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An wholesale company catering global inventories of travel products to its customers & associated travel companies across the globe. We are a global business of leading experts, setting industry leading standards in everything we do. Our multi skilled team of professionals offers the highest quality of service & expertise./p> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-2 col-md-2 >/div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-6> div classpara> div classicon-div> i classfa fa-users icon-1 stylefont-size: 24px;> /i> /div> div classcontent> span stylecolor: #EA7D1E; font-size: 18px;>strong>14 /strong>/span> br /> p>Years of overall staffs experience into the industry/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-6> div classpara> div classicon-div> img srcimages/hotel.png classicon-2 /> /div> div classcontent> span stylecolor: #EA7D1E; font-size: 18px;>strong>2 lakhs sup>+/sup> /strong>/span> br /> p>Hotels available live on our systems/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-6> div classpara> div classicon-div> img srcimages/airplane.png classicon-2 /> /div> div classcontent> span stylecolor: #EA7D1E; font-size: 18px;>strong>180/strong>/span> br /> p>Travel partners around the world/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-6> div classpara> div classicon-div> img srcimages/traveler.png classicon-2 /> /div> div classcontent> span stylecolor: #EA7D1E; font-size: 18px;>strong>147/strong>/span> br /> p>Countries worldwide where hotels / tours can be booked/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> br /> div classrow> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-6> div classpara> div classicon-div> !-- canvas classloader width55 height55> /canvas> script typetext/javascript> $(document).ready(function() { var loader $(.loader).ClassyLoader({ percentage: 100, speed: 10, fontSize: 10px, diameter: 15, lineColor: rgba(155,155,155,1), remainingLineColor: red, lineWidth: 4 }); }); /script> ----> div classc100 p100 small orange> span>100%/span> div classslice> div classbar>/div> div classfill>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classcontent> span stylecolor: #EA7D1E; font-size: 18px;>strong>100% /strong>/span> br /> p>Growth since the year 2015/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-6> div classpara> div classicon-div> img srcimages/lang.png classicon-2 /> /div> div classcontent> span stylecolor: #EA7D1E; font-size: 18px;>strong>6/strong>/span> br /> p>Languages spoken by our team in India/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-6> div classpara> div classicon-div> img srcimages/smile.png classicon-2 /> /div> div classcontent> span stylecolor: #EA7D1E; font-size: 18px;>strong>1/strong>/span> br /> p>MICE operation team based in Chennai/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-6> div classpara> div classicon-div> img srcimages/flag.png classicon-2 /> /div> div classcontent> span stylecolor: #EA7D1E; font-size: 18px;>strong>5/strong>/span> br /> p>Countries currently working with ASHVA TOURS on inbound India Tours/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> br /> /div> /section> section idsection3> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12 col-md-12 col-xs-12> div classtitlesection green> h2 classtitlewithborder-why>span>Business to Business /span>/h2>br /> p classtext3-about>Ashva Tours India Pvt Ltd , is a dynamic Business to Business agency and the best partner you can have right now . The company is experiencing extraordinary levels of growth and emerging as a leader in providing Global Travel Services to the Indian travel trade. The prodigious demands for travel and tours within an expanding economy continues to grow; Ashva Tours is the natural solution for providing travel operators within India and abroad with access to an enormous inventory of best-priced hotel availability and product choice. We believe that the nature of our client base defines us, and with an ever increasing list of clients based all over India and our suppliers / partners abroad, the reputation of Ashva Tours speaks itself./p> p classtext3-about>In spite of industry consolidation, we would like to point out that our client base now contains many small and midsized travel operators of the Indian travel industry; we shall never forget our company’s roots. We are geared up for the year 2016 to make it one of the most successful years for us and also to service our clients to the best of their needs. We will continue giving the outstanding levels of service to all clients on which our reputation is based and which secures our future as the industry leader./p> p classtext3-about>We strongly hope you do take advantage by partnering with us and grow together./p> h4 classtitlewithborder-why1 styletext-align:left;>span>What ASHVA TOURS does for you: /span>/h4>br /> div classrow> div classcol-lg-6 col-sm-4 col-xs-6> h4 classhead-about>Increases Revenue/h4> p classpara-about>Utilize your employees’ time on selling rather than non revenue generated tasks./p> /div> div classcol-lg-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6> h4 classhead-about>Tracks Suppliers and Clients/h4> p classpara-about>Track Payments, Tours, contact history and generate forms and reports with a click of a button./p> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-lg-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6> h4 classhead-about>Saves you Time/h4> p classpara-about>No more wasting time searching through unorganized files, sorting with ASHVA Tours is a breeze. Create and edit tours in minutes./p> /div> div classcol-lg-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6> h4 classhead-about>Provides Mobility/h4> p classpara-about>State of the art web technology allows you to access ASHVA Tours anywhere at anytime around the world./p> /div> /div> div classrow> h4 classtitlewithborder-why1 styletext-align:left;>span>OUR PRIORITY "OPINION OF OUR CUSTOMERS"/span>/h4>br /> p classtext-left text3-about>Once a year, thousands of customers about service in the various regions of ASHVA TOURS interviewed. We use these results in the development of the future Group at particular regions. At the same time they help us in seeking new customers. The result of the survey in 2015 confirmed our service claim./p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-2 col-md-2 >/div> /div> /div> /section> section idsection5 stylebackground-image:url(images/img-map.jpg);background-position: center;> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-3 >/div> div classcol-lg-6 col-md-6 col-xs-12 stylepadding-top: 0px;> div> img srcimages/loc.jpg stylefloat:left;padding-left:30px; padding-right: 25px; position: relative; bottom: 10px;> h2>span stylefont-weight: 700; color: #333435;>strong>WHERE DO YOU WANT TO TRAVEL?/strong>/span>/h2>br /> br /> br /> br /> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-3 >/div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12 col-md-12 > ul classnav nav-pills > li classfillter2 active>a data-togglepill href#home>ALL/a>/li> li classfillter1>a data-togglepill href#menu2>International/a>/li> li classfillter>a data-togglepill href#menu1>Domestic/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-4 >/div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-4 col-xs-12 stylepadding-top: 0px; aligncenter> div> button classbooking idmyBtn>Our Booking Process & Policies/button> div idmyModal classmodal> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header> span classclose>×/span> h2>Our Package Booking Process & Policies/h2> /div> div classmodal-body> p>We follow the following process:/p> ul> li>i classfa fa-check aria-hiddentrue stylecolor: green;font-size: 18px;>/i> You come across our online packages and browse our website/li> li>i classfa fa-check aria-hiddentrue stylecolor: green;font-size: 18px;>/i> You fill-up a "Request Quote" form questionnaire or directly call us/li> li>i classfa fa-check aria-hiddentrue stylecolor: green;font-size: 18px;>/i> We analyze your exact requirements and have an initial talk/ email communication with you /li> li>i classfa fa-check aria-hiddentrue stylecolor: green;font-size: 18px;>/i> We make draft itinerary of your tour package as per your requirements/li> li>i classfa fa-check aria-hiddentrue stylecolor: green;font-size: 18px;>/i> There are multiple conversations / email interactions till you are happy with the itinerary, price and other parameters/li> li>i classfa fa-check aria-hiddentrue stylecolor: green;font-size: 18px;>/i> Then we finalize the deal. You pay the amount as per terms and conditions/li> li>i classfa fa-check aria-hiddentrue stylecolor: green;font-size: 18px;>/i> Approximately two/three weeks prior to your tour you get an e-kit from us, which has useful additional information about your destination./li> li>i classfa fa-check aria-hiddentrue stylecolor: green;font-size: 18px;>/i> You arrive at your tour destination and have an actual tour/li> li>i classfa fa-check aria-hiddentrue stylecolor: green;font-size: 18px;>/i> Post tour we receive your valuable feedback/li> /ul> h3>Our Policies/h3> span>E-MAIL POLICY/span> p> Our principal mode of communication is via e-mail. All e-mails will be answered on the same day or within a few working hours. We operate 24x7 to serve clients across all geographies and our endeavor is to answer the mails as soon as possible. Our emails are short and crisp and have attachments only if required. /p> span>CONTACT DETAILS POLICY/span> p>We completely appreciate the privacy of the clients and the trust that clients entrust upon us. So as a matter of our contact management policy, under no circumstances will the contact details be divulged to anyone / firm from outside./p> span>ANTI SPAM POLICY/span> p>Emails would be sent as a form of communication for a particular tour only. No unnecessary emails will be sent to you in the form of newsletters. We though shall keep you updated on the promotions/offers/ seasons destinations. If you have concerns regarding receiving such promotional emails then we will discontinue sending the same to you./p> span>INVENTORY SOURCING POLICY/span> p>We have selected the hotels that have a certain charm and value for a certain segment of guests. We have selected the hotels on the basis of reviews from our partners and have personally visited most of them. We follow a highly sophisticated model to select the hotels (The parameters that are taken into consideration for selecting a hotel are service, cost, cleanliness, location, food, online rating and additional value-adds.) We exclude all hotel options that have suspect management practices, absurdly high tariffs, inappropriate location and not have a very conducive hotel atmosphere/p> span>SIGHTSEEING GUIDES AND TRANSPORT SERVICE PROVIDERS/span> p>The guides and tour managers have been handpicked by us and all of them are government approved and licensed. These guides have expert knowledge about local culture and history. The transport options have been selected and are best in the industry. Each of the vehicles meets the transport safety standards, and is in top class. The chauffeurs speak decent English and are government licensed as well./p> span>TAXES/span> p>We do not levy any additional taxes for any transactions. Although as per government of India policies following taxes apply:/p> ul> li>i classfa fa-check aria-hiddentrue stylecolor: green;font-size: 18px;>/i> 1.45% on Hotel reservations/li> li>i classfa fa-check aria-hiddentrue stylecolor: green;font-size: 18px;>/i> 5.60% on transport reservations/li> li>i classfa fa-check aria-hiddentrue stylecolor: green;font-size: 18px;>/i> 4.35% on package reservations involving both hotels and transport/li> /ul> p>( The taxes change every year and the changes are generally announced in the month of February in the Union Budget by the Finance Ministry, Government of India)/p> span>PAYMENTS/span> p>The principal mode of payment is through wire transfer at our account. You can pay through cheque /demand draft only if your arrival date is within 30 days of your payment. The service charges for any of the transactions have to be borne by the customer./p> span>RESERVATION AND CANCELLATION POLICY/span> ul> li>i classfa fa-check aria-hiddentrue stylecolor: green;font-size: 18px;>/i> If your booking date is before 45 days of arrival date, then you have to pay 75 percent of the />(Some hotels are required to be paid 100 percent of the amount at the time of booking. In such cases, the above percentage can be changed). br />This would not be applicable on MICE bookings or block out/peak season dates. 100% payment would be required on peak season / block out dates./li> li>i classfa fa-check aria-hiddentrue stylecolor: green;font-size: 18px;>/i> If your booking date is within 30 days of arrival date you will have to pay 100 percent of the booking amount/li> /ul> span>CANCELLATIONS/span> ul> li>i classfa fa-check aria-hiddentrue stylecolor: green;font-size: 18px;>/i> If you cancel the bookings then you are liable to pay 60 percent of the total amount deposited to us. br />(This may vary in some cases as this percentage is dependent on the hotels / cancellation policy as well. (Some hotels do not refund any money back to its customers / travel agents if cancelled and some offer refunds in the range of 50 percent)/li> li>i classfa fa-check aria-hiddentrue stylecolor: green;font-size: 18px;>/i> The service tax will not be refunded to clients at any point of cancellation/li> /ul> span>DEFICIENCY OF SERVICE/span> p>We take your trip seriously and are responsible for the service. However in case any shortfall in services (as against what is promised or what can be reasonably expected for such a service) by any hotel or service provider is established, we would stand responsible for receiving appropriate refunds from our vendors and will refund you the same. (The prerogative of deciding the extent of refunds amount / percentage lies on our service management team)/p> span>DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY/span> p>We are not responsible for claims for injuries or losses a client might incur while traveling, as a result of accident while performing any of the adventure activities, transport or any activity while on travel. We are not responsible for any losses due to theft or any personal losses suffered by the client (The losses may be personal in nature or may involve money)./p> /div> !-- div classmodal-footer> h3>Modal Footer/h3> /div>--> /div> /div> script> var modal document.getElementById(myModal); var btn document.getElementById(myBtn); var span document.getElementsByClassName(close)0; btn.onclick function () { block; } span.onclick function () { none; } window.onclick function (event) { if ( modal) { none; } } /script> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-4 >/div> /div> br /> /div> /section> section idsection3 stylebackground-color:#EA7D1E;> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classtab-content> div idhome classtab-pane fade in active> div classcontainer-fluid> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12 col-md-12 col-xs-12> div classtitlesection green> h2 classtitlewithborder>span>Packages/span>/h2> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-12> div classarchivedestination> div classleftarchivedestination demo-3> figure> img alt srcimages/domest/Heritage.jpg classimg-responsive styleheight:230px;> figcaption> h2>DOMESTIC/h2> p styletext-align:center;>FOR MORE DETAILS VIEW DOWN/p> /figcaption> /figure> /div> div classrightarchivedestination> div classlistarchivedestination tabindex5000 style overflow:auto; outline: none; cursor: -webkit-grab; height: 255px;> ul> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefgujarath-package.html> p classh-package>Ahmedabad, Matru Gaya, Jamnagar, Dwaraka, Somnath, Diu. 4N 5D/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefheritage-footsteps-of-buddha.html> p>Heritage Footsteps of Buddha 9N 10D/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefheritage-north-india-temple.html> p>Heritage North India Temple Tour 9N 10D/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefbest-of-rajasthan.html> p>Best of Rajasthan 11N 12D /p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefdiscover-andaman-islands.html> p>Discover Andaman Islands 6N 7D/p> /a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-12> div classarchivedestination> div classleftarchivedestination demo-3> figure> img alt srcimages/domest/hills.jpg classimg-responsive alt width100% styleheight:230px;> figcaption> h2>DOMESTIC/h2> p styletext-align:center;>FOR MORE DETAILS VIEW DOWN/p> /figcaption> /figure> /div> div classrightarchivedestination> div classlistarchivedestination tabindex5000 style overflow:auto; outline: none; cursor: -webkit-grab; height: 255px;> ul> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefbest-of-himachal.html> p>Best of Himachal 9N 10D/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefbest-of-northeast.html> p>Best of Northeast 9N 10D/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefbhutan-mountain-journeys.html> p>Bhutan - Mountain Journeys 6N 7D/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefglimpse-of-uttarakhand.html> p>Glimpse of Uttarakhand 6N 7D/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefladakh-calling.html> p>Ladakh Calling 6N 7D/p> /a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-12> div classarchivedestination> div classleftarchivedestination demo-3> figure> img alt srcimages/domest/Beach.jpg classimg-responsive alt width100% styleheight:230px;> figcaption> h2>DOMESTIC/h2> p styletext-align:center;>FOR MORE DETAILS VIEW DOWN /p> /figcaption> /figure> /div> div classrightarchivedestination> !--div classtitlearchivedestination > h4>BEACHspan classbulletarchivedestination>/span>/h4> /div>--> div classlistarchivedestination tabindex5000 style overflow:auto; outline: none; cursor: -webkit-grab; height: 255px;> ul> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefexotic-kerala.html> p>Exotic Kerala 7N 8D/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefgolden-triangle.html> p>Golden Triangle - Delhi - Agra - Jaipur 5N 6D/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefsprings-of-kashmir.html> p>Springs of Kashmir 6N 7D/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefmansarover-overland-tour.html> p>Kailash Mansarover Overland Tour 12N 13D/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefkarnataka-the-blue-mountain.html> p>Karnataka - The Mountain Tour 6N 7D/p> /a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> br /> br /> div classrow> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-12> div classarchivedestination> div classleftarchivedestination demo-3> figure> img alt srcimages/international/group.jpg classimg-responsive alt width100% styleheight:230px;> figcaption-inter> h2>INTERNATIONAL/h2> p styletext-align:center;>FOR MORE DETAILS VIEW DOWN/p> /figcaption> /figure> /div> div classrightarchivedestination> !--div classtitlearchivedestination1 > h4>GROUP DEPARTURESspan classbulletarchivedestination>/span>/h4> /div> --> div classlistarchivedestination-inter tabindex5000 style overflow:auto; outline: none; cursor: -webkit-grab; height:255px;> ul> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-11d-10n-patagonia.html> p>Patagonia (10N /11D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-19d-18n-peru-lguazu-rio-buenos-aires-calafate.html> p>Peru Lguazu Rio Buenos Aires Calafate (18N 19D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-amazing-seoul-round-taiwan-excursion-10-days.html> p>Amazing Seoul Round Taiwan Excursion(9N 10D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-argentina.html> p>Argentina (16N 17D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-australian-flavour.html> p>Australian Flavour(8N 9D)/p> /a>/li> !-- li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-budapest-brno-krakow-prague-berlin.html>p>Budapest Brno Krakow Prague Berlin (8N 9D)/p>/a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-canadian-rockie-with-alaska-cruise.html>p>Canadian Rockie With Alaska Cruise (13N 14D)/p>/a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-china-beijing-xian-guilin-shanghai.html>p>China Beijing Xian Guilin Shanghai (9N 10D)/p>/a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-delightful-thailand.html>p>Delightful Thailand (7N 8D)/p>/a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-seychelles-heavenly-islands.html>p>Seychelles - Heavenly Islands(5N 6D)/p>/a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-srilankan-heritage-tour.html>p>Srilankan Heritage Tour(6N 7D)/p>/a>/li>--> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-12> div classarchivedestination> div classleftarchivedestination demo-3> figure> img alt srcimages/international/honneymoon.jpg classimg-responsive alt width100% styleheight:230px;> figcaption> h2>INTERNATIONAL/h2> p styletext-align:center;>FOR MORE DETAILS VIEW DOWN/p> /figcaption> /figure> /div> div classrightarchivedestination> !-- div classtitlearchivedestination1 > h4>HONEY MOONspan classbulletarchivedestination>/span>/h4> /div> --> div classlistarchivedestination-inter tabindex5000 style overflow:auto; outline: none; cursor: -webkit-grab; height:255px;> ul> !-- li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-exotic-maldives.html>p>Exotic Maldives (3N 4D)/p>/a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-mauritius-slice-of-paradise.html>p>Mauritius Slice Of Paradise(6N 7D)/p>/a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-fiji-splendour.html>p>Fiji Splendour (4N 5D)/p>/a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-tahiti-bora-bora.html>p>Tahiti Bora Bora (5N 6D)/p>/a>/li>--> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-exotic-maldives.html> p>Exotic Maldives (3N 4D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-mauritius-slice-of-paradise.html> p>Mauritius Slice Of Paradise(6N 7D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-fiji-splendour.html> p>Fiji Splendour (4N 5D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-tahiti-bora-bora.html> p>Tahiti Bora Bora (5N 6D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-srilankan-heritage-tour.html> p>Srilankan Heritage Tour(6N 7D)/p> /a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-12> div classarchivedestination> div classleftarchivedestination demo-3> figure> img srcimages/international/wilde2.jpg classimg-responsive alt width100% styleheight:230px;> figcaption-inter> h2>INTERNATIONAL/h2> p styletext-align:center;>FOR MORE DETAILS VIEW DOWN/p> /figcaption> /figure> /div> div classrightarchivedestination> !-- div classtitlearchivedestination1 > h4>WILD LIFE SAFARIspan classbulletarchivedestination>/span>/h4> /div> --> div classlistarchivedestination-inter tabindex5000 style overflow:auto; outline: none; cursor: -webkit-grab; height:255px;> ul> !-- li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-south-african-highlights.html >p>South African Highlights (6N 7D)/p>/a>/li>--> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-south-african-highlights.html> p>South African Highlights (6N 7D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-budapest-brno-krakow-prague-berlin.html> p>Budapest Brno Krakow Prague Berlin (8N 9D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-canadian-rockie-with-alaska-cruise.html> p>Canadian Rockie With Alaska Cruise (13N 14D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-china-beijing-xian-guilin-shanghai.html> p>China Beijing Xian Guilin Shanghai (9N 10D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-delightful-thailand.html> p>Delightful Thailand (7N 8D)/p> /a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> br /> br /> div classrow> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-12> div classarchivedestination> div classleftarchivedestination demo-3> figure> img srcimages/domest/Honeymoon.jpg classimg-responsive alt width100% styleheight:230px;> figcaption> h2>INTERNATIONAL/h2> p styletext-align:center;>FOR MORE DETAILS VIEW DOWN/p> /figcaption> /figure> /div> div classrightarchivedestination> !-- div classtitlearchivedestination > h4>HoneyMoonspan classbulletarchivedestination>/span>/h4> /div> --> div classlistarchivedestination-inter tabindex5000 style overflow:auto; outline: none; cursor: -webkit-grab; height: 255px;> ul> !-- li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefgolden-triangle.html>p>Golden Triangle - Delhi - Agra - Jaipur 5N 6D/p>/a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefsprings-of-kashmir.html>p>Springs of Kashmir 6N 7D/p>/a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefmansarover-overland-tour.html>p>Kailash Mansarover Overland Tour 12N 13D/p>/a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefkarnataka-the-blue-mountain.html >p>Karnataka - The Mountain Tour 6N 7D/p>/a>/li>--> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-discover-europe.html> p>Discover Europe (7N 8D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-explore-new-zealand.html> p>Explore New Zealand (12N 13D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-glimpse-of-turkey.html> p>Glimpse Of Turkey(7N 8D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-highlights-of-america.html> p>Highlights Of America (11N 12D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-japan.html> p> JAPAN (5N 6D)/p> /a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-12> div classarchivedestination> div classleftarchivedestination demo-3> figure> img srcimages/international/honneymoon1.jpg classimg-responsive alt width100% styleheight:230px;> figcaption-inter> h2>INTERNATIONAL/h2> p styletext-align:center;>FOR MORE DETAILS VIEW DOWN/p> /figcaption> /figure> /div> div classrightarchivedestination> !--div classtitlearchivedestination1 > h4>GROUP DEPARTURESspan classbulletarchivedestination>/span>/h4> /div> --> div classlistarchivedestination-inter tabindex5000 style overflow:auto; outline: none; cursor: -webkit-grab; height:255px;> ul> !-- li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-discover-europe.html>p>Discover Europe (7N 8D)/p>/a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-explore-new-zealand.html>p>Explore New Zealand (12N 13D)/p>/a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-glimpse-of-turkey.html>p>Glimpse Of Turkey(7N 8D)/p>/a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-highlights-of-america.html>p>Highlights Of America (11N 12D)/p>/a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-japan.html>p> JAPAN (5N 6D)/p>/a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-jewel-of-europe.html>p>Jewel of Europe (15N 16D)/p>/a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-malaysia-singapore-dhamaka.html>p>Malaysia Singapore Dhamaka (6N 7D)/p>/a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-moscow-st-petersburg.html>p>Moscow St. Petersburg (6N 7D)/p>/a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-prague-vienna-bratislava-budapest.html>p>Prague Vienna Bratislava Budapest (7N 8D)/p>/a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-prague-vienna-budapest.html>p>Prague, Vienna, Budapest (7N 8D)/p>/a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-turkish-delight.html>p>Turkish Delight(9N 10D)/p>/a>/li>--> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-seychelles-heavenly-islands.html> p>Seychelles - Heavenly Islands(5N 6D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-jewel-of-europe.html> p>Jewel of Europe (15N 16D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-malaysia-singapore-dhamaka.html> p>Malaysia Singapore Dhamaka (6N 7D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-prague-vienna-budapest.html> p>Prague, Vienna, Budapest (7N 8D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-prague-vienna-bratislava-budapest.html> p>Prague Vienna Bratislava Budapest (7N 8D)/p> /a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-12> div classarchivedestination> div classleftarchivedestination demo-3> figure> img alt srcimages/international/euro.jpg classimg-responsive alt width100% styleheight:230px;> figcaption-inter> h2>INTERNATIONAL/h2> p styletext-align:center;>FOR MORE DETAILS VIEW DOWN/p> /figcaption> /figure> /div> div classrightarchivedestination> !--div classtitlearchivedestination1 > h4>GROUP DEPARTURESspan classbulletarchivedestination>/span>/h4> /div> --> div classlistarchivedestination-inter tabindex5000 style overflow:auto; outline: none; cursor: -webkit-grab; height:255px;> ul> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-moscow-st-petersburg.html> p>Moscow St. Petersburg (6N 7D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-turkish-delight.html> p>Turkish Delight(9N 10D)/p> /a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> br /> br /> /div> div idmenu1 classtab-pane fade> div classcontainer-fluid> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12 col-md-12 col-xs-12> div classtitlesection green> h2 classtitlewithborder>span>Domestic/span>/h2> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-12> div classarchivedestination > div classleftarchivedestination demo-3> figure> img alt srcimages/domest/Heritage.jpg classimg-responsive styleheight:230px;> figcaption> h2>DOMESTIC/h2> p styletext-align:center;>FOR MORE DETAILS VIEW DOWN/p> /figcaption> /figure> /div> div classrightarchivedestination> !-- div classtitlearchivedestination > h4>Heritagespan classbulletarchivedestination>/span>/h4> /div> --> div classlistarchivedestination tabindex5000 style overflow:auto; outline: none; cursor: -webkit-grab; height: 255px;> ul> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefgujarath-package.html> p>Ahmedabad, Matru Gaya, Jamnagar, Dwaraka, Somnath, Diu. 4N 5D /p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefheritage-footsteps-of-buddha.html> p>Heritage Footsteps of Buddha 9N 10D/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefheritage-north-india-temple.html> p>Heritage North India Temple Tour 9N 10D/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefbest-of-rajasthan.html> p>Best of Rajasthan 11N 12D /p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefdiscover-andaman-islands.html> p>Discover Andaman Islands 6N 7D/p> /a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-12> div classarchivedestination > div classleftarchivedestination demo-3> figure> img alt srcimages/domest/hills.jpg classimg-responsive alt width100% styleheight:230px;> figcaption> h2>DOMESTIC/h2> p styletext-align:center;>FOR MORE DETAILS VIEW DOWN/p> /figcaption> /figure> /div> div classrightarchivedestination> !--div classtitlearchivedestination > h4>Hill Stationsspan classbulletarchivedestination>/span>/h4> /div>--> div classlistarchivedestination tabindex5000 style overflow:auto; outline: none; cursor: -webkit-grab; height: 255px;> ul> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefbest-of-himachal.html> p>Best of Himachal 9N 10D/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefbest-of-northeast.html> p>Best of Northeast 9N 10D/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefbhutan-mountain-journeys.html> p>Bhutan - Mountain Journeys 6N 7D/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefglimpse-of-uttarakhand.html> p>Glimpse of Uttarakhand 6N 7D/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefladakh-calling.html> p>Ladakh Calling 6N 7D/p> /a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-12> div classarchivedestination> div classleftarchivedestination demo-3> figure> img alt srcimages/domest/Beach.jpg classimg-responsive alt width100% styleheight:230px;> figcaption> h2>DOMESTIC/h2> p styletext-align:center;>FOR MORE DETAILS VIEW DOWN /p> /figcaption> /figure> /div> div classrightarchivedestination> !--div classtitlearchivedestination > h4>BEACHspan classbulletarchivedestination>/span>/h4> /div>--> div classlistarchivedestination tabindex5000 style overflow:auto; outline: none; cursor: -webkit-grab; height: 255px;> ul> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefexotic-kerala.html> p>Exotic Kerala 7N 8D/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefgolden-triangle.html> p>Golden Triangle - Delhi - Agra - Jaipur 5N 6D/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefsprings-of-kashmir.html> p>Springs of Kashmir 6N 7D/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefmansarover-overland-tour.html> p>Kailash Mansarover Overland Tour 12N 13D/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefkarnataka-the-blue-mountain.html> p>Karnataka - The Mountain Tour 6N 7D/p> /a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> br /> br /> !-- div classrow> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-12> div classarchivedestination > div classleftarchivedestination demo-3> figure> img alt srcimages/domest/Honeymoon.jpg classimg-responsive alt width100% styleheight:230px;> figcaption> h2>HoneyMoon/h2> p styletext-align:center;>FOR MORE DETAILS VIEW DOWN/p> /figcaption> /figure> /div> div classrightarchivedestination> div classtitlearchivedestination > h4>HoneyMoonspan classbulletarchivedestination>/span>/h4> /div> div classlistarchivedestination tabindex5000 style overflow:auto; outline: none; cursor: -webkit-grab; height: 255px;> ul> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> br /> br />--> /div> div idmenu2 classtab-pane fade> div classcontainer-fluid> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12 col-md-12 col-xs-12> div classtitlesection green> h2 classtitlewithborder>span>International/span>/h2> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-12> div classarchivedestination > div classleftarchivedestination demo-3> figure> img alt srcimages/international/group.jpg classimg-responsive alt width100% styleheight:230px;> figcaption-inter> h2>INTERNATIONAL/h2> p styletext-align:center;>FOR MORE DETAILS VIEW DOWN/p> /figcaption> /figure> /div> div classrightarchivedestination> !--div classtitlearchivedestination1 > h4>GROUP DEPARTURESspan classbulletarchivedestination>/span>/h4> /div> --> div classlistarchivedestination-inter tabindex5000 style overflow:auto; outline: none; cursor: -webkit-grab; height:255px;> ul> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-11d-10n-patagonia.html> p>Patagonia (10N /11D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-19d-18n-peru-lguazu-rio-buenos-aires-calafate.html> p>Peru Lguazu Rio Buenos Aires Calafate (18N 19D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-amazing-seoul-round-taiwan-excursion-10-days.html> p>Amazing Seoul Round Taiwan Excursion(9N 10D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-argentina.html> p>Argentina (16N 17D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-australian-flavour.html> p>Australian Flavour(8N 9D)/p> /a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-12> div classarchivedestination > div classleftarchivedestination demo-3> figure> img alt srcimages/international/honneymoon.jpg classimg-responsive alt width100% styleheight:230px;> figcaption> h2>INTERNATIONAL/h2> p styletext-align:center;>FOR MORE DETAILS VIEW DOWN/p> /figcaption> /figure> /div> div classrightarchivedestination> !-- div classtitlearchivedestination1 > h4>HONEY MOONspan classbulletarchivedestination>/span>/h4> /div> --> div classlistarchivedestination-inter tabindex5000 style overflow:auto; outline: none; cursor: -webkit-grab; height:255px;> ul> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-exotic-maldives.html> p>Exotic Maldives (3N 4D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-mauritius-slice-of-paradise.html> p>Mauritius Slice Of Paradise(6N 7D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-fiji-splendour.html> p>Fiji Splendour (4N 5D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-tahiti-bora-bora.html> p>Tahiti Bora Bora (5N 6D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-srilankan-heritage-tour.html> p>Srilankan Heritage Tour(6N 7D)/p> /a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-12> div classarchivedestination > div classleftarchivedestination demo-3> figure> img alt srcimages/international/wilde2.jpg classimg-responsive alt width100% styleheight:230px;> figcaption-inter> h2>INTERNATIONAL/h2> p styletext-align:center;>FOR MORE DETAILS VIEW DOWN/p> /figcaption> /figure> /div> div classrightarchivedestination> !-- div classtitlearchivedestination1 > h4>WILD LIFE SAFARIspan classbulletarchivedestination>/span>/h4> /div> --> div classlistarchivedestination-inter tabindex5000 style overflow:auto; outline: none; cursor: -webkit-grab; height:255px;> ul> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-south-african-highlights.html> p>South African Highlights (6N 7D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-budapest-brno-krakow-prague-berlin.html> p>Budapest Brno Krakow Prague Berlin (8N 9D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-canadian-rockie-with-alaska-cruise.html> p>Canadian Rockie With Alaska Cruise (13N 14D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-china-beijing-xian-guilin-shanghai.html> p>China Beijing Xian Guilin Shanghai (9N 10D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-delightful-thailand.html> p>Delightful Thailand (7N 8D)/p> /a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> br /> br /> div classrow> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-12> div classarchivedestination > div classleftarchivedestination demo-3> figure> img srcimages/domest/Honeymoon.jpg classimg-responsive alt width100% styleheight:230px;> figcaption-inter> h2>INTERNATIONAL/h2> p styletext-align:center;>FOR MORE DETAILS VIEW DOWN/p> /figcaption> /figure> /div> div classrightarchivedestination> !--div classtitlearchivedestination1 > h4>GROUP DEPARTURESspan classbulletarchivedestination>/span>/h4> /div> --> div classlistarchivedestination-inter tabindex5000 style overflow:auto; outline: none; cursor: -webkit-grab; height:255px;> ul> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-discover-europe.html> p>Discover Europe (7N 8D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-explore-new-zealand.html> p>Explore New Zealand (12N 13D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-glimpse-of-turkey.html> p>Glimpse Of Turkey(7N 8D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-highlights-of-america.html> p>Highlights Of America (11N 12D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-japan.html> p> JAPAN (5N 6D)/p> /a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-12> div classarchivedestination > div classleftarchivedestination demo-3> figure> img alt srcimages/international/honneymoon1.jpg classimg-responsive alt width100% styleheight:230px;> figcaption-inter> h2>INTERNATIONAL/h2> p styletext-align:center;>FOR MORE DETAILS VIEW DOWN/p> /figcaption> /figure> /div> div classrightarchivedestination> !--div classtitlearchivedestination1 > h4>GROUP DEPARTURESspan classbulletarchivedestination>/span>/h4> /div> --> div classlistarchivedestination-inter tabindex5000 style overflow:auto; outline: none; cursor: -webkit-grab; height:255px;> ul> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-seychelles-heavenly-islands.html> p>Seychelles - Heavenly Islands(5N 6D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-jewel-of-europe.html> p>Jewel of Europe (15N 16D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-malaysia-singapore-dhamaka.html> p>Malaysia Singapore Dhamaka (6N 7D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-prague-vienna-budapest.html> p>Prague, Vienna, Budapest (7N 8D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-prague-vienna-bratislava-budapest.html> p>Prague Vienna Bratislava Budapest (7N 8D)/p> /a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-12> div classarchivedestination > div classleftarchivedestination demo-3> figure> img alt srcimages/international/euro.jpg classimg-responsive alt width100% styleheight:230px;> figcaption-inter> h2>INTERNATIONAL/h2> p styletext-align:center;>FOR MORE DETAILS VIEW DOWN/p> /figcaption> /figure> /div> div classrightarchivedestination> !--div classtitlearchivedestination1 > h4>GROUP DEPARTURESspan classbulletarchivedestination>/span>/h4> /div> --> div classlistarchivedestination-inter tabindex5000 style overflow:auto; outline: none; cursor: -webkit-grab; height:255px;> ul> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-moscow-st-petersburg.html> p>Moscow St. Petersburg (6N 7D)/p> /a>/li> li>a classhvr-shutter-in-horizontal hrefinternational-turkish-delight.html> p>Turkish Delight(9N 10D)/p> /a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> br /> br /> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section idsection4 stylebackground-color: rgba(12, 14, 14, 0.87); > div classcarousel-reviews broun-block> div classcontainer> h2 classtitlewithborder-why aligncenter stylefont-size: 35px;>span>img srcimages/customer-testimonial.png altcustomer /> /span>Testimonial/h2>br /> div classrow> div idcarousel-reviews classcarousel slide data-ridecarousel> div classcarousel-inner> div classitem active> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6> div classblock-text rel zmin> div classtittle1>S.Prabhukannan i>img srcimages/user-shape.png altuser />/i>/div> div classmark>Chartered Accountant (PSK & Co)/div> p>We wish to send your team a sincere thank you for all of your assistance during our honeymoon trip to Mauritius. It was excellent and we appreciate it greatly. Your professionalism and efficiency is high profile without any doubt. You will come highly recommended to others and deservingly so./p> ins classab zmin sprite sprite-i-triangle block>/ins> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 hidden-xs> div classblock-text rel zmin> div classtittle1>Mayur Madhavi i>img srcimages/user-shape.png altuser />/i>/div> div classmark> Chartered Accountant (Ernst Young)/div> p>We wish to send your team a sincere thank you for all of your assistance during our honeymoon trip to Mauritius. It was excellent and we appreciate it greatly. Your professionalism and efficiency is high profile without any doubt. You will come highly recommended to others and deservingly so./p> ins classab zmin sprite sprite-i-triangle block>/ins> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 hidden-sm hidden-xs> div classblock-text rel zmin> div classtittle1>P.Arunkumar i>img srcimages/user-shape.png altuser />/i>/div> div classmark>UNICEF Danmark/div> p>Ganesh was an excellent co-ordinator for us and he planned our itinerary for Denmark so quick and included all our suggestions. He considered our budget, time constraints and all other requirements. We would definitely work with him for our next trip./p> ins classab zmin sprite sprite-i-triangle block>/ins> /div> /div> /div> div classitem> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6> div classblock-text rel zmin> div classtittle1>S.Nagarajan i>img srcimages/user-shape.png altuser />/i>/div> div classmark>Hi Ajith,/div> p> I want to thank you again for all your services with the Europe Trip. We had real awesome time, and probably we couldn’t have got any better without you. The service, food, staffs, drivers, etc, all were excellent. We look forward to meet you for our next travel plan./p> ins classab zmin sprite sprite-i-triangle block>/ins> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 hidden-xs> div classblock-text rel zmin> div classtittle1>R.C i>img srcimages/user-shape.png altuser />/i> /div> div classmark> /div> p>Many thanks for suggesting our honeymoon trip to Bora Bora Island. It was really awesome and we had wonderful trip. We never imagined that over water villa booked by you would be such awesome. We enjoyed the morning sunrise especially swimming at the ocean right from our room. It was really memorable and life time experience. /p> ins classab zmin sprite sprite-i-triangle block>/ins> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 hidden-sm hidden-xs> div classblock-text rel zmin> div classtittle1>R.Ramasubbhu i>img srcimages/user-shape.png altuser />/i>/div> div classmark>My rating:/div> p>Thanks for team Ashva Tours; we had a wonderful family trip to London and all services exceeded our expectations. We really appreciate your efforts to make this happen within short span. We will definitely contact you for our next trip also./p> ins classab zmin sprite sprite-i-triangle block>/ins> /div> /div> /div> div classitem> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6> div classblock-text rel zmin> div classtittle1>SV.Kabali i>img srcimages/user-shape.png altuser />/i>/div> div classmark>My rating: /div> p>Ashva Tours India Private limited manages business tours as well as family tours. I give a hearty recommendation to Ashva Tours for any kind of tour or travel requirements; they are best people for the best reason. /p> ins classab zmin sprite sprite-i-triangle block>/ins> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 hidden-xs> div classblock-text rel zmin> div classtittle1>S.Prabhukannan, i>img srcimages/user-shape.png altuser />/i>/div> div classmark>Chartered Accountant & Director/div> p>Once again you have proved your level of services remarkably. This was my conference trip to the United States and I absolutely appreciate your level of co-ordination right from obtaining my visa till I reached back India after conference. Hotels were great part and it was located just few steps away from conference venue. This really saved lot of time, energy and money as well. Thanks for choosing this hotel./p> ins classab zmin sprite sprite-i-triangle block>/ins> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 hidden-sm hidden-xs> div classblock-text rel zmin> div classtittle1>Venkatadhri i>img srcimages/user-shape.png altuser />/i>/div> div classmark>Senior Manager (Global Logistics)/div> p>Hello Ganesh, thank you so much for all you services. Team Ashva Tours has done a great job and we wish all of them the best for their responsible success. You have a wealth of experience and no detail is ever too big or small for you to handle. Your team has true professionals and I will continue to use them for both business and leisure travel. /p> ins classab zmin sprite sprite-i-triangle block>/ins> /div> /div> /div> div classitem> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6> div classblock-text rel zmin> div classtittle1>Annamalai Karthik i>img srcimages/user-shape.png altuser />/i>/div> div classmark>United States of America/div> p>Thanks for the arrangements for an unforgettable vacation. As usual, your arrangements services were exceptional and everything went perfect./p> ins classab zmin sprite sprite-i-triangle block>/ins> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 hidden-xs> div classblock-text rel zmin> div classtittle1>Muthu Saravanan i>img srcimages/user-shape.png altuser />/i>/div> div classmark> /div> p>The services provided by Ganesh and his staffs have always been first class in both the timing of their response and the offering of their expertise in ways to improve our vacation experience. My best wishes to you and team. /p> ins classab zmin sprite sprite-i-triangle block>/ins> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 hidden-sm hidden-xs> div classblock-text rel zmin> div classtittle1 stylefont-size:20px;>Mohankumar & Priyadarshini i>img srcimages/user-shape.png altuser />/i>/div> div classmark> /div> p>They are well aware of our personal preferences and go the extra mile to make our personal trips special. Especially the surprise given for us at Grand Canal Venice was life time experience. Thanks for the special surprise arrangements./p> ins classab zmin sprite sprite-i-triangle block>/ins> /div> /div> /div> div classitem> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6> div classblock-text rel zmin> div classtittle1>C.Ramesh Kumar i>img srcimages/user-shape.png altuser />/i>/div> div classmark>CEO (Networks)/div> p>Ashva Tours has planned several vacations for our family over the years. We are so impressed by their attention to detail and knowledge of the business. They keep high standards that do not disappoint. We will recommend Mr.Ganesh and his team for friendly and qualified tours./p> ins classab zmin sprite sprite-i-triangle block>/ins> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 hidden-xs> div classblock-text rel zmin> div classtittle1>S. Vamsi Krishna i>img srcimages/user-shape.png altuser />/i>/div> div classmark>Senior Manager, TCS/div> p>Our last trip to Australia and New Zealand was one of the best vacation experiences we have ever had. Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast and Christchurch were all fun to visit. We loved Milford Sound Cruising and we thank you for recommending since it was not on our plan which we prepared initially./p> ins classab zmin sprite sprite-i-triangle block>/ins> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 hidden-sm hidden-xs> div classblock-text rel zmin> div classtittle1>M. Rajesh Kumar i>img srcimages/user-shape.png altuser />/i>/div> div classmark> /div> p>Our trip to Egypt was the best value in travelling weve ever had, and I would heartily recommend that trip and, based on it, Ashva Tours for exceptional travel organization and service. Looking forward to traveling with you again./p> ins classab zmin sprite sprite-i-triangle block>/ins> /div> /div> /div> div classitem> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6> div classblock-text rel zmin> div classtittle1>Shaikh Eliyaz i>img srcimages/user-shape.png altuser />/i>/div> div classmark> /div> p>Our trip was a terrific and a valuable way to see the beauty and historical places of Russia. There was a very good balance of leisure time with the travelling time taken, and the accommodations were excellent. /p> ins classab zmin sprite sprite-i-triangle block>/ins> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 hidden-xs> div classblock-text rel zmin> div classtittle1>Ravikumar i>img srcimages/user-shape.png altuser />/i>/div> div classmark> /div> p>The trip to Bahamas was an excellent and wonderful trip. Both the trip and the services arranged by Ashva Tours will make you want to travel with them again. Great trip with professional service./p> ins classab zmin sprite sprite-i-triangle block>/ins> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 hidden-sm hidden-xs> div classblock-text rel zmin> div classtittle1>Kim (Ms) i>img srcimages/user-shape.png altuser />/i>/div> div classmark>Tokyo/div> p>Thanks Ganesh for making trip arrangements to our family for Delhi, Agra(Taj Mahal), Jaipur, Varanasi, Khajuraho, Delhi. We all enjoyed the trip and thanks for making less spicy food arrangements at hotels we stayed. Will recommend and come back again./p> ins classab zmin sprite sprite-i-triangle block>/ins> /div> /div> /div> div classitem> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6> div classblock-text rel zmin> div classtittle1>Hisashi i>img srcimages/user-shape.png altuser />/i>/div> div classmark>Japan /div> p>Our trip to Taj Mahal was really good. We enjoyed and thank you so much./p> ins classab zmin sprite sprite-i-triangle block>/ins> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 hidden-xs> div classblock-text rel zmin> div classtittle1>Rajkumar i>img srcimages/user-shape.png altuser />/i>/div> div classmark>TCS/div> p>We are a family of 3 and went on our maiden APAC tour to Thailand this summer.. Since we were quite new we bombarded Ganesh from Ashva Travels with a pheltora of questions. Ganesh was a very friendly and patiently responded to all our queries. In fact due to our hectic schedule we approached ganesh in the last moment. However he had arranged all the nuances of travel meticulously. /p> ins classab zmin sprite sprite-i-triangle block>/ins> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 hidden-xs> div classblock-text rel zmin> div classtittle1>Rajkumar i>img srcimages/user-shape.png altuser />/i>/div> div classmark>TCS/div> p> Starting from the airlines, pick at airport, tour schedule, hotel booking everything was taken care very well. we covered Phuket, Pattaya and Bangkok in our week long tour. the tips provided by Ganesh came handy during various moments of our tour. Overall my family enjoyed the trip and it was really a memorable one. Thanks to ganesh for making it a huge success./p> ins classab zmin sprite sprite-i-triangle block>/ins> /div> /div> /div> /div> a classleft carousel-control href#carousel-reviews rolebutton data-slideprev> span>img srcimages/right-arrow.png altright>/span> /a> a classright carousel-control href#carousel-reviews rolebutton data-slidenext> span>img srcimages/right.png altright /span> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section idsection6> !--start container----> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-sm-5 col-xs-12 > !-- iframe src!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d1943.2985361474093!2d80.26000565803461!3d13.061299997699281!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x3a52661666632c2f%3A0xf5f9ddd0d6b261e0!2sNL+Travels+Pvt+Ltd!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sin!4v1467104478841 width100% height550 frameborder0 styleborder:0 allowfullscreen>/iframe> --> !-- iframe src!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d3886.876410153775!2d80.26414391527022!3d13.0435379168238!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x3a52662e3d470cad%3A0xe5d819b68998b5a9!2sThiru%20Vi%20Ka%203rd%20St%2C%20Mylapore%2C%20Chennai%2C%20Tamil%20Nadu%20600004!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sin!4v1626010902168!5m2!1sen!2sin width100% height550 styleborder:0; allowfullscreen loadinglazy>/iframe> --> iframe src!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d3886.7401387084897!2d80.25235881482287!3d13.052205890803048!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x3a5267d778511bbb%3A0xe3aca0aa810ea457!2sAshva%20Tours%20India%20Private%20Limited!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sin!4v1650105073422!5m2!1sen!2sin width100% height550 styleborder:0; allowfullscreen loadinglazy referrerpolicyno-referrer-when-downgrade>/iframe> /div> div classcol-sm-6 col-xs-12 clearfix stylepadding-top: 20px;> div classtitlesection_footer white> p stylefont-weight: 600; font-size: 20px; color: #333435;>We would like to know you/p> span classheading1>Contact Us/span> /div> form classcontact-form cs parallax columns_padding_5 methodpost namemailform roleform stylepadding: 24px 0px 0px 0px;> script typetext/javascript languagejavascript> function sendform() { var nameRegxp /^(a-z. 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