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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 06:08:11 GMTServer: ApacheLocation: 234Content-Type: text/html; charsetiso-8859-1 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN>html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>h1>Moved Permanently/h1>p>The document has moved a href>here/a>./p>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 06:08:11 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Wed, 28 Dec 2022 03:21:08 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 19316Vary: Accept-Encodinghost-header: c2hhcmVkLmJsdWVob3N0LmNvbQContent-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN >html xmlns xml:lang{!$Language} lang{!$Language} >head> title>Barrette Salon/title> meta namekeywords contentboutique salon, Vancouver, Downtown Vancouver, finesse, Lance Sandover, colorist, Ryan Palmer /> meta namedescription contentBarrette is an independent boutique salon in Vancouver that brings together the styling talent of Lance Sandover and the colour finesse of Ryan Palmer. /> link relstylesheet href/style/master.css typetext/css /> !--if IE> link relstylesheet href/style/ie.css typetext/css /> !EndIf--> script typetext/javascript src/scripts/mootools-core.js>/script> script typetext/javascript src/scripts/mootools-more.js>/script> script typetext/javascript src/scripts/master.js>/script> link relshortcut icon href/images/favicon.ico /> !-- Google Analytics go here --> script typetext/javascript> var _gaq _gaq || ; _gaq.push(_setAccount, UA-26802073-1); _gaq.push(_trackPageview); (function() { var ga document.createElement(script); ga.type text/javascript; ga.async true; ga.src (https: document.location.protocol ? https://ssl : http://www) +; var s document.getElementsByTagName(script)0; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); /script> /head> body onscrollcheckPositioning();>script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs d.getElementsByTagName(s)0; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js d.createElement(s); id; js.src //; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, script, facebook-jssdk));/script>div classheader>/div>script src typetext/javascript>/script>div idpageContent classpageContent styleoverflow:hidden;> div classsite_nav> div idaboutNavElement classnavElementActive onclickJumpToAboutPage(); onmouseoverif (this.classNamenavElementActive) this.classNamenavElementActive navActiveMouseOver; else this.classNamenavElement navActiveMouseOver; onmouseoutif ((this.classNamenavElementActive navActiveMouseOver) || this.classNamenavElementActive) this.classNamenavElementActive; else this.classNamenavElement; >WELCOME/div> div idstylistNavElement classnavElement onclickJumpToStylists(); onmouseoverif (this.classNamenavElementActive) this.classNamenavElementActive navActiveMouseOver; else this.classNamenavElement navActiveMouseOver; onmouseoutif ((this.classNamenavElementActive navActiveMouseOver) || this.classNamenavElementActive) this.classNamenavElementActive; else this.classNamenavElement;>STYLISTS/div> div idservicesNavElement classnavElement onclickJumpToServices(); onmouseoverif (this.classNamenavElementActive) this.classNamenavElementActive navActiveMouseOver; else this.classNamenavElement navActiveMouseOver; onmouseoutif ((this.classNamenavElementActive navActiveMouseOver) || this.classNamenavElementActive) this.classNamenavElementActive; else this.classNamenavElement;>SERVICES/div> div idhoursNavElement classnavElement onclickJumpToHours(); onmouseoverif (this.classNamenavElementActive) this.classNamenavElementActive navActiveMouseOver; else this.classNamenavElement navActiveMouseOver; onmouseoutif ((this.classNamenavElementActive navActiveMouseOver) || this.classNamenavElementActive) this.classNamenavElementActive; else this.classNamenavElement;>HOURS & CONTACT/div> div idproductsNavElement classnavElement (,_blank,false); onmouseoverif (this.classNamenavElementActive) this.classNamenavElementActive navActiveMouseOver; else this.classNamenavElement navActiveMouseOver; onmouseoutif ((this.classNamenavElementActive navActiveMouseOver) || this.classNamenavElementActive) this.classNamenavElementActive; else this.classNamenavElement;>BOOK ONLINE/div> div idproductsNavElement classnavElement (,_blank,false); onmouseoverif (this.classNamenavElementActive) this.classNamenavElementActive navActiveMouseOver; else this.classNamenavElement navActiveMouseOver; onmouseoutif ((this.classNamenavElementActive navActiveMouseOver) || this.classNamenavElementActive) this.classNamenavElementActive; else this.classNamenavElement;>GET THE APP/div> !-- div idproductsNavElement classnavElement onclickJumpToProducts(); onmouseoverif (this.classNamenavElementActive) this.classNamenavElementActive navActiveMouseOver; else this.classNamenavElement navActiveMouseOver; onmouseoutif ((this.classNamenavElementActive navActiveMouseOver) || this.classNamenavElementActive) this.classNamenavElementActive; else this.classNamenavElement;>PRODUCTS/div> --> /div> div classcontent> div idaboutContent classsectionTitle> h3 stylefont-family:Helvetica; font-size:24px; color:#333333; float:left; margin-top:45px; >welcome/h3> ul stylefloat:right; margin-top:20px;> li styledisplay: inline-block; list-style:none;>a href target_blank>img srcimages/mind-body.png altGet the mindbody online app to book appointments on your mobile device />/a>/li> li styledisplay: inline-block; list-style:none;>a href target_blank>img srcimages/social-icons/facebook.png/>/a>/li> li styledisplay: inline-block; list-style:none;>a href target_blank>img srcimages/social-icons/yelp.png/>/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classsectionContent> table width535 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td>img src/images/salon1a.jpg altSalon 1 width265 height177 classsalonImage/>/td> td>img src/images/salon2a.jpg altSalon 1 width265 height177 classsalonImage/>/td> /tr> tr> td>img src/images/salon3a.jpg altSalon 1 width265 height177 classsalonImage/>/td> td>img src/images/salon4a.jpg altSalon 1 width265 height177 classsalonImage/>/td> /tr>/table> Barrette is an independent boutique salon in Vancouver that brings together the styling talent of Lance Sandover and the colour finesse of Ryan Palmer. br/> br/> If youre looking for a great cut, colour and a styled finish, youve just found it... h3 stylefont-family:Helvetica; font-size:24px; color:#333333; float:left; margin-top:60px; >the feed/h3> div classfb-like data-href data-sendfalse data-width450 data-show-facesfalse data-actionrecommend data-fontarial>/div>/div> div idstylistContent classsectionTitle> stylists /div> div classsectionContent styleborder-bottom:0px;> div classstaff> div classstaffmember> img src/images/BAR_lance.png classphoto/> div classname> lance sandover /div> div classspeciality> STYLE DIRECTOR /div> div classbio>a hrefmailto:>> /div> div classbio> p> Lance has more than 15 years of experience in the hair & fashion industry. Lance trained at Toni & Guy, one of the worlds largest hairdressing brands and respected educators, starting as an apprentice and ending as Director of Education. /p> p> Lance has won several North American hairdressing awards and credits for fashion and television shows in both North America and Europe. As one of Vancouvers in-demand stylists, Lances appreciation for the lighter side of life creates a fun and relaxed experience for each of his clients. /p> /div> /div> div classstaffmember lastStaffMember> img src/images/BAR_ryan.png width258 height388 classphoto/> div classname> ryan palmer /div> div classspeciality> SENIOR COLOURIST /div> div classbio>a hrefmailto:>> /div> div classbio> p> Ryan Palmer is a colour specialist with more than 12 years of industry experience. Ryan trained at Toni & Guy, and spent three years working for the salon after graduating. /p> p> For the next seven years he was with Sukis, a salon that is consistently voted the best in Vancouver. Ryan was able to sharpen his skills at Sukis by working alongside some of the most talented colourists and stylists in Vancouver. /p> p> Ryan prefers to take an intuitive approach to hair colouring, using his feel for each persons personality as a guide rather than merely suggesting the latest trend. With a passion for clean, classic and natural looking work, Ryan has gained a loyal following of clients wanting a consistent result every time. /p> /div> /div> /div> !-- div styleclear:left>/div> div classstaffmember> img src/images/daniel.jpg width258 height388 classphoto/> div classname> /div> div classspeciality> /div> div classbio>a hrefmailto:>> /div> div classbio> /div> /div> div classstaffmember lastStaffMember> img src/images/aly.jpg classphoto/> div classname> ali rasmussen /div> div classspeciality> STYLIST /div> div classbio>a hrefmailto:>> /div> div classbio> p>Ali is a specialty stylist with over 12 years experience in the Vancouver hair industry. A VCC graduate, Ali continued at the prestigious Toni & Guy Vancouver learning an array of skills from some of the best in the world. Never one to be left behind. Ali is inspired by knowledge and is always moving forward with her education./p> P>Ali attends a number of classes including, cutting techniques, barbering, specialty styling, extensions, and avant garde classes. She participates in high end fashion shows and avant garde charity events./P> P>A world traveler with many interesting things to talk about. She is social and sweet, as well as an extremely gifted stylist. You could say Ali is the full package./P> /div> /div> /div> --> div styleclear:left>/div> div idservicesContent classsectionTitle> services /div> div classsectionContent> div classservices> div classtitle> CUTS /div> div classprice> $ 40 + /div> div classservice_description> Mens cut /div> div styleclear:left>/div> div classprice> $ 65 + /div> div classservice_description> Womens cut /div> div styleclear:left>/div> div classprice> $ 40 + /div> div classservice_description> Blow-dry & style /div> div styleclear:left>/div> div classprice> $ 65 + /div> div classservice_description> Updo & specilaty style /div> div styleclear:left>/div> div classservice_separator>/div> div classtitle> COLOUR* /div> div classprice> $ 80 + /div> div classservice_description> Tint / retouch /div> div styleclear:left>/div> div classprice> $ 90 + /div> div classservice_description> All-over colour /div> div styleclear:left>/div> div classprice> $ 95 + /div> div classservice_description> Highlight (partial) /div> div styleclear:left>/div> div classprice> $ 120 + /div> div classservice_description> Half-head highlights /div> div styleclear:left>/div> div classprice> $ 150 + /div> div classservice_description> Full-head highlights /div> div styleclear:left>/div> div classprice> $ 120 + /div> div classservice_description> Bleach / tone /div> div styleclear:left>/div> div classprice> By Consultation /div> div classservice_description> Balayage / creative colour /div> div styleclear:left>/div> div classprice> $ 100 + / hour /div> div classservice_description> Color correction /div> div styleclear:left>/div> div classprice> $ 35 + /div> div classservice_description> Toner /div> div styleclear:left>/div> div classservice_separator>/div> div classsec_service> div classtitle> TREATMENTS/div> div classdesc> $ 25 + /div> /div> div classservice_separator>/div> div classfootnote> * All colour prices are an approximate average and the full cost depends on thickness and length of hair. /div> /div> div styleclear:left>/div> /div> div idhoursContent classsectionTitle> hours & contact /div> div classsectionContent> div classhours> div classtitle>HOURS/div> div classinfo> Barrette is open Tuesday to Saturday from 10 – 7. br/> We are closed on Sunday and Monday. /div> div classservice_separator>/div> div classtitle>LOCATION/div> div classinfo> Barrette is located in the heart of downtown at the intersection of Drake and Hornby Streets. /div> div classservice_separator>/div> div idmap_canvas stylewidth: 537px;height: 250px;>/div> 1318 Hornby Street br/> Vancouver, British Columbia br/> V6Z 0C5 div classservice_separator>/div> div classtitle>CONTACT/div> div classinfo> Call us (604) 681 1797 /div> div classcontact_boxes> div classcontactMethod> div classtitle>CONTACT/div> div classinfo stylepadding-top:4px;> Call us (604) 681 1797 /div> /div> div classcontactMethod> div classtitle>CONNECT/div> div classinfo> div stylefloat:left;padding-top:4px;> a href target_blank> Visit our facebook page /a> /div> div stylefloat:left;margin-left:5px;> a href target_blank>img src/images/fb_icon.png />/a> /div> div styleclear:left>/div> /div> /div> div styleclear:left>/div> div classbox> a>CONTACT VIA EMAIL/a> /div> div classbox> a href target_blank>BOOK AN APPOINTMENT ONLINE/a> /div> div styleclear:left>/div> /div> /div> /div> !-- div idproductsContent classsectionTitle stylemargin-bottom:15px;> products /div> div classsectionContent no-mb> img src/images/BAR_product.png classproductImages> div classproducts_capt> Barrette is proud to carry the Kevin Murphy professional line of hair care and styling products. All Kevin Murphy products are made using pure essential oils, plant extracts and natural antioxidants and are known for to provide performance, strength and longevity, while remaining weightless. Kevin Murphy products are not tested on animals. /div> /div> --> div styleclear:both>/div> div styleheight:300px; margin-top:100px;> img src/images/BAR_roof.png classcredits /> div classcopyright>COPYRIGHT @?php echo date(Y); ?> BARRETTE SALON | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED/div> /div>/div> div styleclear:left>/div> script languagejavascript> if(navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)){ document.getElementById(pageContent).style.height 5600px; } if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) { var map new GMap2(document.getElementById(map_canvas)); map.setCenter(new GLatLng(49.277120, -123.130096), 15); var point new GLatLng(49.277120, -123.130096); map.addOverlay(new GMarker(point)); map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl()); } /script>/body>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript>google.load(feeds, 1);/script>style> #fb-feed { width:100%; margin:0px; padding:0px; margin-top:30px; border-bottom:2px solid #333333; border-top:2px solid #333333; } #fb-feed li img { float: left; } #fb-feed li { display: block; clear:both; min-height:100px; padding:10px; } #fb-feed li:nth-child(odd) { background: #d6d6d6; } .fb-like { margin:0px !important; } .clear_grenade {*zoom: 1;} .clear_grenade:before, .clear_grenade:after { content: ; display: table; } .clear_grenade:after {clear: both;}/style>script> var feed new google.feeds.Feed(; feed.load(function(data) { //console.log(data); entries data.feed.entries; counter 0; entries.forEach(function(content) { if(counter 2){ feed document.getElementById(fb-feed); feed.innerHTML feed.innerHTML + li>+content.content+div classclear_grenade>/div>/li>; } else { return false; } counter counter+1; }); }); /script> /html>
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