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HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 16620Connection: keep-aliveKeep-Alive: timeout15Date: Sat, 09 Mar 2024 21:05:10 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Thu, 27 Oct 2011 21:50:00 GMTETag: html>html>head>meta namedescription contentBeachfront Condo in New Smyrna Beach Florida. Near Daytona and Bikeweek, Daytona 500, Speed Week, Spring Break.>meta namekeywords contentFlorida condo for rent, Florida beach vacation, New Smyrna Beach, vacation condo,Daytona Beach, Daytona Beach Condo, New Smyrna Beach Condo, florida beachfront, Florida Oceanfront vacation, beach vacation, Cruise Rental>meta nameGENERATOR contentMicrosoft FrontPage 6.0>!--// condo for rent, timeshare, timeshare rent, vacation, beach vacation, vacation condo, puerto vallarta, condo, beach, paradise, for rent, sunny, Mexico, shopping, mexican, mexican vacation, spanish vacation, beach vacation, white sand, palm tree, night club, tequilia, booze cruise, snorkle, scuba, waves, surf, boogie board, golf, tropical, iguana, beer, mountains, waterfall, aztec, spa, fresh fruit, tropical, silver, deep sea fishing, boat //-->meta NAMErating CONTENTGeneral>meta NAMErevisit-after CONTENT3 days>meta NAMEROBOTS CONTENTindex, follow>META HTTP-EQUIVCACHE-CONTROL CONTENTNO-CACHE>meta NAMEAuthor CONTENTBeachfront Condo>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252>title>New Smyrna Beach Condo | Near Daytona Beach | Beachfront Condo/title>STYLE typetext/css> !-- a:link {text-decoration : underline;} a:active {text-decoration : underline;} a:visited {text-decoration : underline;} a:hover {text-decoration : none; color : red; background-color : #FFEDA6;} -->/STYLE>base target_self>script languageJavaScript>!--function FP_swapImg() {//v1.0 var docdocument,argsarguments,elm,n; doc.$imgSwapsnew Array(); for(n2; nargs.length; n+2) { elmFP_getObjectByID(argsn); if(elm) { doc.$imgSwapsdoc.$imgSwaps.lengthelm; elm.$srcelm.src; elm.srcargsn+1; } }}function FP_preloadImgs() {//v1.0 var ddocument,aarguments; if(!d.FP_imgs) d.FP_imgsnew Array(); for(var i0; ia.length; i++) { d.FP_imgsinew Image; d.FP_imgsi.srcai; }}function FP_getObjectByID(id,o) {//v1.0 var c,el,els,f,m,n; if(!o)odocument; if(o.getElementById) elo.getElementById(id); else if(o.
Port 443
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