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margin-bottom:15px;>Where are we now? View a href,-109.335937&spn38.691894,52.734375&z3&sourceembed target_blank>"Our Itinerary"/a> in a larger map to see./p> li>h2>Categories/h2> ul> li classcat-item cat-item-10>a href >Destinations/a> (57)ul classchildren> li classcat-item cat-item-12>a href >Argentina/a> (9)/li> li classcat-item cat-item-49>a href >Arizona/a> (2)/li> li classcat-item cat-item-208>a href >Australia/a> (9)/li> li classcat-item cat-item-116>a href >Chile/a> (1)/li> li classcat-item cat-item-11>a href >Colorado/a> (7)/li> li classcat-item cat-item-432>a href >England/a> (2)/li> li classcat-item cat-item-294>a href >Hong Kong/a> (2)/li> li classcat-item cat-item-336>a href >Italy/a> (6)/li> li classcat-item cat-item-68>a href >New Zealand/a> (10)/li> li classcat-item cat-item-302>a href >Spain/a> (3)/li> li classcat-item cat-item-276>a href >Switzerland/a> (4)/li> li classcat-item cat-item-474>a href >Yosemite/a> (1)/li>/ul>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-5>a href >Piedmont/a> (9)/li> li classcat-item cat-item-9>a href >Roadschooling/a> (11)/li> li classcat-item cat-item-1>a href >Travel Planning/a> (17)/li>/ul> /li> li> h2>Search/h2> form methodget idsearchform action>label classhidden forsearch>Search for:/label>div>input typetext value names idsearch/>input typeimage idsearchsubmit classimage src valueSearch />/div>/form> /li> /ul> br/>br/>br/> div stylewidth:100px !important; background:#fff !important; font-family:Arial, sans-serif !important; color:#000 !important; border:1px solid #000 !important; padding:5px !important; font-size:10px !important; text-align:center !important;>a href>img src altTripbase Awards Badge />br />a stylecolor:0000ff !important; href target_blank>>/li>/div>br/>a href>img src altIm a featured blogger on Lonely Planet />/a> /div> /div>div idcontent> div classpost idpost-2948> h2 idpost-2948>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Announcing “Meet, Plan, Go!” for Extended Travel and Career Break Planning>Announcing “Meet, Plan, Go!” for Extended Travel and Career Break Planning/a>/h2> p classpostmeta>Posted by a classcontact href>Sarah/a> on April 13th, 2011/p> div classentry> p>I haven’t posted here recently because I’m now working on my other blog, The Runner’s Trip, but I’m back to share the link to a href target_blank>The Runner’s Trip’s latest post/a> because I think it’ll interest anyone who followed this blog in the past—that is, anyone interested in meaningful long-term travel./p>div idattachment_2949 stylewidth: 230px classwp-caption aligncenter>a href target_blank>img classsize-medium wp-image-2949 titleMPG_2011_Logo_600x200 src alt width220 height73 srcset 220w, 600w sizes(max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px />/a>p classwp-caption-text> /p>/div>p>I’m hosting an exciting event in San Francisco on October 18 that’s part of a nationwide network of events called a href target_blank>Meet, Plan, Go!/a> to help others plan and fulfill their extended-travel dreams. I hope you’ll a href target_blank>read more about it/a>—and find out why we went on our journey, in spite of a list of reasons not to, and concluded “it’s the best thing we ever did.”/p> /div> /div> div classpost idpost-2943> h2 idpost-2943>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Happy New Year and New Blog>Happy New Year and New Blog/a>/h2> p classpostmeta>Posted by a classcontact href>Sarah/a> on December 29th, 2010/p> div classentry> p>To all the subscribers who regularly read this blog: Thank you, happy new year, and please visit a href target_blank>my new blog/a>!/p>p>I launched a new site a few days ago to combine my passions for running and travel. It’s called The Runner’s Trip, and the tagline is Run Long, Travel Far, Discover More. a href target_blank>The first post /a>and a href target_blank>about/a> page describe its mission. In many ways it’s an outgrowth of this blog and a href target_blank>my first running blog/a>a href target_blank>/a>. I’m mothballing Away Together and encouraging readers here to a href target_blank>subscribe/a> to the new one./p>p>I greatly appreciate all who followed our family travel blog and shared their comments on our posts. I look forward to traveling more with my family and blogging about the destinations on The Runner’s Trip./p>p>Thanks again for taking the time to read this. I hope you find the new blog inspiring, motivating, informative, and entertaining./p> /div> /div> div classpost idpost-2883> h2 idpost-2883>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to A New Season, A New Way>A New Season, A New Way/a>/h2> p classpostmeta>Posted by a classcontact href>Sarah/a> on October 5th, 2010/p> div classentry> p>This time last year, we were flying from LA to Buenos Aires and pondering the coincidence, which felt more like fate than happenstance, that Morgan and I were starting our adventure abroad 25 years to the day after he first reached over to touch my hand and I leaned in for a kiss. (That was October 5, 1984, the fall semester of his senior and my junior year in high school.)/p>p>I’m always doing that: thinking of what we were doing this time last year. I’m also looking ahead and feeling anxious — excited, but nervous — about what we’ll be doing one year from now./p>p>People ask all the time, “How are you doing? All settled back in?” That’s tough to answer. I usually say, “We’re doing well but still transitioning. We’re back home but not exactly settled.”/p>p>I wish I could either blog about new destinations or write a nice, tidy epilogue to the story of our trip. But we don’t have any noteworthy travel planned, and the story of what the trip meant and how it changed us is still developing./p>p>So I want to share what we’re up to these days, and then, with some sadness and until further notice, mothball this blog. I hope the day will come when I have reason to give it a makeover and launch an encore edition. a href classmore-link>p classserif>Read the rest of this page »/p>p>/a>/p> /div> /div> div classpost idpost-2843> h2 idpost-2843>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Yosemite’s Curry Village: Good Times with the Bear Necessities>Yosemite’s Curry Village: Good Times with the Bear Necessities/a>/h2> p classpostmeta>Posted by a classcontact href>Sarah/a> on August 24th, 2010/p> div classentry> div idattachment_2861 stylewidth: 214px classwp-caption alignleft>a href target_blank>img classsize-medium wp-image-2861 titleour curry village cabin src alt width204 height300 />/a>p classwp-caption-text>Our Curry Village tent cabin/p>/div>p>I was carrying my bag into Yosemite’s Curry Village, about to check into a canvas-sided, one-room shack that’s a hybrid of a tent and a cabin, when suddenly I came within an inch of stepping in one of the biggest piles of poop I’ve ever seen./p>p>I know dog doo, cat scat, cow pies, horse manure, deer droppings, feral pig dung and, of course, human feces, and I knew this cake-sized coiled turd was none of the above. Barely disguised with dust, and resting a mere 10 feet or so from our door, it looked frightfully fresh, thick, dark, and flecked with something nutty and grainy — a hapless hiker’s granola bar, perhaps?/p>p>“A bear did that!” I said out loud to no one in particular. Then I found Morgan to show him, and we in turn showed it to a man we had just met in the neighboring tent cabin./p>p>“I’m not surprised,” the man said. “You should see the patch job on my cabin,” and he held up his hand and mimed a menacing scratching motion while describing a large ursine claw mark still visible underneath a patch on his unit’s flimsy excuse for a wall./p>p>“Well,” I said to Morgan, “We’re not in The Ahwahnee anymore.” a href classmore-link>p classserif>Read the rest of this page »/p>p>/a>/p> /div> /div> div classpost idpost-2795> h2 idpost-2795>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to One Year Later: The Time-Capsule Travel Letters and the ‘Eat Pray Love’ Backlash>One Year Later: The Time-Capsule Travel Letters and the ‘Eat Pray Love’ Backlash/a>/h2> p classpostmeta>Posted by a classcontact href>Sarah/a> on August 14th, 2010/p> div classentry> p>Midway through our trip, my world-traveling friend Carolyn suggested that each of us write a letter to each other describing our feelings about the travel so far and our hopes for the remainder of the journey. This was in late January, when we had been away for five months and were living outside of Queenstown, New Zealand, for a couple of weeks. She told us to keep the letters secret and not share them until the trip ended./p>p>Morgan, Colly, Kyle and I each sat down and wrote letters reflecting on the experience, showed them to no one else at the time, sealed them up, and then opened and read them out loud over dinner in June on our last night before driving home. Now, the letters sit on my desk as reminders of what the round-the-world trip was all about. Today, for a couple of different reasons, I re-read them to reflect on how the 10-month trip affected us individually and as a family./p>p>One reason is the snarky backlash, prompted by the film release of em>Eat, Pray, Love/em>, to long-term travel for the sake of change, education and self-reflection. a href classmore-link>p classserif>Read the rest of this page »/p>p>/a>/p> /div> /div> div classpost idpost-2734> h2 idpost-2734>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to What A Long, Strange Homecoming It’s Been>What A Long, Strange Homecoming It’s Been/a>/h2> p classpostmeta>Posted by a classcontact href>Sarah/a> on July 12th, 2010/p> div classentry> p>“Let’s sleep with the kids,” I said on our first night back in our house, which echoed from emptiness because our belongings remained in storage. Morgan agreed, and with relief I unrolled my sleeping bag on my daughter’s floor, putting her and Kyle on one side of me and Morgan on the other./p>p>I wanted to hear their breathing and feel their closeness one more night before everything changed back to our non-traveling life — before the movers came and filled our house with so much of the furniture and boxes of stuff that I now feel ambivalent about owning, and before my kids moved back into their own rooms and we all established our separate domains in this house that feels too big and fancy. I wanted to curl up in my sleeping bag and fantasize we were camping the way we did on the banks of the Colorado River or on the beach of New Zealand’s Abel Tasman Park./p>p>Everyone has been asking how it feels to return home. The short answer is: weird, and tiring! I haven’t felt this conflicted and unsettled since … well, since we pulled out of our driveway to start the trip on August 15, 2009./p>div idattachment_2740 stylewidth: 230px classwp-caption aligncenter>a href target_blank>img classsize-medium wp-image-2740 titlefamily yosemite pic src alt width220 height139 />/a>p classwp-caption-text>The penultimate stop: We drove through Yosemite on our last day and arrived home about four hours later./p>/div>p> a href classmore-link>p classserif>Read the rest of this page »/p>p>/a>/p> /div> /div> div classpost idpost-2687> h2 idpost-2687>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to 83 Places, 5 Continents, 10 Months>83 Places, 5 Continents, 10 Months/a>/h2> p classpostmeta>Posted by a classcontact href>Sarah/a> on June 15th, 2010/p> div classentry> p>Less than 24 hours after our plane from Heathrow landed in Los Angeles, the four of us walked into a Noah’s Bagels on Sunset Boulevard for an early lunch. Our sense of time and place were thoroughly out of whack from jet lag and from the strangeness of waking up in Southern California, drinking Peet’s Coffee and tuning into the Disney Channel as though we’d never been away./p>p>As we stood ordering bagels, we suddenly remembered we had eaten lunch at the same Noah’s on the day before we flew to Buenos Aires in early October. “I feels like we were just here,” Colly said, and I agreed while my chest hiccuped with anxiety./p>p>It felt as though all those months abroad — which had stretched so elastically and netted so much in a single week, so that on the first of every month I’d express disbelief at how much we had experienced — had snapped back and condensed into a blip to make mental space for the task of reorganizing our lives and getting ready to move back into the house./p>div idattachment_2693 stylewidth: 230px classwp-caption alignright>a href target_blank>img classsize-medium wp-image-2693 titlelast checkout src alt width220 height219 />/a>p classwp-caption-text>Checking out of a hotel in Marlow, England, on our last morning before flying back to California./p>/div>p>I’m feeling profoundly mixed emotions upon our return and need to think more about the transition before trying to write much about it. I got weepy on our last night in Marlow, a lovely town outside of London, as we checked out of a hotel a final time and toasted our trip; then, I got teary with joy as we approached my hometown of Ojai last weekend for a reunion. I also am in the process of thinking through the next phase of this blog, so stay tuned and thanks to all of you who’ve read it regularly!/p>p>In the meantime, I’m publishing the following list as proof and as a reminder to myself that em>we really went to all of these places./em> We called this our “sleepover list” and had fun updating it as we traveled. Most are linked to previous blog posts if we wrote about that destination. Three places are listed twice since we visited there twice, so the number of places totals 83, but the bottom line is that we moved and unpacked 86 times!/p>p styletext-align: center;>span styletext-decoration: underline;>strong>The Sleepover List: August 15, 2009 – June 15, 2010: a href classmore-link>p classserif>Read the rest of this page »/p>p>/a>/strong>/span>/p> /div> /div> div classpost idpost-2640> h2 idpost-2640>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to The Cure for the Brighton Hangover>The Cure for the Brighton Hangover/a>/h2> p classpostmeta>Posted by a classcontact href>Sarah/a> on June 7th, 2010/p> div classentry> div idattachment_2644 stylewidth: 230px classwp-caption aligncenter>a href target_blank>img classsize-medium wp-image-2644 titlecolly bungee jumping src alt width220 height128 />/a>p classwp-caption-text>Colly does the bungee jump trampoline against the backdrop of the Brighton Pier./p>/div>p>Like cotton candy, Brighton is a brightly colored swirl of sweet temptation that’s tantalizing to taste but leaves you sticky and queasy./p>p>We went there for a couple of days for the same reason we make an annual pilgrimage to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk or Santa Monica Pier — because rickety amusement rides on the beach are guaranteed family fun — and we did indeed love to watch the kids on the spinning rides./p>div idattachment_2645 stylewidth: 230px classwp-caption aligncenter>a href target_blank>img classsize-medium wp-image-2645 titlekids on ride src alt width220 height212 />/a>p classwp-caption-text>On the pier, the world travelers became hurled travelers./p>/div>p>But, good grief, I haven’t seen so many drunk, swearing, sweaty and scantily clad young adults since the time we spent New Year’s Eve on the Las Vegas Strip. a href classmore-link>p classserif>Read the rest of this page »/p>p>/a>/p> /div> /div> div classpost idpost-2490> h2 idpost-2490>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Rediscovering London and Windsor>Rediscovering London and Windsor/a>/h2> p classpostmeta>Posted by a classcontact href>Sarah/a> on June 4th, 2010/p> div classentry> div idattachment_2585 stylewidth: 230px classwp-caption aligncenter>a href target_blank>img classsize-medium wp-image-2585 titleLong Walk historical pic src alt width220 height125 />/a>p classwp-caption-text>An image of The Long Walk from the early 1900s. (Photo courtesy>/div>p>Back in mid-April of 2007, I woke before sunrise in a hotel in the shadow of Windsor Castle and tiptoed out to run while Morgan and the kids slept. It was the final day of our family’s Spring Break trip to England. Having no clear idea of where I was headed, I found a trail to a wide strip of grass that stretched like a never-ending rectangular green carpet from the castle’s side gate. I had stumbled upon The Long Walk, the name Charles II gave the route in the 1680s./p>p>Parallel rows of symmetrical trees bordered the neatly mowed lawn, and a wide paved path extended straight down its middle for more than two miles. It was the carriage road, where centuries of processions rode and marched up to the gates, and I stood there virtually alone, dazzled by the dreamy view of the pink-tinged sunrise on the colossus castle that belonged in a fairy tale. Then I sprinted that path all the way to the gates, where a little old lady dressed in a proper navy blue uniform, her gray hair in a bun, happened to be stepping out of a guard’s booth./p>p>I stopped to watch as she slowly but surely walked to the center of the gold-tipped gate that towered above her diminutive frame. She reached in her pocket and pulled out an ancient-looking iron ring that dangled a giant skeleton key, and then she used both hands to turn the key in the lock and push back the iron wall, allowing me to imagine what it would be like to enter as a royal guest. Then she stood more upright, her duty for the morning — probably a duty she had performed for decades, following protocol of centuries — complete./p>p>I distinctly remember lingering at that moment to take in all the details because I felt certain it was a magical, once-in-a-lifetime run never to be repeated. I had a sense then that I wouldn’t, couldn’t return to that spot, and I thus experienced the bittersweet feeling of anticipatory nostalgia — of paradoxically missing something at the same moment it happens, which enhances the experience with appreciation yet also siphons off the fulfillment with a sense of loss./p>p>So why am I recounting this now? Because the other day I returned there for another sprint and experienced the joy of rediscovering a place. a href classmore-link>p classserif>Read the rest of this page »/p>p>/a>/p> /div> /div> div classpost idpost-2427> h2 idpost-2427>a href relbookmark titlePermanent Link to Essential Gear For Long-Term Travel>Essential Gear For Long-Term Travel/a>/h2> p classpostmeta>Posted by a classcontact href>Sarah/a> on May 31st, 2010/p> div classentry> p>A year ago, as we packed up our house and got ready to go, I scanned various lists developed by travel experts of essential items to pack, and I invariably ended up more conflicted about what to bring for our round-the-world trip. We made a commitment to travel light — just one easy-to-carry clothing bag each, plus a communal gear bag and as few carry-ons as possible — and yet all these lists were telling us to bring so much em>stuff/em>./p>p>After 10 months of family travel, I don’t have a comprehensive packing list to share (a href target_blank>here’s a good one/a> for starters if that’s what you’re looking for), but I can detail some of the gear and clothing we found indispensable. a href classmore-link>p classserif>Read the rest of this page »/p>p>/a>/p> /div> /div> div classpagenavi>div classwp-pagenavi>span classpages>Page 1 of 7/span>span classcurrent>1/span>a classpage larger href>2/a>a classpage larger href>3/a>a classpage larger href>4/a>a classpage larger href>5/a>span classextend>.../span>a classnextpostslink relnext href>»/a>a classlast href>Last »/a>/div>/div> /div> div idright-sidebar> p>a href target_blank>img classalignleft size-medium wp-image-597 titleall packed up src altall packed up width220 height164 srcset 220w, 1023w sizes(max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px />/a>/p>p stylemargin-top:15px; margin-bottom:15px;>We left our home in Piedmont, California, to spend a school year seeing the world and learning as we go. (More a href>about us/a> …)/p> h2>Recent Posts/h2> ul> li>a href>Announcing “Meet, Plan, Go!” for Extended Travel and Career Break Planning/a>/li> li>a href>Happy New Year and New Blog/a>/li> li>a href>A New Season, A New Way/a>/li> li>a href>Yosemite’s Curry Village: Good Times with the Bear Necessities/a>/li> li>a href>One Year Later: The Time-Capsule Travel Letters and the ‘Eat Pray Love’ Backlash/a>/li> li>a href>What A Long, Strange Homecoming It’s Been/a>/li> li>a href>83 Places, 5 Continents, 10 Months/a>/li> li>a href>The Cure for the Brighton Hangover/a>/li> li>a href>Rediscovering London and Windsor/a>/li> li>a href>Essential Gear For Long-Term Travel/a>/li> /ul> h2>Archives/h2> ul> select namearchive-dropdown onChangedocument.location.hrefthis.optionsthis.selectedIndex.value; stylewidth:200px;> option value>Select Month/option> option value> April 2011 (1)/option> option value> December 2010 (1)/option> option value> October 2010 (1)/option> option value> August 2010 (2)/option> option value> July 2010 (1)/option> option value> June 2010 (3)/option> option value> May 2010 (5)/option> option value> April 2010 (5)/option> option value> March 2010 (7)/option> option value> February 2010 (5)/option> option value> January 2010 (5)/option> option value> December 2009 (5)/option> option value> November 2009 (7)/option> option value> October 2009 (5)/option> option value> September 2009 (6)/option> option value> August 2009 (4)/option> option value> July 2009 (1)/option> option value> June 2009 (1)/option> /select> /ul> ul classlinks> h2>Popular Posts/h2> ul classxoxo blogroll>li>a href target_blank>"Home"schooling So Far/a>/li>li>a href target_blank>A Typical Atypical Travel Day/a>/li>li>a href target_blank>Eat, Run, Love/a>/li>li>a href target_blank>Essential Gear for Long-Term Travel/a>/li>li>a href target_blank>Guts and Gauchos in Mendoza/a>/li>li>a href target_blank>Halfway There Together: Surprises and Changes So Far/a>/li>li>a href target_blank>How to Plan a Year-Long Family Travel Itinerary/a>/li>li>a href target_blank>Two Months To Go (the first post; aka "Why We're Doing This")/a>/li> /ul>h2>Related Links/h2> ul classxoxo blogroll>li>a href relme titleSarah’s other blog and website target_blank>A Running Commentary/a>br />Sarah’s other blog and website/li>li>a href relchild titleOur 12-year-old chronicles her journey target_blank>Colly's World/a>br />Our 12-year-old chronicles her journey/li> /ul>h2>Travel Blogs & Sites We Like/h2> ul classxoxo blogroll>li>a href titleAn expert resource on lifestyle redesign and world travel target_blank>Almost Fearless/a>br />An expert resource on lifestyle redesign and world travel/li>li>a href titleA rockin’ East Bay couple and their 4-year-old take off for a year in a ’71 VW camper van target_blank>Bodes Well/a>br />A rockin’ East Bay couple and their 4-year-old take off for a year in a ’71 VW camper van/li>li>a href titleA blog and directory of places to stay for $150 (US) or less target_blank>Darn Good Digs/a>br />A blog and directory of places to stay for $150 (US) or less/li>li>a href titleOne family travels and homeschools year round — on bikes! 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