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Bonislawsky DBA Astigmatic (AOETI) (, with Reserved Font Name SacramentoThis Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at:—————————————————————————————-SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1 - 26 February 2007—————————————————————————————-*//*Copyright (c) 2010 - 2013, Matt McInerney (, Pablo Impallari (, Rodrigo Fuenzalida ( with Reserved Font Name RalewayThis Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at:—————————————————————————————-SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1 - 26 February 2007—————————————————————————————-*//*Copyright 2017 The Playfair Display Project Authors (, with Reserved Font Name Playfair Display.This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at:—————————————————————————————-SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE 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data-typographyNavBeta classx-el x-el-a c1-2v c1-2w c1-22 c1-23 c1-24 c1-19 c1-25 c1-1i c1-1h c1-10 c1-11 c1-37 c1-38 c1-b c1-5h c1-2x c1-2y c1-5x c1-5y c1-31 c1-32 c1-33 c1-34,click>span>About Me/span>/a>/li>li rolemenuitem data-uxNavigationDrawerListItem classx-el x-el-li c1-1 c1-2 c1-5s c1-1f c1-3w c1-5t c1-5u c1-5v c1-b c1-c c1-4i c1-5w c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>a rel rolelink aria-haspopupfalse data-uxNavigationDrawerLink target data-page58d3fc62-5fac-41cd-b6ef-6bf6c5338e41 data-edit-interactivetrue data-closetrue href/testimonials data-typographyNavBeta classx-el x-el-a c1-2v c1-2w c1-22 c1-23 c1-24 c1-19 c1-25 c1-1i c1-1h c1-10 c1-11 c1-37 c1-38 c1-b c1-5h c1-2x c1-2y c1-5x c1-5y c1-31 c1-32 c1-33 c1-34,click>span>Testimonials!/span>/a>/li>li rolemenuitem data-uxNavigationDrawerListItem classx-el x-el-li c1-1 c1-2 c1-5s c1-1f c1-3w c1-5t c1-5u c1-5v c1-b c1-c c1-4i c1-5w c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>a rel rolelink aria-haspopupfalse data-uxNavigationDrawerLink target data-pagedbf7f184-f75a-4688-b839-b54594bdb6f6 data-edit-interactivetrue data-closetrue href/amber-in-dog-fancy data-typographyNavBeta classx-el x-el-a c1-2v c1-2w c1-22 c1-23 c1-24 c1-19 c1-25 c1-1i c1-1h c1-10 c1-11 c1-37 c1-38 c1-b c1-5h c1-2x c1-2y c1-5x c1-5y c1-31 c1-32 c1-33 c1-34,click>span>Amber in Dog Fancy!/span>/a>/li>li rolemenuitem data-uxNavigationDrawerListItem classx-el x-el-li c1-1 c1-2 c1-5s c1-1f c1-3w c1-5t c1-5u c1-5v c1-b c1-c c1-4i c1-5w c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>a rel rolelink aria-haspopupfalse data-uxNavigationDrawerLink target data-page0f7a250e-31ea-48d5-9555-aaf89fe846c4 data-edit-interactivetrue data-closetrue href/measuring-and-faq data-typographyNavBeta classx-el x-el-a c1-2v c1-2w c1-22 c1-23 c1-24 c1-19 c1-25 c1-1i c1-1h c1-10 c1-11 c1-37 c1-38 c1-b c1-5h c1-2x c1-2y c1-5x c1-5y c1-31 c1-32 c1-33 c1-34,click>span>Measuring and FAQ/span>/a>/li>/ul>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-3w c1-d c1-x c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el 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c1-6g c1-b c1-6h c1-c c1-2y c1-6i c1-6j c1-6k c1-6l c1-6m c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g/>/form>svg viewBox0 0 24 24 fillcurrentColor width28 height28 data-uxIconSearch data-aidSEARCH_ICON_RENDERED_OPEN classx-el x-el-svg c1-1 c1-2 c1-2f c1-2g c1-35 c1-25 c1-49 c1-4t c1-b c1-c c1-6n c1-6o c1-6p c1-6q c1-6r c1-6s c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>path fill-ruleevenodd dM19.504 18.461a.76.76 0 0 1 0 1.038.652.652 0 0 1-.956 0L15.2 15.993a6.142 6.142 0 0 1-3.83 1.353C7.858 17.346 5 14.353 5 10.673 5 6.994 7.858 4 11.371 4c3.513 0 6.371 2.994 6.371 6.673a6.82 6.82 0 0 1-1.536 4.333l3.298 3.455zM6.377 10.673c0 2.884 2.24 5.231 4.994 5.231 2.754 0 4.994-2.347 4.994-5.231s-2.24-5.23-4.994-5.23c-2.754 0-4.994 2.346-4.994 5.23z>/path>/svg>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div data-uxContainer classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-y c1-z c1-10 c1-11 c1-12 c1-b c1-c c1-15 c1-d c1-16 c1-e c1-17 c1-f c1-18 c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-6t c1-4 c1-5z c1-6u c1-6v c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>figure data-uxWrapperImage classx-el x-el-figure c1-1 c1-2 c1-t c1-2g c1-1d c1-3i c1-1f c1-3h c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>img src//,l:0%25,w:100%25,h:100%25/rsw:700,cg:true srcSet data-uxImage data-aidBACKGROUND_IMAGE_RENDERED classx-el x-el-img c1-1 c1-2 c1-6w c1-12 c1-y c1-z c1-1d c1-1f c1-35 c1-6x c1-68 c1-6g c1-6y c1-6z c1-70 c1-71 c1-72 c1-5z c1-6d c1-b c1-c c1-73 c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g/>/figure>/div>/div>/div>/section> /div>/div>/div>div id45b3e437-dbc7-4c84-8c20-ce9f86798c75 classwidget widget-about widget-about-about-8>div data-uxWidget roleregion id45b3e437-dbc7-4c84-8c20-ce9f86798c75 classx-el x-el-div x-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-h c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div> section data-uxSection classx-el x-el-section c1-1 c1-2 c1-h c1-i c1-j c1-b c1-c c1-r c1-s c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxContainer classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-y c1-z c1-10 c1-11 c1-12 c1-b c1-c c1-15 c1-d c1-16 c1-e c1-17 c1-f c1-18 c1-g>div data-uxGrid classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-19 c1-1a c1-1b c1-1c c1-1d c1-1e c1-74 c1-1g c1-3c c1-b c1-c c1-1l c1-1m c1-75 c1-1o c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxGridCell classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-1a c1-3e c1-1q c1-76 c1-12 c1-1s c1-1t c1-38 c1-1v c1-b c1-c c1-77 c1-78 c1-1w c1-1x c1-79 c1-1z c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxContentCard index0 id030ac8c0-5fe9-4652-aaf1-18dd4f07317d classx-el x-el-div x-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-t c1-19 c1-5g c1-7a c1-4h c1-26 c1-4 c1-7b c1-7c c1-7d c1-b c1-c c1-7e c1-7f c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>h1 roleheading aria-level1 data-uxContentCardHeading data-aidABOUT_HEADLINE_RENDERED0 data-promoted-from4 data-order0 data-typographyHeadingDelta data-font-scaledtrue classx-el x-el-h1 c1-2v c1-2w c1-23 c1-24 c1-7g c1-3h c1-3i c1-1d c1-1f c1-5k c1-b c1-2b c1-2y c1-5m c1-5n c1-5o c1-5p>Natural Organic flea & Tick collars/h1>div data-uxContentCardText data-aidABOUT_DESCRIPTION_RENDERED0 fontScaleMultiplier1.26 data-typographyBodyAlpha data-font-scaledtrue classx-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-23 c1-24 c1-4l c1-1d c1-1f c1-7h c1-7i c1-7j c1-7k c1-7l c1-7m c1-7n c1-7o c1-7p c1-7q c1-7r c1-7s c1-7t c1-7u c1-7v c1-7w c1-7x c1-7y c1-7z c1-80 c1-81 c1-82 c1-83 c1-84 c1-85 c1-86 c1-87 c1-88 c1-4 c1-1p c1-b c1-3o c1-89 c1-2y c1-8a c1-8b c1-8c c1-8d x-rt>p stylemargin:0>span>strong classx-el x-el-span c1-20 c1-21 c1-b c1-8e c1-2f c1-3y c1-8f>Natural flea and tick protection for your pets... pet collars crafted out of raw Baltic amber helps to deter ticks and fleas, no chemicals, all natural and organic./strong>/span>/p>p stylemargin:0>span>br>/span>/p>p stylemargin:0>span>strong classx-el x-el-span c1-20 c1-21 c1-b c1-8e c1-2f c1-3y c1-8f>Amber is only effective if raw, unlike most amber used in jewelry, raw Baltic amber still has its natural properties which is why it is so effective for repelling pests. /strong>/span>/p>p stylemargin:0>span>br>/span>/p>p stylemargin:0>span>strong classx-el x-el-span c1-20 c1-21 c1-b c1-8e c1-2f c1-3y c1-8f>Order your amber collar now, many different styles to choose from. I also custom make collars and people jewelry. In business now for over 13 years, proudly handcrafted in the USA with excellent customer service and response time. /strong>/span>/p>/div>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>a data-ux-btnsecondary data-uxContentCardButton data-aidABOUT_CTA_BTN_RENDERED0 target,click data-typographyButtonAlpha classx-el x-el-a c1-8j c1-2w c1-22 c1-5f c1-8k c1-t c1-4p c1-8l c1-8m c1-8n c1-8o c1-8p c1-8q c1-8r c1-8s c1-8t c1-8u c1-8v c1-8w c1-8x c1-8y c1-25 c1-6g c1-8z c1-1h c1-3c c1-6t c1-24 c1-23 c1-12 c1-4 c1-6e c1-6f c1-60 c1-61 c1-90 c1-91 c1-4r c1-2b c1-92 c1-b c1-3y c1-93 c1-2x c1-94 c1-95 c1-96 c1-97 c1-98 c1-31 c1-32 c1-33 c1-34>span data-uxElement classx-el x-el-span btnAddon c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-2x c1-31 c1-32 c1-33 c1-34>/span>E-mail me /a>/div>/div>/div>div data-uxGridCell classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-1a c1-3e c1-1q c1-76 c1-12 c1-1s c1-1t c1-38 c1-1v c1-b c1-c c1-77 c1-78 c1-1w c1-1x c1-79 c1-1z c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxContentCard index1 id52797638-01ba-41ec-aed9-88bcc66ac6d0 classx-el x-el-div x-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-t c1-19 c1-5g c1-7a c1-4h c1-26 c1-4 c1-7b c1-7c c1-7d c1-b c1-c c1-7e c1-7f c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>h4 roleheading aria-level4 data-uxContentCardHeading data-aidABOUT_HEADLINE_RENDERED1 data-typographyHeadingDelta data-font-scaledtrue classx-el x-el-h4 c1-2v c1-2w c1-23 c1-24 c1-7g c1-3h c1-3i c1-1d c1-1f c1-5k c1-b c1-2b c1-2y c1-5m c1-5n c1-5o c1-5p>How amber works/h4>div data-uxContentCardText data-aidABOUT_DESCRIPTION_RENDERED1 fontScaleMultiplier1.26 data-typographyBodyAlpha data-font-scaledtrue classx-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-23 c1-24 c1-4l c1-1d c1-1f c1-7h c1-7i c1-7j c1-7k c1-7l c1-7m c1-7n c1-7o c1-7p c1-7q c1-7r c1-7s c1-7t c1-7u c1-7v c1-7w c1-7x c1-7y c1-7z c1-80 c1-81 c1-82 c1-83 c1-84 c1-85 c1-86 c1-87 c1-88 c1-4 c1-3e c1-b c1-3o c1-89 c1-2y c1-8a c1-8b c1-8c c1-8d x-rt>p stylemargin:0>span>strong classx-el x-el-span c1-20 c1-21 c1-b c1-8e c1-2f c1-3y c1-8f>Amber is fossilized conifer tree resin formed millions of years ago which contains aromatic properties called terpenes. When worn by your pet their body heat and friction will cause the amber to release these into their fur and skin which repels the pests. Amber also has electrostatic properties which many say also helps, it is very subtle and your pet does not notice this nor does it harm them./strong>/span>/p>p stylemargin:0>span>br>/span>/p>p stylemargin:0>span>strong classx-el x-el-span c1-20 c1-21 c1-b c1-8e c1-2f c1-3y c1-8f>Raw Baltic amber also has an outer layer containing succinic acid which is highly antimicrobial, boosts immunity and is anti-inflammatory. It also has analgesic properties which functions as a pain relief, hence why baby teething necklaces are worn and also many people with arthritis and joint pain wear amber. /strong>/span>/p>p stylemargin:0>span>br>/span>/p>p stylemargin:0>span>strong classx-el x-el-span c1-20 c1-21 c1-b c1-8e c1-2f c1-3y c1-8f>Amber has been used for hundreds of years and has provided many tremendous uses. Visit my store to see the different styles hand and custom made here in the USA for your pets!/strong>/span>/p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/section> /div>/div>/div>div idc8b8dbef-66c2-45f4-9b87-e4b6eef12b6b classwidget widget-about widget-about-about-2>div data-uxWidget roleregion idc8b8dbef-66c2-45f4-9b87-e4b6eef12b6b classx-el x-el-div x-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-h c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div> section data-uxSection classx-el x-el-section c1-1 c1-2 c1-h c1-i c1-j c1-b c1-c c1-r c1-s c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxContainer classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-y c1-z c1-10 c1-11 c1-12 c1-b c1-c c1-15 c1-d c1-16 c1-e c1-17 c1-f c1-18 c1-g>div data-uxGrid classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-19 c1-1a c1-1b c1-1c c1-1d c1-1e c1-74 c1-1g c1-b c1-c c1-1l c1-1m c1-75 c1-1o c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxGridCell classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-1a c1-3e c1-1q c1-76 c1-12 c1-1s c1-1t c1-99 c1-1v c1-b c1-c c1-1w c1-1x c1-79 c1-1z c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxGrid classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-19 c1-1a c1-1b c1-1c c1-1d c1-1e c1-1f c1-1g c1-26 c1-b c1-c c1-1l c1-1m c1-1n c1-1o c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxGridCell classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-1a c1-3e c1-1q c1-76 c1-12 c1-1s c1-1t c1-1u c1-1v c1-9a c1-3c c1-b c1-c c1-77 c1-78 c1-1w c1-1x c1-1y c1-1z c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-6u c1-6t c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-65 c1-e c1-f c1-g>span data-uxElement classx-el x-el-span c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>picture data-lazyimgtrue classx-el x-el-picture c1-1 c1-2 c1-4 c1-57 c1-6t c1-9b c1-9c c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>source media(max-width: 450px) data-lazyimgtrue data-srcsetlazy//,h:206,cg:true,m/crw:411,h:206, //,h:411,cg:true,m/crw:822,h:411 2x, //,h:617,cg:true,m/crw:1233,h:617 3x srcSet//,h:225,cg:true,m,i:true/qtq:1/lln:true 451w, //,h:300,cg:true,m,i:true/qtq:1/lln:true 768w, //,h:300,cg:true,m,i:true/qtq:1/lln:true 1024w, //,h:300,cg:true,m,i:true/qtq:1/lln:true 1280w, //,h:300,cg:true,m,i:true/qtq:1/lln:true 1536w sizes(min-width: 451px) and (max-width: 767px) 767px, (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1023px) 1023px, (min-width: 1024px) and (max-width: 1279px) 1279px, (min-width: 1280px) and (max-width: 1535px) 1535px, (min-width: 1536px) 1536px/>source media(min-width: 451px) data-lazyimgtrue data-srcsetlazy//,h:300,cg:true,m/crw:600,h:300, //,h:600,cg:true,m/crw:1200,h:600 2x, //,h:900,cg:true,m/crw:1800,h:900 3x srcSet//,h:225,cg:true,m,i:true/qtq:1/lln:true 451w, //,h:300,cg:true,m,i:true/qtq:1/lln:true 768w, //,h:300,cg:true,m,i:true/qtq:1/lln:true 1024w, //,h:300,cg:true,m,i:true/qtq:1/lln:true 1280w, //,h:300,cg:true,m,i:true/qtq:1/lln:true 1536w sizes(min-width: 451px) and (max-width: 767px) 767px, (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1023px) 1023px, (min-width: 1024px) and (max-width: 1279px) 1279px, (min-width: 1280px) and (max-width: 1535px) 1535px, (min-width: 1536px) 1536px/>img data-uxImage data-lazyimgtrue data-srclazy//,h:300,cg:true,m/crw:600,h:300 src srcSet//,h:225,cg:true,m,i:true/qtq:1/lln:true 451w, //,h:300,cg:true,m,i:true/qtq:1/lln:true 768w, //,h:300,cg:true,m,i:true/qtq:1/lln:true 1024w, //,h:300,cg:true,m,i:true/qtq:1/lln:true 1280w, //,h:300,cg:true,m,i:true/qtq:1/lln:true 1536w sizes(min-width: 451px) and (max-width: 767px) 767px, (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1023px) 1023px, (min-width: 1024px) and (max-width: 1279px) 1279px, (min-width: 1280px) and (max-width: 1535px) 1535px, (min-width: 1536px) 1536px data-aidABOUT_IMAGE_RENDERED0 classx-el x-el-img c1-1 c1-2 c1-6w c1-12 c1-y c1-z c1-1d c1-1f c1-35 c1-9d c1-68 c1-6g c1-6y c1-6z c1-70 c1-71 c1-9e c1-9f c1-b c1-c c1-9g c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g/>/picture>/span>/div>/div>div data-uxGridCell classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-1a c1-3e c1-1q c1-76 c1-12 c1-1s c1-1t c1-1u c1-1v c1-19 c1-26 c1-1h c1-b c1-c c1-77 c1-78 c1-1w c1-1x c1-1y c1-1z c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxContentBasic index0 idf3536ba1-3aad-4469-9d79-2d6ef1cbac78 classx-el x-el-div x-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-19 c1-5g c1-4 c1-7b c1-7a c1-4h c1-7c c1-7d c1-b c1-c c1-9h c1-7f c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>h4 roleheading aria-level4 data-uxContentHeading data-aidABOUT_HEADLINE_RENDERED0 data-typographyHeadingDelta data-font-scaledtrue classx-el x-el-h4 c1-2v c1-2w c1-23 c1-24 c1-7g c1-3h c1-3i c1-1d c1-1f c1-5k c1-b c1-2b c1-2y c1-5m c1-5n c1-5o c1-5p>Kitty Cat styles/h4>div data-uxContentText alignmentleft data-aidABOUT_DESCRIPTION_RENDERED0 fontScaleMultiplier1.26 data-typographyBodyAlpha data-font-scaledtrue classx-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-23 c1-24 c1-4l c1-1d c1-1f c1-7h c1-7i c1-7j c1-7k c1-7l c1-7m c1-7n c1-7o c1-7p c1-7q c1-7r c1-7s c1-7t c1-7u c1-7v c1-7w c1-7x c1-7y c1-7z c1-80 c1-81 c1-82 c1-83 c1-84 c1-85 c1-86 c1-87 c1-88 c1-3e c1-b c1-3o c1-89 c1-2y c1-8a c1-8b c1-8c c1-8d x-rt>p stylemargin:0>span>Any size made, magnetic clasp for safety is offered. Custom colors available./span>/p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div data-uxGridCell classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-1a c1-3e c1-1q c1-76 c1-12 c1-1s c1-1t c1-99 c1-1v c1-b c1-c c1-1w c1-1x c1-79 c1-1z c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxGrid classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-19 c1-1a c1-9i c1-1c c1-1d c1-1e c1-1f c1-1g c1-26 c1-b c1-c c1-1l c1-1m c1-1n c1-1o c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxGridCell classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-1a c1-3e c1-1q c1-76 c1-12 c1-1s c1-1t c1-1u c1-1v c1-9a c1-3c c1-b c1-c c1-77 c1-78 c1-1w c1-1x c1-1y c1-1z c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-6u c1-6t c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-65 c1-e c1-f c1-g>span data-uxElement classx-el x-el-span c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>img data-lazyimgtrue data-srclazy//,l:0%25,w:100%25,h:76.49%25/rsw:600,h:451.12781954887214,cg:true src srcSet//,h:339,cg:true,m,i:true/qtq:1/lln:true 451w, //,h:451,cg:true,m,i:true/qtq:1/lln:true 768w, //,h:451,cg:true,m,i:true/qtq:1/lln:true 1024w, //,h:451,cg:true,m,i:true/qtq:1/lln:true 1280w, //,h:451,cg:true,m,i:true/qtq:1/lln:true 1536w sizes(min-width: 451px) and (max-width: 767px) 767px, (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1023px) 1023px, (min-width: 1024px) and (max-width: 1279px) 1279px, (min-width: 1280px) and (max-width: 1535px) 1535px, (min-width: 1536px) 1536px data-srcsetlazy altAmber collar on dog data-uxImage data-aidABOUT_IMAGE_RENDERED1 overlayAlpha0 classx-el x-el-img c1-1 c1-2 c1-6w c1-12 c1-y c1-z c1-1d c1-1f c1-35 c1-9j c1-68 c1-6g c1-6y c1-6z c1-70 c1-71 c1-9e c1-9f c1-6d c1-b c1-c c1-9k c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g/>/span>/div>/div>div data-uxGridCell classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-1a c1-3e c1-1q c1-76 c1-12 c1-1s c1-1t c1-1u c1-1v c1-19 c1-26 c1-1h c1-b c1-c c1-77 c1-78 c1-1w c1-1x c1-1y c1-1z c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxContentBasic index1 idc64c8159-74f4-45bc-8ecb-82c8b940d2ce classx-el x-el-div x-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-19 c1-5g c1-4 c1-7b c1-7a c1-4h c1-7c c1-7d c1-b c1-c c1-9h c1-7f c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>h4 roleheading aria-level4 data-uxContentHeading data-aidABOUT_HEADLINE_RENDERED1 data-typographyHeadingDelta data-font-scaledtrue classx-el x-el-h4 c1-2v c1-2w c1-23 c1-24 c1-7g c1-3h c1-3i c1-1d c1-1f c1-5k c1-b c1-2b c1-2y c1-5m c1-5n c1-5o c1-5p>Larger Quality amber/h4>div data-uxContentText alignmentleft data-aidABOUT_DESCRIPTION_RENDERED1 fontScaleMultiplier1.26 data-typographyBodyAlpha data-font-scaledtrue classx-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-23 c1-24 c1-4l c1-1d c1-1f c1-7h c1-7i c1-7j c1-7k c1-7l c1-7m c1-7n c1-7o c1-7p c1-7q c1-7r c1-7s c1-7t c1-7u c1-7v c1-7w c1-7x c1-7y c1-7z c1-80 c1-81 c1-82 c1-83 c1-84 c1-85 c1-86 c1-87 c1-88 c1-3e c1-b c1-3o c1-89 c1-2y c1-8a c1-8b c1-8c c1-8d x-rt>p stylemargin:0>span>strong classx-el x-el-span c1-20 c1-21 c1-b c1-8e c1-2f c1-3y c1-8f>I use grade A Raw Baltic amber from a trusted Baltic vendor. Many collars are much cheaper because they use small brittle low grade amber. /strong>/span>/p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div data-uxGridCell classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-1a c1-3e c1-1q c1-76 c1-12 c1-1s c1-1t c1-99 c1-1v c1-b c1-c c1-1w c1-1x c1-79 c1-1z c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxGrid classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-19 c1-1a c1-1b c1-1c c1-1d c1-1e c1-1f c1-1g c1-26 c1-b c1-c c1-1l c1-1m c1-1n c1-1o c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxGridCell classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-1a c1-3e c1-1q c1-76 c1-12 c1-1s c1-1t c1-1u c1-1v c1-9a c1-3c c1-b c1-c c1-77 c1-78 c1-1w c1-1x c1-1y c1-1z c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-6u c1-6t c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-65 c1-e c1-f c1-g>span data-uxElement classx-el x-el-span c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>picture data-lazyimgtrue classx-el x-el-picture c1-1 c1-2 c1-4 c1-57 c1-6t c1-9b c1-9c c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>source media(max-width: 450px) data-lazyimgtrue data-srcsetlazy//,l:0%25,w:100%25,h:100%25/rsw:411,h:206,cg:true, //,l:0%25,w:100%25,h:100%25/rsw:822,h:411,cg:true 2x, //,l:0%25,w:100%25,h:100%25/rsw:1233,h:617,cg:true 3x/>source media(min-width: 451px) data-lazyimgtrue data-srcsetlazy//,l:0%25,w:100%25,h:100%25/rsw:600,h:300,cg:true, //,l:0%25,w:100%25,h:100%25/rsw:1200,h:600,cg:true 2x, //,l:0%25,w:100%25,h:100%25/rsw:1800,h:900,cg:true 3x/>img data-uxImage data-lazyimgtrue data-srclazy//,l:0%25,w:100%25,h:100%25/rsw:600,h:300,cg:true src data-aidABOUT_IMAGE_RENDERED2 classx-el x-el-img c1-1 c1-2 c1-6w c1-12 c1-y c1-z c1-1d c1-1f c1-35 c1-9l c1-68 c1-6g c1-6y c1-6z c1-70 c1-71 c1-9e c1-9f c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g/>/picture>/span>/div>/div>div data-uxGridCell classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-1a c1-3e c1-1q c1-76 c1-12 c1-1s c1-1t c1-1u c1-1v c1-19 c1-26 c1-1h c1-b c1-c c1-77 c1-78 c1-1w c1-1x c1-1y c1-1z c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxContentBasic index2 idf7649d19-d61b-4148-a907-71c39635a942 classx-el x-el-div x-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-19 c1-5g c1-4 c1-7b c1-7a c1-4h c1-7c c1-7d c1-b c1-c c1-9h c1-7f c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>h4 roleheading aria-level4 data-uxContentHeading data-aidABOUT_HEADLINE_RENDERED2 data-typographyHeadingDelta data-font-scaledtrue classx-el x-el-h4 c1-2v c1-2w c1-23 c1-24 c1-7g c1-3h c1-3i c1-1d c1-1f c1-5k c1-b c1-2b c1-2y c1-5m c1-5n c1-5o c1-5p>Many styles to choose from/h4>div data-uxContentText alignmentleft data-aidABOUT_DESCRIPTION_RENDERED2 fontScaleMultiplier1.26 data-typographyBodyAlpha data-font-scaledtrue classx-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-23 c1-24 c1-4l c1-1d c1-1f c1-7h c1-7i c1-7j c1-7k c1-7l c1-7m c1-7n c1-7o c1-7p c1-7q c1-7r c1-7s c1-7t c1-7u c1-7v c1-7w c1-7x c1-7y c1-7z c1-80 c1-81 c1-82 c1-83 c1-84 c1-85 c1-86 c1-87 c1-88 c1-3e c1-b c1-3o c1-89 c1-2y c1-8a c1-8b c1-8c c1-8d x-rt>p stylemargin:0>span>Handcrafted in the USA and custom made after each order is placed. Each order is typically shipped out within 24 hours of payment. Support a small business today! /span>/p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/section> /div>/div>/div>div ide483677e-f6b7-49bf-8a67-64a98e3847af classwidget widget-shop widget-shop-shop-1>div data-uxWidget roleregion classx-el x-el-div x-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-h c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div> div data-uxElement idbs-7 classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-9m c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>section data-uxSection classx-el x-el-section c1-1 c1-2 c1-h c1-i c1-j c1-b c1-t c1-c c1-r c1-s c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxContainer data-container-idols-shop classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-y c1-z c1-10 c1-11 c1-12 c1-b c1-c c1-15 c1-d c1-16 c1-e c1-17 c1-f c1-18 c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-6t c1-9n c1-b c1-c c1-9o c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>/div>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-t c1-9p c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>/div>/div>/div>/section>/div>/div> /div>/div>/div>div id4d9b472e-3b72-49ab-b4e4-e248e1d4754c classwidget widget-contact widget-contact-contact-3>div data-uxWidget roleregion id4d9b472e-3b72-49ab-b4e4-e248e1d4754c classx-el x-el-div x-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-h c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div> section data-uxSection classx-el x-el-section c1-1 c1-2 c1-h c1-i c1-j c1-t c1-b c1-c c1-r c1-s c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxContainer classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-y c1-z c1-10 c1-11 c1-12 c1-b c1-c c1-15 c1-d c1-16 c1-e c1-17 c1-f c1-18 c1-g>h2 roleheading aria-level2 data-uxSectionHeading data-aidCONTACT_SECTION_TITLE_REND data-typographyHeadingBeta classx-el x-el-h2 c1-1 c1-2 c1-23 c1-24 c1-9q c1-3h c1-3i c1-1d c1-9r c1-5f c1-6t c1-9s c1-9t c1-2b c1-2y c1-9u c1-9v c1-9w c1-9x c1-9y c1-9z>span data-uxElement classx-el x-el-span c1-a0 c1-a1 c1-2g c1-t c1-2f c1-a2 c1-9s c1-9t c1-a3 c1-a4 c1-l c1-a5 c1-a6 c1-a7 c1-a8 c1-a9 c1-aa c1-ab c1-ac c1-ad c1-o c1-ae c1-af c1-ag c1-ah c1-ai c1-aj c1-ak c1-9v c1-9x c1-9y c1-9z>Contact Us/span>/h2>div data-uxContent classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxElement idbs-8 classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxGrid classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-19 c1-1a c1-1b c1-1c c1-1d c1-1e c1-1f c1-1g c1-b c1-c c1-1l c1-1m c1-1n c1-1o c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxGridCell classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-1a c1-3e c1-1q c1-al c1-12 c1-1s c1-1t c1-1u c1-1v c1-b c1-c c1-am c1-an c1-ao c1-1w c1-1x c1-1y c1-1z c1-d c1-ap c1-aq c1-ar c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxBlock data-aidCONTACT_FORM_CONTAINER_REND classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-3c c1-6t c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>form aria-livepolite data-uxForm classx-el x-el-form c1-1 c1-2 c1-1f c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>input typetext name_app_id autoCompleteoff tabindex-1 styledisplay:none value/>h4 roleheading aria-level4 data-uxHeadingMinor data-aidCONTACT_FORM_TITLE_REND data-typographyHeadingDelta classx-el x-el-h4 c1-2v c1-2w c1-23 c1-24 c1-7g c1-3h c1-3i c1-1d c1-6u c1-b c1-2b c1-c c1-2y c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>Questions? Email me!!/h4>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-w c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxInputFloatLabel typetext data-aidCONTACT_FORM_NAME classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-t c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>input typetext roletextbox aria-multilinefalse data-uxInputFloatLabel idinput35565 value data-aidCONTACT_FORM_NAME data-typographyInputAlpha classx-el x-el-input c1-1 c1-2 c1-as c1-at c1-4 c1-8v c1-8w c1-8x c1-8y c1-6d c1-au c1-av c1-47 c1-48 c1-6g c1-b c1-aw c1-c c1-2y c1-6i c1-6j c1-6k c1-ax c1-ay c1-az c1-b0 c1-b1 c1-b2 c1-6l c1-6m c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g/>label data-uxInputFloatLabelLabel forinput35565 data-typographyInputAlpha classx-el x-el-label c1-1 c1-2 c1-2g c1-23 c1-24 c1-49 c1-b3 c1-b4 c1-b5 c1-b6 c1-b c1-aw c1-c c1-2y c1-6m c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>Name/label>/div>/div>/div>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-w c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxInputFloatLabel typetext data-aidCONTACT_FORM_EMAIL classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-t c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>input typetext roletextbox aria-multilinefalse data-uxInputFloatLabel idinput35566 value data-aidCONTACT_FORM_EMAIL data-typographyInputAlpha classx-el x-el-input c1-1 c1-2 c1-as c1-at c1-4 c1-8v c1-8w c1-8x c1-8y c1-6d c1-au c1-av c1-47 c1-48 c1-6g c1-b c1-aw c1-c c1-2y c1-6i c1-6j c1-6k c1-ax c1-ay c1-az c1-b0 c1-b1 c1-b2 c1-6l c1-6m c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g/>label data-uxInputFloatLabelLabel forinput35566 data-typographyInputAlpha classx-el x-el-label c1-1 c1-2 c1-2g c1-23 c1-24 c1-49 c1-b3 c1-b4 c1-b5 c1-b6 c1-b c1-aw c1-c c1-2y c1-6m c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>Email*/label>/div>/div>/div>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-w c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxInputFloatLabel typetext data-aidHome Address classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-t c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>input typetext roletextbox aria-multilinefalse data-uxInputFloatLabel idinput35567 value data-aidHome Address data-typographyInputAlpha classx-el x-el-input c1-1 c1-2 c1-as c1-at c1-4 c1-8v c1-8w c1-8x c1-8y c1-6d c1-au c1-av c1-47 c1-48 c1-6g c1-b c1-aw c1-c c1-2y c1-6i c1-6j c1-6k c1-ax c1-ay c1-az c1-b0 c1-b1 c1-b2 c1-6l c1-6m c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g/>label data-uxInputFloatLabelLabel forinput35567 data-typographyInputAlpha classx-el x-el-label c1-1 c1-2 c1-2g c1-23 c1-24 c1-49 c1-b3 c1-b4 c1-b5 c1-b6 c1-b c1-aw c1-c c1-2y c1-6m c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>Home Address*/label>/div>/div>/div>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-w c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>textarea roletextbox aria-multilinetrue rows4 aria-labelMessage data-uxInputTextArea placeholderMessage data-aidCONTACT_FORM_MESSAGE data-typographyInputAlpha classx-el x-el-textarea c1-1 c1-2 c1-as c1-at c1-4 c1-8v c1-8w c1-8x c1-8y c1-6d c1-37 c1-38 c1-47 c1-48 c1-6g c1-b7 c1-b c1-aw c1-c c1-2y c1-6i c1-6j c1-6k c1-6l c1-6m c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>/textarea>/div>/div>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-w c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-6t c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>button data-ux-btnprimary data-uxButtonPrimary typesubmit data-aidCONTACT_SUBMIT_BUTTON_REND,click statedefault data-typographyButtonAlpha classx-el x-el-button c1-8j c1-2w c1-22 c1-5f c1-8k c1-t c1-4p c1-8l c1-8m c1-8n c1-8o c1-8p c1-8q c1-8r c1-8s c1-8t c1-8u c1-8v c1-8w c1-8x c1-8y c1-25 c1-6g c1-8z c1-1h c1-3c c1-6t c1-24 c1-23 c1-12 c1-4 c1-6e c1-6f c1-60 c1-61 c1-90 c1-91 c1-4r c1-2b c1-92 c1-b c1-3y c1-93 c1-2x c1-94 c1-95 c1-96 c1-97 c1-98 c1-31 c1-32 c1-33 c1-34>span data-uxElement classx-el x-el-span btnAddon c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-2x c1-31 c1-32 c1-33 c1-34>/span>Send/button>/div>/div>/div>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-60 c1-38 c1-6t c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>p data-uxDetailsMinor data-typographyDetailsBeta classx-el x-el-p c1-1 c1-2 c1-23 c1-24 c1-4l c1-1d c1-1f c1-b c1-b8 c1-2q c1-2y c1-2r c1-2s c1-2t c1-2u>This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google a relnoopener rolelink aria-haspopuptrue data-uxLink target_blank href data-typographyLinkAlpha classx-el x-el-a c1-20 c1-21 c1-22 c1-23 c1-24 c1-b9 c1-25 c1-b c1-3x c1-2q c1-2c c1-2z c1-2e c1-2r c1-2s c1-2t c1-2u,click>Privacy Policy/a> and a relnoopener rolelink aria-haspopuptrue data-uxLink target_blank href data-typographyLinkAlpha classx-el x-el-a c1-20 c1-21 c1-22 c1-23 c1-24 c1-b9 c1-25 c1-b c1-3x c1-2q c1-2c c1-2z c1-2e c1-2r c1-2s c1-2t c1-2u,click>Terms of Service/a> apply./p>/div>/form>/div>/div>/div>/div>div data-uxGrid data-aidCONTACT_INFO_CONTAINER_REND classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-19 c1-1a c1-1b c1-1c c1-1d c1-1e c1-74 c1-1g c1-b c1-c c1-1l c1-1m c1-75 c1-1o c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxGridCell classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-1a c1-3e c1-1q c1-al c1-12 c1-1s c1-1t c1-w c1-1v c1-b c1-c c1-am c1-an c1-ao c1-1w c1-1x c1-79 c1-1z c1-d c1-ap c1-aq c1-ar c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-ba c1-6t c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-9r c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>h4 roleheading aria-level4 data-uxContentHeading data-aidCONTACT_INTRO_HEADING_REND data-typographyHeadingDelta classx-el x-el-h4 c1-2v c1-2w c1-23 c1-24 c1-7g c1-3h c1-3i c1-1d c1-6u c1-c c1-b c1-2b c1-2y c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>disclaimer/h4>div data-uxContentText data-aidCONTACT_INTRO_DESC_REND data-typographyBodyAlpha classx-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-23 c1-24 c1-4l c1-1d c1-6u c1-7h c1-7i c1-7j c1-7k c1-7l c1-7m c1-7n c1-7o c1-7p c1-7q c1-7r c1-7s c1-7t c1-7u c1-7v c1-7w c1-7x c1-7y c1-7z c1-80 c1-81 c1-82 c1-83 c1-84 c1-85 c1-86 c1-87 c1-88 c1-b c1-3o c1-c c1-2y c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g x-rt>p stylemargin:0>span>Nothing is 100% effective for preventing Tick Borne disease, please visit a vet if your pet is experiencing illness or TBD symptoms./span>/p>/div>/div>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>h4 roleheading aria-level4 data-uxContentHeading data-aidCONTACT_INFO_BIZ_NAME_REND data-typographyHeadingDelta classx-el x-el-h4 c1-2v c1-2w c1-23 c1-24 c1-7g c1-3h c1-3i c1-1d c1-6u c1-c c1-b c1-2b c1-2y c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>AmberStone Pets/h4>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/section> /div>/div>/div>div id8d3e886a-c481-447a-bb76-8baa1d93b3f6 classwidget widget-gallery widget-gallery-gallery-8>div data-uxWidgetBanner roleregion id8d3e886a-c481-447a-bb76-8baa1d93b3f6 classx-el x-el-div x-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-h c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div> section data-uxSection classx-el x-el-section c1-1 c1-2 c1-h c1-i c1-j c1-b c1-c c1-r c1-s c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxContainer classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-y c1-z c1-10 c1-11 c1-12 c1-b c1-c c1-15 c1-d c1-16 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