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Are you looking for a top quality, organic Ashwaganda supplement for optimal health benefits? target_blank titlePin it, mywin,left0,top0,width700,height500,toolbar1,resizable0,scrollbarsyes); return false>i classfa fa-pinterest-p aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a>/li> /ul> /div> span classheaderPhone >img src/images/phone-dark.png>/span> div classshareTab > ul> li>a href titleShare on Facebook target_blank, mywin,left0,top0,width700,height500,toolbar1,resizable0,scrollbarsyes); return false>i classfa fa-facebook aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a>/li> li>a href target_blank titleTweet, mywin,left0,top0,width700,height500,toolbar1,resizable0,scrollbarsyes); return false>i classfa fa-twitter aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a>/li> li>a href target_blank titleYoutube Chanel, mywin,left0,top0,width1100,height800,toolbar1,resizable0,scrollbarsyes); return false>i classfa fa-youtube-square aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a>/li> li>a href the most effective supplement to boost health and well-being quickly and effectively. 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/span> span stylecolor:#333;> ONLY span classcounterCont> span>3/span> /span> span classcounterCont> span>0/span> /span> BOTTLES REMAIN FOR THIS OFFER! /span> /div> /div>/a> /header> /div> section classsection1> div classcontainer> div classrow> h1 classh1 color-normal> span classcolor-black font-norm> TOP QUALITY /span> Pure span classcolor-black font-norm> Ashwagandha br /> FOR /span> OPTIMAL Health Benefits /h1> div classcol-xs-12 col-md-3 hidden-lg hidden-md> img src/images/main-bottle.png classimg-reponsive vissible-sm alt-img-xs altApproved Science Ashwagandha Main Bottle titleApproved Science Ashwagandha Bottle /> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-9 col-md-8> div classrow> div classcol-md-8> h3 classh3 color-sub> FORMULATED TO Help /h3> ul classsection1-ul> li>Reduce Anxiety & Stress /li>li>Alleviate Sleep Problems /li>li>Enhance Cognitive Functions & Memory/li>li>Decrease pain & inflammation /li>li>Revitalize & Rejuvenate Body/li> /ul> /div> div classcol-md-4 nopad> ul classsection1-ul22 section-ul2-pad hidden-xs> li> img src/images/amazonpaypal.png> /li> li> span idbuySAFE_Kicker namebuySAFE_Kicker typeKicker Guaranteed Ribbon 200x90>/span> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-xs-12 col-md-4 btn-buynow mobile-center clear-left> a href/order/ classbuynow img-responsive idsection1OrderLink> Buy Now /a> /div> div classcol-md-8 col-xs-12> ul classsection1-mobile-ul hidden-sm hidden-md hidden-lg> li> img src/images/icon-money-back.png classmobile-ul-img img-responsive altMoney Back Guarantee titleMoney Back Guarantee /> p classp center> span> 60 Day /span> br /> Money Back /p> /li> li> img src/images/madeinusa.png classmobile-ul-img img-responsive altSecure Checkout titleSecure Checkout /> p classp center> span> Secure /span> br /> Checkout /p> /li> li> img src/images/paypal.png classmobile-ul-img img-responsive altPayPal titlePayPal /> p classp center> span> Paypal /span> br /> Verified /p> /li> /ul> ul classsection1-mobile-ul hidden-sm hidden-md hidden-lg section1-ul22 section-ul2-pad> li> div classweb_seal seal seal_typeversion5>/div> /li> li> span idbuySAFE_Kicker namebuySAFE_Kicker typeKicker Guaranteed Ribbon 200x90>/span> /li> /ul> ul classsection1-ul2 logo- hidden-xs> li> img src/images/icon-money-back.png altMoney Back Guarantee titleMoney Back Guarantee /> span classsection1-span> 60 Day /span> br /> Money Back /li> li> img src/images/madeinusa.png altMade In The Usa titleMade In The Usa /> span classsection1-span> Made IN /span> br /> THE USA /li> li> img src/images/paypal.png altPayPal titlePayPal /> span classsection1-span> Paypal /span> br /> Verified /li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-3 col-md-4 hidden-xs hidden-sm> img src/images/main-bottle.png altApproved Science Ashwagandha Bottle titleApproved Science Ashwagandha Bottle classimg-responsive section1-bottle hidden-xs /> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classsection2>span classsecAnc idwhatis>/span> div classcontainer> div classrow> h2 classh2 center> span classcolor-normal> WHATS Approved Science Ashwagandha sup classtrademark-h2 > TM /sup> ? /span> /h2 > h3 classh3 center> A TOP QUALITY Ashwagandha SUPPLEMENT /h3> div classcol-sm-6> img src/images/img-science.jpg altScience classimg-responsive img-science /> /div> div classcol-sm-6> h3 classh3 inlineMob> Approved Science Ashwagandha sup classtrademark-h3> TM /sup> /h3> p classp justify inlineMob> is an expertly crafted Ashwagandha supplement that has been studied and produced in a top-quality, cGMP certified and FDA licensed laboratory environment under the most rigorously professional conditions. /p> p classp justify> The positive benefits of the ingredients found in Approved Science Ashwagandha™ have been published by organizations such as the Indian Journal of Medical Research, the African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and the Journal of Dietary Supplements. /p> p classp justify font-bold> Approved Science Ashwagandha™ - research drives results! /p> /div> /div> /div>/section>section classsection3>span classsecAnc idwhychoose>/span> div classcontainer> div classrow arrow-mg> div classarrow-left arrow-grey> /div> div classcol-sm-6> h2 classh2 white-normal>WHY Choose Approved Science Ashwagandha sup classtrademark-h2 >TM/sup> /h2 > h3 classh3> For Optimizing Health? /h3> p classp justify white-normal> Most other Ashwagandha supplements do not contain an amazing 1,500 mg of organic Ashwagandha for the best possible health benefits. Most do not include Ginger for additional health benefits or BioPerine® (Piperine) for increased bioavailability and speedier results. The truth is that most Ashwagandha supplements do not live up to their claims. Most do not have the potency needed. And most contain ingredients such as additives, preservatives, fillers or binders. /p> p classp justify white-normal> Due to extensive research and our firm understanding of Ashwagandha and its incredible benefits for optimizing health, we have created a product that is uniquely formulated to provide the ultimate boost to your health and overall well-being. /p> p classp justify white-normal> B>Each ingredient was carefully selected, based on years of research and clinical studies./B> Over 20 years of safety and efficacy research has been documented on what ingredients should be included in a quality Ashwagandha supplement to get the ultimate health benefits it holds. /p> /div> div classcol-sm-6> img src/images/bottle-plus.png altApproved Science Ashwagandha Bottle Plus titleApproved Science Ashwagandha Bottle classimg-responsive margin-auto /> h3 classh3 subtext-h3 center> span classwhite-normal font-bold> Approved Science Ashwagandha sup classtrademark-h3> TM /sup> /span> - span classwhite-normal font-bold> #1 CHOICE /span> FOR QUALITY & EFFECTIVENESS br /> /h3> img src/images/comparison-diagram.png classcenter-block img-responsive altapproved science keto /> /div> /div> /div>/section> section classsection4>span classsecAnc idbenefits>/span> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classarrow-right arrow-main> /div> div classcol-sm-7 hidden-xs people-wrapper> img src/images/img-people.png classimg-responsive benefits-img altPeople /> /div> div classcol-sm-5 benefits-wrapper> h2 classh2 center color-normal> THE BENEFITS /h2 > h3 classh3 center> OF Approved Science Ashwagandha span> sup classtrademark-h3> TM /sup> /span> /h3> div classcol-sm-12 hidden-sm hidden-md hidden-lg people-wrapper> img src/images/img-people.png classimg-responsive benefits-img altPeople /> /div> div classbullets-wrapper> div classrow>img src/images/img-check.png altChecked classimg-check />p classsection4-p p>Formulated to give your body the best possible health boost./p>/div>div classrow>img src/images/img-check.png altChecked classimg-check />p classsection4-p p>Ashwagandha provides the body with simultaneous energizing and calming properties./p>/div>div classrow>img src/images/img-check.png altChecked classimg-check />p classsection4-p p>Supports a healthy nervous system which protects against the effects of stress./p>/div>div classrow>img src/images/img-check.png altChecked classimg-check />p classsection4-p p>Reduces pain as a result of inflammation. Studies have shown benefits for arthritis./p>/div>div classrow>img src/images/img-check.png altChecked classimg-check />p classsection4-p p>Aids sleep and helps alleviate the symptoms of insomnia. /p>/div>div classrow>img src/images/img-check.png altChecked classimg-check />p classsection4-p p>Improves mood and other cognitive functions, such as concentration and focus. /p>/div>div classrow>img src/images/img-check.png altChecked classimg-check />p classsection4-p p>Offers protection against cognitive decline and memory loss./p>/div> div classbtn-buynow-2> a href/order/ classbuynow-benefits img-responsive idsection4OrderLink> Buy Now /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classsection5>span classsecAnc idhowdoes>/span> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classarrow-left arrow-white arrow3> /div> div classcol-sm-6> h2 classh2 center color-normal> HOW DOES /h2 > h3 classh3 center> Approved Science Ashwagandha sup classtrademark-h3> TM /sup> WORK? /h3> div classsection5-content-wrapper> div classrow> img src/images/small-bottle.png altApproved Science Ashwagandha Small Bottle titleApproved Science Ashwagandha Bottle classimg-responsive bottle-small /> p classp justify> Approved Science Ashwagandha™ provides a 1,500 mg daily dosage of organic Ashwagandha which is the optimal potency for the best health benefits. The ingredients contained in Approved Science Ashwagandha™ were selected by a team of doctors and scientific researchers based on clinical data and designed to get results more effectively than any other Ashwagandha supplement available. /p> p classp justify> Containing the most effective Ashwagandha (organic) PLUS Ginger and BioPerine®/b>, this unique supplement provides a vast array of health benefits for optimizing health. Many studies document the positive benefits of Ashwagandha for relieving stress and anxiety, reducing pain, improving sleep, enhancing cognitive functions, and boosting memory. /p> p classp justify> This top quality Ashwagandha supplement provides many incredible benefits: General, Support, Protect and Relieve - supporting the body and brain in a way that ensures optimal health benefits and overall well-being /p> p classp justify> In terms of quality and purity of ingredients, there is nothing else on the market that comes close to Approved Science Ashwagandha™. /p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-6> div classrow step-line> img src/images/img-step1.png altStep 1 classimg-responsive steps /> h3 classh3 left-pad-2> STEP #1 General /h3> p classp left-pad-2 justify> Ashwagandha is a popular adaptogenic herb which means it helps the body adapt to and cope with external and internal stressors. In Sanskrit, Ashva means horse, so it is believed to provide the strength and vigor of a horse. Ashwagandha is unique in that it energizes and calms the body at the same time. /p> /div> div classrow step-line> img src/images/img-step2.png altStep 2 classimg-responsive steps /> h3 classh3 left-pad-2> STEP #2 Support /h3> p classp left-pad-2 justify> Ashwagandha contains many chemical compounds which provide much needed support for the body and mind. It has been shown to reduce anxiety and stress, alleviate insomnia, enhance memory and focus, boost mood and energy, support heart health, and strengthen the immune system. /p> /div> div classrow step-line> img src/images/img-step3.png altStep 3 classimg-responsive steps /> h3 classh3 left-pad-2> STEP #3 Protect /h3> p classp left-pad-2 justify> Various studies have shown Ashwagandha to protect against memory loss and cognitive decline. This is particularly the case for those who have degenerative diseases. It also supports a healthy nervous system which protects the body against the negative effects of stress. /p> /div> div classrow> img src/images/img-step4.png altStep 4 classimg-responsive steps /> h3 classh3 left-pad-2> STEP #4 Relieve /h3> p classp left-pad-2 justify> Ashwagandha is well-known for its rejuvenating properties. It has been shown to be very beneficial for reducing anxiety and stress while at the same time improving mood. It is also known to help relieve pain and inflammation, such as with joint pain, gastric ulcers, skin conditions, and stomach problems. /p> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section> section classsection6>span classsecAnc idingredients>/span> div classcontainer> div classrow center> div classarrow-center arrow-grey> /div> h2 classh2 white-normal center> Approved Science Ashwagandha sup classtrademark-h2 > TM /sup> span classhidden-xs>Ashwagandha/span> FORMULA /h2 > h3 classh3 white-normal center> CLINICALLY-Proven, Effective & Natural Ingredients /h3> div classhidden-xs hidden-sm> h3 classsection6-h3-middle bottom-mg hidden-sm hidden-xs hidden-md hidden-lg> Ingredients /h3> h3 classsection6-h3-middle bottom-mg hidden-md hidden-lg> Approved Science Ashwagandhasup classtrademark-h3>TM/sup> /h3> !-- ingredients on desktop --> div classcol-sm-12 center hidden-sm hidden-xs> h3 classsection6-h3-middle>Ingredients/h3> /div> div classcol-md-4 hidden-sm hidden-xs shortInged> img src/images/banner-bottle.png altApproved Science Ashwagandha ingredients bottle titleApproved Science Ashwagandha bottle classimg-responsive section6-img-bottle> /div> !-- ingredients on mobile --> div classcol-md-4 hidden-md hidden-lg> /div> div classcol-md-4 shortInged> div classrow ingredient-line-right> div classcol-xs-4> img src/images/ingredient-1.png classimg-responsive pull-right altApproved Science Ashwagandha ingredient 1 titleOrganic Ashwagandha /> /div> div classcol-xs-8> h4 classsection6-right-header> Organic Ashwagandha /h4> p classsection6-right-p> Formulated using 100% pure Ashwagandha to provide many health benefits including reducing stress and anxiety, enhancing memory and cognitive functioning, alleviating insomnia, strengthening immune system, and decreasing pain and inflammation. /p> /div> /div> div classrow ingredient-line-right> div classcol-xs-4> img src/images/ingredient-2.png classimg-responsive pull-right altApproved Science Ashwagandha ingredient 2 titleGinger /> /div> div classcol-xs-8> h4 classsection6-right-header> Ginger /h4> p classsection6-right-p> Provides many additional health and nutritional benefits for the body and mind. /p> /div> /div> div classrow > div classcol-xs-4> img src/images/ingredient-3.png classimg-responsive pull-right altApproved Science Ashwagandha ingredient 3 titleBIOPERINE® (PIPERINE) /> /div> div classcol-xs-8> h4 classsection6-right-header> BIOPERINE® (PIPERINE) /h4> p classsection6-right-p> Piperine is an alkaloid found in black pepper which has been shown to increase the absorption and bioavailability of nutrients. Bioperine® is a patented, concentrated source of Piperine. /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classhidden-md hidden-lg> h3 classsection6-h3-middle bottom-mg hidden-sm hidden-xs hidden-md hidden-lg> Ingredients /h3> h3 classsection6-h3-middle bottom-mg hidden-md hidden-lg> Approved Science Ashwagandhasup classtrademark-h3>TM/sup> /h3> !-- ingredients on desktop --> div classcol-sm-12 center hidden-sm hidden-xs> h3 classsection6-h3-middle>Ingredients/h3> /div> div classcol-md-4 hidden-sm hidden-xs shortInged> img src/images/banner-bottle.png altApproved Science Ashwagandha ingredients bottle titleApproved Science Ashwagandha bottle classimg-responsive section6-img-bottle> /div> !-- ingredients on mobile --> div classcol-md-4 hidden-md hidden-lg> /div> div classcol-md-4 shortInged> div classrow ingredient-line-right> div classcol-xs-4> img src/images/ingredient-1.png classimg-responsive pull-right altApproved Science Ashwagandha ingredient 1 titleOrganic Ashwagandha /> /div> div classcol-xs-8> h4 classsection6-right-header> Organic Ashwagandha /h4> p classsection6-right-p> Formulated using 100% pure Ashwagandha to provide many health benefits including reducing stress and anxiety, enhancing memory and cognitive functioning, alleviating insomnia, strengthening immune system, and decreasing pain and inflammation. /p> /div> /div> div classrow ingredient-line-right> div classcol-xs-4> img src/images/ingredient-2.png classimg-responsive pull-right altApproved Science Ashwagandha ingredient 2 titleGinger /> /div> div classcol-xs-8> h4 classsection6-right-header> Ginger /h4> p classsection6-right-p> Provides many additional health and nutritional benefits for the body and mind. /p> /div> /div> div classrow > div classcol-xs-4> img src/images/ingredient-3.png classimg-responsive pull-right altApproved Science Ashwagandha ingredient 3 titleBIOPERINE® (PIPERINE) /> /div> div classcol-xs-8> h4 classsection6-right-header> BIOPERINE® (PIPERINE) /h4> p classsection6-right-p> Piperine is an alkaloid found in black pepper which has been shown to increase the absorption and bioavailability of nutrients. Bioperine® is a patented, concentrated source of Piperine. /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classsection7>span classsecAnc idlabel>/span> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classarrow-center arrow-main> /div> h2 classh2 white-normal centerMob> Approved Science Ashwagandha sup classtrademark-h2 > TM /sup> span classcolor-normal> LABEL span classhidden-xs>AND DIRECTIONS/span> /span> /h2 > h3 classh3 white-normal centerMob> EXPERIENCE THE MOST EFFECTIVE ASHWAGANDHA SUPPLEMENT TODAY /h3> div classrow section7-wrapper> a classlabelPop href/images/label.jpg>img src/images/label.jpg classsuppFactsImage altApproved Science Ashwagandha Supplement Facts titleApproved Science Ashwagandha Supplement Facts />/a> /div> div classrow> div classcol-sm-6 col-sm-offset-3> div classbtn-buynow-3> a href/order/ classbuynow buynow-3 img-responsive idsection6OrderLink> RUSH MY ORDER! /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classsection9>span classsecAnc idcomparison>/span> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classarrow-center arrow-darkergrey> /div> div classcol-xs-12> /div> h2 classh2 center font-norm> HOW DOES strong> span classcolor-normal> Approved Science Ashwagandha sup classtrademark-h2 > TM /sup> /span> /strong> COMPARE? /h2 > table classtable table-bordered section9-table> tr> td> /td> td stylebackground:#466db5;> img src/images/chart-bottle1.png classtable-img img-responsive altApproved Science Ashwagandha Bottle titleApproved Science Ashwagandha /> p classmed-name white-normal> Approved Science Ashwagandha /p> /td> td> img src/images/chart-bottle2.jpg classcompProd1 table-img img-responsive altPukka Wholistic Ashwagandha Bottle titlePukka Wholistic Ashwagandha /> p classmed-name> Pukka Wholistic Ashwagandha /p> /td> td> img src/images/chart-bottle3.jpg classcompProd2 table-img img-responsive altNatures Way Ashwagandha Bottle titleNatures Way Ashwagandha /> p classmed-name> Natures Way Ashwagandha /p> /td> td> img src/images/chart-bottle4.jpg classcompProd3 table-img img-responsive altNOW Ashwagandha Bottle titleNOW Ashwagandha /> p classmed-name> NOW Ashwagandha /p> /td> td> img src/images/chart-bottle5.jpg classcompProd4 table-img img-responsive altPure Encapsulations Ashwagandha Bottle titlePure Encapsulations Ashwagandha /> p classmed-name> Pure Encapsulations Ashwagandha /p> /td> /tr> tr> td stylebackground: #eeb21e;> h4 classcol-title> Contains Organic Ashwagandha /h4> /td> td stylebackground: #365a9c;> h3 classcol-yes> YES /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> YES /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> NO /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> NO /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> NO /h3> /td> /tr> tr> td stylebackground: #eeb21e;> h4 classcol-title> Provides a 1,500mg Dosage /h4> /td> td stylebackground: #365a9c;> h3 classcol-yes> YES /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> NO /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> NO /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> NO /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> NO /h3> /td> /tr> tr> td stylebackground: #eeb21e;> h4 classcol-title> Contains Ginger /h4> /td> td stylebackground: #365a9c;> h3 classcol-yes> YES /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> NO /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> NO /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> NO /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> NO /h3> /td> /tr> tr> td stylebackground: #eeb21e;> h4 classcol-title> Contains BioPerine® (Piperine) /h4> /td> td stylebackground: #365a9c;> h3 classcol-yes> YES /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> NO /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> NO /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> NO /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> NO /h3> /td> /tr> tr> td stylebackground: #eeb21e;> h4 classcol-title> 60-Day Money Back Guarantee /h4> /td> td stylebackground: #365a9c;> h3 classcol-yes> YES /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> NO /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> NO /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> NO /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> NO /h3> /td> /tr> tr> td stylebackground: #eeb21e;> h4 classcol-title> No Additives, Preservatives or Artificial Ingredients /h4> /td> td stylebackground: #365a9c;> h3 classcol-yes> YES /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> YES /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> YES /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> YES /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> YES /h3> /td> /tr> tr> td stylebackground: #eeb21e;> h4 classcol-title> Vegan Friendly /h4> /td> td stylebackground: #365a9c;> h3 classcol-yes> YES /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> YES /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> YES /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> YES /h3> /td> td stylebackground: #eaeaea;> h3 classcol-no> YES /h3> /td> /tr>tr classhidden-sm hidden-xs tableCheck> td> h4 classrecommended-choice> Recommended Choice /h4> /td> td stylebackground: #365a9c;> img src/images/table-tick.png classimg-responsive check altTable Tick /> /td> td> /td> td> /td> td> /td> td> /td> /tr> /table> /div> /div> /section>section classsection11>span classsecAnc idtestimonials>/span> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classarrow-center arrow-white> /div> div classcol-xs-12> h2 classh2 white-normal center font-norm> WHATS THE WORD ON span> Approved Science Ashwagandha /span> sup classtrademark-h2 > TM /sup> ? /h2 > p classp white-normal center> If youre ready, join the tens of thousands of Americans who have already experienced the benefits and seen the results! /p> /div> div classcol-xs-12> div classtestimonials> ul classbxslider> li> a href/testimonials/> img src/images/testimonial1.png altApproved Science Ashwagandha Testimonial 1 /> p classslider-text-wrapper> span> As a teacher, I need to be on my game all the time. I have lessons to plan and tests to grade, and thats on top of the time actually spent in front of my class. Many late nights had left me feeling run down... /span> span> As a teacher, I need to be on my game all the time. I have lessons to plan and tests to grade, and thats on top of the timed... /span> /p> /a> /li> li> a href/testimonials/> img src/images/testimonial2.png altApproved Science Ashwagandha Testimonial 2 /> p classslider-text-wrapper> span> I was spending most of my day feeling totally stressed out and overwhelmed between work and family responsibilities, and I knew I couldnt go on that way anymore. I didnt think it was serious enough to warrant prescription medication, but I wanted something natural.... /span> span> I was spending most of my day feeling totally stressed out and overwhelmed between work and family responsibilities, and I knew I couldnt go on that way anymore. I didnt think it was... /span> /p> /a> /li> li> a href/testimonials/> img src/images/testimonial3.png altApproved Science Ashwagandha Testimonial 3 /> p classslider-text-wrapper> span> Anxiety has always been something that Ive experienced, ever since I was a young child. Now, as a working mom and the constant meetings and rushing from one thing to the next, my anxiety and stress levels... /span> span> Anxiety has always been something that Ive experienced, ever since I was a young child. Now, as a working mom... /span> /p> /a> /li> li> a href/testimonials/> img src/images/testimonial4.png altApproved Science Ashwagandha Testimonial 4 /> p classslider-text-wrapper> span> I love this product!! It has given me so much more energy and I feel much more focused at work while also being able to keep up some sort of social life... /span> span> I love this product!! It has given me so much more energy and I feel much more focused at work while also being able to... /span> /p> /a> /li> li> a href/testimonials/> img src/images/testimonial5.png altApproved Science Ashwagandha Testimonial 5 /> p classslider-text-wrapper> span> I work 12-hour shifts at a time, sometimes more, and most of it is on my feet. I needed a boost and my friend told me about Ashwagandha and how it is some magic herb. After some investigation... /span> span> I work 12-hour shifts at a time, sometimes more, and most of it is on my feet. I needed a boost and my friend... /span> /p> /a> /li> li> a href/testimonials/> img src/images/testimonial6.png altApproved Science Ashwagandha Testimonial 6 /> p classslider-text-wrapper> span> I have tried many products to help me cope better with anxiety and stress and also help me sleep better at night but none have worked as well as Approved Science Ashwagandha. This product seems... /span> span> I have tried many products to help me cope better with anxiety and stress and also help me sleep better at night.... /span> /p> /a> /li> li> a href/testimonials/> img src/images/testimonial7.png altApproved Science Ashwagandha Testimonial 1 /> p classslider-text-wrapper> span> I am feeling so much calmer and sleeping so much better since I started taking Approved Science Ashwagandha. No side effects or anything. I give this product 5 stars! /span> span> I am feeling so much calmer and sleeping so much better since I started taking Approved Science Ashwagandha. No side effects... /span> /p> /a> /li> li> a href/testimonials/> img src/images/testimonial8.png altApproved Science Ashwagandha Testimonial 2 /> p classslider-text-wrapper> span> About a year ago I injured my back and have been dealing with the pain and stress of this every day. Being in pain has also had a huge effect on my mood and energy. I didnt want to be taking painkillers... /span> span> About a year ago I injured my back and have been dealing with the pain and stress of this every day. Being in pain has also had a huge effect... /span> /p> /a> /li> li> a href/testimonials/> img src/images/testimonial9.png altApproved Science Ashwagandha Testimonial 3 /> p classslider-text-wrapper> span> I think everyone could do with a natural boost, particularly in todays stressful times. With our busy lifestyles, taking a product like Approved Science Ashwagandha can only be beneficial... /span> span> I think everyone could do with a natural boost, particularly in todays stressful times. With our busy lifestyles, taking a product... /span> /p> /a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classsection12>span classsecAnc idriskfree>/span> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classarrow-center arrow-darkgrey>/div> div classcol-xs-12 section12-wrapper> div classrow> div classcol-xs-12 col-md-4> img src/images/step.png classpull-right step hidden-xs altStep /> img src/images/risk-free-bottle.png classimg-reponsive banner-bottle altApproved Science Ashwagandha Risk Free Bottle titleApproved Science Ashwagandha Bottle /> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-md-8> h2 classh2 center>Try Approved Science Ashwagandhasup classtrademark-h2>TM/sup> span classcolor-normal>RISK FREE!/span>/h2> h3 classh3 center>PROVEN SCIENCE TO Optimize health and aid prevention of future ailments/h3> p classp justify>Approved Science Ashwagandha™ is guaranteed to provide optimal health benefits. If at any time you are unsatisfied with a product you purchased from us, you may return any opened & unopened bottles within sixty (60) days for a full refund of the returned bottles, not including shipping./p> div classrow> div classcol-xs-12> ul classul-paypal-moneyback hidden-xs> li> img src/images/icon-money-back.png altMoney Back Guarantee titleMoney Back Guarantee /> span classsection12-span> 60 Day /span> Money Back /li> li> img src/images/lock-cert.png altSecure Checkout titleSecure Checkout /> span classsection12-span> Secure /span> Checkout /li> li> img src/images/paypal.png altPayPal titlePayPal /> span classsection12-span> Paypal /span> Verified /li> /ul> ul classsection12-mobile-ul hidden-sm hidden-md hidden-lg> li> img src/images/icon-money-back.png classmobile-ul-img img-responsive altMoney Back Guarantee titleMoney Back Guarantee /> p classp center>span>60 Day/span>br /> Money Back/p> /li> li> img src/images/lock-cert.png classmobile-ul-img img-responsive altSecure Checkout titleSecure Checkout /> p classp center>span>Secure/span>br /> Checkout/p> /li> li> img src/images/paypal.png classmobile-ul-img img-responsive altPayPal titlePayPal /> p classp center>span>Paypal/span>br /> Verified/p> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-xs-12 gray-bg> a href/order/ classbuynow2 idfooterOrderLink>Buy Now/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-xs-12 footer-links> div classrow> div classcol-xs-12 col-md-3> ul classfooter-social-ul hidden-md hidden-sm hidden-xs> li>a href Science Ashwagandha classfacebook target_blank>img src/images/fb-ul.png>/a>/li> li>a href Science Ashwagandha classtwitter target_blank>img src/images/twit-ul.png>/a>/li> li>a href# classgoogleplus target_blank>img src/images/goog-ul.png>/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-md-6> p classfooter-statement>/p> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-md-3> img src/images/logo.png classimg-responsive footer-logo altApproved Science Ashwagandha Logo Footer titleApproved Science Ashwagandha /> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> footer classfooter> div classcontainer> div classrow> ul classfooter-ul stylepadding-left: 0;> li> © 2024 Approved Science™ LLC All rights reserved span classfootSep>/span> span classhidden-xs> a classfooterLinks fancybox.ajax href/terms.php>TERMS & CONDITIONS/a> span classfootSep>/span> a classfooterLinks fancybox.ajax href/privacy.php>PRIVACY POLICY/a> span classfootSep>/span> a classlabelPop href/images/label.jpg>SEE OUR LABEL/a> span classfootSep>/span> a href/contact/>CONTACT/a> /span> /li> span classhidden-sm hidden-md hidden-lg> a classfooterLinks fancybox.ajax href/terms.php>TERMS/a> span classfootSep>/span> a classfooterLinks fancybox.ajax href/privacy.php>PRIVACY/a> span classfootSep>/span> a classlabelPop href/images/label.jpg>LABEL/a> span classfootSep>/span> a href/contact/>CONTACT/a>/li> /span> /ul> /div> div classrow disclaimer> div classdisclaimer_inner> p>*Results will vary for individuals, depending on the individual’s physical condition, lifestyle, and diet. Testimonials and results contained within may not be an implication of future results. Testimonials on this site are based on the experiences of a few people and you may not have similar results. Always consult your physician before making any dietary changes or starting any nutrition, health control or exercise program. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information in this website is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. /p> /div> /div> /div> /footer> !-- script typetext/javascript> var year_input $(#expYr); var month_input $(#expMo); var check_expire_year function(year){ var d new Date(); var current_year d.getFullYear(); var current_month d.getMonth()+ 1; if(current_month 10) { current_month 0+current_month; } if(year current_year) { // alert(current_month); month_input.find(optionvalue+current_month+).prop(selected,true).prevAll().prop({disabled: true}); } else { month_input.find(optionvalue+current_month+).prop(selected,false).prevAll().prop({disabled: false}); } }; // check_expire_year(year_input.val()); year_input.change(function(){ // alert($(this).val()); check_expire_year($(this).val()); });var date_now new Date().getFullYear();check_expire_year(date_now);/script> --> /body>/html>
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