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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Sat, 09 Nov 2024 05:00:21 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 167Connection: keep-aliveCache-Control: max-age3600Expires: Sat, 09 Nov 2024 06:00:21 GMTLocation: {endpoints:{url:https:\/\/\/report\/v4?shOI7uYvbhg93peNuM3x7S%2FggBJ8Dv4pkosJXBFLs2zI0kKq4R62OuUsehzHHfwJ374UShKc%2BiT%2FjVpSISU9TTOM29d0NY3LXtIYE0Tw9vTayS%2FoiK%2BOHQ4kJqw%3D%3D},group:cf-nel,max_age:604800}NEL: {success_fraction:0,report_to:cf-nel,max_age:604800}Server: cloudflareCF-RAY: 8dfb3d19bbd2f8d5-SEAalt-svc: h3:443; ma86400server-timing: cfL4;desc?protoTCP&rtt8534&sent1&recv3&lost0&retrans0&sent_bytes0&recv_bytes47&delivery_rate0&cwnd249&unsent_bytes0&cid0000000000000000&ts0&x0 html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>center>h1>301 Moved Permanently/h1>/center>hr>center>cloudflare/center>/body>/html>
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This website is constantly updated with improvements and Id love to hear your feedback! /> meta namekeywords contentAvner, Portfolio, Website, Avners Website, Avners Portfilio, Coding, Programming, Coder, Programmer, Designer, Gaming, Gamer /> link relcanonical href /> meta propertyog:locale contenten_GB /> meta propertyog:type contentwebsite /> meta propertyog:title contentAvners Website - Avners Personal Portfolio and Blog /> meta propertyog:description contentIm Avner and I created this website to showcase my cool projects. This website is constantly updated with improvements and Id love to hear your feedback! /> meta propertyog:url content /> meta propertyog:site_name contentAvners Website - Avners Personal Portfolio and Blog /> meta propertyog:image contentimg/preview.webp /> meta propertyog:image:width content1920 /> meta propertyog:image:height content1080 /> meta propertyog:image:type contentimage/png /> meta nameauthor contentAvner /> meta nametwitter:card contentsummary_large_image /> meta nametwitter:image contentimg/preview.webp /> meta nametwitter:label1 contentWebsite by /> meta nametwitter:data1 contentAvner /> --> link relpreconnect href//> link relpreconnect href// crossorigin> link href,wght@0,400;0,700&displayswap relstylesheet> link href,wght@0,700&displayswap relstylesheet> link href,wght@0,700&displayswap&textAvner relstylesheet> link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefcss/fontawesome.min.css /> link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefcss/all.min.css /> link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefcss/custom.css /> link relicon typeimage/png hrefimg/logo/favicon.ico> link relshortcut icon hrefimg/logo/favicon.ico> link relapple-touch-icon hrefimg/logo/favicon.ico /> link reldns-prefetch href> !--if lt IE 9> script typetext/javascript srcjs/modernizr.custom.js>/script> !endif--> !-- Google tag (gtag.js) --> script async src>/script> script>window.dataLayerwindow.dataLayer||;function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments)};gtag(js,new Date());gtag(config,G-1XS1HXT1RF)/script>/head>body classdark> !-- WRAPPER ALL --> div classaw_all_wrap> !-- MODALBOX --> div classaw_modalbox> div classbox_inner> a href#> a classclose href#> img classsvg srcimg/svg/cancel.svg alt loadinglazy /> /a> /a> div classdescription_wrap>/div> /div> /div> !-- /MODALBOX --> !-- MOBILE MENU --> div classaw_mobile_menu> div classmobile_menu_inner> div classmobile_in> div classlogo> a href#>h2>Avner/h2>/a> /div> div classtrigger> div classhamburger hamburger--slider> div classhamburger-box> div classhamburger-inner>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classdropdown> div classdropdown_inner> ul classanchor_nav> li classcurrent>a href#home>Home/a>/li> li>a href#about>About/a>/li> li>a href#portfolio>Portfolio/a>/li> !-- li>a href#blog>Blog/a>/li> --> li>a href#contact>Contact/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> !-- /MOBILE MENU --> !-- HEADER --> div classaw_header> div classcontainer> div classinner> div classlogo> a href#>h2>Avner/h2>/a> /div> div classmenu> ul classanchor_nav> li classcurrent>a href#home>Home/a>/li> li>a href#about>About/a>/li> li>a href#portfolio>Portfolio/a>/li> !-- li>a href#blog>Blog/a>/li> --> li>a href#contact>Contact/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- /HEADER --> !-- HERO --> div classaw_section idhome > div classaw_hero> div classcontainer> div classhero_inner> div classcontent> span classhello>Hello, Im/span> h3 classname>Avner/h3> div classjob> span classcd-headline rotate-1> !-- ANIMATE TEXT VALUES: zoom, rotate-1, letters type, letters rotate-2, loading-bar, slide, clip, letters rotate-3, letters scale, push, --> span classblc>Im a/span> span classcd-words-wrapper> b classis-visible>Developer/b> b>Programmer/b> b>Designer/b> /span> /span> /div> div classhero_buttons> div classaw_button> a classanchor href#about>span>About Me img classsvg srcimg/svg/user.svg alt loadinglazy />/span>/a> /div> !-- div classsimple_button> a classanchor href#about>/a> /div> --> /div> /div> div classavatar parallax data-relative-inputtrue> div classmain> img srcimg/hero/hero.webp alt classlayer data-depth0.1 /> /div> span classone>span classin layer data-depth0.14>/span>/span> span classtwo>span classin layer data-depth0.18>/span>/span> span classthree>span classin layer data-depth0.22>/span>/span> span classfour>span classin layer data-depth0.26>/span>/span> span classfive>span classin layer data-depth0.3>/span>/span> h3 classstroke_text>span class>Avner/span>/h3> /div> /div> /div> !-- div classsocials> ul> li>a href#>img classsvg srcimg/svg/social/facebook.svg alt />/a>/li> li>a href#>img classsvg srcimg/svg/social/twitter.svg alt />/a>/li> li>a href#>img classsvg srcimg/svg/social/instagram.svg alt />/a>/li> /ul> /div> --> /div> /div> !-- /HERO --> !-- ABOUT --> div classaw_section idabout> div classaw_about> div classabout_inner> div classleft> div classimage> img src,e_blur:800,q_30,w_520/AWUI/about/1.webp alt /> span classsquare moving_effect data-directiony data-reverseyes>/span> span classborder>span classin moving_effect data-directionx data-reverseyes>/span>/span> /div> /div> div classcenter> div classtitle wow fadeInUp data-wow-duration1s> span classsmall>About Me/span> h3>Im span>Avner/span>,/h3> h3>a Website span>Developer/span>/h3> /div> div classtext wow fadeInUp data-wow-duration1s data-wow-delay0.2s> p>Im a self-taught programmer. Im most familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python./p> p>With such knowledge, I created many interesting projects which are all showcased in this website./p> /div> /div> div classright> div classimage> img src,e_blur:800,q_30,w_570/AWUI/about/2.webp alt /> div classsquare moving_effect data-directionx data-reverseno>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- /ABOUT --> !-- SKILLS --> div classaw_section> div classaw_skills> div classcontainer> div classskills_inner> div classleft wow fadeInLeft data-wow-duration1s> div classaw_main_title data-text-alignleft data-colorlight> span>My Skills/span> h3>What I Dobr /> Best/h3> p>As a programmer, I learn many programming languages to widen my knowledge. Here are the programming languages that I know/p> /div> /div> div classright wow fadeInRight data-wow-duration1s> div classdodo_progress> div classprogress_inner data-value86> span>span classlabel>Python/span>span classnumber>Experience/span>/span> div classbackground>div classbar>div classbar_in>/div>/div>/div> /div> div classprogress_inner data-value90 > span>span classlabel>HTML/span>span classnumber>Experience/span>/span> div classbackground>div classbar>div classbar_in>/div>/div>/div> /div> div classprogress_inner data-value66> span>span classlabel>CSS/span>span classnumber>Experience/span>/span> div classbackground>div classbar>div classbar_in>/div>/div>/div> /div> div classprogress_inner data-value86> span>span classlabel>JavaScript/span>span classnumber>Experience/span>/span> div classbackground>div classbar>div classbar_in>/div>/div>/div> /div> div classprogress_inner data-value75 > span>span classlabel>Java/span>span classnumber>Experience/span>/span> div classbackground>div classbar>div classbar_in>/div>/div>/div> /div> div classprogress_inner data-value75> span>span classlabel>C++/span>span classnumber>Experience/span>/span> div classbackground>div classbar>div classbar_in>/div>/div>/div> /div> div classprogress_inner data-value80 > span>span classlabel>Ruby/span>span classnumber>Experience/span>/span> div classbackground>div classbar>div classbar_in>/div>/div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> span classborder moving_effect data-directionx data-reverseyes>/span> /div> /div> !-- /SKILLS --> !-- PORTFOLIO --> div classaw_section help idportfolio> div classaw_portfolio wow fadeInUp data-wow-duration1s> div classcontainer> div classaw_main_title data-text-aligncenter data-colorlight> span>All certificates/span> h3>Check Out My Certificates/h3> /div> div classportfolio_filter> ul> li>a href# classcurrent data-filter*>All/a>/li> li>a href# data-filter.python>Python/a>/li> li>a href# data-filter.html>HTML/a>/li> li>a href# data-filter.css>CSS/a>/li> li>a href# data-filter.js>JavaScript/a>/li> li>a href#>Java/a>/li> li>a href# data-filter.cpp>C++/a>/li> li>a href# data-filter.ruby>Ruby/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classportfolio_list> ul classgallery_zoom> li classpython> div classlist_inner> div classimage> !-- div classmain data-img-urlimg/certificates/byju-basic-developer.webp>/div> --> img src,e_blur:800,q_30,w_520/AWUI/certificates/byju-basic-developer.webp /> /div> div classoverlay>/div> img classsvg srcimg/svg/python.svg alt /> div classdetails> span>Python/span> h3>Basic Developer Certificate/h3> /div> a classaw_full_link hrefimg/certificates/pdf/BYJU Basic Developer Certificate.pdf target_blank>/a> /div> /li> li classpython> div classlist_inner> div classimage> img src,e_blur:800,q_30,w_520/AWUI/certificates/byju-data-analyst.webp alt /> /div> div classoverlay>/div> img classsvg srcimg/svg/python.svg alt /> div classdetails> span>Python/span> h3>Data Analyst Certificate/h3> /div> a classaw_full_link hrefimg/certificates/pdf/BYJU Data Analyst Certificate.pdf target_blank>/a> /div> /li> li classpython> div classlist_inner> div classimage> img src,e_blur:800,q_30,w_520/AWUI/certificates/byju-full-stack.webp alt /> /div> div classoverlay>/div> img classsvg srcimg/svg/python.svg alt /> div classdetails> span>Python/span> h3>Full Stack Certificate/h3> /div> a classaw_full_link hrefimg/certificates/pdf/BYJU Full Stack Certificate.pdf target_blank>/a> /div> /li> li classpython> div classlist_inner> div classimage> img src,e_blur:800,q_30,w_400/AWUI/certificates/codecademy-python.webp alt /> /div> div classoverlay>/div> img classsvg srcimg/svg/python.svg alt /> div classdetails> span>Python/span> h3>Codecademy Python Certification/h3> /div> a classaw_full_link hrefimg/certificates/pdf/Codecademy Python Certificate.pdf target_blank>/a> /div> /li> li classpython> div classlist_inner> div classimage> img src,e_blur:800,q_30,w_400/AWUI/certificates/codecademy-intermediate-python.webp alt /> /div> div classoverlay>/div> img classsvg srcimg/svg/python.svg alt /> div classdetails> span>Python/span> h3>Codecademy Intermediate Python Certificate/h3> /div> a classaw_full_link hrefimg/certificates/pdf/Codecademy Python Certificate.pdf target_blank>/a> /div> /li> li classpython> div classlist_inner> div classimage> img src,e_blur:800,q_30,w_520/AWUI/certificates/sit-python-1.webp /> /div> div classoverlay>/div> img classsvg srcimg/svg/python.svg alt /> div classdetails> span>Python/span> h3>SIT Basics of Python I Certificate/h3> /div> a classaw_full_link hrefimg/certificates/pdf/SIT Basics of Python I Certificate.pdf target_blank>/a> /div> /li> li classpython> div classlist_inner> div classimage> img src,e_blur:800,q_30,w_520/AWUI/certificates/sit-python-2.webp /> /div> div classoverlay>/div> img classsvg srcimg/svg/python.svg alt /> div classdetails> span>Python/span> h3>SIT Basics of Python II Certificate/h3> /div> a classaw_full_link hrefimg/certificates/pdf/SIT Basics of Python II Certificate.pdf target_blank>/a> /div> /li> li classpython> div classlist_inner> div classimage> img src,e_blur:800,q_30,w_520/AWUI/certificates/sit-python-3.webp /> /div> div classoverlay>/div> img classsvg srcimg/svg/python.svg alt /> div classdetails> span>Python/span> h3>SIT Basics of Python III Certificate/h3> /div> a classaw_full_link hrefimg/certificates/pdf/SIT Basics of Python III Certificate.pdf target_blank>/a> /div> /li> li classpython> div classlist_inner> div classimage> img src,e_blur:800,q_30,w_520/AWUI/certificates/sit-python-4.webp /> /div> div classoverlay>/div> img classsvg srcimg/svg/python.svg alt /> div classdetails> span>Python/span> h3>SIT Basics of Python IV Certificate/h3> /div> a classaw_full_link hrefimg/certificates/pdf/SIT Basics of Python IV Certificate.pdf target_blank>/a> /div> /li> li classhtml> div classlist_inner> div classimage> img src,e_blur:800,q_30,w_400/AWUI/certificates/codecademy-html.webp /> /div> div classoverlay>/div> img classsvg srcimg/svg/html.svg alt /> div classdetails> span>HTML/span> h3>Codecademy HTML Certificate/h3> /div> a classaw_full_link hrefimg/certificates/pdf/Codecademy HTML Certificate.pdf target_blank>/a> /div> /li> li classhtml> div classlist_inner> div classimage> img src,e_blur:800,q_30,w_400/AWUI/certificates/codecademy-web-development.webp /> /div> div classoverlay>/div> img classsvg srcimg/svg/html.svg alt /> div classdetails> span>HTML/span> h3>Codecademy HTML, CSS, Github Certificate/h3> /div> a classaw_full_link hrefimg/certificates/pdf/Codecademy HTML, CSS, Github Certificate.pdf target_blank>/a> /div> /li> li classcss> div classlist_inner> div classimage> img src,e_blur:800,q_30,w_400/AWUI/certificates/codecademy-css.webp /> /div> div classoverlay>/div> img classsvg srcimg/svg/css.svg alt /> div classdetails> span>CSS/span> h3>Codecademy CSS Certificate/h3> /div> a classaw_full_link hrefimg/certificates/pdf/Codecademy CSS Certificate.pdf target_blank>/a> /div> /li> li classcss> div classlist_inner> div classimage> img src,e_blur:800,q_30,w_400/AWUI/certificates/codecademy-intermediate-css.webp /> /div> div classoverlay>/div> img classsvg srcimg/svg/css.svg alt /> div classdetails> span>CSS/span> h3>Codecademy Intermediate CSS Certificate/h3> /div> a classaw_full_link hrefimg/certificates/pdf/Codecademy Intermediate CSS Certificate.pdf target_blank>/a> /div> /li> li classcss> div classlist_inner> div classimage> img src,e_blur:800,q_30,w_400/AWUI/certificates/codecademy-bootstrap.webp /> /div> div classoverlay>/div> img classsvg srcimg/svg/css.svg alt /> div classdetails> span>CSS/span> h3>Codecademy Bootstrap Certificate/h3> /div> a classaw_full_link hrefimg/certificates/pdf/Codecademy Bootstrap Certificate.pdf target_blank>/a> /div> /li> li classjs> div classlist_inner> div classimage> img src,e_blur:800,q_30,w_400/AWUI/certificates/codecademy-javascript.webp /> /div> div classoverlay>/div> img classsvg srcimg/svg/js.svg alt /> div classdetails> span>JavaScript/span> h3>Codecademy JavaScript Certificate/h3> /div> a classaw_full_link hrefimg/certificates/pdf/Codecademy JavaScript Certificate.pdf target_blank>/a> /div> /li> li classjs> div classlist_inner> div classimage> img src,e_blur:800,q_30,w_400/AWUI/certificates/codecademy-nodejs.webp /> /div> div classoverlay>/div> img classsvg srcimg/svg/js.svg alt /> div classdetails> span>JavaScript/span> h3>Codecademy Node.js Certificate/h3> /div> a classaw_full_link hrefimg/certificates/pdf/Codecademy Node.js Certificate.pdf target_blank>/a> /div> /li> li classruby> div classlist_inner> div classimage> img src,e_blur:800,q_30,w_400/AWUI/certificates/codecademy-ruby.webp /> /div> div classoverlay>/div> img classsvg srcimg/svg/ruby.svg alt /> div classdetails> span>Ruby/span> h3>Codecademy Ruby Certificate/h3> /div> a classaw_full_link hrefimg/certificates/pdf/Codecademy Ruby Certificate.pdf target_blank>/a> /div> /li> li classjava> div classlist_inner> div classimage> img src,e_blur:800,q_30,w_400/AWUI/certificates/codecademy-java.webp /> /div> div classoverlay>/div> img classsvg srcimg/svg/java.svg alt /> div classdetails> span>Java/span> h3>Codecademy Java Certificate/h3> /div> a classaw_full_link hrefimg/certificates/pdf/Codecademy Java Certificate.pdf target_blank>/a> /div> /li> li classjava> div classlist_inner> div classimage> img src,e_blur:800,q_30,w_400/AWUI/certificates/codecademy-android-java.webp /> /div> div classoverlay>/div> img classsvg srcimg/svg/java.svg alt /> div classdetails> span>Java/span> h3>Codecademy Android Java Certificate/h3> /div> a classaw_full_link hrefimg/certificates/pdf/Codecademy Android Java Certificate.pdf target_blank>/a> /div> /li> li classcpp> div classlist_inner> div classimage> img src,e_blur:800,q_30,w_400/AWUI/certificates/codecademy-cpp.webp /> /div> div classoverlay>/div> img classsvg srcimg/svg/cpp.svg alt /> div classdetails> span>C++/span> h3>Codecademy C++ Certificate/h3> /div> a classaw_full_link hrefimg/certificates/pdf/Codecademy C++ Certificate.pdf target_blank>/a> /div> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- SERVICES --> div classaw_section> div classaw_service> div classcontainer> div classservice_list> ul> li classwow fadeInRight mr6 data-wow-duration1s data-wow-delay0.2s data-project-link//> div classlist_inner tilt-effect> div classproject_icon> i classfa-theme fa-duotone fa-envelope fa-3x>/i> /div> div classtitle data-modal-titleAVMail> h3>AVMail/h3> /div> div classtext> p>A fast and reliable temporary email service/p> /div> div classaw_button> a classanchor aw_full_link href#>span>Learn More i classfa-regular fa-circle-info>/i>/span>/a> /div> div classpopup_service_image data-img-src,w_900/AWUI/projects/avmail.webp alt>/div> div classservice_hidden_details> div classservice_popup_informations idavmail> style> #avmail img { height: auto!important; } /style> div classdescriptions> p>I was very facinated by the different cool temporary email websites and how I could generate my own emails in one click, so I tried to create my own./p> p>I created this website using ReactJS and Chakra UI. I spent a lot of time finding how to make a temporary email, how to display messages etc. Nevertheless, I managed to complete the website./p> h4>How To Use/h4> ul> li>An email will automatically be generated for you, click the Copy icon to copy your email/li> li>New emails that come in will be displayed in a list format. Click on an email to view it/li> li>The inbox will be automatically refreshed every 3-5 seconds/li> li>To generate a new email, click on the icon next to the Copy icon./li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classwow fadeInRight mr6 data-wow-duration1s data-wow-delay0.2s data-project-link//> div classlist_inner tilt-effect> div classproject_icon> i classfa-theme fa-duotone fa-link fa-3x>/i> /div> div classtitle data-modal-titleAvners Link Shortener> h3>Link Shortener/h3> /div> div classtext> p>A useful tool that helps to shorten your link into a short one easily/p> /div> div classaw_button> a classanchor aw_full_link href#>span>Learn More i classfa-regular fa-circle-info>/i>/span>/a> /div> div classpopup_service_image data-img-src,w_900/AWUI/projects/link-shortener.webp alt>/div> div classservice_hidden_details> div classservice_popup_informations> div classdescriptions> p>I was very facinated by how long and messy links were shortened, so I was inspired to create this link shortener/p> p>I created this website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I spent a lot of time finding the method to shorten links and there was a ton of errors. Nevertheless, I managed to complete this project./p> h4>How To Use/h4> ul> li>Click on the Shorten My Link! button/li> li>Enter the link that you would like to shorten in the input box labeled Your Link/li> li>Enter your alias in the input box labeled Alias. For example, if your alias is test, the generated short link would be> li>Click on Shorten! and you should get a popup containing your short link/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classwow fadeInRight mr6 data-wow-duration1s data-wow-delay0.2s data-project-link//> div classlist_inner tilt-effect> div classproject_icon> i classfa-theme fa-duotone fa-cart-shopping-fast fa-3x>/i> /div> div classtitle data-modal-titleGrocery List> h3>Grocery List/h3> /div> div classtext> p>A simple grocery list to help manage groceries/p> /div> div classaw_button> a classanchor aw_full_link href#>span>Learn More i classfa-regular fa-circle-info>/i>/span>/a> /div> div classpopup_service_image data-img-src,w_900/AWUI/projects/grocery-list.webp alt>/div> div classservice_hidden_details> div classservice_popup_informations> div classdescriptions> p>This is a simple and easily accessible grocery list that can help to efficiently manage your groceries./p> p>I made this website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Do note that data in the grocery list is only stored in your device and it will reset when you clear your browsers cache/p> h4>How To Use/h4> ul> li>To add an item, enter the item name in the text box and press the + button/li> li>To remove an item on computer, hover on the item and click on the tick button. On mobile, press on the tick button/li> li>Alternatively, to clear all items in the list, click/press the Clear All button located at the bottom of the modal/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classwow fadeInLeft data-wow-duration1s data-project-link//> div classlist_inner tilt-effect> div classproject_icon> i classfa-theme fa-duotone fa-notes fa-3x>/i> /div> div classtitle data-modal-titleTodo List> h3>Todo List/h3> /div> div classtext> p>A simple, efficient website for your personal Todo List./p> /div> div classaw_button> a classanchor aw_full_link href#>span>Learn More i classfa-regular fa-circle-info>/i>/span>/a> /div> div classpopup_service_image data-img-src,w_900/AWUI/projects/todo-list.webp alt>/div> div classservice_hidden_details> div classservice_popup_informations> div classdescriptions> p>I created this simple yet efficient todo-list with the aim for it to help to manage my tasks as they keep piling up./p> p>This was made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript and is quite similar to the grocery list. Do note that data in the todo list is only stored in your device and it will reset when you clear your browsers cache/p> h4>How To Use/h4> ul> li>To add a task, enter the task name in the text box and press the + button/li> li>To remove an task on computer, hover on the item and click on the tick button. On mobile, press on the tick button/li> li>Alternatively, to clear all tasks in the list, click/press the Clear All button located at the bottom of the modal/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classwow fadeInRight mr6 data-wow-duration1s data-wow-delay0.2s data-project-link//> div classlist_inner tilt-effect> div classproject_icon> i classfa-theme fa-duotone fa-credit-card fa-3x>/i> /div> div classtitle data-modal-titleBPoints Point System> h3>BPoints/h3> /div> div classtext> p>A point system to keep track of points earned by completing tasks/p> /div> div classaw_button> a classanchor aw_full_link href#>span>Learn More i classfa-regular fa-circle-info>/i>/span>/a> /div> div classpopup_service_image data-img-src,w_900/AWUI/projects/BPoints.webp alt>/div> div classservice_hidden_details> div classservice_popup_informations> div classdescriptions> p>BPoints is a point system that I created for my parents to keep track of points earned from completing tasks./p> p>This was made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. A major problem is that your data is only stored in your device and it will reset when you clear your browsers cache; thus Im considering to upgrade to a database./p> h4>How To Use/h4> ul> li>When you go to the website, you will be at the homepage. To claim your weekly reward, click on the title that says Weekly Reward and you will get 25 points/li> li>To earn points, go to the Earn section by clicking on it on the navigation panel, then click on the task you would like to complete for points. Further instructions will be given there./li> li>To redeem your points, go to the Shop section by clicking on it on the navigation panel, then click on the item/service you would like to redeem. Confirm your purchase and show the popup to Avner./li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classwow fadeInLeft data-wow-duration1s data-project-link//> div classlist_inner tilt-effect> div classproject_icon> !-- i classfa-theme fa-duotone fa-calculator-simple fa-3x>/i> --> i classfa-theme fa-duotone fa-3x fa-message-exclamation>/i> /div> div classtitle data-modal-titleIs This a Scam?> h3>Is This a Scam?/h3> /div> div classtext> p>Check if an email is a scam with an AI-powered scam likelihood detector./p> /div> div classaw_button> a classanchor aw_full_link href#>span>Learn More i classfa-regular fa-circle-info>/i>/span>/a> /div> div classpopup_service_image data-img-src alt>/div> div classservice_hidden_details> div classservice_popup_informations> div classdescriptions> p>Unsure whether an email is a scam? This AI-powered email scam detector can help you to easily identify suspicious elements in the email and tell you whether it is a scam or not./p> !-- p>This was created using a JavaScript framework, React.js and it is extremely fast and efficient. It is packed with many functions and is suitable for daily use./p> --> h4>How To Use/h4> ul> li>Enter the senders email, the email subject (title), and the email content/li> li>Click Submit for Analysis and wait for the magic to happen/li> li>When the AI has finished processing the email, you will be brought to a results screen/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classwow fadeInRight mr6 data-wow-duration1s data-wow-delay0.2s data-project-link//> div classlist_inner tilt-effect> div classproject_icon> i classfa-theme fa-duotone fa-shield-halved fa-3x>/i> /div> div classtitle data-modal-titleAnonymail> h3>Anonymail/h3> /div> div classtext> p>Send anonymous emails with this service/p> /div> div classaw_button> a classanchor aw_full_link href#>span>Learn More i classfa-regular fa-circle-info>/i>/span>/a> /div> div classpopup_service_image data-img-src alt>/div> div classservice_hidden_details> div classservice_popup_informations> div classdescriptions> p>A simple service used to send completely anonymous emails./p> h4>How To Use/h4> ul> li>This works similar to your email client (ie GMail, Outlook)/li> li>Enter the receipients email, your alias (the username dispayed on the email), message subject (title), and the email content/li> li>Click Send Anonymous Email and you will receive a confirmation popup/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classwow fadeInLeft data-wow-duration1s data-project-link//> div classlist_inner tilt-effect> div classproject_icon> i classfa-theme fa-duotone fa-font-case fa-3x>/i> /div> div classtitle data-modal-titleLetter Counting Tool> h3>Letter Counting Tool/h3> /div> div classtext> p>A newly updated lightning fast letter counting tool/p> /div> div classaw_button> a classanchor aw_full_link href#>span>Learn More i classfa-regular fa-circle-info>/i>/span>/a> /div> div classpopup_service_image data-img-src,w_900/AWUI/projects/letter-counter.webp alt>/div> div classservice_hidden_details> div classservice_popup_informations> div classdescriptions> p>This is a simple tool that can help to count the number of letters there are, including blank spaces./p> p>I created this using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It was previously made using Python, but I remade it using HTML, CSS and JavaScript to make the UI (user interface) better./p> h4>How To Use/h4> ul> li>Type your sentence/paragraph inside the text box indicating Enter Text Here/li> li>Alternatively, you can paste text there too/li> li>The number of letters will be displayed next to the text box/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- /SERVICES --> !-- NEWS --> !-- div classaw_section idblog> div classaw_news> div classcontainer> div classaw_main_title data-text-aligncenter data-colordark> span>Latest Updates/span> h3>From My Blog/h3> p>This is where I post on interesting topics. I update this blog ocassionally./p> /div> div classnews_list> ul> li classwow fadeInLeft data-wow-duration1s> div classlist_inner> div classimage> a hrefblog/posts/jurassic-mile/ target_blank> img src,e_blur:0,q_100,w_720/AWUI/thumbnail-rectangle.webp alt /> /a> /div> div classdetails> span classcategory>a href#>Sports/a>/span> h3 classtitle>a hrefblog/posts/jurassic-mile/ target_blank data-post-detailjm--title>/a>/h3> span classdate data-post-detailjm--date>/span> /div> /div> /li> li classwow fadeInRight data-wow-duration1s> div classlist_inner> div classimage> a hrefblog/posts/why-python/ target_blank> img src,e_blur:0,q_100,w_720/AWUI/why-python-banner.webp>/img> /a> /div> div classdetails> span classcategory>a href#>Coding/a>/span> h3 classtitle>a hrefblog/posts/why-python/ target_blank data-post-detailwp--title>/a>/h3> span classdate data-post-detailwp--date>/span> /div> /div> /li> /ul> /div> div classaw_learn_more> a hrefblog>More Posts/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> --> !-- /NEWS --> !-- COUNTER --> div classaw_section> div classaw_counter> div classcontainer> div classcounter_list> ul classwow fadeIn data-wow-duration1s> li> div classlist_inner> div classwrapper> div classvalue> span classabs>span classtm_counter data-from0 data-to8 data-speed1200>0/span>label classbig>/label>/a> /div> div classtext> h3>Projects/h3> /div> /div> /div> /li> li> div classlist_inner> div classwrapper> div classvalue> span classabs>span classtm_counter data-from0 data-to47 data-speed1200>0/span>label classsmall>+/label>/span> /div> div classtext> h3>Users/h3> /div> /div> /div> /li> li> div classlist_inner> div classwrapper> div classvalue> span classabs>span classtm_counter data-from0 data-to40 data-speed1200>0/span>label classsmall>+/label>/span> /div> div classtext> h3>Updates/h3> /div> /div> /div> /li> /ul> /div> /div> span classborder moving_effect data-directionx>/span> /div> /div> !-- /COUNTER --> !-- CONTACT --> !-- div classaw_section idcontact> div classaw_contact> div classcontainer> div classaw_main_title data-text-aligncenter data-colordark> span>Get in Touch/span> h3>Contact Me/h3> /div> div classcontact_inner> div classleft wow fadeInLeft data-wow-duration1s> div classtext> p>Id love to hear some feedback or suggestions from you! Please fill out the form on this section to contact with me through email./p> /div> ul> li> div classlist_inner> img classsvg srcimg/svg/message.svg alt /> span>Email/span> h3>a classline_anim>>/h3> /div> /li> /ul> /div> div classright wow fadeInRight data-wow-duration1s> div classfields> form action/ classcontact_form idcontact_form autocompleteoff> div classinput_list> ul> li>input idname typetext placeholderEmail Subject />/li> /ul> /div> div classmessage_area> textarea idmessage placeholderYour message here>/textarea> /div> div classaw_button> a idsend_message href# onclickformEmail()>span>Submit Message img classsvg srcimg/svg/send.svg alt />/span>/a> /div> /form> /div> /div> /div> /div> span classsquare moving_effect data-directiony data-reverseyes>/span> /div> /div> --> !-- /CONTACT --> !-- FOOTER --> div classaw_section> div classaw_copyright> div classcontainer> div classcopyright_inner> div classtop> div classlogo> img srcimg/logo/avner-dark.png alt /> /div> /div> span classborder moving_effect data-directiony data-reverseyes>/span> /div> /div> span classsquare moving_effect data-directionx> a classtotop href#> img classsvg one srcimg/svg/arrow-top.svg alt loadinglazy /> img classsvg two srcimg/svg/arrow-top.svg alt loadinglazy /> /a> /span> /div> /div> !-- /FOOTER --> /div> !-- / WRAPPER ALL --> !-- SCRIPTS --> script srcjs/jquery.js>/script> !--if lt IE 10> script typetext/javascript srcjs/ie8.js>/script> !endif--> script srcjs/plugins.min.js>/script> script srcjs/init.js>/script> script srcblog/js/post-details.js defer>/script> !-- /SCRIPTS -->/body>/html>
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