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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginxDate: Fri, 12 Jan 2024 01:03:32 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 3749Last-Modified: Fri, 14 Aug 2015 14:23:53 GMTConnection: keep-aliveVary: Accept-EncodingETag: 5 !doctype html public -//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en>html>head> meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1> meta namedescription contentAMA-Amadale Global Systems, Ausbeulen Ohne Lackieren, Olten, der Fachmann fuer lackschadenfreie Hagel-,Transport-,Park- und andere Bagatellschaeden an Autos aller Marken> meta namekeywords contentAma, Car, Care, Amadale , Global, Systems, Auto, Ausbeul, Service, Winznau, Schweiz, Fix, Ding, Beule, Hagel, Schaden, Blech, Carrosserie, Park, Transport, Lack, Bagatell, Marvin, exakt, sauber, guenstig, schnell, rasch, Marken> meta nameAuthor contentMarvin Ama> meta nameGENERATOR contentMozilla/4.5 de (Win95; U) Netscape> title>AMA-Amadale Global System/title>/head>body text#000000 bgcolor#FFFFFF link#000000 vlink#000000 alink#000000 backgroundcolorbg01.jpg>map NAMEnavigation>!-- #$-:Image Map file created by Map THIS! -->!-- #$-:Map THIS! free image map editor by Todd C. Wilson -->!-- #$-:Please do not edit lines starting with #$ -->!-- #$VERSION:1.30 -->!-- #$AUTHOR:marvinama-->!-- #$DATE:Sun Feb 18 14:56:26 2001 -->!-- #$PATH:D:amacar -->!-- #$GIF:navigation.GIF -->area SHAPERECT COORDS0,1,168,30 HREFservice/index.htm ALTUnser Service>area SHAPERECT COORDS184,1,384,30 HREFkontakt/index.htm ALTKontaktformular>area SHAPERECT COORDS391,1,600,30 HREFlinks/index.htm ALTKunden im Internet>area SHAPEdefault HREF>/map>table BORDER3 COLS1 WIDTH550 >tr>td>img SRCLogo.jpg height120 width600>/td>/tr>tr>td>img SRCnavigation.gif usemap#navigation height30 width600>/td>/tr>/table>table BORDER0 COLS1 WIDTH600 >tr>td>font colormangenta>font size+2>marquee>THIS PAGE IS STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!!/marquee>/font>/font>center>font color#FFFFFF>./font>/center>table BORDER0 COLS1 WIDTH600 >tr>td>table BORDER0 WIDTH100% >tr>td>font color#CC0000>font size+2>Ihr Fachmann ist da für:/font>/font>br> table BORDER0 WIDTH100% >tr>td>/td>td>font color#CC0000>font size+1>-/font>font size+2> lackschadenfreieDellen und /font>/font>br>font color
Port 443
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