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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Tue, 25 Mar 2025 16:07:41 GMTServer: ApacheLocation: 233Content-Type: text/html; charsetiso-8859-1 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN>html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>h1>Moved Permanently/h1>p>The document has moved a href>here/a>./p>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 25 Mar 2025 16:07:41 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2Connection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Thu, 21 Nov 2024 14:06:48 GMTETag: 40e1-6276cc6f2e79dAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 16609Content-Type: text/html html>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252>title>A-Tec Computer - Serving Nicholasville, Lexington, Richmond, etc./title>meta namekeywords contentWindows 8, Steve Ayres, Stephen Ayres, FBI Virus, FBI, Lexington Computer Repair, Nicholasville Computer Repair, Nicholasville, 40356, Fayette County, Fayette, computer, repair, laptop, LCD replacement, atec, A-Tec, Virus, Jessamine, County, removal, Nicholasville, Wilmore, KY, Kentucky, Richmond, Lexington, Madison, network, wireless, modem, wireless router, router, troubleshooting, Fayette, virus, malware, laptop, virus removal, Versailles, Richmond, Georgetown, Danville, Lancaster, Woodford, Garrad, Scott />meta namedescription contentA-Tec Computer is a Central-KY based business offering low-cost solutions to home computer issues, networking setup, and general computer help. Always on-call. My virus and malware removal techniques succeed where others may give up and tell you a reformat is necessary. In addition to Lexington-Nicholasville, I also serve the immediate surrounding area including Wilmore, Richmond, Danville, Versailles, Georgetown, Lancaster, Midway, etc.. />style fprolloverstyle>A:hover {color: #00FF00}/style>/head>body bgcolor#282C33 stylecolor: #808EA0 link#808EA0 vlink#808EA0 alink#808EA0>p> /p>div aligncenter> center> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 styleborder-collapse: collapse width900> tr> td height108 bgcolor#000000 background colspan6 width900> p aligncenter>font color#808EA0 size6 faceArial>A-Tec Computer/font>/p> p aligncenter>b>font faceArial color#FFFFFF size2>a href styletext-decoration: none>Home/a>/font>font faceArial color#808EA0 size2> - /font>font faceArial color#FFFFFF size2>a href styletext-decoration: none>Repair/a>font faceArial color#808EA0 size2> - /font> a href styletext-decoration: none>Malware Removal/a>font faceArial color#808EA0 size2> - /font> a styletext-decoration: none href> Windows 11/a>font faceArial color#808EA0 size2> - /font> a styletext-decoration: none href>Contact/a>font faceArial color#808EA0 size2> - /font> a href styletext-decoration: none>About Me/a>font faceArial color#808EA0 size2> - /font> a href styletext-decoration: none>My Location/a>font faceArial color#808EA0 size2> - /font> a href styletext-decoration: none>Computer Tips/a>/font>/b>/td> /tr> tr> td width21 bgcolor#FFFFFF bordercolor#000000> /td> td bgcolor#FFFFFF width868 valigntop colspan4> /td> td width11 bgcolor#FFFFFF> /td> /tr> tr> td width21 bgcolor#FFFFFF bordercolor#000000 rowspan2> /td> td bgcolor#FFFFFF width596 valigntop>b> font faceArial color#000000>A-Tec Computer/font>/b>font faceArial size2 color#000000> is your lower-cost alternative to larger computer stores service centers. I provide quick service and genuine personal attention to your computing needs. My specialties are in residential issues but I also respond to commercial requests./font>p alignleft>font faceArial size2 color#000000> Areas of service include b>Nicholasville, Lexington, Versailles, Richmond, Georgetown, Danville, Lancaster and nearby Kentucky communities/b>.br> /font>/p> p aligncenter>font faceArial size2 color#000000> img border0 src width270 height16>br> /font> /p> div aligncenter> center> table border3 cellpadding6 cellspacing0 styleborder-collapse: collapse width548 height71 bordercolorlight#000000 bordercolordark#000000> tr> td width544 height59 bordercolorlight#000000 bordercolordark#000000> font faceArial color#000000>b>Windows 10 and 11: /b>/font>font size2 faceArial color#000000>Setup, Training and Solutions.../font>p>font size2 faceArial color#000000> I have had extensive experience with setting up new computers with Windows 10 & 11 and customizing the new system to the new owner. If you are coming from another computer with Windows, the setup may lead you in directions with end results that are different than what you had. I can make the transition seamless. You will probably want your bookmarks, passwords and personal data transferred and get your existing printer installed. I can ease that transition./font>/p> p>font size2 faceArial color#000000> Allowing me to set it up, I can configure the best Windows settings so your computer runs lean with minimal notifications and distractions and also give you some training that will give you a fantastic new-computer experience rather than a frustrating guessing game filled with pop-ups and notices to which you wont know if you are being scammed or if you are supposed to react./font>/p> p>font size2 faceArial color#000000>If you want your new Windows operating system to really perform, consider letting me do the initial setup right. And it doesnt have to be new - I can do the same with existing Windows systems that are already set up./font>/p> p>font size2 faceArial color#000000> b> a href> font color#0000FF>Check out my Windows setup page/font>/a>/b>./font>/p> /td> /tr> /table> /center> /div> br> div aligncenter> center> table border3 cellpadding6 cellspacing0 styleborder-collapse: collapse width548 height71 bordercolorlight#000000 bordercolordark#000000> tr> td width544 height59 bordercolorlight#000000 bordercolordark#000000> font faceArial color#000000>b> Fake warnings on the Internetbr> Trick emails wanting a response from you/b>/font>p>font faceArial color#000000>b> font size5>IMPORTANT!!!/font>br> Dont be fooled, dont call the number, dont reply, dont let them in!/b>/font>/p> p>font size2 faceArial color#000000>There are popup warnings originating from the Internet pretending to come from your computer. They are everywhere and these are tricks! If you see a number, b>DO NOT CALL IT/b>. Do not ever let anyone you dont know take remote control of your computer. This is the beginning of a scam./font>/p> p>font size2 faceArial color#000000>Viruses and malware are on the decline but Internet trickery is on the rise. u>b>If you see a full-screen pop-up showing you a phone number to call, IT IS A TRICK./b>/u> Just close the browser window using Ctrl-Alt-Delete then to Task Manager to close the browser process(es). This will shut down the full-page popup disguised as a warning./font>/p> p>font faceArial size2 color#000000>If you get an email regarding something for which you owe money, a product you dont remember ordering, a service you did not buy, an email from PayPal, or EVEN YOUR BANK, scrutinize it carefully and assume it is a trick. If in doubt, call your bank using the number you have called before or the number on the back of your credit card. NEVER call the number that is in the email./font>/p> p>font faceArial size2 color#000000>They want you to allow them access to your computer to get your money. More ruthless scammers will put a hidden remote desktop application on your computer, change your password to lock you out until you pay ransom. They cannot do this unless you open the door for them./font>/p> p>b>a href> font faceArial size2 color#0000FF>More about this here./font>/a>/b>/td> /tr> /table> /center> /div> br> p> b>font faceArial color#000000>Comprehensive Computer Servicesbr> /font>/b>font faceArial size2 color#000000>A-Tec offers reasonably-priced solutions to a multitude of computing and technology issues. I have a creative can-do attitude but at the same time, I can also see the last domino fall and will recognize early on when a repair may involve more money than the issue is worth./font>/p> p>font faceArial size2 color#000000>My diagnosis is free and I realize that this policy does not always generate immediate business, but my strong business ethic is to honestly advise potential customers based on what I would do if it were my issue. Sometimes its better to cut your losses and NOT repair a computer. I will give you some possible repair options and then advise you on what I would> /font>/p> p>font faceArial color#000000>b>Virus / malware removal is a specialtybr> /b>/font>font faceArial size2 color#000000>E/font>font size2 faceArial color#000000>xpert malware / virus removal. PLEASE do not call phone numbers you may encounter that are presented as part of a warning. These warnings are always fakes. The person on the other end of the line will want to snare you into a subscription service or worse. If in doubt, call me instead - I will make sure your system is clean, updated, and tell you how to recognize the difference between scams and legitimate notices./font>/p> p>font faceArial size2 color#000000>Actual malware? Before attempting to repair what seems to be a malware infection on your own, font color#000000> a href> font color#000000>please read this warning note/font>/a>/font>. I use my own systematic technique which succeeds without data loss, file damage or system changes where others may tell you a reformat/reinstall is necessary. I can usually completely reverse even the worst infection during a house-call which is the same rate as a pickup & return./font>/p> p>font faceArial size2> font color#000000>Click /font> a href> font color#000000>here/font>/a>font color#000000> for my rates and also read about my /font> a href> font color#000000>malware removal/font>/a>font color#000000>> /font>/font>/p> p> font color#000000> img border0 src width536 height59>/font>/p> /td> td width10 bgcolor#FFFFFF styleborder-right: 2px solid #282C33> /td> td width7 bgcolor#FFFFFF valigntop> p aligncenter> /p> p aligncenter> /p> p aligncenter> /td> td width255 bgcolor#FFFFFF valigntop stylecolor: #000000> p aligncenter> img border0 src width174 height93>br> b>font faceArial color#000000 size2>Professionally Certified,br> Insured, and Licensed/font>/b>/p> p aligncenter> br> img border0 src width229 height80>br> img border0 src width229 height80>/p> p aligncenter> b>font faceArial size2>br> Drop-off, on-site, and remote servicebr> /font>/b>/p> ul> li> font faceArial color#000000 size2>Malware / Virus Removal/font>/li> li> font faceArial size2>Wireless Issues/font>/li> li> font faceArial size2 color#000000>Hardware / Software Glitches/font>/li> li> font faceArial size2 color#000000>Laptop Screen Replacement/font>/li> li> font faceArial size2 color#000000>System Upgrades/font>/li> li> font faceArial size2 color#000000>Network Setup / Troubleshooting/font>/li> li> font faceArial size2 color#000000>Windows Reinstallations/font>/li> li> font faceArial size2 color#000000>New System Set-up/font>/li> li> font faceArial size2 color#000000> Instruction / Tutoring/font>/li> /ul> p aligncenter> br> img border0 src width201 height31>p aligncenter> br> a target_blank href> img border0 src width92 height22>/a>p aligncenter> img border0 src width229 height229>/td> td width11 bgcolor#FFFFFF> /td> /tr> tr> td bgcolor#FFFFFF width868 valigntop colspan4 aligncenter rowspan2> /td> td width11 bgcolor#FFFFFF rowspan2> /td> /tr> tr> td width21 bgcolor#FFFFFF bordercolor#000000> /td> /tr> tr> td height108 bgcolor#000000 background colspan6 width900> p aligncenter> img border0 src width136 height56 styleborder: 1px solid #FFFFFF>/td> /tr> /table> /center>/div>p aligncenter>font faceArial size1>a styletext-decoration: none href>©/a>a href styletext-decoration: none>Copyright 2025 A-Tec Computer/a>/font>/p>p aligncenter> /p>p aligncenter> /p>p aligncenter> /p>p alignleft> /p>p alignleft>font size2> a href styletext-decoration: none>./a>/font>/p>/body>/html>
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