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76.2172C74.2128 76.6742 73.9667 76.9729 73.8437 77.1136C73.7207 77.2542 73.6152 77.3596 73.5449 77.4299H75.9177V91.7373C75.9177 92.2821 75.8123 92.7215 75.6541 93.0379C75.4959 93.3543 75.285 93.5828 75.0389 93.6882C74.7928 93.7937 74.5468 93.864 74.3007 93.8992C74.0546 93.9343 73.8261 93.9695 73.6152 94.0046C73.4043 94.0398 73.2812 94.0925 73.2285 94.1804H83.3702C83.3175 94.0925 83.1944 94.0222 82.9835 94.0046C82.7726 93.9695 82.5441 93.9343 82.298 93.8992C82.052 93.864 81.8059 93.7937 81.5598 93.6882C81.3137 93.5828 81.1204 93.3719 80.9446 93.0379C80.7864 92.704 80.6986 92.2821 80.6986 91.7373V77.4299H84.9169V77.2014H80.5931C80.5052 76.5335 80.2767 75.4086 79.9252 73.8443L79.9955 73.8795ZM83.1417 41.855C84.706 41.855 86.0067 42.8569 86.0067 47.3916C86.0067 51.9264 84.706 52.9282 83.1417 52.9282C81.5774 52.9282 80.2064 51.9264 80.2064 47.3916C80.2064 42.8569 81.5774 41.855 83.1417 41.855Z fillblack/> path dM93.3187 67.2177C93.5472 67.1826 93.7405 67.2177 93.8987 67.3583C94.0393 67.4814 94.1623 67.7099 94.2326 68.0262C94.3029 68.3426 94.3557 68.6766 94.3733 69.0281C94.3908 69.3621 94.4084 69.8015 94.4084 70.3463C94.4084 70.6979 94.4084 71.1725 94.4084 71.7525L98.4686 68.9754C98.2049 68.3075 97.748 67.7626 97.1152 67.3056C96.4825 66.8662 95.7794 66.6377 94.9884 66.6377C93.969 66.6377 93.1078 66.8662 92.4047 67.3408C91.7016 67.8153 91.0689 68.7293 90.4889 70.1179C90.4889 70.1354 90.4713 70.1706 90.4537 70.1882C90.4537 70.2057 90.4537 70.2233 90.4537 70.2409C90.4185 70.3288 90.3658 70.4518 90.3131 70.5924C90.2603 70.7506 90.2252 70.8561 90.1901 70.9088C89.9088 71.6119 89.5749 72.3149 89.1882 73.0356C88.8015 73.7562 88.45 74.3538 88.1336 74.8284C87.8172 75.3029 87.4833 75.7775 87.1142 76.2345C86.7626 76.6915 86.5165 76.9903 86.3935 77.1309C86.2705 77.2715 86.165 77.377 86.0947 77.4473H88.4675V91.7546C88.4675 92.2995 88.3621 92.7389 88.2039 93.0553C88.0457 93.3716 87.8348 93.6001 87.5887 93.7056C87.3426 93.8111 87.0966 93.8814 86.8505 93.9165C86.6044 93.9517 86.3759 93.9868 86.165 94.022C85.9541 94.0571 85.831 94.1098 85.7783 94.1977H95.92C95.8673 94.1098 95.7442 94.0395 95.5333 94.022C95.3224 93.9868 95.0939 93.9517 94.8478 93.9165C94.6018 93.8814 94.3557 93.8111 94.1096 93.7056C93.8635 93.6001 93.6702 93.3892 93.4944 93.0553C93.3362 92.7213 93.2484 92.2995 93.2484 91.7546V77.4473H97.4667V77.2188H93.1429C93.055 76.5509 92.8265 75.426 92.475 73.8617C92.1235 72.2973 91.9477 71.1725 91.9477 70.5045C91.9477 68.4305 92.3871 67.3232 93.2835 67.2001 fillblack/> path dM108.363 93.9341C108.012 93.8813 107.66 93.8462 107.309 93.7935C106.957 93.7407 106.623 93.5474 106.324 93.2134C106.026 92.8619 105.885 92.3698 105.885 91.7194L105.85 66.3213C103.723 67.5692 102.229 68.4129 101.385 68.8875C101.368 68.8875 101.315 68.9226 101.227 68.9754C101.139 69.0281 101.087 69.0632 101.051 69.0808C100.928 69.1511 100.735 69.2566 100.507 69.362C100.278 69.4851 100.12 69.5554 100.05 69.5905C100.05 69.5905 99.6102 69.8015 98.9599 70.1003L100.348 71.7349C100.665 72.1216 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88.0458 125.625 88.081 125.555 88.1689C125.485 88.2568 125.432 88.3446 125.379 88.4677C125.327 88.5907 125.221 88.7489 125.098 88.9598C124.958 89.1708 124.799 89.3641 124.624 89.5574C124.026 90.2078 123.341 90.6999 122.602 91.0339C121.846 91.3678 120.915 91.5436 119.772 91.5436C118.085 91.5436 116.626 90.9284 115.413 89.7156C114.201 88.4853 113.586 86.7803 113.533 84.5833H125.995C125.942 82.8783 125.538 81.4019 124.747 80.1716V80.154ZM121.179 84.4427H113.533C113.55 83.0893 113.744 81.8062 114.095 80.6285C114.447 79.4509 114.939 78.4842 115.572 77.7636C116.204 77.0254 116.925 76.6562 117.716 76.6562C118.876 76.6562 119.755 77.2714 120.335 78.4842C120.897 79.6618 121.179 81.5425 121.179 84.1263V84.4427Z fillblack/> path dM140.882 84.8118C140.354 84.4427 139.774 84.0911 139.106 83.7923C138.456 83.4759 137.771 83.2299 137.085 83.0365C136.382 82.8432 135.714 82.6323 135.064 82.4038C134.413 82.1753 133.816 81.9468 133.289 81.7359C132.761 81.5249 132.339 81.2261 132.041 80.8746C131.724 80.5231 131.566 80.1188 131.566 79.6618C131.566 78.8533 131.83 78.1678 132.357 77.6054C132.884 77.0605 133.57 76.7793 134.396 76.7793C134.958 76.7793 135.503 76.8671 136.013 77.0605C136.523 77.2363 136.944 77.4472 137.296 77.6932C137.63 77.9393 137.982 78.2557 138.333 78.6775C138.685 79.0994 138.948 79.4333 139.124 79.697C139.3 79.9606 139.511 80.3122 139.757 80.7516C139.95 81.0855 140.126 81.4195 140.284 81.771C140.442 82.1225 140.548 82.3686 140.618 82.4917C140.688 82.6147 140.759 82.685 140.864 82.685L141.11 78.0448C140.477 77.6405 139.581 77.289 138.421 76.9902C137.261 76.6914 136.118 76.5332 134.976 76.5332C132.814 76.5332 131.092 77.0429 129.791 78.0624C128.49 79.0818 127.84 80.2946 127.84 81.7007C127.84 82.4916 127.998 83.1947 128.314 83.8099C128.631 84.4251 129.053 84.9348 129.562 85.3215C130.09 85.7082 130.67 86.0597 131.338 86.3761C131.988 86.6924 132.673 86.9737 133.359 87.167C134.044 87.3779 134.73 87.6064 135.38 87.8525C136.031 88.0986 136.628 88.3446 137.155 88.5907C137.683 88.8368 138.087 89.1707 138.403 89.5574C138.72 89.9617 138.878 90.4187 138.878 90.9284C138.878 91.8775 138.562 92.6861 137.911 93.354C137.261 94.0219 136.347 94.3558 135.152 94.3558C134.519 94.3558 133.904 94.2328 133.324 93.9867C132.744 93.7406 132.252 93.4594 131.865 93.143C131.461 92.8267 131.074 92.3872 130.67 91.8599C130.265 91.3327 129.967 90.8757 129.756 90.489C129.545 90.1023 129.299 89.6453 129.035 89.1004C128.877 88.7665 128.719 88.4325 128.596 88.1161C128.473 87.7998 128.385 87.5889 128.332 87.501C128.279 87.4131 128.209 87.3779 128.086 87.3779L127.752 93.3715C130.002 94.1097 132.322 94.4789 134.73 94.4789C137.138 94.4789 138.983 93.934 140.442 92.8618C141.884 91.7896 142.604 90.2781 142.604 88.3095C142.604 87.5361 142.446 86.8506 142.13 86.253C141.813 85.6554 141.391 85.1633 140.882 84.7942 fillblack/> path dM99.488 38.7437C100.982 38.7437 102.212 37.5309 102.212 36.0369C102.212 34.5429 100.982 33.3301 99.488 33.3301C97.994 33.3301 96.7812 34.5604 96.7812 36.0369C96.7812 37.5133 98.0116 38.7437 99.488 38.7437Z fillblack/> path dM101.897 56.9V41.7314C99.9282 42.8915 98.4342 43.7352 97.4323 44.2976C97.3093 44.3679 97.2038 44.4207 97.0808 44.491C96.7117 44.6843 96.3777 44.8601 96.0789 45.0183C95.6571 45.2292 95.3055 45.3874 94.9892 45.528L96.3777 47.1626C96.6941 47.5317 96.8874 47.8481 96.9753 48.1117C97.0281 48.3051 97.0808 48.6039 97.0983 48.9906C97.0983 49.0609 97.0983 49.1312 97.0983 49.2015C97.0983 49.2718 97.0983 49.3421 97.0983 49.43V56.9176C97.0983 59.7826 94.3388 58.7631 94.0049 59.431H105.025C104.691 58.7456 101.932 59.7826 101.932 56.9176 fillblack/> /g> g idlogo-dots> path idlogo-dot-yellow dM84.1781 102.793C83.2992 101.914 81.8931 101.914 81.0143 102.793L77.4287 106.379C76.5498 107.257 76.5498 108.663 77.4287 109.542L81.0143 113.128C81.4537 113.567 82.0161 113.778 82.5962 113.778C83.1762 113.778 83.7387 113.567 84.1781 113.128L87.7637 109.542C88.1855 109.12 88.414 108.558 88.414 107.96C88.414 107.363 88.1855 106.8 87.7637 106.379L84.1781 102.793Z fill#FFD502/> path idlogo-dot-red dM101.036 106.379L97.4505 102.793C96.5717 101.914 95.1656 101.914 94.2867 102.793L90.7011 106.379C89.8223 107.257 89.8223 108.663 90.7011 109.542L94.2867 113.128C94.7262 113.567 95.2886 113.778 95.8686 113.778C96.4487 113.778 97.0111 113.567 97.4505 113.128L101.036 109.542C101.915 108.663 101.915 107.257 101.036 106.379Z fill#E20D1A/> path idlogo-dot-black dM70.9261 102.793C70.0473 101.914 68.6411 101.914 67.7623 102.793L64.1767 106.379C63.2979 107.257 63.2979 108.663 64.1767 109.542L67.7623 113.128C68.2017 113.567 68.7642 113.778 69.3442 113.778C69.9242 113.778 70.4867 113.567 70.9261 113.128L74.5117 109.542C75.3906 108.663 75.3906 107.257 74.5117 106.379L70.9261 102.793Z fillblack/> /g> g idlogo-sub> path dM110.527 129.561C111.072 129.878 111.494 130.3 111.81 130.827C112.126 131.354 112.285 131.952 112.285 132.585C112.285 133.217 112.126 133.815 111.81 134.36C111.494 134.905 111.072 135.327 110.527 135.625C109.982 135.924 109.384 136.082 108.734 136.082C108.084 136.082 107.504 135.924 106.959 135.625C106.414 135.309 105.975 134.887 105.658 134.36C105.342 133.833 105.184 133.235 105.184 132.585C105.184 131.934 105.342 131.354 105.658 130.827C105.975 130.3 106.396 129.878 106.959 129.561C107.504 129.245 108.101 129.087 108.734 129.087C109.367 129.087 109.982 129.245 110.527 129.561Z fillwhite/> path dM112.583 126.029C113.022 126.275 113.374 126.627 113.62 127.066C113.866 127.506 114.006 127.98 114.006 128.49C114.006 129 113.883 129.492 113.62 129.931C113.356 130.371 113.022 130.705 112.583 130.968C112.143 131.214 111.669 131.337 111.124 131.337C110.579 131.337 110.122 131.214 109.683 130.968C109.243 130.722 108.892 130.371 108.628 129.931C108.364 129.492 108.241 129.017 108.241 128.49C108.241 127.963 108.364 127.488 108.628 127.066C108.892 126.627 109.226 126.293 109.683 126.029C110.122 125.766 110.596 125.643 111.124 125.643C111.651 125.643 112.143 125.766 112.583 126.029ZM112.354 130.564C112.723 130.353 113.022 130.054 113.233 129.685C113.444 129.316 113.549 128.912 113.549 128.49C113.549 128.068 113.444 127.664 113.233 127.295C113.022 126.926 112.723 126.627 112.354 126.434C111.985 126.223 111.581 126.117 111.141 126.117C110.702 126.117 110.298 126.223 109.929 126.434C109.559 126.644 109.261 126.926 109.067 127.295C108.856 127.664 108.751 128.068 108.751 128.49C108.751 128.912 108.856 129.316 109.067 129.685C109.278 130.054 109.577 130.353 109.929 130.564C110.298 130.775 110.702 130.88 111.141 130.88C111.581 130.88 111.985 130.775 112.354 130.564ZM111.95 128.385C111.88 128.49 111.774 128.578 111.651 128.631C111.616 128.648 111.616 128.683 111.616 128.718L112.003 129.65V129.703C112.003 129.703 111.967 129.826 111.88 129.826H111.757C111.757 129.826 111.633 129.791 111.598 129.703L111.194 128.754C111.194 128.754 111.159 128.701 111.141 128.701H110.86C110.86 128.701 110.807 128.718 110.807 128.754V129.668C110.807 129.773 110.755 129.808 110.667 129.808H110.561C110.456 129.808 110.421 129.755 110.421 129.668V127.33C110.421 127.224 110.473 127.189 110.561 127.189H111.3C111.51 127.189 111.704 127.26 111.844 127.418C111.985 127.558 112.055 127.752 112.055 127.98C112.055 128.138 112.02 128.279 111.95 128.385ZM110.807 127.611V128.332C110.807 128.332 110.825 128.385 110.86 128.385H111.247C111.37 128.385 111.458 128.349 111.528 128.279C111.598 128.209 111.633 128.103 111.633 127.98C111.633 127.857 111.598 127.752 111.528 127.664C111.458 127.594 111.352 127.541 111.247 127.541H110.86C110.86 127.541 110.807 127.558 110.807 127.594 fillblack/> path dM68.2372 142.673H59.695C59.7477 142.568 59.8883 142.533 60.1168 142.533C61.3472 142.533 62.1381 142.181 62.1381 140.564V126.608C57.1464 127.979 56.9003 131.846 56.3203 131.846L56.9882 126.397H70.9616L71.6295 131.846C71.0495 131.846 70.8034 127.962 65.8117 126.608V140.564C65.8117 142.181 66.585 142.533 67.833 142.533C68.0439 142.533 68.1845 142.568 68.2548 142.673 fillblack/> path dM80.6984 141.022V134.044C80.6984 132.831 80.1711 131.794 79.0813 131.794C78.1673 131.794 77.3764 132.251 76.2691 133.007V141.022C76.2691 142.92 77.8158 142.235 78.0092 142.674H71.3477C71.541 142.235 73.0877 142.903 73.0877 141.022V129.123C73.0877 129.123 73.0877 129.07 73.0877 129.052C73.0877 128.789 73.0526 128.595 73.0174 128.472C72.9647 128.297 72.8241 128.086 72.6307 127.84L71.7167 126.767C71.9277 126.679 72.1562 126.574 72.4374 126.433C72.6307 126.328 72.8592 126.222 73.0877 126.082C73.158 126.047 73.2459 125.994 73.3162 125.959C73.9841 125.59 74.9684 125.027 76.2691 124.271V132.866C78.1322 131.706 79.2571 131.021 80.9796 131.021C82.5615 131.021 83.8797 131.935 83.8797 133.886V141.022C83.8797 142.92 85.4265 142.235 85.6198 142.674H78.9583C79.1516 142.235 80.6984 142.903 80.6984 141.022Z fillblack/> path dM92.7738 142.673H85.5146C85.7431 142.234 87.5535 142.902 87.5535 141.021V136.082C87.5535 136.082 87.5535 135.977 87.5535 135.941C87.5535 135.889 87.5535 135.854 87.5535 135.801C87.5535 135.537 87.5184 135.344 87.4832 135.221C87.4305 135.045 87.2899 134.834 87.0965 134.588L86.1826 133.516C86.3935 133.428 86.622 133.323 86.9032 133.182C87.0965 133.076 87.325 132.971 87.5711 132.83C87.6414 132.795 87.7117 132.743 87.7996 132.707C88.4675 132.338 89.4518 131.776 90.7525 131.02V141.021C90.7525 142.919 92.5628 142.234 92.7913 142.673H92.7738ZM87.3778 127.259C87.3778 126.274 88.1863 125.466 89.1706 125.466C90.1549 125.466 90.9634 126.274 90.9634 127.259C90.9634 128.243 90.1549 129.051 89.1706 129.051C88.1863 129.051 87.3778 128.243 87.3778 127.259Z fillblack/> path dM94.5836 132.707C95.2515 132.338 96.2358 131.776 97.5365 131.02V142.357C97.5365 146.681 94.9703 147.999 92.492 147.999C91.4198 147.999 90.6816 147.612 90.2773 147.085L92.4568 145.239C92.5975 145.468 92.6853 145.767 92.6853 146.083C92.6853 146.329 92.6678 146.435 92.6678 146.681C92.6678 147.208 92.9666 147.788 93.4763 147.788C94.3024 147.788 94.8121 146.962 94.8121 146.241C94.8121 145.38 94.3551 145.327 94.3551 144.273V135.941C94.3551 135.941 94.3551 135.854 94.3551 135.801C94.3551 135.537 94.32 135.344 94.2848 135.221C94.2321 135.045 94.1091 134.834 93.8981 134.588L92.9841 133.516C93.1951 133.428 93.4236 133.323 93.7048 133.182C93.8981 133.076 94.1266 132.971 94.3551 132.83C94.4254 132.795 94.5133 132.743 94.5836 132.707ZM94.1618 127.259C94.1618 126.274 94.9703 125.466 95.9546 125.466C96.9389 125.466 97.7474 126.274 97.7474 127.259C97.7474 128.243 96.9389 129.051 95.9546 129.051C94.9703 129.051 94.1618 128.243 94.1618 127.259Z fillblack/> path dM108.892 138.772C108.892 141.443 106.712 142.85 103.707 142.85C102.406 142.85 100.719 142.656 99.1191 142.111L99.3301 138.157C99.5761 138.157 99.5234 138.438 99.9452 139.281C100.648 140.688 101.773 142.744 103.988 142.744C105.675 142.744 106.431 141.619 106.431 140.494C106.431 137.647 99.1543 138.737 99.1543 134.378C99.1543 132.62 100.894 131.003 103.847 131.003C105.429 131.003 107.099 131.477 107.89 131.97L107.732 135.046C107.521 135.046 107.486 134.589 106.993 133.762C106.361 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dM221.7,133.7l-72,72a8.2,8.2,0,0,1-11.4,0,8.1,8.1,0,0,1,0-11.4L196.7,136H40a8,8,0,0,1,0-16H196.7L138.3,61.7a8.1,8.1,0,0,1,11.4-11.4l72,72A8.1,8.1,0,0,1,221.7,133.7Z/>/svg> /a> /li> li classcollection-item> a href/products/traditional-butter-waffle> img src/img/asset/YXNzZXRzL3Byb2R1Y3RzL3NoYWRvdy9idy1wYWNrc2hvdC1zaGFkb3ctMjM2MF92Mi5wbmc?w100&fmwebp&s01d00e5c09e3386e028f762ef4a425f3 altTraditional butter waffle /> span>Traditional butter waffle/span> svg classicon icon-sm xmlns viewBox0 0 256 256 fillcurrentColor>path dM221.7,133.7l-72,72a8.2,8.2,0,0,1-11.4,0,8.1,8.1,0,0,1,0-11.4L196.7,136H40a8,8,0,0,1,0-16H196.7L138.3,61.7a8.1,8.1,0,0,1,11.4-11.4l72,72A8.1,8.1,0,0,1,221.7,133.7Z/>/svg> /a> /li> li classcollection-item> a href/products/vanilla-waffle> img src/img/asset/YXNzZXRzL3Byb2R1Y3RzL3NoYWRvdy9idy1wYWNrc2hvdC1zaGFkb3ctMjQxOF92Mi5wbmc?w100&fmwebp&s8f42191faf4d94a6d62d541be66ef885 altVanilla waffle /> span>Vanilla waffle/span> svg classicon icon-sm xmlns viewBox0 0 256 256 fillcurrentColor>path dM221.7,133.7l-72,72a8.2,8.2,0,0,1-11.4,0,8.1,8.1,0,0,1,0-11.4L196.7,136H40a8,8,0,0,1,0-16H196.7L138.3,61.7a8.1,8.1,0,0,1,11.4-11.4l72,72A8.1,8.1,0,0,1,221.7,133.7Z/>/svg> /a> /li> li classcollection-item> a href/products/soft-egg-waffle> img src/img/asset/YXNzZXRzL3Byb2R1Y3RzL3NoYWRvdy9idy1wYWNrc2hvdC1zaGFkb3ctMjM3OF92Mi5wbmc?w100&fmwebp&s58551933fd30933f2e279c213f0f0098 altSoft egg waffle /> span>Soft egg waffle/span> svg classicon icon-sm xmlns viewBox0 0 256 256 fillcurrentColor>path dM221.7,133.7l-72,72a8.2,8.2,0,0,1-11.4,0,8.1,8.1,0,0,1,0-11.4L196.7,136H40a8,8,0,0,1,0-16H196.7L138.3,61.7a8.1,8.1,0,0,1,11.4-11.4l72,72A8.1,8.1,0,0,1,221.7,133.7Z/>/svg> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li> a href/products/biscuits classdropdown-item inactive> span>Biscuits/span> /a> ul classcollection-menu> li classcollection-item> a href/products/belgian-speculoos> img 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src/img/asset/YXNzZXRzL3Byb2R1Y3RzL3NoYWRvdy9idy1wYWNrc2hvdC1zaGFkb3ctMjQzN192Mi5wbmc?w100&fmwebp&sdde7b18ea4c51097af0b67a9755df1ef altEgg cake /> span>Egg cake/span> svg classicon icon-sm xmlns viewBox0 0 256 256 fillcurrentColor>path dM221.7,133.7l-72,72a8.2,8.2,0,0,1-11.4,0,8.1,8.1,0,0,1,0-11.4L196.7,136H40a8,8,0,0,1,0-16H196.7L138.3,61.7a8.1,8.1,0,0,1,11.4-11.4l72,72A8.1,8.1,0,0,1,221.7,133.7Z/>/svg> /a> /li> li classcollection-item> a href/products/butter-crisp-waffles> img src/img/asset/YXNzZXRzL3Byb2R1Y3RzL3NoYWRvdy9idy1wYWNrc2hvdC1zaGFkb3ctMjQyNV92Mi5wbmc?w100&fmwebp&s495458b7b5aea514b0211b0b16f37155 altButter crisp waffles /> span>Butter crisp waffles/span> svg classicon icon-sm xmlns viewBox0 0 256 256 fillcurrentColor>path dM221.7,133.7l-72,72a8.2,8.2,0,0,1-11.4,0,8.1,8.1,0,0,1,0-11.4L196.7,136H40a8,8,0,0,1,0-16H196.7L138.3,61.7a8.1,8.1,0,0,1,11.4-11.4l72,72A8.1,8.1,0,0,1,221.7,133.7Z/>/svg> /a> /li> /ul> /li> /ul>/li> li classnav-item inactive> a classnav-link 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tradition and craftsmanship. As your most reliable private label partner, we flavor your needs with the perfect solution. /p> /div> div classmt-4 js-animated-element to-animate animate-from-bottom prepared> a href/contact classbtn btn-secondary > Get in touch span>svg classicon xmlns viewBox0 0 256 256 fillcurrentColor>path dM221.7,133.7l-72,72a8.2,8.2,0,0,1-11.4,0,8.1,8.1,0,0,1,0-11.4L196.7,136H40a8,8,0,0,1,0-16H196.7L138.3,61.7a8.1,8.1,0,0,1,11.4-11.4l72,72A8.1,8.1,0,0,1,221.7,133.7Z/>/svg>/span> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classheader-asset> video autoplay muted loop playsinline classd-none d-lg-block> source src/assets/bew_herovideo_1.mp4 typevideo/mp4> /video> video autoplay muted loop playsinline classd-block d-lg-none> source src/assets/bew_herovideo_mobile.mp4 typevideo/mp4> /video> /div> /div> div idblock-2 classcontent-block content-block_standard_header without-bg without-overlap style > div classjs-animated-block> div classstandard-header mode-default> div classcontainer js-animated-group> div classrow> div classcol-12 col-md-6 col-xl-5> div classcaption-wrapper js-animated-element to-animate animate-from-bottom prepared > span classcaption color mb-1>Our mission/span> /div> div classtitle-wrapper js-animated-element to-animate animate-from-bottom prepared > h1>Tasty Belgian Waffles/h1> /div> div classdescription-wrapper bard-content js-animated-element to-animate animate-from-bottom prepared > p>Our delectable recipes remain in place since 1974. Only the best ingredients pass our high-quality standards. We serve you:/p>ul>li>p>fresh ingredients. We are an artisan bakery with an eye for quality./p>/li>li>p>efficiently delivered waffles. With 29 ultra-modern production lines, even large orders are quickly processed./p>/li>li>p>lower costs for greater quality. We excel in operational efficiency with the ultimate aim of having happy employees, satisfied customers and high-quality products./p>/li>/ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classasset-wrapper> img src/img/asset/YXNzZXRzL2Jpc2N1aXRlcmlldGhpanMtNDIxMDgzLnBuZw?w1600&fmwebp&s63f1cae2706675d13dd262afa2575d93 altHeader image1> /div> /div> /div> /div> div idblock-3 classcontent-block content-block_left_right_content with-bg bg-primary text-mode-white without-overlap style--pre-overlap-offset: 125px > div classcontainer> div classrow row-asset-grid-base justify-content-between js-animated-block content reversed even view-> div classcol-12 col-lg-6 align-self-center cell-content js-animated-group> div classbard-content > div classjs-animated-element to-animate prepared> span classcaption mb-1>What we value most/span> h3>Belgian craft dipped in family traditions/h3>p>We marry Belgium’s rich heritage to our family's dearest traditions. Even as the global industry leader we are today, this mix is what defines us./p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-lg-6 col-xl-5 cell-asset js-animated-group align-self-center > div classother-content bard-content > div classjs-animated-element to-animate animate-size-1 prepared animate-from-right > ul>li>p>We stick to craftsmanship, yet produce over waffles each year. /p>/li>li>p>We only select the best and purest local ingredients to tailor your unique Belgian-made waffle./p>/li>li>p>We consider our employees and customers as family. /p>/li>/ul> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> div idblock-4 classcontent-block content-block_gallery without-bg with-overlap style--cur-overlap-offset: 125px > div classcontainer js-animated-block> div classsplide gallery-list gallery-type-carousel items-per-row-3 items-height-default> div classsplide__track> div classsplide__list> div classsplide__slide asset mode-cover js-animated-element to-animate animate-zoom-in prepared> img src/img/asset/YXNzZXRzL2Jpc2N1aXRlcmlldGhpanMtNDIxMzQ5LmpwZw?w1000&fmwebp&sd01e3bf1d6557c3d524b96ad8126749e alt /> /div> div classsplide__slide asset mode-cover js-animated-element to-animate animate-zoom-in prepared> img src/img/asset/YXNzZXRzL2Jpc2N1aXRlcmlldGhpanMtNDIxMDgzLmpwZw?w1000&fmwebp&sf97a30e9737d6bafed08989abacd9f18 alt /> /div> div classsplide__slide asset mode-cover js-animated-element to-animate animate-zoom-in prepared> img src/img/asset/YXNzZXRzL2Jpc2N1aXRlcmllLXRoaWpzLS00Mjk0ODguanBn?w1000&fmwebp&s295438af9c0a486368ecb001bb0738e9 alt /> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div idblock-5 classcontent-block content-block_product_carousel without-bg without-overlap style--post-overlap-offset: 125px > div idproducts-carousel classsplide products-carousel js-animated-block> div classcontainer d-block d-lg-none js-animated-group> h3 classw-100 text-center js-animated-element to-animate animate-from-bottom prepared>Our top recipes/h3> /div> div classsplide__track js-animated-group> div classsplide__list> div classsplide__slide d-flex flex-column justify-content-center align-items-start js-animated-element to-animate animate-from-bottom prepared> div classmb-auto text-center> img classw-100 h-auto src/img/asset/YXNzZXRzL3Byb2R1Y3RzL3NoYWRvdy9idy1wYWNrc2hvdC1zaGFkb3ctMjQ0NV92Mi5wbmc?h700&fmwebp&s48e89a2088f95761a3cceaf0a55edde5 altBelgian Waffles - Belgian speculoos /> div classcontainer> h6 classmb-2>Belgian speculoos/h6> p>This delicate speculoos is made using an old Belgian recipe! The sugar caramelizes in the biscuit during baking to provide its unique taste. Thanks to.../p> /div> /div> a href/products/belgian-speculoos classbtn btn-secondary align-self-center > More info span>svg classicon xmlns viewBox0 0 256 256 fillcurrentColor>path dM221.7,133.7l-72,72a8.2,8.2,0,0,1-11.4,0,8.1,8.1,0,0,1,0-11.4L196.7,136H40a8,8,0,0,1,0-16H196.7L138.3,61.7a8.1,8.1,0,0,1,11.4-11.4l72,72A8.1,8.1,0,0,1,221.7,133.7Z/>/svg>/span> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide d-flex flex-column justify-content-center align-items-start js-animated-element to-animate animate-from-bottom prepared> div classmb-auto text-center> img classw-100 h-auto src/img/asset/YXNzZXRzL3Byb2R1Y3RzL3NoYWRvdy9idy1wYWNrc2hvdC1zaGFkb3ctMjQyNV92Mi5wbmc?h700&fmwebp&s1690e5ab014d48f972d779e5f3ac37ad altBelgian Waffles - Butter crisp waffles /> div classcontainer> h6 classmb-2>Butter crisp waffles/h6> p>Our crisp butter waffles are easy to recognize by the typical diamond pattern and unrivaled crispy bite. These golden brown biscuits will melt in your.../p> /div> /div> a href/products/butter-crisp-waffles classbtn btn-secondary align-self-center > More info span>svg classicon xmlns viewBox0 0 256 256 fillcurrentColor>path dM221.7,133.7l-72,72a8.2,8.2,0,0,1-11.4,0,8.1,8.1,0,0,1,0-11.4L196.7,136H40a8,8,0,0,1,0-16H196.7L138.3,61.7a8.1,8.1,0,0,1,11.4-11.4l72,72A8.1,8.1,0,0,1,221.7,133.7Z/>/svg>/span> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide d-flex flex-column justify-content-center align-items-start js-animated-element to-animate animate-from-bottom prepared> div classmb-auto text-center> img classw-100 h-auto src/img/asset/YXNzZXRzL3Byb2R1Y3RzL3NoYWRvdy9idy1wYWNrc2hvdC1zaGFkb3ctMjQyMl92Mi5wbmc?h700&fmwebp&s3d247d87a28057b404d5df8484e30a59 altBelgian Waffles - Crispy galettes /> div classcontainer> h6 classmb-2>Crispy galettes/h6> p>From mini to maxi, this crispy waffle is growing in popularity by the day. Sumptuously offsetting your tea or coffee, we also suggest pairing with ice.../p> /div> /div> a href/products/crispy-galettes classbtn btn-secondary align-self-center > More info span>svg classicon xmlns viewBox0 0 256 256 fillcurrentColor>path dM221.7,133.7l-72,72a8.2,8.2,0,0,1-11.4,0,8.1,8.1,0,0,1,0-11.4L196.7,136H40a8,8,0,0,1,0-16H196.7L138.3,61.7a8.1,8.1,0,0,1,11.4-11.4l72,72A8.1,8.1,0,0,1,221.7,133.7Z/>/svg>/span> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide d-flex flex-column justify-content-center align-items-start js-animated-element to-animate animate-from-bottom prepared> div classmb-auto text-center> img classw-100 h-auto src/img/asset/YXNzZXRzL3Byb2R1Y3RzL3NoYWRvdy9idy1wYWNrc2hvdC1zaGFkb3ctMjQxNF92Mi5wbmc?h700&fmwebp&s12bf10a06e9936060ed9ad1b200b4e87 altBelgian Waffles - Pearl sugar waffle /> div classcontainer> h6 classmb-2>Pearl sugar waffle/h6> div classbard-content> p>This real Belgian top class product, known as ‘Luikse' waffle, is an indulgently juicy waffle frosted with pearls of sugar. A delicacy which y... /div> /div> /div> a href/products/pearl-sugar-waffle classbtn btn-secondary align-self-center > More info span>svg classicon xmlns viewBox0 0 256 256 fillcurrentColor>path dM221.7,133.7l-72,72a8.2,8.2,0,0,1-11.4,0,8.1,8.1,0,0,1,0-11.4L196.7,136H40a8,8,0,0,1,0-16H196.7L138.3,61.7a8.1,8.1,0,0,1,11.4-11.4l72,72A8.1,8.1,0,0,1,221.7,133.7Z/>/svg>/span> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide d-flex flex-column justify-content-center align-items-start js-animated-element to-animate animate-from-bottom prepared> div classmb-auto text-center> img classw-100 h-auto src/img/asset/YXNzZXRzL3Byb2R1Y3RzL3NoYWRvdy9idy1wYWNrc2hvdC1zaGFkb3ctMjM3OF92Mi5wbmc?h700&fmwebp&s7451f67e1650377578dad48aaf610cfe altBelgian Waffles - Soft egg waffle /> div classcontainer> h6 classmb-2>Soft egg waffle/h6> div classbard-content> p>The secret of this light and airy waffle? The fresh eggs! This golden brown waffle is purely natural and is ideal for toasting and serving with fre... /div> /div> /div> a href/products/soft-egg-waffle classbtn btn-secondary align-self-center > More info span>svg classicon xmlns viewBox0 0 256 256 fillcurrentColor>path dM221.7,133.7l-72,72a8.2,8.2,0,0,1-11.4,0,8.1,8.1,0,0,1,0-11.4L196.7,136H40a8,8,0,0,1,0-16H196.7L138.3,61.7a8.1,8.1,0,0,1,11.4-11.4l72,72A8.1,8.1,0,0,1,221.7,133.7Z/>/svg>/span> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide d-flex flex-column justify-content-center align-items-start js-animated-element to-animate animate-from-bottom prepared> div classmb-auto text-center> img classw-100 h-auto src/img/asset/YXNzZXRzL3Byb2R1Y3RzL3NoYWRvdy9idy1wYWNrc2hvdC1zaGFkb3ctMjM2MF92Mi5wbmc?h700&fmwebp&s7140815f4f86a85c6f41c728d3c0192b altBelgian Waffles - Traditional butter waffle /> div classcontainer> h6 classmb-2>Traditional butter waffle/h6> div classbard-content> p>Our light butter waffle owes its popularity to its irresistible rich butter flavor. This traditional waffle has a high egg content and is made usin... /div> /div> /div> a href/products/traditional-butter-waffle classbtn btn-secondary align-self-center > More info span>svg classicon xmlns viewBox0 0 256 256 fillcurrentColor>path dM221.7,133.7l-72,72a8.2,8.2,0,0,1-11.4,0,8.1,8.1,0,0,1,0-11.4L196.7,136H40a8,8,0,0,1,0-16H196.7L138.3,61.7a8.1,8.1,0,0,1,11.4-11.4l72,72A8.1,8.1,0,0,1,221.7,133.7Z/>/svg>/span> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide d-flex flex-column justify-content-center align-items-start js-animated-element to-animate animate-from-bottom prepared> div classmb-auto text-center> img classw-100 h-auto src/img/asset/YXNzZXRzL3Byb2R1Y3RzL3NoYWRvdy9idy1wYWNrc2hvdC1zaGFkb3ctMjQxOF92Mi5wbmc?h700&fmwebp&se5ae6c76dc7246cecc7863b3794cb801 altBelgian Waffles - Vanilla waffle /> div classcontainer> h6 classmb-2>Vanilla waffle/h6> div classbard-content> p>A classic flavor and everyone’s favorite! The light bite and subtle dash of vanilla make it as tasty as ever. Our vanilla waffle is a sweet treat a... /div> /div> /div> a href/products/vanilla-waffle classbtn btn-secondary align-self-center > More info span>svg classicon xmlns viewBox0 0 256 256 fillcurrentColor>path dM221.7,133.7l-72,72a8.2,8.2,0,0,1-11.4,0,8.1,8.1,0,0,1,0-11.4L196.7,136H40a8,8,0,0,1,0-16H196.7L138.3,61.7a8.1,8.1,0,0,1,11.4-11.4l72,72A8.1,8.1,0,0,1,221.7,133.7Z/>/svg>/span> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classbg-mask d-none d-lg-block> div classbg-ruler>/div> /div> div classcontrols> div classcontainer js-animated-group> h3 classmb-3 mt-6 mb-xl-5 w-lg-25 js-animated-element to-animate animate-from-left prepared>Our top recipes/h3> div classsplide__arrows d-flex justify-content-between justify-content-lg-start js-animated-element to-animate animate-from-left prepared> button classsplide__arrow splide__arrow--prev me-lg-3> svg classicon xmlns viewBox0 0 256 256 fillcurrentColor>path dM224,128a8,8,0,0,1-8,8H59.3l58.4,58.3a8.1,8.1,0,0,1,0,11.4,8.2,8.2,0,0,1-11.4,0l-72-72a8.1,8.1,0,0,1,0-11.4l72-72a8.1,8.1,0,0,1,11.4,11.4L59.3,120H216A8,8,0,0,1,224,128Z/>/svg> /button> button classsplide__arrow splide__arrow--next> svg classicon xmlns viewBox0 0 256 256 fillcurrentColor>path dM221.7,133.7l-72,72a8.2,8.2,0,0,1-11.4,0,8.1,8.1,0,0,1,0-11.4L196.7,136H40a8,8,0,0,1,0-16H196.7L138.3,61.7a8.1,8.1,0,0,1,11.4-11.4l72,72A8.1,8.1,0,0,1,221.7,133.7Z/>/svg> /button> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div idblock-6 classcontent-block content-block_left_right_content without-bg without-overlap style--pre-overlap-offset: 125px > div classcontainer> div classrow row-asset-grid-base justify-content-between js-animated-block image reversed even view-default> div classcol-12 col-lg-6 align-self-center cell-content js-animated-group> div classbard-content > div classjs-animated-element to-animate prepared> span classcaption mb-1>Production/span> h3>From flour to finish/h3>p>Our traditional family recipes contain only the purest ingredients. They create the perfect harmony of flavours in our waffles and biscuits. br>br>Get a taste of how we go from artisan ingredients to a sensory celebration. Treat yourself to a Belgian culinary discovery tour! /p> div classbtns> a href/production classicon-link text-decoration-none me-2 > span classalign-middle>Get a glimpse of our production process/span> svg classicon icon-md align-middle ms-1 xmlns viewBox0 0 256 256 fillcurrentColor>path dM221.7,133.7l-72,72a8.2,8.2,0,0,1-11.4,0,8.1,8.1,0,0,1,0-11.4L196.7,136H40a8,8,0,0,1,0-16H196.7L138.3,61.7a8.1,8.1,0,0,1,11.4-11.4l72,72A8.1,8.1,0,0,1,221.7,133.7Z/>/svg>/a> /div> p>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-lg-6 col-xl-5 cell-asset js-animated-group align-self-center > div classasset js-animated-element to-animate animate-size-1 prepared animate-from-right > video autoplay muted loop> source src/assets/dough.mp4 typevideo/mp4> /video> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> div classoverlap-wrapper bg-primary text-mode-white> div idblock-7 classcontent-block content-block_usp_s without-bg with-overlap style--cur-overlap-offset: 125px > div classcontainer js-animated-block> div classrow count-3 g-3 js-animated-group > div classcol js-animated-element to-animate animate-from-bottom prepared> div classcard index-0 bg-colors text-white h-100 >div classcard-body p-3> div classitem-wrapper> div classicon text-primary > svg width73 height73 viewBox0 0 73 73 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM20.3586 13.1242H53.1616C56.7202 13.1242 59.605 16.009 59.605 19.5676V52.3706C59.605 55.9292 56.7202 58.814 53.1616 58.814H20.3586C16.8 58.814 13.9152 55.9292 13.9152 52.3706V19.5676C13.9152 16.009 16.8 13.1242 20.3586 13.1242ZM10.9863 19.5676C10.9863 14.3914 15.1824 10.1953 20.3586 10.1953H53.1616C58.3378 10.1953 62.5339 14.3914 62.5339 19.5676V52.3706C62.5339 57.5468 58.3378 61.7429 53.1616 61.7429H20.3586C15.1824 61.7429 10.9863 57.5468 10.9863 52.3706V19.5676ZM22.8221 19.8016C21.9163 19.8016 21.182 20.5359 21.182 21.4418V26.5965C21.182 27.5023 21.9163 28.2367 22.8221 28.2367H27.9769C28.8827 28.2367 29.617 27.5023 29.617 26.5965V21.4418C29.617 20.5359 28.8827 19.8016 27.9769 19.8016H22.8221ZM23.5251 25.8936V22.1447H27.274V25.8936H23.5251ZM22.8221 31.7513C21.9163 31.7513 21.182 32.4856 21.182 33.3915V38.5462C21.182 39.4521 21.9163 40.1864 22.8221 40.1864H27.9769C28.8827 40.1864 29.617 39.452 29.617 38.5462V33.3915C29.617 32.4856 28.8827 31.7513 27.9769 31.7513H22.8221ZM23.5251 37.8433V34.0944H27.274V37.8433H23.5251ZM21.182 45.3412C21.182 44.4353 21.9163 43.701 22.8221 43.701H27.9769C28.8827 43.701 29.617 44.4353 29.617 45.3412V50.4959C29.617 51.4018 28.8827 52.1361 27.9769 52.1361H22.8221C21.9163 52.1361 21.182 51.4018 21.182 50.4959V45.3412ZM23.5251 46.0441V49.793H27.274V46.0441H23.5251ZM34.1835 19.8016C33.2776 19.8016 32.5433 20.5359 32.5433 21.4418V26.5965C32.5433 27.5023 33.2776 28.2367 34.1835 28.2367H39.3382C40.244 28.2367 40.9784 27.5023 40.9784 26.5965V21.4418C40.9784 20.5359 40.244 19.8016 39.3382 19.8016H34.1835ZM34.8864 25.8936V22.1447H38.6353V25.8936H34.8864ZM32.5433 33.3915C32.5433 32.4856 33.2776 31.7513 34.1835 31.7513H39.3382C40.244 31.7513 40.9784 32.4856 40.9784 33.3915V38.5462C40.9784 39.452 40.244 40.1864 39.3382 40.1864H34.1835C33.2776 40.1864 32.5433 39.4521 32.5433 38.5462V33.3915ZM34.8864 34.0944V37.8433H38.6353V34.0944H34.8864ZM34.1835 43.701C33.2776 43.701 32.5433 44.4353 32.5433 45.3412V50.4959C32.5433 51.4018 33.2776 52.1361 34.1835 52.1361H39.3382C40.244 52.1361 40.9784 51.4018 40.9784 50.4959V45.3412C40.9784 44.4353 40.244 43.701 39.3382 43.701H34.1835ZM34.8864 49.793V46.0441H38.6353V49.793H34.8864ZM43.9066 21.4418C43.9066 20.5359 44.6409 19.8016 45.5467 19.8016H50.7015C51.6073 19.8016 52.3416 20.5359 52.3416 21.4418V26.5965C52.3416 27.5023 51.6073 28.2367 50.7015 28.2367H45.5467C44.6409 28.2367 43.9066 27.5023 43.9066 26.5965V21.4418ZM46.2497 22.1447V25.8936H49.9986V22.1447H46.2497ZM45.5467 31.7513C44.6409 31.7513 43.9066 32.4856 43.9066 33.3915V38.5462C43.9066 39.4521 44.6409 40.1864 45.5467 40.1864H50.7015C51.6073 40.1864 52.3416 39.452 52.3416 38.5462V33.3915C52.3416 32.4856 51.6073 31.7513 50.7015 31.7513H45.5467ZM46.2497 37.8433V34.0944H49.9986V37.8433H46.2497ZM43.9066 45.3412C43.9066 44.4353 44.6409 43.701 45.5467 43.701H50.7015C51.6073 43.701 52.3416 44.4353 52.3416 45.3412V50.4959C52.3416 51.4018 51.6073 52.1361 50.7015 52.1361H45.5467C44.6409 52.1361 43.9066 51.4018 43.9066 50.4959V45.3412ZM46.2497 46.0441V49.793H49.9986V46.0441H46.2497Z fillwhite/> /svg> /div> h4 classmb-2>1 billion Belgian Waffles/h4> p classmb-5>We bake over waffles each year/p> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol js-animated-element to-animate animate-from-bottom prepared> div classcard index-1 bg-colors text-white h-100 >div classcard-body p-3> div classitem-wrapper> div classicon text-primary > svg width63 height63 viewBox0 0 63 63 fillnone xmlns> path dM19.4961 42.8882H26.3192 strokewhite stroke-width3.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM36.0664 42.8882H42.8895 strokewhite stroke-width3.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM52.6343 52.6357V33.1411H40.9375L25.3418 21.4443V33.1411L9.74609 21.4443V52.6357 strokewhite stroke-width3.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM3.89844 52.6357H58.4834 strokewhite stroke-width3.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM52.6364 33.1411L48.9812 7.53004C48.9166 7.06492 48.6863 6.63872 48.3327 6.32982C47.979 6.02091 47.5257 5.85004 47.0561 5.84863H42.6211C42.1515 5.85004 41.6982 6.02091 41.3445 6.32982C40.9908 6.63872 40.7605 7.06492 40.696 7.53004L37.4062 30.5093 strokewhite stroke-width3.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> /svg> /div> h4 classmb-2>29 production lines/h4> p classmb-5>We run 29 ultra-modern Belgium-based production lines/p> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol js-animated-element to-animate animate-from-bottom prepared> div classcard index-2 bg-colors text-white h-100 >div classcard-body p-3> div classitem-wrapper> div classicon text-primary > svg width69 height69 viewBox0 0 69 69 fillnone xmlns> path dM34.4982 60.1837C48.7875 60.1837 60.3714 48.6358 60.3714 34.3907C60.3714 20.1456 48.7875 8.59766 34.4982 8.59766C20.2088 8.59766 8.625 20.1456 8.625 34.3907C8.625 48.6358 20.2088 60.1837 34.4982 60.1837Z strokewhite stroke-width3.48152 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM57.7305 45.7827L43.096 36.8089C42.8441 36.6474 42.5582 36.5463 42.2605 36.5134L36.0887 35.6805C35.6282 35.6145 35.1588 35.7027 34.754 35.9313C34.3492 36.1598 34.0319 36.5157 33.8517 36.9432L30.1594 45.1916C29.9858 45.5753 29.9291 46.0013 29.9961 46.4168C30.0632 46.8324 30.2512 47.2191 30.5367 47.5291L35.6036 52.9833C35.8326 53.2342 36.0004 53.5345 36.0939 53.8607C36.1874 54.187 36.2041 54.5303 36.1426 54.864L35.0915 60.1838 strokewhite stroke-width3.48152 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM17.5171 14.9385L15.0915 20.6344C14.8803 21.1401 14.8706 21.7071 15.0646 22.2196L18.164 30.4412C18.2851 30.7838 18.4924 31.0898 18.7661 31.3297C19.0398 31.5696 19.3707 31.7355 19.7271 31.8114L25.4947 33.0473C25.8148 33.1119 26.1155 33.2499 26.3728 33.4504C26.6301 33.651 26.837 33.9085 26.977 34.2026L28.0012 36.3252C28.1831 36.6841 28.4602 36.9865 28.8022 37.1996C29.1443 37.4127 29.5383 37.5284 29.9417 37.5342H33.5801 strokewhite stroke-width3.48152 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM41.0986 9.43066L43.6051 13.9444C43.8365 14.3688 43.9197 14.8579 43.8416 15.3346C43.7636 15.8113 43.5286 16.2485 43.1738 16.5775L35.924 23.1063C35.8026 23.2219 35.6667 23.3212 35.5197 23.4019L32.2047 25.2289C31.8887 25.396 31.5382 25.488 31.1805 25.4976H25.413C24.9881 25.4997 24.5731 25.6254 24.2188 25.8593C23.8646 26.0931 23.5864 26.425 23.4186 26.8141L21.1816 32.107 strokewhite stroke-width3.48152 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> /svg> /div> h4 classmb-2>50+ destinations/h4> p classmb-5>Our Belgian craft appeals worldwide/p> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div idblock-8 classcontent-block content-block_left_right_content with-bg bg-primary text-mode-white without-overlap style--post-overlap-offset: 125px > div classcontainer> div classrow row-asset-grid-base justify-content-between js-animated-block image reversed even respect-image view-default> div classcol-12 col-lg-6 align-self-center cell-content js-animated-group> div classbard-content > div classjs-animated-element to-animate prepared> span classcaption mb-1>Quality & research/span> h3>Innovation. Passion. Taste./h3>p>Our ultimate vision? Grow into the world’s most sustainable and automated waffle manufacturer. We reach our goals through continuous investment and production>br>We excel in quality assurance. Our waffles meet the highest international standards in hygiene and food safety./p> div classbtns> a href/quality-research/research-innovation classicon-link text-decoration-none me-2 > span classalign-middle>Read more about our innovations and certifications/span> svg classicon icon-md align-middle ms-1 xmlns viewBox0 0 256 256 fillcurrentColor>path dM221.7,133.7l-72,72a8.2,8.2,0,0,1-11.4,0,8.1,8.1,0,0,1,0-11.4L196.7,136H40a8,8,0,0,1,0-16H196.7L138.3,61.7a8.1,8.1,0,0,1,11.4-11.4l72,72A8.1,8.1,0,0,1,221.7,133.7Z/>/svg>/a> /div> p>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-lg-6 col-xl-5 cell-asset js-animated-group align-self-center > div classasset js-animated-element to-animate animate-size-1 prepared animate-from-right > img src/img/asset/YXNzZXRzL2xvZ29zLnBuZw?w1336&fmwebp&s8dfb008b825c31655c2c3b3a62e8feb3 classno-shadow> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> div idblock-9 classcontent-block content-block_left_right_content without-bg without-overlap style > div classcontainer> div classrow row-asset-grid-base justify-content-between js-animated-block image reversed even view-default> div classcol-12 col-lg-6 align-self-center cell-content js-animated-group> div classbard-content > div classjs-animated-element to-animate prepared> span classcaption mb-1>Inclusivity /span> h3>Diversity is our strength/h3>p>More than 40 nationalities come together daily to craft the perfect waffle. This diversity drives our company culture and that’s what makes Belgian Waffles Thijs stand out./p>p>We go the extra mile and let talent thrive. Our employees get the chance to take control of their own career and develop their strengths through lifelong learning./p>p>Ready to take a leap with us? Contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible./p> div classbtns> a href/contact classicon-link text-decoration-none me-2 > span classalign-middle>We’d love to meet you./span> svg classicon icon-md align-middle ms-1 xmlns viewBox0 0 256 256 fillcurrentColor>path dM221.7,133.7l-72,72a8.2,8.2,0,0,1-11.4,0,8.1,8.1,0,0,1,0-11.4L196.7,136H40a8,8,0,0,1,0-16H196.7L138.3,61.7a8.1,8.1,0,0,1,11.4-11.4l72,72A8.1,8.1,0,0,1,221.7,133.7Z/>/svg>/a> /div> p>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-lg-6 col-xl-5 cell-asset js-animated-group align-self-center > div classasset js-animated-element to-animate animate-size-1 prepared animate-from-right > img src/img/asset/YXNzZXRzL2JlbGdpYW53YWZmbGVzLWhpcmVzLTE5NTEuanBn?w1336&fmwebp&sab5368df6394e9c37b0557fdda6de87b class> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> div idblock-10 classcontent-block content-block_testimonials without-bg without-overlap style > div classcontainer js-animated-block> div classtext-center js-animated-group> h3 classjs-animated-element to-animate animate-from-bottom prepared>Why our customers love our waffles/h3> div classmb-5 js-animated-element to-animate animate-from-bottom prepared>p>Our Belgian baked delicacies appeal worldwide. br>Get a taste of our customers’ desires./p>/div> /div> div classsplide testimonials-list testimonials-type-carousel items-per-row-3 items-height-default js-animated-group> div classsplide__track> div classsplide__list> div classsplide__slide card js-animated-element to-animate animate-from-bottom prepared> div classcard-body> h5 classmb-2>”Tastiest waffle in the market”/h5> p>As a market leading waffle brand it is imperative we have the best product and deliver the best service. We believe we have the tastiest waffle in the market, and we have 100% service levels to our customers. We would not be able to achieve this without the team at Thijs./p> /div> /div> div classsplide__slide card bg-orange text-white js-animated-element to-animate animate-from-bottom prepared> div classcard-body> h5 classmb-2>”Sublime quality with a personal touch!”/h5> p>I’ve been working with Belgian Waffles Thijs for more than 20 years now. It has been a fantastic partnership; great products, great quality, short lead times, reliable supply chain, continuous investments & a growing business every year. br>For me, Belgian Waffles Thijs is the global market leader in the manufacturing of yummy Belgian waffles./p> /div> /div> div classsplide__slide card js-animated-element to-animate animate-from-bottom prepared> div classcard-body> h5 classmb-2>”A family favorite!”/h5> p>We love the collaboration with Thijs. Not only the waffles are the best we can get, also the contact we have with the entire team is wonderful. We aim to continue our business relation for a long time to come!/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div idblock-11 classcontent-block content-block_product_type_cards without-bg without-overlap style > div classcontainer js-animated-block> div classrow g-3> div classcol-12 col-lg-6> a href/products/waffles classcard w-100 js-animated-element to-animate animate-from-bottom prepared> div classcard-body col-9 p-3 p-lg-5 d-flex flex-column> h4 classmb-2 mb-lg-auto>Discover our assortment of waffles/h4> div classicon-link text-decoration-none> span classalign-middle>Discover our waffles/span> svg classicon icon-md align-middle ms-1 xmlns viewBox0 0 256 256 fillcurrentColor>path dM221.7,133.7l-72,72a8.2,8.2,0,0,1-11.4,0,8.1,8.1,0,0,1,0-11.4L196.7,136H40a8,8,0,0,1,0-16H196.7L138.3,61.7a8.1,8.1,0,0,1,11.4-11.4l72,72A8.1,8.1,0,0,1,221.7,133.7Z/>/svg> /div> div classassets> img src/img/asset/YXNzZXRzL3Byb2R1Y3RzL2RlZmF1bHQvYnctcGFja3Nob3QtMjM2MF92Mi5wbmc?w600&fmwebp&s7bfdf17cf5a0893acb47f9f2a5d76c07 classasset altCTA asset> /div> /div>/a> /div> div classcol-12 col-lg-6> a href/products/biscuits classcard w-100 js-animated-element to-animate animate-from-bottom prepared> div classcard-body col-9 p-3 p-lg-5 d-flex flex-column> h4 classmb-2 mb-lg-auto>Or maybe you’re looking for our biscuits?/h4> div classicon-link text-decoration-none> span classalign-middle>Discover our biscuits/span> svg classicon icon-md align-middle ms-1 xmlns viewBox0 0 256 256 fillcurrentColor>path dM221.7,133.7l-72,72a8.2,8.2,0,0,1-11.4,0,8.1,8.1,0,0,1,0-11.4L196.7,136H40a8,8,0,0,1,0-16H196.7L138.3,61.7a8.1,8.1,0,0,1,11.4-11.4l72,72A8.1,8.1,0,0,1,221.7,133.7Z/>/svg> /div> div classassets> img src/img/asset/YXNzZXRzL3Byb2R1Y3RzL2RlZmF1bHQvYnctcGFja3Nob3QtMjQyNV92Mi5wbmc?w600&fmwebp&sde30204acbf3d262a80dd06be6279751 classasset altCTA asset> /div> /div>/a> /div> /div>/div> /div> div idblock-12 classcontent-block content-block_cta without-bg last without-overlap style > div classcontainer js-animated-block> div classd-flex justify-content-center> div classcard col-12 col-xl-10 js-animated-element to-animate animate-from-bottom prepared bg-yellow text-white > div classcard-body p-3 p-lg-6> div classrow justify-content-between align-items-center> div classcol-12 col-xl-9 d-xl-flex align-items-center> h3 classmb-2 mb-xl-0 me-xl-4>Our waffles, your brand?/h3> div classmb-n2>p>Belgian Waffles Thijs is your N° 1 private label partner to solve your quest for pure taste. We are here to advise you./p>/div> /div> div classcol-12 col-xl-auto mt-4 mt-xl-0> a href/contact classbtn btn-white > Contact us span>svg classicon xmlns viewBox0 0 256 256 fillcurrentColor>path dM221.7,133.7l-72,72a8.2,8.2,0,0,1-11.4,0,8.1,8.1,0,0,1,0-11.4L196.7,136H40a8,8,0,0,1,0-16H196.7L138.3,61.7a8.1,8.1,0,0,1,11.4-11.4l72,72A8.1,8.1,0,0,1,221.7,133.7Z/>/svg>/span> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /main> footer classfooter main-footer > div classcontainer> span classfooter-triangle>/span> div classrow justify-content-between> div classcol-info col-12 col-md-auto py-md-3> a classfooter-brand href> svg idlogo width166 height166 viewBox0 0 166 166 fillnone xmlns> g idlogo-shapes> path idlogo-circle dM165.481 82.7407C165.481 128.437 128.437 165.481 82.7407 165.481C37.0447 165.481 0 128.437 0 82.7407C0 37.0447 37.0447 0 82.7407 0C128.437 0 165.481 37.0447 165.481 82.7407Z fillwhite/> path idlogo-line dM138.974 26.5073C123.962 11.4948 103.98 3.21777 82.741 3.21777C68.9109 3.21777 55.2904 6.82496 43.3613 13.6352C43.1966 13.74 43.0769 13.8897 43.017 14.0693C42.9721 14.2638 42.9871 14.4584 43.0919 14.6231C43.2865 14.9673 43.7355 15.0871 44.0797 14.8925C55.7993 8.20197 69.1654 4.65466 82.741 4.65466C103.591 4.65466 123.198 12.7671 137.941 27.5101C152.684 42.2532 160.797 61.8607 160.797 82.7105C160.797 111.134 145.32 137.342 120.399 151.097C120.04 151.292 119.92 151.741 120.115 152.085C120.25 152.31 120.489 152.459 120.759 152.459C120.878 152.459 120.998 152.429 121.118 152.37C146.503 138.36 162.264 111.673 162.264 82.7105C162.264 61.4716 153.987 41.5048 138.974 26.4774 fill#8C7A46/> /g> g idlogo-main> path dM39.8333 58.8338C41.6965 58.201 42.7862 57.1288 43.3486 55.7579C43.7353 54.8439 43.8759 53.8069 43.8759 52.6644C43.8759 48.1824 39.8509 46.6181 34.4901 46.4775V46.4071C40.4661 45.8623 42.6456 43.964 42.6456 40.6596C42.6456 36.9861 39.306 34.6484 33.7694 34.6484C31.713 34.6484 29.6389 34.7187 27.354 34.7187C25.8951 34.7187 24.1726 34.6484 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54.5272C116.291 55.986 115.237 57.2515 113.778 57.5328C113.584 57.5679 113.391 57.5855 113.215 57.5855C112.442 57.5855 111.862 57.3043 111.528 56.6363C111.282 56.1618 111.159 55.5115 111.159 54.6151C111.159 52.2071 112.758 50.4143 116.502 48.973 fillblack/> path dM126.345 48.059C126.397 48.2523 126.45 48.5511 126.468 48.9378C126.468 48.973 126.468 49.0081 126.468 49.0433C126.468 49.0784 126.468 49.1136 126.468 49.1488C126.468 49.2191 126.468 49.2894 126.468 49.3772V51.627V56.8473C126.485 59.7123 124.13 58.6928 123.849 59.3607H133.955C133.656 58.6752 131.319 59.7123 131.319 56.8473L131.284 46.1432V44.6491C132.971 43.5067 134.184 42.8212 135.555 42.8212C137.189 42.8212 137.998 44.4031 137.998 46.2486L138.033 56.8297C138.033 59.6947 135.678 58.6752 135.396 59.3431H145.503C145.204 58.6577 142.866 59.6947 142.866 56.8297L142.831 46.0025C142.831 43.0145 140.845 41.6436 138.437 41.6436C135.836 41.6436 134.113 42.6806 131.301 44.4382V41.6436C129.333 42.8036 127.839 43.6649 126.837 44.2097C126.714 44.28 126.608 44.3328 126.485 44.4031C126.221 44.5437 125.958 44.6843 125.712 44.8073C125.624 44.8425 125.554 44.8776 125.483 44.9304C125.061 45.1413 124.692 45.2995 124.394 45.4401L125.782 47.0747C126.098 47.4438 126.292 47.7602 126.38 48.0239 fillblack/> path dM56.7596 71.4364C57.0584 71.0321 57.3572 70.7333 57.6736 70.5048C57.99 70.2939 58.2888 70.1181 58.5524 69.9951C58.8337 69.872 59.0973 69.7842 59.361 69.7138C59.607 69.6435 59.7828 69.5908 59.8707 69.5557H51.4691C51.4691 69.5557 51.7679 69.7314 52.1721 69.9599C52.5764 70.1884 52.9455 70.4345 53.2795 70.6981C53.5958 70.9618 53.9122 71.3836 54.211 71.9636C54.5098 72.5437 54.6504 73.2116 54.6504 73.985C54.6504 75.2153 54.3868 76.5863 53.8595 78.0979L50.5375 87.5892L50.2387 86.6225L45.2646 72.6316C45.0712 72.0867 44.9658 71.5945 44.9658 71.1551C44.9658 70.7509 45.0712 70.4345 45.2821 70.206C45.4931 69.9775 45.7216 69.8545 45.9852 69.8193C46.2313 69.7842 46.4949 69.749 46.7586 69.7138C47.0222 69.6787 47.198 69.626 47.2683 69.5381H36.2302C36.2302 69.5381 36.4587 69.6963 36.7224 69.7666C36.986 69.8369 37.2496 69.8896 37.5309 69.9599C37.8121 70.0126 38.1285 70.206 38.4624 70.5399C38.7964 70.8739 39.06 71.3309 39.2885 71.9109L41.2219 77.4651L37.2848 88.011L31.6955 72.5437C31.467 71.9461 31.3439 71.4891 31.3439 71.1727C31.3439 70.663 31.5021 70.3115 31.8009 70.1005C32.1173 69.8896 32.4864 69.7666 32.9258 69.7314C33.3652 69.6963 33.6289 69.6435 33.7343 69.5557H22.415C22.415 69.5557 22.6787 69.7139 22.9599 69.749C23.2411 69.7842 23.5224 69.8369 23.8212 69.8896C24.12 69.9423 24.4188 70.1181 24.7527 70.3993C25.0867 70.6806 25.3327 71.0848 25.5261 71.6121L33.8749 93.8992L33.998 94.2507C34.2441 94.8132 34.4374 95.112 34.5956 95.112C34.7714 95.112 34.9823 94.8307 35.2108 94.2507L35.3338 93.8992L41.3626 77.9573L47.2859 93.8992L47.4089 94.2507C47.6198 94.8132 47.8132 95.112 48.0065 95.112C48.2174 95.112 48.4283 94.8307 48.6217 94.2507L48.7271 93.8992L56.039 72.8601C56.2323 72.3152 56.4784 71.8406 56.7772 71.4364 fillblack/> path dM73.6859 91.86C73.4925 92.2115 73.1937 92.563 72.7543 92.9321C72.7192 92.9673 72.6664 93.0024 72.6137 93.0552C72.561 93.1079 72.5258 93.1255 72.5082 93.1431L72.4731 93.1782C72.0512 93.5297 71.6294 93.6879 71.2251 93.6879C70.5924 93.6879 70.276 93.3364 70.276 92.6158V90.6999L70.3112 81.4371C70.3112 81.1207 70.3112 80.8922 70.3112 80.7516C70.2057 79.2576 69.7839 78.1854 69.0105 77.5351C68.2371 76.8847 67.1298 76.5508 65.671 76.5508C65.1788 76.5508 64.6515 76.5859 64.1242 76.6562C63.7903 76.6914 63.6145 76.709 63.6145 76.709C62.9114 76.832 62.1908 76.9902 61.4877 77.2187C60.2574 77.6054 59.1676 78.1151 58.2009 78.7479C57.2342 79.3806 56.5487 80.0309 56.162 80.734L59.9058 82.8959L60.0289 82.6498C60.1168 82.4389 60.2222 82.0874 60.3277 81.5601C60.4331 81.0328 60.5386 80.5934 60.6616 80.2243C60.9956 79.2224 61.4526 78.3963 62.0326 77.7636C62.6126 77.1132 63.263 76.7969 64.0012 76.7969H64.0539C64.6691 76.7969 65.0733 77.0429 65.2843 77.4823C65.4249 77.7636 65.4952 78.1854 65.4952 78.7479V83.6693L61.2592 85.3918C58.6403 86.464 56.9706 87.4482 56.2148 88.3446C56.0214 88.5731 55.8457 88.8016 55.7226 89.0477C55.4414 89.6102 55.3008 90.2429 55.3008 90.9811C55.3008 92.2291 55.6523 93.1255 56.3554 93.6704C57.0584 94.2152 57.9548 94.4964 59.027 94.4964C59.6949 94.4964 60.3277 94.4086 60.978 94.2504C62.3138 93.9164 63.8254 93.1079 65.4952 91.8072C65.794 92.7739 66.1807 93.4243 66.6377 93.7934C67.1825 94.2504 67.9911 94.4789 69.116 94.4789C69.7136 94.4789 70.3112 94.3734 70.9088 94.1449C71.5064 93.934 71.9985 93.6703 72.3852 93.3715C72.7719 93.0727 73.0883 92.7915 73.3519 92.5103C73.598 92.2291 73.721 92.0181 73.721 91.86V91.8072L73.6859 91.86ZM65.4776 88.9598C65.4776 89.1532 65.4776 89.2938 65.46 89.3817C65.3721 90.1199 65.0733 90.7702 64.5812 91.3327C64.0891 91.8951 63.4739 92.2466 62.7532 92.3873C62.5599 92.4224 62.3666 92.44 62.1908 92.44C61.3823 92.44 60.8198 92.1236 60.5034 91.4909C60.2574 90.9987 60.1343 90.3132 60.1343 89.4695C60.1343 88.2568 60.5562 87.2022 61.4174 86.2706C62.2787 85.3391 63.6321 84.5305 65.4952 83.8099V88.9423L65.4776 88.9598Z fillblack/> path dM79.9955 73.8795C79.644 72.3152 79.4682 71.1903 79.4682 70.5224C79.4682 68.4483 79.9076 67.341 80.804 67.218C81.0325 67.1828 81.2258 67.218 81.384 67.3586C81.5246 67.4816 81.6477 67.7101 81.718 68.0265C81.7883 68.3429 81.841 68.6768 81.8586 69.0283C81.8762 69.3799 81.8938 69.8193 81.8938 70.3466C81.8938 70.6981 81.8938 71.1727 81.9113 71.7527L85.9715 68.9756C85.7079 68.3077 85.2509 67.7628 84.6181 67.3059C83.9854 66.8664 83.2823 66.6379 82.4914 66.6379C81.9816 66.6379 81.3841 66.5676 81.9817 66.2688C82.632 65.9876 83.212 65.7943 84.1611 65.6361C85.8661 65.3548 88.0631 64.7924 89.4165 63.9136C91.139 62.8063 92.053 61.2947 92.1409 59.3612C92.2112 57.8672 91.7718 56.6369 90.8402 55.6702C89.9438 54.7562 88.274 53.6137 85.1806 54.2289C84.5127 54.3519 83.5987 54.598 82.4738 54.9847L82.298 55.0374C80.8216 55.5471 79.8021 55.7756 79.187 55.758C78.4839 55.7229 77.9039 55.512 77.482 55.1253C77.025 54.721 76.7966 54.1762 76.8141 53.5434C76.8317 52.9985 77.0778 52.524 77.5348 52.1373C77.6051 52.0845 77.693 52.0142 77.7633 51.9791C77.9039 52.0494 78.0445 52.1197 78.1851 52.1724C78.1851 52.1724 78.2203 52.19 78.273 52.2076C78.3609 52.2427 78.4839 52.2779 78.6597 52.3482C78.9058 52.4361 79.1694 52.5064 79.4506 52.5767C79.5737 52.6118 79.6791 52.6294 79.8197 52.6646C79.8549 52.6646 79.8725 52.6821 79.9076 52.6821C80.9798 52.9458 82.4562 53.1743 84.0205 53.0513C84.0908 53.0513 84.1436 53.0513 84.2139 53.0337C84.3721 53.0161 84.5303 52.9985 84.6709 52.981C84.7588 52.981 84.8466 52.9634 84.9345 52.9458C88.9595 52.313 91.3675 50.4323 91.3675 47.4092C91.3675 45.2824 90.1196 43.5072 87.6061 42.4878C87.6061 42.4878 87.6061 42.4877 87.6413 42.4526C87.8698 42.1362 88.1686 41.9429 88.485 41.8199C89.2232 41.4332 90.4535 41.1871 92.1057 42.0483V38.6209C90.4887 38.3924 88.8541 39.447 87.4128 42.4174C86.4461 42.0483 85.286 41.7847 83.9502 41.6792H83.2647C77.9215 41.6792 75.2322 44.4212 75.2322 47.6025C75.2322 49.4832 75.9353 50.9948 77.6578 51.9088C76.7966 52.2427 76.1287 52.6997 75.6541 53.2798C75.0916 53.9477 74.8104 54.7562 74.7577 55.758C74.7225 56.4611 74.8456 57.1115 75.1092 57.6915C75.3201 58.1309 75.5838 58.5176 75.9353 58.8515C75.9353 58.8515 75.9529 58.8867 75.988 58.9042C76.0232 58.9394 76.0583 58.9746 76.0935 58.9921C76.1462 59.0449 76.2165 59.0976 76.2868 59.1503L76.6911 59.4667C76.9372 59.6249 77.2536 59.8007 77.6051 59.9413C79.433 60.6795 81.261 60.2928 82.6495 59.9589C84.2139 59.6073 85.2157 59.4315 85.6552 59.4667C86.4461 59.5019 87.0964 59.7303 87.5886 60.1698C88.0983 60.6268 88.3268 61.2068 88.2916 61.9098C88.2741 62.4899 88.0983 63.0347 87.7819 63.5445C86.9382 64.8275 82.7199 65.6361 82.175 65.8294C80.5755 66.4094 79.6615 67.1652 78.9761 68.1847C78.6069 68.6768 78.2554 69.3096 77.939 70.1005L77.9039 70.1708C77.9039 70.1708 77.8863 70.206 77.8863 70.2236C77.8512 70.3114 77.816 70.4169 77.7633 70.5751C77.7105 70.7333 77.6754 70.8387 77.6402 70.8915C77.359 71.5945 77.0251 72.2976 76.6384 73.0182C76.2517 73.7389 75.9002 74.3365 75.5838 74.811C75.2674 75.2856 74.9335 75.7602 74.5644 76.2172C74.2128 76.6742 73.9667 76.9729 73.8437 77.1136C73.7207 77.2542 73.6152 77.3596 73.5449 77.4299H75.9177V91.7373C75.9177 92.2821 75.8123 92.7215 75.6541 93.0379C75.4959 93.3543 75.285 93.5828 75.0389 93.6882C74.7928 93.7937 74.5468 93.864 74.3007 93.8992C74.0546 93.9343 73.8261 93.9695 73.6152 94.0046C73.4043 94.0398 73.2812 94.0925 73.2285 94.1804H83.3702C83.3175 94.0925 83.1944 94.0222 82.9835 94.0046C82.7726 93.9695 82.5441 93.9343 82.298 93.8992C82.052 93.864 81.8059 93.7937 81.5598 93.6882C81.3137 93.5828 81.1204 93.3719 80.9446 93.0379C80.7864 92.704 80.6986 92.2821 80.6986 91.7373V77.4299H84.9169V77.2014H80.5931C80.5052 76.5335 80.2767 75.4086 79.9252 73.8443L79.9955 73.8795ZM83.1417 41.855C84.706 41.855 86.0067 42.8569 86.0067 47.3916C86.0067 51.9264 84.706 52.9282 83.1417 52.9282C81.5774 52.9282 80.2064 51.9264 80.2064 47.3916C80.2064 42.8569 81.5774 41.855 83.1417 41.855Z fillblack/> path dM93.3187 67.2177C93.5472 67.1826 93.7405 67.2177 93.8987 67.3583C94.0393 67.4814 94.1623 67.7099 94.2326 68.0262C94.3029 68.3426 94.3557 68.6766 94.3733 69.0281C94.3908 69.3621 94.4084 69.8015 94.4084 70.3463C94.4084 70.6979 94.4084 71.1725 94.4084 71.7525L98.4686 68.9754C98.2049 68.3075 97.748 67.7626 97.1152 67.3056C96.4825 66.8662 95.7794 66.6377 94.9884 66.6377C93.969 66.6377 93.1078 66.8662 92.4047 67.3408C91.7016 67.8153 91.0689 68.7293 90.4889 70.1179C90.4889 70.1354 90.4713 70.1706 90.4537 70.1882C90.4537 70.2057 90.4537 70.2233 90.4537 70.2409C90.4185 70.3288 90.3658 70.4518 90.3131 70.5924C90.2603 70.7506 90.2252 70.8561 90.1901 70.9088C89.9088 71.6119 89.5749 72.3149 89.1882 73.0356C88.8015 73.7562 88.45 74.3538 88.1336 74.8284C87.8172 75.3029 87.4833 75.7775 87.1142 76.2345C86.7626 76.6915 86.5165 76.9903 86.3935 77.1309C86.2705 77.2715 86.165 77.377 86.0947 77.4473H88.4675V91.7546C88.4675 92.2995 88.3621 92.7389 88.2039 93.0553C88.0457 93.3716 87.8348 93.6001 87.5887 93.7056C87.3426 93.8111 87.0966 93.8814 86.8505 93.9165C86.6044 93.9517 86.3759 93.9868 86.165 94.022C85.9541 94.0571 85.831 94.1098 85.7783 94.1977H95.92C95.8673 94.1098 95.7442 94.0395 95.5333 94.022C95.3224 93.9868 95.0939 93.9517 94.8478 93.9165C94.6018 93.8814 94.3557 93.8111 94.1096 93.7056C93.8635 93.6001 93.6702 93.3892 93.4944 93.0553C93.3362 92.7213 93.2484 92.2995 93.2484 91.7546V77.4473H97.4667V77.2188H93.1429C93.055 76.5509 92.8265 75.426 92.475 73.8617C92.1235 72.2973 91.9477 71.1725 91.9477 70.5045C91.9477 68.4305 92.3871 67.3232 93.2835 67.2001 fillblack/> path dM108.363 93.9341C108.012 93.8813 107.66 93.8462 107.309 93.7935C106.957 93.7407 106.623 93.5474 106.324 93.2134C106.026 92.8619 105.885 92.3698 105.885 91.7194L105.85 66.3213C103.723 67.5692 102.229 68.4129 101.385 68.8875C101.368 68.8875 101.315 68.9226 101.227 68.9754C101.139 69.0281 101.087 69.0632 101.051 69.0808C100.928 69.1511 100.735 69.2566 100.507 69.362C100.278 69.4851 100.12 69.5554 100.05 69.5905C100.05 69.5905 99.6102 69.8015 98.9599 70.1003L100.348 71.7349C100.665 72.1216 100.858 72.4379 100.928 72.7016C100.999 72.9477 101.034 73.2465 101.051 73.598V76.2696V91.737C101.069 92.3873 100.928 92.8795 100.63 93.231C100.331 93.5825 100.014 93.7759 99.6454 93.811C99.2938 93.8638 98.9423 93.9165 98.5908 93.9692C98.2392 94.0219 98.0459 94.1274 97.9756 94.268H108.996C108.926 94.1098 108.715 94.0219 108.363 93.9692 fillblack/> path dM124.747 80.154C123.973 78.9236 122.971 78.0096 121.759 77.4296C120.546 76.8496 119.192 76.5508 117.698 76.5508C115.115 76.5508 112.97 77.3945 111.265 79.0818C109.56 80.7692 108.717 82.8783 108.717 85.4269C108.717 88.1337 109.543 90.3308 111.178 92.0006C112.812 93.6703 114.992 94.514 117.698 94.514C118.911 94.514 120.019 94.3383 121.038 93.9867C122.04 93.6352 122.848 93.1958 123.428 92.6861C124.026 92.1763 124.518 91.6139 124.922 90.9987C125.327 90.4011 125.608 89.8738 125.766 89.4168C125.924 88.9598 125.995 88.6083 125.995 88.3271C125.995 88.2568 125.977 88.1865 125.924 88.1337C125.872 88.081 125.819 88.0458 125.766 88.0458C125.696 88.0458 125.625 88.081 125.555 88.1689C125.485 88.2568 125.432 88.3446 125.379 88.4677C125.327 88.5907 125.221 88.7489 125.098 88.9598C124.958 89.1708 124.799 89.3641 124.624 89.5574C124.026 90.2078 123.341 90.6999 122.602 91.0339C121.846 91.3678 120.915 91.5436 119.772 91.5436C118.085 91.5436 116.626 90.9284 115.413 89.7156C114.201 88.4853 113.586 86.7803 113.533 84.5833H125.995C125.942 82.8783 125.538 81.4019 124.747 80.1716V80.154ZM121.179 84.4427H113.533C113.55 83.0893 113.744 81.8062 114.095 80.6285C114.447 79.4509 114.939 78.4842 115.572 77.7636C116.204 77.0254 116.925 76.6562 117.716 76.6562C118.876 76.6562 119.755 77.2714 120.335 78.4842C120.897 79.6618 121.179 81.5425 121.179 84.1263V84.4427Z fillblack/> path dM140.882 84.8118C140.354 84.4427 139.774 84.0911 139.106 83.7923C138.456 83.4759 137.771 83.2299 137.085 83.0365C136.382 82.8432 135.714 82.6323 135.064 82.4038C134.413 82.1753 133.816 81.9468 133.289 81.7359C132.761 81.5249 132.339 81.2261 132.041 80.8746C131.724 80.5231 131.566 80.1188 131.566 79.6618C131.566 78.8533 131.83 78.1678 132.357 77.6054C132.884 77.0605 133.57 76.7793 134.396 76.7793C134.958 76.7793 135.503 76.8671 136.013 77.0605C136.523 77.2363 136.944 77.4472 137.296 77.6932C137.63 77.9393 137.982 78.2557 138.333 78.6775C138.685 79.0994 138.948 79.4333 139.124 79.697C139.3 79.9606 139.511 80.3122 139.757 80.7516C139.95 81.0855 140.126 81.4195 140.284 81.771C140.442 82.1225 140.548 82.3686 140.618 82.4917C140.688 82.6147 140.759 82.685 140.864 82.685L141.11 78.0448C140.477 77.6405 139.581 77.289 138.421 76.9902C137.261 76.6914 136.118 76.5332 134.976 76.5332C132.814 76.5332 131.092 77.0429 129.791 78.0624C128.49 79.0818 127.84 80.2946 127.84 81.7007C127.84 82.4916 127.998 83.1947 128.314 83.8099C128.631 84.4251 129.053 84.9348 129.562 85.3215C130.09 85.7082 130.67 86.0597 131.338 86.3761C131.988 86.6924 132.673 86.9737 133.359 87.167C134.044 87.3779 134.73 87.6064 135.38 87.8525C136.031 88.0986 136.628 88.3446 137.155 88.5907C137.683 88.8368 138.087 89.1707 138.403 89.5574C138.72 89.9617 138.878 90.4187 138.878 90.9284C138.878 91.8775 138.562 92.6861 137.911 93.354C137.261 94.0219 136.347 94.3558 135.152 94.3558C134.519 94.3558 133.904 94.2328 133.324 93.9867C132.744 93.7406 132.252 93.4594 131.865 93.143C131.461 92.8267 131.074 92.3872 130.67 91.8599C130.265 91.3327 129.967 90.8757 129.756 90.489C129.545 90.1023 129.299 89.6453 129.035 89.1004C128.877 88.7665 128.719 88.4325 128.596 88.1161C128.473 87.7998 128.385 87.5889 128.332 87.501C128.279 87.4131 128.209 87.3779 128.086 87.3779L127.752 93.3715C130.002 94.1097 132.322 94.4789 134.73 94.4789C137.138 94.4789 138.983 93.934 140.442 92.8618C141.884 91.7896 142.604 90.2781 142.604 88.3095C142.604 87.5361 142.446 86.8506 142.13 86.253C141.813 85.6554 141.391 85.1633 140.882 84.7942 fillblack/> path dM99.488 38.7437C100.982 38.7437 102.212 37.5309 102.212 36.0369C102.212 34.5429 100.982 33.3301 99.488 33.3301C97.994 33.3301 96.7812 34.5604 96.7812 36.0369C96.7812 37.5133 98.0116 38.7437 99.488 38.7437Z fillblack/> path dM101.897 56.9V41.7314C99.9282 42.8915 98.4342 43.7352 97.4323 44.2976C97.3093 44.3679 97.2038 44.4207 97.0808 44.491C96.7117 44.6843 96.3777 44.8601 96.0789 45.0183C95.6571 45.2292 95.3055 45.3874 94.9892 45.528L96.3777 47.1626C96.6941 47.5317 96.8874 47.8481 96.9753 48.1117C97.0281 48.3051 97.0808 48.6039 97.0983 48.9906C97.0983 49.0609 97.0983 49.1312 97.0983 49.2015C97.0983 49.2718 97.0983 49.3421 97.0983 49.43V56.9176C97.0983 59.7826 94.3388 58.7631 94.0049 59.431H105.025C104.691 58.7456 101.932 59.7826 101.932 56.9176 fillblack/> /g> g idlogo-dots> path idlogo-dot-yellow dM84.1781 102.793C83.2992 101.914 81.8931 101.914 81.0143 102.793L77.4287 106.379C76.5498 107.257 76.5498 108.663 77.4287 109.542L81.0143 113.128C81.4537 113.567 82.0161 113.778 82.5962 113.778C83.1762 113.778 83.7387 113.567 84.1781 113.128L87.7637 109.542C88.1855 109.12 88.414 108.558 88.414 107.96C88.414 107.363 88.1855 106.8 87.7637 106.379L84.1781 102.793Z fill#FFD502/> path idlogo-dot-red dM101.036 106.379L97.4505 102.793C96.5717 101.914 95.1656 101.914 94.2867 102.793L90.7011 106.379C89.8223 107.257 89.8223 108.663 90.7011 109.542L94.2867 113.128C94.7262 113.567 95.2886 113.778 95.8686 113.778C96.4487 113.778 97.0111 113.567 97.4505 113.128L101.036 109.542C101.915 108.663 101.915 107.257 101.036 106.379Z fill#E20D1A/> path idlogo-dot-black dM70.9261 102.793C70.0473 101.914 68.6411 101.914 67.7623 102.793L64.1767 106.379C63.2979 107.257 63.2979 108.663 64.1767 109.542L67.7623 113.128C68.2017 113.567 68.7642 113.778 69.3442 113.778C69.9242 113.778 70.4867 113.567 70.9261 113.128L74.5117 109.542C75.3906 108.663 75.3906 107.257 74.5117 106.379L70.9261 102.793Z fillblack/> /g> g idlogo-sub> path dM110.527 129.561C111.072 129.878 111.494 130.3 111.81 130.827C112.126 131.354 112.285 131.952 112.285 132.585C112.285 133.217 112.126 133.815 111.81 134.36C111.494 134.905 111.072 135.327 110.527 135.625C109.982 135.924 109.384 136.082 108.734 136.082C108.084 136.082 107.504 135.924 106.959 135.625C106.414 135.309 105.975 134.887 105.658 134.36C105.342 133.833 105.184 133.235 105.184 132.585C105.184 131.934 105.342 131.354 105.658 130.827C105.975 130.3 106.396 129.878 106.959 129.561C107.504 129.245 108.101 129.087 108.734 129.087C109.367 129.087 109.982 129.245 110.527 129.561Z fillwhite/> path dM112.583 126.029C113.022 126.275 113.374 126.627 113.62 127.066C113.866 127.506 114.006 127.98 114.006 128.49C114.006 129 113.883 129.492 113.62 129.931C113.356 130.371 113.022 130.705 112.583 130.968C112.143 131.214 111.669 131.337 111.124 131.337C110.579 131.337 110.122 131.214 109.683 130.968C109.243 130.722 108.892 130.371 108.628 129.931C108.364 129.492 108.241 129.017 108.241 128.49C108.241 127.963 108.364 127.488 108.628 127.066C108.892 126.627 109.226 126.293 109.683 126.029C110.122 125.766 110.596 125.643 111.124 125.643C111.651 125.643 112.143 125.766 112.583 126.029ZM112.354 130.564C112.723 130.353 113.022 130.054 113.233 129.685C113.444 129.316 113.549 128.912 113.549 128.49C113.549 128.068 113.444 127.664 113.233 127.295C113.022 126.926 112.723 126.627 112.354 126.434C111.985 126.223 111.581 126.117 111.141 126.117C110.702 126.117 110.298 126.223 109.929 126.434C109.559 126.644 109.261 126.926 109.067 127.295C108.856 127.664 108.751 128.068 108.751 128.49C108.751 128.912 108.856 129.316 109.067 129.685C109.278 130.054 109.577 130.353 109.929 130.564C110.298 130.775 110.702 130.88 111.141 130.88C111.581 130.88 111.985 130.775 112.354 130.564ZM111.95 128.385C111.88 128.49 111.774 128.578 111.651 128.631C111.616 128.648 111.616 128.683 111.616 128.718L112.003 129.65V129.703C112.003 129.703 111.967 129.826 111.88 129.826H111.757C111.757 129.826 111.633 129.791 111.598 129.703L111.194 128.754C111.194 128.754 111.159 128.701 111.141 128.701H110.86C110.86 128.701 110.807 128.718 110.807 128.754V129.668C110.807 129.773 110.755 129.808 110.667 129.808H110.561C110.456 129.808 110.421 129.755 110.421 129.668V127.33C110.421 127.224 110.473 127.189 110.561 127.189H111.3C111.51 127.189 111.704 127.26 111.844 127.418C111.985 127.558 112.055 127.752 112.055 127.98C112.055 128.138 112.02 128.279 111.95 128.385ZM110.807 127.611V128.332C110.807 128.332 110.825 128.385 110.86 128.385H111.247C111.37 128.385 111.458 128.349 111.528 128.279C111.598 128.209 111.633 128.103 111.633 127.98C111.633 127.857 111.598 127.752 111.528 127.664C111.458 127.594 111.352 127.541 111.247 127.541H110.86C110.86 127.541 110.807 127.558 110.807 127.594 fillblack/> path dM68.2372 142.673H59.695C59.7477 142.568 59.8883 142.533 60.1168 142.533C61.3472 142.533 62.1381 142.181 62.1381 140.564V126.608C57.1464 127.979 56.9003 131.846 56.3203 131.846L56.9882 126.397H70.9616L71.6295 131.846C71.0495 131.846 70.8034 127.962 65.8117 126.608V140.564C65.8117 142.181 66.585 142.533 67.833 142.533C68.0439 142.533 68.1845 142.568 68.2548 142.673 fillblack/> path dM80.6984 141.022V134.044C80.6984 132.831 80.1711 131.794 79.0813 131.794C78.1673 131.794 77.3764 132.251 76.2691 133.007V141.022C76.2691 142.92 77.8158 142.235 78.0092 142.674H71.3477C71.541 142.235 73.0877 142.903 73.0877 141.022V129.123C73.0877 129.123 73.0877 129.07 73.0877 129.052C73.0877 128.789 73.0526 128.595 73.0174 128.472C72.9647 128.297 72.8241 128.086 72.6307 127.84L71.7167 126.767C71.9277 126.679 72.1562 126.574 72.4374 126.433C72.6307 126.328 72.8592 126.222 73.0877 126.082C73.158 126.047 73.2459 125.994 73.3162 125.959C73.9841 125.59 74.9684 125.027 76.2691 124.271V132.866C78.1322 131.706 79.2571 131.021 80.9796 131.021C82.5615 131.021 83.8797 131.935 83.8797 133.886V141.022C83.8797 142.92 85.4265 142.235 85.6198 142.674H78.9583C79.1516 142.235 80.6984 142.903 80.6984 141.022Z fillblack/> path dM92.7738 142.673H85.5146C85.7431 142.234 87.5535 142.902 87.5535 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100.894 131.003 103.847 131.003C105.429 131.003 107.099 131.477 107.89 131.97L107.732 135.046C107.521 135.046 107.486 134.589 106.993 133.762C106.361 132.708 105.412 131.144 103.461 131.144C102.353 131.144 101.58 131.97 101.58 133.024C101.58 135.538 108.857 134.536 108.857 138.772 fillblack/> /g> /svg> /a> p classfooter-description>Craftsmanship since 1974/p> /div> div classcol-navs col-12 col-md-auto py-md-3> div classrow> div classcol-12 col-single-nav col-md-4> h6>Our waffles/h6> ul classlist-unstyled> li> a href/products/pearl-sugar-waffle > Pearl sugar waffle /a> /li> li> a href/products/soft-egg-waffle > Soft egg waffle /a> /li> li> a href/products/traditional-butter-waffle > Traditional butter waffle /a> /li> li> a href/products/vanilla-waffle > Vanilla waffle /a> /li> /ul> /div> div classcol-12 col-single-nav col-md-4> h6>Our biscuits/h6> ul classlist-unstyled> li> a href/products/butter-crisp-waffles > Butter crisp waffles /a> /li> li> a href/products/crispy-galettes > Crispy 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