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HTTP/1.1 200 date: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 12:48:24 GMTcontent-type: text/html; charsetUTF-8transfer-encoding: chunkedvary: Accept-Encodingserver: Apachex-powered-by: PHP/7.4.33x-provided-by: StackCDNvary: Accept-Encodingx-origin-cache-status: MISSx-cdn-cache-status: MISSx-via: SEA1 !DOCTYPE html>html langen> head> meta charsetutf-8> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1> !-- THEME INFO --> meta namedescription contentWhen a freak accident horrifies the small town, Wallie believes she sees a crime scene that shows evidence of foul play. In short, it’s murder. Annoyed that no one agrees with her—including the sheriff and her dad—she sets out to prove her theory. Soon she is knee-deep in flappers and floozies, Chicago thugs sent south by Al Capone, and a crime lord in the sinful port city of Galveston. Her prim aunt wants her to pay more attention to her eligible suitors. Can Wallie stay alive long enough to figure out which one is her true love?> meta namekeywords content> meta nameauthor contentKay Kendall> !-- SITE TITLE --> title>After Youve Gone by Kay Kendall/title>!-- This is what you see on your browser tab--> !-- FAVICONS --> link relicon hrefimg/favicon.png> link relapple-touch-icon sizes144x144 hrefimg/apple-touch-icon-ipad-retina.png /> link relapple-touch-icon sizes114x114 hrefimg/apple-touch-icon-iphone-retina.png /> link relapple-touch-icon sizes72x72 hrefimg/apple-touch-icon-ipad.png /> link relapple-touch-icon sizes57x57 hrefimg/apple-touch-icon-iphone.png /> !-- STYLESHEETS --> link relstylesheet href> link relstylesheet hrefcss/preloader.css> link relstylesheet hrefcss/style.css> link relstylesheet hrefcss/responsive.css> link relstylesheet hrefcss/animate.css> !-- ICONS: --> link relstylesheet hrefcss/simple-line-icons.css> !-- GOOGLE FONTS --> link relstylesheet href|Raleway:300,600> !-- HTML5 shim and Respond.js for IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries --> !-- WARNING: Respond.js doesnt work if you view the page via file:// --> !--if lt IE 9> script src>/script> script src>/script> !endif--> !-- GOOGLE ANALYTICS (Optional) --> !--Replace this line with your analytics code--> !-- Analytics end-->/head>body data-spyscroll> !-- Preloader --> div idpreloader> div idstatus> div classloadicon icon-book-open wow tada infinite data-wow-duration8s>/div> /div> /div> header> !-- HERO AREA --> div idhero> div classcontainer herocontent> h2 classwow fadeInDown data-wow-duration2s>/h2> p style> br/> a classbutton big wow bounceInUp data-wow-duration3s href#purchase>Order Now/a> /p> /div> !-- Featured image on the Hero area --> img classheroshot wow bounceInDown data-wow-duration10s srcimg/featured-img.png altFeatured Work>/div> !--HERO AREA END--> !-- NAVBAR START --> nav classnavbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top rolenavigation> div classcontainer> div classnavbar-header> button typebutton classnavbar-toggle data-togglecollapse data-target.navbar-collapse> span classsr-only>Toggle navigation/span> span classicon-bar>/span> span classicon-bar>/span> span classicon-bar>/span> /button> a classnavbar-brand hrefindex.php> span classbrandicon icon-book-open>/span> span classbrandname>After Youve Gone/span> /a> /div> div classcollapse navbar-collapse> ul classnav navbar-nav navbar-right>!--YOUR NAVIGATION ITEMS STRAT BELOW--> li>a href#about>span classbtnicon icon-eyeglasses>/span>About/a>/li> li>a href#series>span classbtnicon icon-book-open>/span>Books/a>/li> li style>a href#purchase>span classbtnicon icon-basket>/span>Order/a>/li> li style>a href#reviews>span classbtnicon icon-bubble>/span>Reviews/a>/li> li>a href#events>span classbtnicon icon-book-open>/span>Events/a>/li> li style>a href#bio>span classbtnicon icon-user>/span>Bio/a>/li> !--dont forget to replace my email address below with yours--> !-- li>a>span classbtnicon icon-envelope-open>/span>Contact/a>/li> --> li styledisplay:none; classactive>a hrefpreview.php>span classbtnicon icon-cloud-download>/span>Free Preview/a>/li> /ul> /div>!--.nav-collapse --> /div> /nav>!--navbar end--> /header>!--header end--> !-- ABOUT SECTION START --> div idabout classcontainer> !-- LEFT PART OF THE ABOUT SECTION --> div classcol-md-6> div classrow> h2 classwow fadeInDown data-wow-duration1s>After Youve Gone/h2> h4 classwow fadeInUp data-wow-duration1s>An Austin Starr Mystery Prequelbr/>Book 3 in the Austin Starr Mystery Series/h4> h4 classwow fadeInUp data-wow-duration1s>by Kay Kendall/h4> p classwow fadeInDown data-wow-duration1s>Twenty-three-year-old Walter MacGregor (aka Wallie) craves adventure, her desires whetted by Sherlock Holmes tales. Her prayers are answered when her father’s rum-running brother Rory lands on the MacGregors’ doorstep, fleeing from enraged bootleggers. In quiet Gunmetal, Texas, during Prohibition, Rory’s tales of adventure charm Wallie, but appall her father, a respected judge. /p>p>When a freak accident horrifies the small town, Wallie believes she sees a crime scene that shows evidence of foul play. In short, it’s murder. Annoyed that no one agrees with her—including the sheriff and her dad—she sets out to prove her theory. Soon she is knee-deep in flappers and floozies, Chicago thugs sent south by Al Capone, and a crime lord in the sinful port city of Galveston. Her prim aunt wants her to pay more attention to her eligible suitors. Can Wallie stay alive long enough to figure out which one is her true love?/p> p> /p> p> a styledisplay:none; classbutton big wow bounceInUp data-wow-duration2s hrefpreview.php>Free Preview/a> /p> /div>!-- ABOUT INFO END --> /div>!-- LEFT PART OF THE ABOUT SECTION END --> !--Left part end--> !-- RIGHT PART OF THE ABOUT SECTION --> div classcol-md-6 wow fadeInUp myphoto data-wow-duration2s>img srcimg/book-stack.png alt>/div>!-- RIGHT PART OF THE ABOUT SECTION END --> /div>!-- ABOUT SECTION END --> hr> !-- SECTION SEPARETOR LINE --> !-- SERIES SECTION START --> div style idseries classcontainer> !-- SERIES SECTION HEADING START --> div classsectionhead row wow fadeInUp> span classbigicon icon-book-open >/span> h3>The Austin Starr Mystery Series/h3> hr classseparetor> /div>!--SERIES SECTION HEADING END--> !-- SERIES ITEMS START --> div classrow> div classpurchase col-md-12 col-lg-12 wow fadeInUp data-wow-duration0s> p styletext-align:center;margin-bottom:1em;margin-left:10%;margin-right:10%;>Kay Kendall writes the Austin Starr mystery series. The first two books capture the spirit and turbulence of the 1960s. span classbookTitleBold>Desolation Row/span> (2013) and span classbookTitleBold>Rainy Day Women/span> (2015) show Austin as a young Texas bride, forced to the frontlines of societal change by her draft-resisting husband. Austin copes by turning amateur sleuth. The latter mystery won two Silver Falchion Awards in 2016 at Killer Nashville. You might see a clue that suggests she more than adores the music of Bob Dylan. /p>p styletext-align:center;margin-bottom:4em;margin-left:10%;margin-right:10%;>span classbookTitleBold>After Youve Gone/span> (February 2019) is a prequel featuring Austin Starr’s grandmother who comes of age during the Roaring Twenties and Prohibition. This amateur sleuth searches for the killer of her uncle—who just happens to be a famous rumrunner in Texas. Kay’s work in progress, span classbookTitleBold>Tangled Up In Blue/span> (Dylan again!), brings Austin and her grandmother together in 1970 to solve a family member’s murder in Vienna that involves Russian spies. In all of her fiction, Kay shows how patterns of human nature repeat down the decades, no matter what historical age one reads about./p> /div> /div> div classrow> div classpurchase col-md-4 col-lg-4 wow fadeInUp data-wow-duration0s> img stylewidth:300px; srcimg/desolation_row_3d2_small.jpg alt> a hrefdesolationrow/ />h3>Desolation Row/h3>/a> p>Book 1/p> /div> !-- ITEM END --> div classpurchase col-md-4 col-lg-4 wow fadeInUp data-wow-duration0s> img stylewidth:300px; srcimg/rainy_day_women_3d2_small.jpg alt> a hrefrainydaywomen/ />h3>Rainy Day Women/h3>/a> p>Book 2/p> /div> !-- ITEM END --> div classpurchase col-md-4 col-lg-4 wow fadeInUp data-wow-duration0s> img stylewidth:300px; srcimg/after_youve_gone_3d2_small.jpg alt> h3>After Youve Gone/h3> p>Book 3/p> /div> !-- ITEM END --> /div>!-- PURCHASE ITEMS END--> /div>!-- PURCHASE SECTION END --> br/>br/> hr> !-- PURCHASE SECTION START --> div style idpurchase classcontainer> !-- PURCHASE SECTION HEADING START --> div classsectionhead row wow fadeInUp> span classbigicon icon-basket >/span> h3>Where to Order /h3> hr classseparetor> /div>!--SERVICE SECTION HEADING END--> !-- PURCHASE ITEMS START --> div classrow> div classpurchase col-md-6 col-lg-6 wow fadeInUp data-wow-duration0s> img srcimg/paperback.png alt> h3>Order Paperback/h3> p> /p> p style> a classstairway-button big wow animated bounceInUp data-wow-duration0s href target_blank> span classbutton-title>Stairway Press/span> /a> /p> p style> a classamazon-button big wow bounceInUp data-wow-duration0s href target_blank> span classbutton-title>Amazonbr/>/span>span classbutton-title>/span> /a> /p> p style> a classbarnesandnoble-button big wow bounceInUp data-wow-duration0s href target_blank> span classbutton-title>Barnes & Noblebr/>/span>span classbutton-title>/span> /a> /p> p> a classmurderbythebook-button big wow bounceInUp data-wow-duration0s href target_blank> span classbutton-title>Murder By The Bookbr/>/span>span classbutton-title>/span> /a> /p> /div> !-- ITEM END --> div classpurchase col-md-6 col-lg-6 wow fadeInUp data-wow-duration0s> img srcimg/ebook.png alt> h3>Order eBook/h3> p> /p> p style> a classkindle-button big wow bounceInUp data-wow-duration0s href target_blank> span classbutton-title>Kindle/span> /a> /p> p style> a classibooks-button big wow animated bounceInUp data-wow-duration0s href target_blank> span classbutton-title>iBooks/span> /a> /p> p style> a classkobo-button big wow animated bounceInUp data-wow-duration0s href target_blank> span classbutton-title>Kobo/span> /a> /p> p styledisplay:none;> a classnook-button big wow bounceInUp data-wow-duration0s href# target_blank> span classbutton-title>Nookbr/>/span>span classbutton-title>/span> /a> /p> /div> !-- ITEM END --> /div>!-- PURCHASE ITEMS END--> /div>!-- PURCHASE SECTION END --> hr> !-- REVIEWS SECTION START --> div style idreviews classcontainer> div classsectionhead wow bounceInUp data-wow-duration2s> span classbigicon icon-bubbles>/span> h3>Reviews/h3> h4>What people are saying about After Youve Gone/h4> hr classseparetor> /div>!-- TESTIMONIAL SECTIONHEAD END --> !-- TESTIMONIAL ITEMS START --> div classrow> !-- 1ST TESTIMONIAL ITEM --> div style classcol-md-6 wow bounceIn data-wow-duration2s> div classclientsphoto> img srcmedia/quote.png altDan> /div> div classquote> blockquote> p>“This story resonates with spirit, blending myth with reality, tragedy with triumph. Kay has a talent for place and character, smudging the line between right and wrong with a beguiling sophistication. The whole thing crackles with tension and imagination. ”/p> /blockquote> h5>Steve Berry/h5> p>New York Times and #1 internationally bestselling author/p> /div> /div> !-- 1ST TESTIMONIAL ITEM END --> !-- 2ND TESTIMONIAL ITEM --> div style classcol-md-6 wow bounceIn data-wow-duration3s> div classclientsphoto> img srcmedia/quote.png altBill> /div> div classquote> blockquote> p>“A quiet Texas town in the 1920s. Hard to imagine anything could go wrong. But when a fatal accident starts to look like murder, young heroine Wallie MacGregor sets out to uncover long-buried secrets. Assisted by her scrappy dog, Holler, and her primly proper Aunt Ida, Wallie is one of the most charming amateur detectives I’ve encountered in a long while. Although murder is at the heart of this mystery, After You’ve Gone often made me smile. ”/p> /blockquote> h5>David Morrell/h5> p>New York Times bestselling author of span classbookTitle>Murder as a Fine Art/span>/p> /div> /div> !-- 2ND TESTIMONIAL ITEM END --> !-- 3RD TESTIMONIAL ITEM --> div style classcol-md-6 wow bounceIn data-wow-duration3s> div classclientsphoto> img srcmedia/quote.png altEric> /div> div classquote> blockquote> p>“A delightful romp that combines a thriller, a romance, and a young girls journey from ingénue to courageous woman. Austin Starr fans will love seeing where she got her intrepid spirit.”/p> /blockquote> h5>Terry Shames/h5> p>Macavity Award-winning author of span classbookTitle>A Risky Undertaking for Loretta Singletary/span>/p> /div> /div> !-- 3RD TESTIMONIAL ITEM END --> !-- 4TH TESTIMONIAL ITEM --> div style classcol-md-6 wow bounceIn data-wow-duration2s> div classclientsphoto> img srcmedia/quote.png altRamil> /div> div classquote> blockquote> p>“Roaring through 1923 Texas in search of secrets from her uncle’s shady past, Miss Walter “Wallie” MacGregor braves gangsters, flappers, and her overbearing Aunt Ida. In this prequel to the Austin Starr mysteries…readers will see where her granddaughter, Austin Starr, gets her curiosity and spunk. And the unexpected conclusion is highly satisfying. As Wallie might say, “It’s the cat’s pajamas.” ”/p> /blockquote> h5>James W. Ziskin/h5> p>Anthony and Macavity Award-winning author of the span classbookTitle>Ellie Stone Mysteries/span>/p> /div> /div> !-- 4TH TESTIMONIAL ITEM END --> !-- 5TH TESTIMONIAL ITEM --> div style classcol-md-6 wow bounceIn data-wow-duration2s> div classclientsphoto> img srcmedia/quote.png altDan> /div> div classquote> blockquote> p>“Kay Kendall’s Austin Starr mysteries are great reads, and After You’ve Gone follows right in the family footsteps. Readers will love the story, and Kay is a master of drama and historical accuracy. ”/p> /blockquote> h5>Pamela Fagan Hutchins/h5> p>USA TODAY bestseller and Silver Falchion Best Mystery winner/p> /div> /div> !-- 5TH TESTIMONIAL ITEM END --> !-- 6TH TESTIMONIAL ITEM --> div style classcol-md-6 wow bounceIn data-wow-duration3s> div classclientsphoto> img srcmedia/quote.png altBill> /div> div classquote> blockquote> p>“Sweeps us from the sudden reappearance of a prodigal scoundrel to family secrets, bootleggers, murder, and a young woman’s yearning for adventure and independence Whether exploring one family’s past or showing life in 1920s Texas, clearly to Kay Kendall, history matters.”/p> /blockquote> h5>Helaine Mario/h5> p>author of span classbookTitle>The Lost Concerto/span> and span classbookTitle>Dark Rhapsody/span>/p> /div> /div> !-- 6TH TESTIMONIAL ITEM END --> !-- 7TH TESTIMONIAL ITEM --> div style classcol-md-6 wow bounceIn data-wow-duration3s> div classclientsphoto> img srcmedia/quote.png altEric> /div> div classquote> blockquote> p>“Southern manners meet their match with irrepressible Wallie MacGregor, a charming belle who dreams of road trips, flapper hairstyles, and using her brain like her hero, Sherlock Holmes. She gets her chance when a long-lost uncle’s reappearance leads to tragic consequences.”/p> /blockquote> h5>Lisa Alber/h5> p>award-winning author of span classbookTitle>Path Into Darkness/span>/p> /div> /div> !-- 7TH TESTIMONIAL ITEM END --> !-- 8TH TESTIMONIAL ITEM --> div style classcol-md-6 wow bounceIn data-wow-duration2s> div classclientsphoto> img srcmedia/quote.png altRamil> /div> div classquote> blockquote> p>“This charming historical adventure features a protagonist readers will warm to. Bootlegging, newfangled motor cars, prodigal family members with shady backgrounds...all create an enjoyable set of temptations and tribulations for our heroine, who always tries to remain ladylike however challenging the circumstances.”/p> /blockquote> h5>Cathy Ace/h5> p>Bony Blithe Award-winning author of span classbookTitle>The Cait Morgan Mysteries/span> and span classbookTitle>The WISE Enquiries Agency Mysteries/span>/p> /div> /div> !-- 8TH TESTIMONIAL ITEM END --> /div> /div> !-- TESTIMONIAL SECTION END -->hr> !-- EVENT SECTION START --> div style idevents classcontainer> div classsectionhead wow bounceInUp data-wow-duration2s> span classbigicon icon-bubbles>/span> h3>Events/h3> hr classseparetor> /div>!-- TESTIMONIAL SECTIONHEAD END --> !-- TESTIMONIAL ITEMS START --> div classrow> !-- 1ST TESTIMONIAL ITEM --> div style classcol-md-6 wow bounceIn data-wow-duration2s> div classclientsphoto> img srcimg/feb10.jpg altDan> /div> div classquote> h3>Author talk & signing/h3> p>Sunday, February 10, 2019br/> 2:00 - 3:00 pm/p> p>Murder by the Bookbr/> 2342 Bissonnet St, Houston, Texas 77005br/> With author Mark Pryor/p> /div> /div> !-- 1ST TESTIMONIAL ITEM END --> !-- 2nd TESTIMONIAL ITEM --> div style classcol-md-6 wow bounceIn data-wow-duration2s> div classclientsphoto> img srcimg/mar28.jpg altDan> /div> div classquote> h3>Panel: Rural & Suburban Crime Fiction/h3> p>March 28, 2019br/> 12:00pm /p> p>Left Coast Crime, annual conferencebr/> Hyatt Recency Hotelbr/> Vancouver, Canada/p> /div> /div> !-- 2nd TESTIMONIAL ITEM END --> !-- 3rd TESTIMONIAL ITEM --> div style classcol-md-6 wow bounceIn data-wow-duration2s> div classclientsphoto> img srcimg/oct31.jpg altDan> /div> div classquote> h3>Bouchercon, The World Mystery Convention/h3> p>October 31 - Novermber 3, 2019/p> p>Bouchercon, The World Mystery Conventionbr/>50th anniversary: Denim, Diamonds, and Deathbr/>Dallas, Texas/p> /div> /div> !-- 3rd TESTIMONIAL ITEM END --> /div> /div> !-- EVENT SECTION END --> br/>br/>hr> !-- BIO SECTION START --> div style idbio classcontainer> div classsectionhead wow bounceInUp data-wow-duration0s> span classbigicon icon-user>/span> h3>About Kay:/h3> hr classseparetor> /div>!-- SECTIONHEAD END --> !-- LEFT PART OF THE ABOUT SECTION --> div classcol-md-6> div classrow> p classauthorBio wow fadeInDown data-wow-duration0s>Before Kay Kendall began to write books, she was an award-winning international public relations executive, working in the US, Canada, the Soviet Union, and Europe. Ask her about working in Moscow during the Cold War—and turning down a job with the CIA in order to attend grad school at Harvard. Because of her degrees in Russian history, Kay often brings Cold War elements into her tales. She takes great pains in her books to get historical settings and details right—no anachronisms allowed./p>p>Kay is president of the Southwest Chapter of the Mystery Writers of America and is a member of the national board of MWA. She and her Canadian husband live in Houston, Texas, and have rescued abandoned pet rabbits for 20 years. They have a tolerant spaniel who co-habits with the three bunnies that currently reside with them. Over the years they have rescued 14 rabbits. /p> /div> !-- ABOUT INFO END --> /div>!-- LEFT PART OF THE ABOUT SECTION END --> !--Left part end--> !-- RIGHT PART OF THE ABOUT SECTION --> div classcol-md-6 wow fadeInUp myphoto data-wow-duration0s> img srcimg/author.jpg altKay> /div>!-- RIGHT PART OF THE ABOUT SECTION END --> /div>!-- ABOUT SECTION END --> !-- FOOTER START --> footer> div classcontainer> span classbigicon icon-book-open >/span> div classfooterlinks>!-- FOOTER LINKS START --> ul> li>a href#hero>Home/a>/li> li>a href#about>About/a>/li> li style>a href#purchase>Order/a>/li> li style>a href#reviews>Reviews/a>/li> li style>a href#bio>Bio/a>/li> li>a>Contact/a>/li> /ul> /div>!-- FOOTER LINKS END --> div classcopyright>!-- FOOTER COPYRIGHT START --> p>For wholesale and consignment orders, contact a>>/p> p>a href target_blank>Stairway Press/a> publishes and markets literary books from various genres (including science, science fiction, short stories, political essays, literary thrillers and adventures). The main thing we focus on is writing quality – we represent the finest writers we can find . . . writers who might otherwise be overlooked in the world of the written word./p> /div>!-- FOOTER COPYRIGHT END --> div classfootersocial wow fadeInUp data-wow-duration3s>!-- FOOTER SOCIAL ICONS START --> ul> li>a href>span classicon-social-facebook>/span>/a>/li> li>a href>span classicon-social-twitter>/span>/a>/li> li>a href>span classicon-social-tumblr>/span>/a>/li> /ul> /div>!-- FOOTER SOCIAL ICONS END --> /div> /footer>!-- FOOTER END --> !-- jQuery (necessary for Bootstraps JavaScript plugins) --> script src>/script> !-- Include all compiled plugins (below), or include individual files as needed --> script src>/script> !--Other necessary scripts-->!-- script srcjs/jquery.nicescroll.min.js>/script> --> script srcjs/jquery.jribbble-1.0.1.ugly.js>/script> script srcjs/drifolio.js>/script> script srcjs/wow.min.js>/script> script>new WOW().init();/script> !-- Default Statcounter code for Austinstarr.com -->script typetext/javascript>var sc_project10426042; var sc_invisible1; var sc_securitye4fecfbc; /script>script typetext/javascriptsrc>/script>noscript>div classstatcounter>a titleWeb AnalyticsMade Easy - StatCounter href>img classstatcountersrc Analytics Made Easy -StatCounter>/a>/div>/noscript>!-- End of Statcounter Code --> /body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 date: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 12:48:24 GMTcontent-type: text/html; charsetUTF-8transfer-encoding: chunkedvary: Accept-Encodingserver: Apachex-powered-by: PHP/7.4.33x-provided-by: StackCDNvary: Accept-Encodingx-origin-cache-status: MISSx-cdn-cache-status: MISSx-via: SEA1 !DOCTYPE html>html langen> head> meta charsetutf-8> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1> !-- THEME INFO --> meta namedescription contentWhen a freak accident horrifies the small town, Wallie believes she sees a crime scene that shows evidence of foul play. In short, it’s murder. Annoyed that no one agrees with her—including the sheriff and her dad—she sets out to prove her theory. Soon she is knee-deep in flappers and floozies, Chicago thugs sent south by Al Capone, and a crime lord in the sinful port city of Galveston. Her prim aunt wants her to pay more attention to her eligible suitors. Can Wallie stay alive long enough to figure out which one is her true love?> meta namekeywords content> meta nameauthor contentKay Kendall> !-- SITE TITLE --> title>After Youve Gone by Kay Kendall/title>!-- This is what you see on your browser tab--> !-- FAVICONS --> link relicon hrefimg/favicon.png> link relapple-touch-icon sizes144x144 hrefimg/apple-touch-icon-ipad-retina.png /> link relapple-touch-icon sizes114x114 hrefimg/apple-touch-icon-iphone-retina.png /> link relapple-touch-icon sizes72x72 hrefimg/apple-touch-icon-ipad.png /> link relapple-touch-icon sizes57x57 hrefimg/apple-touch-icon-iphone.png /> !-- STYLESHEETS --> link relstylesheet href> link relstylesheet hrefcss/preloader.css> link relstylesheet hrefcss/style.css> link relstylesheet hrefcss/responsive.css> link relstylesheet hrefcss/animate.css> !-- ICONS: --> link relstylesheet hrefcss/simple-line-icons.css> !-- GOOGLE FONTS --> link relstylesheet href|Raleway:300,600> !-- HTML5 shim and Respond.js for IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries --> !-- WARNING: Respond.js doesnt work if you view the page via file:// --> !--if lt IE 9> script src>/script> script src>/script> !endif--> !-- GOOGLE ANALYTICS (Optional) --> !--Replace this line with your analytics code--> !-- Analytics end-->/head>body data-spyscroll> !-- Preloader --> div idpreloader> div idstatus> div classloadicon icon-book-open wow tada infinite data-wow-duration8s>/div> /div> /div> header> !-- HERO AREA --> div idhero> div classcontainer herocontent> h2 classwow fadeInDown data-wow-duration2s>/h2> p style> br/> a classbutton big wow bounceInUp data-wow-duration3s href#purchase>Order Now/a> /p> /div> !-- Featured image on the Hero area --> img classheroshot wow bounceInDown data-wow-duration10s srcimg/featured-img.png altFeatured Work>/div> !--HERO AREA END--> !-- NAVBAR START --> nav classnavbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top rolenavigation> div classcontainer> div classnavbar-header> button typebutton classnavbar-toggle data-togglecollapse data-target.navbar-collapse> span classsr-only>Toggle navigation/span> span classicon-bar>/span> span classicon-bar>/span> span classicon-bar>/span> /button> a classnavbar-brand hrefindex.php> span classbrandicon icon-book-open>/span> span classbrandname>After Youve Gone/span> /a> /div> div classcollapse navbar-collapse> ul classnav navbar-nav navbar-right>!--YOUR NAVIGATION ITEMS STRAT BELOW--> li>a href#about>span classbtnicon icon-eyeglasses>/span>About/a>/li> li>a href#series>span classbtnicon icon-book-open>/span>Books/a>/li> li style>a href#purchase>span classbtnicon icon-basket>/span>Order/a>/li> li style>a href#reviews>span classbtnicon icon-bubble>/span>Reviews/a>/li> li>a href#events>span classbtnicon icon-book-open>/span>Events/a>/li> li style>a href#bio>span classbtnicon icon-user>/span>Bio/a>/li> !--dont forget to replace my email address below with yours--> !-- li>a>span classbtnicon icon-envelope-open>/span>Contact/a>/li> --> li styledisplay:none; classactive>a hrefpreview.php>span classbtnicon icon-cloud-download>/span>Free Preview/a>/li> /ul> /div>!--.nav-collapse --> /div> /nav>!--navbar end--> /header>!--header end--> !-- ABOUT SECTION START --> div idabout classcontainer> !-- LEFT PART OF THE ABOUT SECTION --> div classcol-md-6> div classrow> h2 classwow fadeInDown data-wow-duration1s>After Youve Gone/h2> h4 classwow fadeInUp data-wow-duration1s>An Austin Starr Mystery Prequelbr/>Book 3 in the Austin Starr Mystery Series/h4> h4 classwow fadeInUp data-wow-duration1s>by Kay Kendall/h4> p classwow fadeInDown data-wow-duration1s>Twenty-three-year-old Walter MacGregor (aka Wallie) craves adventure, her desires whetted by Sherlock Holmes tales. Her prayers are answered when her father’s rum-running brother Rory lands on the MacGregors’ doorstep, fleeing from enraged bootleggers. In quiet Gunmetal, Texas, during Prohibition, Rory’s tales of adventure charm Wallie, but appall her father, a respected judge. /p>p>When a freak accident horrifies the small town, Wallie believes she sees a crime scene that shows evidence of foul play. In short, it’s murder. Annoyed that no one agrees with her—including the sheriff and her dad—she sets out to prove her theory. Soon she is knee-deep in flappers and floozies, Chicago thugs sent south by Al Capone, and a crime lord in the sinful port city of Galveston. Her prim aunt wants her to pay more attention to her eligible suitors. Can Wallie stay alive long enough to figure out which one is her true love?/p> p> /p> p> a styledisplay:none; classbutton big wow bounceInUp data-wow-duration2s hrefpreview.php>Free Preview/a> /p> /div>!-- ABOUT INFO END --> /div>!-- LEFT PART OF THE ABOUT SECTION END --> !--Left part end--> !-- RIGHT PART OF THE ABOUT SECTION --> div classcol-md-6 wow fadeInUp myphoto data-wow-duration2s>img srcimg/book-stack.png alt>/div>!-- RIGHT PART OF THE ABOUT SECTION END --> /div>!-- ABOUT SECTION END --> hr> !-- SECTION SEPARETOR LINE --> !-- SERIES SECTION START --> div style idseries classcontainer> !-- SERIES SECTION HEADING START --> div classsectionhead row wow fadeInUp> span classbigicon icon-book-open >/span> h3>The Austin Starr Mystery Series/h3> hr classseparetor> /div>!--SERIES SECTION HEADING END--> !-- SERIES ITEMS START --> div classrow> div classpurchase col-md-12 col-lg-12 wow fadeInUp data-wow-duration0s> p styletext-align:center;margin-bottom:1em;margin-left:10%;margin-right:10%;>Kay Kendall writes the Austin Starr mystery series. The first two books capture the spirit and turbulence of the 1960s. span classbookTitleBold>Desolation Row/span> (2013) and span classbookTitleBold>Rainy Day Women/span> (2015) show Austin as a young Texas bride, forced to the frontlines of societal change by her draft-resisting husband. Austin copes by turning amateur sleuth. The latter mystery won two Silver Falchion Awards in 2016 at Killer Nashville. You might see a clue that suggests she more than adores the music of Bob Dylan. /p>p styletext-align:center;margin-bottom:4em;margin-left:10%;margin-right:10%;>span classbookTitleBold>After Youve Gone/span> (February 2019) is a prequel featuring Austin Starr’s grandmother who comes of age during the Roaring Twenties and Prohibition. This amateur sleuth searches for the killer of her uncle—who just happens to be a famous rumrunner in Texas. Kay’s work in progress, span classbookTitleBold>Tangled Up In Blue/span> (Dylan again!), brings Austin and her grandmother together in 1970 to solve a family member’s murder in Vienna that involves Russian spies. In all of her fiction, Kay shows how patterns of human nature repeat down the decades, no matter what historical age one reads about./p> /div> /div> div classrow> div classpurchase col-md-4 col-lg-4 wow fadeInUp data-wow-duration0s> img stylewidth:300px; srcimg/desolation_row_3d2_small.jpg alt> a hrefdesolationrow/ />h3>Desolation Row/h3>/a> p>Book 1/p> /div> !-- ITEM END --> div classpurchase col-md-4 col-lg-4 wow fadeInUp data-wow-duration0s> img stylewidth:300px; srcimg/rainy_day_women_3d2_small.jpg alt> a hrefrainydaywomen/ />h3>Rainy Day Women/h3>/a> p>Book 2/p> /div> !-- ITEM END --> div classpurchase col-md-4 col-lg-4 wow fadeInUp data-wow-duration0s> img stylewidth:300px; srcimg/after_youve_gone_3d2_small.jpg alt> h3>After Youve Gone/h3> p>Book 3/p> /div> !-- ITEM END --> /div>!-- PURCHASE ITEMS END--> /div>!-- PURCHASE SECTION END --> br/>br/> hr> !-- PURCHASE SECTION START --> div style idpurchase classcontainer> !-- PURCHASE SECTION HEADING START --> div classsectionhead row wow fadeInUp> span classbigicon icon-basket >/span> h3>Where to Order /h3> hr classseparetor> /div>!--SERVICE SECTION HEADING END--> !-- PURCHASE ITEMS START --> div classrow> div classpurchase col-md-6 col-lg-6 wow fadeInUp data-wow-duration0s> img srcimg/paperback.png alt> h3>Order Paperback/h3> p> /p> p style> a classstairway-button big wow animated bounceInUp data-wow-duration0s href target_blank> span classbutton-title>Stairway Press/span> /a> /p> p style> a classamazon-button big wow bounceInUp data-wow-duration0s href target_blank> span classbutton-title>Amazonbr/>/span>span classbutton-title>/span> /a> /p> p style> a classbarnesandnoble-button big wow bounceInUp data-wow-duration0s href target_blank> span classbutton-title>Barnes & Noblebr/>/span>span classbutton-title>/span> /a> /p> p> a classmurderbythebook-button big wow bounceInUp data-wow-duration0s href target_blank> span classbutton-title>Murder By The Bookbr/>/span>span classbutton-title>/span> /a> /p> /div> !-- ITEM END --> div classpurchase col-md-6 col-lg-6 wow fadeInUp data-wow-duration0s> img srcimg/ebook.png alt> h3>Order eBook/h3> p> /p> p style> a classkindle-button big wow bounceInUp data-wow-duration0s href target_blank> span classbutton-title>Kindle/span> /a> /p> p style> a classibooks-button big wow animated bounceInUp data-wow-duration0s href target_blank> span classbutton-title>iBooks/span> /a> /p> p style> a classkobo-button big wow animated bounceInUp data-wow-duration0s href target_blank> span classbutton-title>Kobo/span> /a> /p> p styledisplay:none;> a classnook-button big wow bounceInUp data-wow-duration0s href# target_blank> span classbutton-title>Nookbr/>/span>span classbutton-title>/span> /a> /p> /div> !-- ITEM END --> /div>!-- PURCHASE ITEMS END--> /div>!-- PURCHASE SECTION END --> hr> !-- REVIEWS SECTION START --> div style idreviews classcontainer> div classsectionhead wow bounceInUp data-wow-duration2s> span classbigicon icon-bubbles>/span> h3>Reviews/h3> h4>What people are saying about After Youve Gone/h4> hr classseparetor> /div>!-- TESTIMONIAL SECTIONHEAD END --> !-- TESTIMONIAL ITEMS START --> div classrow> !-- 1ST TESTIMONIAL ITEM --> div style classcol-md-6 wow bounceIn data-wow-duration2s> div classclientsphoto> img srcmedia/quote.png altDan> /div> div classquote> blockquote> p>“This story resonates with spirit, blending myth with reality, tragedy with triumph. Kay has a talent for place and character, smudging the line between right and wrong with a beguiling sophistication. The whole thing crackles with tension and imagination. ”/p> /blockquote> h5>Steve Berry/h5> p>New York Times and #1 internationally bestselling author/p> /div> /div> !-- 1ST TESTIMONIAL ITEM END --> !-- 2ND TESTIMONIAL ITEM --> div style classcol-md-6 wow bounceIn data-wow-duration3s> div classclientsphoto> img srcmedia/quote.png altBill> /div> div classquote> blockquote> p>“A quiet Texas town in the 1920s. Hard to imagine anything could go wrong. But when a fatal accident starts to look like murder, young heroine Wallie MacGregor sets out to uncover long-buried secrets. Assisted by her scrappy dog, Holler, and her primly proper Aunt Ida, Wallie is one of the most charming amateur detectives I’ve encountered in a long while. Although murder is at the heart of this mystery, After You’ve Gone often made me smile. ”/p> /blockquote> h5>David Morrell/h5> p>New York Times bestselling author of span classbookTitle>Murder as a Fine Art/span>/p> /div> /div> !-- 2ND TESTIMONIAL ITEM END --> !-- 3RD TESTIMONIAL ITEM --> div style classcol-md-6 wow bounceIn data-wow-duration3s> div classclientsphoto> img srcmedia/quote.png altEric> /div> div classquote> blockquote> p>“A delightful romp that combines a thriller, a romance, and a young girls journey from ingénue to courageous woman. Austin Starr fans will love seeing where she got her intrepid spirit.”/p> /blockquote> h5>Terry Shames/h5> p>Macavity Award-winning author of span classbookTitle>A Risky Undertaking for Loretta Singletary/span>/p> /div> /div> !-- 3RD TESTIMONIAL ITEM END --> !-- 4TH TESTIMONIAL ITEM --> div style classcol-md-6 wow bounceIn data-wow-duration2s> div classclientsphoto> img srcmedia/quote.png altRamil> /div> div classquote> blockquote> p>“Roaring through 1923 Texas in search of secrets from her uncle’s shady past, Miss Walter “Wallie” MacGregor braves gangsters, flappers, and her overbearing Aunt Ida. In this prequel to the Austin Starr mysteries…readers will see where her granddaughter, Austin Starr, gets her curiosity and spunk. And the unexpected conclusion is highly satisfying. As Wallie might say, “It’s the cat’s pajamas.” ”/p> /blockquote> h5>James W. Ziskin/h5> p>Anthony and Macavity Award-winning author of the span classbookTitle>Ellie Stone Mysteries/span>/p> /div> /div> !-- 4TH TESTIMONIAL ITEM END --> !-- 5TH TESTIMONIAL ITEM --> div style classcol-md-6 wow bounceIn data-wow-duration2s> div classclientsphoto> img srcmedia/quote.png altDan> /div> div classquote> blockquote> p>“Kay Kendall’s Austin Starr mysteries are great reads, and After You’ve Gone follows right in the family footsteps. Readers will love the story, and Kay is a master of drama and historical accuracy. ”/p> /blockquote> h5>Pamela Fagan Hutchins/h5> p>USA TODAY bestseller and Silver Falchion Best Mystery winner/p> /div> /div> !-- 5TH TESTIMONIAL ITEM END --> !-- 6TH TESTIMONIAL ITEM --> div style classcol-md-6 wow bounceIn data-wow-duration3s> div classclientsphoto> img srcmedia/quote.png altBill> /div> div classquote> blockquote> p>“Sweeps us from the sudden reappearance of a prodigal scoundrel to family secrets, bootleggers, murder, and a young woman’s yearning for adventure and independence Whether exploring one family’s past or showing life in 1920s Texas, clearly to Kay Kendall, history matters.”/p> /blockquote> h5>Helaine Mario/h5> p>author of span classbookTitle>The Lost Concerto/span> and span classbookTitle>Dark Rhapsody/span>/p> /div> /div> !-- 6TH TESTIMONIAL ITEM END --> !-- 7TH TESTIMONIAL ITEM --> div style classcol-md-6 wow bounceIn data-wow-duration3s> div classclientsphoto> img srcmedia/quote.png altEric> /div> div classquote> blockquote> p>“Southern manners meet their match with irrepressible Wallie MacGregor, a charming belle who dreams of road trips, flapper hairstyles, and using her brain like her hero, Sherlock Holmes. She gets her chance when a long-lost uncle’s reappearance leads to tragic consequences.”/p> /blockquote> h5>Lisa Alber/h5> p>award-winning author of span classbookTitle>Path Into Darkness/span>/p> /div> /div> !-- 7TH TESTIMONIAL ITEM END --> !-- 8TH TESTIMONIAL ITEM --> div style classcol-md-6 wow bounceIn data-wow-duration2s> div classclientsphoto> img srcmedia/quote.png altRamil> /div> div classquote> blockquote> p>“This charming historical adventure features a protagonist readers will warm to. Bootlegging, newfangled motor cars, prodigal family members with shady backgrounds...all create an enjoyable set of temptations and tribulations for our heroine, who always tries to remain ladylike however challenging the circumstances.”/p> /blockquote> h5>Cathy Ace/h5> p>Bony Blithe Award-winning author of span classbookTitle>The Cait Morgan Mysteries/span> and span classbookTitle>The WISE Enquiries Agency Mysteries/span>/p> /div> /div> !-- 8TH TESTIMONIAL ITEM END --> /div> /div> !-- TESTIMONIAL SECTION END -->hr> !-- EVENT SECTION START --> div style idevents classcontainer> div classsectionhead wow bounceInUp data-wow-duration2s> span classbigicon icon-bubbles>/span> h3>Events/h3> hr classseparetor> /div>!-- TESTIMONIAL SECTIONHEAD END --> !-- TESTIMONIAL ITEMS START --> div classrow> !-- 1ST TESTIMONIAL ITEM --> div style classcol-md-6 wow bounceIn data-wow-duration2s> div classclientsphoto> img srcimg/feb10.jpg altDan> /div> div classquote> h3>Author talk & signing/h3> p>Sunday, February 10, 2019br/> 2:00 - 3:00 pm/p> p>Murder by the Bookbr/> 2342 Bissonnet St, Houston, Texas 77005br/> With author Mark Pryor/p> /div> /div> !-- 1ST TESTIMONIAL ITEM END --> !-- 2nd TESTIMONIAL ITEM --> div style classcol-md-6 wow bounceIn data-wow-duration2s> div classclientsphoto> img srcimg/mar28.jpg altDan> /div> div classquote> h3>Panel: Rural & Suburban Crime Fiction/h3> p>March 28, 2019br/> 12:00pm /p> p>Left Coast Crime, annual conferencebr/> Hyatt Recency Hotelbr/> Vancouver, Canada/p> /div> /div> !-- 2nd TESTIMONIAL ITEM END --> !-- 3rd TESTIMONIAL ITEM --> div style classcol-md-6 wow bounceIn data-wow-duration2s> div classclientsphoto> img srcimg/oct31.jpg altDan> /div> div classquote> h3>Bouchercon, The World Mystery Convention/h3> p>October 31 - Novermber 3, 2019/p> p>Bouchercon, The World Mystery Conventionbr/>50th anniversary: Denim, Diamonds, and Deathbr/>Dallas, Texas/p> /div> /div> !-- 3rd TESTIMONIAL ITEM END --> /div> /div> !-- EVENT SECTION END --> br/>br/>hr> !-- BIO SECTION START --> div style idbio classcontainer> div classsectionhead wow bounceInUp data-wow-duration0s> span classbigicon icon-user>/span> h3>About Kay:/h3> hr classseparetor> /div>!-- SECTIONHEAD END --> !-- LEFT PART OF THE ABOUT SECTION --> div classcol-md-6> div classrow> p classauthorBio wow fadeInDown data-wow-duration0s>Before Kay Kendall began to write books, she was an award-winning international public relations executive, working in the US, Canada, the Soviet Union, and Europe. Ask her about working in Moscow during the Cold War—and turning down a job with the CIA in order to attend grad school at Harvard. Because of her degrees in Russian history, Kay often brings Cold War elements into her tales. She takes great pains in her books to get historical settings and details right—no anachronisms allowed./p>p>Kay is president of the Southwest Chapter of the Mystery Writers of America and is a member of the national board of MWA. She and her Canadian husband live in Houston, Texas, and have rescued abandoned pet rabbits for 20 years. They have a tolerant spaniel who co-habits with the three bunnies that currently reside with them. Over the years they have rescued 14 rabbits. /p> /div> !-- ABOUT INFO END --> /div>!-- LEFT PART OF THE ABOUT SECTION END --> !--Left part end--> !-- RIGHT PART OF THE ABOUT SECTION --> div classcol-md-6 wow fadeInUp myphoto data-wow-duration0s> img srcimg/author.jpg altKay> /div>!-- RIGHT PART OF THE ABOUT SECTION END --> /div>!-- ABOUT SECTION END --> !-- FOOTER START --> footer> div classcontainer> span classbigicon icon-book-open >/span> div classfooterlinks>!-- FOOTER LINKS START --> ul> li>a href#hero>Home/a>/li> li>a href#about>About/a>/li> li style>a href#purchase>Order/a>/li> li style>a href#reviews>Reviews/a>/li> li style>a href#bio>Bio/a>/li> li>a>Contact/a>/li> /ul> /div>!-- FOOTER LINKS END --> div classcopyright>!-- FOOTER COPYRIGHT START --> p>For wholesale and consignment orders, contact a>>/p> p>a href target_blank>Stairway Press/a> publishes and markets literary books from various genres (including science, science fiction, short stories, political essays, literary thrillers and adventures). 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