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caption:`Scott Atran at United Nations`>WATCH VIDEO – APRIL 23, 2015 MEETING./a> a titleTranscript href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>READ MEETING TRANSCRIPT./a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>WATCH VIDEO – NOVEMBER 24, 2015 MEETING./a> a href>READ BRIEFING DOCUMENT./a>a titleWhite House Article href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>img decodingasync src altRobert Axelrod Award />/a>h2>ARTIS Research/h2>div idid8443>ul classshort-tabs> li>a href#>About/a>/li> li>a href#>Publications/a>/li> li>a href#>ARTIS Leadership/a>/li> li>a href#>Research Partners/a>/li>/ul>div classpanes>div>div classone_third>h5>Who We Are/h5>div classline>/div>ARTIS is a scientific research group dedicated to improving understanding of collective political and cultural violence, risk assessment, and modeling through field based research. At ARTIS, we believe that multidisciplinary field research is an essential ingredient to scientific research on human cognition and behavior./div>div classone_third last>h4>What We Do/h4>ul classbasic_list> li>a classico_arrow href>Devoted Actor℠ Research/a>/li> li>a classico_arrow href>Social Movement Research/a>/li> li>a classico_arrow href>Network Analysis/a>/li> li>a classico_arrow href>Decision-making/a>/li> li>a classico_arrow href>Energy Resource Analysis/a>/li> li>a classico_arrow href>Cyber Crime Research/a>/li>/ul>/div>div classclear>/div>Consequently we join together top scientists, universities and research institutions with policy makers and experts so that multidisciplinary field research can better enhance scientific understanding of social movements, political and cultural violence, cyber crimes and technology, gambling industry and energy issues. Multidisciplinary field research in gambling explores diverse aspects like psychology, economics, and technology. Particularly, studies focusing on a href>온라인 슬롯 사이트/a> delve into user behavior, game design, and the impact of digital interfaces. This research is crucial for understanding the dynamics of online gambling, guiding the development of more responsible and engaging online slots experiences./div>div>div classfeatured>div classt stylebackground-color: #343f44; color: #fff;>ARTIS Related Publications/div>div classc styleheight: auto;>This is not a comprehensive list, but is meant to be a representation of the publications made by the fellows and personnel of ARTIS Research.div styleheight: 270px; overflow: auto;>ul idlcp_instance_0 classlcp_catlist> li>a titleNew studies explore why ordinary people turn terrorist href>New studies explore why ordinary people turn terrorist/a>Bower, Bruce. 23 June 2016. a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>New studies explore why ordinary people turn terrorist/a>. em>ScienceNews/em>./li> li>a titleEmpirical Evidence for the Devoted Actor Model – by Hammad Sheikh et. al. href>Empirical Evidence for the Devoted Actor Model – by Hammad Sheikh et. al./a>Sheikh, Hammad, Ángel Gómez, and Scott Atran. 23 May 2016. a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>Empirical Evidence for the Devoted Actor Model/a>. em>Current Anthropology/em>./li> li>a titleThe Road to ISIS – by Tom Bartlett href>The Road to ISIS – by Tom Bartlett/a>An unorthodox anthropologist goes face to face with ISIS. Is the payoff worth the peril?Bartlett, T. a href scientist who talks to isis - the chronicle of higher educa _2304588_.pdf target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>The Road to ISIS/a>. (20 May 2016). The Chronicle of Higher Education./li> li>a titleColloque : les Oscars de la déradicalisation – PAR CLÉMENT PÉTREAULT href>Colloque : les Oscars de la déradicalisation – PAR CLÉMENT PÉTREAULT/a>Les ministres se sont bousculés au premier Colloque international sur la prévention de la radicalisation. L’occasion de sortir des idées reçues.a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>Colloque : les Oscars de la déradicalisation/a>. 29 April 2016. em>Le Point./em>/li> li>a titleThe EU Is Now Criminalizing Refugees – by Lydia Wilson href>The EU Is Now Criminalizing Refugees – by Lydia Wilson/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>The EU Is Now Criminalizing Refugees/a>. April 20, 2016. The Nation. Lydia Wilson./li> li>a titleOn the Front Line Against ISIS – by Scott Atran href>On the Front Line Against ISIS – by Scott Atran/a>An in-depth report by Scott Atran on the inconclusive battle to take one little village called Kudilah exposes the weakness of the strategy to retake Mosul, Iraq’s second biggest city.a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>On the Front Line Against ISIS: Who Fights, Who Doesn’t, and Why/a>. April 19, 2016. The Daily Beast./li> li>a titleSustainable Security and Sacred Values – by Hammad Sheikh href>Sustainable Security and Sacred Values – by Hammad Sheikh/a>A short piece on the importance of understanding sacred values for solving pressing global problems.a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>Sustainable Security and Sacred Values/a>. April 18, 2016. Sustainable Security./li> li>a titleComment devient-on djihadiste? – by Scott Atran and Nafees Hamid href>Comment devient-on djihadiste? – by Scott Atran and Nafees Hamid/a>Comment devient-on djihadiste? (April 7, 2016). em>Télé>. By Scott Atran and Nafees Hamid. a href,140496.php target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>Read Part 1 of 2/a> // a href,140793.php target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>Read Part 2 of 2/a>/li> li>a title“Terror in Europe” – A testimony by Juan C. Zarate href>“Terror in Europe” – A testimony by Juan C. Zarate/a>a href>Terror in Europe: Safeguarding U.S. Citizens at Home and Abroad/a>. (April 5, 2016). em>Statement before the Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee/em>. By Juan C. Zarate./li> li>a titleHamas, Popular Support and War in the Middle East – by Richard Davis href>Hamas, Popular Support and War in the Middle East – by Richard Davis/a>Davis, Richard. 2016. a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>Hamas, Popular Support and War in the Middle East: Insurgency in the Holy Land/a>. Routledge: London./li> li>a titleL’Etat islamique est une révolution, par Scott Atran href>L’Etat islamique est une révolution, par Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>L’Etat islamique est une révolution./a> L’Obs. 2 February 2016./li> li>a titleThinking from God’s perspective decreases biased valuation of the life of a nonbeliever href>Thinking from God’s perspective decreases biased valuation of the life of a nonbeliever/a>Ginges, J., Sheikh, H., Atran, S., Argo, N. (28 Dec 2015). Thinking from God’s perspective decreases biased valuation of the life of a nonbeliever. em>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences./em>/li> li>a titleISIS is a revolution – by Scott Atran href>ISIS is a revolution – by Scott Atran/a>Atran, S. (15 Dec 2015). a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>ISIS is a revolution/a>. em>AEON./em>/li> li>a titleDie drei Grundformen des Dschihad – by Hammad Sheikh href>Die drei Grundformen des Dschihad – by Hammad Sheikh/a>Sheikh, Hammad. 15 December 2015. a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>Die drei Grundformen des Dschihad/a>. em>ZEIT ONLINE./em>/li> li>a titleWhether to Kill – by Stephanie Dornschneider href>Whether to Kill – by Stephanie Dornschneider/a>Dornschneider, S. (2015). a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>Whether to Kill: The Cognitive Maps of Violent and Nonviolent Individuals/a>. University of Pennsylvania Press. Philadelphia./li> li>a titleParis: The War ISIS Wants – by Scott Atran and Nafees Hamid href>Paris: The War ISIS Wants – by Scott Atran and Nafees Hamid/a>Atran, S. & Hamid, N. (16 November 2015). a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>Paris: The war ISIS wants/a>. em>The New York Review of Books/em>./li> li>a titleMindless terrorists? The Truth about ISIS… – by Scott Atran href>Mindless terrorists? The Truth about ISIS… – by Scott Atran/a>Atran, S. (15 November 2015). a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>Mindless Terrorists: The Truth about ISIS is much worse/a>. em>The Guardian/em>./li> li>a titleInterviewing Imprisoned ISIS Fighters- by Lydia Wilson href>Interviewing Imprisoned ISIS Fighters- by Lydia Wilson/a>Wilson, L. (October 21, 2015). a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>What I discovered from interviewing imprisoned ISIS fighters/a>. em>The Nation/em>./li> li>a titleISIS and the Assad dynasty – by Lydia Wilson href>ISIS and the Assad dynasty – by Lydia Wilson/a>Wilson, L. (23 September 2015). a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>ISIS and the Assad dynasty/a>. em>The Times Literary Supplement./em>/li> li>a titleWhat drives Westerners to fight for ISIL? href>What drives Westerners to fight for ISIL?/a>Scott Atran appeared on Al Jazeera TV’s em>UpFront/em> with Mehdi Hasan to discuss what drives Westerners to fight for ISIL. Click to watch the interview:strong>Saturday, September 12, 2015 Appearance/strong>br classh87h3gsrcjrwi7axf />a classfloatbox href data-fb-optionswidth:800 height:450 enableDragResize:true caption:`UpFront - The Arena: What drives Westerners to fight for ISIL?`>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone size-full wp-image-299 titleUpFront - The Arena: What drives Westerners to fight for ISIL? src alt width220 height124 />/a>/li> li>a titleThe Kurds’ Heroic Stand Against ISIS – by Scott Atran & Douglas Stone href>The Kurds’ Heroic Stand Against ISIS – by Scott Atran & Douglas Stone/a>S. Atran & D. Stone. 16 March 2015. “a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>The Kurds’ Heroic Stand Against ISIS/a>” in em>The New York Times/em>./li> li>a titleThe ISIS in the Room – by Lydia Wilson href>The ISIS in the Room – by Lydia Wilson/a>“a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>The ISIS in the Room/a>: I felt the impact of an attack by the terrorist group. So why didn’t my research data?” (5 February 2015.) em>Nautilus/em>. Issue 021. by Lydia Wilson/li> li>a titleFor Cause and Comrade – by Scott Atran and colleagues href>For Cause and Comrade – by Scott Atran and colleagues/a>“a href>For Cause and Comrade: Devoted Actors and Willingness to Fight/a>” (30 December 2014). In em>Cliodynamics: The Journal of Quantitative History and Cultural Evolution. /em>5(1). Atran, S., Sheikh, H., and Gómez, Á./li> li>a titleThe Devoted Actor as Parochial Altruist – by Hammed Sheikh and colleagues href>The Devoted Actor as Parochial Altruist – by Hammed Sheikh and colleagues/a>“a href>The Devoted Actor as Parochial Altruist: Sectarian Morality, Identity Fusion, and Support for Costly Sacrifices/a>” (December 30, 2014.) In em stylecolor: #444444;>Cliodynamics: The Journal of Quantitative History and Cultural Evolution. /em>, vol 5(1). By Sheikh, Hammad; Atran, Scott; Ginges, Jeremy; Wilson, Lydia; Obeid, Nadine; Davis, Richard./li> li>a titleDevoted actors sacrifice for close comrades and sacred cause href>Devoted actors sacrifice for close comrades and sacred cause/a>Atran, S., Sheikh, H., and Gomez, A. (3 December 2014). “a hrefómez-pnas-3-dec-2104.pdf>Devoted actors sacrifice for close comrades and sacred cause/a>“. em>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America/em>. Early Edition./li> li>a titleThe Devoted Actor, Sacred Values, and Willingness to Fight – by Scott Atran and colleagues href>The Devoted Actor, Sacred Values, and Willingness to Fight – by Scott Atran and colleagues/a>a titleThe Devoted Actor, Sacred Values, and Willingness to Fight: Preliminary Studies with ISIL Volunteers and Kurdish Frontline Fighters. href>The Devoted Actor, Sacred Values, and Willingness to Fight: Preliminary Studies with ISIL Volunteers and Kurdish Frontline Fighters/a>. (November 2014). Executive Summary presented to Senate Armed Services Committee. By Scott Atran, with Lydia Wilson, Richard Davis, Hammad Sheikh./li> li>a titleMotive attribution asymmetry by Adam Waytz and colleagues href>Motive attribution asymmetry by Adam Waytz and colleagues/a>Waytz, A., Young, L. L., and Ginges, J. a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>Motive attribution asymmetry for love vs. hate drives intractable conflict/a>. Online before print 20 October 2014. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)./li> li>a titleÉtat islamique: l’illusion du sublime by Scott Atran href>État islamique: l’illusion du sublime by Scott Atran/a>Atran, S. (Nov/Dec 2014). a href>État islamique: l’illusion du sublime/a>. em>Cerveau & Psycho. /em>p. 50-55./li> li>a titleJihad’s fatal attraction – by Scott Atran href>Jihad’s fatal attraction – by Scott Atran/a>Atran, S. 4 September 2014. a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>Jihad’s fatal attraction/a>. The Guardian./li> li>a titleIncentives for War, Beyond Material Gain href>Incentives for War, Beyond Material Gain/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>Incentives for War, Beyond Material Gain/a>. The New York Times. August 20, 2014. By Scott Atran./li> li>a titleU.S. Must Help Deal Directly With Hamas – by Scott Atran href>U.S. Must Help Deal Directly With Hamas – by Scott Atran/a>a href>U.S. Must Help Deal Directly With Hamas/a>. The New York Times. August 5, 2014. By Scott Atran./li> li>a titleCountering Violent Extremism – by Scott Atran href>Countering Violent Extremism – by Scott Atran/a>“a href>Countering Violent Extremism: Insights and Evidence from the Field/a>.” Presented to US DoS, Center for Strategic Counterterrorism and DoD Defense Science Board. April 24-25, 2014. S. Atran/li> li>a titleBriefing to the U.S. Defense Science Board – by Scott Atran href>Briefing to the U.S. Defense Science Board – by Scott Atran/a>“a href>Countering Violent Extremism/a>” Briefing to the U.S. DOD Defense Science Board. Feb 2014 by S. Atran/li> li>a titleA Garden Experiment Revisited – by Olivier le Guen et al. href>A Garden Experiment Revisited – by Olivier le Guen et al./a>“a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>A garden ex”A garden experiment revisited: inter-generational change in environmental perception and management of the Maya Lowlands, Guatemala./a>” JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, 1 Nov 2013 by O. le Guen, R. Iliev, X. Lois, S. Atran, & D. L. Medin./li> li>a titleNegotiating Cultural Conflicts – by Kate Jassin et al. href>Negotiating Cultural Conflicts – by Kate Jassin et al./a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Negotiating Cultural Conflicts Over Sacred Values”, MODELS FOR INTERCULTURAL COLLABORATION AND NEGOTIATION, K. Sycara et al. (eds). 2013 by K. Jassin, H. Sheikh, N. Obeid, N. Argo, & J. Ginges./a>/li> li>a titleCyber Security Valley – By Rich Davis and Vinnie Liu href>Cyber Security Valley – By Rich Davis and Vinnie Liu/a>a href security valley - 14july2013.pdf>“Cyber Security Valley,” ARIZONA REPUBLIC, 14 July 2014, by R. Davis, V. Liu./a>/li> li>a titleSocial Science in the National Interest – By Scott Atran href>Social Science in the National Interest – By Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Social Warfare. Budget hawks’ plan to cut funding for political and social science aren’t just short-sighted and simpleminded- they’ll actually hurt national security.” FOREIGN POLICY. 15 March 2013 by S. Atran./a>/li> li>a titleSocial evolution: The ritual animal – by Dan Jones href>Social evolution: The ritual animal – by Dan Jones/a>a titleSocial evolution: The ritual animal href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Social evolution: The ritual animal.” em>NATURE./em> 23 January 2013 by D. Jones./a>/li> li>a titleGod and the Ivory Tower – by Scott Atran href>God and the Ivory Tower – by Scott Atran/a>a href>“God and the Ivory Tower: What we don’t understand about religion just might kill us.” FOREIGN POLICY August 6, 2012 by Scott Atran/a>/li> li>a titleReligious and Sacred Imperatives in Human Conflict – by Scott Atran and Jeremy Ginges href>Religious and Sacred Imperatives in Human Conflict – by Scott Atran and Jeremy Ginges/a>a href>“Religious and Sacred Imperatives in Human Conflict” SCIENCE (SPECIAL SECTION), May 18, 2012, by S. Atran and J. Ginges./a>/li> li>a titleReligion, group threat and sacred values -by Hammad Sheikh et. al. href>Religion, group threat and sacred values -by Hammad Sheikh et. al./a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Religion, group threat and sacred values” JUDGEMENT AND DECISION MAKING, Vol.7 No.2, 5 March 2012 by H Sheikh, J Ginges, A Coman, S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleTalking to the Enemy: An alternative approach – by Scott Atran href>Talking to the Enemy: An alternative approach – by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Talking to the Enemy: An alternative approach to ending intractable conflicts” the Solutions Journal, February 2012, by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleThe price of your soul – by Gregory Berns et. al. href>The price of your soul – by Gregory Berns et. al./a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The price of your soul: neural evidence for the non-utilitarian representation of sacred values” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Biological Sciences, 25 January 2012 by G Berns, E Bell, C Capra, M Prietula, S Moore, B Anderson, J Ginges, & S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleThe biology of cultural conflict – by Gregory Berns and Scott Atran href>The biology of cultural conflict – by Gregory Berns and Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The biology of cultural conflict” The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Biological Sciences, 25 January 2012 by G Berns and S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleSurvey of Energy Resources – update2012 href>Survey of Energy Resources – update2012/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Survey of Energy Resources – What’s new” World Energy Council, 2012 by R.Davis and V.Rao/a>/li> li>a titleGangs, terrorism and radicalization – by Scott Decker and David Pyrooz href>Gangs, terrorism and radicalization – by Scott Decker and David Pyrooz/a>a href>“Gangs, terrorism and radicalization” JOURNAL OF STRATEGIC SECURITY, Winter 2011, by S Decker and D Pyrooz/a>/li> li>a titleThe Value(s) of IRBs by: Scott Atran href>The Value(s) of IRBs by: Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The Value(s) of IRBs,” APS OBSERVER, 3 Nov. 2011 by Scott Atran/a>/li> li>a titleLeaving the gang – by Scott Decker and David Pyrooz href>Leaving the gang – by Scott Decker and David Pyrooz/a>a href>“Leaving the gang-Logging off and moving on” COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, Nov 2011 by S Decker and D Pyrooz/a>/li> li>a titleLa Tercera Cultura: Entrevista a Scott Atran href>La Tercera Cultura: Entrevista a Scott Atran/a>a href .pdf target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“La Tercera Cultura,” CULTURE 3.0, 22 Oct. 2011, Interview with Scott Atran /a>/li> li>a titleDix Ans Après, L’empreinte du 11-Septembre by: Marie Boeton href>Dix Ans Après, L’empreinte du 11-Septembre by: Marie Boeton/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Dix Ans Après, L’empreinte du 11-Septembre,” LA CROIX, 9 Oct. 2011 by M Boeten /a>/li> li>a titleHow Killing Awlaki Affects America, Al Qaeda, and the Arab Spring by: Scott Atran href>How Killing Awlaki Affects America, Al Qaeda, and the Arab Spring by: Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“How Killing Awlaki Affects America, Al Qaeda, and the Arab Spring,” HUFF POST WORLD, 1 Oct. 2011 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a title11-Septembre: “La menace est plus générale” by: Scott Atran href>11-Septembre: “La menace est plus générale” by: Scott Atran/a>a hrefénérale.pdf target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“11-Septembre: “La menace est plus générale,” EUROPE 1, 10 Sep. 2011, Interview with Scott Atran/a>/li> li>a titleThe Terrorism Expert by: Scott Atran href>The Terrorism Expert by: Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“A Changing World – 9/11 + 10: The Terrorism Expert,” UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN: MICHIGAN TODAY, 8 Sep. 2011 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleViolent Extremism and Sacred Values by: Chris Mooney href>Violent Extremism and Sacred Values by: Chris Mooney/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Violent Extremism and Sacred Values,” CENTER FOR INQUIRY, 29 Aug. 2011 by C Mooney/a>/li> li>a titleViolent Extremism by: Jeremy Ginges, Scott Atran, Sonya Sachdeva, and Douglas Medin href>Violent Extremism by: Jeremy Ginges, Scott Atran, Sonya Sachdeva, and Douglas Medin/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Psychology Out of the Laboratory: The Challenge of Violent Extremism,” AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGIST, 8 Aug. 2011, by J Ginges, S Atran, S Sachdeva, D Medin/a>/li> li>a titleEnemies by Scott Atran href>Enemies by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Enemies – Since 9/11, the terrorist has been Public Enemy No. 1,” The Chronicle Review, 7 Aug. 2011 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleThe Battle for Reform With Al-Qaeda by Juan Zarate href>The Battle for Reform With Al-Qaeda by Juan Zarate/a>a href>“The Battle for Reform with Al-Qaeda,” The Washington Quaterly, June 2011 by J. Zarate, D. Gordon/a>/li> li>a titleThe Price of Your Soul: Neural Evidence for the Non-Utilitarian Representation of Sacred Values by Scott Atran href>The Price of Your Soul: Neural Evidence for the Non-Utilitarian Representation of Sacred Values by Scott Atran/a>a href>“The Price of Your Soul: Neural Evidence for the Non-Utilitarian Representation of Sacred Values,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 15 May 2011 by G,Berns, E. Bell, C. Mónica Capra, M. Prietula, S. Moore, B. Anderson, J. Ginges, S. Atran/a>/li> li>a titleThe Emotions of Nuclear Experts href>The Emotions of Nuclear Experts/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The Emotions of Nuclear Experts,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 11 Apr. 2011 by B. Fischhoff/a>/li> li>a titleThe Role of Social and Decision Sciences in Communicating Uncertain Climate Risks href>The Role of Social and Decision Sciences in Communicating Uncertain Climate Risks/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The Role of Social and Decision Sciences in Communicating Uncertain Climate Risks,” Nature Climate Change, 29 Mar. 2011 by B. Fischhoff, N. Pidgeon/a>/li> li>a titleSam Harris’s Guide to Nearly Everything by Scott Atran href>Sam Harris’s Guide to Nearly Everything by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Sam Harris’s Guide to Nearly Everything,” National Interest, 1 Mar. 2011 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleSurvey of Energy Resources: Focus on Shale Gas: Davis href>Survey of Energy Resources: Focus on Shale Gas: Davis/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Survey of Energybr classh87h3gsrcjrwi7axf />Resources: Focus on Shale Gas”/a>/li> li>a titleNato’s Mission Impossible: Its Effects on the Afghan Partisan Movement and on US by Scott Atran href>Nato’s Mission Impossible: Its Effects on the Afghan Partisan Movement and on US by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Nato’s Mission Impossible: Its Effects on the Afghan Partisan Movement and on US,” The Huffington Post, 28 Nov. 2010 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleThe Taliban’s Expat Jihadists by Scott Atran href>The Taliban’s Expat Jihadists by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The Taliban’s Expat Jihadists,” The Guardian, 29 Nov. 2010 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleThe Indonesia Opportunity: Why this Southeast Asian Country is Obama’s Best Hope for Relations With the Muslim World by Juan Zarate href>The Indonesia Opportunity: Why this Southeast Asian Country is Obama’s Best Hope for Relations With the Muslim World by Juan Zarate/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The Indonesia Opportunity: Why this Southeast Asian country is Obama’s best hope for relations with the Muslim world,” Foreign Policy, 9 Nov. 2010 by J Zarate, J Glassman/a>/li> li>a titleKeystone Al -Kaeda: In the Battle Against Al Qaeda, the Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself by Scott Atran href>Keystone Al -Kaeda: In the Battle Against Al Qaeda, the Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Keystone Al-Kaeda: In the Battle Against Al Qaeda, the Only thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself, Foreign Policy, 5 Nov. 2010 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleTurning the Taliban Against Al Qaeda by Scott Atran href>Turning the Taliban Against Al Qaeda by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Turning the Taliban Against Al Qaeda,” New York Times, 27 Oct. 2010 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleThe Evolution of Religion: How Cognitive By Products Adaptive Learning Heuristics, Ritual Displays, and Group Competition Generate Deep Commitments to Prosocial Religions by Scott Atran href>The Evolution of Religion: How Cognitive By Products Adaptive Learning Heuristics, Ritual Displays, and Group Competition Generate Deep Commitments to Prosocial Religions by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The Evolution of Religion: How Cognitive By Products Adaptive Learning Heuristics, Ritual Displays, and Group Competition Generate Deep Commitments to Prosocial Religions,” Biological Theory Quarterly, 1 Oct. 2010 by S Atran, J Henrich/a>/li> li>a titleBeyond Sanctions by Juan Zarate href>Beyond Sanctions by Juan Zarate/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Beyond Sanctions,” National Review, 20 Sep. 2010 by J Zarate/a>/li> li>a titleSupreme Court’s Hard Line on Supporting Terrorists is the Right Line by Juan Zarate href>Supreme Court’s Hard Line on Supporting Terrorists is the Right Line by Juan Zarate/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Supreme Court’s hard line on supporting terrorists is the right line,” Christian Science Monitor, 16 Aug. 2010 By J Zarate/a>/li> li>a titleEurope Gets it Right by Juan Zarate href>Europe Gets it Right by Juan Zarate/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Europe Gets it Right,” Foreign Policy, 12 Aug. 2010 by J Zarate, K Volker/a>/li> li>a titleA Question of Honour: Why the Taliban Fight and What to Do About It by Scott Atran href>A Question of Honour: Why the Taliban Fight and What to Do About It by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“A Question of Honour: Why the Taliban Fight and What to Do About It,” Asian Journal of Social Science, 23 Jul. 2010 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleThe Romance of Terror by Scott Atran href>The Romance of Terror by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The Romance of Terror,” The Guardian, 19 Jul. 2010 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleProtecting Lives and Data: A Critical Test for Europe by Juan Zarate href>Protecting Lives and Data: A Critical Test for Europe by Juan Zarate/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Protecting Lives and Data: A Critical Test for Europe,” Center for Strategic and International Studies, 7 Jul. 2010 by J Zarate, K Volker/a>/li> li>a titleWho Becomes a Terrorist Today? by Scott Atran href>Who Becomes a Terrorist Today? by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Who Becomes a Terrorist Today?” Perspectives on Terrorism, 1 Jul. 2010 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleMutually Assured Support: A Security Doctrine for Terrorist Nuclear Weapon Threats by Scott Atran and Marc Sageman href>Mutually Assured Support: A Security Doctrine for Terrorist Nuclear Weapon Threats by Scott Atran and Marc Sageman/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Mutually Assured Support: A Security Doctrine for Terrorist Nuclear Weapon Threats,” The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1 Jul. 2010 by S Atran, B Fischhoff, M Sageman/a>/li> li>a titleWhy We Talk to Terrorists by Scott Atran and Robert Axelrod href>Why We Talk to Terrorists by Scott Atran and Robert Axelrod/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Why We Talk to Terrorists,” New York Times, 30 Jun. 2010 by S Atran, R Axelrod/a>/li> li>a titleDecentralize, Adapt, Cooperate by Scott Atran href>Decentralize, Adapt, Cooperate by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Decentralize, Adapt, Cooperate,” Nature, 20 May 2010 by S Atran et al/a>/li> li>a titleTimes Square Bomber: Another of the Dangerous Disillusioned by Scott Atran href>Times Square Bomber: Another of the Dangerous Disillusioned by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Times Square Bomber: Another of the Dangerous Disillusioned,” The Guardian, 7 May 2010 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleUnderstanding How the Privileged Become Violent Fanatics by Scott Atran href>Understanding How the Privileged Become Violent Fanatics by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Understanding How the Privileged Become Violent Fanatics,” The Huffington Post, 7 May, 2010 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleEighteen Months and Beyond: Implications of U.S. Policy in Afghanistan by Marc Sageman href>Eighteen Months and Beyond: Implications of U.S. Policy in Afghanistan by Marc Sageman/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Eighteen Months and Beyond: Implications of U.S. Policy in Afghanistan,” 1 Apr. 2010 by M Sageman, B Riedel, P Bergen, F Anderson/a>/li> li>a titlePathways to and From Violent Extremism by Scott Atran href>Pathways to and From Violent Extremism by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Pathways to and From Violent Extremism: The Case for Science-Based Field Research,” Senate Armed Services Committee, 10 Mar. 2010 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleTime to Reset Politics, Focus on Enemy by Juan Zarate href>Time to Reset Politics, Focus on Enemy by Juan Zarate/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Time to Reset Politics, Focus on Enemy,” Politico, 22 Feb. 2010 By J Zarate/a>/li> li>a titleOn the psychology of religious fundamentalism – by Lord John Alderdice href>On the psychology of religious fundamentalism – by Lord John Alderdice/a>a href>‘On the Psychology of Religious Fundamentalism’ in RELIGION AND PSYCHIATRY – BEYOND BOUNDARIES’ (World Psychiatric Association), 2010, by Lord John Alderdice./a>/li> li>a titleOff the couch and round the conference table – by Lord John Alderdice href>Off the couch and round the conference table – by Lord John Alderdice/a>a href>“Off the couch and round the conference table” OFF THE COUCH – CONTEMPORARY PSYCHOANALYTIC APPLICATIONS (ROUTLEDGE), 2010, by J, Lord Alderdice./a>/li> li>a titleThe Terror Scare by Scott Atran href>The Terror Scare by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The Terror Scare,” The Huffington Post, 30, Dec. 2009 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleTo Beat Al Qaeda, Look to the East by Scott Atran href>To Beat Al Qaeda, Look to the East by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“To Beat Al Qaeda, Look to the East,” New York Times, 13 Dec. 2009 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleEmerging Sacred Values: Iran’s Nuclear Program by Scott Atran and Doug Medin href>Emerging Sacred Values: Iran’s Nuclear Program by Scott Atran and Doug Medin/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Emerging Sacred Values: Iran’s Nuclear Program,” Judgment and Decision Making, 1 Dec 2009 by S Atran, M Dehghani, R Iliev, S Sachdeva, J Ginges, D Medin/a>/li> li>a titlePlaudi la Rivoluzione Cognitiva by Scott Atran href>Plaudi la Rivoluzione Cognitiva by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Plaudì la Rivoluzione Cognitiva,” Il Sole 24 Ore, 7 Nov. 2009 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleIn Memory of Claude Levi-Strauss by Scott Atran href>In Memory of Claude Levi-Strauss by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“In Memory of Claude Lévi-Strauss,” International Cognition and Culture Institute, 4 Nov. 2009 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleResilient Faith by Scott Atran href>Resilient Faith by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Resilient Faith,” The Guardian, 28 Oct. 2009 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleHarnessing the Financial Furies: Smart Financial Power and National Security by Juan Zarate href>Harnessing the Financial Furies: Smart Financial Power and National Security by Juan Zarate/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Harnessing the Financial Furies: Smart Financial Power and National Security,” The Washington Quarterly, Oct. 2009 by J Zarate/a>/li> li>a titleBarack’s Nobel: A Symbolic Gesture of Hope to the World’s Youth by Scott Atran href>Barack’s Nobel: A Symbolic Gesture of Hope to the World’s Youth by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Barack’s Nobel: A Symbolic Gesture of Hope to the World’s Youth,” The Huffington Post, 10 Oct. 2009 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleThe (Im)moral Logic of the Show Trial by Scott Atran href>The (Im)moral Logic of the Show Trial by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The (Im)moral Logic of the Show Trial,” The Huffington Post, 8 Aug. 2009 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleSacred Values by Lord John Alderdice href>Sacred Values by Lord John Alderdice/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Sacred Values,” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1 Jun. 2009 by J Alderdice/a>/li> li>a titleWhat Motivates Participation in Violent Political Action? by Scott Atran href>What Motivates Participation in Violent Political Action? by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“What Motivates Participation in Violent Political Action,” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1 Jun, 2009 by S Atran, J Ginges/a>/li> li>a titleSmart Financial Power and International Security by Juan Zarate href>Smart Financial Power and International Security by Juan Zarate/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Smart Financial Power and International Security: Reflections on the Evolution of the Global Anti-Money-Laundering and Counterterrorist Financing Regime since 9/11,” Center for Strategic and International Studies, 21 Apr. 2009 by J Zarate/a>/li> li>a titleThe Moral Measure of a Civilization Is in Its Treatment of Enemies by Scott Atran href>The Moral Measure of a Civilization Is in Its Treatment of Enemies by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The Moral Measure of a Civilization Is in Its Treatment of Enemies,” The Huffington Post, 18 Apr. 2009 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleUnleash the Financial Furies against North Korea by Juan Zarate href>Unleash the Financial Furies against North Korea by Juan Zarate/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Unleash the Financial Furies against North Korea,” Los Angeles Times, 14 Apr. 2009 by J Zarate/a>/li> li>a titleThe Torture Veto and America’s Image by Scott Atran href>The Torture Veto and America’s Image by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The Torture Veto and America’s Image,” New York Times, 11 March, 2009 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleHow Words Could End a War by Scott Atran href>How Words Could End a War by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“How Words Could End a War,” New York Times, 25 Jan. 2009 by S Atran, J Ginges/a>/li> li>a titleReligion in America: Why Many Democrats and Europeans Don’t Get It by Scott Atran href>Religion in America: Why Many Democrats and Europeans Don’t Get It by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Religion in America: Why Many Democrats and European’s Don’t Get It,” The Huffington Post, 13 Sep. 2008 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleHumiliation and the Inertia Effect by Scott Atran href>Humiliation and the Inertia Effect by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Humiliation and the Inertia Effect: Implications for Understanding Violence and Compromise in Intractable Intergroup Conflicts,” Journal of Cognition & Culture, 1 Sep. 2008 by S Atran, J Ginges/a>/li> li>a titlePutting Al Qaeda on the Couch by Marc Sageman href>Putting Al Qaeda on the Couch by Marc Sageman/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Putting al Qaeda on the Couch,” Newsweek, 19 Jul. 2008 by M Sageman/a>/li> li>a titleDoes Osama Still Call the Shots? by Marc Sageman href>Does Osama Still Call the Shots? by Marc Sageman/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Does Osama Still Call the Shots? Debating the Containment of al Qaeda’s Leadership,” Foreign Affairs, 1 Jul. 2008 by M Sageman/a>/li> li>a titleA Strategy for Fighting International Islamic Terrorists by Marc Sageman href>A Strategy for Fighting International Islamic Terrorists by Marc Sageman/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“A Strategy for Fighting International Islamic Terrorists,” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1 Jul. 2008 by M Sageman/a>/li> li>a titleIn Theory: Reframing Sacred Values by Scott Atran and Robert Axelrod href>In Theory: Reframing Sacred Values by Scott Atran and Robert Axelrod/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“In Theory: Reframing Sacred Values,” Negotiation Journal, 1 Jul 2008 by S Atran, R Axelrod/a>/li> li>a titleFear Versus Hope in the Fight Against Terror by Scott Atran href>Fear Versus Hope in the Fight Against Terror by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Fear Versus Hope in the Fight Against Terror,” The Huffington Post, 25 Jun. 2008 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleUncovering the Dark Web: A Case Study of Jihad on the Web by Marc Sageman href>Uncovering the Dark Web: A Case Study of Jihad on the Web by Marc Sageman/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Uncovering the Dark Web: A Case Study of Jihad on the Web,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 7 Apr. 2008 by M Sageman, H Chen, W Chung, J Qin, E Reid, G Weimann/a>/li> li>a titleThe Making of a Terrorist: A Need for Understanding from the Field by Scott Atran href>The Making of a Terrorist: A Need for Understanding from the Field by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The Making of a Terrorist: A Need for Understanding from the Field,” Testimony before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security, 12 Mar. 2008 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleWaterboarding Our Sacred Right by Scott Atran href>Waterboarding Our Sacred Right by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Waterboarding Our Sacred Right,” The Huffington Post, 11 Mar. 2008 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleThe Next Generation of Terror by Marc Sageman href>The Next Generation of Terror by Marc Sageman/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The Next Generation of Terror,” Foreign Policy, 1 Mar. 2008 by M Sageman/a>/li> li>a titleJemaah Islamiyah’s Radical Madrassah Networks by Scott Atran href>Jemaah Islamiyah’s Radical Madrassah Networks by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Jemaah Islamiyah’s Radical Madrassah Networks,” Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict, 1 Mar. 2008 by S Atran, J Magouirk/a>/li> li>a titlePortrait of a Modern Terrorist Group by Marc Sageman href>Portrait of a Modern Terrorist Group by Marc Sageman/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Portrait of a Modern Terrorist Group,” New Scientist, 2 Feb. 2008 by M Sageman/a>/li> li>a titleConnecting Terrorist Networks by Marc Sageman and Scott Atran href>Connecting Terrorist Networks by Marc Sageman and Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Connecting Terrorist Networks,” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 1 Jan. 2008 by M Sageman, S Atran, J Magouirk/a>/li> li>a titleUnderstanding Terrorism and What We Can Do About It: A Continuing Conversation With Lord John Alderdice by Lord Alderdice href>Understanding Terrorism and What We Can Do About It: A Continuing Conversation With Lord John Alderdice by Lord Alderdice/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Understanding Terrorism and What We Can Do About It: A Continuing Conversation With Lord John Alderdice,” Internaitonal Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 1 Sep. 2007 by J Alderdice, N Ramzy, S Portuges/a>/li> li>a titleTerror’s Social Club by Marc Sageman and Scott Atran href>Terror’s Social Club by Marc Sageman and Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Terror’s Social Club,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 1 Sep. 2007 by M Sageman, S Atran, J Magouirk/a>/li> li>a titleCultural Mosaics and Mental Models of Nature by Scott Atran and Doug Medin href>Cultural Mosaics and Mental Models of Nature by Scott Atran and Doug Medin/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Cultural Mosaics and Mental Models of Nature,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 28 Aug, 2007 by S Atran, M Bang, D Medin/a>/li> li>a titleSacred Barriers to Conflict Resolution by Scott Atran, Robert Axelrod, Richard Davis href>Sacred Barriers to Conflict Resolution by Scott Atran, Robert Axelrod, Richard Davis/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Sacred Barriers to Conflict Resolution,” Science, 24 Aug. 2007 by S Atran, R Axelrod, R Davis/a>/li> li>a titleThe Nature of Belief by Scott Atran href>The Nature of Belief by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The Nature of Belief,” Science, 28 Jul. 2007 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleSacred Bounds on Rational Resolution of Violent Political Conflict by Scott Atran and Doug Medin href>Sacred Bounds on Rational Resolution of Violent Political Conflict by Scott Atran and Doug Medin/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Sacred Bounds on Rational Resolution of Violent Political Conflict,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1 May 2007 by S Atran, D Medin, K Shikaki/a>/li> li>a titleTerror Networks and Sacred Values by Scott Atran, Robert Axelrod, and Richard Davis href>Terror Networks and Sacred Values by Scott Atran, Robert Axelrod, and Richard Davis/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Terror Networks and Sacred Values,” Political Violence Report, 28 Mar. 2007 by S Atran, R Axelrod, R Davis/a>/li> li>a titleGive Palestine’s Unity Government a Chance by Scott Atran, Robert Axelrod, and Rich Davis href>Give Palestine’s Unity Government a Chance by Scott Atran, Robert Axelrod, and Rich Davis/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Give Palestine’s Unity Government a Chance,” The Huffington Post, 4 Mar. 2007 by S Atran, R Axelrod, R Davis/a>/li> li>a titleCounting Casualties: A Framework for Respectful, Useful Records by Scott Atran href>Counting Casualties: A Framework for Respectful, Useful Records by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Counting Casualties: A Framework for Respectful, Useful Records,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 1 Feb. 2007 by S Atran, B Fischhoff, N Fischhoff/a>/li> li>a titleThe Evolution of Ethnocentrism by Robert Axelrod href>The Evolution of Ethnocentrism by Robert Axelrod/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The Evolution of Ethnocentrism,” The Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1 Dec. 2006 by R Axelrod, R Hammond/a>/li> li>a titleAn Evolutionary Approach to Norms by Robert Axelrod href>An Evolutionary Approach to Norms by Robert Axelrod/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“An Evolutionary Approach to Norms,” American Political Science Review, 1 Nov. 2006 by R Axelrod/a>/li> li>a titlePakistan: Balancing Act by Scott Atran href>Pakistan: Balancing Act by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Pakistan: Balancing Act,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 1 Nov. 2006 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleDevoted Actor Versus Rational Actor Models for Understanding World Conflict by Scott Atran href>Devoted Actor Versus Rational Actor Models for Understanding World Conflict by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Devoted Actor Versus Rational Actor Models for Understanding World Conflict,” The National Security Council, 14 Sep. 2006 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleEvolution of Cooperation among Tumor Cells by Robert Axelrod href>Evolution of Cooperation among Tumor Cells by Robert Axelrod/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Evolution of Cooperation among Tumor Cells,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 5 Sep. 2006 by R Axelrod, D Axelrod, K Pienta/a>/li> li>a titleIs Hamas Ready to Deal? by Scott Atran href>Is Hamas Ready to Deal? by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Is Hamas Ready to Deal?” New York Times, 17 Aug. 2006 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleSacred Values. If the Middle East Peace Process is to be Salvaged, Israelis and Palestinians Must Make Symbolic Concessions. But Time is Running Out. href>Sacred Values. If the Middle East Peace Process is to be Salvaged, Israelis and Palestinians Must Make Symbolic Concessions. But Time is Running Out./a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Sacred Values. If the Middle East Peace Process is to be Salvaged, Israelis and Palestinians Must Make Symbolic Concessions. But Time is Running Out,” Bulletin of Atomic Sciences, 19 Jul. 2006/a>/li> li>a titleConnecting the Dots by Marc Sageman and Scott Atran href>Connecting the Dots by Marc Sageman and Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Connecting the Dots,” Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 1 Jul. 2006 by M Sageman, S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleAnalyzing the Terrorist Social Networks with Visualization Tools by Marc Sageman href>Analyzing the Terrorist Social Networks with Visualization Tools by Marc Sageman/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Analyzing the Terrorist Social Networks with Visualization Tools,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, 23 May 2006 by M Sageman, C Yang, N Liu/a>/li> li>a titleThe Moral Logic and Growth of Suicide Terrorism by Scott Atran href>The Moral Logic and Growth of Suicide Terrorism by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The Moral Logic and Growth of Suicide Terrorism,” Washington Quarterly, 1 Apr. 2006 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleA Failure of Imagination by Scott Atran href>A Failure of Imagination by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“A Failure of Imagination (Intelligence, WMDs, and ‘Virtual Jihad’),” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 1 Apr. 2006 by S Atran /a>/li> li>a titleReligion’s Innate Origins and Evolutionary Background by Scott Atran href>Religion’s Innate Origins and Evolutionary Background by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Religion’s Innate Origins and Evolutionary Background,” The Innate Mind: Vol. 2: Culture and Cognition, 2006 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleFighting the Right War by Marc Sageman href>Fighting the Right War by Marc Sageman/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Fighting the Right War,” National De-Fence University Joint Operations Symposium, 16-17 Mar. 2006 by M Sageman/a>/li> li>a titleTo Jihad and Back by Scott Atran href>To Jihad and Back by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“To Jihad and Back,” Foreign Policy, 1 Nov. 2005 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleThe Emir: An Interview with Abu Bakar Ba’asyir, Alleged Leader of the Southeast Asian Jemaah Islamiyah Organization by Scott Atran href>The Emir: An Interview with Abu Bakar Ba’asyir, Alleged Leader of the Southeast Asian Jemaah Islamiyah Organization by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The Emir: An Interview with Abu Bakar Ba’asyir, Alleged Leader of the Southeast Asian Jemaah Islamiyah Organization,” Jamestown Foundation, 2005 by S ATran/a>/li> li>a titleThe Cultural Mind: Environmental Decision Making and Cultural Modeling Within and Across Populations href>The Cultural Mind: Environmental Decision Making and Cultural Modeling Within and Across Populations/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The Cultural Mind: Environmental Decision Making and Cultural Modeling Within and Across Populations,” Psychological Review, 2005 by S Atran, D Medin, N Ross/a>/li> li>a titleIn Indonesia, Democracy Isn’t Enough by Scott Atran href>In Indonesia, Democracy Isn’t Enough by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“In Indonesia, Democracy Isn’t Enough,” New York Times, 5 Oct. 2005 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleSmall Groups Find Fatal Purpose through the Web by Scott Atran href>Small Groups Find Fatal Purpose through the Web by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Small Groups Find Fatal Purpose through the Web,” Nature, 29 Sep. 2005 by S Atran, J Stern/a>/li> li>a titleFolkbiology of Freshwater Fish href>Folkbiology of Freshwater Fish/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Folkbiology of Freshwater Fish,” Cognition, 6 Sep. 2005 by S Atran, D Medin, N Ross, D Cox, J Coley, J Proffitt, S Blok/a>/li> li>a titleUnintelligent Design by Scott Atran href>Unintelligent Design by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Unintelligent Design,” Edge, 30 Aug. 2005 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleThe Virtual Hand of Jihad by Scott Atran href>The Virtual Hand of Jihad by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The ‘Virtual Hand’ of Jihad,” Terrorism Monitor, 19 May, 2005 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleFacing Catastrophe-Risk and Response: the 9-11 and 11-M Commissions’ Blind Sides by Scott Atran href>Facing Catastrophe-Risk and Response: the 9-11 and 11-M Commissions’ Blind Sides by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Facing Catastrophe-Risk and Response: The 9-11 and 11-M Commissions’ Blind Sides,” AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies, 1 May, 2005 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleLethal Lapses in Intelligence by Scott Atran href>Lethal Lapses in Intelligence by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Lethal Lapses in Intelligence,” New York Times, 2 Apr. 2005 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleAdaptationism for Human Cognition: Strong, Spurious or Weak? by Scott Atran href>Adaptationism for Human Cognition: Strong, Spurious or Weak? by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Adaptationism for Human Cognition: Strong, Spurious or Weak?” Mind & Language, 1 Feb. 2005 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleHamas May Give Peace a Chance by Scott Atran href>Hamas May Give Peace a Chance by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Hamas May Give Peace a Chance,” New York Times, 18 Dec. 2004 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleTurning Out Hell’s Harpists by Scott Atran href>Turning Out Hell’s Harpists by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Turning Out Hell’s Harpists,” World Federation of Scientists, Nov. 2004 by S Atran /a>/li> li>a titleLet Liberty Transform Palestinians, Too by Scott Atran href>Let Liberty Transform Palestinians, Too by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Let Liberty Transform Palestinians, Too,” The Christian Science Monitor, 27 Oct. 2004 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleAnti-Anti Cartesianism: A Reply to Shanker by Scott Atran href>Anti-Anti Cartesianism: A Reply to Shanker by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Anti-Anti-Cartesianism: A Reply to Shanker,” Current Anthropology, 2004 by S Atran, X Lois/a>/li> li>a titleReligion’s Evolutionary Landscape: Counterintuition, Commitment, Compassion, Communion by Scott Atran href>Religion’s Evolutionary Landscape: Counterintuition, Commitment, Compassion, Communion by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Religion’s Evolutionary Landscape: Counterintuition, Commitment, Compassion, Communion,” Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2004 by S Atran, A Norenzayan/a>/li> li>a titleThe Native Mind: Biological Categorization and Reasoning in Development and Across Cultures href>The Native Mind: Biological Categorization and Reasoning in Development and Across Cultures/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The Native Mind: Biological Categorization and Reasoning in Development and Across Cultures,” Psychological Review, 1 Oct. 2004 by S Atran, D Medin/a>/li> li>a titleTrends in Suicide Terrorism: Sense and Nonsense by Scott Atran href>Trends in Suicide Terrorism: Sense and Nonsense by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Trends in Suicide Terrorism: Sense and Nonsense,” World Federation of Scientists, Aug. 2004 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleAltruism via Kin-Selection Strategies That Rely on Arbitrary Tags with Which They Coevolve by Robert Axelrod href>Altruism via Kin-Selection Strategies That Rely on Arbitrary Tags with Which They Coevolve by Robert Axelrod/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Altruism via Kin-Selection Strategies That Rely on Arbitrary Tags with Which They Coevolve,” Evolution, 1 Aug. 2004 by R Axelrod, R Hammond, A Grafen/a>/li> li>a titleMishandling Suicide Terrorism by Scott Atran href>Mishandling Suicide Terrorism by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Mishandling Suicide Terrorism,” Washington Quarterly, 1 Jul. 2004 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleEvolution and Devolution of Knowledge: A Tale of Two Biologies href>Evolution and Devolution of Knowledge: A Tale of Two Biologies/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Evolution and Devolution of Knowledge: A Tale of Two Biologies,” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 1 Jun. 2004 by S Atran, D Medin, N Ross/a>/li> li>a titleThe Jihadist Mutation by Scott Atran href>The Jihadist Mutation by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The Jihadist Mutation,” The Jamestown Terrorist Monitor 2, 7 Apr. 2004 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleIndividual Factors in Suicide Terrorism by Scott Atran href>Individual Factors in Suicide Terrorism by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Individual Factors in Suicide Terrorism,” Science, 2 Apr. 2004 by S Atran, A Tobeña/a>/li> li>a titleA Leaner, Meaner Jihad by Scott Atran href>A Leaner, Meaner Jihad by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“A Leaner, Meaner Jihad,” New York Times, 16 Mar. 2004 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleChildren’s Attributions of Beliefs to Humans and God: Cross-Cultural Evidence href>Children’s Attributions of Beliefs to Humans and God: Cross-Cultural Evidence/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Children’s Attributions of Beliefs to Humans and God: Cross-Cultural Evidence,” Cognitive Science, 1 Jan 2004 by S Atran, J Barrett, N Knight, P Sousa/a>/li> li>a titleThe Strategic Threat from Suicide Terror by Scott Atran href>The Strategic Threat from Suicide Terror by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The Strategic Threat from Suicide Terror,” AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies, Dec. 2003 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleA Historical Note on False Traumatic Memories by Marc Sageman href>A Historical Note on False Traumatic Memories by Marc Sageman/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“A Historical Note on False Traumatic Memories,” Journal of Clinical Psychology, 6 Nov. 2003 by M Sageman, G Rosen, E Loftus/a>/li> li>a titleWhat Motivates a Terrorist? by Scott Atran href>What Motivates a Terrorist? by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“What Motivates a Terrorist,” New York Times, 28 Sep. 2003 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleA Metamodule for Conceptual Integration: Language or Theory of Mind by Scott Atran href>A Metamodule for Conceptual Integration: Language or Theory of Mind by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“A Metamodule for Conceptual Integration: Language or Theory of Mind,” Behavioral and Brain Science, 11 Aug, 2003 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleWho Wants to Be a Martyr? by Scott Atran href>Who Wants to Be a Martyr? by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Who Wants to Be a Martyr?” New York Times, 5 May. 2003 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleTheorie Cognitive de la Culture Une Alternative Evolutionniste a la Sociobiology et a la Selection Collective by Scott Atran href>Theorie Cognitive de la Culture Une Alternative Evolutionniste a la Sociobiology et a la Selection Collective by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Théorie Cognitive de la Culture Une Alternative Évolutionniste à la Sociobiology et à la Selection Collective,” L’Homme, 1 Apr. 2003 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleU.S. Off Target in Terror War by Scott Atran href>U.S. Off Target in Terror War by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“U.S. Off Target in Terror War,” Detroit Free Press, 7 Mar. 2003 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleGenesis of Suicide Terrorism by Scott Atran href>Genesis of Suicide Terrorism by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Genesis of Suicide Terrorism,” Science, 7 Mar. 2003 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleCultural and Experimental Differences in the Development of Folkbiological Induction href>Cultural and Experimental Differences in the Development of Folkbiological Induction/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Cultural and Experimental Differences in the Development of Folkbiological Induction,” Cognitive Development, 1 Jan. 2003 by S Atran, J Coley, D Medin, N Ross/a>/li> li>a titleThe Neuropsychology of Religion by Scott Atran href>The Neuropsychology of Religion by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The Neuropsychology of Religion,” NeuroTheology: Brain, Science, Spirituality & Religious Experience, 2002 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleModest Adaptationism: Muddling Trough Cognition and Language by Scott Atran href>Modest Adaptationism: Muddling Trough Cognition and Language by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Modest Adaptationism: Muddling Trough Cognition and Language,” Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2002 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleEssentialism and Folkbiology: Evidence from Brazil href>Essentialism and Folkbiology: Evidence from Brazil/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Essentialism and Folkbiology: Evidence from Brazil,” Journal of Cognition & Culture, 1 Sep. 2002 by S Atran, D Medin/a>/li> li>a titleThinking About Biology. Modular Constraints on Categorization and Reasoning in the Everyday Life of Americans, Maya, and Scientists href>Thinking About Biology. Modular Constraints on Categorization and Reasoning in the Everyday Life of Americans, Maya, and Scientists/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Thinking About Biology. Modular Constraints on Categorization and Reasoning in the Everyday Life of Americans, Maya, and Scientists,” Mind & Society, 1 Jun. 2002 by S Atran, D Medin, N Ross/a>/li> li>a titleFolkecology, Cultural Epidemiology, and the Spirit of the Commons href>Folkecology, Cultural Epidemiology, and the Spirit of the Commons/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Folkecology, Cultural Epidemiology, and the Spirit of the Commons,” Current Anthropology, 1 Jun. 2002 by S Atran, D Medin, N Ross, E Lynch, E Ucan Ek’, J Coley, C Timura, M Baran/a>/li> li>a titleFolkecology, Cultural Edipemiology, and the Spirit of the Commons href>Folkecology, Cultural Edipemiology, and the Spirit of the Commons/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Folkecology, Cultural Epidemiology, and the Spirit of the Commons,” Current Anthropology, 1 Jun. 2002 by S Atran, D Medin, N Ross, E Lynch, E Ucan Ek’, J Coley, C Timura, M Baran/a>/li> li>a titleA Bird’s Eye View: Biological Categorization and Reasoning Within and Across Cultures href>A Bird’s Eye View: Biological Categorization and Reasoning Within and Across Cultures/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“A Bird’s Eye View: Biological Categorization and Reasoning Within and Across Cultures,” Cognition, 1 Feb. 2002 by S Atran, J Bailenson, M Shum, D Medin, J Coley/a>/li> li>a titleA Bird’s Eye View: Biological Categorization and Reasoning Within and Across Cultures href>A Bird’s Eye View: Biological Categorization and Reasoning Within and Across Cultures/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“A Bird’s Eye View: Biological Categorization and Reasoning Within and Across Cultures,” Cognition, 1 Feb. 2002 by S Atran, J Bailenson, M Shum, D Medin, J Coley/a>/li> li>a titleA Cheater-Detection Module? by: Scott Atran href>A Cheater-Detection Module? by: Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“A Cheater-Detection Module? Dubious Interpretations of the Wason Selection Task and Logic,” Evolution and Cognition, 2001 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleThe Case for Modularity: Sin or Salvation by: Scott Atran href>The Case for Modularity: Sin or Salvation by: Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The Case for Modularity: Sin or Salvation,” Evolution and Cognition, 2001 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleThe Trouble with Memes by Scott Atran href>The Trouble with Memes by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The Trouble With Memes: Inference versus Imitation in Cultural Creation,” Human Nature, 5 Mar. 2001 by S Atran/a>/li> li>a titleFolkbiology Doesn’t Come from Folkpsychology by Scott Atran href>Folkbiology Doesn’t Come from Folkpsychology by Scott Atran/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“Folkbiology Doesn’t Come from Folkpsychology: Evidence from Yukatek Maya in Cross-Cultural Perspective,” Journal of Cognition & Culture, 1 Feb. 2001 by S Atran, D Medin, E Lynch, V Vapnarsky, E Ucan Ek’, P Sousa/a>/li> li>a titleThe Emergence of a New Dog Of War: By Juan Zarate href>The Emergence of a New Dog Of War: By Juan Zarate/a>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>“The Emergence of a New Dog of War: Private International Security Companies and the New World Disorder,” Stanford Journal of International Law, Oct. 1998 by J Zarate/a>/li>/ul>/div>/div>/div>/div>div>div classfeatured>div classt stylebackground-color: #343f44; color: #fff;>ARTIS LEADERSHIP/div>div classc styleheight: auto;>ARTIS has drawn together some of the most talented people in their fields in order to develop a diverse, multi-disciplinary research group. To see a complete list of ARTIS personnel click a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>here/a>./div>/div>div styleheight: 270px; overflow: auto;>div classone_half>a href>img decodingasync src altRichard Davis alignleft />/a>h5>a href>Richard Davis/a>/h5>CEO, Managing Dir. & Sr. Fellow___________________________/div>div classone_half>a href>img decodingasync src altScott Atran alignleft />/a>h5>a href>Scott Atran/a>/h5>Director of Research & Senior Fellow________________________________/div>h3>Artis Europe Leadership/h3>a href>img decodingasync src altThe Lord John Alderdice alignleft />/a>h5>a href>The Lord John Alderdice/a>/h5>Senior Fellow / Founding Fellow CRIC________________________________a href>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-2765 src sizesauto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px srcset 150w altPhoto for Oxford card width150 height150 />/a>h5>a href>Lydia Wilson/a>/h5>Research Fellow________________________________/div>/div>div>div classfeatured>div classt stylebackground-color: #343f44; color: #fff;>Research Partners/div>div classc styleheight: auto;>div styleheight: 200px; overflow: auto;>ul> li>a href>Arizona State University/a>/li> li>a href>Autonomous University of Barcelona/a>/li> li>a href>Catholic University of Chile/a>/li> li>a href>Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress/a>/li> li>a href>French National Center for Scientific Research/a>/li> li>a href>Guatemalan Bio-Itza/a>/li> li>a href>Hassan Il – Mohammedia University of Morocco/a>/li> li>a href>John Jay College/a>/li> li>a href>London School of Economics/a>/li> li>a href>Massachusetts Institute of Technology/a>/li> li>a href>New School of Social Research /a>/li> li>a href>Northwestern University/a>/li> li>a href>Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research/a>/li> li>a href>Stach & Liu/a>/li> li>a href>University Of Michigan/a>/li> li>a href>World Federation of Scientists/a>/li>/ul>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classclear>!-- -->/div>script>$(function() { $(div#id8443 ul.short-tabs).tabs(div#id8443 div.panes > div, {event:mouseover}); });/script>div classfeatured>div classt stylebackground-color: #343f44; color: #fff;>Welcome To ARTIS/div>div classc styleheight: auto;>div styleheight: 338px; overflow: auto;>a classfloatbox href data-fb-optionswidth:800 height:450 enableDragResize:true caption:`Welcome`>img loadinglazy decodingasync classalignnone size-full wp-image-299 titleWelcome src alt width570 height321 />/a>/div>/div>/div>input idgwProxy typehidden />!--Session data-->input idjsProxy typehidden />div idrefHTML>/div>Bower, Bruce. 23 June 2016. a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>New studies explore why ordinary people turn terrorist/a>. em>ScienceNews/em>.Geraldine Doogue interviews Artis Fellow Nafees Hamid to understand how extremists are likely to be radicalised.Doogue, Geraldine. 17 June 2016. a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>The social network: predicting extremism/a>. em>Saturday Extra/em>. Australian National Radio.a href>Voice of a Frontline Researcher & Anthropologist – Scott Atran/a>. May 13, 2016. a href>em>On Violent Extremism/em>/a>. CSIS Podcast.For this session, Shannon N. Green sits down with anthropologist and frontline researcher Scott Atran. During the conversation, Scott shares his unique insight into what binds extremists together, the appeal of extremism, and what it will take to effectively counter violent extremist organizations.L’anthropologue estime qu’il faut comprendre les terroristes pour les combattre. i>TV5 Monde /i>(a href>“Scott Atran” interview/a> with P. Simonin, 29 April 2016).a classfloatbox href revgroup:3233>img loadinglazy decodingasync classsize-thumbnail wp-image-3232 src sizesauto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px srcset 150w, wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Ximenamapuche.jpg 1600w altArtis fellow Ximena Lois with Mapuche Shaman Machi Paola Aroca Cayunao in Chile. width150 height150 />/a>Artis fellow Ximena Lois with Mapuche Shaman Machi Paola Aroca Cayunao in Chile.Sheikh, Hammad, Ángel Gómez, and Scott Atran. 23 May 2016. a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>Empirical Evidence for the Devoted Actor Model/a>. em>Current Anthropology/em>.An unorthodox anthropologist goes face to face with ISIS. Is the payoff worth the peril?Bartlett, T. a href scientist who talks to isis - the chronicle of higher educa _2304588_.pdf target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>The Road to ISIS/a>. (20 May 2016). The Chronicle of Higher Education.Les ministres se sont bousculés au premier Colloque international sur la prévention de la radicalisation. L’occasion de sortir des idées reçues.a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>Colloque : les Oscars de la déradicalisation/a>. 29 April 2016. em>Le Point./em>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>The EU Is Now Criminalizing Refugees/a>. April 20, 2016. The Nation. Lydia Wilson.An in-depth report by Scott Atran on the inconclusive battle to take one little village called Kudilah exposes the weakness of the strategy to retake Mosul, Iraq’s second biggest city.a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>On the Front Line Against ISIS: Who Fights, Who Doesn’t, and Why/a>. April 19, 2016. The Daily Beast./div>ul idsidebar> li>h2>ARTIS InFocus/h2>div classexecphpwidget>div styleheight: 700px; overflow: auto;>div classpost>!-- Display the Title -->h2>New studies explore why ordinary people turn terrorist/h2>div classentry>Bower, Bruce. 23 June 2016. a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>New studies explore why ordinary people turn terrorist/a>. em>ScienceNews/em>./div>/div>!-- closes the first div box -->div classpost>!-- Display the Title -->h2>The social network: predicting extremism on Saturday Extra/h2>div classentry>Geraldine Doogue interviews Artis Fellow Nafees Hamid to understand how extremists are likely to be radicalised.Doogue, Geraldine. 17 June 2016. a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>The social network: predicting extremism/a>. em>Saturday Extra/em>. Australian National Radio./div>/div>!-- closes the first div box -->div classpost>!-- Display the Title -->h2>Voice of a Frontline Researcher & Anthropologist/h2>div classentry>a href>Voice of a Frontline Researcher & Anthropologist – Scott Atran/a>. May 13, 2016. a href>em>On Violent Extremism/em>/a>. CSIS Podcast.For this session, Shannon N. Green sits down with anthropologist and frontline researcher Scott Atran. During the conversation, Scott shares his unique insight into what binds extremists together, the appeal of extremism, and what it will take to effectively counter violent extremist organizations./div>/div>!-- closes the first div box -->div classpost>!-- Display the Title -->h2>Comprendre Les Terroristes – Interview with Scott Atran/h2>div classentry>L’anthropologue estime qu’il faut comprendre les terroristes pour les combattre. i>TV5 Monde /i>(a href>“Scott Atran” interview/a> with P. Simonin, 29 April 2016)./div>/div>!-- closes the first div box -->div classpost>!-- Display the Title -->h2>Artis fellow Ximena Lois with Mapuche Shaman/h2>div classentry>a classfloatbox href revgroup:3233>img loadinglazy decodingasync classsize-thumbnail wp-image-3232 src sizesauto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px srcset 150w, wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Ximenamapuche.jpg 1600w altArtis fellow Ximena Lois with Mapuche Shaman Machi Paola Aroca Cayunao in Chile. width150 height150 />/a>Artis fellow Ximena Lois with Mapuche Shaman Machi Paola Aroca Cayunao in Chile./div>/div>!-- closes the first div box -->div classpost>!-- Display the Title -->h2>The Road to ISIS – by Tom Bartlett/h2>div classentry>An unorthodox anthropologist goes face to face with ISIS. Is the payoff worth the peril?Bartlett, T. a href scientist who talks to isis - the chronicle of higher educa _2304588_.pdf target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>The Road to ISIS/a>. (20 May 2016). The Chronicle of Higher Education./div>/div>!-- closes the first div box -->div classpost>!-- Display the Title -->h2>Colloque : les Oscars de la déradicalisation – PAR CLÉMENT PÉTREAULT/h2>div classentry>Les ministres se sont bousculés au premier Colloque international sur la prévention de la radicalisation. L’occasion de sortir des idées reçues.a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>Colloque : les Oscars de la déradicalisation/a>. 29 April 2016. em>Le Point./em>/div>/div>!-- closes the first div box -->div classpost>!-- Display the Title -->h2>The EU Is Now Criminalizing Refugees – by Lydia Wilson/h2>div classentry>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>The EU Is Now Criminalizing Refugees/a>. April 20, 2016. The Nation. Lydia Wilson./div>/div>!-- closes the first div box -->div classpost>!-- Display the Title -->h2>On the Front Line Against ISIS – by Scott Atran/h2>div classentry>An in-depth report by Scott Atran on the inconclusive battle to take one little village called Kudilah exposes the weakness of the strategy to retake Mosul, Iraq’s second biggest city.a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>On the Front Line Against ISIS: Who Fights, Who Doesn’t, and Why/a>. April 19, 2016. The Daily Beast./div>/div>!-- closes the first div box -->div classpost>!-- Display the Title -->h2>Sustainable Security and Sacred Values – by Hammad Sheikh/h2>div classentry>A short piece on the importance of understanding sacred values for solving pressing global problems.a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>Sustainable Security and Sacred Values/a>. April 18, 2016. Sustainable Security./div>/div>!-- closes the first div box -->/div>/div>/li>/ul>div classclear>!-- -->/div>/div>!-- end cc -->/div>!-- end content -->/div>!-- end wrapper -->div idsub2>!-- -->/div>div idfooter> div idfooterarea> div idfooterbox> ul idfoo styledisplay:block;> li idfa>li stylewidth:570px;overflow:auto> ul> li> div classtextwidget>/div> /li>li>h3>Books Published By the ARTIS Community/h3> div classtextwidget>div styleheight:200px;overflow:auto>img src alignLEFT stylepadding:10px;>a href target_blank>Treasurys War/a> - Juan Zarate br/>br/>For more than a decade, America has been waging a new kind of war against the financial networks of rogue regimes, proliferators, terrorist groups, and criminal syndicates. Juan Zarate, a chief architect of modern financial warfare and a former senior Treasury and White House official, pulls back the curtain on this shadowy world. In this gripping story, he explains in unprecedented detail how a small, dedicated group of officials redefined the Treasury’s role and used its unique powers, relationships, and reputation to apply financial pressure against America’s>br/>img src alignLEFT stylepadding:10px;>a href target_blank>Risk: A Very Short Introduction/a> - Baruch Fischhoff and John Kadvany br/>br/>We find risk everywhere--from genetically modified crops, medical malpractice, and stem-cell therapy to heartbreak, online predators, identity theft, inflation, and robbery. They arise from our own acts and they are imposed on us. In this Very Short Introduction, Baruch Fischhoff and John Kadvany draw on both the sciences and humanities to illuminate both the similarities and differences of various kinds of risk. They examine the science and practice of creating measures of risk and look at how scientists apply probability by combining historical records, scientific theories, and expert judgment. More importantly, they show what science has learned about how people deal with risks, applying these lessons to diverse everyday examples. br/>br/>img src alignLEFT stylepadding:10px;>a href target_blank>Talking To The Enemy/a> - Scott Atran br/>br/>Atran examines the motivations of terrorists in this sprawling and timely study. Drawing upon years of travel among Muslim communities from Indonesia to Morocco, extensive interviews with would-be martyrs and holy warriors, and detailed surveys, the author concludes that young jihadists arent merely motivated by political or religious fervor--they are powerfully bound to each other, they were campmates, school buddies, soccer pals, and the like, who become die-hard bands of brothers. br/>br/>img src alignLEFT stylepadding:10px;>a href target_top>In Gods We Trust/a> - Scott Atran br/>br/>This ambitious, interdisciplinary book seeks to explain the origins of religion using our knowledge of the evolution of cognition. A cognitive anthropologist and psychologist, Scott Atran argues that religion is a by-product of human evolution just as the cognitive intervention, cultural selection, and historical survival of religion is an accommodation of certain existential and moral elements that have evolved in the human condition.Atrans work is a brilliant exposition of the evolutionary by-product interpretation of religion as well as a mine of references for empirical research into the psychology of religion.--Pascal Boyer, Current Anthropologybr/>br/>img src alignLEFT stylepadding:10px;>a href target_blank>Forging Democracy: A Comparative Study of the Effects of U.S. Foreign Policy on Central American Democratization/a> - Juan Carlos Zaratebr/>br/>Regional hegemons can and do determine the political evolutions of countries within their respective spheres of influence. This study propounds and tests this new theory by examining the influence of U.S. foreign policy on Central America regime formation in the late 1940s and 1980s. By dissecting and comparing the modern histories of Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Nicaragua, this book provides a fresh analysis of these countries histories and of U.S. influence in their political development. theory provides a framework within which to study the effects of other hegemons policies on their respective spheres of influence (i.e. the French in Africa). This seminal work extends the understanding of past events, present debates, and possible future ramifications of U.S. foreign>br/>img src alignLEFT stylepadding:10px;>a href target_blank>The Native Mind and the Cultural Construction of Nature/a> - Scott Atran and Douglas Medin br/>br/>The Native Mind and the Cultural Construction of Nature beautifully illustrates Atran and Medins findings in the realm of folkbiology. They present a series of brilliantly conceived and executed studies whose importance goes far beyond being invaluable science to having real implications for social policy, especially in areas concerned with the environmental issues. This book is essential reading for psychologists, who all too often look at problems from the lens of just one culture, for anthropologists, who all too often neglect evolved universals of thought, and for anyone else interested in the relations among culture, thought, and human values.--Frank Keil, Department of Psychology, Yale Universitybr/>br/>img src alignLEFT stylepadding:10px;>a href target_blank>The Evolution of Cooperation/a> - Robert Axelrod br/>br/>The Evolution of Cooperation addresses a simple yet age-old question: If living things evolve through competition, how can cooperation ever emerge? In 1979 Robert Axelrod famously ran a computer tournament featuring a standard game-theory exercise called The Prisoners Dilemma. The program that won the tournament, named Tit for Tat, was not only the simplest but the most cooperative entrant. This unexpected victory proved that cooperation is mathematically possible and therefore needs no hidden hand or divine agent to create and sustain it. A roadblock to the understanding of all sorts of behavior was removed. The updated edition includes an extensive new chapter on cooperation in cancer cells and among terrorist organizations.This book, if read, grasped and applied, could have a profound effect. (Wall Street Journal)br/>br/>img src alignLEFT stylepadding:10px;>a href target_blank>The Complexity of Cooperation: Agent-Based Models of Competition and Collaboration/a> - Robert Axelrod br/>br/>Robert Axelrods extraordinary book, The Evolution of Cooperation was globally acclaimed for the rich results of its simple model. The Complexity of Cooperation now gathers together the myriad fruits of more than a decades work, carefully complexifying his initial model. Like his ideas, his prose is clear and engaging. His delight as he unveils each surprising discovery is infectious. This book is not merely important; its fun. -- Robert D. Putnam, author of Making Democracy Workbr/>br/>img src alignLEFT stylepadding:10px;>a href target_blank>Harnessing Complexity: Organizational Implications of a Scientific Frontier /a> - Robert Axelrod and Michael D Cohen br/>br/>HARNESSING COMPLEXITY is a breakthrough book on complexity science. It provides the first useful framework and vocabulary for evaluating complex adaptive systems, while giving you the first guidelines for considering how to use the circumstances of your complex adaptive system to your organizations>br/>img src alignLEFT stylepadding:10px;>a href target_blank>Lessons from the Inside: Drug Smugglers on Drug Smuggling/a> - Scott H. Decker and Margaret Chapman Townsend br/>br/>This book is the most comprehensive study of drug smuggling and drug smugglers I have seen. The details and descriptions of the smugglers’ activities are rich and extensive. Decker and Chapman delve deeply into interdiction efforts and the methods and strategies used by drug smugglers to counter the government’s efforts. In particular, the study views the government’s efforts at deterrence from the perspective of the smugglers themselves, offering a unique approach to the issue. —Paul Cromwell, Wichita State Universitybr/>br/>img src alignLEFT stylepadding:10px;>a href target_blank>Strategies to Address Gang Crime: A Guidebook for Local Law Enforcement/a> - Scott H. Decker br/>br/>Author Scott H. Decker, PhD provides information about developing and enhancing local law enforcement responses to gangs in their jurisdictions. The focus of the guidebook is on the use of problem-solving strategies to help agencies select the interventions most appropriate for their jurisdictions. In particular, the guidebook describes the SARA model (Scanning, Analysis, Response and Assessment), a strategic problem-solving process with which local law enforcement is familiar and can apply to its local gang problem. This is the must-have resource to help law enforcement understanding the factors that contribute to their gang problem and select appropriate>br/>img src alignLEFT stylepadding:10px;>a href target_blank>The International Handbook of Juvenile Justice/a> - Scott H. Decker br/>br/>This comprehensive reference work presents inside information on the Juvenile Justice-systems in 19 different countries, both in EU-member states (old and new ones) as well as in the United States and Canada. The book is the result of research conducted by a group of outstanding researchers working in the field of Juvenile Justice, who are concerned about some of the trends in Juvenile Justice in the last two decades, where the border between criminal justice and Juvenile Justice tends to>br/>img src alignLEFT stylepadding:10px;>a href target_blank>European Street Gangs and Troublesome Youth Groups/a> - Scott H. Decker br/>br/>This unique volume by eminent gang researchers presents valuable new data on European youth gangs, describing important characteristics of these groups, and their similarities and differences to American gangs. Their findings from the Eurogang Research Program highlight the impact of immigration and ethnicity, urbanization, national influences, and local neighborhood circumstances on gang development in several European countries. It is an important resource on crime, delinquency and youth development for criminologists, sociologists, youth workers, policy makers, local governments, and law enforcement>br/>img src alignLEFT stylepadding:10px;>a href target_blank>Acceptable Risk/a> - Baruch Fischhoff br/>br/>This is a brilliant and stimulating book. Although it nominally concerns itself with the area of hazard management, policy and technology choices associated with loss of life or limb, it provides a great deal of insight into all forms of risk management and formal decision making.A very well-researched book, it is obvious that the authors have not only thought long and hard about the subject matter, but have also applied a very disciplined analysis to it. Although the authors are scholars, the book is not necessarily aimed at an academic audience. While challenging, it is still approachable by the lay>br/>img src alignLEFT stylepadding:10px;>a href target_blank>Adolescent Risk and Vulnerability: Concepts and Measurement/a> - Baruch Fischhoff br/>br/>The Board on Children, Youth, and Families was created in 1993. Its Committee on Adolescent Health and Development studies issues facing young people and their families using analytic tools from the behavioral, social, and health sciences. Four papers from the Committees March 2001 workshop, held in Washington, D.C., examine the beliefs underlying adolescents decisions, present a framework for understanding the vulnerability of adolescents to undesirable outcomes, offer a model for estimating the economic payoffs for different types of policy actions designed to offset adolescent health risks, and discuss adolescents concerns about their futures and well->br/>img src alignLEFT stylepadding:10px;>a href target_blank>Elicitation of Preferences/a> - Baruch Fischhoff br/>br/>Economists and psychologists have, on the whole, exhibited sharply different perspectives on the elicitation of preferences. Economists, who have made preference the central primitive in their thinking about human behavior, have for the most part rejected elicitation and have instead sought to infer preferences from observations of choice behavior. Psychologists, who have tended to think of preference as a context-determined subjective construct, have embraced elicitation as their dominant approach to measurement. This volume, based on a symposium organized by Daniel McFadden at the University of California at Berkeley, provides a provocative and constructive engagement between economists and psychologists on the elicitation of>br/>img src alignLEFT stylepadding:10px;> a href target_blank>On Terrorism and Combating Terrorism/a> - Ariel Merari br/>br/>The 1979 International Seminar on Political Terrorism brought togethertop academic experts on the subject of terrorism and key public officialsfrom several countries who are involved in combating it. This book containslectures and discussions that took place during that conference, held inTel-Aviv. Publication has been delayed for several reasons, in themselvesunimportant. Yet, it is astonishing to realize that the material in this bookremains so highly relevant several years after it was written. The verysame questions which occupied the participants attention then remain atthe center of public interest and decision makers concerns>br/>img src alignLEFT stylepadding:10px;> a href target_blank>Leaderless Jihad/a> - Marc Sageman br/>br/>In Leaderless Jihad, Sageman rejects the views that place responsibility for terrorism on society or a flawed, predisposed individual. Instead, he argues, the individual, outside influence, and group dynamics come together in a four-step process through which Muslim youth become radicalized.Leaderless Jihad offers a ray of hope. Drawing on historical analogies, Sageman argues that the zeal of jihadism is self-terminating; eventually its followers will turn away from violence as a means of expressing their discontent. The book concludes with Sagemans recommendations for the application of his research to counterterrorism law enforcement>br/>img src alignLEFT stylepadding:10px;>a href target_blank>Understanding Terror Networks/a> - Marc Sageman br/>br/>Understanding Terror Networks combines Sagemans scrutiny of sources, personal acquaintance with Islamic fundamentalists, deep appreciation of history, and effective application of network theory, modeling, and forensic psychology. Sagemans unique research allows him to go beyond available academic studies, which are light on facts, and journalistic narratives, which are devoid of theory. The result is a profound contribution to our understanding of the perpetrators of 9/11 that has practical implications for the war on terror.One of the most original and innovative social science studies ever conducted on how individuals are driven to join terrorist organizations. - ForeWord Magazinebr/>br/>img src alignLEFT stylepadding:10px;>a href target_blank>Unmasking Terror: A Global Review of Terrorist Activities/a> - Marc Sageman br/>br/>Unmasking Terror is a critical tool that helps todays domestic and international thought leaders better understand and address current trends in terrorism. -- --The Honorable Tom Ridge, First Secretary of Department of Homeland SecurityThe Unmasking Terror series provides unique and insightful analysis, and continues to prove extremely useful as we work all the elements of national power to counter terrorism. -- --General Joseph Ralston (Ret.), Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) and the former Vice-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff/div>/div> /li> /ul>/li> /li> li idfc> ul> li> div classexecphpwidget>!-- Start Google News code -->div idgoogle-news-inline>h3>World News/h3>ul>li>a href target_blank titleNew York Times>Attack at Istanbul Airport Leaves at Least 28 Dead - New York Timesbr>/a>/li>li>a href target_blank titleCNN>Benghazi panel caps 2-year probe: No bombshell, faults administration - CNNbr>/a>/li>li>a href target_blank titleWashington Post>EU leaders toughen line over British divorce - Washington Postbr>/a>/li>li>a href target_blank>Woman shot, suspect dead after shooting in downtown office building - 9NEWS.combr>/a>/li>li>a href target_blank titleCNN>Trump slams globalization, promises to upend economic status quo - CNNbr>/a>/li>/ul>/div>!-- End Google News code -->/div> /li> /ul> /li> /ul>!-- end foo --> div classclear> /div> /div>!-- end footerbox --> div idcopyrights> © 2010 ARTIS Research Please contact us to request a quote for services. a href/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection class__cf_email__ data-cfemaild9aabcabafb0babcaa99b8abadb0aaabbcaabcb8abbab1f7bab6b4>email protected/a> div idicons> div> a href>img src alt/>/a> /div> div classclear>!-- -->/div> /div>!-- end icons --> style typetext/css>#icons { padding:10px 0 0 430px; 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