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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 30 May 2024 21:46:44 GMTServer: Apache/2.4.59 () OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips PHP/5.4.16Upgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF !DOCTYPE html>!--if lt IE 7 >html classie ie6 langen> !endif-->!--if IE 7 >html classie ie7 langen> !endif-->!--if IE 8 >html classie ie8 langen> !endif-->!--if (gte IE 9)|!(IE)>!-->html langen> !--!endif-->head> !-- Basic Page Needs --> meta charsetutf-8> title> - The Future of Bitcoin Payment Processing/title> meta namedescription contentAUTHORIZE.COM, bitcoin, p2p currency> meta nameauthor contentAUTHORIZE.COM> !-- Mobile Specific Metas --> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, maximum-scale1> !-- CSS --> link relstylesheet hrefstylesheets/base.css> link relstylesheet hrefstylesheets/skeleton.css> link relstylesheet hrefstylesheets/layout.css> !--if lt IE 9> script src>/script> !endif--> !-- Favicons --> link relshortcut icon hrefimages/favicon.ico>META HTTP-EQUIVPragma CONTENTno-cache>META HTTP-EQUIVExpires CONTENT-1>/head>body> !-- Primary Page Layout --> !-- Delete everything in this .container and get started on your own site! --> div classcontainer> div classsixteen columns> h1 classremove-bottom stylemargin-top: 40px>AUTHORIZE.COM/h1> h5>/h5> hr /> center> /center> hr /> /div> div classone-third column> h3>About Bitcoin?/h3> p>Bitcoin is a digital currency created in 2009 by a href>Satoshi Nakamoto/a>. It is also the name of the open source software designed in order to use this currency.Bitcoin is one of the first implementations of a concept called crypto-currency, which was first described in 1998 by a href>Wei Dai/a> on the cypherpunks mailing list.Building upon the notion that money is any object, or any sort of record, accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a given country or socio-economic context, Bitcoin is designed around the idea of using cryptography to control the creation and transfer of money, rather than relying on central authorities. /p> p>strong>Read a a hrefhttp://blog.oleganza
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 30 May 2024 21:46:45 GMTServer: Apache/2.4.59 () OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips PHP/5.4.16Strict-Transport-Security: max-age63072000; includeSubdomains; preloadX-Frame-Options: DENYX-Co !DOCTYPE html>!--if lt IE 7 >html classie ie6 langen> !endif-->!--if IE 7 >html classie ie7 langen> !endif-->!--if IE 8 >html classie ie8 langen> !endif-->!--if (gte IE 9)|!(IE)>!-->html langen> !--!endif-->head> !-- Basic Page Needs --> meta charsetutf-8> title> - The Future of Bitcoin Payment Processing/title> meta namedescription contentAUTHORIZE.COM, bitcoin, p2p currency> meta nameauthor contentAUTHORIZE.COM> !-- Mobile Specific Metas --> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, maximum-scale1> !-- CSS --> link relstylesheet hrefstylesheets/base.css> link relstylesheet hrefstylesheets/skeleton.css> link relstylesheet hrefstylesheets/layout.css> !--if lt IE 9> script src>/script> !endif--> !-- Favicons --> link relshortcut icon hrefimages/favicon.ico>META HTTP-EQUIVPragma CONTENTno-cache>META HTTP-EQUIVExpires CONTENT-1>/head>body> !-- Primary Page Layout --> !-- Delete everything in this .container and get started on your own site! --> div classcontainer> div classsixteen columns> h1 classremove-bottom stylemargin-top: 40px>AUTHORIZE.COM/h1> h5>/h5> hr /> center> /center> hr /> /div> div classone-third column> h3>About Bitcoin?/h3> p>Bitcoin is a digital currency created in 2009 by a href>Satoshi Nakamoto/a>. It is also the name of the open source software designed in order to use this currency.Bitcoin is one of the first implementations of a concept called crypto-currency, which was first described in 1998 by a href>Wei Dai/a> on the cypherpunks mailing list.Building upon the notion that money is any object, or any sort of record, accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a given country or socio-economic context, Bitcoin is designed around the idea of using cryptography to control the creation and transfer of money, rather than relying on central authorities. /p> p>strong>Read a a hrefhttp://blog.oleganza
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