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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Mon, 24 Mar 2025 02:28:27 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlTransfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-alivevary: Accept-Encodinglast-modified: Wed, 24 Jul 2024 14:11:31 GMTstrict-transport-security: max-age31536000x-frame-options: SAMEORIGINx-xss-protection: 1; modeblockx-content-type-options: nosniffcf-cache-status: DYNAMICReport-To: {endpoints:{url:https:\/\/\/report\/v4?sctYlGmEMJYdZ8PkZxn6n6VnghszjpAfprMPyL5CgYeO28jTUSf8chL7ePCPfoqQDHSu08DNFESDyfywHBq3xItxp5q%2BUbw7Xdut3xtYJe%2BDd00oJExwxX%2FlkVsT2vBevvg%3D%3D},group:cf-nel,max_age:604800}NEL: {success_fraction:0,report_to:cf-nel,max_age:604800}Server: cloudflareCF-RAY: 9252bc3129c6ef18-PDXalt-svc: h3:443; ma86400server-timing: cfL4;desc?protoTCP&rtt7169&min_rtt6816&rtt_var2328&sent5&recv6&lost0&retrans0&sent_bytes2860&recv_bytes725&delivery_rate424882&cwnd252&unsent_bytes0&cid66299d581d568168&ts795&x0 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>html>head>title>Top Tourist Attractions in North Carolina/title>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1>META NAMEkeywords CONTENTBlue Ridge Mountains, Mountains of North Carolina, North Carolina Mountains, Banner Elk>META NAMEdescription CONTENTTourist guide for everybody that wants to visit NC, it doesnt matter if you want to visit Seven Devils North Carolina Ski Resort or go in the best casino in the US.>META NAMErating CONTENTGeneral>META NAMErobots CONTENTindex,follow>META http-equivClassification CONTENTBlue Ridge Mountain>meta http-equivimagetoolbar contentno>link relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml titleROR hrefror.xml />link href3colm.css relstylesheet typetext/css>/head>body>div idheader>a nametop>/a> div idheader>a nametop>/a> div idlogo>a href/>img srcimages/logo.gif altThe Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina: Avery County and Banner Elk - Playground of the North Carolina Mountains border0 />/a>/div> /div> /div> div idtopnav> div alignright>a hrefindex.php>Home/a> | a hreflinks.php>Links/a> | a href/sitemap.php>Site map/a> | a hrefcontact.php>Contact/a>/div>/div> div idgutter>/div>div idleftnav> style typetext/css>!--.buttonscontainer {width: 120px;}.buttons a {color: #333333;background-color: ;padding: 2px;padding-left: 3px;display: block;font: 12px Verdana, sans-serif;font-weight: bold;text-decoration: none;text-align: left;}.buttons a:hover {background-color: ;color: #990000;text-decoration: none;}-->/style>div classbuttonscontainer> div classbuttons> p>a href/>Home Page/a> a href/Banner_Elk/>Banner Elkbr> /a>a href/Sugar_Mountain/>Sugar Mountain/a> a href/Beech_Mountain/>Beech Mountain/a> a href/Seven_Devils/>Seven Devils/a> a href/Grandfather_Mountain/>Grandfatherbr> /a>a href/Valle_Crucis/>Valle Crucis/a> a href/Foscoe/>Foscoe/a>/p> p>a href/attractions.php>Area Attractions/a> a href/activities.php>Activities/a> a href/photos.php>Photo Gallaries/a> a href/links.php>Resources/a> a href/contact.php>Contact Page/a>a href/sitemap.php> SiteMap/a>a href/ski-resorts-with-amazing-casinos> Ski Resorts with Amazing Casinos/a> /p> /p> /div>/div>form action methodpost>input typehidden namecmd value_s-xclick>input typehidden namehosted_button_id value5654BLR2N4A8L>input typeimage src border0 namesubmit altPayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!>img alt border0 src width1 height1>/form>p> p aligncenter>strong>font size2>Article/font>br> /strong>font size1>a href/north-carolina-skiing.php>North Carolina Skiingbr> and Snowboarding: strong>br> /strong>Know what to expect!/a>/font> /p> br> table width100%> tr> td bgcolor#00FFFF> div aligncenter>font size2>strong>N.C. Ski Reports/strong>/font>/div>/td> /tr> tr> td>div aligncenter>strong>font size1>a href target_blank>Beech Mountain/a>/font>/strong>/div>/td> /tr> tr> td>div aligncenter>strong>font size1>a href target_blank>Hawksnest/a>/font>/strong>/div>/td> /tr> tr> td>div aligncenter>strong>font size1>a href target_blank>Sugar Mountain/a>/font>/strong>/div>/td> /tr> tr> td> /td> /tr>/table>/p>/div>div idcontent>!-- content starts here --> style typetext/css>!--body { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: 100%; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; background-color: #FFFFFF;}-->/style>h1 aligncenter>font size5> font color#990000>The Blue Ridge Mountain of North Carolina/font>/font>font color#990000>br> font size3>Banner Elk & Avery County in the North Carolina Mountains/font>/font>/h1> div idfloatright>img srcimages/titleimage1.jpg width259 height159>/a>/div> br />p>span classdropcap> W/span>elcome to the strong>Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina /strong>and Avery County, fun central for outdoor enthusiasts of all ages and persuasions. Here we profile our town of strong>Banner Elk/strong> in the heart of the strong>North Carolina Mountains/strong>, where no matter what the time of year - winter, spring, summer or fall - there are tons of ways to enjoy the great outdoors all year round! em>Banner Elk North Carolina/em>, the hub for Blue Ridge Mountain range outdoor recreation. /p>p>u>Banner Elk/u> is Ski Central for the best skiing and snowboarding in the em>North Carolina Mountains/em>. Ski the u>Blue Ridge Mountains/u> at their highest peaks! Beech Mountain Resort, Sugar Mountain Ski Resort, and Hawksnest Ski Resort offer some of the best snow skiing and snowboarding in the southeast U.S. /p> div idfloatright> h5 aligncenter> SCRIPT SRCscripts/blendimages.js>/SCRIPT> font color#990000 size1>a href/road-trip.php>em>Article/em>/a>/font> a href/road-trip.php> br> Road Trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains:br> font size2>Banner Elk and Grandfather Mountain/font>/a>/h5>/div>p>For summer fun, enjoy the mild weather as you golf your way through the u>North Carolina mountains/u>, or explore the numerous hiking trails around the Blue Ridge Parkway and Grandfather Mountain. Experience the incredible autumn views, spring wildflowers, and the peaceful retreats typical of the u>mountains of North Carolina/u>. Day trips abound, from guided fly fishing tours, to white water rafting excursions for the more adventuresome. /p>p>Banner Elk is at the center of all this and more, with spectacular North Carolina mountain scenery everywhere you look! We will show you in this site our beautiful piece of the earth, traveling to the quaint and unique villages that surround Banner Elk. strong>Blue Ridge mountain rentals/strong> and retreats at Valle Crucis, Beech Mountain, Sugar Mountain and more! Catch a trout in Foscoe, and discover the highest peak in the Blue Ridge Mountain range – the majestic Grandfather Mountain. /p> p>For all of you who cant live without the internet, here you will get an excellent mobile signal, and there is free internet wifi in many places. So you will stay connected with the world constantly and can enjoy your favorite games in online mobile casinos like Mighty Slots, for which you can read full review at a href>> and get a free bonus./p>p>Join us as we take a tour of our roots - the heart of the beautiful em>Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina!/em> br>/p>h2>North Carolina Attractions/h2>p>North Carolina is one of the best states in the US. With its Atlantic beaches on the east and plenty of shoreline for all the visitor that would come in the state./p>p>The states long history means that you can find important historical sites from the Revolution and Civil Wars./p>p>Despite the historical and natural attractions that North Carolina can offer, the capital Charlotte is called Las Vegas of the East Coast. There are a lot of typical USA Casino locals that make you feel like you are in Nevada. You can visit the best casino on the west side of the city, where you can try the best casino games like roulette, blackjack, or any slots that you want to try. For all beginners interested in starting to play online casino games, we are here to offer you the a href>basic tips/a> and help you find out how to win free spins or any other no deposit bonus available at secure online casino sites./p>p>Of course, you can play your favorite casino game on the internet too, without the hassles of traveling. Online casinos are getting very popular because they give you the freedom to play on them anytime you like and from everywhere. And they give great bonuses too, just like this one that gives you a href>300% bonus on your first real money deposit/a> from top European casinos. They accept US players too. But, the options are not limited here. You can choose a casino from whatever country you feel so, as long as you fit in their policy standards. For example, the Australian online gambling industry is open to foreign players and as a matter of fact, offers them some great winning possibilities. How does the idea of playing with a a href>$300 no deposit bonus/a> in an Australian casino sound like? Be honest, its pretty amazing. Its just one of the perks of residing in North Carolina, even as a tourist for a short period of time./p>p>Visiting during the spring or summer gives you the bonus of being able to attend a world-famous music festival, but no matter when you visit, check out these top 10 attractions in North Carolina./p>ul>li>Biltmore Estate/li>li>Great Smoky Mountains National Park/li>li>USS North Carolina Battleship/li>li>Museum of Life and Science/li>li>North Carolina Zoo/li>li>Seven Devils North Carolina Ski Resort/li>li>Wright Brothers National Memorial/li>li>Chimney Rock State Park/li>li>Charlotte Motor Speedway/li>li>Discovery Place/li>/ul>h3 aligncenter>font color#990000>Banner Elk: Playground of the Blue Ridge Mountains/font>/h3>div idlegendbox> p aligncenter> /p> h3 aligncenter>The Legend of Banners Elk/h3> p> In the year of 1840, Martin Luther Banner - a man of Welch descent - first saw the area now known as Banner Elk in the valley of Elk Creek in the heart of the Blue Ridge em>mountains of North Carolina/em>. He was just passing through on the way to Nashville when he was taken aback by the natural beauty of the North Carolina mountains, and decided right then and there he would return. He did return with his family around 1845, and about a year later they moved across Sugar Mountain Gap, cleared a small field and built a cabin about where Lees-McRae College now stands. /p> p>Martin Luther established the first permanent settlement in 1848, and eventually the Banner family grew to 55 members. The area where they lived became known as strong>"Banner’s Elk" /strong>- deep in the mountains of North Carolina, a name you can still hear from some of the older local folk./p> p>Rumor has it that the town was named after an elk- one of the last in the region- that was shot and et, em>allegedly/em> by one of those 55 Banner kids!br /> /div> p>a href/bannerelk.php>Banner Elk NC/a>- a quaint bustling mountain town in the center of the Blue Ridge Mountains highest peaks. Here you find fine and casual dining, shopping, whitewater rafting,strong> /strong>Banner Elk Stables, North Carolina ski resort, Golf resorts, and high country accommodations, rentals, and real estate. /p> p>a href/sugar.php>Sugar Mountain North Carolina /a>is one of the top golf resorts in the North Carolina Mountains in the summer, and in the winter has the highest vertical rise of the North Carolina ski slopes. Mountain bike trails, golf and tennis, scenic chair lift rides, snow skiing, snowboarding and tubing are all here at Sugar Mountain Ski Resort. /p> p>a href/beech.php>Beech Mountain North Carolina,/a> a four seasons resort, is the highest city in the Blue Ridge Mountains. There are plenty of Blue Ridge mountain rentals for all year round. Hiking trails, mountain bike trails, and Freds General Mercantile are just some of the attractions at this North Carolina Mountain resort. /p> p>a href/7devils.php>Seven Devils and Hawksnest Ski Resort/a> has one of the prettiest ski slopes in the North Carolina mountains. With plenty of rental cabinsstrong> /strong>andstrong> /strong>vacation home rentals, Seven Devils and Hawksnest is a four season mountain resort, offering snowboarding, skiing, and scenic views of the Blue Ridge mountains .br />/p> p>a href/grandfather.php>Grandfather Mountain,/a> highest peak in the Blue Ridge Mountains, offersstrong> /strong>hiking trails, a mile high swinging bridge, examples of native animals in their natural habitat, and a nature museum. Every July Grandfather is host to the strong>Highland Games/strong>, and the gathering of Scottish Clans in the mountains of North Carolina. Just off the Blue Ridge Parkway near Linville Falls. /p> div idfloatright> script src>/script> /div> p>a href/vallecrucis.php>Valle Crucis /a>is laid back mountain life. The Mast General Storestrong> /strong>is the village gathering place - the valley offers Blue Ridge mountain retreats, rental cabins, bed and breakfast , high country inns, horseback riding, hiking, fishing and camping, and several sites listed on the National Register of Historic Places. /p>p>a href/foscoe.php>Foscoe on the Watauga/a> lies in the shadows of Grandfather in the North Carolina Mountains, and on the banks of the strong>Watauga River/strong>. The Greater Foscoe Mining Co. and Grandfather Mountain Trout Farm are just some of the attractions. Fly fishing guides, lessons and trips - antique shops, country furniture, Appalachian gifts and crafts , and several art galleries are also located in Foscoe. /p>p>Enjoy all of this from the center of it all - strong>Banner Elk/strong> in the North Carolina mountains - the cultural and recreational hub of the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. We hope to see you soon in our favorite corner of the world, strong>Banner Elk North Carolina/strong>!/p> h1>font size4>a namenews>/a>Appalachian News Feeds/font> /h1> a href target_blank>Appalachian State University News/a>br />Appalachian State University Headlinesbr />br />a href target_blank title$100K grant from National Endowment for the Humanities provides funds to explore war and its effects through art>$100K grant from National Endowment for the Humanities provides funds to expl.../a>br />i>by ASU News/i>br />i>23 May 2017 at 8:55am/i>br />By Elisabeth Wall BOONE, N.C.?Three Appalachian State University professors have been awarded a $100,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) to bring together veterans and their families to discuss how the humanities affect the understanding of armed conflict. An interdisciplinary project scheduled for the 2017-18 academic year, ?Blurred Boundaries: The Experience of …br />a href target_blank>Appointments to Appalachian?s Board of Trustees announced/a>br />i>by ASU News/i>br />i>19 May 2017 at 12:15pm/i>br />By University Communications BOONE, N.C.?The UNC Board of Governors has made one new appointment and reappointed three members to Appalachian State University?s Board of Trustees. Returning are M. Lee Barnes, Jr. of Durham, Charles Murray of Winston Salem and Carole Wilson of Raleigh. E. Bonnie Schaefer, owner of Westglow Resort and Spa in Blowing Rock …br />a href target_blank titleRibbon-cutting May 25 to mark reopening of New River banks near Appalachian?s State Farm Fields>Ribbon-cutting May 25 to mark reopening of New River banks near Appalachian?s.../a>br />i>by ASU News/i>br />i>19 May 2017 at 11:43am/i>br />By University Communications BOONE, N.C.?On May 25, a ribbon-cutting ceremony will mark the reopening of banks along the New River located at Appalachian State University?s State Farm Fields. The event, which will begin at 11 a.m. by the covered bridge at the Town of Boone Greenway, is free and open to the public. Parking will …br />a href target_blank titleCre8tive Drama Day Camp provides summer fun for High Country students, June 15 registration deadline>Cre8tive Drama Day Camp provides summer fun for High Country students, June 1.../a>br />i>by ASU News/i>br />i>19 May 2017 at 11:00am/i>br />By Nancye Edwards BOONE, N.C.?The Department of Theatre and Dance at Appalachian State University and Cre8tive Drama once again will present Cre8tive Drama Day Camp, a weeklong summer day camp filled with theatre activities for students 6-16 years of age. The camp costs $150 per student and runs Monday, June 26, through Friday, June 30, …br />a href target_blank titleCoordinator of Veteran Services Eric Gormly to speak at Appalachian?s Memorial Day ceremony May 29>Coordinator of Veteran Services Eric Gormly to speak at Appalachian?s Memoria.../a>br />i>by ASU News/i>br />i>19 May 2017 at 8:05am/i>br />By University Communications BOONE, N.C.?Appalachian State University will mark Memorial Day with a ceremony featuring remarks by Eric Gormly, the coordinator of student veteran services at Appalachian. Eric Gormly, coordinator of student veteran services at Appalachian State University, will speak at the university?s 2017 Memorial Day ceremony. Photo by Marie Freeman The event, which is …br />h2 aligncenter>font size5>br> font color#990000>The Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina/font>/font>font color#990000>br> font size3>Banner Elk & Avery Co. in the North Carolina Mountains/font>/font>/h2> /div> div idrightcolm> br /> table width100% border0> tr> td bordercolor#990000 backgroundimages/button.gif bgcolor#66FFFF> div aligncenter>a hrefjavascript:window.external.AddFavorite(, Banners Elk Outdoor Living)> strong>font color#0000FF size1>Bookmark this Site!/font>/strong>/a>/div>/td> /tr>/table>br />div aligncenter>font color#990000 size2>a href/#news>strong>Appalachian/strong>/a>/font>a href/#news>font color#990000>br> strong>font size4>News Feeds/font>/strong>/font>/a>font color#990000>strong>font size4> /font>/strong>/font>/div>br /> center> script typetext/javascript>!--google_ad_client pub-5658073389947913;google_alternate_ad_url /scripts/google_adsense_script.html;google_ad_width 120;google_ad_height 600;google_ad_format 120x600_as;google_ad_type text_image;google_ad_channel ;google_color_border FFFFFF;google_color_bg FFFFFF;google_color_link 0000FF;google_color_text 000000;google_color_url 008000;//-->/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script> /center> /div> div idfooter> div alignright> p>a href#top>img srcimages/bak2top.gif border0 />/a>/p> !-- Start of StatCounter Code -->script typetext/javascript languagejavascript>var sc_project931858; var sc_invisible1; var sc_partition7; var sc_securityecdb179e; /script>script typetext/javascript languagejavascript src>/script>noscript>a href target_blank>img src altfree page hit counter border0>/a> /noscript> !-- End of StatCounter Code --> p aligncenter>a href/>font size2>Home/font>/a>font size2> | a href/Banner_Elk/>Banner Elk/a> | a href/Sugar_Mountain/>Sugar Mountain/a> | a href/Beech_Mountain/>Beech Mountain/a>br> a href/Seven_Devils/>Seven Devils/a> | a href/Grandfather_Mountain/>Grandfather/a> | a href/Foscoe/>Foscoe/a> | a href/Valle_Crucis/>Valle Crucis/a>br> a href/sitemap.php target_blank>Site Map/a>/font>br> © 2020 Banners Elk/p> /div>/body>/html>
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