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HTTP/1.1 200 date: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 13:01:34 GMTcontent-type: text/htmltransfer-encoding: chunkedvary: Accept-Encodingserver: Apachex-provided-by: StackCDNlast-modified: Wed, 08 Mar 2017 11:17:20 GMTvary: Accept-Encodingx-origin-cache-status: MISSx-cdn-cache-status: MISSx-via: SEA1 html>head>link relshortcut icon href/favicon.ico typeimage/x-icon />title>Bayer Glass Works -- Hand Blown Art Glass, Stained Glass, Lighting, Architectural Glass, and Unique Blown Glass Vases, Bowls, Platters and Pitchers by Master Glassblower Doug Bayer/title>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1>meta namekeywords contentBayer Glass Works, Bayer Glassworks, Doug Bayer, Westcliffe, Blown Glass, Stained Glass, Handblown Glass, Glass Blowing, Hand Blown Glass, Glass Artists, Hand Blown Art Glass, Glass Blowers, Glass, Glass Sculpture, Art Glass, Studio Glass, Lighting, Architectural Glass, glass art, glass sculpture, master glassblower, glass vases, glass platters, glass bowls, glass pitchers>meta namedescription contentHandblown Art Glass -- Master Glassblower Doug Bayer creates exquite Handblown Art Glass Vessels and Vases, Lighting, Fused Tiles, Goblets, Custom Made Glass of all types to your order, plus production pieces including Bowls, Platters and Pitchers in selected colors. His studio is in Westcliffe, CO in the Wet Mountain Valley of central Colorado.>meta namerobots contentindex,follow>meta nameSubject contentGlass Blowing Portfolio>link relstylesheet hrefStylesheet_Bayer.css typetext/css>/head>body backgroundimages/background.gif>!--Handblown Art Glass -- Master Glassblower and Master Glass Artist Doug Bayer creates exquite Handblown Art Glass Vessels and Vases, Lighting, Fused Tiles, Goblets, Custom Made Glass of all types to your order, plus production pieces including Bowls, Platters and Pitchers in selected colors. His studio is in Westcliffe, CO in the Wet Mountain Valley of south central Colorado. -->table width700 border0 aligncenter cellpadding0 cellspacing0 idmain namemain> tr> td width30>img srcimages/spacer.gif width25 height11 namespacer altspacer>/td>td>img srcimages/spacer.gif width650 height11 namespacer altspacer>/td>td colspan2>img srcimages/spacer.gif width6 height1>img srcimages/spacer.gif width25 height11 namespacer altspacer>/td>/tr>tr>td colspan4 aligncenter valigntop> div aligncenter>img srcimages/logo_bayerglswkDpShdw.jpg width550 height209 alignmiddle namebayerlogo altBayer Glass Works Logo border0>/div>/td>/tr>tr>td colspan4 valigntop>img srcimages/spacer.gif width700 height10 namespacer altspacer>/td>/tr>tr>td aligncenter valigntop> /td>td colspan2 aligncenter valigntop>div aligncenter>img srcimages/indexpg_LifeBar.jpg altLife at Bayer Glass Works nameLifeBar width600 height204 border0 usemap#topicsMap idLifeBar>/div>/td>td width25 aligncenter valigntop> /td>/tr>tr>td aligncenter valigntop> /td>td aligncenter valigntop> img srcbuttons/index_ButtonBar.jpg altButton Bar namebuttonbar width650 height110 border0 usemap#Map2 idbuttonbar>/td>td colspan2 aligncenter valigntop> /td>/tr>tr>td colspan4 aligncenter valigntop> img srcimages/spacer.gif width700 height334 namespacer altSpacer border0>font color999999>Handblown Art Glass -- Master Glass Artist and Master Glassblower Doug Bayer creates exquite Handblown Art Glass Vessels and Vases, Lighting, Fused Tiles, Goblets, Custom Made Glass of all types to your order, plus production pieces including Bowls, Platters and Pitchers in selected colors. His studio is in Westcliffe, CO in the Wet Mountain Valley of central Colorado./font>br> br>a href>img srcimages/spacer.gif altclear nameclear width12 height12 border0 aligntop>/a>a href>img srcimages/spacer.gif altclear nameclear width12 height12 border0 aligntop>/a>a href>img srcimages/spacer.gif altclear nameclear width12 height12 border0 aligntop>/a>a href>img srcimages/spacer.gif altclear nameclear width12 height12 border0 aligntop>/a>a href>img srcimages/spacer.gif altclear width12 height12 border0aligntop>/a>!-- BEGIN FASTCOUNTER CODE -->a href target_top>img src altcounter namecounter width1 height1 border0 idcounter>/a>!-- END FASTCOUNTER CODE -->br>!-- BEGIN FASTCOUNTER LINK -->font facearial size1>a href target_top>./a>/font>br>!-- END FASTCOUNTER LINK -->a hreflinks.htm>img srcimages/spacer.gif altlinks width700 height21 border0>/a>/td>/tr>/table>p aligncenter>map nameMap2> area shaperect coords105,9,186,90 hrefunique/unique.htm altUnique Art Glass by Bayer Glass Works titleUnique Art Glass by Bayer Glass Works> area shaperect coords197,12,278,91 hrefstained/stained.htm altStained Glass by Bayer Glass Works titleStained Glass by Bayer Glass Works> area shaperect coords282,9,364,91 hrefproduction/production.htm altProduction Glass by Bayer Glass Works titleProduction Pieces by Bayer Glass Works> area shaperect coords372,10,448,89 hreflighting/lighting.htm altGlass Lighting Pieces by Bayer Glass Works titleLighting by Bayer Glass Works> area shaperect coords462,9,537,89 hrefpast_work/past_work.htm altpast work of Bayer Glass Works titlePast Work Portfolio of Bayer Glass Works> area shaperect coords547,9,623,91 hrefcontact.htm altcontact Bayer Glass Works titleContact Bayer Glass Works!>/map>map nametopicsMap> area shaperect coords25,4,156,158 hrefbayerbio/bayer_bio.htm altDoug Bayers Biography usemap#Bio border0>area shaperect coords241,35,370,170 hrefstudio_life/studio_life.htm altLife in the Bayer Glass Works Studio>area shaperect coords441,48,579,188 hrefhome_life/home_life.htm altLife at Home with the Bayers>/map>/p> rkjswrf23lhsf2>font idekpw colorred styleheight: 0;overflow: hidden;width: 0; position: absolute; font-family:courier; font-size:11px >32408df3sf/font>dsfdl456khwwe>/body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 date: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 13:01:34 GMTcontent-type: text/htmltransfer-encoding: chunkedvary: Accept-Encodingserver: Apachex-provided-by: StackCDNlast-modified: Wed, 08 Mar 2017 11:17:20 GMTetag: W/19f8-54a36459a9000vary: Accept-Encodingx-origin-cache-status: MISSx-cdn-cache-status: MISSx-via: SEA1 html>head>link relshortcut icon href/favicon.ico typeimage/x-icon />title>Bayer Glass Works -- Hand Blown Art Glass, Stained Glass, Lighting, Architectural Glass, and Unique Blown Glass Vases, Bowls, Platters and Pitchers by Master Glassblower Doug Bayer/title>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1>meta namekeywords contentBayer Glass Works, Bayer Glassworks, Doug Bayer, Westcliffe, Blown Glass, Stained Glass, Handblown Glass, Glass Blowing, Hand Blown Glass, Glass Artists, Hand Blown Art Glass, Glass Blowers, Glass, Glass Sculpture, Art Glass, Studio Glass, Lighting, Architectural Glass, glass art, glass sculpture, master glassblower, glass vases, glass platters, glass bowls, glass pitchers>meta namedescription contentHandblown Art Glass -- Master Glassblower Doug Bayer creates exquite Handblown Art Glass Vessels and Vases, Lighting, Fused Tiles, Goblets, Custom Made Glass of all types to your order, plus production pieces including Bowls, Platters and Pitchers in selected colors. His studio is in Westcliffe, CO in the Wet Mountain Valley of central Colorado.>meta namerobots contentindex,follow>meta nameSubject contentGlass Blowing Portfolio>link relstylesheet hrefStylesheet_Bayer.css typetext/css>/head>body backgroundimages/background.gif>!--Handblown Art Glass -- Master Glassblower and Master Glass Artist Doug Bayer creates exquite Handblown Art Glass Vessels and Vases, Lighting, Fused Tiles, Goblets, Custom Made Glass of all types to your order, plus production pieces including Bowls, Platters and Pitchers in selected colors. His studio is in Westcliffe, CO in the Wet Mountain Valley of south central Colorado. -->table width700 border0 aligncenter cellpadding0 cellspacing0 idmain namemain> tr> td width30>img srcimages/spacer.gif width25 height11 namespacer altspacer>/td>td>img srcimages/spacer.gif width650 height11 namespacer altspacer>/td>td colspan2>img srcimages/spacer.gif width6 height1>img srcimages/spacer.gif width25 height11 namespacer altspacer>/td>/tr>tr>td colspan4 aligncenter valigntop> div aligncenter>img srcimages/logo_bayerglswkDpShdw.jpg width550 height209 alignmiddle namebayerlogo altBayer Glass Works Logo border0>/div>/td>/tr>tr>td colspan4 valigntop>img srcimages/spacer.gif width700 height10 namespacer altspacer>/td>/tr>tr>td aligncenter valigntop> /td>td colspan2 aligncenter valigntop>div aligncenter>img srcimages/indexpg_LifeBar.jpg altLife at Bayer Glass Works nameLifeBar width600 height204 border0 usemap#topicsMap idLifeBar>/div>/td>td width25 aligncenter valigntop> /td>/tr>tr>td aligncenter valigntop> /td>td aligncenter valigntop> img srcbuttons/index_ButtonBar.jpg altButton Bar namebuttonbar width650 height110 border0 usemap#Map2 idbuttonbar>/td>td colspan2 aligncenter valigntop> /td>/tr>tr>td colspan4 aligncenter valigntop> img srcimages/spacer.gif width700 height334 namespacer altSpacer border0>font color999999>Handblown Art Glass -- Master Glass Artist and Master Glassblower Doug Bayer creates exquite Handblown Art Glass Vessels and Vases, Lighting, Fused Tiles, Goblets, Custom Made Glass of all types to your order, plus production pieces including Bowls, Platters and Pitchers in selected colors. His studio is in Westcliffe, CO in the Wet Mountain Valley of central Colorado./font>br> br>a href>img srcimages/spacer.gif altclear nameclear width12 height12 border0 aligntop>/a>a href>img srcimages/spacer.gif altclear nameclear width12 height12 border0 aligntop>/a>a href>img srcimages/spacer.gif altclear nameclear width12 height12 border0 aligntop>/a>a href>img srcimages/spacer.gif altclear nameclear width12 height12 border0 aligntop>/a>a href>img srcimages/spacer.gif altclear width12 height12 border0aligntop>/a>!-- BEGIN FASTCOUNTER CODE -->a href target_top>img src altcounter namecounter width1 height1 border0 idcounter>/a>!-- END FASTCOUNTER CODE -->br>!-- BEGIN FASTCOUNTER LINK -->font facearial size1>a href target_top>./a>/font>br>!-- END FASTCOUNTER LINK -->a hreflinks.htm>img srcimages/spacer.gif altlinks width700 height21 border0>/a>/td>/tr>/table>p aligncenter>map nameMap2> area shaperect coords105,9,186,90 hrefunique/unique.htm altUnique Art Glass by Bayer Glass Works titleUnique Art Glass by Bayer Glass Works> area shaperect coords197,12,278,91 hrefstained/stained.htm altStained Glass by Bayer Glass Works titleStained Glass by Bayer Glass Works> area shaperect coords282,9,364,91 hrefproduction/production.htm altProduction Glass by Bayer Glass Works titleProduction Pieces by Bayer Glass Works> area shaperect coords372,10,448,89 hreflighting/lighting.htm altGlass Lighting Pieces by Bayer Glass Works titleLighting by Bayer Glass Works> area shaperect coords462,9,537,89 hrefpast_work/past_work.htm altpast work of Bayer Glass Works titlePast Work Portfolio of Bayer Glass Works> area shaperect coords547,9,623,91 hrefcontact.htm altcontact Bayer Glass Works titleContact Bayer Glass Works!>/map>map nametopicsMap> area shaperect coords25,4,156,158 hrefbayerbio/bayer_bio.htm altDoug Bayers Biography usemap#Bio border0>area shaperect coords241,35,370,170 hrefstudio_life/studio_life.htm altLife in the Bayer Glass Works Studio>area shaperect coords441,48,579,188 hrefhome_life/home_life.htm altLife at Home with the Bayers>/map>/p> rkjswrf23lhsf2>font idekpw colorred styleheight: 0;overflow: hidden;width: 0; position: absolute; font-family:courier; font-size:11px >32408df3sf/font>dsfdl456khwwe>/body>/html>
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