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Nam sed porta est. Vestibulum id massa eu odio rhoncus eleifend./p--> /div> /div> /div> !--/slide --> /div> div classtimers>/div> div classslidePrev>span>/span>/div> div classslideNext>span>/span>/div> /div>!--/slider -->div classmain_bg>!-- start main -->div classcontainer> div classmain_grid> div classspan_of_4>!-- start span_of_4 --> div classcol-md-3 span1_of_4> div classspan4_of_list> span classactive>img srcimages/gallery/bmu1.jpg>/span> h3>BMU/h3> p styletext-align:justify;>The fully integrated from strong>SKYGONDOLA/strong> is designed with the user in mind and is compatible with most other platforms in the>/p> div classread_more> a classbtn btn-2 active hrefbuilding-maintenance-units.php>view more/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-3 span1_of_4> div classspan4_of_list> span>img srcimages/gallery/mi1.jpg>/span> h3>monorail/h3> p styletext-align:justify;>The strong>SKYGONDOLA/strong> monorail is designed for easy mounting on every type of building or>br>/p> div classread_more> a classbtn btn-2b href>view more/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-3 span1_of_4> div classspan4_of_list> span>img srcimages/telescopic_small.jpg>/span> h3>new telescopic roof beam/h3> p styletext-align:justify;>Find out more about our new telescopic mobile roof beam and all the other possible suspension>br>/p> div classread_more> a classbtn btn-2b href>view more/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-3 span1_of_4> div classspan4_of_list> span>img srcimages/applied_small.jpg>/span> h3>engineered solutions/h3> p styletext-align:justify;>strong>SKYGONDOLA/strong> is capable of designing and producing all types of special access solutions. Contact us for more information about our tailored solutions./p> div classread_more> a classbtn btn-2b href>view more/a> /div> /div> /div> div classclearfix>/div> /div>!-- end span_of_4 --> /div>/div>/div>div classmain1_bg>!-- start main_btm -->div classcontainer> div classmain span_of_3> div classcol-md-3 span1_of_3> h4>Products/h4> ul classlist-unstyled nav_list> li>a href>Parapet Mounted Jib System/a>/li> li>a hrefbuilding-maintenance-units.php>Building Maintenance Units/a>/li> li>a hreftemporary-access-system.php>Temporary Access System/a>/li> li>a href>Roof Mounted Jib System/a>/li> li>a hrefsuspension_platform.php>Suspension Platforms/a>/li> li>a hrefaerial-platforms.php>Aerial Platforms/a>/li> li>a hrefdavit-system.php>Davit System/a>/li> li>a hrefmonorails.php>Monorails/a>/li> li>a hrefgantries.php>Gantries/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classcol-md-6 span1_of_3> h5>span>Axsus Gondolas Solutions Pvt Ltd (A part of Axsus Group)/span>/h5> p classtxt>An emerging Engineering group in India and Middle east is a Pvt ltd with ISO 9001 certification company We specializes in the design ,Manufacturing ,Supply and Installation of lasting, aesthetically pleasing and cost-effective facade cleaning equipment. Axsus Gondolas provides solutions to all your access needs from a single source, starting with consultation, planning and design right through to commissioning and after sales service. Axsus Gondolas continues a strong tradition of product development and supply of permanent facade access systems to the Indian and UAE>br>Axsus Group equipped with the best and most experienced workforce, team comprising of highly qualified professionals with above 20 years experience in BMU industry is one of the best in the Industry with cutting edge technology at disposal in Facade Access Systems (BMUs) to cater the needs of most complicated projects and provide utmost service to our customers. div alignright>span classreadmore>a hrefwho-we-are.php>+ readmore/a>/span>/div>/p> /div> div classcol-md-3 span1_of_3> div classclients> h4>News & Updates/h4> marquee height100px ; onMouseOutthis.setAttribute(scrollamount, 1, 0) onMouseOverthis.setAttribute(scrollamount, 0, 0); scrollamount3 directionup> p classpara> span>a href#>Axsus Gondolas Solutions Pvt. Ltd. opened an office in Pune/a>/span> Axsus Gondolas Solutions Pvt. Ltd. opened an office in Pune to cater our prestigious clients in western India region more effectively and promptly. /p> p classpara> span>a href#>Axsus Gondolas Solutions Pvt. Ltd./a>/span> Axsus group is proud to finish the first project in Gurgoan NCR in Record period of 20 days. /p> p classpara> span>a href#>Axsus Gondolas Solutions Pvt./a>/span> Axsus has been awarded prestigious project in Pune Maharashtra for supply and installation of FACADE ACCESS SYSTEM for MAXIM Group /p> p classpara> span>a href#>Agreement between Axsus Gondolas and strong>SKYGONDOLA/strong> Group in 30 November2017/a>/span> We are proud to announce the agreement between Axsus Gondolas and strong>SKYGONDOLA/strong> Group in 30 November2017 to start the BMU market in India Now with the signature of the this agreement between both companies, we will keep leading the World Market. /p> p classpara> span>a href#>Visit Axsus Gondolas on Facebook./a>/span> Since the beginning of the month you can visit us on our face book page. In this page you can find the most interesting developments. 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