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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 21:01:04 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 79895Connection: keep-aliveServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Sun, 26 Nov 2023 20:16:16 GMTETag: 13817-60b13db958d1cAccept-Ranges: bytesCache-Control: max-age3600Expires: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 22:01:04 GMTAge: 0 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN>!-- saved from url(0143) -->HTML>HEAD>TITLE>Bedonnas Performance Horses/TITLE>META http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252>META contentBedonnas Performace Horses offers quarter horses, paint horses, and foundation horses for sale. Standing quarter horse stallions and paint horse stallions. Member aqha apha nfqha nfqr. namedescription>META contentbedonna, quarter, quarter horse, paint, paint horse, foundation quarter horse, horses, horse, stallion, stud, aqha, pinto, breed namekeywords>LINK hrefbedonna.jpg typetext/css relstylesheet>META contentMicrosoft FrontPage 12.0 nameGENERATOR>meta nameMicrosoft Border contenttl>style typetext/css>.style8 { font-size: large;}.style11 { color: #000000;}.style14 { font-size: small;}.style15 { font-size: small; font-weight: bold; color: #0000FF;}.style17 { font-size: medium;}.style18 { color: #1486A3; font-size: xx-large;}.style24 { color: #1486A3; font-size: x-large; font-family: Monotype Corsiva;}.style5 { color: #FF0000;}.style70 { color: #1486A3;}.style72 { font-size: medium; font-weight: bold;}.style23 { color: #1A8AA8;}.style110 { color: #FF0000; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;}.style22 { font-weight: normal;}.style66 { font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;}.style102 { font-size: xx-small;}.style13 { color: 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font-family: Monotype Corsiva;}.style353 { color: #2091AE; text-align: center; font-style: italic;}.style355 { color: #2091AE; text-align: center;}.style357 { color: #2091AE; text-align: center; font-family: Times New Roman, Times, serif;}.style358 { font-weight: bold; font-family: Times New Roman, Times, serif;}.style364 { text-align: center; font-family: verdana; font-size: x-small; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;}.style365 { font-size: x-large; font-family: Times New Roman; color: #2091AE;}.style366 { text-align: left; font-family: verdana; font-size: x-small; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;}.style367 { font-family: Monotype Corsiva; font-size: small;}.style368 { font-family: Microsoft YaHei UI; font-size: medium; color: #FF0000;}.style369 { font-style: italic;}.style370 { font-family: Monotype Corsiva; font-size: x-large; color: #2091AE;}/style>/HEAD>BODY bgcolor#F0E7E0 leftmargin0 topmargin0>SPAN>P classstyle146> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>P styleMARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle284> strong>em>Bedonnas Stallion Station and Performance Horses/em>/strong>/P> P styleMARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle283> /P> P styleMARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> FONT color#ab588d> IMG srcimages/welcomep.jpg border0 width152 height31>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182>Youve reached the internet home of STRONG>br> br> /STRONG> /font> span classstyle143> STRONG> Bedonnas Stallion Station and /STRONG>/span>/P> P classstyle285> All Breed Equine Breeding Services/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> FONT color#ab588d> span classstyle144>strong>Links: /strong> a hrefForSaleNewDesign.htm classstyle17>For Sale/a>/span>span classstyle157> /span> span classstyle144> span classstyle145>span classstyle157> /span> /span> a hrefstallions.htm classstyle17>Stallions at Stud/a>span classstyle145>span classstyle157> /span> /span> a hrefBreedingContractsLinksPage.htm classstyle17>Breeding Contracts/a>span classstyle145>span classstyle157> a hrefAllBreedEquineBreedingServices.htm>Breeding Services/a>br> /span>/span>/span>strong> span classstyle33>span classstyle4> span classstyle32>span classstyle222> a hrefBroodmaresPage-Rebuilt.htm>Ranch Broodmares/Mares for sale/a>/span>/span>span classstyle154>span classstyle222> /span>/span>span classstyle35>span classstyle215>span classstyle221> /span>/span>/span>/span>/span>span classstyle221>a classstyle17 href2013Foals.htm> /a> a hrefForSaleStallions&StallionProspects.htm> Stallions For Sale/a>br> /span>/strong>/font> /P>P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> strong>span classstyle280>a href2021Foals.htm>2021 Foals for sale/a> a href2022Foals.htm>2022 Foals for sale/a> a href2023Foals.htm>2023 Foals for sale/a>/span>/strong>/span>/P>P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> /P> p aligncenter> span classstyle212> /span>span classstyle54>a hrefFreezeBranding.htm>FREEZE BRANDING Services/a>/span>span classstyle212> a hrefRainbowAcresRetiredHorses.htm>Rainbow Acres retired horses/a> /span>a hrefInformationPage.htm>span classstyle195>Information & Transport/span>/a>/p> p aligncenter>a hrefPaymentPlanTermsOfSales.htm> Payment Plan and TERMS of SALES/a>/p> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> br> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> FONT color#ab588d> strong> span classstyle221> a hrefHappyCustomers.htm>Happy Customers/a> a hrefPONIES.htm>PONY Stallions & Mares/a>/span>/strong>/font>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> strong>span classstyle14>580-471-4040 /span> a More Info about your Horses classstyle14>>span classstyle14> Snyder, OK, 73566/span>/strong>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> FONT color#ab588d> img srcfence.gif width583 height33 classstyle238>/font>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>FONT color#ab588d>img srcfence.gif width583 height33 classstyle238>/font>/span>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> /P>P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> /P>P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> strong>br> /strong>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> FONT color#ab588d> img srcfence.gif width583 height33 classstyle238>/font>/P>P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> img srcStallionHeadBanner-600web.jpg width600 height140 classstyle167>/span>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> /P> P classstyle287> strong> span classstyle8>span classstyle150>em>Stallions at the Ranch /em>/span>/span>/strong> /P>table stylewidth: 100%> tr> td>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> span classstyle109> strong>span classstyle210> i> span classstyle66> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; aligncenter classstyle5> Standing At Stud/p> /span> span classstyle247> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; aligncenter> span classstyle315>IVORY KINGbr> /span> /span> /i> span classstyle263> span classstyle312> Champion Race ApHC Stallionbr> a hrefIvoryKingApHCstallion.htm> img srcIvoryKing22419LSwf2sm.jpg width300 height256 classstyle167>/a>/span>/span>strong>em>font faceMonotype Corsiva>span classstyle24>span classstyle66>span classstyle5>span classstyle54>span classstyle22>span classstyle53>i>img srcFutureFortunesBrandColor.jpg width69 height100 classstyle14>/i>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/font>/em>/strong>span classstyle247>span classstyle312>br> /span> span classstyle311>Sire- Ivory James AQHA si 103br> by Corona Cartel si 97, Leading> Dam- Sure Nuff Fast ApHC si 94br> ApHC Hall Of Fame/span>/p> /span> p aligncenter classstyle208> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>i> em>span classstyle24> font faceMonotype Corsiva> strong>span classstyle91> span classstyle66> span classstyle5> span classstyle54> span classstyle22> span classstyle53> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> span classstyle343> font faceTimes New Roman size4 classstyle57> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle335> img srcfence-short.gif width369 height33>/span>/font>/font>/span>/font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/strong>/font>/span>/em>/i>/span> /p> p aligncenter classstyle208> /p> p aligncenter classstyle208> /span>/strong>/span>/span>/p> p aligncenter classstyle208> /p> /td> td classstyle182> div classstyle182> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> span classstyle109>strong> span classstyle247> i> span classstyle54> span classstyle248> span classstyle144> span classstyle190> span classstyle53> span classstyle24>em>span classstyle5> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle66> span classstyle22> Standing At Studbr> /span> /span>/font> /span> /em> /span> /span> /span> /span>/span> /span> span classstyle248> span classstyle145> span classstyle365> A Streak Of Lawbr> /span> /span>/span> span classstyle247> span classstyle8> span classstyle251> span classstyle331> AQHA Homozygous Roan Stallion/span>span classstyle24>font faceMonotype Corsiva>br> span classstyle55> FONT COLOR#AB588D FACEverdana> span classstyle62> a hrefAStreakOfLaw(HomozygousRoan).htm> img srcLawMan101121RRwf.jpg width350 height310 classstyle369>/a>/span>/font>span classstyle53>span classstyle210>em>span classstyle66>span classstyle5>span classstyle22>img srcFutureFortunesBrandColor.jpg width69 height100 classstyle14>/span>/span>/span>/em>/span>/span>br> /span>/font>/span> span classstyle55> span classstyle332> AQHA Son of A STREAK OF FLINGbr> Race bred Top and> Homozygous Roanbr> Homozygous Black, EE Aa RNRN./span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/i>span classstyle247>/div> p aligncenter classstyle250> /p> /span>i> span classstyle53> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle66> span classstyle32> span classstyle308>span classstyle5> span classstyle24>span classstyle309>p aligncenter> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>i> em>span classstyle24> font faceMonotype Corsiva> strong>span classstyle91> span classstyle66> span classstyle5> span classstyle54> span classstyle22> span classstyle53> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> span classstyle343> font faceTimes New Roman size4 classstyle57> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle335> img srcfence-short.gif width369 height33>/span>/font>/font>/span>/font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/strong>/font>/span>/em>/i>/span> p aligncenter> p aligncenter> /span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/font>/span>/i>/strong>/span>/span>/td> td classstyle182> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> span classstyle66>i> span classstyle24> font faceMonotype Corsiva> strong>span classstyle91> span classstyle5> span classstyle54> span classstyle22> span classstyle53> font faceMonotype Corsiva SIZE2> FONT SIZE2> span classstyle17> p aligncenter classstyle357> p aligncenter classstyle357> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> span classstyle109>strong> i> span classstyle54> span classstyle247> span classstyle248> span classstyle144> span classstyle190> span classstyle53> span classstyle24>em>span classstyle5> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle66> span classstyle22> Standing At Stud/span>/span>/font>/span>/em>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/i>/strong>/span>/span>/span>/font>span classstyle8>p aligncenter classstyle357> DASHIN MONEY PERKS/span>FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana>span classstyle14>span classstyle157>p aligncenter classstyle190> 2018 Black AQHA coltbr> "Blackie" EEaa Homozygous Black/span>/span>span classstyle32>/span>p aligncenter classstyle318> span classstyle311> a hrefDashinMoneyPerks(Blackie).htm> img srcLitlBlackie121621LSwf.jpg width350 height296 classstyle349>/a>/span>span classstyle8>span classstyle251>font faceMonotype Corsiva>span classstyle55>span classstyle109>span classstyle210>em>img srcFutureFortunesBrandColor.jpg width69 height100 classstyle14>/em>/span>/span>/span>/font>/span>/span>span classstyle311>p aligncenter classstyle355> Photo as a 3 yr oldp aligncenter classstyle318> span classstyle190>(Click Photo for more info)br> Sire- The Shady Moneybr> Dam- Granddaughter of Dash For Perks/span>/span>/font>/font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/strong>/font>/span>/i>/span>span classstyle190>span classstyle211>span classstyle14>br>i> em>span classstyle24> font faceMonotype Corsiva> strong>span classstyle91> span classstyle66> span classstyle5> span classstyle54> span classstyle22> span classstyle53> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> span classstyle343> font faceTimes New Roman size4 classstyle57> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle335> img srcfence-short.gif width369 height33>/span>/font>/font>/span>/font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/strong>/font>/span>/em>/i>/span>/span>/span>/span>/td> td> /td> /tr>/table>table stylewidth: 100%> tr> td classstyle182 stylewidth: 434px> div classstyle182> i> span classstyle22> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> em> font faceMonotype Corsiva> strong> span classstyle53> span classstyle66> span classstyle24> span classstyle5> span classstyle48> p classstyle311> span classstyle5>Standing at Stud br> /span>COLONEL SPARK OLENAbr> 2018 AQHA Blue Roan stallionbr> Homozygous for Roan &Blackp classstyle311> em>span classstyle27> a hrefColonelSparkOlena-HomozygousBlueRoan.htm> img srcColonel101121-A-700.jpg width300 height254 classstyle167>/a>/span>/em>br> span classstyle130>(photo at just 3 yrs old)/span>p> span classstyle324>This colt has bloodlines of:br> Colonel Frecklesbr> Blue Spark OLenabr> Shining Sparkbr> Smart Little Lenabr> Doc Barbr> (and NO Blue> or Hancock!)/span>/span>/span>/span>span classstyle32>p> span classstyle54> span classstyle246> font size4> (click picture)/font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/strong>/font>/em>/span>p classstyle330> em> span classstyle5> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>span classstyle272> span classstyle236>span classstyle324> strong>br> /strong> /span> /span> /span> /span> /span>/p> /em> /span> /i> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> strong>/div> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; aligncenter> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>i> em>span classstyle24> font faceMonotype Corsiva> strong>span classstyle91> span classstyle66> span classstyle5> span classstyle54> span classstyle22> span classstyle53> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> span classstyle343> font faceTimes New Roman size4 classstyle57> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle335> img srcfence-short.gif width369 height33>/span>/font>/font>/span>/font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/strong>/font>/span>/em>/i>/span>span classstyle210>span classstyle247>span classstyle311>br> /span>/p> /span> p aligncenter classstyle208> /p> p aligncenter classstyle208> /p> p aligncenter classstyle208> /p> /span>/strong> /span> /td> td classstyle323 stylewidth: 180px> div classstyle182> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> strong> span classstyle190> span classstyle53> span classstyle24>em>span classstyle5> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle66> span classstyle22> Standing At Studbr> /span> /span>/font> /span> /em> /span> /span> /span> /strong>span classstyle109>strong> span classstyle53> span classstyle251> span classstyle54> span classstyle211> span classstyle14>br>i> em>span classstyle24> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle91> span classstyle66> span classstyle5> span classstyle22> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> span classstyle343> font faceTimes New Roman size4 classstyle57> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle335> img srcfence-short.gif width369 height33>/span>/font>/font>/span>/font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/font>/span>/em>/i>/span>/span>/div> p classstyle317>span classstyle5> span classstyle300>span classstyle66> font faceMonotype Corsiva>span classstyle24> span classstyle240>span classstyle91>br> /span> /span>/span>/font>/span> /span> /span>/p> /span>/span> span classstyle5> span classstyle300> span classstyle66> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle24> span classstyle247> p aligncenter> br> /span>/span>/font>/span> /span> span classstyle66> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle24> span classstyle247> p aligncenter> /span>/span>/font>/span>/span>/span>/strong>/span>/span>/td> td classstyle182 stylewidth: 10px> span classstyle66> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>i> span classstyle24> font faceMonotype Corsiva> strong>span classstyle91> span classstyle5> span classstyle54> span classstyle22> span classstyle53> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> p classstyle366> At Studbr> /span>/span> /span>/span> span classstyle32> span classstyle370> Shiny Topsail Dunit/p> p classstyle366> 2020 AQHA Cremello Dun/span>/span>span classstyle5>span classstyle24>br> a hrefShinyTopsailDunit(Twist).htm> img srcTwist51922.jpg width350 height287 classstyle349>/a>br> span classstyle367> (Click photo for more info)/span>span classstyle24>span classstyle5>br> br> /span>/span> /span> /span> /font>/span>/span> /strong> /font> /i>/span> /p> /span> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> i> strong> span classstyle54> span classstyle8> span classstyle251> span classstyle55> span classstyle332> br> em>span classstyle24> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle91> span classstyle66> span classstyle5> span classstyle22> span classstyle53> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> span classstyle343> font faceTimes New Roman size4 classstyle57> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle335> img srcfence-short.gif width369 height33>/span>/font>/font>/span>/font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/font>/span>/em>br> br> /span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/strong>/i>/span>br> /td> /tr> tr> td classstyle182 stylewidth: 434px> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle91> span classstyle66> span classstyle54> span classstyle22> span classstyle53> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> strong> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0 classstyle182> span classstyle369> span classstyle368> At Studbr> /span> /span> /p> /strong> /font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/font> span classstyle246> span classstyle210> p aligncenter classstyle208> /p> p aligncenter classstyle208> /p> p aligncenter classstyle208> /p> span classstyle145>span classstyle14> br> /span>/span> /span> /span> /strong> i> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle24> span classstyle91> span classstyle66> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> span classstyle5>span classstyle145> span classstyle14>span classstyle157> span classstyle195>br> /span>/span> /span> /span> em> span classstyle5> span classstyle24> span classstyle251> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle335> span classstyle343> img srcfence-short.gif width369 height33>/span>/span>/font>/span>/span>/span>/em>/span>/font>/span>/span>/span>/strong>/font>/i>/span>/td> td classstyle182 stylewidth: 180px> span classstyle109>strong> span classstyle53> span classstyle251> span classstyle54> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> span classstyle190> span classstyle211> span classstyle14>br> /span>/span>/span>/span> /span>/span>/span>/strong>/span> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>i> span classstyle24> font faceMonotype Corsiva> strong>span classstyle91> span classstyle66> span classstyle5> span classstyle54> span classstyle22> span classstyle53> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> font faceTimes New Roman size4 classstyle57> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle343> em> span classstyle335> br> /span>/em>At Studbr> br> em>span classstyle343>br> br> img srcfence-short.gif width369 height33>/span>/span>/font>/font>/font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/strong>/font>/span>/i>/span>/td> td classstyle182 stylewidth: 10px> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> strong> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle91> span classstyle66> span classstyle54> span classstyle22> span classstyle53> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana>i> span classstyle5> span classstyle352> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0 classstyle182> /span> span classstyle347>span classstyle145> span classstyle24>br> /span> /span> /span> /span> /i> /p> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0 classstyle182> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> span classstyle190> strong> span classstyle53> span classstyle109> span classstyle188> span classstyle209> em>span classstyle24> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle5> span classstyle66> span classstyle22> span classstyle247> img srcForsale_banners_2x6.jpg width129 height46 classstyle167>/span>/span>/span>/span>/font>/span>/em>/span>/span>/span>/span>/strong>/span>/span>span classstyle351>span classstyle14>FONT SIZE2>span classstyle131>"Snowy River"/span>/font>/span>/p> /span> span classstyle130> span classstyle157> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0 classstyle323> 45" Perlino PONY stallion/span>i>em>span classstyle5>span classstyle24>br> /span> /span> /em> /i> /span>i> em> span classstyle5> span classstyle24> a hrefKSSnowyRiverPonyStallion.htm> img srcSnowy81116RFet.jpg width300 height256 classstyle349>/a>br> span classstyle348> On Farm AI or Cooled Shipped offered Nationwide./span>/span>/span>/em>/i>/font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/font>/p> /strong> p> span classstyle109>span classstyle66> font faceMonotype Corsiva>strong> span classstyle22>span classstyle144> span classstyle188>span classstyle259> span classstyle53>br> /span> /span> /span> /span> /span> /strong>/font> /span> /span>/span> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> span classstyle109>span classstyle53> span classstyle22>span classstyle190> span classstyle210>b>span classstyle188> span classstyle131>span classstyle144>strong>em> span classstyle24>font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle66> br> /span>/font>/span>/em>/strong> /span> /span>/span>/b>/span>/span> /span> /span>/span> /span> /td> /tr> /table>P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P>i> span classstyle24> font faceMonotype Corsiva> strong>span classstyle91> span classstyle66> span classstyle5> span classstyle54> span classstyle22> span classstyle53> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> table stylewidth: 100%> tr> td classstyle182> span classstyle53> strong> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle66> span classstyle24> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>span classstyle91> span classstyle54> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> font faceTimes New Roman size4 classstyle17> span classstyle5> span classstyle145>FUTURE STALLIONbr> /span>/span>/font>/font>/span>/span>/span>/span> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>span classstyle91> span classstyle54> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> font faceTimes New Roman size4 classstyle57> span classstyle157> span classstyle190> br> br> br> /span>/span>/font>/font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/font> em> span classstyle24> span classstyle66>span classstyle22> p aligncenter classstyle353> br> /span>/span>/span> /em> /strong>/span> em>p aligncenter classstyle318> em> img srcfence-short.gif width369 height33>/em>p aligncenter classstyle318> p aligncenter classstyle318> p aligncenter classstyle318> p aligncenter classstyle318> p aligncenter classstyle318> p aligncenter classstyle318> /td> td classstyle144> span classstyle66> strong> p classstyle364> br> /p> /strong>em> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0 classstyle182> span classstyle348> br> strong> br> br> /strong> /span> strong> strong> span classstyle24> span classstyle66> /p> /span> /span> /strong> div classstyle182> /strong> /em> /span> strong> em>/div> div classstyle6> /div> /td> td classstyle182> span classstyle66> p aligncenter classstyle318> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>span classstyle352>font faceMonotype Corsiva>strong>span classstyle91>span classstyle190>span classstyle54>span classstyle22>span classstyle53>FONT FACEverdana>span classstyle343>font faceTimes New Roman classstyle57>font faceMonotype Corsiva>span classstyle358>img srcfence-short.gif width369 height33>/span>/font>/font>/span>/font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/strong>/font>/span>/span>p aligncenter classstyle318> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> i> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle24> span classstyle91> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> span classstyle5>span classstyle145> span classstyle346> span classstyle345>br> /span>/span>/span>/span>/font>/span>/span>/font>/i>/span>/span> strong>span classstyle343> span classstyle251> font faceMonotype Corsiva> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>span classstyle91> span classstyle66>span classstyle54> span classstyle22> em>span classstyle335> span classstyle24> span classstyle5> br> /span>/span> /span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/font>/span> /span> em> /em> em>/td> /tr> /table> /em> /strong> /font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/font>/span> /i>/span>P classstyle146> P classstyle146>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> FONT color#ab588d>img srcfence.gif width583 height33 classstyle238>/font>/span>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>FONT color#ab588d>img srcfence.gif width583 height33 classstyle238>/font>/span>P classstyle146> P classstyle146> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>p aligncenter classstyle102>img srccreditcardlogo3cards.jpg width122 height25 classstyle246> br>Debit and Credit Cards accepted. Some fees may apply./p> /span> P classstyle146> P classstyle146> P classstyle146>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>P>TABLE cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width100% border0> TBODY> TR> TD> /TD>/TR>/TBODY>/TABLE> TABLE cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width100% border0> TBODY> TR> TD> TABLE cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width719 border0> TBODY> TR> TD vAligntop width1 background>BR>BR>BR>BR>BR>BR>BR>BR>BR>BR>BR>BR>BR>BR>BR>/TD> TD vAligntop alignmiddle width719 bgColor#f0e7e0> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> span classstyle221> strong> span classstyle252> /span>/strong>/span>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>FONT color#ab588d>img srcfence.gif width583 height33 classstyle238>/font>/span>FONT color#ab588d>br> /font> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> FONT color#ab588d> strong> /strong>/font>span classstyle114> /span>b>span classstyle70> /span>/b>/span>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle256> em>strong>Broodmares for sale/strong>/em>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> em>strong>br> a hrefBroodmaresPage-Rebuilt.htm> img srcBroodmares41314running.jpg width718 height120 classstyle167>/a>br> a hrefBroodmaresPage-Rebuilt.htm>Click here for Broodmares For sale/a>/strong>/em>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> FONT color#ab588d>span classstyle11>strong> br> /strong>/span> /font> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> strong>span classstyle13>span classstyle8>CALL 580-471-4040/span>/span>/strong>FONT color#ab588d>span classstyle13>span classstyle8>br> /span>/span>br> /font> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> b>span classstyle70> /span> FONT color#ab588d> /font>/b>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P>P classstyle12>strong>Like us on Facebook!br>Click here!/strong>/P>P classstyle12>strong> a href!/pages/Bedonnas-Stallion-Station/558556990840092>img srcfacebook-7018.gif width70 height18 classstyle87>/a> a href!/pages/Bedonnas-Stallion-Station/558556990840092>img srcfacebook.png width32 height32 classstyle87>/a>/strong>/P>P classstyle12> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> FONT color#ab588d> "LIKE" us, and SHARE with your friends /font>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> span classstyle23> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> /span>/span>/P> FONT color#ab588d> /font>P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> strong> span classstyle17> FONT color#ab588d> br> /font> /span>/strong> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> FONT color#ab588d> img srcfence.gif width583 height33 classstyle238>/font>/span>br> br> /P> FONT color#ab588d> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle8> strong>We are primarily a Breeding Farm, /strong> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle8> strong>producing many foals each year, /strong> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle8> strong>and we stand several stallions to the public. /strong> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> (Cooled Shipped Semen offered on all stallions.)br> br> We alsofont color#AB588D> have/font> several Broodmares, and produce Performance Prospects each year./P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px>The goal is to produce Quality horses that have top bloodlines, great conformation, and good minds. STRONG>br> font size3>Athletes with Brains!/font>/STRONG>font size3> /font> br> br> br> span classstyle8>My Primary Breeding Program is Barrel Racing & Performance prospects. br> /span>I raise several foals every year that are offered for sale directly to the public. br> br> strong>Primary Bloodlines of my Barrel Racing and Race Bred Stallions and Broodmares include:br> /strong>Fire Water Flit, Marthas Six Moons, Dash For Cash, Frenchmans Guy, SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> FONT color#ab588d> Streakin Six, First Down Dash, /font> /span> Dash For Perks, Sugar Bars, Rocket Wrangler, Dr Nick Bar, Flaming Jet, Special Effort, Dash Ta Fame, Oklahoma Fuel, Sun Frost, Easy Jet, By Yawl, Go Man Go, Flit Bar, On A High, Bugs Alive In 75, Jet Deck, Bully Bullion, Raise Your Glass TB, FL Fancy Bug (P), Dash Ta Fame, The Ole Man, Three Bars, Shawnee Bug, Lady Bugs Moon, Judys Lineage (P), Leo, Panther Mountain, PC Frenchman, On A High, and many> br> I also have a small number strong>Cutting and Foundation bred horses/strong> including Bloodlines of:br> Docs Hickory, Tenino San, Poco Bueno, Jessie James, Jaguar, Smarty Cat, Hard Twist, Blue Valentine, Peppy, Freckles Playboy, Genuine Doc, Freckles Playboy, Two Eyed Jack, Sugar Bars and> br> I used to compete and show in Open shows, FQHR shows, and AQHA or Open Feedlot Sorting Competitionsbr> when time allowed.... but there isnt much time> br> br> br> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> br> span classstyle17>My newest Small adventure is Youth Ponies and Small Family Horses!br> /span>Partly because of my daughter... I added a very small breeding program for Youth Ponies. I may occasionally cross a Quarter Horse, Paint, or Pony broodmare with my new Pony stallion for Youth Prospects. He is also offered to the public for breeding. Shipped Semen> With my new Pony Stallion, I aim to produce athletic Ponies around 13 hands tall that can be good prospects for a variety of performance events for Kids. And because my Pony Stallion is a Perlino... br> the Youth Ponies will be Buckskins, Palominos, and colorful Paints/font>.br> /P> FONT color#ab588d> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> strong>span classstyle17>Another New Program is... SPOTS!br> /span>/strong>Ive been fascinated with the Appaloosa breed my whole life. They are a unique and versatile breed. In the Fall of 2012, I found an Appaloosa breeding farm that was selling out due to retirement, and I fell in love with the stallion. I had search for many years for quality Appaloosas, but couldnt find the quality I was looking for... until now. He is Homozygous for the LP gene (Appaloosa Pattern) and also Homozygous for the Dark Base.> So, I plan to create a few Appaloosa Foals each year like this> a hrefSilveradoReinApHCstallion.htm> img src2011BayApF(Jetta)web.jpg width200 height167 classstyle167>/a>br> (Pictured here is one of his foals)br> Click picture to go to the Appaloosa Stallions> /P> /font> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px>br> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> b>FONT color#ab588d> /font>span classstyle5> /span>/b>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> span classstyle15>Click here to go to /span> a hrefstallions.htm classstyle14>Stallion page/a>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> b>span classstyle5> /span>/b>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> FONT color#ab588d> /font>FONT color#ab588d> /font>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> font color#FF0000>span classstyle8>strong> Email: /strong> a more info about Horses on your site>>/span>/font>br> (BUT... I get way behind on emails during breeding/foaling season.)/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> font color#FF0000>span classstyle8>strong>br> Or call: 580-471-4040br> /strong>/span>span classstyle102>(No Texts please)br> /span>/font>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> Click here for all a hrefstallions.htm>Stallions At Stud/a>br> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> FONT color#ab588d> /font>FONT color#ab588d> /font>/P> FONT color#ab588d> P classstyle158> /P> P classstyle158> /P> /font>P classstyle12>strong>Like us on Facebook!br>Click here!/strong>/P>P classstyle12>strong> a href!/pages/Bedonnas-Stallion-Station/558556990840092>img srcfacebook-7018.gif width70 height18 classstyle87>/a> a href!/pages/Bedonnas-Stallion-Station/558556990840092>img srcfacebook.png width32 height32 classstyle87>/a>/strong>/P>P classstyle12> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> FONT color#ab588d> "LIKE" us, and SHARE with your friends to be Eligible for:br> * FREE Stud Fees in 2014br> *FREE Coupons up to $1000 toward the purchase of a foal, or> * Enter our Photo Contest to win up Cash, Coupons, and Prizes!br> See a hrefContestsPage.htm>Contest Page/a> for rules and> /font>/P> P classstyle110> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> br> br> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle18> em>strong>Links: span classstyle130>(click on words below)/span>/strong>/em>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> span classstyle145>em>strong> span classstyle17> a hrefForSaleNewDesign.htm classstyle14>FOR SALE/a>/span>/strong>span classstyle14> /span>b>span classstyle14> /span>span classstyle17> a hrefstallions.htm classstyle14>STALLIONS/a>/span>span classstyle14> a hrefHappyCustomers.htm classstyle8>H/a>/span>span classstyle70>a hrefHappyCustomers.htm>APPY CUSTOMERS/a> /span>/b>/em>/span>b>em>span classstyle145>span classstyle14>br> br> /span> span classstyle17> /span>/span>/em>/b>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>span classstyle33>span classstyle4>span classstyle154>span classstyle155>em> /em> /span>/span> span classstyle17>span classstyle145> a hrefBroodmaresPage-Rebuilt.htm>Ranch Broodmares/a>/span>/span>em>span classstyle35>span classstyle145>strong>/strong>/span>/span>/em>/span>/span>/span>span classstyle145>em> span classstyle72> /span>/em>/span>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>em>b>span classstyle145> /span>/b>/em>/span>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>FONT color#ab588d>strong>span classstyle221>a hrefRainbowAcresRetiredHorses.htm>Rainbow Acres Retired Horses/a>/span>/strong>/font>/span>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> em>b>span classstyle145>span classstyle17>br> /span>/span>/b> /em> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> em>b> a hrefBreedingContractsLinksPage.htm>BREEDING CONTRACTS/a> /b>/em>/span>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>FONT color#ab588d>strong>span classstyle221>a hrefPONIES.htm>PONY Stallions & Mares/a>/span>/strong>/font>em>b>span classstyle145>span classstyle14>br> /span>/span> a href2011Foals.htm>br> /a> /b> /em>/span>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> span classstyle212> /span>span classstyle54>a href2017Foals.htm>2017 Foals/a>/span>span classstyle212> /span> span classstyle54> a href2018Foals.htm>2018 Foals/a> /span> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> span classstyle54> a href2019Foals.htm>2019 Foals/a>/span>/span>br> br> strong>a href2020Foals-Rebuilt.htm>2020 Foals/a> /strong> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> span classstyle54> a href2021Foals.htm>2021 Foals/a>/span>/span>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> strong> span classstyle54> a hrefFreezeBranding.htm>FREEZE BRANDING Services/a>/span>/strong>br> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> em>b> br> /b>/em>/span> br> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> em>b> a hrefRanchRaisedFoals.htm>RANCH RAISED FOALS /a> a hrefPaymentPlanTermsOfSales.htm>Payment Plans & Terms of Sales/a>br> br> br> a hrefInMemoryHorsesOfPast.htm>In Memory/Horses of the Past/a> a hrefrope_halters.htm>ROPE HALTERS FOR SALE/a>br> br> /b>/em> /span> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px>em>b> /b>/em>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>em>b>a hrefInformationPage.htm>Information/Horse Haulers/a>/b>/em>/span>em>b> /b>/em>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>em>span classstyle17>b> /b>/span>/em>/span>em>b> a hrefTraining.htm> /a>a hrefcontact.htm>CONTACT PAGE/a> br> /b>/em> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> em>b>a hrefTraining.htm>TRAINING/a> a hrefAllBreedEquineBreedingServices.htm>SERVICES/a> /b>/em>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> em>b>a hrefSOLD2015.htm>Sold 2015/a> a hrefSOLD2016.htm>Sold 2016/a>/b>/em>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> em>b> /b> a classstyle53 hrefSOLD2017B.htm>SOLD HORSES 2017/a>/em>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> em>strong>a hrefSOLD2018.htm>SOLD horses 2018/a>/strong>/em>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> /span> P classstyle328> a hrefSOLD2020.htm>Sold 2020/a>br> /P> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> FONT color#ab588d> P classstyle172> strong> span classstyle179>TRANSPORT can be arranged for horses bought here/span>/strong>/P> P classstyle172> strong>span classstyle179>with Delivery all over the> /span> /strong> /font> /span> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> br> /P> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> FONT color#B95192> span classstyle8>Location:br> /span>span classstyle131>/span>span classstyle8> Bedonnas Stallion Stationbr> /span>span classstyle131>span classstyle8>21865 US Hwy 62br> Snyder, OK 73566br> /span>/span>span classstyle305>strong> span classstyle17>(DO NOT Trust a GPS for directions to my ranch!br> Many send folks tot the WRONG Place! /span>/strong>span classstyle17>CALL for Directions./span>/span>/font>FONT color#ab588d>strong>span classstyle305>br> /span>/strong> /font>/P> p> /p> p>b>font color#FF0000 size4>Customers in Most States!br> /font>/b>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>font size4> img srcUSAMap20112.jpg width400 height251 classstyle192>/font>/span>br> FONT color#FF0000>span classstyle72>I now have several customers in br> Mexico, Canada, England, Australia, Wales, br> France, and Czech Republic too!br> And now customers in Hawaii and Brazil !/span>/font>/p>/span> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> TABLE cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width600 border0> TBODY> TR> TD alignmiddle> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> FONT color#ab588d> P styleMARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px>Please check out theSTRONG> a hrefstallions.htm> Stallion Page/a>/STRONG> for information on/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px>the Stallions, Breeding Contracts, Shipped Semen, Color Guarantees, etc. br> br> /P> /font> P styleMARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px>STRONG> FONT color#ab588d>Many Horses for sale at all times. Currently, I have Stallions, Stallion Prospects, Broodmares, and performance prospects for sale. They can be seen on thebr> font color#B74E8F> a hrefForSaleNewDesign.htm> font color#0000FF size3>u>"For Sale"/u>/font>/font>font color#BA5293>a hrefForSaleNewDesign.htm>font color#0000FF size3>u> /u>/font> /a>/font>/font>u>font size3 color#0000FF>pages/font>/u>FONT color#ab588d>u>font size3 color#0000FF>/a>/font>/u>, and throughout the> br> /font>/STRONG>/P> FONT color#ab588d> P styleMARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px>Something new is the available here at the ranch. Look under the different pages for details.. Several things are now offered. /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px>STRONG>Custom Artwork, Photo Retouching, Custom Gifts, and also a hrefrope_halters.htm>Hand-Tied Rope Halters/a>./STRONG>/P> P styleMARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px>Enjoy the site and dont hesitate to contact Bedonna with any questions you may have!br> b>580. 471.4040/b>. Call back if no answer. NO TEXTS> br> You can also email me at NEW EMAIL: a more info about Horses on your site>>br> br> /P> p stylemargin-top: 0; classstyle1> Note: If YOU or someone you know has a horse that came from our breeding program... /p> p stylemargin-top: 0; classstyle1>whether is was this year, or during the last 30 years... please email me a quality photo of your horse running barrels, winning a race, team roping, or another really good photo, and a note/quote telling me about your horse. Ill add all Good photos with quotes to the new a hrefHappyCustomers.htm>Happy Customers/a>> And to say THANK YOU for sending good photos... /p> p stylemargin-top: 0; classstyle1>include your complete address so I can send you a $100 gift certificate. br> email: a Customer Photos>> /p> P styleMARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> br> br> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> font color#008000> br> /font>/span>/P> /font>/span>/TD>/TR>/TBODY>/TABLE>br> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> IMG altbedonnas performance horses...quarter horses for sale paint horses for sale paint stallion quarter horse stallion srcimages/pasturehorses.jpg border1 width500 height151>/span>p> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> font styleFONT-SIZE: 10px faceverdana color#663399> © 2012-2020 Bedonnas Performance Horsesbr> Hosted by iPowerweb // /font> font faceverdana stylefont-size: 10px> span classstyle136>Originally Designed by Rony Pony Web Design/span>br> /font> font styleFONT-SIZE: 10px faceverdana color#663399> Maintained, Edited & Updated Daily by Bedonnabr> br> /font>b> font faceverdana color#663399 size2> NO Pictures, Text, Graphics, or Information from this site may be used, borrowed, or taken, br> without written permission from Bedonna Dismore. br> /font>/b>/span> br> img border0 srcBarnwithB.gif width600 height178>br> span classstyle136>Stallion Barn and Breeding> /span> br> img border0 srcPastureScenefromHillwBarns.gif width600 height199>br> span classstyle136>Broodmare Pastures, with Barns in> /span> br> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> FONT color#ab588d>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> img border0 srcBroodmaresat120on60506.jpg width600 height120>/span>/font>/span>/p> p> img border0 srcPastureScenefromHillwHorses.gif width600 height199>br> span classstyle136>Broodmares in the> /span> /p> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> FONT color#ab588d>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> p>img border0 srcSign,NewNumber.jpg width400 height333>br> /p>/span>/font>/span> p>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> IMG altbedonnas performance horses...quarter horses for sale paint horses for sale paint stallion quarter horse stallion srcimages/sunset.jpg border1 width400 height266> img srcSunriseNov2010wBarnweb.jpg width500 height375>br> span classstyle136>We are blessed with beautiful Sunsets and Sunrises./span>/span>span classstyle136>BR> /span> BR> /p> TABLE cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width653 border0> TBODY> TR> TD alignmiddle width653> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P>/span>/TD>/TR>/TBODY>/TABLE> FONT colorwhite size1>NOSCRIPT> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px>IMG height1 alt srcindex_files/0.gif width1>/P>/NOSCRIPT>/FONT> table cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width100% border0> tr> td vAligntop alignmiddle width100% bgColor#f0e7e0> p styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px>br> font styleFONT-SIZE: 10px faceverdana color#663399> © 2012-2020 Bedonnas Performance Horsesbr> Hosted by iPowerweb // /font> font faceverdana stylefont-size: 10px> span classstyle136>Originally Designed by Rony Pony Web Designbr> /span> /font>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> font styleFONT-SIZE: 10px faceverdana color#663399> Maintained, Edited & Updated Daily by Bedonnabr> br> /font> font faceverdana color#663399 size2> b>NO Pictures, Text, Graphics, or Information from this site may be used, borrowed, or taken, br> without written permission from Bedonna Dismore. br> br> /b>/font>/span>/td> /tr> /table> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px> /P>/TD>/TR>/TBODY>/TABLE>/TD>/TR>/TBODY>/TABLE>/span>/span>/SPAN>/SPAN>/P>/td>/tr>/table>/BODY>/HTML>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 21:01:05 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 79895Connection: keep-aliveServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Sun, 26 Nov 2023 20:16:16 GMTETag: 13817-60b13db958d1cAccept-Ranges: bytesCache-Control: max-age3600Expires: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 22:01:05 GMTAge: 0 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN>!-- saved from url(0143) -->HTML>HEAD>TITLE>Bedonnas Performance Horses/TITLE>META http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252>META contentBedonnas Performace Horses offers quarter horses, paint horses, and foundation horses for sale. Standing quarter horse stallions and paint horse stallions. Member aqha apha nfqha nfqr. namedescription>META contentbedonna, quarter, quarter horse, paint, paint horse, foundation quarter horse, horses, horse, stallion, stud, aqha, pinto, breed namekeywords>LINK hrefbedonna.jpg typetext/css relstylesheet>META contentMicrosoft FrontPage 12.0 nameGENERATOR>meta nameMicrosoft Border contenttl>style typetext/css>.style8 { font-size: large;}.style11 { color: #000000;}.style14 { font-size: small;}.style15 { font-size: small; font-weight: bold; color: #0000FF;}.style17 { font-size: medium;}.style18 { color: #1486A3; font-size: xx-large;}.style24 { color: #1486A3; font-size: x-large; font-family: Monotype Corsiva;}.style5 { color: #FF0000;}.style70 { color: #1486A3;}.style72 { font-size: medium; font-weight: bold;}.style23 { color: #1A8AA8;}.style110 { color: #FF0000; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;}.style22 { font-weight: normal;}.style66 { font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;}.style102 { font-size: xx-small;}.style13 { color: 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font-family: Monotype Corsiva;}.style353 { color: #2091AE; text-align: center; font-style: italic;}.style355 { color: #2091AE; text-align: center;}.style357 { color: #2091AE; text-align: center; font-family: Times New Roman, Times, serif;}.style358 { font-weight: bold; font-family: Times New Roman, Times, serif;}.style364 { text-align: center; font-family: verdana; font-size: x-small; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;}.style365 { font-size: x-large; font-family: Times New Roman; color: #2091AE;}.style366 { text-align: left; font-family: verdana; font-size: x-small; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;}.style367 { font-family: Monotype Corsiva; font-size: small;}.style368 { font-family: Microsoft YaHei UI; font-size: medium; color: #FF0000;}.style369 { font-style: italic;}.style370 { font-family: Monotype Corsiva; font-size: x-large; color: #2091AE;}/style>/HEAD>BODY bgcolor#F0E7E0 leftmargin0 topmargin0>SPAN>P classstyle146> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>P styleMARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle284> strong>em>Bedonnas Stallion Station and Performance Horses/em>/strong>/P> P styleMARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle283> /P> P styleMARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> FONT color#ab588d> IMG srcimages/welcomep.jpg border0 width152 height31>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182>Youve reached the internet home of STRONG>br> br> /STRONG> /font> span classstyle143> STRONG> Bedonnas Stallion Station and /STRONG>/span>/P> P classstyle285> All Breed Equine Breeding Services/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> FONT color#ab588d> span classstyle144>strong>Links: /strong> a hrefForSaleNewDesign.htm classstyle17>For Sale/a>/span>span classstyle157> /span> span classstyle144> span classstyle145>span classstyle157> /span> /span> a hrefstallions.htm classstyle17>Stallions at Stud/a>span classstyle145>span classstyle157> /span> /span> a hrefBreedingContractsLinksPage.htm classstyle17>Breeding Contracts/a>span classstyle145>span classstyle157> a hrefAllBreedEquineBreedingServices.htm>Breeding Services/a>br> /span>/span>/span>strong> span classstyle33>span classstyle4> span classstyle32>span classstyle222> a hrefBroodmaresPage-Rebuilt.htm>Ranch Broodmares/Mares for sale/a>/span>/span>span classstyle154>span classstyle222> /span>/span>span classstyle35>span classstyle215>span classstyle221> /span>/span>/span>/span>/span>span classstyle221>a classstyle17 href2013Foals.htm> /a> a hrefForSaleStallions&StallionProspects.htm> Stallions For Sale/a>br> /span>/strong>/font> /P>P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> strong>span classstyle280>a href2021Foals.htm>2021 Foals for sale/a> a href2022Foals.htm>2022 Foals for sale/a> a href2023Foals.htm>2023 Foals for sale/a>/span>/strong>/span>/P>P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> /P> p aligncenter> span classstyle212> /span>span classstyle54>a hrefFreezeBranding.htm>FREEZE BRANDING Services/a>/span>span classstyle212> a hrefRainbowAcresRetiredHorses.htm>Rainbow Acres retired horses/a> /span>a hrefInformationPage.htm>span classstyle195>Information & Transport/span>/a>/p> p aligncenter>a hrefPaymentPlanTermsOfSales.htm> Payment Plan and TERMS of SALES/a>/p> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> br> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> FONT color#ab588d> strong> span classstyle221> a hrefHappyCustomers.htm>Happy Customers/a> a hrefPONIES.htm>PONY Stallions & Mares/a>/span>/strong>/font>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> strong>span classstyle14>580-471-4040 /span> a More Info about your Horses classstyle14>>span classstyle14> Snyder, OK, 73566/span>/strong>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> FONT color#ab588d> img srcfence.gif width583 height33 classstyle238>/font>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>FONT color#ab588d>img srcfence.gif width583 height33 classstyle238>/font>/span>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> /P>P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> /P>P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> strong>br> /strong>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> FONT color#ab588d> img srcfence.gif width583 height33 classstyle238>/font>/P>P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> img srcStallionHeadBanner-600web.jpg width600 height140 classstyle167>/span>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> /P> P classstyle287> strong> span classstyle8>span classstyle150>em>Stallions at the Ranch /em>/span>/span>/strong> /P>table stylewidth: 100%> tr> td>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> span classstyle109> strong>span classstyle210> i> span classstyle66> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; aligncenter classstyle5> Standing At Stud/p> /span> span classstyle247> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; aligncenter> span classstyle315>IVORY KINGbr> /span> /span> /i> span classstyle263> span classstyle312> Champion Race ApHC Stallionbr> a hrefIvoryKingApHCstallion.htm> img srcIvoryKing22419LSwf2sm.jpg width300 height256 classstyle167>/a>/span>/span>strong>em>font faceMonotype Corsiva>span classstyle24>span classstyle66>span classstyle5>span classstyle54>span classstyle22>span classstyle53>i>img srcFutureFortunesBrandColor.jpg width69 height100 classstyle14>/i>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/font>/em>/strong>span classstyle247>span classstyle312>br> /span> span classstyle311>Sire- Ivory James AQHA si 103br> by Corona Cartel si 97, Leading> Dam- Sure Nuff Fast ApHC si 94br> ApHC Hall Of Fame/span>/p> /span> p aligncenter classstyle208> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>i> em>span classstyle24> font faceMonotype Corsiva> strong>span classstyle91> span classstyle66> span classstyle5> span classstyle54> span classstyle22> span classstyle53> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> span classstyle343> font faceTimes New Roman size4 classstyle57> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle335> img srcfence-short.gif width369 height33>/span>/font>/font>/span>/font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/strong>/font>/span>/em>/i>/span> /p> p aligncenter classstyle208> /p> p aligncenter classstyle208> /span>/strong>/span>/span>/p> p aligncenter classstyle208> /p> /td> td classstyle182> div classstyle182> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> span classstyle109>strong> span classstyle247> i> span classstyle54> span classstyle248> span classstyle144> span classstyle190> span classstyle53> span classstyle24>em>span classstyle5> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle66> span classstyle22> Standing At Studbr> /span> /span>/font> /span> /em> /span> /span> /span> /span>/span> /span> span classstyle248> span classstyle145> span classstyle365> A Streak Of Lawbr> /span> /span>/span> span classstyle247> span classstyle8> span classstyle251> span classstyle331> AQHA Homozygous Roan Stallion/span>span classstyle24>font faceMonotype Corsiva>br> span classstyle55> FONT COLOR#AB588D FACEverdana> span classstyle62> a hrefAStreakOfLaw(HomozygousRoan).htm> img srcLawMan101121RRwf.jpg width350 height310 classstyle369>/a>/span>/font>span classstyle53>span classstyle210>em>span classstyle66>span classstyle5>span classstyle22>img srcFutureFortunesBrandColor.jpg width69 height100 classstyle14>/span>/span>/span>/em>/span>/span>br> /span>/font>/span> span classstyle55> span classstyle332> AQHA Son of A STREAK OF FLINGbr> Race bred Top and> Homozygous Roanbr> Homozygous Black, EE Aa RNRN./span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/i>span classstyle247>/div> p aligncenter classstyle250> /p> /span>i> span classstyle53> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle66> span classstyle32> span classstyle308>span classstyle5> span classstyle24>span classstyle309>p aligncenter> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>i> em>span classstyle24> font faceMonotype Corsiva> strong>span classstyle91> span classstyle66> span classstyle5> span classstyle54> span classstyle22> span classstyle53> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> span classstyle343> font faceTimes New Roman size4 classstyle57> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle335> img srcfence-short.gif width369 height33>/span>/font>/font>/span>/font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/strong>/font>/span>/em>/i>/span> p aligncenter> p aligncenter> /span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/font>/span>/i>/strong>/span>/span>/td> td classstyle182> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> span classstyle66>i> span classstyle24> font faceMonotype Corsiva> strong>span classstyle91> span classstyle5> span classstyle54> span classstyle22> span classstyle53> font faceMonotype Corsiva SIZE2> FONT SIZE2> span classstyle17> p aligncenter classstyle357> p aligncenter classstyle357> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> span classstyle109>strong> i> span classstyle54> span classstyle247> span classstyle248> span classstyle144> span classstyle190> span classstyle53> span classstyle24>em>span classstyle5> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle66> span classstyle22> Standing At Stud/span>/span>/font>/span>/em>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/i>/strong>/span>/span>/span>/font>span classstyle8>p aligncenter classstyle357> DASHIN MONEY PERKS/span>FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana>span classstyle14>span classstyle157>p aligncenter classstyle190> 2018 Black AQHA coltbr> "Blackie" EEaa Homozygous Black/span>/span>span classstyle32>/span>p aligncenter classstyle318> span classstyle311> a hrefDashinMoneyPerks(Blackie).htm> img srcLitlBlackie121621LSwf.jpg width350 height296 classstyle349>/a>/span>span classstyle8>span classstyle251>font faceMonotype Corsiva>span classstyle55>span classstyle109>span classstyle210>em>img srcFutureFortunesBrandColor.jpg width69 height100 classstyle14>/em>/span>/span>/span>/font>/span>/span>span classstyle311>p aligncenter classstyle355> Photo as a 3 yr oldp aligncenter classstyle318> span classstyle190>(Click Photo for more info)br> Sire- The Shady Moneybr> Dam- Granddaughter of Dash For Perks/span>/span>/font>/font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/strong>/font>/span>/i>/span>span classstyle190>span classstyle211>span classstyle14>br>i> em>span classstyle24> font faceMonotype Corsiva> strong>span classstyle91> span classstyle66> span classstyle5> span classstyle54> span classstyle22> span classstyle53> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> span classstyle343> font faceTimes New Roman size4 classstyle57> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle335> img srcfence-short.gif width369 height33>/span>/font>/font>/span>/font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/strong>/font>/span>/em>/i>/span>/span>/span>/span>/td> td> /td> /tr>/table>table stylewidth: 100%> tr> td classstyle182 stylewidth: 434px> div classstyle182> i> span classstyle22> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> em> font faceMonotype Corsiva> strong> span classstyle53> span classstyle66> span classstyle24> span classstyle5> span classstyle48> p classstyle311> span classstyle5>Standing at Stud br> /span>COLONEL SPARK OLENAbr> 2018 AQHA Blue Roan stallionbr> Homozygous for Roan &Blackp classstyle311> em>span classstyle27> a hrefColonelSparkOlena-HomozygousBlueRoan.htm> img srcColonel101121-A-700.jpg width300 height254 classstyle167>/a>/span>/em>br> span classstyle130>(photo at just 3 yrs old)/span>p> span classstyle324>This colt has bloodlines of:br> Colonel Frecklesbr> Blue Spark OLenabr> Shining Sparkbr> Smart Little Lenabr> Doc Barbr> (and NO Blue> or Hancock!)/span>/span>/span>/span>span classstyle32>p> span classstyle54> span classstyle246> font size4> (click picture)/font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/strong>/font>/em>/span>p classstyle330> em> span classstyle5> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>span classstyle272> span classstyle236>span classstyle324> strong>br> /strong> /span> /span> /span> /span> /span>/p> /em> /span> /i> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> strong>/div> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; aligncenter> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>i> em>span classstyle24> font faceMonotype Corsiva> strong>span classstyle91> span classstyle66> span classstyle5> span classstyle54> span classstyle22> span classstyle53> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> span classstyle343> font faceTimes New Roman size4 classstyle57> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle335> img srcfence-short.gif width369 height33>/span>/font>/font>/span>/font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/strong>/font>/span>/em>/i>/span>span classstyle210>span classstyle247>span classstyle311>br> /span>/p> /span> p aligncenter classstyle208> /p> p aligncenter classstyle208> /p> p aligncenter classstyle208> /p> /span>/strong> /span> /td> td classstyle323 stylewidth: 180px> div classstyle182> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> strong> span classstyle190> span classstyle53> span classstyle24>em>span classstyle5> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle66> span classstyle22> Standing At Studbr> /span> /span>/font> /span> /em> /span> /span> /span> /strong>span classstyle109>strong> span classstyle53> span classstyle251> span classstyle54> span classstyle211> span classstyle14>br>i> em>span classstyle24> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle91> span classstyle66> span classstyle5> span classstyle22> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> span classstyle343> font faceTimes New Roman size4 classstyle57> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle335> img srcfence-short.gif width369 height33>/span>/font>/font>/span>/font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/font>/span>/em>/i>/span>/span>/div> p classstyle317>span classstyle5> span classstyle300>span classstyle66> font faceMonotype Corsiva>span classstyle24> span classstyle240>span classstyle91>br> /span> /span>/span>/font>/span> /span> /span>/p> /span>/span> span classstyle5> span classstyle300> span classstyle66> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle24> span classstyle247> p aligncenter> br> /span>/span>/font>/span> /span> span classstyle66> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle24> span classstyle247> p aligncenter> /span>/span>/font>/span>/span>/span>/strong>/span>/span>/td> td classstyle182 stylewidth: 10px> span classstyle66> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>i> span classstyle24> font faceMonotype Corsiva> strong>span classstyle91> span classstyle5> span classstyle54> span classstyle22> span classstyle53> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> p classstyle366> At Studbr> /span>/span> /span>/span> span classstyle32> span classstyle370> Shiny Topsail Dunit/p> p classstyle366> 2020 AQHA Cremello Dun/span>/span>span classstyle5>span classstyle24>br> a hrefShinyTopsailDunit(Twist).htm> img srcTwist51922.jpg width350 height287 classstyle349>/a>br> span classstyle367> (Click photo for more info)/span>span classstyle24>span classstyle5>br> br> /span>/span> /span> /span> /font>/span>/span> /strong> /font> /i>/span> /p> /span> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> i> strong> span classstyle54> span classstyle8> span classstyle251> span classstyle55> span classstyle332> br> em>span classstyle24> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle91> span classstyle66> span classstyle5> span classstyle22> span classstyle53> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> span classstyle343> font faceTimes New Roman size4 classstyle57> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle335> img srcfence-short.gif width369 height33>/span>/font>/font>/span>/font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/font>/span>/em>br> br> /span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/strong>/i>/span>br> /td> /tr> tr> td classstyle182 stylewidth: 434px> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle91> span classstyle66> span classstyle54> span classstyle22> span classstyle53> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> strong> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0 classstyle182> span classstyle369> span classstyle368> At Studbr> /span> /span> /p> /strong> /font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/font> span classstyle246> span classstyle210> p aligncenter classstyle208> /p> p aligncenter classstyle208> /p> p aligncenter classstyle208> /p> span classstyle145>span classstyle14> br> /span>/span> /span> /span> /strong> i> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle24> span classstyle91> span classstyle66> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> span classstyle5>span classstyle145> span classstyle14>span classstyle157> span classstyle195>br> /span>/span> /span> /span> em> span classstyle5> span classstyle24> span classstyle251> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle335> span classstyle343> img srcfence-short.gif width369 height33>/span>/span>/font>/span>/span>/span>/em>/span>/font>/span>/span>/span>/strong>/font>/i>/span>/td> td classstyle182 stylewidth: 180px> span classstyle109>strong> span classstyle53> span classstyle251> span classstyle54> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> span classstyle190> span classstyle211> span classstyle14>br> /span>/span>/span>/span> /span>/span>/span>/strong>/span> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>i> span classstyle24> font faceMonotype Corsiva> strong>span classstyle91> span classstyle66> span classstyle5> span classstyle54> span classstyle22> span classstyle53> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> font faceTimes New Roman size4 classstyle57> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle343> em> span classstyle335> br> /span>/em>At Studbr> br> em>span classstyle343>br> br> img srcfence-short.gif width369 height33>/span>/span>/font>/font>/font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/strong>/font>/span>/i>/span>/td> td classstyle182 stylewidth: 10px> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> strong> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle91> span classstyle66> span classstyle54> span classstyle22> span classstyle53> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana>i> span classstyle5> span classstyle352> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0 classstyle182> /span> span classstyle347>span classstyle145> span classstyle24>br> /span> /span> /span> /span> /i> /p> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0 classstyle182> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> span classstyle190> strong> span classstyle53> span classstyle109> span classstyle188> span classstyle209> em>span classstyle24> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle5> span classstyle66> span classstyle22> span classstyle247> img srcForsale_banners_2x6.jpg width129 height46 classstyle167>/span>/span>/span>/span>/font>/span>/em>/span>/span>/span>/span>/strong>/span>/span>span classstyle351>span classstyle14>FONT SIZE2>span classstyle131>"Snowy River"/span>/font>/span>/p> /span> span classstyle130> span classstyle157> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0 classstyle323> 45" Perlino PONY stallion/span>i>em>span classstyle5>span classstyle24>br> /span> /span> /em> /i> /span>i> em> span classstyle5> span classstyle24> a hrefKSSnowyRiverPonyStallion.htm> img srcSnowy81116RFet.jpg width300 height256 classstyle349>/a>br> span classstyle348> On Farm AI or Cooled Shipped offered Nationwide./span>/span>/span>/em>/i>/font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/font>/p> /strong> p> span classstyle109>span classstyle66> font faceMonotype Corsiva>strong> span classstyle22>span classstyle144> span classstyle188>span classstyle259> span classstyle53>br> /span> /span> /span> /span> /span> /strong>/font> /span> /span>/span> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> span classstyle109>span classstyle53> span classstyle22>span classstyle190> span classstyle210>b>span classstyle188> span classstyle131>span classstyle144>strong>em> span classstyle24>font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle66> br> /span>/font>/span>/em>/strong> /span> /span>/span>/b>/span>/span> /span> /span>/span> /span> /td> /tr> /table>P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P>i> span classstyle24> font faceMonotype Corsiva> strong>span classstyle91> span classstyle66> span classstyle5> span classstyle54> span classstyle22> span classstyle53> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> table stylewidth: 100%> tr> td classstyle182> span classstyle53> strong> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle66> span classstyle24> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>span classstyle91> span classstyle54> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> font faceTimes New Roman size4 classstyle17> span classstyle5> span classstyle145>FUTURE STALLIONbr> /span>/span>/font>/font>/span>/span>/span>/span> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>span classstyle91> span classstyle54> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> font faceTimes New Roman size4 classstyle57> span classstyle157> span classstyle190> br> br> br> /span>/span>/font>/font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/font> em> span classstyle24> span classstyle66>span classstyle22> p aligncenter classstyle353> br> /span>/span>/span> /em> /strong>/span> em>p aligncenter classstyle318> em> img srcfence-short.gif width369 height33>/em>p aligncenter classstyle318> p aligncenter classstyle318> p aligncenter classstyle318> p aligncenter classstyle318> p aligncenter classstyle318> p aligncenter classstyle318> /td> td classstyle144> span classstyle66> strong> p classstyle364> br> /p> /strong>em> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0 classstyle182> span classstyle348> br> strong> br> br> /strong> /span> strong> strong> span classstyle24> span classstyle66> /p> /span> /span> /strong> div classstyle182> /strong> /em> /span> strong> em>/div> div classstyle6> /div> /td> td classstyle182> span classstyle66> p aligncenter classstyle318> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>span classstyle352>font faceMonotype Corsiva>strong>span classstyle91>span classstyle190>span classstyle54>span classstyle22>span classstyle53>FONT FACEverdana>span classstyle343>font faceTimes New Roman classstyle57>font faceMonotype Corsiva>span classstyle358>img srcfence-short.gif width369 height33>/span>/font>/font>/span>/font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/strong>/font>/span>/span>p aligncenter classstyle318> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> i> font faceMonotype Corsiva> span classstyle24> span classstyle91> FONT SIZE2 FACEverdana> span classstyle5>span classstyle145> span classstyle346> span classstyle345>br> /span>/span>/span>/span>/font>/span>/span>/font>/i>/span>/span> strong>span classstyle343> span classstyle251> font faceMonotype Corsiva> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>span classstyle91> span classstyle66>span classstyle54> span classstyle22> em>span classstyle335> span classstyle24> span classstyle5> br> /span>/span> /span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/font>/span> /span> em> /em> em>/td> /tr> /table> /em> /strong> /font>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/font>/span> /i>/span>P classstyle146> P classstyle146>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> FONT color#ab588d>img srcfence.gif width583 height33 classstyle238>/font>/span>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>FONT color#ab588d>img srcfence.gif width583 height33 classstyle238>/font>/span>P classstyle146> P classstyle146> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>p aligncenter classstyle102>img srccreditcardlogo3cards.jpg width122 height25 classstyle246> br>Debit and Credit Cards accepted. Some fees may apply./p> /span> P classstyle146> P classstyle146> P classstyle146>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>P>TABLE cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width100% border0> TBODY> TR> TD> /TD>/TR>/TBODY>/TABLE> TABLE cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width100% border0> TBODY> TR> TD> TABLE cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width719 border0> TBODY> TR> TD vAligntop width1 background>BR>BR>BR>BR>BR>BR>BR>BR>BR>BR>BR>BR>BR>BR>BR>/TD> TD vAligntop alignmiddle width719 bgColor#f0e7e0> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> span classstyle221> strong> span classstyle252> /span>/strong>/span>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>FONT color#ab588d>img srcfence.gif width583 height33 classstyle238>/font>/span>FONT color#ab588d>br> /font> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> FONT color#ab588d> strong> /strong>/font>span classstyle114> /span>b>span classstyle70> /span>/b>/span>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle256> em>strong>Broodmares for sale/strong>/em>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> em>strong>br> a hrefBroodmaresPage-Rebuilt.htm> img srcBroodmares41314running.jpg width718 height120 classstyle167>/a>br> a hrefBroodmaresPage-Rebuilt.htm>Click here for Broodmares For sale/a>/strong>/em>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> FONT color#ab588d>span classstyle11>strong> br> /strong>/span> /font> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle182> strong>span classstyle13>span classstyle8>CALL 580-471-4040/span>/span>/strong>FONT color#ab588d>span classstyle13>span classstyle8>br> /span>/span>br> /font> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> b>span classstyle70> /span> FONT color#ab588d> /font>/b>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P>P classstyle12>strong>Like us on Facebook!br>Click here!/strong>/P>P classstyle12>strong> a href!/pages/Bedonnas-Stallion-Station/558556990840092>img srcfacebook-7018.gif width70 height18 classstyle87>/a> a href!/pages/Bedonnas-Stallion-Station/558556990840092>img srcfacebook.png width32 height32 classstyle87>/a>/strong>/P>P classstyle12> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> FONT color#ab588d> "LIKE" us, and SHARE with your friends /font>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> span classstyle23> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> /span>/span>/P> FONT color#ab588d> /font>P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> strong> span classstyle17> FONT color#ab588d> br> /font> /span>/strong> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> FONT color#ab588d> img srcfence.gif width583 height33 classstyle238>/font>/span>br> br> /P> FONT color#ab588d> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle8> strong>We are primarily a Breeding Farm, /strong> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle8> strong>producing many foals each year, /strong> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle8> strong>and we stand several stallions to the public. /strong> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> (Cooled Shipped Semen offered on all stallions.)br> br> We alsofont color#AB588D> have/font> several Broodmares, and produce Performance Prospects each year./P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px>The goal is to produce Quality horses that have top bloodlines, great conformation, and good minds. STRONG>br> font size3>Athletes with Brains!/font>/STRONG>font size3> /font> br> br> br> span classstyle8>My Primary Breeding Program is Barrel Racing & Performance prospects. br> /span>I raise several foals every year that are offered for sale directly to the public. br> br> strong>Primary Bloodlines of my Barrel Racing and Race Bred Stallions and Broodmares include:br> /strong>Fire Water Flit, Marthas Six Moons, Dash For Cash, Frenchmans Guy, SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> FONT color#ab588d> Streakin Six, First Down Dash, /font> /span> Dash For Perks, Sugar Bars, Rocket Wrangler, Dr Nick Bar, Flaming Jet, Special Effort, Dash Ta Fame, Oklahoma Fuel, Sun Frost, Easy Jet, By Yawl, Go Man Go, Flit Bar, On A High, Bugs Alive In 75, Jet Deck, Bully Bullion, Raise Your Glass TB, FL Fancy Bug (P), Dash Ta Fame, The Ole Man, Three Bars, Shawnee Bug, Lady Bugs Moon, Judys Lineage (P), Leo, Panther Mountain, PC Frenchman, On A High, and many> br> I also have a small number strong>Cutting and Foundation bred horses/strong> including Bloodlines of:br> Docs Hickory, Tenino San, Poco Bueno, Jessie James, Jaguar, Smarty Cat, Hard Twist, Blue Valentine, Peppy, Freckles Playboy, Genuine Doc, Freckles Playboy, Two Eyed Jack, Sugar Bars and> br> I used to compete and show in Open shows, FQHR shows, and AQHA or Open Feedlot Sorting Competitionsbr> when time allowed.... but there isnt much time> br> br> br> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> br> span classstyle17>My newest Small adventure is Youth Ponies and Small Family Horses!br> /span>Partly because of my daughter... I added a very small breeding program for Youth Ponies. I may occasionally cross a Quarter Horse, Paint, or Pony broodmare with my new Pony stallion for Youth Prospects. He is also offered to the public for breeding. Shipped Semen> With my new Pony Stallion, I aim to produce athletic Ponies around 13 hands tall that can be good prospects for a variety of performance events for Kids. And because my Pony Stallion is a Perlino... br> the Youth Ponies will be Buckskins, Palominos, and colorful Paints/font>.br> /P> FONT color#ab588d> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> strong>span classstyle17>Another New Program is... SPOTS!br> /span>/strong>Ive been fascinated with the Appaloosa breed my whole life. They are a unique and versatile breed. In the Fall of 2012, I found an Appaloosa breeding farm that was selling out due to retirement, and I fell in love with the stallion. I had search for many years for quality Appaloosas, but couldnt find the quality I was looking for... until now. He is Homozygous for the LP gene (Appaloosa Pattern) and also Homozygous for the Dark Base.> So, I plan to create a few Appaloosa Foals each year like this> a hrefSilveradoReinApHCstallion.htm> img src2011BayApF(Jetta)web.jpg width200 height167 classstyle167>/a>br> (Pictured here is one of his foals)br> Click picture to go to the Appaloosa Stallions> /P> /font> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px>br> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> b>FONT color#ab588d> /font>span classstyle5> /span>/b>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> span classstyle15>Click here to go to /span> a hrefstallions.htm classstyle14>Stallion page/a>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> b>span classstyle5> /span>/b>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> FONT color#ab588d> /font>FONT color#ab588d> /font>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> font color#FF0000>span classstyle8>strong> Email: /strong> a more info about Horses on your site>>/span>/font>br> (BUT... I get way behind on emails during breeding/foaling season.)/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> font color#FF0000>span classstyle8>strong>br> Or call: 580-471-4040br> /strong>/span>span classstyle102>(No Texts please)br> /span>/font>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> Click here for all a hrefstallions.htm>Stallions At Stud/a>br> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> FONT color#ab588d> /font>FONT color#ab588d> /font>/P> FONT color#ab588d> P classstyle158> /P> P classstyle158> /P> /font>P classstyle12>strong>Like us on Facebook!br>Click here!/strong>/P>P classstyle12>strong> a href!/pages/Bedonnas-Stallion-Station/558556990840092>img srcfacebook-7018.gif width70 height18 classstyle87>/a> a href!/pages/Bedonnas-Stallion-Station/558556990840092>img srcfacebook.png width32 height32 classstyle87>/a>/strong>/P>P classstyle12> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> FONT color#ab588d> "LIKE" us, and SHARE with your friends to be Eligible for:br> * FREE Stud Fees in 2014br> *FREE Coupons up to $1000 toward the purchase of a foal, or> * Enter our Photo Contest to win up Cash, Coupons, and Prizes!br> See a hrefContestsPage.htm>Contest Page/a> for rules and> /font>/P> P classstyle110> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> br> br> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px classstyle18> em>strong>Links: span classstyle130>(click on words below)/span>/strong>/em>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> span classstyle145>em>strong> span classstyle17> a hrefForSaleNewDesign.htm classstyle14>FOR SALE/a>/span>/strong>span classstyle14> /span>b>span classstyle14> /span>span classstyle17> a hrefstallions.htm classstyle14>STALLIONS/a>/span>span classstyle14> a hrefHappyCustomers.htm classstyle8>H/a>/span>span classstyle70>a hrefHappyCustomers.htm>APPY CUSTOMERS/a> /span>/b>/em>/span>b>em>span classstyle145>span classstyle14>br> br> /span> span classstyle17> /span>/span>/em>/b>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>span classstyle33>span classstyle4>span classstyle154>span classstyle155>em> /em> /span>/span> span classstyle17>span classstyle145> a hrefBroodmaresPage-Rebuilt.htm>Ranch Broodmares/a>/span>/span>em>span classstyle35>span classstyle145>strong>/strong>/span>/span>/em>/span>/span>/span>span classstyle145>em> span classstyle72> /span>/em>/span>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>em>b>span classstyle145> /span>/b>/em>/span>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>FONT color#ab588d>strong>span classstyle221>a hrefRainbowAcresRetiredHorses.htm>Rainbow Acres Retired Horses/a>/span>/strong>/font>/span>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> em>b>span classstyle145>span classstyle17>br> /span>/span>/b> /em> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> em>b> a hrefBreedingContractsLinksPage.htm>BREEDING CONTRACTS/a> /b>/em>/span>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>FONT color#ab588d>strong>span classstyle221>a hrefPONIES.htm>PONY Stallions & Mares/a>/span>/strong>/font>em>b>span classstyle145>span classstyle14>br> /span>/span> a href2011Foals.htm>br> /a> /b> /em>/span>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> span classstyle212> /span>span classstyle54>a href2017Foals.htm>2017 Foals/a>/span>span classstyle212> /span> span classstyle54> a href2018Foals.htm>2018 Foals/a> /span> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> span classstyle54> a href2019Foals.htm>2019 Foals/a>/span>/span>br> br> strong>a href2020Foals-Rebuilt.htm>2020 Foals/a> /strong> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> span classstyle54> a href2021Foals.htm>2021 Foals/a>/span>/span>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> strong> span classstyle54> a hrefFreezeBranding.htm>FREEZE BRANDING Services/a>/span>/strong>br> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> em>b> br> /b>/em>/span> br> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> em>b> a hrefRanchRaisedFoals.htm>RANCH RAISED FOALS /a> a hrefPaymentPlanTermsOfSales.htm>Payment Plans & Terms of Sales/a>br> br> br> a hrefInMemoryHorsesOfPast.htm>In Memory/Horses of the Past/a> a hrefrope_halters.htm>ROPE HALTERS FOR SALE/a>br> br> /b>/em> /span> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px>em>b> /b>/em>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>em>b>a hrefInformationPage.htm>Information/Horse Haulers/a>/b>/em>/span>em>b> /b>/em>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>em>span classstyle17>b> /b>/span>/em>/span>em>b> a hrefTraining.htm> /a>a hrefcontact.htm>CONTACT PAGE/a> br> /b>/em> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> em>b>a hrefTraining.htm>TRAINING/a> a hrefAllBreedEquineBreedingServices.htm>SERVICES/a> /b>/em>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> em>b>a hrefSOLD2015.htm>Sold 2015/a> a hrefSOLD2016.htm>Sold 2016/a>/b>/em>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> em>b> /b> a classstyle53 hrefSOLD2017B.htm>SOLD HORSES 2017/a>/em>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> em>strong>a hrefSOLD2018.htm>SOLD horses 2018/a>/strong>/em>/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> /span> P classstyle328> a hrefSOLD2020.htm>Sold 2020/a>br> /P> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> FONT color#ab588d> P classstyle172> strong> span classstyle179>TRANSPORT can be arranged for horses bought here/span>/strong>/P> P classstyle172> strong>span classstyle179>with Delivery all over the> /span> /strong> /font> /span> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> br> /P> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> FONT color#B95192> span classstyle8>Location:br> /span>span classstyle131>/span>span classstyle8> Bedonnas Stallion Stationbr> /span>span classstyle131>span classstyle8>21865 US Hwy 62br> Snyder, OK 73566br> /span>/span>span classstyle305>strong> span classstyle17>(DO NOT Trust a GPS for directions to my ranch!br> Many send folks tot the WRONG Place! /span>/strong>span classstyle17>CALL for Directions./span>/span>/font>FONT color#ab588d>strong>span classstyle305>br> /span>/strong> /font>/P> p> /p> p>b>font color#FF0000 size4>Customers in Most States!br> /font>/b>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>font size4> img srcUSAMap20112.jpg width400 height251 classstyle192>/font>/span>br> FONT color#FF0000>span classstyle72>I now have several customers in br> Mexico, Canada, England, Australia, Wales, br> France, and Czech Republic too!br> And now customers in Hawaii and Brazil !/span>/font>/p>/span> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P> TABLE cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width600 border0> TBODY> TR> TD alignmiddle> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> FONT color#ab588d> P styleMARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px>Please check out theSTRONG> a hrefstallions.htm> Stallion Page/a>/STRONG> for information on/P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px>the Stallions, Breeding Contracts, Shipped Semen, Color Guarantees, etc. br> br> /P> /font> P styleMARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px>STRONG> FONT color#ab588d>Many Horses for sale at all times. Currently, I have Stallions, Stallion Prospects, Broodmares, and performance prospects for sale. They can be seen on thebr> font color#B74E8F> a hrefForSaleNewDesign.htm> font color#0000FF size3>u>"For Sale"/u>/font>/font>font color#BA5293>a hrefForSaleNewDesign.htm>font color#0000FF size3>u> /u>/font> /a>/font>/font>u>font size3 color#0000FF>pages/font>/u>FONT color#ab588d>u>font size3 color#0000FF>/a>/font>/u>, and throughout the> br> /font>/STRONG>/P> FONT color#ab588d> P styleMARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px>Something new is the available here at the ranch. Look under the different pages for details.. Several things are now offered. /P> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px>STRONG>Custom Artwork, Photo Retouching, Custom Gifts, and also a hrefrope_halters.htm>Hand-Tied Rope Halters/a>./STRONG>/P> P styleMARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px>Enjoy the site and dont hesitate to contact Bedonna with any questions you may have!br> b>580. 471.4040/b>. Call back if no answer. NO TEXTS> br> You can also email me at NEW EMAIL: a more info about Horses on your site>>br> br> /P> p stylemargin-top: 0; classstyle1> Note: If YOU or someone you know has a horse that came from our breeding program... /p> p stylemargin-top: 0; classstyle1>whether is was this year, or during the last 30 years... please email me a quality photo of your horse running barrels, winning a race, team roping, or another really good photo, and a note/quote telling me about your horse. Ill add all Good photos with quotes to the new a hrefHappyCustomers.htm>Happy Customers/a>> And to say THANK YOU for sending good photos... /p> p stylemargin-top: 0; classstyle1>include your complete address so I can send you a $100 gift certificate. br> email: a Customer Photos>> /p> P styleMARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> br> br> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> font color#008000> br> /font>/span>/P> /font>/span>/TD>/TR>/TBODY>/TABLE>br> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> IMG altbedonnas performance horses...quarter horses for sale paint horses for sale paint stallion quarter horse stallion srcimages/pasturehorses.jpg border1 width500 height151>/span>p> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> font styleFONT-SIZE: 10px faceverdana color#663399> © 2012-2020 Bedonnas Performance Horsesbr> Hosted by iPowerweb // /font> font faceverdana stylefont-size: 10px> span classstyle136>Originally Designed by Rony Pony Web Design/span>br> /font> font styleFONT-SIZE: 10px faceverdana color#663399> Maintained, Edited & Updated Daily by Bedonnabr> br> /font>b> font faceverdana color#663399 size2> NO Pictures, Text, Graphics, or Information from this site may be used, borrowed, or taken, br> without written permission from Bedonna Dismore. br> /font>/b>/span> br> img border0 srcBarnwithB.gif width600 height178>br> span classstyle136>Stallion Barn and Breeding> /span> br> img border0 srcPastureScenefromHillwBarns.gif width600 height199>br> span classstyle136>Broodmare Pastures, with Barns in> /span> br> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> FONT color#ab588d>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> img border0 srcBroodmaresat120on60506.jpg width600 height120>/span>/font>/span>/p> p> img border0 srcPastureScenefromHillwHorses.gif width600 height199>br> span classstyle136>Broodmares in the> /span> /p> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> FONT color#ab588d>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> p>img border0 srcSign,NewNumber.jpg width400 height333>br> /p>/span>/font>/span> p>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> IMG altbedonnas performance horses...quarter horses for sale paint horses for sale paint stallion quarter horse stallion srcimages/sunset.jpg border1 width400 height266> img srcSunriseNov2010wBarnweb.jpg width500 height375>br> span classstyle136>We are blessed with beautiful Sunsets and Sunrises./span>/span>span classstyle136>BR> /span> BR> /p> TABLE cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width653 border0> TBODY> TR> TD alignmiddle width653> SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0>P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> /P>/span>/TD>/TR>/TBODY>/TABLE> FONT colorwhite size1>NOSCRIPT> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px>IMG height1 alt srcindex_files/0.gif width1>/P>/NOSCRIPT>/FONT> table cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width100% border0> tr> td vAligntop alignmiddle width100% bgColor#f0e7e0> p styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px>br> font styleFONT-SIZE: 10px faceverdana color#663399> © 2012-2020 Bedonnas Performance Horsesbr> Hosted by iPowerweb // /font> font faceverdana stylefont-size: 10px> span classstyle136>Originally Designed by Rony Pony Web Designbr> /span> /font>SPAN bgcolor#F0E7E0 BOTTOMMARGIN0 RIGHTMARGIN0 TOPMARGIN0 LEFTMARGIN0 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0> font styleFONT-SIZE: 10px faceverdana color#663399> Maintained, Edited & Updated Daily by Bedonnabr> br> /font> font faceverdana color#663399 size2> b>NO Pictures, Text, Graphics, or Information from this site may be used, borrowed, or taken, br> without written permission from Bedonna Dismore. br> br> /b>/font>/span>/td> /tr> /table> P styleMARGIN-TOP: 0px> /P>/TD>/TR>/TBODY>/TABLE>/TD>/TR>/TBODY>/TABLE>/span>/span>/SPAN>/SPAN>/P>/td>/tr>/table>/BODY>/HTML>
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