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HTTP/1.1 200 date: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 12:24:34 GMTcontent-type: text/htmlcontent-length: 8822server: Apachex-provided-by: StackCDNlast-modified: Sat, 23 Apr 2011 12:16:27 GMTetag: 2276-4a194f192bcc0vary: Accept-Encodingx-origin-cache-status: MISSx-cdn-cache-status: MISSaccept-ranges: bytesx-via: SEA1 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>html>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1>title>Australian Apprenticeship | Apprenticeships | Apprentice /title>style typetext/css>!--.style2 {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #FFFFFF; }.style8 {color: #000000}.style9 {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000000; font-size: 10px; }a:link { color: #000000;}a:visited { color: #000000;}a:hover { color: #000000;}a:active { color: #000000;}.style10 {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000000; font-size: 12px; }.style12 {color: #000000; font-size: 12px; }body { margin-top: 0px; background-color: #CCCCCC;}.style13 { font-size: 14px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}.style14 {font-size: 36px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }.style15 {font-size: 18px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; }.style16 {font-size: 12px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}-->/style>/head>body>div aligncenter> table width900 border0 cellpadding10 cellspacing0> tr bgcolor#FFFFFF> td colspan2 valigntop>img srcAustralian-Apprenticeships.jpg width950 height270>/td> /tr> tr bgcolor#FCB75C> td colspan2 valigntop>div aligncenter> script typetext/javascript>!--google_ad_client pub-9988218117801800;/* ApprenticeshipsLINKUNITS */google_ad_slot 8283786456;google_ad_width 728;google_ad_height 15;//-->/script>script typetext/javascriptsrc>/script>/div>/td> /tr> tr bgcolor#FFFFFF> td width300 valigntop>h1 classstyle14> script typetext/javascript>!--google_ad_client pub-9988218117801800;/* IMAGE-Apprenticeship-Net-Au */google_ad_slot 9355786179;google_ad_width 300;google_ad_height 250;//-->/script>script typetext/javascriptsrc>/script>script typetext/javascript>!--google_ad_client pub-9988218117801800;/* */google_ad_slot 2548105108;google_ad_width 336;google_ad_height 280;//-->/script>script typetext/javascriptsrc>/script>script typetext/javascript>!--google_ad_client pub-9988218117801800;/* */google_ad_slot 2548105108;google_ad_width 336;google_ad_height 280;//-->/script>script typetext/javascriptsrc>/script>/h1> h1 classstyle14> /h1> p classstyle13> /p>/td> td width630 valigntop>h1 alignleft classstyle14>Australian Apprenticeship /h1> p alignjustify classstyle13>Unlike any other land on the globe, Australia takes care of its people. Anyone over the age of fourteen can sign up for strong>Apprenticeship courses/strong> providing there is an employer willing to take him or her. Covering over 500 different occupations, and employing/training some 400,000 people, this program of government incentives combine work time and training time on a part to full time basis, both in and out of school. For information about strong>apprenticeship/strong> one should contact their regional strong>Australian Apprenticeships/strong> Centre. /p> p alignjustify classstyle13>strong>Apprenticeship courses/strong> can lead to national qualification in the field of choice. There are no entry requirements for those of working age. Anyone can begin an apprenticeship program, not just the youth, although starting early on it can give you quite an advantage. If you happen to have skills that are related you can get credit for them and thus shorten your strong>apprenticeship/strong> terms. If you advance quickly because you are a fast learner you will not be penalised or held back. Work is paid for while you still are getting training. And perhaps the most valuable thing of all, these programs can help ease one from school into the workforce. If your schools career advisor lacks information to assist you then you need to contact the strong>Australian Apprenticeships/strong> Centre in your region. /p> p alignjustify classstyle13>With so many choices to look at one can be overwhelmed by the options. The courses range from one to four years in length and knowing this might help one chose what they want to do. Plus some strong>apprenticeships/strong> lead into others. Four year strong>apprenticeship courses/strong> like one for a basic Electricians Licence or plumbing certificate are considered a level III. In order to be self employed in these fields one may need to seek more testing. One that enjoys the science and thrill of electronic theory can earn a good living with this strong>apprenticeship/strong>. Your schools career advisor or the regional strong>Australian Apprenticeships/strong> Centre will have all the information you need to find out more about getting into the Electricians apprenticeship programme. /p> p alignjustify classstyle13>Carpentry and automotive strong>a hrefApprenticeship-Courses.htm>apprenticeship courses/a>/strong> may take less or more time to attain, typically 3-4 years. Both are in high demand. If you enjoy working and building or repairing things, either of these would be a great choice. Carpentry allows one to act as their own boss and work outside, while automotive is more urban and business detailed. Either way you go, your regional strong>Apprenticeships Centre/strong> and your school career advisor will have information to help you get started on your course. /p> p alignjustify classstyle13>One could seek to become a hairdresser, which is also a level III certificate strong>Australian Apprenticeship/strong>, and do so as young as year 10. You will find that your school career advisor will have information to help you get started with this. If they do not have information for you then contact your regional strong>Australian Apprenticeships/strong> Centre. Hairdressers are in very high demand, as there is a shortage. To enter this field one must have good personal grooming habits and sell themselves to a local business runner, but because there is a shortage, it can be rather more easy to get into. There are a number of special schools acting as training for this field that can provide more information. /p> p alignjustify classstyle15>a hrefApprenticeship-Courses.htm>Apprenticeship Courses/a>/p> p> /p> p> /p> p>/p> /td> /tr> tr bgcolor#FCB75C> td height128 colspan2 valigntop>p alignleft classstyle10>IT Apprenticeships - PLUMBING Apprenticeships - CARPENTRY Apprenticeships - ENGINEERING Apprenticeships - ELECTRICIAN Apprenticeships - CONSTRUCTION Apprenticeships - ELECTRICAL Apprenticeships - BRICKLAYING Apprenticeships - BUILDING Apprenticeships - span classstyle12>CHEF Apprenticeships/span>/p> p alignleft classstyle10>MECHANICAL Apprenticeships ADULT Apprenticeships SIGNWRITING Apprenticeships HAIR DRESSING Apprenticeships MINING Apprenticeships LANDSCAPE Apprenticeships PANEL BEATING Apprenticeships WELDING Apprenticeships TILING Apprenticeships MECHANIC Apprenticeships/p> p aligncenter classstyle10> script typetext/javascript>!--google_ad_client pub-9988218117801800;/* ApprenticeshipsLINKUNITS */google_ad_slot 8283786456;google_ad_width 728;google_ad_height 15;//-->/script>script typetext/javascriptsrc>/script>/p>/td> /tr> /table> h5 classstyle2>span classstyle8>a href target_blank>Apprenticeships/a> | a href target_blank>Apprentice/a> | a href target_blank>Entry Level Jobs/a> /span>/h5> p classstyle9>NSW - QLD - VIC - SA - WA - ACT - TAS - NT/p> p classstyle9>sydney, brisbane, melbourne, adelaide, perth, canberra, hobart, darwin/p> h6 classstyle2>span classstyle1 style8>font faceArial>This website is for information purposes only. We offer no guarantee or warranty on information provided - a hrefprivacy.htm>Privacy/a> /font>font faceArial>/font>/span>/h6>/div>/body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 date: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 12:24:34 GMTcontent-type: text/htmlcontent-length: 8822server: Apachex-provided-by: StackCDNlast-modified: Sat, 23 Apr 2011 12:16:27 GMTetag: 2276-4a194f192bcc0vary: Accept-Encodingx-origin-cache-status: MISSx-cdn-cache-status: MISSaccept-ranges: bytesx-via: SEA1 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>html>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1>title>Australian Apprenticeship | Apprenticeships | Apprentice /title>style typetext/css>!--.style2 {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #FFFFFF; }.style8 {color: #000000}.style9 {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000000; font-size: 10px; }a:link { color: #000000;}a:visited { color: #000000;}a:hover { color: #000000;}a:active { color: #000000;}.style10 {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000000; font-size: 12px; }.style12 {color: #000000; font-size: 12px; }body { margin-top: 0px; background-color: #CCCCCC;}.style13 { font-size: 14px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}.style14 {font-size: 36px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }.style15 {font-size: 18px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; }.style16 {font-size: 12px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}-->/style>/head>body>div aligncenter> table width900 border0 cellpadding10 cellspacing0> tr bgcolor#FFFFFF> td colspan2 valigntop>img srcAustralian-Apprenticeships.jpg width950 height270>/td> /tr> tr bgcolor#FCB75C> td colspan2 valigntop>div aligncenter> script typetext/javascript>!--google_ad_client pub-9988218117801800;/* ApprenticeshipsLINKUNITS */google_ad_slot 8283786456;google_ad_width 728;google_ad_height 15;//-->/script>script typetext/javascriptsrc>/script>/div>/td> /tr> tr bgcolor#FFFFFF> td width300 valigntop>h1 classstyle14> script typetext/javascript>!--google_ad_client pub-9988218117801800;/* IMAGE-Apprenticeship-Net-Au */google_ad_slot 9355786179;google_ad_width 300;google_ad_height 250;//-->/script>script typetext/javascriptsrc>/script>script typetext/javascript>!--google_ad_client pub-9988218117801800;/* */google_ad_slot 2548105108;google_ad_width 336;google_ad_height 280;//-->/script>script typetext/javascriptsrc>/script>script typetext/javascript>!--google_ad_client pub-9988218117801800;/* */google_ad_slot 2548105108;google_ad_width 336;google_ad_height 280;//-->/script>script typetext/javascriptsrc>/script>/h1> h1 classstyle14> /h1> p classstyle13> /p>/td> td width630 valigntop>h1 alignleft classstyle14>Australian Apprenticeship /h1> p alignjustify classstyle13>Unlike any other land on the globe, Australia takes care of its people. Anyone over the age of fourteen can sign up for strong>Apprenticeship courses/strong> providing there is an employer willing to take him or her. Covering over 500 different occupations, and employing/training some 400,000 people, this program of government incentives combine work time and training time on a part to full time basis, both in and out of school. For information about strong>apprenticeship/strong> one should contact their regional strong>Australian Apprenticeships/strong> Centre. /p> p alignjustify classstyle13>strong>Apprenticeship courses/strong> can lead to national qualification in the field of choice. There are no entry requirements for those of working age. Anyone can begin an apprenticeship program, not just the youth, although starting early on it can give you quite an advantage. If you happen to have skills that are related you can get credit for them and thus shorten your strong>apprenticeship/strong> terms. If you advance quickly because you are a fast learner you will not be penalised or held back. Work is paid for while you still are getting training. And perhaps the most valuable thing of all, these programs can help ease one from school into the workforce. If your schools career advisor lacks information to assist you then you need to contact the strong>Australian Apprenticeships/strong> Centre in your region. /p> p alignjustify classstyle13>With so many choices to look at one can be overwhelmed by the options. The courses range from one to four years in length and knowing this might help one chose what they want to do. Plus some strong>apprenticeships/strong> lead into others. Four year strong>apprenticeship courses/strong> like one for a basic Electricians Licence or plumbing certificate are considered a level III. In order to be self employed in these fields one may need to seek more testing. One that enjoys the science and thrill of electronic theory can earn a good living with this strong>apprenticeship/strong>. Your schools career advisor or the regional strong>Australian Apprenticeships/strong> Centre will have all the information you need to find out more about getting into the Electricians apprenticeship programme. /p> p alignjustify classstyle13>Carpentry and automotive strong>a hrefApprenticeship-Courses.htm>apprenticeship courses/a>/strong> may take less or more time to attain, typically 3-4 years. Both are in high demand. If you enjoy working and building or repairing things, either of these would be a great choice. Carpentry allows one to act as their own boss and work outside, while automotive is more urban and business detailed. Either way you go, your regional strong>Apprenticeships Centre/strong> and your school career advisor will have information to help you get started on your course. /p> p alignjustify classstyle13>One could seek to become a hairdresser, which is also a level III certificate strong>Australian Apprenticeship/strong>, and do so as young as year 10. You will find that your school career advisor will have information to help you get started with this. If they do not have information for you then contact your regional strong>Australian Apprenticeships/strong> Centre. Hairdressers are in very high demand, as there is a shortage. To enter this field one must have good personal grooming habits and sell themselves to a local business runner, but because there is a shortage, it can be rather more easy to get into. There are a number of special schools acting as training for this field that can provide more information. /p> p alignjustify classstyle15>a hrefApprenticeship-Courses.htm>Apprenticeship Courses/a>/p> p> /p> p> /p> p>/p> /td> /tr> tr bgcolor#FCB75C> td height128 colspan2 valigntop>p alignleft classstyle10>IT Apprenticeships - PLUMBING Apprenticeships - CARPENTRY Apprenticeships - ENGINEERING Apprenticeships - ELECTRICIAN Apprenticeships - CONSTRUCTION Apprenticeships - ELECTRICAL Apprenticeships - BRICKLAYING Apprenticeships - BUILDING Apprenticeships - span classstyle12>CHEF Apprenticeships/span>/p> p alignleft classstyle10>MECHANICAL Apprenticeships ADULT Apprenticeships SIGNWRITING Apprenticeships HAIR DRESSING Apprenticeships MINING Apprenticeships LANDSCAPE Apprenticeships PANEL BEATING Apprenticeships WELDING Apprenticeships TILING Apprenticeships MECHANIC Apprenticeships/p> p aligncenter classstyle10> script typetext/javascript>!--google_ad_client pub-9988218117801800;/* ApprenticeshipsLINKUNITS */google_ad_slot 8283786456;google_ad_width 728;google_ad_height 15;//-->/script>script typetext/javascriptsrc>/script>/p>/td> /tr> /table> h5 classstyle2>span classstyle8>a href target_blank>Apprenticeships/a> | a href target_blank>Apprentice/a> | a href target_blank>Entry Level Jobs/a> /span>/h5> p classstyle9>NSW - QLD - VIC - SA - WA - ACT - TAS - NT/p> p classstyle9>sydney, brisbane, melbourne, adelaide, perth, canberra, hobart, darwin/p> h6 classstyle2>span classstyle1 style8>font faceArial>This website is for information purposes only. We offer no guarantee or warranty on information provided - a hrefprivacy.htm>Privacy/a> /font>font faceArial>/font>/span>/h6>/div>/body>/html>
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