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HTTP/1.1 200 OKCache-Control: privateContent-Type: text/htmlExpires: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 12:00:05 GMTServer: Microsoft-IIS/10.0Set-Cookie: ASPSESSIONIDCQQQRBCRBJIHHEPAKFNPBMLKJBJMCCOO; path/Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 12:00:05 GMTContent-Length: 17404 html>head> title>Banquet Hall:: Banquet hall, Banquet facility, Banquet foods, Wedding banquet halls/title> meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1> META NAMEKEYWORDS CONTENTBanquet hall, Banquet facility, Banquet foods, Wedding banquet halls> META NAMEdescription content provides you with guidelines for selecting a banquet hall to host any occasion. Read how to analyze banquet foods and other facilities to make the event impressive. > META NAMErobots contentindex, all> META NAMErobots CONTENTNOODP> META NAMESlurp CONTENTNOYDIR> LINK hrefstylesheets/stylesheet.css typetext/css relstylesheet> script LanguageJavascript srclib/js_validation.js typetext/javascript>/script> script LanguageJavascript srclib/script.js typetext/javascript>/script>/head>body stylemargin-left:0px; margin-top:0px; margin-width:0px; margin-height:0px; margin-bottom:0px;>A nameTop>/A>table border0 width100% cellspacing0 cellpadding0 bgcolor#CC99CC> tr> td alignleft valigntop> img border0 srcImages/logo.jpg usemap#FPMap0 alt> /td> td alignleft valigntop> form action idcse-search-box> div> input typehidden namecx valuepartner-pub-1281060728731288:j4ul3o-ie1r /> input typehidden namecof valueFORID:11 /> input typehidden nameie valueISO-8859-1 /> input typetext nameq size31 /> input typesubmit namesa valueSearch /> /div>/form>script typetext/javascript src>/script> /td> /tr> /table>table bgcolor#CC99CC border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%>tr> td alignleft valigntop nowrap> br>table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width180 bgcolor#CC99CC> tr> td width5>img srcimages/clear.gif border0 width5 height1 alt>/td> td width170 valigntop>Font Facearial stylefont-size:10;> !-- Left Navigation Links --> table border1 bordercolor#CC99CC aligncenter cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width94 % height.8 bgcolor#663366> tr> td aligncenter> a target_top href/ title>font Faceverdana stylefont-size:12; color#ffffff>b>Selecting a Banquet Hall/b>/font>/a>br> /td> /tr> tr> td aligncenter> a target_top hrefbanquet_halls.asp title>font Faceverdana stylefont-size:12; color#ffffff>b>Banquet Halls Directory/b>/font>/a>br> /td> /tr> tr> td aligncenter> a target_top hrefbanquet-halls-budget-tips.asp title>font Faceverdana stylefont-size:12; color#ffffff>b>Banquet Hall Budgeting/b>/font>/a>br> /td> /tr> tr> td aligncenter> a target_top hrefbanquet-hall-tips.asp title>font Faceverdana stylefont-size:12; color#ffffff>b>Banquet Hall Tips/b>/font>/a>br> /td> /tr> tr> td aligncenter> a target_top hrefbanquet-hall-resources.asp title>font Faceverdana stylefont-size:12; color#ffffff>b>Banquet Hall Resources/b>/font>/a>br> /td> /tr> tr> td aligncenter> a target_top hrefenquiry.asp titleContact Us>font Faceverdana stylefont-size:12; color#ffffff>b>Contact Us/b>/font>/a>br> /td> /tr> tr> td aligncenter> a target_top hrefsitemap.asp title>font Faceverdana stylefont-size:12; color#ffffff>b>Sitemap/b>/font>/a>br> /td> /tr> /table> /Font> tr>td colspan2> /td>/tr> tr>td colspan2> p aligncenter> a hrefbanquet_halls_directory.asp>img border0 srcImages/ctdirectory.gif altDirectory>/a>/td>/tr> /td> /tr> /table> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%> tr> td> /td> /tr> tr> td aligncenter> script typetext/javascript>!-- google_ad_client pub-1281060728731288; google_ad_width 120; google_ad_height 90; google_ad_format 120x90_0ads_al; google_ad_channel 0542021370; google_ad_type text; google_color_border CC0000; google_color_bg FFFFFF; google_color_link 000033; google_color_text CC0000; google_color_url 000033; //-->/script> script typetext/javascript src> /script> /td> /tr> /table> form namefrmNewsLetter actionNewsletter.asp methodpost onSubmitreturn checkNewsLetter();> table bgcolor#CC99CC border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width180 height100%> tr> td width5>img srcimages/clear.gif border0 width5 height1 alt>/td> td valigntop classsignupfont>font Faceverdana stylefont-size:12; color#ffffff>B>Signup for Newsletter/B>/FONT>/td> td width5>img srcimages/clear.gif border0 width5 height1 alt>/td> /tr> tr> td width5>img srcimages/clear.gif border0 width5 height1 alt>/td> td nowrap> script languageJavascript> if(navigator.appVersion.charAt(0) 4 && navigator.appName Netscape) { document.write(input typetext classinputtext size10 namenlEmail maxlength50 onfocusthis.value\\ valueEnter Email Address>); } else { document.write(input typetext classinputtext size20 namenlEmail maxlength50 onfocusthis.value\\ valueEnter Email Address>); } /script> input classbuttontext typesubmit namebtnSubmit valueGo> /td> td width5>img srcimages/clear.gif border0 width5 height1 alt>/td> /tr> tr>td colspan3> /td>/tr> tr> td width5> /td> td aligncenter classleftnavhead>A hrefpartnerwithus.asp styletext-decoration:none;>img srcImages/partnerwithus.gif border0 width100 height52>/A>/td> td width5> /td> /tr> tr>td colspan3> /td>/tr> tr>td colspan3> /td>/tr> /table> /form> br/> /td> td alignleft valigntop bgcolor#FFFFFF nowrap> /td> td alignleft valigntop bgcolor#FFFFFF width100%> table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0 width100%> tr> td alignRight valignbottom> a TitleClick to E-Mail this page styletext-decoration:none; hrefjavascript:OpenWindow(Email,,document.location,toolbar0,location0,directories0,status0,menubar0,scrollbars0,resizable0,width550,height320)> img border0 srcImages/email_friend.gif altEmail a Friend TitleClick to E-Mail this page>/a> a TitleView this page in Printer-Friendly version hrefjavascript:window.location.href>img srcimages/printer.gif altPrint border0>/a> /td> /tr> /table>map nameFPMap0>area href shaperect coords7, 32, 239, 86>/map>table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 aligncenter> tr> td>br>BR> h5>font color#663366>Selecting a Banquet Hall/font>/h5> p alignjustify>Before finalizing a banquet hall for your event you need to do some homework depending on what type of event you are hosting. To start with first make a rough estimate on the number of guests you are expecting for your event. This is the most basic thing that needs to be taken care of as the size of the banquet hall will make a large impact on your event. Banquet hall should not be too small or too huge for your requirements. If the number of people you are expecting is known it will make it easy to decide the banquet hall size. The hall should be spacious to cater to all needs of your event. Too much of squeezing will ruin the fun of the event in case of a small banquet hall. /p> p alignjustify>Take a tour of all the good banquet halls in your city. If you are having trouble in renting the right size banquet hall then you may go in for a little larger hall than your expected size and fill the empty spaces with exclusive décor items. You could extend the sitting arrangement to make the banquet hall look filled to your invitees. An appropriate lighting can help to get the desired look for the banquet hall. You could make certain areas brighter and some can have dim shades depending on what the highlight of the event is. When you highlight some area of the banquet hall, anything that happens in that area grabs a lot of attention. /p> p alignjustify>Other facility required within a banquet hall includes a good sound system. Sound system is required for parties as well as corporate meetings. A banquet hall facility may be aesthetically sound but if it fails to fulfill the sound requirements of an event it will make a poor impression overall. The best way to ensure a good quality sound system is to attend or find out if someone in your friends or relatives has ever been to this banquet hall you selected. Until the sound is played how will you make up your mind for its quality? Make sure everything is in place before the event begins. You do not want to invite trouble by having loose connections of the microphone at the eleventh hour. /p> p alignjustify>Ensure the food quality of banquet by tasting the food well in advance. Check out what banquet foods are available then finalize the menu for your upcoming event. Pick the food from starter to deserts. Food could make a lasting impression on your invitees. This is one thing people generally dont want to experiment with. When you are done with the selections for your banquet food menu go ahead and taste it. Take along a friend or relative to help you form an opinion. One look at the kitchen could tell you the food quality within a minute. Make sure hygiene is an integral part of the banquet halls kitchen. /p> a href target_new>>p alignjustify>Walk along and get a look at the banquet bathrooms facility. Find out if it is sufficiently clean and basic things are available like soap, towel, toilet paper, etc. All these minor things will make a whole lot of difference to the overall event. /p> p alignjustify>Pulse Commerce is the leading cloud platform for enterprise order & inventory management empowering retail leaders with unprecedented visibility and control of inventory, orders and customers. Retailers, such as Badgley Mischka, Hanesbrands Inc., and rely on Pulse Commerce to improve order turnaround, increase customer satisfaction, and optimize inventory control and fulfillment costs. To learn more about how Pulse Commerce can increase your business performance by 20% or more, please visit or follow @PulseCommerce on Twitter. /p> p alignjustify>Pulse Commerce is the leading cloud platform for enterprise order & inventory management empowering retail leaders with unprecedented visibility and control of inventory, orders and customers. Retailers, such as Badgley Mischka, Hanesbrands Inc., and rely on Pulse Commerce to improve order turnaround, increase customer satisfaction, and optimize inventory control and fulfillment costs. To learn more about how Pulse Commerce can increase your business performance by 20% or more, please visit or follow @PulseCommerce on Twitter./p> br>br> p alignjustify> a stylemargin-left: 3 px; href target_new classone>Pulse Commerce: Free Webinar Boosting Ecommerce Conversions & Revenue With A/B Testing/a>br>Would your business benefit from a 325% increase in email clicks? Or a 300% increase in leads from landing pages? br> br> If you’re performing A/B testing on your retail website, then you’re likely achieving these levels of improvements, page-by-page & email-by-email, every> br> Do you know how to utilize A/B testing to its fullest potential? Or at all?br> br> Low cost and easy to use, A/B testing has become a go-to technique for marketers striving to increase conversion rates and revenue, often generating 100%+ improvements in critical KPIs. br> br> In this on-demand webinar, Pulse Commerces CEO, Manish Chowdhary, and My Wedding Reception Ideas CEO, Ray Miller, provide retailers with insights on:br> br> • What is A/B testingbr> • Why you should use A/B testsbr> • How A/B testing can increase revenue and conversionsbr> • Which aspects of ecommerce can be A/B testedbr> • How to conduct a successful A/B testbr> /p> table width38% cellpadding1 cellspacing1 alignleft> tr> td width100%> img srcimages/advertisment.jpg altAdvertisment border0 > /td> /tr> tr> td width100% bgcolor#CC99CC> a stylemargin-left: 4 px; href classone target_new>font color#ffffff>Ethical Search Engine Optimization/font>/a> /td> /tr> tr> td width100% bgcolor#CC99CC> a stylemargin-left: 3 px; href target_new classone>font color#ffffff>Great Gift Idea/font>/a> /td> /tr> tr> td width100% bgcolor#CC99CC> a stylemargin-left: 3 px; href target_new classone>font color#ffffff>Silver Jewelry Store/font>/a> /td> /tr> tr> td width100% bgcolor#CC99CC> a stylemargin-left: 3 px; href target_new classone>font color#ffffff>Enterprise Order Management System/font>/a> /td> /tr> /table> br> br>/TD> td alignright bgcolor#ffffff valigntop nowrap> /td> td aligncenter valigntop width140 bgcolor#ffffff nowrap> ! 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