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HTTP/1.1 302 FoundContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Location: closeRefresh: 0; URL 158 !DOCTYPE html>html>head>meta http-equivrefresh content0; URL>title>Moved/title>/head>body>h1>Moved/h1>/body>/html>
Port 443
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Otherwise, use one of the following values: 0 full window, 1 full screen, 2 640x480, 3 800x600, 4 1024x768, 5 1280x1024, 6 1600x1200) alloutside + bpp_all32; ; // Pixel Depth to use for Windows clients (use one of the following values: 15 for 15 bits display, 16 for 16 bits, 24 for 24 bits, 32 for 32 bits) alloutside + bpp_all_mac4; ; // Pixel Depth to use for MAC clients (use one of the following values: 1 for 15 bits display, 2 for 16 bits, 3 for 24 bits, 4 for 32 bits) alloutside + cmdline+cmdline+; ; //alloutside + server; ; // Server (leave empty for auto recognition) //alloutside + username; ; // Autologon User Login (leave empty if you dont want to use Autologon) //alloutside + rdppass; ; // Autologon User Password (leave empty if you dont want to use Autologon) //alloutside + mydomain; // Domain (leave empty if you dont have an Active Directory domain) alloutside + interval_print_option11; ; // Web Printing Options // --------------- End of Seamless Access Configuration --------------- // --------------- Java Access Configuration --------------- var allinside dummyvarifalse; ; allinside + switcher0; ; // Resolution to use (use one of the following values: 0 full window, 1 full screen, 2 640x480, 3 800x600, 4 1024x768, 5 1280x1024, 6 1600x1200) allinside + bpp_all15; ; // Pixel Depth to use (use one of the following values: 15 for 15 bits display, 16 for 16 bits, 24 for 24 bits) allinside + cmdline+cmdline+; ; //allinside + server; ; // Server (leave empty for auto recognition) //allinside + username; ; // Autologon User Login (leave empty if you dont want to use Autologon) //allinside + rdppass; ; // Autologon User Password (leave empty if you dont want to use Autologon) //allinside + mydomain; // Domain (leave empty if you dont have an Active Directory domain) allinside + sameasweb yes; ; // Port to use for the RDP connection (yes if you want to use the same port as this pages web server address, no otherwise allinside + insidecheck true; ; // Start the Java Client inside the browser (true to start it inside the browser, false to start it externally) allinside + soundsup true; ; // Sound Support (true to activate it, false otherwise) allinside + mapsup true; ; // Local Disk Mapping (true to activate it, false otherwise) allinside + activex false; ; // ActiveX instead of Java in Internet Explorer browsers (true if you want to use ActiveX client instead of the Java client, false otherwise) allinside + interval_print_option11; ; // Web Printing Options // --------------- End of Java Access Configuration --------------- // --------------- PWA Configuration --------------- var isPWAEnabled yes; var edgeVersion navigator.userAgent.match(/(Edge|Edg)\/(\d+)/i); var isOldEdge edgeVersion ! null && edgeVersion2 80; var isIE typeof window.document.documentMode ! undefined; var isFirefox navigator.userAgent.indexOf(Firefox) > -1; var isPWASupported !(isOldEdge || isIE || isFirefox); // Delete previous service worker cache if (typeof(caches) ! undefined) { caches.delete(site-dynamic-v1); } if(isPWAEnabled ! no && isPWASupported && serviceWorker in navigator){ var link document.createElement(link); 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/>Install this pluginbr>Then click on Log-on againbr>/div>/div>a idopen-twofa href#verify styledisplay: none>/a>div classtwofa-popin idverify> div classsp-body> div classsp-table> div classsp-cell> h2 idsp-title>Protect your account with 2-step verification/h2> form autocompleteoff> div idsp-appactivation> button typebutton idsp-app classcollapsible>Configure your authentication app/button> div classcollapsiblecontent> br/> li idsp-appstep1>Open the authenticator app on your mobile phone./li> li idsp-appstep2>Scan the QR code displayed below:/li> figure> img idtwofaqrcode src altNo QR code was generated! Please enter your credentials on the logon page./> figcaption idqrcodecaption>/figcaption> /figure> /div> /div> div idsp-smsactivation> button typebutton idsp-sms classcollapsible>Or receive your verification code via SMS/button> div classcollapsiblecontent> br/> li idsp-smsstep1>Type your phone number below, using the international phone numbers format (e.g. +14155552671):/li> input typetext idsp-phonenumber value oninputonChangeTrim(this); required pattern^\+?1-9\d{1,14}$ minlength1 maxlength15> span idsp-phonenumbererror classerror aria-livepolite>/span> li idsp-smsstep2>Click Send SMS button to register your phone number and receive your verification code./li> input typebutton idsp-registerstylecursor: pointer; valueReceive SMS onclickrequestVerificationCodeBySms();> /div> span idsms-error classerror aria-livepolite>/span> /div> div idsp-emailactivation> button typebutton idsp-email classcollapsible>Or receive your verification code via e-mail/button> div classcollapsiblecontent> br/> li idsp-emailstep1>Enter your e-mail address below:/li> input typeemail idsp-emailaddress value oninputonChangeTrim(this); required patterna-zA-Z0-9._-+@a-zA-Z0-9._-+.a-zA-Z.{2,15}> span idsp-emailaddresserror classerror aria-livepolite>/span> li idsp-emailstep2>Click Send e-mail button to register your e-mail and receive your verification code./li> input typebutton idsp-sendemail stylecursor: pointer; valueSend e-mail onclickrequestVerificationCodeByEmail();> /div> span idemail-error classerror aria-livepolite>/span> /div> h4 idsp-validate>Validate your verification code/h4> input typetext idtwofacode value placeholder2-step verification: onkeyupvalidate2faKeyUpHandler(event); oninputonChangeTrim(this); required pattern0-9{4,12} minlength4 maxlength12> span idtwofaerror classerror aria-livepolite>/span> input typebutton idsp-verify stylecursor: pointer; valueValidate onclickverifyCode();> /form> a href# idtwofaclose classsp-close onclickexitVerification();>x/a> /div> /div> /div>/div>a idopen-expiration-password-reminder href#expiration-password-reminder styledisplay: none>/a>div classexpiration-password-reminder-popin idexpiration-password-reminder> div classsp-body> div classsp-table> div classsp-cell> div idpassword-expiration-reminder-section> h2 idsp-title-expiration-password-reminder>Expiration password reminder/h2> h3 idpassword-expiring>Your windows password currently expires in XX days./h3> h3 idchange-password-now>Would you like to change it now?/h3> input typebutton idpassword-expiration-choice-change-password valueYes onclickshowResetWindowsPasswordPopin();> input typebutton idpassword-expiration-choice-connect valueNo onclickclosePasswordExpirationReminderPopin();refreshDisplayAndOpenSession();> /div> a href# idexpiration-password-reminder-close classsp-close>x/a> /div> /div> /div>/div>a idopen-reset-windows-password href#reset-windows-password styledisplay: none>/a>div classreset-windows-password-popin idreset-windows-password> div classsp-body> div classsp-table> div classsp-cell> div idreset-windows-password-section> h2 idsp-title-reset-windows-password>Reset your windows password/h2> input typetext idsp-full-username value placeholderYour Windows username - Ex: CORP\johndoe> input typepassword idsp-old-password value placeholderYour old password> input typepassword idsp-new-password value placeholderYour new password> input typepassword idsp-confirm-new-password value placeholderConfirm your new password> input typebutton stylecursor: pointer; idreset-windows-password-choice-validate valueValidate onclickchangeWindowsPassword();> span idreset-windows-password-error classerror aria-livepolite styledisplay: none;>/span> /div> a href# idreset-windows-password-close classsp-close>x/a> /div> /div> /div>/div>script> (function ($) { $.support.placeholder (placeholder in document.createElement(input)); })(jQuery); //fix for IE7 and IE8 $(function () { if (!$.support.placeholder) { $(placeholder).focus(function () { if ($(this).val() $(this).attr(placeholder)) $(this).val(); }).blur(function () { if ($(this).val() ) $(this).val($(this).attr(placeholder)); }).blur(); $(placeholder).parents(form).submit(function () { $(this).find(placeholder).each(function() { if ($(this).val() $(this).attr(placeholder)) { $(this).val(); } }); }); } }); $(function (){ $(.toggle-password).click(function() { $(this).toggleClass(fa-eye fa-eye-slash); var eyeIcon document.getElementById(Editbox2); if (eyeIcon.type password) { eyeIcon.type text; } else { eyeIcon.type password; } }) }); /script> script> var coll document.getElementsByClassName(collapsible); var i; for (i 0; i coll.length; i++) { colli.addEventListener(click, function() { this.classList.toggle(active); var content this.nextElementSibling; if ({ null; } else { content.scrollHeight + px; } }); } /script>/body>/html>
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