePosts by Event_admin>Event_admin/a>/span> on span classpost-date>Mar 3, 2014/span> em>• /em>a href>No Comments/a> /div> div classpost-content>All matches are played at 4 PM! Format : Best out of 3 sets till 6. 3rd Set super tie break till 10./div> /div> div classpost clear post-3655 type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news idpost_3655> a href classthumb>img width290 height290 src classattachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail wp-post-image altRegister now for the Spring League 2014: March 31st - June 27. titleRegister now for the Spring League 2014: March 31st - June 27. srcset 290w, 50w sizes(max-width: 290px) 100vw, 290px />/a> div classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/div> h2>a href>Register now for the Spring League 2014: March 31st – June 27./a>/h2> div classpost-meta>by span classpost-author>a href titlePosts by Event_admin>Event_admin/a>/span> on span classpost-date>Mar 2, 2014/span> em>• /em>a href>No Comments/a> /div> div classpost-content>Register now for the BTA Spring League 2014: March 31st – June 27. Monday March 31st we start with the new Spring League 2014 and this will continue till June 27. This is the biggest weekly Beach Tennis League in the world with over 500 players in 8 levels and 31 categories This means that.../div> /div> div classpost clear post-3635 type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news idpost_3635> a href classthumb>img width290 height290 src classattachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail wp-post-image altSchedules ITF G4 ALNO Eurokitchen beach tennis event, Sunday February 23. titleSchedules ITF G4 ALNO Eurokitchen beach tennis event, Sunday February 23. srcset 290w, 50w sizes(max-width: 290px) 100vw, 290px />/a> div classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/div> h2>a href>Schedules ITF G4 ALNO Eurokitchen beach tennis event, Sunday February 23./a>/h2> div classpost-meta>by span classpost-author>a href titlePosts by Event_admin>Event_admin/a>/span> on span classpost-date>Feb 10, 2014/span> em>• /em>a href>No Comments/a> /div> div classpost-content>Sunday doubles schedules Program Saturday February 22 > 9 AM – 2 PM > Adult singles. 9 AM – 7 PM > ITF Qualifying. In Open men & Open women we will have 1 qualify round on the Saturday. This will be 1 match if you loose you can play Advanced or the consolation round.../div> /div> div classpost clear post-3631 type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news idpost_3631> a href classthumb>img width290 height290 src classattachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail wp-post-image altSchedules Team Cup Challenge Saturday February 15! titleSchedules Team Cup Challenge Saturday February 15! srcset 290w, 50w sizes(max-width: 290px) 100vw, 290px />/a> div classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/div> h2>a href>Schedules Team Cup Challenge Saturday February 15!/a>/h2> div classpost-meta>by span classpost-author>a href titlePosts by Event_admin>Event_admin/a>/span> on span classpost-date>Feb 10, 2014/span> em>• /em>a href>No Comments/a> /div> div classpost-content>schedules (1) Advanced Roll like a Boomerang Meike Maddy Roy Jochem I love Aruba Jurgen Carola Joal Chantal Team A Juliette Cheyenne Victor John The Bright Side of Life Pieter Johan Marike Nadine Eat sand? Michelle Els Patrick Michel Anonymous Anne Emil Eline Giovanni The Bald, the Brown and the Beautiful Yentl Trudi Brian Ron.../div> /div> div classpost clear post-3622 type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news idpost_3622> a href classthumb>img width290 height290 src classattachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail wp-post-image altSchedules Saturday March 8, Money tournament @ Tropicana BT club! titleSchedules Saturday March 8, Money tournament @ Tropicana BT club! srcset 290w, 50w sizes(max-width: 290px) 100vw, 290px />/a> div classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/div> h2>a href>Schedules Saturday March 8, Money tournament @ Tropicana BT club!/a>/h2> div classpost-meta>by span classpost-author>a href titlePosts by Event_admin>Event_admin/a>/span> on span classpost-date>Jan 30, 2014/span> em>• /em>a href>No Comments/a> /div> div classpost-content>schedules Saturday March 8 we host the Money doubles tournament @ TROPICANA! Time frame : 5 PM till 11 PM. Category : Men- & women doubles. Levels : Fun, Intermediate, Advanced & Open. Maximum of 8 teams per Category & Level. Level decided by the League division you play in, at least not lower than.../div> /div> div classpost clear post-3571 type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news idpost_3571> a href classthumb>img width290 height290 src classattachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail wp-post-image altKings & Queens of the beach 2013! titleKings & Queens of the beach 2013! srcset 290w, 50w sizes(max-width: 290px) 100vw, 290px />/a> div classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/div> h2>a href>Kings & Queens of the beach 2013!/a>/h2> div classpost-meta>by span classpost-author>a href titlePosts by Event_admin>Event_admin/a>/span> on span classpost-date>Jan 20, 2014/span> em>• /em>a href>No Comments/a> /div> div classpost-content>Here all overall winners of the ranking tournaments in 2013. Open men doubles> Jochem Ros Open women doubles > Danielle van Staveren Intermediate women doubles > Jackeline Geeve Intermediate women doubles > Kristen Martin & Marianne Dircx Advanced mix doubles > Joey Arends Fun mix doubles > Orlando de Weever & Brigitte Mehagnoul Youth Intermediate.../div> /div> div classpost clear post-3561 type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news idpost_3561> a href classthumb>img width290 height290 src classattachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail wp-post-image altResults and pictures Boolchand's & Bose ranking tournament, January 25 & 26. titleResults and pictures Boolchand's & Bose ranking tournament, January 25 & 26. srcset 290w, 50w sizes(max-width: 290px) 100vw, 290px />/a> div classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/div> h2>a href>Results and pictures Boolchand’s & Bose ranking tournament, January 25 & 26./a>/h2> div classpost-meta>by span classpost-author>a href titlePosts by Event_admin>Event_admin/a>/span> on span classpost-date>Jan 20, 2014/span> em>• /em>a href>No Comments/a> /div> div classpost-content>doubles schedules Results > Youth Boys 10 & Under: 1 Olaf Roosen & Jorrit Vaessen 2 Sil & Kick BergsmaSingles 3 Jayden Perez & Juancho Girls 12 & Under: 1 Kyra & Megan Derks 2 Maxime & Indy 3 Tess & Bente Girls 16 & Under: 1 Maud Celaire & Kayla 2 Isabel & Maddy.../div> /div> div classpost clear post-3539 type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news idpost_3539> a href classthumb>img width259 height194 src classattachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail wp-post-image altResults Money doubles tournament Saturday January 18! titleResults Money doubles tournament Saturday January 18! />/a> div classpost-category>a href relcategory tag>News/a>/div> h2>a href>Results Money doubles tournament Saturday January 18!/a>/h2> div classpost-meta>by span classpost-author>a href titlePosts by Event_admin>Event_admin/a>/span> on span classpost-date>Jan 7, 2014/span> em>• /em>a href>No Comments/a> /div> div classpost-content>Intermediate women > Marije van de Reijden! Intermediate men > Hylco Spoelstra & Roy Rusticus. Open men > Randy Helgers & Bertrand Coulet Advanced men > Mathijs van Reek & Maurice in ‘t Veld. Open women > Yami Romay & Virginia Melendez schedules Advanced women > Marcia Guest & Denise Krozendijk This Saturday we host.../div> /div> /div> div classpagination> a href classnextpostslink>Older/a> /div> /div> !-- /Content -->div classsidebar> div idem_calendar-2 classwidget_em_calendar widget>h3>Events Calendar/h3>div classwidget-body clear>div idem-calendar-139 classem-calendar-wrapper>table classem-calendar> thead> tr> td>a classem-calnav em-calnav-prev href/?ajaxCalendar1&mo11&yr2024 relnofollow><</a>/td> td classmonth_name colspan5>Dec 2024/td> td>a classem-calnav em-calnav-next href/?ajaxCalendar1&mo1&yr2025 relnofollow>>>/a>/td> /tr> /thead> tbody> tr classdays-names> td>M/td>td>T/td>td>W/td>td>T/td>td>F/td>td>S/td>td>S/td> /tr> tr> td classeventless-pre> 25 /td> td classeventless-pre> 26 /td> td classeventless-pre> 27 /td> td classeventless-pre> 28 /td> td classeventless-pre> 29 /td> td classeventless-pre> 30 /td> td classeventless> 1 /td> /tr>tr> td classeventless> 2 /td> td classeventless> 3 /td> td classeventless> 4 /td> td classeventless> 5 /td> td classeventless> 6 /td> td classeventless> 7 /td> td classeventless> 8 /td> /tr>tr> td classeventless> 9 /td> td classeventless> 10 /td> td classeventless> 11 /td> td classeventless> 12 /td> td classeventless> 13 /td> td classeventless> 14 /td> td classeventless> 15 /td> /tr>tr> td classeventless> 16 /td> td classeventless> 17 /td> td classeventless> 18 /td> td classeventless> 19 /td> td classeventless> 20 /td> td classeventless> 21 /td> td classeventless> 22 /td> /tr>tr> td classeventless> 23 /td> td classeventless> 24 /td> td classeventless> 25 /td> td classeventless> 26 /td> td classeventless-today> 27 /td> td classeventless> 28 /td> td classeventless> 29 /td> /tr>tr> td classeventless> 30 /td> td classeventless> 31 /td> td classeventless-post> 1 /td> td classeventless-post> 2 /td> td classeventless-post> 3 /td> td classeventless-post> 4 /td> td classeventless-post> 5 /td> /tr> /tbody>/table>/div>/div>/div>div idtext-2 classwidget_text widget>h3>Facebook/h3>div classwidget-body clear> div classtextwidget>div classfb-like-box data-href data-width250 data-show-facestrue data-streamtrue data-headerfalse>/div>/div> /div>/div>/div> /div> !-- /Container --> div classfooter>!-- Sponsorsh3>BTA sponsors/h3>img src alt titleSponsors_final width935 height350 classalignnone size-full wp-image-2202 />/a>-->p classcopyright>© 2013 a href>Beach Tennis Aruba/a>. 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