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autoplayDisableOnInteraction: true, loop: true});$(#slideshow0_1).swiper({ mode: horizontal, slidesPerView: 1,// pagination: .slideshow0,// paginationClickable: true, nextButton: .swiper-button-next, prevButton: .swiper-button-prev, spaceBetween: 30, autoplay: 2500, loop: true});/script> /div> div idcontent classcol-sm-12>div classmodule-product-wrap>!-- Module Heading Starts --> h3 classmodule-product-heading>LATEST COLLECTION/h3>!-- Module Heading Ends -->!-- Nested Row Starts --> div classrow> !-- Product Col Starts --> div classproduct-layout col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-6> !-- Product Module Starts --> div classproduct-thumb module-product animation rounded-3> !-- Product Image Starts --> div classmodule-product-image> a href> img src altJacaranda titleJacaranda classimg-responsive img-center /> /a> /div> !-- Product Image Ends --> !-- Product Caption Starts --> div classmodule-product-caption> !-- Product Name Starts --> h6 classmodule-product-title>a href>Jacaranda/a>/h6> h6 classmodule-product-title>AA3116/h6> !-- Product Name Ends --> !-- Product Description Starts --> div classmodule-product-description hidden> Description: Because of its lovely and long-lastingviolet-colored blossoms, it has been widel.. /div> !-- Product Description Ends --> !-- Product Price Starts --> div classmodule-product-price> Rs15,575.00 /div> !-- Product Price Ends --> !-- Add To Cart Button Starts --> !-- Add To Cart Button Ends --> /div> !-- Product Caption Ends --> /div> !-- Product Module Ends --> /div> !-- Product Col Ends --> !-- Product Col Starts --> div classproduct-layout col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-6> !-- Product Module Starts --> div classproduct-thumb module-product animation rounded-3> !-- Product Image Starts --> div classmodule-product-image> a href> img src altWhite Hydrangea titleWhite Hydrangea classimg-responsive img-center /> /a> /div> !-- Product Image Ends --> !-- Product Caption Starts --> div classmodule-product-caption> !-- Product Name Starts --> h6 classmodule-product-title>a href>White Hydrangea/a>/h6> h6 classmodule-product-title>AA3117/h6> !-- Product Name Ends --> !-- Product Description Starts --> div classmodule-product-description hidden> Description:Smooth hydrangeas, such as Isabel,Incredible, and In vincibly Wee White, are amo.. /div> !-- Product Description Ends --> !-- Product Price Starts --> div classmodule-product-price> Rs14,575.00 /div> !-- Product Price Ends --> !-- Add To Cart Button Starts --> !-- Add To Cart Button Ends --> /div> !-- Product Caption Ends --> /div> !-- Product Module Ends --> /div> !-- Product Col Ends --> !-- Product Col Starts --> div classproduct-layout col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-6> !-- Product Module Starts --> div classproduct-thumb module-product animation rounded-3> !-- Product Image Starts --> div classmodule-product-image> a href > img src altMint Green titleMint Green classimg-responsive img-center /> /a> /div> !-- Product Image Ends --> !-- Product Caption Starts --> div classmodule-product-caption> !-- Product Name Starts --> h6 classmodule-product-title>a href >Mint Green /a>/h6> h6 classmodule-product-title>AA3119/h6> !-- Product Name Ends --> !-- Product Description Starts --> div classmodule-product-description hidden> Description:The color mint is a mix of blue, green, andwhite. The intensity of the effect is deter.. /div> !-- Product Description Ends --> !-- Product Price Starts --> div classmodule-product-price> Rs15,500.00 /div> !-- Product Price Ends --> !-- Add To Cart Button Starts --> !-- Add To Cart Button Ends --> /div> !-- Product Caption Ends --> /div> !-- Product Module Ends --> /div> !-- Product Col Ends --> !-- Product Col Starts --> div classproduct-layout col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-6> !-- Product Module Starts --> div classproduct-thumb module-product animation rounded-3> !-- Product Image Starts --> div classmodule-product-image> a href> img src altGreen Dianthus titleGreen Dianthus classimg-responsive img-center /> /a> /div> !-- Product Image Ends --> !-- Product Caption Starts --> div classmodule-product-caption> !-- Product Name Starts --> h6 classmodule-product-title>a href>Green Dianthus/a>/h6> h6 classmodule-product-title>AA3120/h6> !-- Product Name Ends --> !-- Product Description Starts --> div classmodule-product-description hidden> Description:Green Dianthus Flowers are a one-of-a-kindflower that adds texture to imaginative bouq.. /div> !-- Product Description Ends --> !-- Product Price Starts --> div classmodule-product-price> Rs15,575.00 /div> !-- Product Price Ends --> !-- Add To Cart Button Starts --> !-- Add To Cart Button Ends --> /div> !-- Product Caption Ends --> /div> !-- Product Module Ends --> /div> !-- Product Col Ends --> !-- Product Col Starts --> div classproduct-layout col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-6> !-- Product Module Starts --> div classproduct-thumb module-product animation rounded-3> !-- Product Image Starts --> div classmodule-product-image> a href > img src altLight Purple titleLight Purple classimg-responsive img-center /> /a> /div> !-- Product Image Ends --> !-- Product Caption Starts --> div classmodule-product-caption> !-- Product Name Starts --> h6 classmodule-product-title>a href >Light Purple /a>/h6> h6 classmodule-product-title>AA3123/h6> !-- Product Name Ends --> !-- Product Description Starts --> div classmodule-product-description hidden> Description:Pastel Magenta is the color family thatincludes Light Purple. It has a lot of brightne.. /div> !-- Product Description Ends --> !-- Product Price Starts --> div classmodule-product-price> Rs15,875.00 /div> !-- Product Price Ends --> !-- Add To Cart Button Starts --> !-- Add To Cart Button Ends --> /div> !-- Product Caption Ends --> /div> !-- Product Module Ends --> /div> !-- Product Col Ends --> !-- Product Col Starts --> div classproduct-layout col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-6> !-- Product Module Starts --> div classproduct-thumb module-product animation rounded-3> !-- Product Image Starts --> div classmodule-product-image> a href> img src altGreen Decor titleGreen Decor classimg-responsive img-center /> /a> /div> !-- Product Image Ends --> !-- Product Caption Starts --> div classmodule-product-caption> !-- Product Name Starts --> h6 classmodule-product-title>a href>Green Decor/a>/h6> h6 classmodule-product-title>AA3124/h6> !-- Product Name Ends --> !-- Product Description Starts --> div classmodule-product-description hidden> Description:Green is a soothing and natural color. Wevegot some great green decorating ideas for .. /div> !-- Product Description Ends --> !-- Product Price Starts --> div classmodule-product-price> Rs16,500.00 /div> !-- Product Price Ends --> !-- Add To Cart Button Starts --> !-- Add To Cart Button Ends --> /div> !-- Product Caption Ends --> /div> !-- Product Module Ends --> /div> !-- Product Col Ends --> !-- Product Col Starts --> div classproduct-layout col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-6> !-- Product Module Starts --> div classproduct-thumb module-product animation rounded-3> !-- Product Image Starts --> div classmodule-product-image> a href> img src altBlack Pink titleBlack Pink classimg-responsive img-center /> /a> /div> !-- Product Image Ends --> !-- Product Caption Starts --> div classmodule-product-caption> !-- Product Name Starts --> h6 classmodule-product-title>a href>Black Pink/a>/h6> h6 classmodule-product-title>AA3125/h6> !-- Product Name Ends --> !-- Product Description Starts --> div classmodule-product-description hidden> Description:With its aggressive and explicit lyrics andforceful dancing motions, Black Pink has be.. /div> !-- Product Description Ends --> !-- Product Price Starts --> div classmodule-product-price> Rs15,775.00 /div> !-- Product Price Ends --> !-- Add To Cart Button Starts --> !-- Add To Cart Button Ends --> /div> !-- Product Caption Ends --> /div> !-- Product Module Ends --> /div> !-- Product Col Ends --> /div>!-- Nested Row Ends -->/div>div> style> .pb{ padding-bottom: 30px; 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To assist you in getting started on you.. /div> !-- Product Description Ends --> !-- Product Price Starts --> div classmodule-product-price> Rs15,000.00 /div> !-- Product Price Ends --> !-- Add To Cart Button Starts --> !-- Add To Cart Button Ends --> /div> !-- Product Caption Ends --> /div> !-- Product Module Ends --> /div> !-- Product Col Ends --> !-- Product Col Starts --> div classproduct-layout col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-6> !-- Product Module Starts --> div classproduct-thumb module-product animation rounded-3> !-- Product Image Starts --> div classmodule-product-image> a href> img src altSage titleSage classimg-responsive img-center /> /a> /div> !-- Product Image Ends --> !-- Product Caption Starts --> div classmodule-product-caption> !-- Product Name Starts --> h6 classmodule-product-title>a href>Sage/a>/h6> h6 classmodule-product-title>AA315/h6> !-- Product Name Ends --> !-- Product Description Starts --> div classmodule-product-description hidden> Description:Cotton and elastane clothing in a simple sageshade. A sage green synthetic crush tissu.. /div> !-- Product Description Ends --> !-- Product Price Starts --> div classmodule-product-price> Rs14,875.00 /div> !-- Product Price Ends --> !-- Add To Cart Button Starts --> !-- Add To Cart Button Ends --> /div> !-- Product Caption Ends --> /div> !-- Product Module Ends --> /div> !-- Product Col Ends --> /div>!-- Nested Row Ends -->/div>div> style> .pb{ padding-bottom: 30px; } .blink{ background-color: #A79158; display: inline-block; line-height: 1; font-size: 15px; padding: 12px 24px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; border-radius: 3px; color: #fff; fill: #fff; text-align: center; -webkit-transition: all .3s; -o-transition: all .3s; transition: all .3s; -webkit-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; text-decoration: none; } .blink:hover{ color: #A79158; background-color: #FFFFFF; border:1px solid #A79158; }@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) { }/style> div classcontainer text-center pb> a classblink mt href rolebutton>VIEW MORE/a> /div>/div>div> style>center { position: relative; 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Our extensive range of clothing includes formal, semi-formal, and casual suits thus providing you with a variety of options to choose from and looking your ultimate best on every occasion./div>/div>h4 styletext-align: center; >Fresh Designs and Vibrant Colors/h4>div>div styletext-align: center; >Ayesha & Ashee is home to chic and trendy outfits crafted by professional designers for women that embrace fashionable dresses of all seasons accordingly./div>/div>div>div styletext-align: center; >Our qualified fashion designers are conditioned to bring the latest designs and colorful patterns so that you can easily shop for clothes that fit your style. To provide you with different fashion choices, our designers work tirelessly to create the finest lines of casual and formal wear, each piece intended to satisfy the fashion needs of our customers./div>/div>div styletext-align: center; >We at Ayesha & Ayesha bring all the statement outfits under one roof. We believe in bringing the best to our customers and therefore produce premium quality clothes at affordable rates./div>div styletext-align: center;>Our fashion hub is created to support a broad spectrum of women by providing them with a platform that merges style with elegance so that you can feel and look confident at every event./div>span iddots>/span>span idmore>h4 styletext-align: center;>Explore From Our Categories and Redefine Your Wardrobe/h4>p styletext-align: center;>If you are searching for an economical yet sophisticated apparel brand that offers a wide range of stitched and unstitched premium quality designs, then get your hands on Ayesha & Ashee womans attires./p>p styletext-align: center;>Now you can create your own style with unstitched two-piece and three-piece suits available at Ayesha & Ashee and have the freedom of altering the fabric by getting it stitched according to the cuts and fit you desire./p>p styletext-align: center;>We have a large collection of beautiful casual and pret wears made from the right mix of quality and fabric. Moreover, you can shop for dupattas and bottoms from our website separately. We are one of the leading womans clothing brands striving to create a long-lasting impression in the industry with our creations./p>h4 styletext-align: center;>Shop Your Style and Feel Classy From Head To Toe With Ayesha & Ashee Clothing Attire/h4>p styletext-align: center;>At Ayesha & Ashee, you can get everything from beautiful fabrics, exquisite embroideries to flattering cuts no matter at what place you are. With our shopping store available online, you can find all the things you love in one place./p>p styletext-align: center;>If you need to buy a dress for a particular event such as an office party or wedding and you cannot run about at the last moment, simply log in at our website and shop for what you desire. You can find a diverse range of Pakistani dresses with elegant embroideries and extravagant embellishments at Ayesha & Ashee./p>p styletext-align: center;>By availing our services, customers from different parts of the world can order beautiful attires and have them delivered to your doorstep. Just take a few minutes out of your busy life and have a look at what lies in the sheer beauty of sophisticated pieces available online and in-store at Ayesha & Ashee./p>h4 styletext-align: center;>Order Your Desired Attire Online From Ayesha & Ashee/h4>p styletext-align: center;>Since it is easier to purchase things from the comfort of home, we at Ayesha & Ashee provide a hassle-free and seamless shopping experience to all our customers. You can easily select the dress that catches your eye and add it to the cart to proceed towards the payment method. Be heedful of the return and exchange policy, shipping fee, and delivery charges that might vary according to the location. Then all there is left for you is to wait for the parcel to be delivered to your designated location./p>p styletext-align: center;>Furthermore, you also receive regular updates and notifications regarding our latest arrivals, discounted prices, and upcoming sales on selected or all items. We provide nationwide delivery within 3-5 business days whereas worldwide delivery takes about 5-7 working>/p>/span>div classtext-center>button classblink mt onclickmyFunction() idmyBtn>Read More/button>/div>script>function myFunction() { var dots document.getElementById(dots); var moreText document.getElementById(more); var btnText document.getElementById(myBtn); if ( none) { inline; btnText.innerHTML Read more; none; } else { none; btnText.innerHTML Read less; inline; }}/script>/div>/div> /div>/div>script typetext/javascript>$(body).on(click touchstart, function () { const videoElement document.getElementById(home_video); const videoElement1 document.getElementById(home_video1); if (videoElement.playing) { // video is already playing so do nothing } else { // video is not playing // so play video now; } if (videoElement1.playing) { // video is already playing so do nothing } else { // video is not playing // so play video now; }}); /script>!-- Footer Starts --> footer 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