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height: 80%>/textarea>br>input typebutton onclickdo_import(this); valueCreate your Wn Instant Playlist!> + img classifr_close titleClick here to cancel src// onclicklogin_close() />, css: { width: 880px, height: 495px, top: 15%, applyPlatformOpacityRules: false, left: (parseInt((w - 880) * 50 / w) + %), border: 5px solid #eff2f3, backgroundColor: #aaa, -webkit-border-radius: 14px, -moz-border-radius: 14px, -khtml-border-radius: 14px, border-radius: 14px } }); return false;});$(function(){ $(function(){ $(.video-info).each(function() { Hyphenator.hyphenate(this, en); }); }); $(.fullscreen-toggle).click(function(e) { var vsid getPlayerId(getCurrentTab()); triggerFullscreen(vsid); }); $(document).keyup(function(e) { if (e.keyCode 27) { //#FIXME additional $(.autoscroll-box .slimScrollDiv).css(position, relative); $(.autoscroll-box .slimScrollDiv).css(width, 100%); $(.autoscroll-box .slimScrollDiv).css(height, 360px); $(#autoscroll).css(height, 360px); $(.autoscroll-box .slimScrollDiv).css(z-index, 102); 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$(this).css(background-position, 0px center); }); $(.playvideo+vsid).livequery(function() { $(this).click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); var vp getPlayer(this); clog(onPlayVideoX); var videoData vp.extractVideoData($(event.currentTarget)); clog(videoData); vp.playFromPlaylist(videoData, true, 0); }); }); $(.playvideo).livequery(function() { $(this).click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); var vp videoplayers1; clog(onPlayVideoX); var videoData vp.extractVideoData($(event.currentTarget)); clog(videoData); vp.playFromPlaylist(videoData, true, 0); }); }); $(.addvideo).livequery(function() { $(this).click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); var vp getPlayer(this); clog(onAddVideo); var videoData vp.extractVideoData($(event.currentTarget)); var playlist vp.getPlaylist(); playlist.push(videoData); vp.setPlaylist(playlist); clog(onAddVideo done.); }); });});var bind_video_details ensure(function(vsid){ var target $(#details+vsid+ .center-content); videoplayersvsid.playerContainer.bind(videoplayer.player.playlistchanged, function(e, playlist){ target.find(.video-desc).detach(); for(var i in playlist){ var item playlisti; var itemId _.uniqueId(item_); var context { descriptionsholder: #descriptionsplace+vsid, id: itemId, info: {source: +item.source+, video_id: +item.video_id+, duration: +item.duration+, published: +item.published+, updated: +item.updated+, author: }, url: item.title.replace(/ /g, _).replace(//g,")+/video_details, title: item.title, titled: item.title+/video details, durationStr: videoplayersvsid.formatTime(item.duration), description: item.description, updated: item.updated, author:, published: item.published, order: (+i)+1, thumbnailUrl: item.thumbnailUrl, tooltipContentBody: item.tooltipContentBody, }; var item_text detailsTemplate(context); target.append(item_text); } }); // getting the video details delete button to work $(#details+vsid+ .video-remove).live(click, function(e) { var toRemove videoplayersvsid.extractVideoData(this); var playlist videoplayersvsid.getPlaylist(); for (var i 0; i playlist.length; i++) { var playlistItem playlisti; if(videoplayersvsid.isSameVideo(playlistItem, toRemove)){ playlist.splice(i--, 1); } } videoplayersvsid.setPlaylist(playlist); $(this).parent(; var items $(#details+vsid+ .video-desc .details-manual-order); for (var i 0; i items.length; i++) { $(itemsi).val(i+1); } }); // ordering logic var pl_len $(#details+vsid+ .video-desc).length; var init_vlist_value false; var new_vlist_value false; $(#details+vsid+ .details-manual-order).live(hover, function(e) { $(this).select(); if (!init_vlist_value) { init_vlist_value parseInt($(this).val()); } }); $(#details+vsid+ .details-manual-order).live(focus, function(e) { if (!init_vlist_value) { init_vlist_value parseInt($(this).val()); } }); //$(#details+vsid+ .details-manual-order).blur(function(e) { // $(this).parent().find(.details-manual-order-confirm).hide(); //}) $(#details+vsid+ .details-manual-order).live(keyup, function(e) { $(this).parent().find(.details-manual-order-confirm).hide(); new_vlist_value parseInt($(this).val()); if (isNaN(new_vlist_value)) { return false; } if (new_vlist_value undefined) { return false; } if (new_vlist_value parseInt(init_vlist_value)) { return false; } if (new_vlist_value 0) { return false; } if (new_vlist_value > pl_len) { return false; } if (new_vlist_value 0) { new_vlist_value 1; } $(this).parent().find(.details-manual-order-confirm).show(); }); // add the keypress event $(#details+vsid+ .details-manual-order).live(keypress, function(e) { if(e.keyCode 13) { var tmp $(#details+vsid+ .video-desc).eq(init_vlist_value-1); var target $(#details+vsid+ .video-desc).eq(new_vlist_value-1); var tmpc tmp.clone(true); target.find(.details-manual-order).val(init_vlist_value); tmp.replaceWith(target); var place $(#details+vsid+ .video-desc).eq(new_vlist_value-1); tmpc.insertBefore(place); var items $(#details+vsid+ .video-desc .details-manual-order); for (var i 0; i items.length; i++) { $(itemsi).val(i+1); } videoplayersvsid.switchPlaylistItems(init_vlist_value, new_vlist_value); init_vlist_value false; new_vlist_value false; $(#details+vsid+ .details-manual-order-confirm).hide(); } }); $(#details+vsid+-items .details-manual-order-confirm).live(click, function(e) { var tmp $(#details+vsid+ .video-desc).eq(init_vlist_value-1); var target $(#details+vsid+ .video-desc).eq(new_vlist_value-1); var tmpc tmp.clone(true); target.find(.details-manual-order).val(init_vlist_value); tmp.replaceWith(target); var place $(#details+vsid+ .video-desc).eq(new_vlist_value-1); tmpc.insertBefore(place); var items $(#details+vsid+ .video-desc .details-manual-order); for (var i 0; i items.length; i++) { $(itemsi).val(i+1); } videoplayersvsid.switchPlaylistItems(init_vlist_value, new_vlist_value); init_vlist_value false; new_vlist_value false; $(#details+vsid+ .details-manual-order-confirm).hide(); }); $(#playlistformating+vsid).hover(function() { $(.playlistformating.fsmode).stop(true, false).animate({right: 0px}, 900); $(.playlistformating.fsmode).css(background-image, url(//; }, function() { $(.playlistformating.fsmode).stop(true, false).animate({right: -365px}, 900); $(.playlistformating.fsmode).css(background-image, url(//; });});-->/script>script typetext/javascript>!--function bind_fsplayer(){ if(!window.videoplayers){ videoplayers ; } var videoplayer_fs new Videoplayer({ playlistContainer: #playlistcontainerfs, playerContainer: #playercontainer1, playlistItemTemplate: playlistItemTemplateFS, playpositionTemplate: $(% elapsedTime %>) / $S(% totalTime %>), emptyItemHtml: emptyItemHtml, inputOrdering: true, enableLogging: false, playlistClear: .playlistcontainerfs_clear, replaycurrentCheckbox: .replaycurrentfs, playlistFormatCookie: none, }); jQuery(.discoplaylist_play).click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); videoplayer_fs.clearPlaylist(); videoplayer_fs.playPlaylist(); }); var fullscreen_interval_caller false; jQuery(.play-album-fullscreen).live(click, ensure(function(e) { videoplayer_fs.clearPlaylist(); // checking if we have at least one video in the playlist in order to click it fullscreen_interval_caller setInterval(function(){ first_video jQuery(#playlistcontainer_fs).find(a.playlistitem:first); if (first_video) { first_video.find(img.playlist-thumbnail).click(); triggerFullscreen(1); clearInterval(fullscreen_interval_caller); } }, 1000); })); jQuery(.play-fullscreen).live(click, ensure(function(e) { videoplayer_fs.clearPlaylist(); fullscreen_interval_caller setInterval(function(){ first_video videoplayer_fs.playlistContainer.find(li).first().find(a.playlistitem); if (first_video) {; triggerFullscreen(1); clearInterval(fullscreen_interval_caller); } }, 1000); }));}function do_query_add_to_fs_playlist(query) { jQuery.ajax({ data: { t: cheetah-photo-search/video_search.txt, query: query, }, dataType: jsonp, url:, success: function(text) { var vp videoplayers1; vp.clearPlaylist(); //clog(onPlayVideoX); var videoData vp.extractVideoData($(text)); clog(videoData); vp.playFromPlaylist(videoData, true, 0); triggerFullscreen(1); } });}function do_query_add_to_playlist(query) { jQuery.ajax({ data: { t: cheetah-photo-search/video_search.txt, query: query, }, dataType: jsonp, url:, success: function(text) { var vp videoplayers1; var videoData vp.extractVideoData($(text)); var playlist vp.getPlaylist(); playlist.push(videoData); vp.setPlaylist(playlist); } });}jQuery(function(){ jQuery(.add-to-playlist).live(click, function(e) { query jQuery(this).attr(id); do_query_add_to_playlist(query); }); jQuery(.add-all-playlist).live(click, function(e) { jQuery(input.disco-check).attr(disabled, false); jQuery(input.disco-check).attr(checked, false); var links jQuery(this).parent().parent(.album).find(ul); links.find(:checkbox).each(function() { jQuery(this).click(); }); jQuery(.disco-check:checked).each(function(idx) { query jQuery(this).next(a).attr(title); do_query_add_to_playlist(query); }); }); jQuery(.retrieve-fs-playlist).live(click, function(e) { jQuery(input.disco-check).attr(disabled, false); jQuery(input.disco-check).attr(checked, false); var links jQuery(this).parent().parent(.album).find(ul); links.find(:checkbox).each(function() { jQuery(this).click(); }); jQuery(.disco-check:checked).each(function(idx) { query jQuery(this).next(a).attr(title); do_query_add_to_fs_playlist(query); }); });});-->/script>script typetext/javascript>!--var matchNumber function(x){return x && x.match(/^\d+$/);}var matchDash function(x){return x && x.match(/^\d+(-\d+)?(,\d+(-\d+)?)*$/);}var matchPosition function(x){return x && x.match(/^(\d+:)?\d+:\d+$/);}var matchAction function(x){return x && x.match(/^(\d+:)?\d+:\d+(\-|\.\.)(\d+:)?\d+:\d+$/);}var matchNames function(x){ return x && x.length > 3;}function parseDash(x){ var parts x.split(/,/g); var r ; for(var i in parts){ var p partsi; if(p.match(-)){ var rg p.split(-); for(var trg0; trg1; t++){ r.push(t|0); } }else{ r.push(p|0); } } return r;}var parsePosition function(x){ var parts x.split(/:/g); var pos 0; for(var p in parts){ pos pos*60 + parseInt(partsp.trim() || 0, 10); } return pos;}var sources {yt: youtube, vm: vimeo, dm: dailymotion};var namesMatch function(name, vname){ var name1 name.replace(/\W_+/g, ).trim().toLowerCase(); var name2 vname.replace(/\W_+/g, ).trim().toLowerCase(); if(!name1 || !name2) return false; if(name1 name2) return 1; if(name2.substring(0, name1.length) name1) return 0.8; if(name2.match(name1)) return 0.6; return 0;}var findMatchingVideo function(vp, vid){ var pl vp.getActualPlaylist(); vid vid.replace(/\/+$/,).replace(/%20/g, ); if(vid.match(/^\d+$/)){ var number parseInt(vid); return plnumber-1; }else if(vid.match(/^\w\w-/)){ var s sourcesvid.substr(0, 2); for(var v in pl){ if(plv.source s && plv.video_id vid.substr(3)){ return plv; } } }else{ var bm 0; var winner -1; for(var i0; ipl.length; i++){ var candidate namesMatch(vid, pli.title); if(candidate > bm){ bm candidate; winner i; } } if(winner -1) return null; if(window.console && console.log) console.log(Found video: + winner + for query + vid); return plwinner; }}var parseAction function(vp, x){ var video null; var start 0; var stop null; // at the end of video if(x.match(/\//)){ var vid_pos x.split(/\//, 2); x vid_pos0; var positions vid_pos1.split(/\-|\.\./, 2); start parsePosition(positions0) || 0; if(positions1 && positions1.trim()){ stop parsePosition(positions1) || null; } } video findMatchingVideo(vp, x); return { video: video, start: start, stop: stop };};$ensure(function(){ if (window.location.hash && window.location.hash #__) { if (window.history && history.pushState) { window.history.pushState(, document.title, window.location.href.replace(location.hash,)); } else { // Prevent scrolling by storing the pages current scroll offset var scroll { top: document.body.scrollTop, left: document.body.scrollLeft }; window.location.hash ; // Restore the scroll offset, should be flicker free document.body.scrollTop; document.body.scrollLeft scroll.left; } } // method that scrolls the headlines to a certain position function scrollRelated(seconds) { window.jQueryAutoScroll.doScrollTo(25*parseInt(seconds)); } var showMenu ensure(function(activeMenu, activeItem, shown){ if(window.console && console.log) console.log(Activating menu: +activeMenu); // ul idmenu-name classsubmenu border_color tabtrigger>li id#child-menu-id classactive>a id#opened-tab-id> // or // ul idmain_menu classtabtrigger>li id#child-menu-id classcurrent>a id#opened-tab-id> var activeMenuElement $(ul+activeMenu); 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var renderPage function(number, active){ var page ; if(number active){ page + span classactive>+active+/span> ; }else{ page + a hrefjavascript:void(0); onclick\activateTab(history, +number+);return false;\>+number+/a> ; } return page; } var historyTemplate _.template(div classhistory-div>+ a href% url %>>% title %>/a>+ span stylecolor:gray;font-size:90%>% at %>/span>+ /div>); var myPlaylists DynamicStream(my_playlists, 10,, div classitem-div l80>+ % if(thumb.width && !thumb.url.match(^/)) { %>+ img width% thumb.width %> height% thumb.height %> src% thumb.url %> classthumb />+ % } else { %>+ img width72 height54 src classthumb />+ % } %>div classinfo>+ a href owner %>/% query %>>% title %>/a>br /> + span stylecolor:gray;font-size:90%>% edited_at %> ago/span>+ //br/>% if(typeof duration!undefined){ %>Duration: % duration %>% } %>br/>+ /div>/div>); var myVideos DynamicStream(my_videos, 20,, div classitem-div l80>+ img width72 height54 src video_id %>/default.jpg classthumb />+ div classinfo>+ a href title %>>% title %>/a>br /> + span stylecolor:gray;font-size:90%>% edited_at %> ago/span>+ //br/>% if(typeof duration!undefined){ %>Duration: % duration %>% } %>br/>+ /div>/div>); 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Load news page with ajax here } else if(num > 1900){ //FIX ME. Load timeline page with ajax here } } else if(tab.match(/^playlist\d+$/)){ var playerId parseInt(tab.substring(8)); var vp videoplayersplayerId; window.descriptionsholder $(.descriptionsplace); if(!vp) return; // why? no player? if(replayMode){ $(.replaycurrent+playerId).attr(checked, true); vp.setReplayCurrent(true); } var playQueue ; window.playQueue playQueue; var playQueuePosition 0; var playShouldStart null; var playShouldStop null; var parseList function(x){ var items x.split(/;|,/g); var results ; for (i in items){ try{ var action parseAction(vp, itemsi); if(!{ if(window.console && console.log) console.log(Warning: No video for queued entry: + itemsi); }else{ results.push(action); } }catch(e){ if(window.console && console.log) console.log(Warning: Cant parse queue entry: + itemsi); } } return results; }; var scrollToPlaylistPosition function(vp){ var ppos vp.getPlaylistPosition(); var el vp.playlistContainer.find(>li).eq(ppos); var par el.closest(.playlist_scrollarea); par.scrollTop(el.offset().top-par.height()/2); } var updateVolumeState function(){ if(noSoundMode){ if(noSoundMode turn-on){ clog(Sound is on, vsid+vp.vsid); vp.setVolumeUnMute(); noSoundMode false; }else{ clog(Sound is off, vsid+vp.vsid); vp.setVolumeMute(); noSoundMode turn-on; } } } var playQueueUpdate function(){ var playPosition playQueueplayQueuePosition; vp.playFromPlaylist(; scrollToPlaylistPosition(vp); playShouldStart playPosition.start; playShouldStop playPosition.stop; }; var playQueueAdvancePosition function(){ clog(Advancing play position...); playQueuePosition ++; while(playQueuePosition playQueue.length && !{ playQueuePosition ++; } if(playQueuePosition playQueue.length){ playQueueUpdate(); }else if(vp.getReplayCurrent()){ playQueuePosition 0; playQueueUpdate(); vp.seekTo(playShouldStart); vp.playVideo(); }else{ vp.pauseVideo(); playShouldStop null; playShouldStart null; } }; function loadMoreVideos(playerId, vp, start, finish, callback){ var playlistInfo playlistsplayerId-1; if(playlistInfo.loading > finish) return; playlistInfo.loading finish; $.ajax({ url: /api/upge/cheetah-photo-search/query_videos2, dataType: json, data: { query: playlistInfo.query, orderby: playlistInfo.orderby, start: start, count: finish-start }, success: function(response){ var pl vp.getPlaylist().slice(0); pl.push.apply(pl, response); vp.setPlaylist(pl); callback(); } }); } if(parts.length 1 && matchDash(parts0)){ var pl vp.getActualPlaylist(); var vids parseDash(parts0); parts ; for(var i 0; i vids.length; i++){ playQueue.push({ video: plvidsi-1, start: 0, stop: null }) } if(vids.length){ if(vidsvids.length-1-1>pl.length){ loadMoreVideos(playerId, vp, pl.length, vidsvids.length-1, function(){ if(fsonload){ activateTabArea(tab, parts0+/fs); }else{ activateTabArea(tab, parts0); } var pls vp.getPlaylist(); vp.playFromPlaylist(plspls.length-1); vp.playVideo(); scrollToPlaylistPosition(vp); }); return true; } } if(playQueue){ playQueueUpdate(); vp.playVideo(); parsed true; playShouldStart 0; } } if(previewMode){ var vids ; var dur 0; var pl vp.getActualPlaylist(); area parts0; if(parts.length 1 && matchPosition(parts0)){ vids parseDash(1-+pl.length); dur parsePosition(parts0); parts ; }else if(parts.length 1 && matchDash(parts0)){ vids parseDash(parts0); dur parsePosition(999:59); parts ; } if(parts.length 2 && matchDash(parts0) && matchPosition(parts1)){ vids parseDash(parts0); dur parsePosition(parts1); parts ; } for(var i 0; i vids.length; i++){ playQueue.push({ video: plvidsi-1, start: 0, stop: dur }) } if(playQueue){ playQueueUpdate(); vp.playVideo(); parsed true; } } if(parts.length>1){ for(var i 0; i parts.length; i++){ var sel findMatchingVideo(vp, partsi); if(sel){ playQueue.push({ video: sel, start: 0, stop: null }) } } if(playQueue){ playQueueUpdate(); vp.playVideo(); parsed true; } }else if(area){ var sel findMatchingVideo(vp, area); if(sel){ vp.playFromPlaylist(sel); playShouldStart 0; parsed true; } } if(fsonload || replayMode){ playShouldStart 0; } if(|queue)){ var opts^\?/,).split(/&/g); for(var o in opts){ if(optso.match(/^at(\d+:)?(\d+:)?\d+$/)){ playShouldStart parsePosition(optso.substr(3)) } if(optso.match(/^queue/)){ playQueue parseList(optso.substr(6)); if(playQueue){ playQueuePosition 0; playQueueUpdate(); } } } } if(matchPosition(parts1)){ playShouldStart parsePosition(parts1); parsed true; } if(matchAction(parts1)){ var action parseAction(vp, area+/+parts1); playShouldStart action.start; playShouldStop action.stop; parsed true; } if(playShouldStart ! null && !playQueue.length){ playQueue.push({ video: vp.getCurrentVideo(), start: playShouldStart, stop: playShouldStop }); } if(playShouldStart ! null){ setInterval(function(){ if(playShouldStop && vp.currentPlayer && vp.currentPlayer.getCurrentTime() > playShouldStop){ playShouldStop null; if(vp.getCurrentVideo(){ playQueueAdvancePosition(); }else{ playShouldStart null; } } }, 500); vp.playerContainer.bind(videoplayer.player.statechange, function(e, state){ if(state ended){ // advance to the next video playQueueAdvancePosition(); } }); vp.playerContainer.bind(videoplayer.player.readychange, function(e, state){ if(state){ updateVolumeState(); if(playShouldStart ! null){ vp.seekTo(playShouldStart); 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lng resource.lng; country; city_name; forecast_div jQuery(#weather-today); jQuery(.geocoded-lat).html(lat); jQuery(.geocoded-lon).html(lng); if ((lat ! 0) && (lng!0) && forecast_div.length) { get_weather_details(forecast_div, lat, lng, city_name, country); jQuery(#weather-header).html(city_name); } }) }); }); get_weather_details ensure(function(geo_obj, lat, lng, city_name, country){ first_geo_data true; var global_geo_obj geo_obj; var country country; var city city_name.toUpperCase(); jQuery.ajax({ data: { lat: jQuery.trim(lat), lng: jQuery.trim(lng), cnt: 1, APPID: 0374ae89689b7ac3ba53376fa99409a0 }, dataType: jsonp, cache: true, url:, success: ensure(function(data) { weather_info for (idx in data.list) { weather_data data.listidx if (weather_data) { weather weather_data.weather0 clouds weather_data.clouds m moment(weather_data.dt) d new Date(weather_data.dt*1000) month d.getMonth()+1 tempC parseInt(parseFloat(weather_data.main.temp)-273.15) tempF parseInt(tempC*1.8+32) today d.getDate() + .+ month + . + d.getFullYear() weather_info + div classweather-frame today> weather_info + img src// alt /> weather_info + div classinfo> if (country United States){ weather_info + div classtemp>+tempF+ F°/div> }else{ weather_info + div classtemp>+tempC+ °C/div> } weather_info + ul>li>Pressure: +weather_data.main.pressure+ hPa/li> if (weather_data.main.humidity) { weather_info + li>Humidity: +weather_data.main.humidity+ %/li>; } if (clouds) { weather_info + li>Clounds: +clouds.all+%/li> } if (weather) { weather_info + li>+weather.description+/li> } weather_info + /ul>/div> } } global_geo_obj.html(weather_info); var global_geo jQuery(#forecast); get_forecast_details(city, 4, global_geo, country); }) }); }); function forecast_status(msg) { jQuery(#forecast-header).html(msg); } function get_forecast_details(city, days_count, global_geo, country) { global_geo.html(Loading forecast ...); jQuery.ajax({ data: { city: city, report: daily }, dataType: jsonp, url:, success: function(data) { if(!data) { text (weater data temporarily not available); } // loop through the list of weather info weather_info ; var weather_day_loop 0; jQuery.each(data.list, function(idx, value) { if (idx 1) { return; } if (weather_day_loop > days_count) { return false; } weather clouds value.clouds d new Date(value.dt*1000) t d.getMonth()+1 + - + d.getDate() + - + d.getFullYear() moment.lang(en, { calendar : { lastDay : Yesterday, sameDay : Today, nextDay : Tomorrow, lastWeek : last dddd, nextWeek : dddd, sameElse : L } }); mobj moment(value.dt*1000) // skip today if (t today) { return; } tempC parseInt(parseFloat( tempF parseInt(tempC*1.8+32) today t; weather_day_loop + 1; weather_info + div classweather-day>div classdate>+mobj.calendar()+/div>; weather_info + div classweather-frame>img src// alt /> weather_info + div classinfo> if (country United States){ weather_info + div classtemp>+tempF+ °F/div> }else{ weather_info + div classtemp>+tempC+ °C/div> } weather_info + ul>li>+value.pressure+ hPa/li> if (value.humidity) { weather_info + li>Humidity: +value.humidity+ %/li/>; } if (clouds) { weather_info + li>Clouds: +clouds+%/li> } if (weather) { weather_info + li> +weather.description+/li> } weather_info + /ul>/div>/div>/div> }); global_geo.html(weather_info); } });} //--> /script> !-- /WEATHER --> !-- WIKIPEDIA --> div idwiki0 classwiki-page styledisplay:none> div classcol-md-12> link nopack1 href// relstylesheet> style> .wiki-page .reflist { display: none; } /style> style>.wikiparser .mw-body>.mw-body { max-width: none !important; } .mwcss { background-color: #fff; font-size: 13px; color: #666; } .mwcss a{ color: #333; } /style>div classwikiparser data-custom0 data-titleFashion_show data-main1 stylepadding-bottom:10px;> div classmwcss mediawiki> div classmw-body mw-body-content mediawiki stylemargin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; width: 100%;> img src classwiki-img /> h1 idtitleHeading stylebackground-color: white; margin: 0;>Fashion show/h1> p idmwCQ>A b idmwCg>fashion show/b> is an event put on by a a href titleFashion designer idmwCw>fashion designer/a> to showcase his or her upcoming line of a href titleClothing idmwDA>clothing/a> during a href titleFashion Week idmwDQ>Fashion Week/a>. Fashion shows debut every season, particularly the Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter seasons. This is where the latest fashion trends are made. The two most influential fashion weeks are a href titleParis Fashion Week idmwDg>Paris Fashion Week/a> and a href titleNew York Fashion Week idmwDw>New York Fashion Week/a>, which are both semiannual events. Also, the a href titleMilan Fashion Week idmwEA>Milan/a>, a href titleLondon Fashion Week idmwEQ>London/a> and a href titleBerlin Fashion Week idmwEg>Berlin/a> are of global importance./p>p idmwEw>In a typical fashion show, a href titleFashion model idmwFA>models/a> walk the a href titleRunway (fashion) idmwFQ>catwalk/a> dressed in the clothing created by the designer. The clothing is illuminated on the runway by the a href titleFashion show lighting idmwFg>fashion show lighting/a>. The order in which each model walks out wearing a specific outfit is usually planned in accordance to the statement that the designer wants to make about his or her collection. It is then up to the audience to not only try to understand what the designer is trying to say by the way the collection is being presented, but to also visually deconstruct each outfit and try to appreciate the detail and craftsmanship of every single piece./p> div classwikipage> a onclickactivateTab(wiki0); return false; idwiki_1 hrefjavascript:void(0); classpull-right>Read more i classfa fa-caret-right aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a> /div> /div> /div> div classsmall> This page contains text from a relnofollow href>Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia/a> - a href>> /div> /div> /div> /div> div idwiki1 classwiki-page styledisplay:none> div classcol-md-12> style>.wikiparser .mw-body>.mw-body { max-width: none !important; } .mwcss { background-color: #fff; font-size: 13px; color: #666; } .mwcss a{ color: #333; } /style>div classwikiparser data-custom0 data-titleFashion_show_(disambiguation) data-main0 stylepadding-bottom:10px;> div classmwcss mediawiki> div classmw-body mw-body-content mediawiki stylemargin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; width: 100%;> h1 idtitleHeading stylebackground-color: white; margin: 0;>Fashion show (disambiguation)/h1> p idmwAg>A b idmwAw>a href titleFashion show idmwBA>fashion show/a>/b> is an event put on by a fashion designer to showcase his or her upcoming line of clothing./p>p idmwBQ>b idmwBg>Fashion Show/b> may also refer to:/p>li idmwCA> a href titleThe Fashion Show (UK TV series) idmwCQ>i idmwCg>The Fashion Show/i> (UK TV series)/a>, a 2008 British television show/li>li idmwCw> a href titleThe Fashion Show (U.S. TV series) idmwDA>i idmwDQ>The Fashion Show/i> (U.S. TV series)/a>, a 2009 American television show on Bravo/li>li idmwDg> a href titleThe Fashion Show (The Inbetweeners) idmwDw>The Fashion Show (The Inbetweeners)/a>, the series 3 premiere episode of i idmwEA>The Inbetweeners/i>/li>li idmwEQ> a href titleFashion Show Mall idmwEg>Fashion Show Mall/a>/li> div classwikipage> a onclickactivateTab(wiki0); return false; idwiki_0 hrefjavascript:void(0); classpull-right>Read more i classfa fa-caret-right aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a> /div> /div> /div> div classsmall> This page contains text from a relnofollow href>Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia/a> - a href>> /div> /div> /div> /div> div idwiki2 classwiki-page styledisplay:none> div classcol-md-12> style>.wikiparser .mw-body>.mw-body { max-width: none !important; } .mwcss { background-color: #fff; font-size: 13px; color: #666; } .mwcss a{ color: #333; } /style>div classwikiparser data-custom0 data-titleCruel_Intentions_&_Fashion_Show data-main0 stylepadding-bottom:10px;> div classmwcss mediawiki> div classmw-body mw-body-content mediawiki stylemargin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; width: 100%;> img src classwiki-img /> h1 idtitleHeading stylebackground-color: white; margin: 0;>Cruel Intentions & Fashion Show/h1> p idmwBA>i idmwBQ>b idmwBg>Cruel Intentions & Fashion Show/b>/i> (stylized as i idmwBw>Cruel Intentions & Fashion Show EP/i>) is the first a href titleExtended play idmwCA>extended play/a> by a href titleCanada idmwCQ>Canadian/a> a href titleR&B idmwCg>R&B/a> singer a href titleCory Lee idmwCw>Cory Lee/a>. It contains her two previous released singles - i idmwDA>a href titleFashion Show (Cory Lee song) idmwDQ>Fashion Show/a>/i> and i idmwDg>a href titleCruel Intentions(Cory Lee song) idmwDw>Cruel Intentions/a>/i> as well as 5 remixes of them. /p>p idmwEA>The album was released digitally via a href titleITunes Store idmwEQ>iTunes Store/a> in Canada./p>h2 idmwEg>Track listing/h2>h2 idmwFA>References/h2> div classwikipage> a onclickactivateTab(wiki0); return false; idwiki_0 hrefjavascript:void(0); classpull-right>Read more i classfa fa-caret-right aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a> /div> /div> /div> div classsmall> This page contains text from a relnofollow href>Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia/a> - a href>> /div> /div> /div> /div> div idwiki3 classwiki-page styledisplay:none> div classcol-md-12> div stylewidth: 75%; text-align: right; >a href target_blank>location on Google Map i classfa fa-map-marker>/i>/a>/div> style>.wikiparser .mw-body>.mw-body { max-width: none !important; } .mwcss { background-color: #fff; font-size: 13px; color: #666; } .mwcss a{ color: #333; } /style>div classwikiparser data-custom0 data-titleBangalore data-main0 stylepadding-bottom:10px;> div classmwcss mediawiki> div classmw-body mw-body-content mediawiki stylemargin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; width: 100%;> img src classwiki-img /> h1 idtitleHeading stylebackground-color: white; margin: 0;>Bangalore/h1> p idmwBg>b idmwBw>Bangalore/b> span classnowrap idmwCA>span classIPA nopopups>/span styleborder-bottom:1px dotted>span titleb in buy>b/span>span title/æ/ short a in bad>æ/span>span title/ŋ/ ng in sing>ŋ/span>span titleg in guy>ɡ/span>span title/ə/ a in about>ə/span>span title/ˈ/ primary stress follows>ˈ/span>span titlel in lie>l/span>span title/ɔː/ au in fraud>ɔː/span>span titler in rye>r/span>/span>//span>/span>, a href titleList of renamed Indian cities and states idmwCQ>officially/a> known as b idmwCg>Bengaluru/b> (small idmwCw>/small>span titleRepresentation in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) classIPA>ˈbeŋɡəɭuːɾu/span>), is the a href titleCapital city idmwDQ>capital/a> of the a href titleIndian state idmwDg>Indian state/a> of a href titleKarnataka idmwDw>Karnataka/a>. It has a population of about span classnowrap idmwEA>8.42 million/span> and a a href titleMetropolitan area idmwEQ>metropolitan/a> population of about span classnowrap idmwEg>8.52 million/span>, making it the a href titleList of most populous cities in India idmwEw>third most populous city/a> and a href titleList of million-plus urban agglomerations in India idmwFA>fifth most populous urban agglomeration/a> in a href titleIndia idmwFQ>India/a>. Located in a href titleSouthern India idmwFg>southern India/a> on the a href titleDeccan Plateau idmwFw>Deccan Plateau/a>, at a height of over span idmwGA>900/span>span> /span>span>m (3,000/span>span> /span>span>ft)/span> above sea level, Bangalore is known for its pleasant climate throughout the year. Its elevation is the highest among the major large cities of India./p>p idmwGQ>A succession of South Indian dynasties, the a href titleWestern Ganga Dynasty idmwGg>Western Gangas/a>, the a href titleChola dynasty idmwGw>Cholas/a> and the a href titleHoysalas idmwHA>Hoysalas/a>, ruled the present region of Bangalore until in 1537 CE, a href titleKempe Gowda idmwHQ>Kempé Gowdā/a>span idmwHg> /span>– a feudal ruler under the a href titleVijayanagara Empire idmwHw>Vijayanagara Empire/a>span idmwIA> /span>– established a a href titleBengaluru Pete idmwIQ>mud fort/a> considered to be the foundation of modern Bangalore. In 1638, the a href titleMaratha Empire idmwIg>Marāthās/a> conquered and ruled Bangalore for almost 50 years, after which the a href titleMughals idmwIw>Mughals/a> captured and sold the city to the a href titleMysore Kingdom idmwJA>Mysore Kingdom/a> of the a href titleWadiyar dynasty idmwJQ>Wadiyar dynasty/a>. It was captured by the a href titleBritish East India Company idmwJg>British/a> after victory in the a href titleFourth Anglo-Mysore War idmwJw>Fourth Anglo-Mysore War/a> (1799), who returned administrative control of the city to the a href titleMaharaja of Mysore idmwKA>Maharaja of Mysore/a>. The old city developed in the dominions of the a href titleMaharaja of Mysore idmwKQ>Maharaja of Mysore/a> and was made capital of the a href titlePrincely State of Mysore idmwKg>Princely State of Mysore/a>, which existed as a nominally sovereign entity of the a href titleBritish Raj idmwKw>British Raj/a>. In 1809, the British shifted their a href titleBangalore Cantonment idmwLA>cantonment/a> to Bangalore, outside the old city, and a town grew up around it, which was governed as part of a href titleBritish India idmwLQ>British India/a>. Following a href titleIndependence of India idmwLg>Indias independence/a> in 1947, Bangalore became the capital of a href titleMysore State idmwLw>Mysore State/a>, and remained capital when the new Indian state of Karnataka was formed in 1956. The two urban settlements of Bangalorespan idmwMA> /span>– city and cantonmentspan idmwMQ> /span>– which had developed as independent entities merged into a single urban centre in 1949. The existing a href titleKannada idmwMg>Kannada/a> name, i idmwMw>Bengalūru/i>, was declared the a href titleOfficial name idmwNA>official name/a> of the city in 2006./p> div classwikipage> a onclickactivateTab(wiki0); return false; idwiki_0 hrefjavascript:void(0); classpull-right>Read more i classfa fa-caret-right aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a> /div> /div> /div> div classsmall> This page contains text from a relnofollow href>Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia/a> - a href>> /div> /div> /div> /div> div idwiki4 classwiki-page styledisplay:none> div classcol-md-12> div stylewidth: 75%; text-align: right; >a href target_blank>location on Google Map i classfa fa-map-marker>/i>/a>/div> style>.wikiparser .mw-body>.mw-body { max-width: none !important; } .mwcss { background-color: #fff; font-size: 13px; color: #666; } .mwcss a{ color: #333; } /style>div classwikiparser data-custom0 data-titleMysore_(region) data-main0 stylepadding-bottom:10px;> div classmwcss mediawiki> div classmw-body mw-body-content mediawiki stylemargin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; width: 100%;> h1 idtitleHeading stylebackground-color: white; margin: 0;>Mysore (region)/h1> p idmwAQ>The b idmwAg>Mysore region/b> is an a href titleList of regions in India idmwAw>unofficial region/a> that is part of a href titleKarnataka idmwBA>Karnataka/a> state in southern a href titleIndia idmwBQ>India/a>. It forms approximately the southern half of the non-coastal areas of that state. The area corresponds almost exactly to that of the erstwhile a href titlePrincely state idmwBg>princely state/a> of a href titleKingdom of Mysore idmwBw>Mysore/a>. Almost all of that principality, with the exception of a few areas that now lie in neighbouring states, is comprehended by this term./p>p idmwCA>The region lies on the a href titleDeccan idmwCQ>Deccan/a> plateau, east of the hilly a href titleMalenadu idmwCg>Malenadu/a> region, which includes the eastern foothills of the a href titleWestern Ghats idmwCw>Western Ghats/a> range. It consists of gently rolling plains, punctuated by several of the large rivers that rise in the Western Ghats and flow eastward to empty into the a href titleBay of Bengal idmwDA>Bay of Bengal/a>./p>p idmwDQ>Mysore region, also known as the Southern Karnataka Plateau, is made up of the low rolling granite hills from 600 to 900 meters elevation. It is bounded on the west by the Western Ghats and on the south and east by ranges of hills, and on the north it drops to the lower-elevation northern Maidan. It includes a href titleBangalore idmwDg>Bangalore/a>, a href titleBangalore Rural idmwDw>Bangalore Rural/a>, a href titleChamrajnagar idmwEA>Chamrajnagar/a>, a href titleHassan district idmwEQ>Hassan/a>, a href titleKolar idmwEg>Kolar/a>, a href titleChikkaballapura idmwEw>Chikkaballapura/a>, a href titleMandya idmwFA>Mandya/a>, a href titleMysore idmwFQ>Mysore/a>, a href titleRamanagara idmwFg>Ramanagara/a>, a href titleChitradurga idmwFw>chitradurga/a>, a href titleDavangere idmwGA>davangere/a> and a href titleTumkur idmwGQ>Tumkur/a> districts. Most of the region is covered by the a href titleSouth Deccan Plateau dry deciduous forests idmwGg>South Deccan Plateau dry deciduous forests/a> ecoregion, which extends south into eastern a href titleTamil Nadu idmwGw>Tamil Nadu/a>./p> div classwikipage> a onclickactivateTab(wiki0); return false; idwiki_0 hrefjavascript:void(0); classpull-right>Read more i classfa fa-caret-right aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a> /div> /div> /div> div classsmall> This page contains text from a relnofollow href>Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia/a> - a href>> /div> /div> /div> /div> div idwiki5 classwiki-page styledisplay:none> div classcol-md-12> style>.wikiparser .mw-body>.mw-body { max-width: none !important; } .mwcss { background-color: #fff; font-size: 13px; color: #666; } .mwcss a{ color: #333; } /style>div classwikiparser data-custom0 data-titleBangalore_(disambiguation) data-main0 stylepadding-bottom:10px;> div classmwcss mediawiki> div classmw-body mw-body-content mediawiki stylemargin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; width: 100%;> h1 idtitleHeading stylebackground-color: white; margin: 0;>Bangalore (disambiguation)/h1> p idmwAg>b idmwAw>a href titleBangalore idmwBA>Bangalore/a>/b> is the capital of the Indian state of Karnataka./p>p idmwBQ>b idmwBg>Bangalore/b> may also refer to:/p>li idmwCA>a href titleBangalore (region) idmwCQ>Bangalore (region)/a>, a region consisting the Bangalore Urban and Rural districts/li>li idmwCg>a href titleBangalore class destroyer idmwCw>i idmwDA>Bangalore/i> class destroyer/a> or i idmwDQ>Kolkata/i> class destroyer, a class of stealth destroyer built for the Indian Navy/li>li idmwDg>a href titleBangalore torpedo idmwDw>Bangalore torpedo/a>, an explosive charge placed on the end of a long, extendable tube/li>li idmwEA>SS Bangalore (1867), a steamer belong to the a href titlePeninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company idmwEg>Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company/a>/li>li idmwEw>SS Bangalore (1928), a steamer belong to the Hain Steamship Company/li>li idmwFQ>a href titleBangalored idmwFg>Bangalored/a>, a neologism related to offshoring/li>li idmwFw>Bangalore, a racehorse that finished unplaced in the a href title1842 Grand National idmwGA>1842 Grand National/a>/li> div classwikipage> a onclickactivateTab(wiki0); return false; idwiki_0 hrefjavascript:void(0); classpull-right>Read more i classfa fa-caret-right aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a> /div> /div> /div> div classsmall> This page contains text from a relnofollow href>Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia/a> - a href>> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- /WIKIPEDIA --> !-- RADIO --> div idradio styledisplay:none> !-- radio results --> div idradio-results classradio-results col-md-12> div classradio-search-results>/div> h3>Radio Stations - Bangalore /h3> table idRadioSearchTable classradio_list border_color tablesorter> thead> tr classborder_color> th>RADIO STATION/th> th>GENRE/th> th>LOCATION/th> /tr> /thead> tbody> tr classborder_color> td classname> a href classaudio_icon>/a> a href>MyOpusRadio Platform 1/a> /td> td classgenre> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>Varied/a>,a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>Indian/a> /td> td>a href target_blank>India/a>/td> /tr> tr classborder_color> td classname> a hrefhttp:// classaudio_icon>/a> a hrefhttp://>Shizoid/a> /td> td classgenre> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>Ambient/a> /td> td>a href target_blank>India/a>/td> /tr> tr classborder_color> td classname> a href classaudio_icon>/a> a href>Radio Madhuban 90.4/a> /td> td classgenre> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>Public/a> /td> td>a href target_blank>India/a>/td> /tr> tr classborder_color> td classname> a href classaudio_icon>/a> a href>MyOpusRadio Full Throttle/a> /td> td classgenre> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>Rock/a> /td> td>a href target_blank>India/a>/td> /tr> tr classborder_color> td classname> a hrefhttp:// classaudio_icon>/a> a hrefhttp://>Radio Heartbeats Abishekagni/a> /td> td classgenre> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>Christian/a> /td> td>a href target_blank>India/a>/td> /tr> tr classborder_color> td classname> a hrefhttp:// classaudio_icon>/a> a hrefhttp://>TORI: Ilaiyaraaja - SPB ERA, TeluguOne Radio On Internet/a> /td> td classgenre> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>90s/a>,a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>Varied/a>,a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>80s/a>,a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>70s/a>,a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>Bollywood/a> /td> td>a href target_blank>India/a>/td> /tr> tr classborder_color> td classname> a href classaudio_icon>/a> a href>Radio Sai Asia Stream/a> /td> td classgenre> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>Indian/a> /td> td>a href target_blank>India/a>/td> /tr> tr classborder_color> td classname> a href classaudio_icon>/a> a href>MyOpusRadio Big Fish/a> /td> td classgenre> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>Varied/a> /td> td>a href target_blank>India/a>/td> /tr> tr classborder_color> td classname> a hrefhttp:// classaudio_icon>/a> a hrefhttp://>PlanetRadioCity IndiePop/a> /td> td classgenre> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>Bollywood/a> /td> td>a href target_blank>India/a>/td> /tr> tr classborder_color> td classname> a hrefhttp:// classaudio_icon>/a> a hrefhttp://>TORI: IST, TeluguOne Radio On Internet/a> /td> td classgenre> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>World Asia/a> /td> td>a href target_blank>India/a>/td> /tr> tr classborder_color> td classname> a href classaudio_icon>/a> a href>MyOpusRadio Blackjack! 24x7/a> /td> td classgenre> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>Classic Rock/a>,a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>Blues/a> /td> td>a href target_blank>India/a>/td> /tr> tr classborder_color> td classname> a href classaudio_icon>/a> a href>MyOpusRadio Confluence Radio/a> /td> td classgenre> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>Varied/a> /td> td>a href target_blank>India/a>/td> /tr> tr classborder_color> td classname> a href classaudio_icon>/a> a href>MyOpusRadio Radio 1889/a> /td> td classgenre> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>Indie/a>,a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>Indie Rock/a> /td> td>a href target_blank>India/a>/td> /tr> tr classborder_color> td classname> a hrefhttp:// classaudio_icon>/a> a hrefhttp://>TORI: AR Rahman ERA, TeluguOne Radio On Internet/a> /td> td classgenre> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>Indian/a>,a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>Bollywood/a> /td> td>a href target_blank>India/a>/td> /tr> tr classborder_color> td classname> a href classaudio_icon>/a> a href>Radio Sharda 90.4 FM/a> /td> td classgenre> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>World/a>,a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>Indian/a> /td> td>a href target_blank>India/a>/td> /tr> tr classborder_color> td classname> a href classaudio_icon>/a> a href>MyOpusRadio C Train/a> /td> td classgenre> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>Rock/a>,a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>Jazz/a>,a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>Blues/a>,a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>R&B/a> /td> td>a href target_blank>India/a>/td> /tr> tr classborder_color> td classname> a href classaudio_icon>/a> a href>MyOpusRadio Selectro/a> /td> td classgenre> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classradio-genre-link>Electronica/a> /td> td>a href target_blank>India/a>/td> /tr> tr classborder_color> td classname> a href classaudio_icon>/a> a href>MyOpusRadio Sax and Violins/a> /td> td classgenre> a hrefjavascript: void(0); 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classplay_all_fs_1 data-transPlay all in Full Screen>Play all in Full Screen/a> i classfa fa-plus>/i>a hrefjavascript:void(0); onClickload_video_details(Bangalore Fashion Show, 1) data-transShow More Related Videos>Show More Related Videos/a> /div> div classrslides-box-details> ul classrslides details> li class{source: youtube, video_id: bIwfzeUy9PI, duration: 23, published: 02 Jun 2023, updated: 02 Jun 2023}> div classicon play-fs playvideo1 onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1);>/div> div classrslide-bgr stylebackground-image: url(;>/div> div classimgBox playvideo onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1);> img src classvideo-thumbnail playvideo1 onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1); titleupdated 02 Jun 2023; published 02 Jun 2023 /> !-- div classduration>0:23/div> --> /div> div classtextBox> h3>NIFT BENGALURU FASHION SHOW 🔥#shortsfeed #nifty/h3> p> /p> div classpublished>published: 02 Jun 2023/div> /div> div classcontrolBox>/div> /li> li class{source: youtube, video_id: TK1jsWYWy2U, duration: 170, published: 26 Dec 2022, updated: 26 Dec 2022}> div classicon play-fs playvideo1 onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1);>/div> div classrslide-bgr stylebackground-image: url(;>/div> div classimgBox playvideo onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1);> img src classvideo-thumbnail playvideo1 onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1); titleupdated 26 Dec 2022; published 26 Dec 2022 /> !-- div classduration>2:50/div> --> /div> div classtextBox> h3>Bangalore Fashion Week/h3> p>Create With Wondershare Filmora /p> div classpublished>published: 26 Dec 2022/div> /div> div classcontrolBox>/div> /li> li class{source: youtube, video_id: 9qJpGxlAQYg, duration: 83, published: 04 Mar 2019, updated: 04 Mar 2019}> div classicon play-fs playvideo1 onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1);>/div> div classrslide-bgr stylebackground-image: url(;>/div> div classimgBox playvideo onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1);> img src classvideo-thumbnail playvideo1 onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1); titleupdated 04 Mar 2019; published 04 Mar 2019 /> !-- div classduration>1:23/div> --> /div> div classtextBox> h3>Fashion Show Bangalore, India 2019 | Lehengas, Sarees and Sherwani/h3> p>Samyakk clothing is a one stop destination for ethnic wear requirements. We have our store located at Richmond Road, Bangalore. Our collections include vast varieties of womens wear and mens wear ranging from bridal lehengas, ethnic gowns, evening gowns, sarees, saree blouses, salwars, mens sherwani, mens suit, mens kurta and much more! You can also buy all our collections online at Cash on delivery. Easy returns. Free shipping. /p> div classpublished>published: 04 Mar 2019/div> /div> div classcontrolBox>/div> /li> li class{source: youtube, video_id: nTqE5_dgBjE, duration: 716, published: 01 Jul 2019, updated: 01 Jul 2019}> div classicon play-fs playvideo1 onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1);>/div> div classrslide-bgr stylebackground-image: url(;>/div> div classimgBox playvideo onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1);> img src classvideo-thumbnail playvideo1 onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1); titleupdated 01 Jul 2019; published 01 Jul 2019 /> !-- div classduration>11:56/div> --> /div> div classtextBox> h3>1MG Fashionable | Fashion Show Bangalore | 1 MG-Lido Mall |/h3> p>#bangalore #modelsFollow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates on our new, upcoming showsTwitter - - /p> div classpublished>published: 01 Jul 2019/div> /div> div classcontrolBox>/div> /li> li class{source: youtube, video_id: ZXRwaiAJ6NA, duration: 29, published: 22 Sep 2023, updated: 22 Sep 2023}> div classicon play-fs playvideo1 onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1);>/div> div classrslide-bgr stylebackground-image: url(;>/div> div classimgBox playvideo onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1);> img src classvideo-thumbnail playvideo1 onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1); titleupdated 22 Sep 2023; published 22 Sep 2023 /> !-- div classduration>0:29/div> --> /div> div classtextBox> h3>Build your modeling career with Athuls academy #modeling #model #fashion #runway #catwalk #style/h3> p> /p> div classpublished>published: 22 Sep 2023/div> /div> div classcontrolBox>/div> /li> li class{source: youtube, video_id: dlSUqcGWWZA, duration: 3837, published: 12 Jun 2019, updated: 12 Jun 2019}> div classicon play-fs playvideo1 onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1);>/div> div classrslide-bgr stylebackground-image: url(;>/div> div classimgBox playvideo onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1);> img src classvideo-thumbnail playvideo1 onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1); titleupdated 12 Jun 2019; published 12 Jun 2019 /> !-- div classduration>1:03:57/div> --> /div> div classtextBox> h3>Fall fashion week 2019 | fashion show bangalore | Glamorous fashion show | Ragini Dwivedi |/h3> p>#sizzling #bangalore Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates on our new, upcoming showsTwitter - - /p> div classpublished>published: 12 Jun 2019/div> /div> div classcontrolBox>/div> /li> li class{source: youtube, video_id: T7Q3I4VIOM4, duration: 19, published: 27 Aug 2024, updated: 27 Aug 2024}> div classicon play-fs playvideo1 onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1);>/div> div classrslide-bgr stylebackground-image: url(;>/div> div classimgBox playvideo onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1);> img src classvideo-thumbnail playvideo1 onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1); titleupdated 27 Aug 2024; published 27 Aug 2024 /> !-- div classduration>0:19/div> --> /div> div classtextBox> h3>Bangalore Fashion Week 2024 | Traditional Elegance with modern twist #trending #designercollection/h3> p>Mesmerizing collection from Pleats Please by Ashima and Rohit. This homegrown brand is weaving magic with traditional Chikankari fabrics, delicately touched with hints of pastels—a perfect blend of culture and elegance. The show was a feast for the senses, with the entire room filled with the enchanting scent of jasmine flowers worn by the stunning women walking the ramp. It was so powerful that it overpowered every other fragrance, taking you on a journey to a serene and ethereal space. Truly a refreshing and unforgettable experience. #PleatsPlease #ChikankariElegance #CulturalFusion #JasmineMagic #designercollection #viralfashion #bangalorefashionweek /p> div classpublished>published: 27 Aug 2024/div> /div> div classcontrolBox>/div> /li> li class{source: youtube, video_id: Z5f0AQeug9Q, duration: 18, published: 12 Mar 2023, updated: 12 Mar 2023}> div classicon play-fs playvideo1 onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1);>/div> div classrslide-bgr stylebackground-image: url(;>/div> div classimgBox playvideo onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1);> img src classvideo-thumbnail playvideo1 onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1); titleupdated 12 Mar 2023; published 12 Mar 2023 /> !-- div classduration>0:18/div> --> /div> div classtextBox> h3>Presenting Ananya Panday as show stopper for Manish Malhotra./h3> p>Presenting Ananya Panday as show stopper for Lakmé Unapologetically MÉ X Diffuse by Manish Malhotra The Grand Finale at Lakmé Fashion Week in partnership with FDCI. /p> div classpublished>published: 12 Mar 2023/div> /div> div classcontrolBox>/div> /li> li class{source: youtube, video_id: Qa-Ue96QSLg, duration: 60, published: 09 Dec 2024, updated: 09 Dec 2024}> div classicon play-fs playvideo1 onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1);>/div> div classrslide-bgr stylebackground-image: url(;>/div> div classimgBox playvideo onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1);> img src classvideo-thumbnail playvideo1 onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1); titleupdated 09 Dec 2024; published 09 Dec 2024 /> !-- div classduration>1:00/div> --> /div> div classtextBox> h3>LULU MALL Bangalore #tamil #lulumall #bangalore #shorts #christmas #christmasshopping/h3> p>#winter, #holiday, #christmasmood, #christmascountdown, #stockingstuffers, #homedecor, #fashion, #christmaslights, #gift, #sale, #tistheseason, #christmaseve, #santa, #shopsmallbusiness, #christmasparty, #holidaygifts, #christmasvibes, #happyholidays, #handmadegifts, #festive, #christmaslist, #giftsforhim, #love, #christmasmagic, #etsy, #christmassale, #etsyshop, #shop, #christmasseason, #christmaspresent, /p> div classpublished>published: 09 Dec 2024/div> /div> div classcontrolBox>/div> /li> li class{source: youtube, video_id: _QgYfYALaow, duration: 379, published: 17 Jun 2016, updated: 17 Jun 2016}> div classicon play-fs playvideo1 onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1);>/div> div classrslide-bgr stylebackground-image: url(;>/div> div classimgBox playvideo onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1);> img src classvideo-thumbnail playvideo1 onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1); titleupdated 17 Jun 2016; published 17 Jun 2016 /> !-- div classduration>6:19/div> --> /div> div classtextBox> h3>JD FASHION SHOW 22/h3> p> /p> div classpublished>published: 17 Jun 2016/div> /div> div classcontrolBox>/div> /li> /ul> div classcarousel-pause> span classpause>i classfa fa-pause>/i>/span> span classplay>i classfa fa-play>/i>/span> /div> /div> div classyoutube stylewidth: 100%; text-align: right;>developed with a href target_blank>i classfa fa-youtube-play aria-hiddentrue>/i>YouTube/a>/div> div classmoreDetails>/div> div classvideo-desc border_color {source: youtube, video_id: bIwfzeUy9PI, duration: 23, published: 02 Jun 2023, updated: 02 Jun 2023, video_views: 73690}> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classplayVideo idbIwfzeUy9PI> div classplayer>/div> div classvideo-thumb> img src altNIFT BENGALURU FASHION SHOW 🔥#shortsfeed #nifty titleNIFT BENGALURU FASHION SHOW 🔥#shortsfeed #nifty /> /div> div classvideo-meta> span classfa fa-play aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classvideo-duration>0:23/span> /div> /a> h2>NIFT BENGALURU FASHION SHOW 🔥#shortsfeed #nifty/h2> ul> li>span data-transOrder:>Order:/span> input typetext size2 value1 classdetails-manual-order />a hrefjavascript:void(0); classdetails-manual-order-confirm styledisplay:none; titleMove to new position>Reorder/a>/li> li>span data-transDuration:>Duration:/span> span classvideo-duration>0:23/span>/li> li>span data-transUploaded Date:>Uploaded Date:/span> span classvideo-uploaded>02 Jun 2023/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classvideo-views>73690/span>/li> /ul> div classvideo-shortdescription styledisplay: none>/div> div classvideo-fulldescription>/div> a classvideo-wnlink href🔥_Shortsfeed_Nifty target_blank styletarget-name: new; target-new: tab;>🔥_Shortsfeed_Nifty/a> br clearleft /> span classdescription-content styledisplay: none;> div classtooltip-content-body> br /> ul classfont_color> li>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>02 Jun 2023/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classstrong>73690/span>/li> /ul> /div> /span>/div> div classvideo-desc border_color {source: youtube, video_id: TK1jsWYWy2U, duration: 170, published: 26 Dec 2022, updated: 26 Dec 2022, video_views: 3146}> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classplayVideo idTK1jsWYWy2U> div classplayer>/div> div classvideo-thumb> img src altBangalore Fashion Week titleBangalore Fashion Week /> /div> div classvideo-meta> span classfa fa-play aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classvideo-duration>2:50/span> /div> /a> h2>Bangalore Fashion Week/h2> ul> li>span data-transOrder:>Order:/span> input typetext size2 value2 classdetails-manual-order />a hrefjavascript:void(0); classdetails-manual-order-confirm styledisplay:none; titleMove to new position>Reorder/a>/li> li>span data-transDuration:>Duration:/span> span classvideo-duration>2:50/span>/li> li>span data-transUploaded Date:>Uploaded Date:/span> span classvideo-uploaded>26 Dec 2022/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classvideo-views>3146/span>/li> /ul> div classvideo-shortdescription styledisplay: none>Create With Wondershare Filmora/div> div classvideo-fulldescription>Create With Wondershare Filmora/div> a classvideo-wnlink href target_blank styletarget-name: new; target-new: tab;>> br clearleft /> span classdescription-content styledisplay: none;> div classtooltip-content-body> Create With Wondershare Filmorabr /> ul classfont_color> li>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>26 Dec 2022/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classstrong>3146/span>/li> /ul> /div> /span>/div> div classvideo-desc border_color {source: youtube, video_id: 9qJpGxlAQYg, duration: 83, published: 04 Mar 2019, updated: 04 Mar 2019, video_views: 142188}> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classplayVideo id9qJpGxlAQYg> div classplayer>/div> div classvideo-thumb> img src altFashion Show Bangalore, India 2019 | Lehengas, Sarees and Sherwani titleFashion Show Bangalore, India 2019 | Lehengas, Sarees and Sherwani /> /div> div classvideo-meta> span classfa fa-play aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classvideo-duration>1:23/span> /div> /a> h2>Fashion Show Bangalore, India 2019 | Lehengas, Sarees and Sherwani/h2> ul> li>span data-transOrder:>Order:/span> input typetext size2 value3 classdetails-manual-order />a hrefjavascript:void(0); classdetails-manual-order-confirm styledisplay:none; titleMove to new position>Reorder/a>/li> li>span data-transDuration:>Duration:/span> span classvideo-duration>1:23/span>/li> li>span data-transUploaded Date:>Uploaded Date:/span> span classvideo-uploaded>04 Mar 2019/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classvideo-views>142188/span>/li> /ul> div classvideo-shortdescription styledisplay: none>Samyakk clothing is a one stop destination for ethnic wear requirements. We have our store located at Richmond Road, Bangalore. Our collections include vast var.../div> div classvideo-fulldescription>Samyakk clothing is a one stop destination for ethnic wear requirements. We have our store located at Richmond Road, Bangalore. Our collections include vast varieties of womens wear and mens wear ranging from bridal lehengas, ethnic gowns, evening gowns, sarees, saree blouses, salwars, mens sherwani, mens suit, mens kurta and much more! You can also buy all our collections online at Cash on delivery. Easy returns. Free shipping./div> a classvideo-wnlink href,_India_2019_|_Lehengas,_Sarees_And_Sherwani target_blank styletarget-name: new; target-new: tab;>,_India_2019_|_Lehengas,_Sarees_And_Sherwani/a> br clearleft /> span classdescription-content styledisplay: none;> div classtooltip-content-body> Samyakk clothing is a one stop destination for ethnic wear requirements. We have our store located at Richmond Road, Bangalore. Our collections include vast varieties of womens wear and mens wear ranging from bridal lehengas, ethnic gowns, evening gowns, sarees, saree blouses, salwars, mens sherwani, mens suit, mens kurta and much more! You can also buy all our collections online at Cash on delivery. Easy returns. Free /> ul classfont_color> li>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>04 Mar 2019/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classstrong>142188/span>/li> /ul> /div> /span>/div> div classvideo-desc border_color {source: youtube, video_id: nTqE5_dgBjE, duration: 716, published: 01 Jul 2019, updated: 01 Jul 2019, video_views: 3570}> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classplayVideo idnTqE5_dgBjE> div classplayer>/div> div classvideo-thumb> img src alt1MG Fashionable | Fashion Show Bangalore | 1 MG-Lido Mall | title1MG Fashionable | Fashion Show Bangalore | 1 MG-Lido Mall | /> /div> div classvideo-meta> span classfa fa-play aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classvideo-duration>11:56/span> /div> /a> h2>1MG Fashionable | Fashion Show Bangalore | 1 MG-Lido Mall |/h2> ul> li>span data-transOrder:>Order:/span> input typetext size2 value4 classdetails-manual-order />a hrefjavascript:void(0); classdetails-manual-order-confirm styledisplay:none; titleMove to new position>Reorder/a>/li> li>span data-transDuration:>Duration:/span> span classvideo-duration>11:56/span>/li> li>span data-transUploaded Date:>Uploaded Date:/span> span classvideo-uploaded>01 Jul 2019/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classvideo-views>3570/span>/li> /ul> div classvideo-shortdescription styledisplay: none>#bangalore #modelsFollow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates on our new, upcoming showsTwitter - - https://www.face.../div> div classvideo-fulldescription>#bangalore #modelsFollow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates on our new, upcoming showsTwitter - -> a classvideo-wnlink href|_Fashion_Show_Bangalore_|_1_Mg_Lido_Mall_| target_blank styletarget-name: new; target-new: tab;>|_Fashion_Show_Bangalore_|_1_Mg_Lido_Mall_|/a> br clearleft /> span classdescription-content styledisplay: none;> div classtooltip-content-body> #bangalore #modelsFollow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates on our new, upcoming showsTwitter - - /> ul classfont_color> li>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>01 Jul 2019/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classstrong>3570/span>/li> /ul> /div> /span>/div> div classvideo-desc border_color {source: youtube, video_id: ZXRwaiAJ6NA, duration: 29, published: 22 Sep 2023, updated: 22 Sep 2023, video_views: 99999122}> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classplayVideo idZXRwaiAJ6NA> div classplayer>/div> div classvideo-thumb> img src altBuild your modeling career with Athuls academy #modeling #model #fashion #runway #catwalk #style titleBuild your modeling career with Athuls academy #modeling #model #fashion #runway #catwalk #style /> /div> div classvideo-meta> span classfa fa-play aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classvideo-duration>0:29/span> /div> /a> h2>Build your modeling career with Athuls academy #modeling #model #fashion #runway #catwalk #style/h2> ul> li>span data-transOrder:>Order:/span> input typetext size2 value5 classdetails-manual-order />a hrefjavascript:void(0); classdetails-manual-order-confirm styledisplay:none; titleMove to new position>Reorder/a>/li> li>span data-transDuration:>Duration:/span> span classvideo-duration>0:29/span>/li> li>span data-transUploaded Date:>Uploaded Date:/span> span classvideo-uploaded>22 Sep 2023/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classvideo-views>99999122/span>/li> /ul> div classvideo-shortdescription styledisplay: none>/div> div classvideo-fulldescription>/div> a classvideo-wnlink href target_blank styletarget-name: new; target-new: tab;>> br clearleft /> span classdescription-content styledisplay: none;> div classtooltip-content-body> br /> ul classfont_color> li>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>22 Sep 2023/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classstrong>99999122/span>/li> /ul> /div> /span>/div> div classvideo-desc border_color {source: youtube, video_id: dlSUqcGWWZA, duration: 3837, published: 12 Jun 2019, updated: 12 Jun 2019, video_views: 84722}> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classplayVideo iddlSUqcGWWZA> div classplayer>/div> div classvideo-thumb> img src altFall fashion week 2019 | fashion show bangalore | Glamorous fashion show | Ragini Dwivedi | titleFall fashion week 2019 | fashion show bangalore | Glamorous fashion show | Ragini Dwivedi | /> /div> div classvideo-meta> span classfa fa-play aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classvideo-duration>1:03:57/span> /div> /a> h2>Fall fashion week 2019 | fashion show bangalore | Glamorous fashion show | Ragini Dwivedi |/h2> ul> li>span data-transOrder:>Order:/span> input typetext size2 value6 classdetails-manual-order />a hrefjavascript:void(0); classdetails-manual-order-confirm styledisplay:none; titleMove to new position>Reorder/a>/li> li>span data-transDuration:>Duration:/span> span classvideo-duration>1:03:57/span>/li> li>span data-transUploaded Date:>Uploaded Date:/span> span classvideo-uploaded>12 Jun 2019/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classvideo-views>84722/span>/li> /ul> div classvideo-shortdescription styledisplay: none>#sizzling #bangalore Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates on our new, upcoming showsTwitter - - https://www.f.../div> div classvideo-fulldescription>#sizzling #bangalore Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates on our new, upcoming showsTwitter - -> a classvideo-wnlink href|_Fashion_Show_Bangalore_|_Glamorous_Fashion_Show_|_Ragini_Dwivedi_| target_blank styletarget-name: new; target-new: tab;>|_Fashion_Show_Bangalore_|_Glamorous_Fashion_Show_|_Ragini_Dwivedi_|/a> br clearleft /> span classdescription-content styledisplay: none;> div classtooltip-content-body> #sizzling #bangalore Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates on our new, upcoming showsTwitter - - /> ul classfont_color> li>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>12 Jun 2019/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classstrong>84722/span>/li> /ul> /div> /span>/div> div classvideo-desc border_color {source: youtube, video_id: T7Q3I4VIOM4, duration: 19, published: 27 Aug 2024, updated: 27 Aug 2024, video_views: 3914}> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classplayVideo idT7Q3I4VIOM4> div classplayer>/div> div classvideo-thumb> img src altBangalore Fashion Week 2024 | Traditional Elegance with modern twist #trending #designercollection titleBangalore Fashion Week 2024 | Traditional Elegance with modern twist #trending #designercollection /> /div> div classvideo-meta> span classfa fa-play aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classvideo-duration>0:19/span> /div> /a> h2>Bangalore Fashion Week 2024 | Traditional Elegance with modern twist #trending #designercollection/h2> ul> li>span data-transOrder:>Order:/span> input typetext size2 value7 classdetails-manual-order />a hrefjavascript:void(0); classdetails-manual-order-confirm styledisplay:none; titleMove to new position>Reorder/a>/li> li>span data-transDuration:>Duration:/span> span classvideo-duration>0:19/span>/li> li>span data-transUploaded Date:>Uploaded Date:/span> span classvideo-uploaded>27 Aug 2024/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classvideo-views>3914/span>/li> /ul> div classvideo-shortdescription styledisplay: none>Mesmerizing collection from Pleats Please by Ashima and Rohit. This homegrown brand is weaving magic with traditional Chikankari fabrics, delicately touched wit.../div> div classvideo-fulldescription>Mesmerizing collection from Pleats Please by Ashima and Rohit. This homegrown brand is weaving magic with traditional Chikankari fabrics, delicately touched with hints of pastels—a perfect blend of culture and elegance. The show was a feast for the senses, with the entire room filled with the enchanting scent of jasmine flowers worn by the stunning women walking the ramp. It was so powerful that it overpowered every other fragrance, taking you on a journey to a serene and ethereal space. Truly a refreshing and unforgettable experience. #PleatsPlease #ChikankariElegance #CulturalFusion #JasmineMagic #designercollection #viralfashion #bangalorefashionweek/div> a classvideo-wnlink href|_Traditional_Elegance_With_Modern_Twist_Trending_Designercollection target_blank styletarget-name: new; target-new: tab;>|_Traditional_Elegance_With_Modern_Twist_Trending_Designercollection/a> br clearleft /> span classdescription-content styledisplay: none;> div classtooltip-content-body> Mesmerizing collection from Pleats Please by Ashima and Rohit. This homegrown brand is weaving magic with traditional Chikankari fabrics, delicately touched with hints of pastels—a perfect blend of culture and elegance. The show was a feast for the senses, with the entire room filled with the enchanting scent of jasmine flowers worn by the stunning women walking the ramp. It was so powerful that it overpowered every other fragrance, taking you on a journey to a serene and ethereal space. Truly a refreshing and unforgettable experience. #PleatsPlease #ChikankariElegance #CulturalFusion #JasmineMagic #designercollection #viralfashion #bangalorefashionweekbr /> ul classfont_color> li>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>27 Aug 2024/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classstrong>3914/span>/li> /ul> /div> /span>/div> div classvideo-desc border_color {source: youtube, video_id: Z5f0AQeug9Q, duration: 18, published: 12 Mar 2023, updated: 12 Mar 2023, video_views: 8634132}> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classplayVideo idZ5f0AQeug9Q> div classplayer>/div> div classvideo-thumb> img src altPresenting Ananya Panday as show stopper for Manish Malhotra. titlePresenting Ananya Panday as show stopper for Manish Malhotra. /> /div> div classvideo-meta> span classfa fa-play aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classvideo-duration>0:18/span> /div> /a> h2>Presenting Ananya Panday as show stopper for Manish Malhotra./h2> ul> li>span data-transOrder:>Order:/span> input typetext size2 value8 classdetails-manual-order />a hrefjavascript:void(0); classdetails-manual-order-confirm styledisplay:none; titleMove to new position>Reorder/a>/li> li>span data-transDuration:>Duration:/span> span classvideo-duration>0:18/span>/li> li>span data-transUploaded Date:>Uploaded Date:/span> span classvideo-uploaded>12 Mar 2023/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classvideo-views>8634132/span>/li> /ul> div classvideo-shortdescription styledisplay: none>Presenting Ananya Panday as show stopper for Lakmé Unapologetically MÉ X Diffuse by Manish Malhotra The Grand Finale at Lakmé Fashion Week in partnership with F.../div> div classvideo-fulldescription>Presenting Ananya Panday as show stopper for Lakmé Unapologetically MÉ X Diffuse by Manish Malhotra The Grand Finale at Lakmé Fashion Week in partnership with FDCI./div> a classvideo-wnlink href target_blank styletarget-name: new; target-new: tab;>> br clearleft /> span classdescription-content styledisplay: none;> div classtooltip-content-body> Presenting Ananya Panday as show stopper for Lakmé Unapologetically MÉ X Diffuse by Manish Malhotra The Grand Finale at Lakmé Fashion Week in partnership with /> ul classfont_color> li>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>12 Mar 2023/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classstrong>8634132/span>/li> /ul> /div> /span>/div> div classvideo-desc border_color {source: youtube, video_id: Qa-Ue96QSLg, duration: 60, published: 09 Dec 2024, updated: 09 Dec 2024, video_views: 106}> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classplayVideo idQa-Ue96QSLg> div classplayer>/div> div classvideo-thumb> img src altLULU MALL Bangalore #tamil #lulumall #bangalore #shorts #christmas #christmasshopping titleLULU MALL Bangalore #tamil #lulumall #bangalore #shorts #christmas #christmasshopping /> /div> div classvideo-meta> span classfa fa-play aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classvideo-duration>1:00/span> /div> /a> h2>LULU MALL Bangalore #tamil #lulumall #bangalore #shorts #christmas #christmasshopping/h2> ul> li>span data-transOrder:>Order:/span> input typetext size2 value9 classdetails-manual-order />a hrefjavascript:void(0); classdetails-manual-order-confirm styledisplay:none; titleMove to new position>Reorder/a>/li> li>span data-transDuration:>Duration:/span> span classvideo-duration>1:00/span>/li> li>span data-transUploaded Date:>Uploaded Date:/span> span classvideo-uploaded>09 Dec 2024/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classvideo-views>106/span>/li> /ul> div classvideo-shortdescription styledisplay: none>#winter, #holiday, #christmasmood, #christmascountdown, #stockingstuffers, #homedecor, #fashion, #christmaslights, #gift, #sale, #tistheseason, #christmaseve, #.../div> div classvideo-fulldescription>#winter, #holiday, #christmasmood, #christmascountdown, #stockingstuffers, #homedecor, #fashion, #christmaslights, #gift, #sale, #tistheseason, #christmaseve, #santa, #shopsmallbusiness, #christmasparty, #holidaygifts, #christmasvibes, #happyholidays, #handmadegifts, #festive, #christmaslist, #giftsforhim, #love, #christmasmagic, #etsy, #christmassale, #etsyshop, #shop, #christmasseason, #christmaspresent,/div> a classvideo-wnlink href target_blank styletarget-name: new; target-new: tab;>> br clearleft /> span classdescription-content styledisplay: none;> div classtooltip-content-body> #winter, #holiday, #christmasmood, #christmascountdown, #stockingstuffers, #homedecor, #fashion, #christmaslights, #gift, #sale, #tistheseason, #christmaseve, #santa, #shopsmallbusiness, #christmasparty, #holidaygifts, #christmasvibes, #happyholidays, #handmadegifts, #festive, #christmaslist, #giftsforhim, #love, #christmasmagic, #etsy, #christmassale, #etsyshop, #shop, #christmasseason, #christmaspresent,br /> ul classfont_color> li>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>09 Dec 2024/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classstrong>106/span>/li> /ul> /div> /span>/div> div classvideo-desc border_color {source: youtube, video_id: _QgYfYALaow, duration: 379, published: 17 Jun 2016, updated: 17 Jun 2016, video_views: 2237}> a hrefjavascript: void(0); classplayVideo id_QgYfYALaow> div classplayer>/div> div classvideo-thumb> img src altJD FASHION SHOW 22 titleJD FASHION SHOW 22 /> /div> div classvideo-meta> span classfa fa-play aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classvideo-duration>6:19/span> /div> /a> h2>JD FASHION SHOW 22/h2> ul> li>span data-transOrder:>Order:/span> input typetext size2 value10 classdetails-manual-order />a hrefjavascript:void(0); classdetails-manual-order-confirm styledisplay:none; titleMove to new position>Reorder/a>/li> li>span data-transDuration:>Duration:/span> span classvideo-duration>6:19/span>/li> li>span data-transUploaded Date:>Uploaded Date:/span> span classvideo-uploaded>17 Jun 2016/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classvideo-views>2237/span>/li> /ul> div classvideo-shortdescription styledisplay: none>/div> div classvideo-fulldescription>/div> a classvideo-wnlink href target_blank styletarget-name: new; target-new: tab;>> br clearleft /> span classdescription-content styledisplay: none;> div classtooltip-content-body> br /> ul classfont_color> li>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>17 Jun 2016/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classstrong>2237/span>/li> /ul> /div> /span>/div> /div> !-- video descriptions ends --> !-- VIDEOS content --> !-- PLAYLIST 0 --> div idplaylist0 classplaylist-page styledisplay:none> div onclickreturn doneFullscreen(0); 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return false titleNIFT BENGALURU FASHION SHOW 🔥#shortsfeed #nifty; updated 02 Jun 2023; published 02 Jun 2023>/div> div classvideo-thumb> div classvideo-duration>0:23/div> img src width200 height150 classvideo-thumbnail /> /div> div classvideo-text> div classvideo-title>NIFT BENGALURU FASHION SHOW 🔥#shortsfeed #nifty/div> div classvideo-description>/div> /div> div classvideo-data> div classpublished>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>02 Jun 2023/span>/div> /div> a classfullscreen rounded TTip onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1); hrefjavascript:void(0); styletop: 250px !important; z-index: 41;>span data-transPlay in Full Screen>Play in Full Screen/span>/a> div classvideo-fulltitle styledisplay: none;>NIFT BENGALURU FASHION SHOW 🔥#shortsfeed #nifty/div> span classdescription-content styledisplay: none;> div classtooltip-content-body> h3>NIFT BENGALURU FASHION SHOW 🔥#shortsfeed #nifty/h3> ul> li classpull-right>a onclickreturn report_rights( data-reveal-idreport-rights-content idbIwfzeUy9PI href#>Report rights infringement/a>/li> li>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>02 Jun 2023/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classstrong>73690/span>/li> /ul> div classdescContent video-descr-long>/div> ul> li classpull-right>a hrefjavascript: void(0); classexpandContent>Show More i classfa fa-caret-down aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a>/li> /ul> /div> /span>/div>/div>/div> div classvideo-item>div classvideo-info-wrap border_color bgr_color>div classvideo-info border_color {source: youtube, video_id: TK1jsWYWy2U, duration: 170, published: 26 Dec 2022, updated: 26 Dec 2022, author: , video_views: 3146}> div classplay_layer playvideo1 gotop onClickactivateTab(playlist1); return false titleBangalore Fashion Week; updated 26 Dec 2022; published 26 Dec 2022>/div> div classvideo-thumb> div classvideo-duration>2:50/div> img src width200 height150 classvideo-thumbnail /> /div> div classvideo-text> div classvideo-title>Bangalore Fashion Week/div> div classvideo-description>Create With Wondershare Filmora/div> /div> div classvideo-data> div classpublished>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>26 Dec 2022/span>/div> /div> a classfullscreen rounded TTip onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1); hrefjavascript:void(0); styletop: 250px !important; z-index: 41;>span data-transPlay in Full Screen>Play in Full Screen/span>/a> div classvideo-fulltitle styledisplay: none;>Bangalore Fashion Week/div> span classdescription-content styledisplay: none;> div classtooltip-content-body> h3>Bangalore Fashion Week/h3> ul> li classpull-right>a onclickreturn report_rights( data-reveal-idreport-rights-content idTK1jsWYWy2U href#>Report rights infringement/a>/li> li>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>26 Dec 2022/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classstrong>3146/span>/li> /ul> div classdescContent video-descr-long>Create With Wondershare Filmora/div> ul> li classpull-right>a hrefjavascript: void(0); classexpandContent>Show More i classfa fa-caret-down aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a>/li> /ul> /div> /span>/div>/div>/div> div classvideo-item>div classvideo-info-wrap border_color bgr_color>div classvideo-info border_color {source: youtube, video_id: 9qJpGxlAQYg, duration: 83, published: 04 Mar 2019, updated: 04 Mar 2019, author: , video_views: 142188}> div classplay_layer playvideo1 gotop onClickactivateTab(playlist1); return false titleFashion Show Bangalore, India 2019 | Lehengas, Sarees and Sherwani; updated 04 Mar 2019; published 04 Mar 2019>/div> div classvideo-thumb> div classvideo-duration>1:23/div> img src width200 height150 classvideo-thumbnail /> /div> div classvideo-text> div classvideo-title>Fashion Show Bangalore, India 2019 | Lehengas, Sarees and Sherwani/div> div classvideo-description>Samyakk clothing is a one stop destination for ethnic wear requirements. We have our store.../div> /div> div classvideo-data> div classpublished>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>04 Mar 2019/span>/div> /div> a classfullscreen rounded TTip onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1); hrefjavascript:void(0); styletop: 250px !important; z-index: 41;>span data-transPlay in Full Screen>Play in Full Screen/span>/a> div classvideo-fulltitle styledisplay: none;>Fashion Show Bangalore, India 2019 | Lehengas, Sarees and Sherwani/div> span classdescription-content styledisplay: none;> div classtooltip-content-body> h3>Fashion Show Bangalore, India 2019 | Lehengas, Sarees and Sherwani/h3> ul> li classpull-right>a onclickreturn report_rights( data-reveal-idreport-rights-content id9qJpGxlAQYg href#>Report rights infringement/a>/li> li>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>04 Mar 2019/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classstrong>142188/span>/li> /ul> div classdescContent video-descr-long>Samyakk clothing is a one stop destination for ethnic wear requirements. We have our store located at Richmond Road, Bangalore. Our collections include vast varieties of womens wear and mens wear ranging from bridal lehengas, ethnic gowns, evening gowns, sarees, saree blouses, salwars, mens sherwani, mens suit, mens kurta and much more! You can also buy all our collections online at Cash on delivery. Easy returns. Free shipping./div> ul> li classpull-right>a hrefjavascript: void(0); classexpandContent>Show More i classfa fa-caret-down aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a>/li> /ul> /div> /span>/div>/div>/div> div classvideo-item>div classvideo-info-wrap border_color bgr_color>div classvideo-info border_color {source: youtube, video_id: nTqE5_dgBjE, duration: 716, published: 01 Jul 2019, updated: 01 Jul 2019, author: , video_views: 3570}> div classplay_layer playvideo1 gotop onClickactivateTab(playlist1); return false title1MG Fashionable | Fashion Show Bangalore | 1 MG-Lido Mall |; updated 01 Jul 2019; published 01 Jul 2019>/div> div classvideo-thumb> div classvideo-duration>11:56/div> img src width200 height150 classvideo-thumbnail /> /div> div classvideo-text> div classvideo-title>1MG Fashionable | Fashion Show Bangalore | 1 MG-Lido Mall |/div> div classvideo-description>#bangalore #modelsFollow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates on our new, upcoming sho.../div> /div> div classvideo-data> div classpublished>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>01 Jul 2019/span>/div> /div> a classfullscreen rounded TTip onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1); hrefjavascript:void(0); styletop: 250px !important; z-index: 41;>span data-transPlay in Full Screen>Play in Full Screen/span>/a> div classvideo-fulltitle styledisplay: none;>1MG Fashionable | Fashion Show Bangalore | 1 MG-Lido Mall |/div> span classdescription-content styledisplay: none;> div classtooltip-content-body> h3>1MG Fashionable | Fashion Show Bangalore | 1 MG-Lido Mall |/h3> ul> li classpull-right>a onclickreturn report_rights( data-reveal-idreport-rights-content idnTqE5_dgBjE href#>Report rights infringement/a>/li> li>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>01 Jul 2019/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classstrong>3570/span>/li> /ul> div classdescContent video-descr-long>#bangalore #modelsFollow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates on our new, upcoming showsTwitter - -> ul> li classpull-right>a hrefjavascript: void(0); classexpandContent>Show More i classfa fa-caret-down aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a>/li> /ul> /div> /span>/div>/div>/div> div classvideo-item>div classvideo-info-wrap border_color bgr_color>div classvideo-info border_color {source: youtube, video_id: ZXRwaiAJ6NA, duration: 29, published: 22 Sep 2023, updated: 22 Sep 2023, author: , video_views: 99999122}> div classplay_layer playvideo1 gotop onClickactivateTab(playlist1); return false titleBuild your modeling career with Athuls academy #modeling #model #fashion #runway #catwalk #style; updated 22 Sep 2023; published 22 Sep 2023>/div> div classvideo-thumb> div classvideo-duration>0:29/div> img src width200 height150 classvideo-thumbnail /> /div> div classvideo-text> div classvideo-title>Build your modeling career with Athuls academy #modeling #model #fashion #runway #catwalk #style/div> div classvideo-description>/div> /div> div classvideo-data> div classpublished>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>22 Sep 2023/span>/div> /div> a classfullscreen rounded TTip onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1); hrefjavascript:void(0); styletop: 250px !important; z-index: 41;>span data-transPlay in Full Screen>Play in Full Screen/span>/a> div classvideo-fulltitle styledisplay: none;>Build your modeling career with Athuls academy #modeling #model #fashion #runway #catwalk #style/div> span classdescription-content styledisplay: none;> div classtooltip-content-body> h3>Build your modeling career with Athuls academy #modeling #model #fashion #runway #catwalk #style/h3> ul> li classpull-right>a onclickreturn report_rights( data-reveal-idreport-rights-content idZXRwaiAJ6NA href#>Report rights infringement/a>/li> li>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>22 Sep 2023/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classstrong>99999122/span>/li> /ul> div classdescContent video-descr-long>/div> ul> li classpull-right>a hrefjavascript: void(0); classexpandContent>Show More i classfa fa-caret-down aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a>/li> /ul> /div> /span>/div>/div>/div> div classvideo-item>div classvideo-info-wrap border_color bgr_color>div classvideo-info border_color {source: youtube, video_id: dlSUqcGWWZA, duration: 3837, published: 12 Jun 2019, updated: 12 Jun 2019, author: , video_views: 84722}> div classplay_layer playvideo1 gotop onClickactivateTab(playlist1); return false titleFall fashion week 2019 | fashion show bangalore | Glamorous fashion show | Ragini Dwivedi |; updated 12 Jun 2019; published 12 Jun 2019>/div> div classvideo-thumb> div classvideo-duration>1:03:57/div> img src width200 height150 classvideo-thumbnail /> /div> div classvideo-text> div classvideo-title>Fall fashion week 2019 | fashion show bangalore | Glamorous fashion show | Ragini Dwivedi |/div> div classvideo-description>#sizzling #bangalore Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates on our new, upcoming .../div> /div> div classvideo-data> div classpublished>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>12 Jun 2019/span>/div> /div> a classfullscreen rounded TTip onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1); hrefjavascript:void(0); styletop: 250px !important; z-index: 41;>span data-transPlay in Full Screen>Play in Full Screen/span>/a> div classvideo-fulltitle styledisplay: none;>Fall fashion week 2019 | fashion show bangalore | Glamorous fashion show | Ragini Dwivedi |/div> span classdescription-content styledisplay: none;> div classtooltip-content-body> h3>Fall fashion week 2019 | fashion show bangalore | Glamorous fashion show | Ragini Dwivedi |/h3> ul> li classpull-right>a onclickreturn report_rights( data-reveal-idreport-rights-content iddlSUqcGWWZA href#>Report rights infringement/a>/li> li>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>12 Jun 2019/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classstrong>84722/span>/li> /ul> div classdescContent video-descr-long>#sizzling #bangalore Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates on our new, upcoming showsTwitter - -> ul> li classpull-right>a hrefjavascript: void(0); classexpandContent>Show More i classfa fa-caret-down aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a>/li> /ul> /div> /span>/div>/div>/div> div classvideo-item>div classvideo-info-wrap border_color bgr_color>div classvideo-info border_color {source: youtube, video_id: T7Q3I4VIOM4, duration: 19, published: 27 Aug 2024, updated: 27 Aug 2024, author: , video_views: 3914}> div classplay_layer playvideo1 gotop onClickactivateTab(playlist1); return false titleBangalore Fashion Week 2024 | Traditional Elegance with modern twist #trending #designercollection; updated 27 Aug 2024; published 27 Aug 2024>/div> div classvideo-thumb> div classvideo-duration>0:19/div> img src width200 height150 classvideo-thumbnail /> /div> div classvideo-text> div classvideo-title>Bangalore Fashion Week 2024 | Traditional Elegance with modern twist #trending #designercollection/div> div classvideo-description>Mesmerizing collection from Pleats Please by Ashima and Rohit. This homegrown brand is wea.../div> /div> div classvideo-data> div classpublished>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>27 Aug 2024/span>/div> /div> a classfullscreen rounded TTip onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1); hrefjavascript:void(0); styletop: 250px !important; z-index: 41;>span data-transPlay in Full Screen>Play in Full Screen/span>/a> div classvideo-fulltitle styledisplay: none;>Bangalore Fashion Week 2024 | Traditional Elegance with modern twist #trending #designercollection/div> span classdescription-content styledisplay: none;> div classtooltip-content-body> h3>Bangalore Fashion Week 2024 | Traditional Elegance with modern twist #trending #designercollection/h3> ul> li classpull-right>a onclickreturn report_rights( data-reveal-idreport-rights-content idT7Q3I4VIOM4 href#>Report rights infringement/a>/li> li>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>27 Aug 2024/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classstrong>3914/span>/li> /ul> div classdescContent video-descr-long>Mesmerizing collection from Pleats Please by Ashima and Rohit. This homegrown brand is weaving magic with traditional Chikankari fabrics, delicately touched with hints of pastels—a perfect blend of culture and elegance. The show was a feast for the senses, with the entire room filled with the enchanting scent of jasmine flowers worn by the stunning women walking the ramp. It was so powerful that it overpowered every other fragrance, taking you on a journey to a serene and ethereal space. Truly a refreshing and unforgettable experience. #PleatsPlease #ChikankariElegance #CulturalFusion #JasmineMagic #designercollection #viralfashion #bangalorefashionweek/div> ul> li classpull-right>a hrefjavascript: void(0); classexpandContent>Show More i classfa fa-caret-down aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a>/li> /ul> /div> /span>/div>/div>/div> div classvideo-item>div classvideo-info-wrap border_color bgr_color>div classvideo-info border_color {source: youtube, video_id: Z5f0AQeug9Q, duration: 18, published: 12 Mar 2023, updated: 12 Mar 2023, author: , video_views: 8634132}> div classplay_layer playvideo1 gotop onClickactivateTab(playlist1); return false titlePresenting Ananya Panday as show stopper for Manish Malhotra.; updated 12 Mar 2023; published 12 Mar 2023>/div> div classvideo-thumb> div classvideo-duration>0:18/div> img src width200 height150 classvideo-thumbnail /> /div> div classvideo-text> div classvideo-title>Presenting Ananya Panday as show stopper for Manish Malhotra./div> div classvideo-description>Presenting Ananya Panday as show stopper for Lakmé Unapologetically MÉ X Diffuse by Manish.../div> /div> div classvideo-data> div classpublished>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>12 Mar 2023/span>/div> /div> a classfullscreen rounded TTip onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1); hrefjavascript:void(0); styletop: 250px !important; z-index: 41;>span data-transPlay in Full Screen>Play in Full Screen/span>/a> div classvideo-fulltitle styledisplay: none;>Presenting Ananya Panday as show stopper for Manish Malhotra./div> span classdescription-content styledisplay: none;> div classtooltip-content-body> h3>Presenting Ananya Panday as show stopper for Manish Malhotra./h3> ul> li classpull-right>a onclickreturn report_rights( data-reveal-idreport-rights-content idZ5f0AQeug9Q href#>Report rights infringement/a>/li> li>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>12 Mar 2023/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classstrong>8634132/span>/li> /ul> div classdescContent video-descr-long>Presenting Ananya Panday as show stopper for Lakmé Unapologetically MÉ X Diffuse by Manish Malhotra The Grand Finale at Lakmé Fashion Week in partnership with FDCI./div> ul> li classpull-right>a hrefjavascript: void(0); classexpandContent>Show More i classfa fa-caret-down aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a>/li> /ul> /div> /span>/div>/div>/div> div classvideo-item>div classvideo-info-wrap border_color bgr_color>div classvideo-info border_color {source: youtube, video_id: Qa-Ue96QSLg, duration: 60, published: 09 Dec 2024, updated: 09 Dec 2024, author: , video_views: 106}> div classplay_layer playvideo1 gotop onClickactivateTab(playlist1); return false titleLULU MALL Bangalore #tamil #lulumall #bangalore #shorts #christmas #christmasshopping; updated 09 Dec 2024; published 09 Dec 2024>/div> div classvideo-thumb> div classvideo-duration>1:00/div> img src width200 height150 classvideo-thumbnail /> /div> div classvideo-text> div classvideo-title>LULU MALL Bangalore #tamil #lulumall #bangalore #shorts #christmas #christmasshopping/div> div classvideo-description>#winter, #holiday, #christmasmood, #christmascountdown, #stockingstuffers, #homedecor, #fa.../div> /div> div classvideo-data> div classpublished>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>09 Dec 2024/span>/div> /div> a classfullscreen rounded TTip onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1); hrefjavascript:void(0); styletop: 250px !important; z-index: 41;>span data-transPlay in Full Screen>Play in Full Screen/span>/a> div classvideo-fulltitle styledisplay: none;>LULU MALL Bangalore #tamil #lulumall #bangalore #shorts #christmas #christmasshopping/div> span classdescription-content styledisplay: none;> div classtooltip-content-body> h3>LULU MALL Bangalore #tamil #lulumall #bangalore #shorts #christmas #christmasshopping/h3> ul> li classpull-right>a onclickreturn report_rights( data-reveal-idreport-rights-content idQa-Ue96QSLg href#>Report rights infringement/a>/li> li>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>09 Dec 2024/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classstrong>106/span>/li> /ul> div classdescContent video-descr-long>#winter, #holiday, #christmasmood, #christmascountdown, #stockingstuffers, #homedecor, #fashion, #christmaslights, #gift, #sale, #tistheseason, #christmaseve, #santa, #shopsmallbusiness, #christmasparty, #holidaygifts, #christmasvibes, #happyholidays, #handmadegifts, #festive, #christmaslist, #giftsforhim, #love, #christmasmagic, #etsy, #christmassale, #etsyshop, #shop, #christmasseason, #christmaspresent,/div> ul> li classpull-right>a hrefjavascript: void(0); classexpandContent>Show More i classfa fa-caret-down aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a>/li> /ul> /div> /span>/div>/div>/div> div classvideo-item>div classvideo-info-wrap border_color bgr_color>div classvideo-info border_color {source: youtube, video_id: _QgYfYALaow, duration: 379, published: 17 Jun 2016, updated: 17 Jun 2016, author: , video_views: 2237}> div classplay_layer playvideo1 gotop onClickactivateTab(playlist1); return false titleJD FASHION SHOW 22; updated 17 Jun 2016; published 17 Jun 2016>/div> div classvideo-thumb> div classvideo-duration>6:19/div> img src width200 height150 classvideo-thumbnail /> /div> div classvideo-text> div classvideo-title>JD FASHION SHOW 22/div> div classvideo-description>/div> /div> div classvideo-data> div classpublished>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>17 Jun 2016/span>/div> /div> a classfullscreen rounded TTip onClickreturn triggerFullscreen(1); hrefjavascript:void(0); styletop: 250px !important; z-index: 41;>span data-transPlay in Full Screen>Play in Full Screen/span>/a> div classvideo-fulltitle styledisplay: none;>JD FASHION SHOW 22/div> span classdescription-content styledisplay: none;> div classtooltip-content-body> h3>JD FASHION SHOW 22/h3> ul> li classpull-right>a onclickreturn report_rights( data-reveal-idreport-rights-content id_QgYfYALaow href#>Report rights infringement/a>/li> li>span data-transpublished:>published:/span> span classstrong>17 Jun 2016/span>/li> li>span data-transviews:>views:/span> span classstrong>2237/span>/li> /ul> div classdescContent video-descr-long>/div> ul> li classpull-right>a hrefjavascript: void(0); classexpandContent>Show More i classfa fa-caret-down aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a>/li> /ul> /div> /span>/div>/div>/div> /div> /div> !-- /mainvideoresults --> div classrow> div classcol-md-8> div classwiki-snippet> style>.wikiparser .mw-body>.mw-body { max-width: none !important; } .mwcss { background-color: #fff; font-size: 13px; color: #666; } .mwcss a{ color: #333; } /style>div classwikiparser data-custom0 data-titleFashion_show data-main1 stylepadding-bottom:10px;> div classmwcss mediawiki> div classmw-body mw-body-content mediawiki stylemargin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; width: 100%;> img src classwiki-img /> h1 idtitleHeading stylebackground-color: white; margin: 0;>Fashion show/h1> p idmwCQ>A b idmwCg>fashion show/b> is an event put on by a a href titleFashion designer idmwCw>fashion designer/a> to showcase his or her upcoming line of a href titleClothing idmwDA>clothing/a> during a href titleFashion Week idmwDQ>Fashion Week/a>. Fashion shows debut every season, particularly the Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter seasons. This is where the latest fashion trends are made. The two most influential fashion weeks are a href titleParis Fashion Week idmwDg>Paris Fashion Week/a> and a href titleNew York Fashion Week idmwDw>New York Fashion Week/a>, which are both semiannual events. Also, the a href titleMilan Fashion Week idmwEA>Milan/a>, a href titleLondon Fashion Week idmwEQ>London/a> and a href titleBerlin Fashion Week idmwEg>Berlin/a> are of global importance./p>p idmwEw>In a typical fashion show, a href titleFashion model idmwFA>models/a> walk the a href titleRunway (fashion) idmwFQ>catwalk/a> dressed in the clothing created by the designer. The clothing is illuminated on the runway by the a href titleFashion show lighting idmwFg>fashion show lighting/a>. The order in which each model walks out wearing a specific outfit is usually planned in accordance to the statement that the designer wants to make about his or her collection. It is then up to the audience to not only try to understand what the designer is trying to say by the way the collection is being presented, but to also visually deconstruct each outfit and try to appreciate the detail and craftsmanship of every single piece./p> div classwikipage> a onclickactivateTab(wiki0); return false; idwiki_1 hrefjavascript:void(0); classpull-right>Read more i classfa fa-caret-right aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a> /div> /div> /div> div classsmall> This page contains text from a relnofollow href>Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia/a> - a href>> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4> /div> !-- /col-md-4 --> /div> !-- Query: Bangalore fashion show, VSID: 1 --> /div> !-- /bottom-block row --> /div>!-- /playlist --> script typetext/javascript>!-- function playQuery(vsid, query, title){ var playlist findOrAddPlaylist(query, title, function(status, num){ if(status loading){ $(.interview-play).hide(); $(.interview-play-off).show(); } if(status loaded){ $(.interview-play).hide(); 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width: 100%; height: auto; /> /a> h3>NIFT BENGALURU FASHION SHOW 🔥#shortsfeed #nifty.../h3> /div> div classthumb> a classthumbnail href relprettyPhotogallery2> span classgallery-hover hidden-xs> span classgallery-icons> i classfa fa-search-plus>/i> /span> /span> img classimg-responsive src altBangalore Fashion Week stylemargin-top: -40px; width: 100%; height: auto; /> /a> h3>Bangalore Fashion Week.../h3> /div> div classthumb> a classthumbnail href relprettyPhotogallery2> span classgallery-hover hidden-xs> span classgallery-icons> i classfa fa-search-plus>/i> /span> /span> img classimg-responsive src altFashion Show Bangalore, India 2019 | Lehengas, Sarees and Sh stylemargin-top: -40px; width: 100%; height: auto; /> /a> h3>Fashion Show Bangalore, India 2019 | Lehengas, Sar.../h3> /div> div classthumb> a classthumbnail href relprettyPhotogallery2> span classgallery-hover hidden-xs> span classgallery-icons> i classfa fa-search-plus>/i> /span> /span> img classimg-responsive src alt1MG Fashionable | Fashion Show Bangalore | 1 MG-Lido Mall | stylemargin-top: -40px; width: 100%; height: auto; /> /a> h3>1MG Fashionable | Fashion Show Bangalore | 1 MG-Li.../h3> /div> div classthumb> a classthumbnail href relprettyPhotogallery2> span classgallery-hover hidden-xs> span classgallery-icons> i classfa fa-search-plus>/i> /span> /span> img classimg-responsive src altBuild your modeling career with Athuls academy #modeling #m stylemargin-top: -40px; width: 100%; height: auto; /> /a> h3>Build your modeling career with Athuls academy #m.../h3> /div> div classthumb> a classthumbnail href relprettyPhotogallery2> span classgallery-hover hidden-xs> span classgallery-icons> i classfa fa-search-plus>/i> /span> /span> img classimg-responsive src altFall fashion week 2019 | fashion show bangalore | Glamorous stylemargin-top: -40px; width: 100%; height: auto; /> /a> h3>Fall fashion week 2019 | fashion show bangalore | .../h3> /div> div classthumb> a classthumbnail href relprettyPhotogallery2> span classgallery-hover hidden-xs> span classgallery-icons> i classfa fa-search-plus>/i> /span> /span> img classimg-responsive src altBangalore Fashion Week 2024 | Traditional Elegance with mode stylemargin-top: -40px; width: 100%; height: auto; /> /a> h3>Bangalore Fashion Week 2024 | Traditional Elegance.../h3> /div> div classthumb> a classthumbnail href relprettyPhotogallery2> span classgallery-hover hidden-xs> span classgallery-icons> i classfa fa-search-plus>/i> /span> /span> img classimg-responsive src altPresenting Ananya Panday as show stopper for Manish Malhotra stylemargin-top: -40px; width: 100%; height: auto; /> /a> h3>Presenting Ananya Panday as show stopper for Manis.../h3> /div> div classthumb> a classthumbnail href relprettyPhotogallery2> span classgallery-hover hidden-xs> span classgallery-icons> i classfa fa-search-plus>/i> /span> /span> img classimg-responsive src altLULU MALL Bangalore #tamil #lulumall #bangalore #shorts # stylemargin-top: -40px; width: 100%; height: auto; /> /a> h3>LULU MALL Bangalore #tamil #lulumall #bangalore.../h3> /div> div classthumb> a classthumbnail href relprettyPhotogallery2> span classgallery-hover hidden-xs> span classgallery-icons> i classfa fa-search-plus>/i> /span> /span> img classimg-responsive src altJD FASHION SHOW 22 stylemargin-top: -40px; width: 100%; height: auto; /> /a> h3>JD FASHION SHOW 22.../h3> /div> /div> !-- h3> See a href fashion show>more photos of Bangalore fashion show/a> /h3> --> /div> !-- SLIDESHOW ENDS --> !-- RELATED LYRICS DATA --> div idlyrics_data styledisplay: none;> div classrow> div classcol-md-7> ul classlist-group lyrics_items> !-- without videos --> li classlist-group-item col-md-12> div classrow> div classcol-md-7> a hrefjavascript:void(0); onclickreturn load_lyrics(Fashion Show, International Superheroes Of Hardcore);return false;>i classfa fa-bars>/i> Fashion Show/a>/div> div classcol-md-5> by i>International Superheroes Of Hardcore/i>/div> /div> /li> li classlist-group-item col-md-12> div classrow> div classcol-md-7> a hrefjavascript:void(0); onclickreturn load_lyrics(Fashion Show, Eighteen Visions);return false;>i classfa fa-bars>/i> Fashion Show/a>/div> div classcol-md-5> by i>Eighteen Visions/i>/div> /div> /li> /ul>br /> /div> div classcol-md-5> div classlyrics_body> h3>Fashion Show/h3> by: i>International Superheroes Of Hardcore/i> p>Yeahbr />Theres not a wardrobe for hardcore, despite what you thinkbr />I mean, look at us, we wear capesbr />You dont have to have tattoos to be coolbr />If you like hardcore, then we think you rulebr />You dont have to have a faux-hawk to be coolbr />If you like hardcore, then we think you rulebr />A fashion show, ya know what I mean?!br />A buncha trendy kids ruin my scene!br />A fashion show, ya know what I mean?!br />A buncha trendy kids ruin my scene!br />You dont have to wear camouflage to be coolbr />If you like hardcore, then we think you rulebr />You dont have to like my band to be coolbr />If you like hardcore, then YEAHbr />A fashion show, ya know what I mean?!br />A buncha trendy kids ruin my scene!br />A fashion show, ya know what I mean?!br />A buncha trendy kids ruin my scene!br />Yeah, Captain Straight-Edge doesnt understand itbr />You want to be original, you want to stand out,br />but you all look exactly the samebr />YOURE ALL A BUNCHA LITTLE WIENERS!!!br />A fashion show, ya know what I mean?!br />A buncha trendy kids ruin my scene!br />A fashion show, ya know what I mean?!/p> /div>br />br />br /> /div> /div> /div> !-- RELATED LYRICS DATA ends -->!-- NEWS SECTION -->!-- news_tab -->div idexpand > div classcenter-content> div classcol-md-8> div classnews_stories> h2>Latest News for: Bangalore fashion show/h2> div classnews-item> a relnofollow href target_blank classis_editable pull-right>Edit/a> h3>a target_blank href>Meet Vijay Mallya’s step daughter – Laila Mallya; Know about Sidharth Mallya’s lesser-known sister, her lifestyle, and relationship with Lalit Modi/a>/h3> ul classarticle-footer pull-right> li>div classfacebook onclickpopUp( Vijay Mallya’s step daughter – Laila Mallya; Know about Sidharth Mallya’s lesser-known sister, her lifestyle, and relationship with Lalit Modi); return false;>i classfa fa-facebook>/i>/div>/li> li>div classtwitter onclickpopUp( Vijay Mallya’s step daughter – Laila Mallya; Know about Sidharth Mallya’s lesser-known sister, her lifestyle, and relationship with Lalit Modi); return false;>i classfa fa-twitter>/i>/div>/li> /ul> a target_blank href classresultsource>Financial Express/a> span classdate>22 Oct 2023/span> div classsummary> span dirltr langen>She did her graduation from a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>Bentley University/a>, Walthum, a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>Massachusetts/a> and then went to a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>Fashion/a> a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>Institute of Technology/a>, a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>New York City/a> a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>.../a> Kahava in a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>Bangalore/a>. She has appeared in many Fashion a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>Week/a> shows./span> /div> /div> div classnews-item> a relnofollow href target_blank classis_editable pull-right>Edit/a> h3>a target_blank href>KL Rahul, Gautam Gambhir And Jay Shah Lucknow Super Giants Release New Jersey For IPL 2023/a>/h3> ul classarticle-footer pull-right> li>div classfacebook onclickpopUp( Rahul, Gautam Gambhir And Jay Shah Lucknow Super Giants Release New Jersey For IPL 2023); return false;>i classfa fa-facebook>/i>/div>/li> li>div classtwitter onclickpopUp( Rahul, Gautam Gambhir And Jay Shah Lucknow Super Giants Release New Jersey For IPL 2023); return false;>i classfa fa-twitter>/i>/div>/li> /ul> a target_blank href classresultsource>Cricket Country/a> span classdate>07 Mar 2023/span> div classsummary> span dirltr langen>a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>.../a> an exit after the loss against a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>Royal Challengers/a> a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>Bangalore/a> in the a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>Eliminator/a>. a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>LSG/a> organised a fashion show at the unveiling ceremony and to top it off, stars of the franchise joined the show as well./span> /div> /div> div classnews-item> a relnofollow href target_blank classis_editable pull-right>Edit/a> h3>a target_blank href>EXCLUSIVE: Samantha and I faced challenges to keep the brand running: Sushruthi Krishna, Saaki co-founder/a>/h3> ul classarticle-footer pull-right> li>div classfacebook onclickpopUp( Samantha and I faced challenges to keep the brand running: Sushruthi Krishna, Saaki co-founder); return false;>i classfa fa-facebook>/i>/div>/li> li>div classtwitter onclickpopUp( Samantha and I faced challenges to keep the brand running: Sushruthi Krishna, Saaki co-founder); return false;>i classfa fa-twitter>/i>/div>/li> /ul> a target_blank href classresultsource>Pinkvilla/a> span classdate>25 Oct 2022/span> div classsummary> span dirltr langen>a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>The Family Man/a> 2 actress started her fashion label called Saaki in 2020 with Sushruthi a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>Krishna/a>, a a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>Miss India/a> 2016 a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>1st runner-up/a> a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>.../a> The show runs from here (a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>Bangalore/a>) because to scale a brand you need many layers of work./span> /div> /div> div classnews-item> a relnofollow href target_blank classis_editable pull-right>Edit/a> h3>a target_blank href>Nostalgia with Deepak Parashar: “Even at 22, I watched what I ate. I’ve always been calorie-conscious”/a>/h3> ul classarticle-footer pull-right> li>div classfacebook onclickpopUp( with Deepak Parashar: “Even at 22, I watched what I ate. I’ve always been calorie-conscious”); return false;>i classfa fa-facebook>/i>/div>/li> li>div classtwitter onclickpopUp( with Deepak Parashar: “Even at 22, I watched what I ate. I’ve always been calorie-conscious”); return false;>i classfa fa-twitter>/i>/div>/li> /ul> a target_blank href classresultsource>Hindustan Times/a> span classdate>02 Sep 2022/span> div classsummary> span dirltr langen>I wore my heart on my sleeve a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>.../a> Had you developed your fashion sense? ... a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>Show/a> stopper Deepak walking the ramp with a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>Anita/a> Reddy and a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>Kalpana Iyer/a> for the a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>Nivea/a> a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>Fashion/a> Show in a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>Bangalore/a> ... I did fashion shows for Femina, Eve’s Weekly, Nivea and the a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>Trade/a> a href target_blank classa_keyword_link>Fair/a>./span> /div> /div> /div> novacuum> ul idpagination> li classactive>span>1/span>/li> /ul> /novacuum> /div> div classcol-md-4> div classnews-search> h2>Article Search/h2> form accept-charsetutf-8 action// methodget classform-horizontal onsubmitreturn check_captcha_filled()> input typehidden nameaction valuesearch /> input typehidden nameresults_type valuenews /> div classform-group> div classrow> div classcol-md-6 col-sm-12> input namesearch_string placeholderBangalore fashion show valueBangalore fashion show maxlength8192 classtop_searchstring top_query form-control input-lg /> /div> div classcol-md-6 col-sm-12> button typesubmit classbtn btn-info top_submit>search/button> div classbtn btn-info search-tools-btn>i classfa fa-caret-down>/i> tools/div> /div> /div> /div> div classsearch-tools-content bgr_color clearfix styledisplay: 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