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mt-navlogo/>nav id_nav_menu-4-7 classoxy-nav-menu oxy-nav-menu-dropdowns oxy-nav-menu-dropdown-arrow >div classoxy-menu-toggle>div classoxy-nav-menu-hamburger-wrap>div classoxy-nav-menu-hamburger>div classoxy-nav-menu-hamburger-line>/div>div classoxy-nav-menu-hamburger-line>/div>div classoxy-nav-menu-hamburger-line>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classmenu-nav-menu-container>ul idmenu-nav-menu classoxy-nav-menu-list>li idmenu-item-32 classmenu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom current-menu-item current_page_item menu-item-home menu-item-32>a href aria-currentpage>Home/a>/li>li idmenu-item-33 classmenu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-33>a href>Order/a>/li>/ul>/div>/nav>/div>/div>/section>section idsection-331-11 class ct-section sectionpadding sec-lesspad >div classct-section-inner-wrap>div iddiv_block-332-11 classct-div-block div-1 >div id_rich_text-335-11 classoxy-rich-text defaulttext >p>strong>AntiAdwarePro™/strong> is used by thousands of internet users around the world, making it one of the worlds most trusted Adware & Spyware protection solutions. Through the development of this software Anti Adware Pro™ has single handedly redefined the way internet users approach computer and internet security, offering the most comprehensive, up to date anti-adware solution to date./p>/div>img idimage-333-11 alt src classct-image adware-img/>/div>/div>/section>section idsection-337-11 class ct-section sectionpadding sec-lesspad >div classct-section-inner-wrap>div iddiv_block-338-11 classct-div-block shortwidth contain-2 >div idtext_block-339-11 classct-text-block h1 mbot-fifteen >Listen to this special message from the Anti Adware Pro™ Team/div>div id_rich_text-341-11 classoxy-rich-text defaulttext mbot-twenty >p>strong>The original Anti Adware Pro™ software/strong> is used by thousands of customers around the world, making it one of the worlds leading and most trusted Adware & Spyware protection./p>/div>div idtext_block-343-11 classct-text-block h1 >Permanently removes Adware & Spyware/div>img idimage-342-11 alt src classct-image graphic-1/>/div>/div>/section>section idsection-344-11 class ct-section sectionpadding sec-lesspad >div classct-section-inner-wrap>div iddiv_block-345-11 classct-div-block contain-2 shortwidth >div iddiv_block-347-11 classct-div-block user-div >div id_rich_text-349-11 classoxy-rich-text defaulttext >p>strong>Dear frustrated internet user,/strong>/p>p>strong>Are you sick and tired of frustrating and intrusive Adware & Spyware infecting your computer. Adware can create chaos on your system, spamming your contacts lists, manipulating system settings, recording and sharing sensitive and confidential information, and even leading to a total system melt down!/strong>/p>/div>img idimage-348-11 alt src classct-image img-1/>/div>div id_rich_text-351-11 classoxy-rich-text defaulttext minus-margin >p>It is reported that 87% of all PCs are infected with some form of Adware./p>p>Thats why we created this software. You are about to discover the guardian angel of all Adware protection systems. Whether you need Adware & Spyware protection on your home computer, or a business computer or network, this software has been developed with your needs in mind./p>p>strong>Anti Adware Pro™ is Easy To Use!/strong>br />It is our belief that if you cant understand a piece of software five minutes after installing it, then it is too complicated to ever be helpful. It was with this thought in mind that we developed the Anti Adware Pro™ system to be so easy to use, youll have your adware protection and removal up and running in under 7 minutes. Protecting your computer can be as simple as that, its all about intelligent choices./p>p>strong>Save Money, Time, and Stress with our Software/strong>br />Can you really afford to be spending thousands of dollars on expensive computer repairs, not upgrades but repairs?/p>p>Approximately 4 out of every 5 computers are infected with adware. Meaning your home computer or business network may currently be passing sensitive and confidential information between one an other and to external locations without your knowledge./p>p>Adware can cause devastating damage to your computer, in some cases corrupting or even deleting vital files or folders from your computer, causing the headache and stress of having an extremely slow, unresponsive computer, eventually crashing your system./p>/div>/div>/div>/section>section idsection-64-7 class ct-section sectionpadding sec-bg1 >div classct-section-inner-wrap>div iddiv_block-67-7 classct-div-block report-div >div idtext_block-68-7 classct-text-block black-txt h2 text-less-width mbot-five >Before You Go On.../div>div idtext_block-330-11 classct-text-block signup-txt mbot-fifteen >Sign up to the Anti Adware Pro Newsletter!/div>div idtext_block-83-10 classct-text-block defaulttext mbot-thirty text-center >Get More Information about Securing your computer from harmful Adware & Spyware, along with Regular Reports and Special Discounts on Various Products in Our Product Range/div>div iddiv_block-71-7 classct-div-block contact-div >div idcode_block-72-7 classct-code-block contact-cb >form classcontactform methodPOST action?send> input classdefaulttext inputstyle typetext namefname placeholderFirst Name required> input classdefaulttext inputstyle typetext nameemail placeholderEmail Address required>!-- input classdefaulttext inputstyle typetext namesubject placeholderSubject> textarea classdefaulttext inputstyle namemessage rows5 idtextarea placeholderYour Message>/textarea> --> input classdefaultbutton inputstyle typeSubmit namesubmit valueSign Up>/form>/div>/div>/div>/div>/section>section idsection-352-11 class ct-section sectionpadding sec-lesspad >div classct-section-inner-wrap>div iddiv_block-353-11 classct-div-block contain-2 shortwidth >div idtext_block-354-11 classct-text-block h1 mbot-fifteen >Our Product Offers Comprehensive, Stress Free Protection/div>div id_rich_text-356-11 classoxy-rich-text defaulttext >p alignjustify>With our strong>proactive approach/strong> software youre going to save time, money, and unnecessary aggravation. Finally an Adware protection software that allows you to:/p>ul>li classtext>Identify, Remove & Protect your Computer with the Latest Technological Advances/li>li classtext>Continuously Monitor for Malicious Applications/li>li classtext>Free Lifetime Updates & Support/li>li classtext>Perform Full System Scans or Check Selected High-Risk Files & Folders/li>li classtext>Research & Retrieve Data on Unknown Spyware & Adware with One Simple Step/li>li classtext>Protect your Computer without Adversely Affecting Processing Speeds/li>li classtext>Protect your Computer from Home Page Hijacking/li>li classtext>Run Definition Updates & System Scans at Any Time of the Day or Night/li>li classtext>Submit Suspect files for Investigation/li>li classtext>Offers a No-Obligation, Risk Free 14-day Free Trial/li>/ul>p classtext>And Remember:/p>ul>li classtext>Anti Adware Pro™ is covered by our 100% a href>Risk Free Guarantee/a>/li>li classtext>Compatible With Windows 9x/Me/2000/XP/li>/ul>p>For you to be able to enjoy the many benefits of Anti Adware Pro™, your computer must be compatible With Windows 9x/Me/2000/XP/p>/div>/div>/div>/section>section idsection-375-11 class ct-section sectionpadding sec-lesspad sec-bg2 >div classct-section-inner-wrap>div iddiv_block-376-11 classct-div-block cart-div >img idimage-377-11 alt src classct-image cart-img cart-img-margin/>div iddiv_block-378-11 classct-div-block cart-right-div rightdiv-width >div idtext_block-379-11 classct-text-block h1 mbot-fifteen >Anti Adware Pro™ V2.10/div>div id_rich_text-389-11 classoxy-rich-text defaulttext mbot-twenty >p>Right now were offering a 14 day, 100% free of charge trial of this amazing Anti Adware Software. Try it for yourself, I guarantee that after only 10 days of using Anti Adware Pro™ you will be absolutely convinced that this is the most comprehensive, easy to use Adware & Spyware protection software available to date./p>p>Finally, an Adware Protection software that actually takes a proactive approach to computer security. Download your 14 day Free trial today!/p>/div>a idlink_button-382-11 classct-link-button defaultbutton smaller-btn hrefhttp:// target_self >Download Free Trial/a>/div>/div>/div>/section>section idsection-391-11 class ct-section sectionpadding sec-lesspad >div classct-section-inner-wrap>div iddiv_block-392-11 classct-div-block contain-2 shortwidth >div idtext_block-393-11 classct-text-block h1 mbot-fifteen >Heres Best News Of All/div>div id_rich_text-395-11 classoxy-rich-text defaulttext >p>You made it here just in time to take advantage of an unprecedented offer. (But please dont contact our existing customers about this.)/p>p>Its part of a marketing test thats got our accountant up in arms; he thinks that even our normal risk-free price of $49.95 is too low. But because the Internet has reduced many of our costs, were doing a test and passing our savings on to our Internet customers (i.e. you) until Midnight Monday, February 5th, 2007 . Depending on how it affects sales, we may or may not continue the special discount after this date./p>p>However, if you order Anti Adware Pro™ online by Midnight Monday, February 5th, 2007 , its yours risk-free for an incredibly low $29.95. Thats 39% off the everyday price � about what most people spend on a tank of gas. And trust me, 1 year free of Adware & Spyware hassles and expenses well and truly pays for this software. If for any reason you do not wish to continue using Anti Adware Pro, simply return it within 8 weeks of your purchase for a full refund. (Read the details of my guarantee below.)/p>/div>/div>/div>/section>section idsection-357-11 class ct-section sectionpadding sec-lesspad sec-bg2 >div classct-section-inner-wrap>div iddiv_block-358-11 classct-div-block cart-div >img idimage-359-11 alt src classct-image cart-img/>div iddiv_block-360-11 classct-div-block cart-right-div >div idtext_block-361-11 classct-text-block h1 >Anti Adware Pro™ V2.10/div>div idtext_block-363-11 classct-text-block special-price >Your Special Price/div>div idtext_block-365-11 classct-text-block price mbot-twenty >$29.95/div>a idlink_button-367-11 classct-link-button defaultbutton smaller-btn hrefhttp:// target_self >Yes! I Want To Access Anti Adware Pro Now /a>div idtext_block-370-11 classct-text-block click-here >Click Here To Add To Cart/div>img idimage-372-11 alt src classct-image badge-img/>/div>/div>/div>/section>section idsection-397-11 class ct-section sectionpadding sec-lesspad >div classct-section-inner-wrap>div iddiv_block-398-11 classct-div-block mback-div shortwidth >div iddiv_block-404-11 classct-div-block mback-div-left >div idtext_block-400-11 classct-text-block h1 widthfull text-left mbot-fifteen >Your 100% Airtight Money Back Guarantee/div>div id_rich_text-405-11 classoxy-rich-text defaulttext >p>Our suggestion to all prospective customers is to take advantage of the Anti Adware Pro 14 Day Free Trial, so you can be sure that our software suits your needs./p>p>However, if you do decide to buy the full version of this software, you still receive the 8 weeks Money-back guarantee. If you are not 100% convinced that we are offering the most user-friendly, comprehensive Adware Protection software, simply email our support team within 8 weeks of your purchase for a full refund./p>p>Our aim is to continue to provide the worlds leading adware & spyware protection system. The only way we can ensure we hold our position is by listening to customers. If you are unhappy with the performance of our software, contact us within the 8 week period for a prompt refund/p>/div>/div>img idimage-399-11 alt src classct-image mback-img/>/div>/div>/section>section idsection-415-11 class ct-section sectionpadding sec-lesspad sec-bg-grey >div classct-section-inner-wrap>div iddiv_block-416-11 classct-div-block contain-2 shortwidth widthfull >div idtext_block-417-11 classct-text-block h1 >Frequently Asked Questions/div>div idcode_block-419-11 classct-code-block >div classfaqdiv> div classfaqquestion defaulttext> div classfaqquestiontext>Does your software also delete spyware & malware? /div>div classplusicon>div classhorizontal plusiconcolor>/div>div classvertical plusiconcolor>/div>/div> /div> div classfaqanswer defaulttext> Yes, we are connected to one of the worlds most comprehensive adware, spyware and malware definition databases. In saying this, we offer total protection from most common, and not so common intrusive spyware, adware and malware files. If you would like to search our definition database, simply use the adware definition tool by clicking here. /div>/div>!--------------------------------->div classfaqdiv> div classfaqquestion defaulttext> div classfaqquestiontext>Will Anti Adware Pro remove every single piece of adware? /div>div classplusicon>div classhorizontal plusiconcolor>/div>div classvertical plusiconcolor>/div>/div> /div> div classfaqanswer defaulttext> Our definitions databases include almost all known adware and spyware. Our technical team are constantly researching and updating the virus definitions database. To ensure you are scanning for the latest virus definitions be sure to update your software often. Ideally twice each week. /div>/div>!--------------------------------->div classfaqdiv> div classfaqquestion defaulttext> div classfaqquestiontext>When will I get the Program? /div>div classplusicon>div classhorizontal plusiconcolor>/div>div classvertical plusiconcolor>/div>/div> /div> div classfaqanswer defaulttext> This is a digital file. You’ll get the entire program in just five minutes from now. In fact, It could be sooner depending on your internet connection. /div>/div>!--------------------------------->div classfaqdiv> div classfaqquestion defaulttext> div classfaqquestiontext>What If your software doesnt find adware on my computer? /div>div classplusicon>div classhorizontal plusiconcolor>/div>div classvertical plusiconcolor>/div>/div> /div> div classfaqanswer defaulttext> If you believe your computer has been infected with a new spyware or adware strain then enter the infected file or spyware name in the Auto Update tab. Our technical team will research the file/ definition in question and include the results in your next update. /div>/div>!--------------------------------->div classfaqdiv> div classfaqquestion defaulttext> div classfaqquestiontext>How often should I scan my computer? /div>div classplusicon>div classhorizontal plusiconcolor>/div>div classvertical plusiconcolor>/div>/div> /div> div classfaqanswer defaulttext> This depends largely on how often your computer is connected to the internet. If your computer is turned on and connected 24 hours a day, then it is a good idea to use the auto-update and scheduled scan options of the software and have your computer scanned daily or at night when you are not working. br>br> It is recommended you scan your computer a minimum of once each week. /div>/div>!--------------------------------->div classfaqdiv> div classfaqquestion defaulttext> div classfaqquestiontext>Is it possible to schedule my Adware scanning? /div>div classplusicon>div classhorizontal plusiconcolor>/div>div classvertical plusiconcolor>/div>/div> /div> div classfaqanswer defaulttext> Yes. Go to the Schedule tab in the Settings menu and select a time and frequency that suits you. Here you can also determine if you want Anti Adware Pro to remove spyware & Adware that has been detected. br>br> In the Auto Update tab, select enable automatic Live update. This means that your scheduled scans will always scan for the latest definition list. /div>/div>!--------------------------------->div classfaqdiv> div classfaqquestion defaulttext> div classfaqquestiontext>What are the system requirements for Anti Adware Pro? /div>div classplusicon>div classhorizontal plusiconcolor>/div>div classvertical plusiconcolor>/div>/div> /div> div classfaqanswer defaulttext> This software has been developed to run on Windows 9x/Me/2000/XP. The Home page Hijacking protection feature will only work if browsing in Microsoft Internet Explorer. The Software takes up 3.68MB of Disk Space. /div>/div>!--------------------------------->div classfaqdiv> div classfaqquestion defaulttext> div classfaqquestiontext>I Purchased your software, but cannot download the software. /div>div classplusicon>div classhorizontal plusiconcolor>/div>div classvertical plusiconcolor>/div>/div> /div> div classfaqanswer defaulttext> Please email us with your clickbank receipt if you have it, and we can help you sort it out. /div>/div>!--------------------------------->div classfaqdiv> div classfaqquestion defaulttext> div classfaqquestiontext>How do I know my credit card details are secure? /div>div classplusicon>div classhorizontal plusiconcolor>/div>div classvertical plusiconcolor>/div>/div> /div> div classfaqanswer defaulttext> We use one of the worlds leading online retailers, Clickbank. Clickbank is VeriSign secure and specializes in digitally delivered products. br>br> For more information on clickbank go to: /div>/div>!--------------------------------->/div>/div>/div>/section>section idsection-407-11 class ct-section sectionpadding sec-lesspad >div classct-section-inner-wrap>div iddiv_block-408-11 classct-div-block contain-2 shortwidth >div id_rich_text-414-11 classoxy-rich-text defaulttext >p>strong>Dont have a credit card?/strong>br />If you live in the USA you can pay via online />Click a href_wp_link_placeholder data-wplink-edittrue>HERE/a> to pay via Online Check/p>p>strong>Are my credit card details secure?/strong>br />Yes. We use one of the worlds leading online retailers, Clickbank./p>p>Keep in mind that when you use Clickbanks secure order form, you will receive the software within strong>5 minutes/strong> so you can begin with your increased computer protection today./p>p>We look forward to getting a letter from you, telling us about how much our software has improved your computer user experience and increased profitability. Even though we get an enormous amount of mail, please write to us. Wed love to hear your success story!/p>p>Kind Regards,br />Mike Davisbr />Chief Executive Officer/p>p>strong>Anti Adware Pro™/strong>/p>p>P.S. Remember, we guarantee that if you use our software for just one year, it will have paid for itself in reduced repair costs, better computer performance, less time wastage due to stress & frustration, and most importantly airtight security of sensitive information./p>/div>/div>/div>/section>section idsection-86-26 class ct-section sec-footer >div classct-section-inner-wrap>div iddiv_block-87-26 classct-div-block footer-div >img idimage-96-26 alt src classct-image footer-logo/>div iddiv_block-88-26 classct-div-block footer-subdiv >a idtext_block-97-40 classct-link-text footer-txt href >Contact/a>a idtext_block-91-26 classct-link-text footer-txt href >Privacy Policy/a>a idtext_block-92-26 classct-link-text footer-txt href >GDPR/a>a idtext_block-93-26 classct-link-text footer-txt href >Cookies Policy/a>/div>div idcode_block-99-8 classct-code-block footer-copyright >© 2025 strong>> All rights reserved./div>/div>/div>/section> !-- WP_FOOTER --> script typetext/html idtmpl-media-frame> div classmedia-frame-title idmedia-frame-title>/div> h2 classmedia-frame-menu-heading>Actions/h2> button typebutton classbutton button-link media-frame-menu-toggle aria-expandedfalse> Menu span classdashicons dashicons-arrow-down aria-hiddentrue>/span> /button> div classmedia-frame-menu>/div> div classmedia-frame-tab-panel> div classmedia-frame-router>/div> div classmedia-frame-content>/div> /div> h2 classmedia-frame-actions-heading screen-reader-text> Selected media actions /h2> div classmedia-frame-toolbar>/div> div classmedia-frame-uploader>/div> /script> script typetext/html idtmpl-media-modal> div tabindex0 classmedia-modal wp-core-ui roledialog aria-labelledbymedia-frame-title> # if ( data.hasCloseButton ) { #> button typebutton classmedia-modal-close>span classmedia-modal-icon>span classscreen-reader-text> Close dialog /span>/span>/button> # } #> div classmedia-modal-content roledocument>/div> /div> div classmedia-modal-backdrop>/div> /script> script typetext/html idtmpl-uploader-window> div classuploader-window-content> div classuploader-editor-title>Drop files to upload/div> /div> /script> script typetext/html idtmpl-uploader-editor> div classuploader-editor-content> div classuploader-editor-title>Drop files to upload/div> /div> /script> script typetext/html idtmpl-uploader-inline> # var messageClass data.message ? has-upload-message : no-upload-message; #> # if ( data.canClose ) { #> button classclose dashicons dashicons-no>span classscreen-reader-text> Close uploader /span>/button> # } #> div classuploader-inline-content {{ messageClass }}> # if ( data.message ) { #> h2 classupload-message>{{ data.message }}/h2> # } #> div classupload-ui> h2 classupload-instructions drop-instructions>Drop files to upload/h2> p classupload-instructions drop-instructions>or/p> button typebutton classbrowser button button-hero aria-labelledbypost-upload-info>Select Files/button> /div> div classupload-inline-status>/div> div classpost-upload-ui idpost-upload-info> p classmax-upload-size> Maximum upload file size: 64 MB. /p> # if ( data.suggestedWidth && data.suggestedHeight ) { #> p classsuggested-dimensions> Suggested image dimensions: {{data.suggestedWidth}} by {{data.suggestedHeight}} pixels. /p> # } #> /div> /div> /script> script typetext/html idtmpl-media-library-view-switcher> a href classview-list> span classscreen-reader-text> List view /span> /a> a href classview-grid current aria-currentpage> span classscreen-reader-text> Grid view /span> /a> /script> script typetext/html idtmpl-uploader-status> h2>Uploading/h2> div classmedia-progress-bar>div>/div>/div> div classupload-details> span classupload-count> span classupload-index>/span> / span classupload-total>/span> /span> span classupload-detail-separator>–/span> span classupload-filename>/span> /div> div classupload-errors>/div> button typebutton classbutton upload-dismiss-errors>Dismiss errors/button> /script> script typetext/html idtmpl-uploader-status-error> span classupload-error-filename>{{{ data.filename }}}/span> span classupload-error-message>{{ data.message }}/span> /script> script typetext/html idtmpl-edit-attachment-frame> div classedit-media-header> button classleft dashicons# if ( ! data.hasPrevious ) { #> disabled# } #>>span classscreen-reader-text>Edit previous media item/span>/button> button classright dashicons# if ( ! data.hasNext ) { #> disabled# } #>>span classscreen-reader-text>Edit next media item/span>/button> button typebutton classmedia-modal-close>span classmedia-modal-icon>span classscreen-reader-text>Close dialog/span>/span>/button> /div> div classmedia-frame-title>/div> div classmedia-frame-content>/div> /script> script typetext/html idtmpl-attachment-details-two-column> div classattachment-media-view {{ data.orientation }}> h2 classscreen-reader-text>Attachment Preview/h2> div classthumbnail thumbnail-{{ data.type }}> # if ( data.uploading ) { #> div classmedia-progress-bar>div>/div>/div> # } else if ( data.sizes && data.sizes.full ) { #> img classdetails-image src{{ data.sizes.full.url }} draggablefalse alt /> # } else if ( data.sizes && data.sizes.large ) { #> img classdetails-image src{{ data.sizes.large.url }} draggablefalse alt /> # } else if ( -1 jQuery.inArray( data.type, audio, video ) ) { #> img classdetails-image icon src{{ data.icon }} draggablefalse alt /> # } #> # if ( audio data.type ) { #> div classwp-media-wrapper wp-audio> audio stylevisibility: hidden controls classwp-audio-shortcode width100% preloadnone> source type{{ data.mime }} src{{ data.url }} /> /audio> /div> # } else if ( video data.type ) { var w_rule ; if ( data.width ) { w_rule width: + data.width + px;; } else if ( ) { w_rule width: + + px;; } #> div style{{ w_rule }} classwp-media-wrapper wp-video> video controlscontrols classwp-video-shortcode preloadmetadata # if ( data.width ) { #>width{{ data.width }}# } #> # if ( data.height ) { #>height{{ data.height }}# } #> # if ( data.image && data.image.src ! data.icon ) { #>poster{{ data.image.src }}# } #>> source type{{ data.mime }} src{{ data.url }} /> /video> /div> # } #> div classattachment-actions> # if ( image data.type && ! data.uploading && data.sizes && ) { #> button typebutton classbutton edit-attachment>Edit Image/button> # } else if ( pdf data.subtype && data.sizes ) { #> p>Document Preview/p> # } #> /div> /div> /div> div classattachment-info> span classsettings-save-status rolestatus> span classspinner>/span> span classsaved>Saved./span> /span> div classdetails> h2 classscreen-reader-text> Details /h2> div classuploaded>strong>Uploaded on:/strong> {{ data.dateFormatted }}/div> div classuploaded-by> strong>Uploaded by:/strong> # if ( data.authorLink ) { #> a href{{ data.authorLink }}>{{ data.authorName }}/a> # } else { #> {{ data.authorName }} # } #> /div> # if ( data.uploadedToTitle ) { #> div classuploaded-to> strong>Uploaded to:/strong> # if ( data.uploadedToLink ) { #> a href{{ data.uploadedToLink }}>{{ data.uploadedToTitle }}/a> # } else { #> {{ data.uploadedToTitle }} # } #> /div> # } #> div classfilename>strong>File name:/strong> {{ data.filename }}/div> div classfile-type>strong>File type:/strong> {{ data.mime }}/div> div classfile-size>strong>File size:/strong> {{ data.filesizeHumanReadable }}/div> # if ( image data.type && ! data.uploading ) { #> # if ( data.width && data.height ) { #> div classdimensions>strong>Dimensions:/strong> {{ data.width }} by {{ data.height }} pixels /div> # } #> # if ( data.originalImageURL && data.originalImageName ) { #> div classword-wrap-break-word> strong>Original image:/strong> a href{{ data.originalImageURL }}>{{data.originalImageName}}/a> /div> # } #> # } #> # if ( data.fileLength && data.fileLengthHumanReadable ) { #> div classfile-length>strong>Length:/strong> span aria-hiddentrue>{{ data.fileLengthHumanReadable }}/span> span classscreen-reader-text>{{ data.fileLengthHumanReadable }}/span> /div> # } #> # if ( audio data.type && data.meta.bitrate ) { #> div classbitrate> strong>Bitrate:/strong> {{ Math.round( data.meta.bitrate / 1000 ) }}kb/s # if ( data.meta.bitrate_mode ) { #> {{ + data.meta.bitrate_mode.toUpperCase() }} # } #> /div> # } #> # if ( data.mediaStates ) { #> div classmedia-states>strong>Used as:/strong> {{ data.mediaStates }}/div> # } #> div classcompat-meta> # if ( data.compat && data.compat.meta ) { #> {{{ data.compat.meta }}} # } #> /div> /div> div classsettings> # var maybeReadOnly || data.allowLocalEdits ? : readonly; #> # if ( image data.type ) { #> span classsetting alt-text has-description data-settingalt> label forattachment-details-two-column-alt-text classname>Alternative Text/label> textarea idattachment-details-two-column-alt-text aria-describedbyalt-text-description {{ maybeReadOnly }}>{{ data.alt }}/textarea> /span> p classdescription idalt-text-description>a href target_blank>Learn how to describe the purpose of the imagespan classscreen-reader-text> (opens in a new tab)/span>/a>. Leave empty if the image is purely decorative./p> # } #> span classsetting data-settingtitle> label forattachment-details-two-column-title classname>Title/label> input typetext idattachment-details-two-column-title value{{ data.title }} {{ maybeReadOnly }} /> /span> # if ( audio data.type ) { #> span classsetting data-settingartist> label forattachment-details-two-column-artist classname>Artist/label> input typetext idattachment-details-two-column-artist value{{ data.artist || data.meta.artist || }} /> /span> span classsetting data-settingalbum> label forattachment-details-two-column-album classname>Album/label> input typetext idattachment-details-two-column-album value{{ data.album || data.meta.album || }} /> /span> # } #> span classsetting data-settingcaption> label forattachment-details-two-column-caption classname>Caption/label> textarea idattachment-details-two-column-caption {{ maybeReadOnly }}>{{ data.caption }}/textarea> /span> span classsetting data-settingdescription> label forattachment-details-two-column-description classname>Description/label> textarea idattachment-details-two-column-description {{ maybeReadOnly }}>{{ data.description }}/textarea> /span> span classsetting data-settingurl> label forattachment-details-two-column-copy-link classname>File URL:/label> input typetext classattachment-details-copy-link idattachment-details-two-column-copy-link value{{ data.url }} readonly /> span classcopy-to-clipboard-container> button typebutton classbutton button-small copy-attachment-url data-clipboard-target#attachment-details-two-column-copy-link>Copy URL to clipboard/button> span classsuccess hidden aria-hiddentrue>Copied!/span> /span> /span> div classattachment-compat>/div> /div> div classactions> # if ( ) { #> a classview-attachment href{{ }}>View attachment page/a> # } #> # if ( ) { #> # if ( ) { #> span classlinks-separator>|/span> # } #> a href{{ data.editLink }}>Edit more details/a> # } #> # if ( && ) { #> span classlinks-separator>|/span> a href{{ data.url }} download>Download file/a> # } #> # if ( ! data.uploading && data.can.remove ) { #> # if ( || ) { #> span classlinks-separator>|/span> # } #> button typebutton classbutton-link delete-attachment>Delete permanently/button> # } #> /div> /div> /script> script typetext/html idtmpl-attachment> div classattachment-preview js--select-attachment type-{{ data.type }} subtype-{{ data.subtype }} {{ data.orientation }}> div classthumbnail> # if ( data.uploading ) { #> div classmedia-progress-bar>div stylewidth: {{ data.percent }}%>/div>/div> # } else if ( image data.type && data.size && data.size.url ) { #> div classcentered> img src{{ data.size.url }} draggablefalse alt /> /div> # } else { #> div classcentered> # if ( data.image && data.image.src && data.image.src ! data.icon ) { #> img src{{ data.image.src }} classthumbnail draggablefalse alt /> # } else if ( data.sizes ) { if ( data.sizes.medium ) { #> img src{{ data.sizes.medium.url }} classthumbnail draggablefalse alt /> # } else { #> img src{{ data.sizes.full.url }} classthumbnail draggablefalse alt /> # } #> # } else { #> img src{{ data.icon }} classicon draggablefalse alt /> # } #> /div> div classfilename> div>{{ data.filename }}/div> /div> # } #> /div> # if ( data.buttons.close ) { #> button typebutton classbutton-link attachment-close media-modal-icon>span classscreen-reader-text> Remove /span>/button> # } #> /div> # if ( data.buttons.check ) { #> button typebutton classcheck tabindex-1>span classmedia-modal-icon>/span>span classscreen-reader-text> Deselect /span>/button> # } #> # var maybeReadOnly || data.allowLocalEdits ? : readonly; if ( data.describe ) { if ( image data.type ) { #> input typetext value{{ data.caption }} classdescribe data-settingcaption aria-labelCaption placeholderCaption… {{ maybeReadOnly }} /> # } else { #> input typetext value{{ data.title }} classdescribe data-settingtitle # if ( video data.type ) { #> aria-labelVideo title placeholderVideo title… # } else if ( audio data.type ) { #> aria-labelAudio title placeholderAudio title… # } else { #> aria-labelMedia title placeholderMedia title… # } #> {{ maybeReadOnly }} /> # } } #> /script> script typetext/html idtmpl-attachment-details> h2> Attachment Details span classsettings-save-status rolestatus> span classspinner>/span> span classsaved>Saved./span> /span> /h2> div classattachment-info> # if ( audio data.type ) { #> div classwp-media-wrapper wp-audio> audio stylevisibility: hidden controls classwp-audio-shortcode width100% preloadnone> source type{{ data.mime }} src{{ data.url }} /> /audio> /div> # } else if ( video data.type ) { var w_rule ; if ( data.width ) { w_rule width: + data.width + px;; } else if ( ) { w_rule width: + + px;; } #> div style{{ w_rule }} classwp-media-wrapper wp-video> video controlscontrols classwp-video-shortcode preloadmetadata # if ( data.width ) { #>width{{ data.width }}# } #> # if ( data.height ) { #>height{{ data.height }}# } #> # if ( data.image && data.image.src ! data.icon ) { #>poster{{ data.image.src }}# } #>> source type{{ data.mime }} src{{ data.url }} /> /video> /div> # } else { #> div classthumbnail thumbnail-{{ data.type }}> # if ( data.uploading ) { #> div classmedia-progress-bar>div>/div>/div> # } else if ( image data.type && data.size && data.size.url ) { #> img src{{ data.size.url }} draggablefalse alt /> # } else { #> img src{{ data.icon }} classicon draggablefalse alt /> # } #> /div> # } #> div classdetails> div classfilename>{{ data.filename }}/div> div classuploaded>{{ data.dateFormatted }}/div> div classfile-size>{{ data.filesizeHumanReadable }}/div> # if ( image data.type && ! data.uploading ) { #> # if ( data.width && data.height ) { #> div classdimensions> {{ data.width }} by {{ data.height }} pixels /div> # } #> # if ( data.originalImageURL && data.originalImageName ) { #> div classword-wrap-break-word> Original image: a href{{ data.originalImageURL }}>{{data.originalImageName}}/a> /div> # } #> # if ( && data.sizes ) { #> a classedit-attachment href{{ data.editLink }}&image-editor target_blank>Edit Image/a> # } #> # } #> # if ( data.fileLength && data.fileLengthHumanReadable ) { #> div classfile-length>Length: span aria-hiddentrue>{{ data.fileLengthHumanReadable }}/span> span classscreen-reader-text>{{ data.fileLengthHumanReadable }}/span> /div> # } #> # if ( data.mediaStates ) { #> div classmedia-states>strong>Used as:/strong> {{ data.mediaStates }}/div> # } #> # if ( ! data.uploading && data.can.remove ) { #> button typebutton classbutton-link delete-attachment>Delete permanently/button> # } #> div classcompat-meta> # if ( data.compat && data.compat.meta ) { #> {{{ data.compat.meta }}} # } #> /div> /div> /div> # var maybeReadOnly || data.allowLocalEdits ? : readonly; #> # if ( image data.type ) { #> span classsetting alt-text has-description data-settingalt> label forattachment-details-alt-text classname>Alt Text/label> textarea idattachment-details-alt-text aria-describedbyalt-text-description {{ maybeReadOnly }}>{{ data.alt }}/textarea> /span> p classdescription idalt-text-description>a href target_blank>Learn how to describe the purpose of the imagespan classscreen-reader-text> (opens in a new tab)/span>/a>. Leave empty if the image is purely decorative./p> # } #> span classsetting data-settingtitle> label forattachment-details-title classname>Title/label> input typetext idattachment-details-title value{{ data.title }} {{ maybeReadOnly }} /> /span> # if ( audio data.type ) { #> span classsetting data-settingartist> label forattachment-details-artist classname>Artist/label> input typetext idattachment-details-artist value{{ data.artist || data.meta.artist || }} /> /span> span classsetting data-settingalbum> label forattachment-details-album classname>Album/label> input typetext idattachment-details-album value{{ data.album || data.meta.album || }} /> /span> # } #> span classsetting data-settingcaption> label forattachment-details-caption classname>Caption/label> textarea idattachment-details-caption {{ maybeReadOnly }}>{{ data.caption }}/textarea> /span> span classsetting data-settingdescription> label forattachment-details-description classname>Description/label> textarea idattachment-details-description {{ maybeReadOnly }}>{{ data.description }}/textarea> /span> span classsetting data-settingurl> label forattachment-details-copy-link classname>File URL:/label> input typetext classattachment-details-copy-link idattachment-details-copy-link value{{ data.url }} readonly /> div classcopy-to-clipboard-container> button typebutton classbutton button-small copy-attachment-url data-clipboard-target#attachment-details-copy-link>Copy URL to clipboard/button> span classsuccess hidden aria-hiddentrue>Copied!/span> /div> /span> /script> script typetext/html idtmpl-media-selection> div classselection-info> span classcount>/span> # if ( data.editable ) { #> button typebutton classbutton-link edit-selection>Edit Selection/button> # } #> # if ( data.clearable ) { #> button typebutton classbutton-link clear-selection>Clear/button> # } #> /div> div classselection-view>/div> /script> script typetext/html idtmpl-attachment-display-settings> h2>Attachment Display Settings/h2> # if ( image data.type ) { #> span classsetting align> label forattachment-display-settings-alignment classname>Alignment/label> select idattachment-display-settings-alignment classalignment data-settingalign # if ( data.userSettings ) { #> data-user-settingalign # } #>> option valueleft> Left /option> option valuecenter> Center /option> option valueright> Right /option> option valuenone selected> None /option> /select> /span> # } #> span classsetting> label forattachment-display-settings-link-to classname> # if ( data.model.canEmbed ) { #> Embed or Link # } else { #> Link To # } #> /label> select idattachment-display-settings-link-to classlink-to data-settinglink # if ( data.userSettings && ! data.model.canEmbed ) { #> data-user-settingurlbutton # } #>> # if ( data.model.canEmbed ) { #> option valueembed selected> Embed Media Player /option> option valuefile> # } else { #> option valuenone selected> None /option> option valuefile> # } #> # if ( data.model.canEmbed ) { #> Link to Media File # } else { #> Media File # } #> /option> option valuepost> # if ( data.model.canEmbed ) { #> Link to Attachment Page # } else { #> Attachment Page # } #> /option> # if ( image data.type ) { #> option valuecustom> Custom URL /option> # } #> /select> /span> span classsetting> label forattachment-display-settings-link-to-custom classname>URL/label> input typetext idattachment-display-settings-link-to-custom classlink-to-custom data-settinglinkUrl /> /span> # if ( undefined ! typeof data.sizes ) { #> span classsetting> label forattachment-display-settings-size classname>Size/label> select idattachment-display-settings-size classsize namesize data-settingsize # if ( data.userSettings ) { #> data-user-settingimgsize # } #>> # var size data.sizesthumbnail; if ( size ) { #> option valuethumbnail > Thumbnail – {{ size.width }} × {{ size.height }} /option> # } #> # var size data.sizesmedium; if ( size ) { #> option valuemedium > Medium – {{ size.width }} × {{ size.height }} /option> # } #> # var size data.sizeslarge; if ( size ) { #> option valuelarge > Large – {{ size.width }} × {{ size.height }} /option> # } #> # var size data.sizesfull; if ( size ) { #> option valuefull selectedselected> Full Size – {{ size.width }} × {{ size.height }} /option> # } #> /select> /span> # } #> /script> script typetext/html idtmpl-gallery-settings> h2>Gallery Settings/h2> span classsetting> label forgallery-settings-link-to classname>Link To/label> select idgallery-settings-link-to classlink-to data-settinglink # if ( data.userSettings ) { #> data-user-settingurlbutton # } #>> option valuepost # if ( ! || post ) { #>selectedselected# } #>> Attachment Page /option> option valuefile # if ( file ) { #>selectedselected# } #>> Media File /option> option valuenone # if ( none ) { #>selectedselected# } #>> None /option> /select> /span> span classsetting> label forgallery-settings-columns classname select-label-inline>Columns/label> select idgallery-settings-columns classcolumns namecolumns data-settingcolumns> option value1 # if ( 1 ) { #>selectedselected# } #>> 1 /option> option value2 # if ( 2 ) { #>selectedselected# } #>> 2 /option> option value3 # if ( 3 ) { #>selectedselected# } #>> 3 /option> option value4 # if ( 4 ) { #>selectedselected# } #>> 4 /option> option value5 # if ( 5 ) { #>selectedselected# } #>> 5 /option> option value6 # if ( 6 ) { #>selectedselected# } #>> 6 /option> option value7 # if ( 7 ) { #>selectedselected# } #>> 7 /option> option value8 # if ( 8 ) { #>selectedselected# } #>> 8 /option> option value9 # if ( 9 ) { #>selectedselected# } #>> 9 /option> /select> /span> span classsetting> input typecheckbox idgallery-settings-random-order data-setting_orderbyRandom /> label forgallery-settings-random-order classcheckbox-label-inline>Random Order/label> /span> span classsetting size> label forgallery-settings-size classname>Size/label> select idgallery-settings-size classsize namesize data-settingsize # if ( data.userSettings ) { #> data-user-settingimgsize # } #> > option valuethumbnail> Thumbnail /option> option valuemedium> Medium /option> option valuelarge> Large /option> option valuefull> Full Size /option> /select> /span> /script> script typetext/html idtmpl-playlist-settings> h2>Playlist Settings/h2> # var emptyModel _.isEmpty( data.model ), isVideo video data.controller.get(library).props.get(type); #> span classsetting> input typecheckbox idplaylist-settings-show-list data-settingtracklist # if ( emptyModel ) { #> checkedchecked # } #> /> label forplaylist-settings-show-list classcheckbox-label-inline> # if ( isVideo ) { #> Show Video List # } else { #> Show Tracklist # } #> /label> /span> # if ( ! isVideo ) { #> span classsetting> input typecheckbox idplaylist-settings-show-artist data-settingartists # if ( emptyModel ) { #> checkedchecked # } #> /> label forplaylist-settings-show-artist classcheckbox-label-inline> Show Artist Name in Tracklist /label> /span> # } #> span classsetting> input typecheckbox idplaylist-settings-show-images data-settingimages # if ( emptyModel ) { #> checkedchecked # } #> /> label forplaylist-settings-show-images classcheckbox-label-inline> Show Images /label> /span> /script> script typetext/html idtmpl-embed-link-settings> span classsetting link-text> label forembed-link-settings-link-text classname>Link Text/label> input typetext idembed-link-settings-link-text classalignment data-settinglinkText /> /span> div classembed-container styledisplay: none;> div classembed-preview>/div> /div> /script> script typetext/html idtmpl-embed-image-settings> div classwp-clearfix> div classthumbnail> img src{{ data.model.url }} draggablefalse alt /> /div> /div> span classsetting alt-text has-description> label forembed-image-settings-alt-text classname>Alternative Text/label> textarea idembed-image-settings-alt-text data-settingalt aria-describedbyalt-text-description>/textarea> /span> p classdescription idalt-text-description>a href target_blank>Learn how to describe the purpose of the imagespan classscreen-reader-text> (opens in a new tab)/span>/a>. Leave empty if the image is purely decorative./p> span classsetting caption> label forembed-image-settings-caption classname>Caption/label> textarea idembed-image-settings-caption data-settingcaption>/textarea> /span> fieldset classsetting-group> legend classname>Align/legend> span classsetting align> span classbutton-group button-large data-settingalign> button classbutton valueleft> Left /button> button classbutton valuecenter> Center /button> button classbutton valueright> Right /button> button classbutton active valuenone> None /button> /span> /span> /fieldset> fieldset classsetting-group> legend classname>Link To/legend> span classsetting link-to> span classbutton-group button-large data-settinglink> button classbutton valuefile> Image URL /button> button classbutton valuecustom> Custom URL /button> button classbutton active valuenone> None /button> /span> /span> span classsetting> label forembed-image-settings-link-to-custom classname>URL/label> input typetext idembed-image-settings-link-to-custom classlink-to-custom data-settinglinkUrl /> /span> /fieldset> /script> script typetext/html idtmpl-image-details> div classmedia-embed> div classembed-media-settings> div classcolumn-settings> span classsetting alt-text has-description> label forimage-details-alt-text classname>Alternative Text/label> textarea idimage-details-alt-text data-settingalt aria-describedbyalt-text-description>{{ data.model.alt }}/textarea> /span> p classdescription idalt-text-description>a href target_blank>Learn how to describe the purpose of the imagespan classscreen-reader-text> (opens in a new tab)/span>/a>. Leave empty if the image is purely decorative./p> span classsetting caption> label forimage-details-caption classname>Caption/label> textarea idimage-details-caption data-settingcaption>{{ data.model.caption }}/textarea> /span> h2>Display Settings/h2> fieldset classsetting-group> legend classlegend-inline>Align/legend> span classsetting align> span classbutton-group button-large data-settingalign> button classbutton valueleft> Left /button> button classbutton valuecenter> Center /button> button classbutton valueright> Right /button> button classbutton active valuenone> None /button> /span> /span> /fieldset> # if ( data.attachment ) { #> # if ( undefined ! typeof data.attachment.sizes ) { #> span classsetting size> label forimage-details-size classname>Size/label> select idimage-details-size classsize namesize data-settingsize # if ( data.userSettings ) { #> data-user-settingimgsize # } #>> # var size data.sizesthumbnail; if ( size ) { #> option valuethumbnail> Thumbnail – {{ size.width }} × {{ size.height }} /option> # } #> # var size data.sizesmedium; if ( size ) { #> option valuemedium> Medium – {{ size.width }} × {{ size.height }} /option> # } #> # var size data.sizeslarge; if ( size ) { #> option valuelarge> Large – {{ size.width }} × {{ size.height }} /option> # } #> # var size data.sizesfull; if ( size ) { #> option valuefull> Full Size – {{ size.width }} × {{ size.height }} /option> # } #> option valuecustom> Custom Size /option> /select> /span> # } #> div classcustom-size wp-clearfix# if ( data.model.size ! custom ) { #> hidden# } #>> span classcustom-size-setting> label forimage-details-size-width>Width/label> input typenumber idimage-details-size-width aria-describedbyimage-size-desc data-settingcustomWidth step1 value{{ data.model.customWidth }} /> /span> span classsep aria-hiddentrue>×/span> span classcustom-size-setting> label forimage-details-size-height>Height/label> input typenumber idimage-details-size-height aria-describedbyimage-size-desc data-settingcustomHeight step1 value{{ data.model.customHeight }} /> /span> p idimage-size-desc classdescription>Image size in pixels/p> /div> # } #> span classsetting link-to> label forimage-details-link-to classname>Link To/label> select idimage-details-link-to data-settinglink> # if ( data.attachment ) { #> option valuefile> Media File /option> option valuepost> Attachment Page /option> # } else { #> option valuefile> Image URL /option> # } #> option valuecustom> Custom URL /option> option valuenone> None /option> /select> /span> span classsetting> label forimage-details-link-to-custom classname>URL/label> input typetext idimage-details-link-to-custom classlink-to-custom data-settinglinkUrl /> /span> div classadvanced-section> h2>button typebutton classbutton-link advanced-toggle>Advanced Options/button>/h2> div classadvanced-settings hidden> div classadvanced-image> span classsetting title-text> label forimage-details-title-attribute classname>Image Title Attribute/label> input typetext idimage-details-title-attribute data-settingtitle value{{ data.model.title }} /> /span> span classsetting extra-classes> label forimage-details-css-class classname>Image CSS Class/label> input typetext idimage-details-css-class data-settingextraClasses value{{ data.model.extraClasses }} /> /span> /div> div classadvanced-link> span classsetting link-target> input typecheckbox idimage-details-link-target data-settinglinkTargetBlank value_blank # if ( data.model.linkTargetBlank ) { #>checkedchecked# } #>> label forimage-details-link-target classcheckbox-label>Open link in a new tab/label> /span> span classsetting link-rel> label forimage-details-link-rel classname>Link Rel/label> input typetext idimage-details-link-rel data-settinglinkRel value{{ data.model.linkRel }} /> /span> span classsetting link-class-name> label forimage-details-link-css-class classname>Link CSS Class/label> input typetext idimage-details-link-css-class data-settinglinkClassName value{{ data.model.linkClassName }} /> /span> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcolumn-image> div classimage> img src{{ data.model.url }} draggablefalse alt /> # if ( data.attachment && window.imageEdit ) { #> div classactions> input typebutton classedit-attachment button valueEdit Original /> input typebutton classreplace-attachment button valueReplace /> /div> # } #> /div> /div> /div> /div> /script> script typetext/html idtmpl-image-editor> div idmedia-head-{{ }}>/div> div idimage-editor-{{ }}>/div> /script> script typetext/html idtmpl-audio-details> # var ext, html5types { mp3:, ogg: }; #> div classmedia-embed media-embed-details> div classembed-media-settings embed-audio-settings> audio stylevisibility: hidden controls classwp-audio-shortcode width{{ _.isUndefined( data.model.width ) ? 400 : data.model.width }} preload{{ _.isUndefined( data.model.preload ) ? none : data.model.preload }} # if ( ! _.isUndefined( data.model.autoplay ) && data.model.autoplay ) { #> autoplay# } if ( ! _.isUndefined( data.model.loop ) && data.model.loop ) { #> loop# } #>> # if ( ! _.isEmpty( data.model.src ) ) { #> source src{{ data.model.src }} type{{ data.model.src.split(.).pop() }} /> # } #> # if ( ! _.isEmpty( data.model.mp3 ) ) { #> source src{{ data.model.mp3 }} type{{ mp3 }} /> # } #> # if ( ! _.isEmpty( data.model.ogg ) ) { #> source src{{ data.model.ogg }} type{{ ogg }} /> # } #> # if ( ! _.isEmpty( data.model.flac ) ) { #> source src{{ data.model.flac }} type{{ flac }} /> # } #> # if ( ! _.isEmpty( data.model.m4a ) ) { #> source src{{ data.model.m4a }} type{{ m4a }} /> # } #> # if ( ! _.isEmpty( data.model.wav ) ) { #> source src{{ data.model.wav }} type{{ wav }} /> # } #> /audio> # if ( ! _.isEmpty( data.model.src ) ) { ext data.model.src.split(.).pop(); if ( html5types ext ) { delete html5types ext ; } #> span classsetting> label foraudio-details-source classname>URL/label> input typetext idaudio-details-source readonly data-settingsrc value{{ data.model.src }} /> button typebutton classbutton-link remove-setting>Remove audio source/button> /span> # } #> # if ( ! _.isEmpty( data.model.mp3 ) ) { if ( ! _.isUndefined( html5types.mp3 ) ) { delete html5types.mp3; } #> span classsetting> label foraudio-details-mp3-source classname>MP3/label> input typetext idaudio-details-mp3-source readonly data-settingmp3 value{{ data.model.mp3 }} /> button typebutton classbutton-link remove-setting>Remove audio source/button> /span> # } #> # if ( ! _.isEmpty( data.model.ogg ) ) { if ( ! _.isUndefined( html5types.ogg ) ) { delete html5types.ogg; } #> span classsetting> label foraudio-details-ogg-source classname>OGG/label> input typetext idaudio-details-ogg-source readonly data-settingogg value{{ data.model.ogg }} /> button typebutton classbutton-link remove-setting>Remove audio source/button> /span> # } #> # if ( ! _.isEmpty( data.model.flac ) ) { if ( ! _.isUndefined( html5types.flac ) ) { delete html5types.flac; } #> span classsetting> label foraudio-details-flac-source classname>FLAC/label> input typetext idaudio-details-flac-source readonly data-settingflac value{{ data.model.flac }} /> button typebutton classbutton-link remove-setting>Remove audio source/button> /span> # } #> # if ( ! _.isEmpty( data.model.m4a ) ) { if ( ! _.isUndefined( html5types.m4a ) ) { delete html5types.m4a; } #> span classsetting> label foraudio-details-m4a-source classname>M4A/label> input typetext idaudio-details-m4a-source readonly data-settingm4a value{{ data.model.m4a }} /> button typebutton classbutton-link remove-setting>Remove audio source/button> /span> # } #> # if ( ! _.isEmpty( data.model.wav ) ) { if ( ! _.isUndefined( html5types.wav ) ) { delete html5types.wav; } #> span classsetting> label foraudio-details-wav-source classname>WAV/label> input typetext idaudio-details-wav-source readonly data-settingwav value{{ data.model.wav }} /> button typebutton classbutton-link remove-setting>Remove audio source/button> /span> # } #> # if ( ! _.isEmpty( html5types ) ) { #> fieldset classsetting-group> legend classname>Add alternate sources for maximum HTML5 playback/legend> span classsetting> span classbutton-large> # _.each( html5types, function (mime, type) { #> button classbutton add-media-source data-mime{{ mime }}>{{ type }}/button> # } ) #> /span> /span> /fieldset> # } #> fieldset classsetting-group> legend classname>Preload/legend> span classsetting preload> span classbutton-group button-large data-settingpreload> button classbutton valueauto>Auto/button> button classbutton valuemetadata>Metadata/button> button classbutton active valuenone>None/button> /span> /span> /fieldset> span classsetting-group> span classsetting checkbox-setting autoplay> input typecheckbox idaudio-details-autoplay data-settingautoplay /> label foraudio-details-autoplay classcheckbox-label>Autoplay/label> /span> span classsetting checkbox-setting> input typecheckbox idaudio-details-loop data-settingloop /> label foraudio-details-loop classcheckbox-label>Loop/label> /span> /span> /div> /div> /script> script typetext/html idtmpl-video-details> # var ext, html5types { mp4:, ogv:, webm: }; #> div classmedia-embed media-embed-details> div classembed-media-settings embed-video-settings> div classwp-video-holder> # var w ! data.model.width || data.model.width > 640 ? 640 : data.model.width, h ! data.model.height ? 360 : data.model.height; if ( data.model.width && w ! data.model.width ) { h Math.ceil( ( h * w ) / data.model.width ); } #> # var w_rule , classes , w, h, settings, isYouTube isVimeo false; if ( ! _.isEmpty( data.model.src ) ) { isYouTube data.model.src.match(/youtube|youtu\.be/); isVimeo -1 ! data.model.src.indexOf(vimeo); } if ( settings.contentWidth && data.model.width > settings.contentWidth ) { w settings.contentWidth; } else { w data.model.width; } if ( w ! data.model.width ) { h Math.ceil( ( data.model.height * w ) / data.model.width ); } else { h data.model.height; } if ( w ) { w_rule width: + w + px; ; } if ( isYouTube ) { classes.push( youtube-video ); } if ( isVimeo ) { classes.push( vimeo-video ); }#>div style{{ w_rule }} classwp-video>video controls classwp-video-shortcode {{ classes.join( ) }} # if ( w ) { #>width{{ w }}# } #> # if ( h ) { #>height{{ h }}# } #> # if ( ! _.isUndefined( data.model.poster ) && data.model.poster ) { #> poster{{ data.model.poster }}# } #> preload {{ _.isUndefined( data.model.preload ) ? metadata : data.model.preload }} # if ( ! _.isUndefined( data.model.autoplay ) && data.model.autoplay ) { #> autoplay# } if ( ! _.isUndefined( data.model.loop ) && data.model.loop ) { #> loop# } #>> # if ( ! _.isEmpty( data.model.src ) ) { if ( isYouTube ) { #> source src{{ data.model.src }} typevideo/youtube /> # } else if ( isVimeo ) { #> source src{{ data.model.src }} typevideo/vimeo /> # } else { #> source src{{ data.model.src }} type{{ settings.embedMimes data.model.src.split(.).pop() }} /> # } } #> # if ( data.model.mp4 ) { #> source src{{ data.model.mp4 }} type{{ settings.embedMimes mp4 }} /> # } #> # if ( data.model.m4v ) { #> source src{{ data.model.m4v }} type{{ settings.embedMimes m4v }} /> # } #> # if ( data.model.webm ) { #> source src{{ data.model.webm }} type{{ settings.embedMimes webm }} /> # } #> # if ( data.model.ogv ) { #> source src{{ data.model.ogv }} type{{ settings.embedMimes ogv }} /> # } #> # if ( data.model.flv ) { #> source src{{ data.model.flv }} type{{ settings.embedMimes flv }} /> # } #> {{{ data.model.content }}}/video>/div> # if ( ! _.isEmpty( data.model.src ) ) { ext data.model.src.split(.).pop(); if ( html5types ext ) { delete html5types ext ; } #> span classsetting> label forvideo-details-source classname>URL/label> input typetext idvideo-details-source readonly data-settingsrc value{{ data.model.src }} /> button typebutton classbutton-link remove-setting>Remove video source/button> /span> # } #> # if ( ! _.isEmpty( data.model.mp4 ) ) { if ( ! _.isUndefined( html5types.mp4 ) ) { delete html5types.mp4; } #> span classsetting> label forvideo-details-mp4-source classname>MP4/label> input typetext idvideo-details-mp4-source readonly data-settingmp4 value{{ data.model.mp4 }} /> button typebutton classbutton-link remove-setting>Remove video source/button> /span> # } #> # if ( ! _.isEmpty( data.model.m4v ) ) { if ( ! _.isUndefined( html5types.m4v ) ) { delete html5types.m4v; } #> span classsetting> label forvideo-details-m4v-source classname>M4V/label> input typetext idvideo-details-m4v-source readonly data-settingm4v value{{ data.model.m4v }} /> button typebutton classbutton-link remove-setting>Remove video source/button> /span> # } #> # if ( ! _.isEmpty( data.model.webm ) ) { if ( ! _.isUndefined( html5types.webm ) ) { delete html5types.webm; } #> span classsetting> label forvideo-details-webm-source classname>WEBM/label> input typetext idvideo-details-webm-source readonly data-settingwebm value{{ data.model.webm }} /> button typebutton classbutton-link remove-setting>Remove video source/button> /span> # } #> # if ( ! _.isEmpty( data.model.ogv ) ) { if ( ! _.isUndefined( html5types.ogv ) ) { delete html5types.ogv; } #> span classsetting> label forvideo-details-ogv-source classname>OGV/label> input typetext idvideo-details-ogv-source readonly data-settingogv value{{ data.model.ogv }} /> button typebutton classbutton-link remove-setting>Remove video source/button> /span> # } #> # if ( ! _.isEmpty( data.model.flv ) ) { if ( ! _.isUndefined( html5types.flv ) ) { delete html5types.flv; } #> span classsetting> label forvideo-details-flv-source classname>FLV/label> input typetext idvideo-details-flv-source readonly data-settingflv value{{ data.model.flv }} /> button typebutton classbutton-link remove-setting>Remove video source/button> /span> # } #> /div> # if ( ! _.isEmpty( html5types ) ) { #> fieldset classsetting-group> legend classname>Add alternate sources for maximum HTML5 playback/legend> span classsetting> span classbutton-large> # _.each( html5types, function (mime, type) { #> button classbutton add-media-source data-mime{{ mime }}>{{ type }}/button> # } ) #> /span> /span> /fieldset> # } #> # if ( ! _.isEmpty( data.model.poster ) ) { #> span classsetting> label forvideo-details-poster-image classname>Poster Image/label> input typetext idvideo-details-poster-image readonly data-settingposter value{{ data.model.poster }} /> button typebutton classbutton-link remove-setting>Remove poster image/button> /span> # } #> fieldset classsetting-group> legend classname>Preload/legend> span classsetting preload> span classbutton-group button-large data-settingpreload> button classbutton valueauto>Auto/button> button classbutton valuemetadata>Metadata/button> button classbutton active valuenone>None/button> /span> /span> /fieldset> span classsetting-group> span classsetting checkbox-setting autoplay> input typecheckbox idvideo-details-autoplay data-settingautoplay /> label forvideo-details-autoplay classcheckbox-label>Autoplay/label> /span> span classsetting checkbox-setting> input typecheckbox idvideo-details-loop data-settingloop /> label forvideo-details-loop classcheckbox-label>Loop/label> /span> /span> span classsetting data-settingcontent> # var content ; if ( ! _.isEmpty( data.model.content ) ) { var tracks jQuery( data.model.content ).filter( track ); _.each( tracks.toArray(), function( track, index ) { content + track.outerHTML; #> label forvideo-details-track-{{ index }} classname>Tracks (subtitles, captions, descriptions, chapters, or metadata)/label> input classcontent-track typetext idvideo-details-track-{{ index }} aria-describedbyvideo-details-track-desc-{{ index }} value{{ track.outerHTML }} /> span classdescription idvideo-details-track-desc-{{ index }}> The srclang, label, and kind values can be edited to set the video track language and kind. /span> button typebutton classbutton-link remove-setting remove-track>Remove video track/button>br /> # } ); #> # } else { #> span classname>Tracks (subtitles, captions, descriptions, chapters, or metadata)/span>br /> em>There are no associated subtitles./em> # } #> textarea classhidden content-setting>{{ content }}/textarea> /span> /div> /div> /script> script typetext/html idtmpl-editor-gallery> # if ( data.attachments.length ) { #> div classgallery gallery-columns-{{ data.columns }}> # _.each( data.attachments, function( attachment, index ) { #> dl classgallery-item> dt classgallery-icon> # if ( attachment.thumbnail ) { #> img src{{ attachment.thumbnail.url }} width{{ attachment.thumbnail.width }} height{{ attachment.thumbnail.height }} alt{{ attachment.alt }} /> # } else { #> img src{{ attachment.url }} alt{{ attachment.alt }} /> # } #> /dt> # if ( attachment.caption ) { #> dd classwp-caption-text gallery-caption> {{{ data.verifyHTML( attachment.caption ) }}} /dd> # } #> /dl> # if ( index % data.columns data.columns - 1 ) { #> br styleclear: both; /> # } #> # } ); #> /div> # } else { #> div classwpview-error> div classdashicons dashicons-format-gallery>/div>p>No items found./p> /div> # } #> /script> script typetext/html idtmpl-crop-content> img classcrop-image src{{ data.url }} altImage crop area preview. 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