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inner_content_2211213291365342 idcBlock_221121329136524>div styleposition: relative;>p>span stylefont-family:Source Sans Pro Regular>span classbold_elem>TORONTOS VIBRANT REAL ESTATE MARKET IS MY EXPERTISE—PEOPLE ARE MY PASSION!/span>/span>/p>p>br>/p>p>span stylefont-size:20px>span classbold_elem>Whether youre buying, selling, or renting a property, my mission is to help you realize your most ambitious real estate goals, while providing a positive, well-informed, and stress-free experience./span>/span>/p>p>br>/p>p>span classbold_elem>With over 15 years of proven industry success, Ive helped hundreds of clients make their homeownership dreams a reality, avoid costly mistakes, and make wise, profitable decisions with complete confidence./span>/p>p>br>/p>p>span classbold_elem>Let me show you what happens when your agent is 100% committed to putting your best interests first and addresses your individual needs with compassion, integrity, and attention to 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wbg>span itemscope itemtype>link itempropurl href>a itempropsameAs href target_blank>i classico-facebook>/i>/a>a itempropsameAs href target_blank>i classico-linkedin>/i>/a>a itempropsameAs href target_blank>i classico-twitter>/i>/a>a itempropsameAs href target_blank>i classico-youtube>/i>/a>a itempropsameAs href target_blank>i classico-instagram>/i>/a>/span>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classmainWrapper w4r_secInsec sectVisibility_both row idcontentId_2211213572916 data-visibilityboth>div classrow sect section-22329122220550 _contentWidth idwidth-22329122220550>div classcontainer content-22329122220550>div classgrid-row>div classcol-12 fullWidth addmore>div classcontentBlock myBlock _customContent idcBlock_22112135730667>div styleposition: relative;>div>div>h1 styletext-align:center>span stylefont-size:48px>span stylefont-family:Source Sans Pro Regular>span classbold_elem>SEARCHING FOR THE PERFECT PLACE TO CALL HOME?/span>/span>/span>/h1>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classcontentBlock myBlock _customContent duplicated_sect idcBlock_22329125352593>div styleposition: relative;>div>div>h1 styletext-align:center>span stylefont-size:20px>Great! Torontos exciting real estate scene has something for everyone, andspan classbold_elem> my personal specialty is helping you find a home that ticks every box on your list while matching you with a community that perfectly fits your unique needs and lifestyle—/span>no matter what part of town you have your heart set on!/span>/h1>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classmainWrapper w4r_secInsec_new myBlock secInSec row secinsec idcontentId_2211213594498 data-visibilityboth>div classrow sect>div classcontainer>div classgrid-row>div classcol-half col_child_left sectionChild>div classcontentBlock myBlock _customContent idcBlock_2232912637977>div styleposition: relative;>p>span classbold_elem>I combine a great passion for the City of Toronto with a flexible, accommodating approach, to successfully serve a massive coverage area, /span>including communities from Downtown Toronto all the way north to Newmarket, as well as the amazing neighborhoods peppered along Lake Ontarios shore from Mississauga to Oshawa./p>p>br>/p>p>Long gone are the pre-internet days, when the span classbold_elem>MLS system as we know it didnt exist, crucial market information was difficult to come by, and realtors were basically forced to stay local,/span> specializing in small geographical areas to maintain their edge./p>p>br>/p>p>span classbold_elem>Modern industry advancements have completely revolutionized the system/span>, allowing real estate professionals to easily stay on top of current trends, effortlessly gather location-specific data, and access a huge pool of available listings—includingspan classbold_elem> hidden gems you wont be able to find on your own! /span>/p>/div>/div>/div>div classcol-half col_child_right sectionChild>div classcontentBlock myBlock _customContent idcBlock_223291271953>div styleposition: relative;>p>span classbold_elem>If youre ready to explore your options and start booking viewings today, check out the latest featured properties from some of the citys greatest locations, including but not limited to:/span>/p>p>br>/p>p>span stylefont-family:Source Sans Pro Regular>span classitalic_elem>• Midtown Toronto • Downtown Toronto • Liberty Village • High Park • Mimico • Long Branch • Etobicoke • Centennial Park • Rockwood Village • Mississauga Valley • Mineola • Lorne Park • Clarkson and • Erin Mills • Vaughan • Richmond Hill • King City • Aurora • Newmarket & many, many more!/span>/span>/p>/div>/div>div classcontentBlock btn-block myBlock duplicated_sect idwBlock_22329128222413 data-follow1>a classbtn button-22329128222413 hreffeatured-listings target_parent title→ BROWSE FEATURED LISTINGS >→ BROWSE FEATURED LISTINGS /a>/div>div classcontentBlock btn-block myBlock idwBlock_2211214556381 data-follow1>a classbtn button-2211214556381 hrefmls-search target_parent title→ CUSTOM PROPERTY SEARCH>→ CUSTOM PROPERTY SEARCH/a>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classmainWrapper sectVisibility_both row idcontentId_22329121155458 data-visibilityboth>div classrow sect section-2232912123064 _contentWidth idwidth-2232912123064>div classcontainer content-2232912123064>div classgrid-row>div classcol-12 fullWidth>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classsectionBGwrapper>div classsectionBGview data-original stylebackground-image: url("assets/images/lazyloadbg.png");>/div>/div>/div>div classmainWrapper row idcontentId_223312141108621 data-visibilityboth>div classrow sect>div classcontainer>div classgrid-row>div classcol-12 fullWidth>div classcontentBlock myBlock idwBlock_2432110235722>div classcListing idcListing-2432110235722 listing-type1 list-countcListing_1> div idotherlistingdiv classrow othLst customlistingslider sliderLoader_ ajaxListing_1> span classcLoaderP> div classloadingBar> div classbounce1>/div> div classbounce2>/div> div classbounce3>/div> /div> /span> div classrow stylevisibility: hidden;display:none> div classcontainer fpl> div classfeaturedProducts product-listing slider> div classslider featured-properties featured-properties-slider idlistingslider_1> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classmainWrapper w4r_secInsec sectVisibility_both row idcontentId_223291213307081 data-visibilityboth>div classrow sect section-22329122246965 _contentWidth idwidth-22329122246965>div classcontainer content-22329122246965>div classgrid-row>div classcol-12 fullWidth addmore>div classcontentBlock myBlock _customContent idcBlock_223291213307113>div styleposition: relative;>div>div>h1 styletext-align:center>span stylefont-family:Source Sans Pro Regular>span classbold_elem>Didnt find what you were looking for? /span>/span>/h1>h1 styletext-align:center>span stylefont-family:Source Sans Pro Regular>span classbold_elem>No problem! /span>/span>/h1>h1 styletext-align:center>span stylefont-family:Source Sans Pro Regular>span classbold_elem>Tell me all about your dream property, and let me help you find it! /span>/span>/h1>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classmainWrapper w4r_secInsec_new myBlock secInSec row secinsec idcontentId_22329121426100 data-visibilityboth>div classrow sect>div classcontainer>div classgrid-row>div classcol-half col_child_left sectionChild>div classcontentBlock btn-block myBlock idwBlock_22329121543112 data-follow1>a classbtn button-22329121543112 hrefcontact target_parent titleGET IN TOUCH>GET IN TOUCH/a>/div>/div>div classcol-half col_child_right sectionChild>div classcontentBlock btn-block myBlock idwBlock_22329121644558 data-follow1>a classbtn button-22329121644558 hrefbuyers target_parent titleMORE ABOUT BUYING A HOME>MORE ABOUT BUYING A HOME/a>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classmainWrapper w4r_secInsec sectVisibility_both row idcontentId_22112131220386 data-visibilityboth>div classrow sect section-22112131418688 _fullWidth idwidth-22112131418688>div classcontainer content-22112131418688>div classgrid-row>div classcol-12 fullWidth addmore>div classmainWrapper w4r_secInsec_new myBlock secInSec row secinsec sectVisibility_both idcontentId_22112131223647 data-visibilityboth>div classrow sect section-22112131435782 _fullWidth idwidth-22112131435782>div classcontainer content-22112131435782>div classgrid-row>div classcol-half col_child_left sectionChild>div classcontentBlock img-block myBlock inner_content_2211213142585 idwBlock_2211213141124 data-follow1>div classimgBlock idimage-2211213141124>div classw4rImg_equal>img srcassets/images/lazyloadbg.png title alt data-original>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classcol-half col_child_right sectionChild>div classcontentBlock myBlock _customContent inner_content_2211213247727 idcBlock_22112131843234>div styleposition: relative;>h2>span stylefont-size:40px>span stylefont-family:Source Sans Pro Regular>span classbold_elem>READY TO SELL, AND WANT TO GET TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR PROPERTY?/span>/span>/span>/h2>p>br>/p>p>span classbold_elem>Perfect! Let me use my in-depth understanding of the market, solid grasp on relevant industry conditions, and proven pricing strategies, to help you maximize your profit, while minimizing challenges, uncertainties, and risks!/span>/p>/div>/div>div classcontentBlock btn-block myBlock inner_content_22112132734232 idwBlock_22112132721829 data-follow1>a classbtn button-22112132721829 hrefsellers target_parent title→ LEARN MORE>→ LEARN MORE/a>/div>div classcontentBlock myBlock _customContent inner_content_22329122015283 duplicated_sect idcBlock_22329122015283>div styleposition: relative;>p>An educated and unbiased estimate of your propertys value is absolutely essential to a quick, hassle-free, and profitable sale./p>p>Find out what your property is worth with a free, no-obligation home evaluation, and get the information you need to list and sell with confidence!/p>/div>/div>div classcontentBlock btn-block myBlock inner_content_223291220432803 duplicated_sect idwBlock_223291220432803 data-follow1>a classbtn button-223291220432803 hreffree-home-evaluation target_parent title→ PLEASE SEND ME A FREE ESTIMATE>→ PLEASE SEND ME A FREE ESTIMATE/a>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div> div classmainWrapper w4r_secInsec sectVisibility_both row idcontentId_221121432523971 data-visibilityboth>div classrow sect section-22112143354179 _contentWidth idwidth-22112143354179>div classcontainer content-22112143354179>div classgrid-row>div classcol-12 fullWidth addmore>div classcontentBlock myBlock _customContent idcBlock_221121432524003>div styleposition: relative;>div>div>h1 styletext-align:center>span stylefont-size:58px>span stylefont-size:58px classbold_elem>span stylefont-family:source sans pro regular; font-size:58px>Blog/span>/span>/span>/h1>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classcontentBlock myBlock idwBlock_22921162036250 blog-navyes blog-displaythumbnail>div classblog-post idblog-22921162036250_all>div classblog-post-div blog_thumbnail fullBlog>!-- main content section -->input 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questions from condo buyers about the Tarion warranty program:/span>/h3> /div> meta itempropauthor contentAlla Poltavski/> div classhidden itemproppublisher itemscopeOrganization itemtype> div itemproplogo itemscopeImageObject itemtype> img src> meta itempropurl content> meta itempropwidth content600> meta itempropheight content60> /div> meta itempropname contentGoogle> /div> meta itempropdatePublished content2024-10-30 15:11:35/> meta itempropdateModified content2024-10-30 15:11:35/>/article>article classblog_thumbView itemscopeNewsArticle itemtype> meta itemscopeNewsArticle itempropmainEntityOfPage itemType itemid> div classwidget> div classpost-image> span classlazyload data-original itempropimage itemscopeImageObject itemtype> img classplacehoder_png src/assets/images/lazyloadbg.png alt title> meta itempropurl content> meta itempropwidth content200> meta itempropheight content200> /span> /div> p classp-date> span> Friday Oct 25th, 2024 /span> a classa2a_dd shareme post-share titleShare target_blank src data-a2a-title🧐 Why is Port Credit in Mississauga called that?>i classico-share2>/i>Share/a> /p> a classpost_details href-why-is-port-credit-in-mississauga-called-that titleRead More>/a> h3 classpost-title itempropheadline>span>🧐 Why is Port Credit in Mississauga called that?/span>/h3> /div> meta itempropauthor contentAlla Poltavski/> div classhidden itemproppublisher itemscopeOrganization itemtype> div itemproplogo itemscopeImageObject itemtype> img src> meta itempropurl content> meta itempropwidth content600> meta itempropheight content60> /div> meta itempropname contentGoogle> /div> meta itempropdatePublished content2024-10-25 12:31:59/> meta itempropdateModified content2024-10-25 12:31:59/>/article>article classblog_thumbView itemscopeNewsArticle itemtype> meta itemscopeNewsArticle itempropmainEntityOfPage itemType itemid> div classwidget> div classpost-image> span classlazyload data-original itempropimage itemscopeImageObject itemtype> img classplacehoder_png src/assets/images/lazyloadbg.png alt title> meta itempropurl content> meta itempropwidth content200> meta itempropheight content200> /span> /div> p classp-date> span> Thursday Oct 24th, 2024 /span> a classa2a_dd shareme post-share titleShare target_blank src data-a2a-titleIn this post about bakeries in Etobicoke and Mississauga that have received the highest reviews from visitors>i classico-share2>/i>Share/a> /p> a classpost_details hrefin-this-post-about-bakeries-in-etobicoke-and-mississauga-that-have-received-the-highest-reviews-from-visitors titleRead More>/a> h3 classpost-title itempropheadline>span>In this post about bakeries in Etobicoke and Mississauga that have received the highest reviews from visitors/span>/h3> /div> meta itempropauthor contentAlla Poltavski/> div classhidden itemproppublisher itemscopeOrganization itemtype> div itemproplogo itemscopeImageObject itemtype> img src> meta itempropurl content> meta itempropwidth content600> meta itempropheight content60> /div> meta itempropname contentGoogle> /div> meta itempropdatePublished content2024-10-24 13:48:00/> meta itempropdateModified content2024-10-24 13:48:00/>/article>article classblog_thumbView itemscopeNewsArticle itemtype> meta itemscopeNewsArticle itempropmainEntityOfPage itemType itemid> div classwidget> div classpost-image> span classlazyload data-original itempropimage itemscopeImageObject itemtype> img classplacehoder_png src/assets/images/lazyloadbg.png alt title> meta itempropurl content> meta itempropwidth content200> meta itempropheight content200> /span> /div> p classp-date> span> Monday Oct 21st, 2024 /span> a classa2a_dd shareme post-share titleShare target_blank src data-a2a-title🧐Here’s a brief update on the current real estate market:>i classico-share2>/i>Share/a> /p> a classpost_details hrefheres-a-brief-update-on-the-current-real-estate-market titleRead More>/a> h3 classpost-title itempropheadline>span>🧐Here’s a brief update on the current real estate 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Exciting October Weekends Near Toronto?>i classico-share2>/i>Share/a> /p> a classpost_details hrefwhere-to-go-for-exciting-october-weekends-near-toronto titleRead More>/a> h3 classpost-title itempropheadline>span>🧐💥🎃Where to Go for Exciting October Weekends Near Toronto?/span>/h3> /div> meta itempropauthor contentAlla Poltavski/> div classhidden itemproppublisher itemscopeOrganization itemtype> div itemproplogo itemscopeImageObject itemtype> img src> meta itempropurl content> meta itempropwidth content600> meta itempropheight content60> /div> meta itempropname contentGoogle> /div> meta itempropdatePublished content2024-10-18 16:39:08/> meta itempropdateModified content2024-10-18 16:39:08/>/article>article classblog_thumbView itemscopeNewsArticle itemtype> meta itemscopeNewsArticle itempropmainEntityOfPage itemType itemid> div classwidget> div classpost-image> span classlazyload data-original itempropimage itemscopeImageObject itemtype> img classplacehoder_png src/assets/images/lazyloadbg.png alt title> meta itempropurl content> meta itempropwidth content200> meta itempropheight content200> /span> /div> p classp-date> span> Wednesday Oct 9th, 2024 /span> a classa2a_dd shareme post-share titleShare target_blank src data-a2a-titleCouncillor Brad Bradford from Beaches-East York has raised concerns about the effectiveness of Torontos Vacant Home Tax (VHT).>i classico-share2>/i>Share/a> /p> a classpost_details hrefcouncillor-brad-bradford-from-beaches-east-york-has-raised-concerns-about-the-effectiveness-of-torontos-vacant-home-tax-vht titleRead More>/a> h3 classpost-title itempropheadline>span>Councillor Brad Bradford from Beaches-East York has raised concerns about the effectiveness of Torontos Vacant Home Tax (VHT)./span>/h3> /div> meta itempropauthor contentAlla Poltavski/> div classhidden itemproppublisher itemscopeOrganization itemtype> div itemproplogo itemscopeImageObject itemtype> img src> meta itempropurl content> meta itempropwidth content600> meta itempropheight content60> /div> meta itempropname contentGoogle> /div> meta itempropdatePublished content2024-10-09 12:30:40/> meta itempropdateModified content2024-10-09 12:30:40/>/article>/div>span class_pagination bot>ul classpagination right >li classfirst-page disable>span classsplink data-page>First/span>/li>li classprev-page disable>span classsplink data-page>Previous/span>/li>li classcurrent-page>span classsplink data-page >1/span>/li>li>span classsplink data-page2 >2/span>/li> li>span classsplink data-page3 >3/span>/li> li>span classsplink data-page4 >4/span>/li> li>span classsplink data-page5 >5/span>/li> li classnext-page>span classsplink data-page2 >Next/span>/li>li classlast-page>span classsplink data-page28 >Last/span>/li>/ul>/span>/div>p classmobileShow row>a classbtn loadmore loadmoreBmobile data-value1>READ MORE/a>/p>!-- side bar --> /div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classmainWrapper w4r_secInsec sectVisibility_both row idcontentId_229211619498881 data-visibilityboth>div classrow sect section-229211619498902 _contentWidth idwidth-229211619498902>div classcontainer content-229211619498902>div classgrid-row>div classcol-12 fullWidth addmore>div classcontentBlock myBlock _customContent idcBlock_229211619498913>div styleposition: relative;>div>div>h1 styletext-align:center>span stylefont-size:58px>span stylefont-size:58px classbold_elem>span stylefont-family:source sans pro regular; font-size:58px>Client Love/span>/span>/span>/h1>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classcontentBlock myBlock idwBlock_229211619498934 data-source data-extraallw4rfyesw4rfyesw4rfyesw4rfyesw4rfnow4rfyesw4rf#ffba00w4rf#395d9b>div classw4rtestcls testimonial_1 idtestimonials-229211619498934>div classTcol>div classtesti-slider>div class > div classtestimC >div classtestiHeader>input typehidden classtestimonial_review_id value12>div classtestiHead_row>span classtestiTableRaiting >i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>span classreveiw_date>Jan 17th, 2022/span>/span>span classtestiSource>img srcassets/images/web-icon.png>/span>/div>span classa>i classico-quotes-left>/i>p>it was pleasure to work with Alla. She provided support and guidance during the entire journey from sale to purchase of houses. I will not hesitate to work with her if I need a real estate again. Thank you, Alla, for your dedication./p>i classico-quotes-right>/i>/span>/div>b classath>span classnameTag profile_thumbnail w4r_N>N/span>Natalia, Mississauga /b>/div>/div>div class > div classtestimC >div classtestiHeader>input typehidden classtestimonial_review_id value3>div classtestiHead_row>span classtestiTableRaiting >i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>span classreveiw_date>Jul 5th, 2021/span>/span>span classtestiSource>img srcassets/images/web-icon.png>/span>/div>span classa>i classico-quotes-left>/i>p>Alla Poltavski is not only a professional agent who knows her stuff, but most importantly she takes care of her client and their needs and is genuine. This is an agent you can fully rely on for your real estate needs. We were very lucky that we were directed exactly to her./p>i classico-quotes-right>/i>/span>/div>b classath>span classnameTag profile_thumbnail w4r_L>L/span>Ludmila, Thornhill /b>/div>/div>div class > div classtestimC >div classtestiHeader>input typehidden classtestimonial_review_id value11>div classtestiHead_row>span classtestiTableRaiting >i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>span classreveiw_date>Jan 12th, 2022/span>/span>span classtestiSource>img srcassets/images/web-icon.png>/span>/div>span classa>i classico-quotes-left>/i>p>Alla has been our family’s real estate agent for several years. We always enjoy having her as our real estate agent for both sales and the purchase of our properties. Some deals went smooth, some had a bumpy road. Alla’s professionalism and dedication made our deals happen. We will definitely do our next business with Alla./p>i classico-quotes-right>/i>/span>/div>b classath>span classnameTag profile_thumbnail w4r_D>D/span>Dina, Toronto /b>/div>/div>div class > div classtestimC >div classtestiHeader>input typehidden classtestimonial_review_id value18>div classtestiHead_row>h4 classtesti_title>I felt a strong urge to write a review about the realtor Alla Poltavski./h4>span classtestiTableRaiting >i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>span classreveiw_date>Sep 26th, 2024/span>/span>span classtestiSource>img srcassets/images/web-icon.png>/span>/div>span classa>i classico-quotes-left>/i>p>She caught my attention on Facebook with her short but very informative posts. Then I decided to meet with her to confirm the impression I had formed. Despite being really busy that day, Alla arrived a little early, which I really appreciated. During our conversation, she took my wishes very casually, offering creative solutions that none of the previous realtors had thought of./p>p>When renting out the apartment, she meticulously screened the candidates, immediately discarding options that could later cause me losses. She never pressured me into making decisions./p>p>She’s a very pleasant person to communicate with and an excellent professional whom I’d happily reach out to again and recommend to all my friends./p>p>Alla, thanks again for your cooperation and help!/p>i classico-quotes-right>/i>/span>/div>b classath>span classnameTag profile_thumbnail w4r_T>TE/span>Tatiana Etobicoke/b>/div>/div>div class > div classtestimC >div classtestiHeader>input typehidden classtestimonial_review_id value4>div classtestiHead_row>span classtestiTableRaiting >i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>span classreveiw_date>Mar 18th, 2021/span>/span>span classtestiSource>img srcassets/images/web-icon.png>/span>/div>span classa>i classico-quotes-left>/i>p>I had a great pleasure being represented by Alla both ways, as a buyer and a seller. She is a highly professional sales agent who inputs all her knowledge and dignity into the process. The most important quality for me is that she is driven not only by higher prices and commissions but the client’s interest first. I like her approach to provide the maximum available market information, find out all pros and cons and make the client decide without any pushing from her. I would definitely work with Alla again and strongly recommend her to all my friends./p>i classico-quotes-right>/i>/span>/div>b classath>span classnameTag profile_thumbnail w4r_S>S/span>Serge, Toronto /b>/div>/div>div class > div classtestimC >div classtestiHeader>input typehidden classtestimonial_review_id value10>div classtestiHead_row>span classtestiTableRaiting >i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>span classreveiw_date>Jan 12th, 2021/span>/span>span classtestiSource>img srcassets/images/web-icon.png>/span>/div>span classa>i classico-quotes-left>/i>p>Thank you so much Alla for the provided services. It was pleasure working with you, you were so patient with picky clients like us:) Special application for all the things you did for us after the purchase/p>i classico-quotes-right>/i>/span>/div>b classath>span classnameTag profile_thumbnail w4r_R>R/span>Roman /b>/div>/div>div class > div classtestimC >div classtestiHeader>input typehidden classtestimonial_review_id value7>div classtestiHead_row>span classtestiTableRaiting >i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>span classreveiw_date>Jan 13th, 2022/span>/span>span classtestiSource>img srcassets/images/web-icon.png>/span>/div>span classa>i classico-quotes-left>/i>p>I am so satisfied how she done our deal, Alla Poltavski is professional and well />Thank you/p>i classico-quotes-right>/i>/span>/div>b classath>span classnameTag profile_thumbnail w4r_H>H/span>Hmayak, Toronto /b>/div>/div>div class > div classtestimC >div classtestiHeader>input typehidden classtestimonial_review_id value5>div classtestiHead_row>span classtestiTableRaiting >i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>span classreveiw_date>Feb 1st, 2021/span>/span>span classtestiSource>img srcassets/images/web-icon.png>/span>/div>span classa>i classico-quotes-left>/i>p>Together with Alla, we bought our first property in Canada. Being immigrants, this was a difficult decision especially since we didn’t have the experience in determining the value of quality, comfort, and property perspective. The market is full of offers with certain details that are hard to catch, especially for an inexperienced person. With the help of Alla, the buying process went smoothly at each step, whether it’s dealing with the selection of the right home or document finalization, we had the opportunity to concretely understand the pluses and minuses of the situation and how to make the right decision. It is important that the agent you are working with is a professional and is thoughtful of the entire process right to the details, in order to not waste time and money on mistakes. It is also important to full trust your agent and be sure that your priorities and wishes will come first. We are very pleased with our experience and are very grateful for Alla and her help. We will recommend her services to our friends, acquaintances, colleagues, and family because we want everyone to be treated by a professional service provider and we want our agent to have a successful business and great clients./p>i classico-quotes-right>/i>/span>/div>b classath>span classnameTag profile_thumbnail w4r_A>A/span>Anna, Toronto /b>/div>/div>div class > div classtestimC >div classtestiHeader>input typehidden classtestimonial_review_id value1>div classtestiHead_row>span classtestiTableRaiting >i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>span classreveiw_date>Sep 13th, 2021/span>/span>span classtestiSource>img srcassets/images/web-icon.png>/span>/div>span classa>i classico-quotes-left>/i>p>My acquaintance with Alla Poltavski was entirely occasional but turned out to be a blessing when my family started shopping for a condo in Western Toronto (High Park – Bloor West Village area) and asked Alla to be our realtor. Alla had a very good understanding of our needs and expectations and she found the right property within a couple of weeks even though there wasn’t a lot of inventory on the market at that time. Making an offer and closing the deal was hassle-free for us as Alla was very competent and professional throughout./p>p> /p>p>Eventually I started a new job in another province and, of course, we conferred the sale of our condo to Alla. She helped us decide on the asking price and provided valuable advice on getting the property ready for showings. The very first open house yielded two offers and we sold the condo above the asking price. I couldn’t be happier about the outcome and I recommend Alla Poltavski’s real estate services without hesitation./p>i classico-quotes-right>/i>/span>/div>b classath>span classnameTag profile_thumbnail w4r_T>TC/span>Timur Zaynetdinov, Calgary, AB/b>/div>/div>div class > div classtestimC >div classtestiHeader>input typehidden classtestimonial_review_id value13>div classtestiHead_row>span classtestiTableRaiting >i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>span classreveiw_date>Dec 7th, 2022/span>/span>span classtestiSource>img srcassets/images/web-icon.png>/span>/div>span classa>i classico-quotes-left>/i>p>I highly recommend Alla. She is very professional and client-oriented./p>i classico-quotes-right>/i>/span>/div>b classath>span classnameTag profile_thumbnail w4r_A>AM/span>Anastasia Mele/b>/div>/div>div class > div classtestimC >div classtestiHeader>input typehidden classtestimonial_review_id value17>div classtestiHead_row>span classtestiTableRaiting >i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>span classreveiw_date>Sep 26th, 2024/span>/span>span classtestiSource>img srcassets/images/web-icon.png>/span>/div>span classa>i classico-quotes-left>/i>p>We had a great experience working with Alla, who helped us rent out our property. She took care of all the staging and did it professionally, even creating a portfolio for us to use in the future./p>p>Alla did an almost monumental job selecting tenants, carefully vetting potential candidates. She never pressured us or imposed her opinions but instead provided insights based on her vast experience, which I personally really appreciated./p>p>Working with Alla was very comfortable—she’s educated, tactful, and an excellent professional. We truly enjoyed working with her and highly recommend Alla as a real estate agent./p>i classico-quotes-right>/i>/span>/div>b classath>span classnameTag profile_thumbnail w4r_V>VM/span>Vasily Mississauga/b>/div>/div>div class > div classtestimC >div classtestiHeader>input typehidden classtestimonial_review_id value9>div classtestiHead_row>span classtestiTableRaiting >i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>span classreveiw_date>Jun 21st, 2021/span>/span>span classtestiSource>img srcassets/images/web-icon.png>/span>/div>span classa>i classico-quotes-left>/i>p>Hello everyone. I want to write a short review about Alla Poltavski./p>p>She works as a real estate agent. She is a very professional and highly qualified person. Easy-going, she approaches business in a tenacious and thoughtful manner. Under no circumstances does she retreat in front of difficult situations with the client and solving the task at hand. At the same time, she always knows how to find a tactic to solving any problems that arise during the process of a deal. Ambitious and highly driven. At the same time, those qualities do not prevent her from representing the interests of the client in the best possible way./p>p> If I would like to recommend someone, it will be Alla Poltavski./p>i classico-quotes-right>/i>/span>/div>b classath>span classnameTag profile_thumbnail w4r_A>A/span>Alex Toronto /b>/div>/div>div class > div classtestimC >div classtestiHeader>input typehidden classtestimonial_review_id value6>div classtestiHead_row>span classtestiTableRaiting >i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>span classreveiw_date>Jul 14th, 2021/span>/span>span classtestiSource>img srcassets/images/web-icon.png>/span>/div>span classa>i classico-quotes-left>/i>p>We had experience working with other agents, but for various reasons we did not do business with them again. When we met Alla, we felt very comfortable with her ad we instantly developed a trusting relationship. While working with us, Alla was very professional. She sold our home exactl how we wanted it, and when we purchased a home, she helped our offer beat the seven other buyers interested in the property. When we wanted to purchase a home that was used in the past for marijuana growth, she flatly said no, even though there were not many properties on the market. Other realotrs in this case would push a buyer to purchase a home just to make quick commissions, but she was determined in her answer. Only later we realized that she saved us from a huge mistake. We definitely recommend her, we enjoyed working with her./p>i classico-quotes-right>/i>/span>/div>b classath>span classnameTag profile_thumbnail w4r_V>V/span>Viatcheslav T. , Vaughan /b>/div>/div>div class > div classtestimC >div classtestiHeader>input typehidden classtestimonial_review_id value2>div classtestiHead_row>span classtestiTableRaiting >i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>span classreveiw_date>Aug 10th, 2021/span>/span>span classtestiSource>img srcassets/images/web-icon.png>/span>/div>span classa>i classico-quotes-left>/i>p>I would like to express my gratitude to Alla Poltavski for her high professionalism, responsiveness and very accommodating attitude. She helped us with finding a neighborhood that would fit both our family’s lifestyle and budget in the city that was new for us. Within a short time Alla found a 2-bedroom condo that we fell in love with and fortunately could afford to buy. The condo has everything we could dream of – the location, the amenities, the views, the neighbors – and Alla made sure that we paid a fair price for the property. Overall, the buying process was quick and smooth./p>i classico-quotes-right>/i>/span>/div>b classath>span classnameTag profile_thumbnail w4r_T>T/span>Tatiana Alekseeva /b>/div>/div>div class > div classtestimC >div classtestiHeader>input typehidden classtestimonial_review_id value14>div classtestiHead_row>span classtestiTableRaiting >i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>span classreveiw_date>Dec 7th, 2022/span>/span>span classtestiSource>img srcassets/images/web-icon.png>/span>/div>span classa>i classico-quotes-left>/i>p>I'm an extremely picky client. I respect the professionalism, punctuality, flexibility, knowledge, and much more. /p>p>br />Alla Poltavski is checking all the boxes! And on the top, as a bonus, you are getting a simply pleasant and fun personality to spice up the search of your home. 🤗 Highly recommend! She will never push you to buy no matter what, she will help you to get your Home!/p>i classico-quotes-right>/i>/span>/div>b classath>span classnameTag profile_thumbnail w4r_M>MF/span>Mila Fadeyeva/b>/div>/div>div class > div classtestimC >div classtestiHeader>input typehidden classtestimonial_review_id value8>div classtestiHead_row>span classtestiTableRaiting >i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>i classico-star ico-xsmall orrange>/i>span classreveiw_date>Aug 21st, 2020/span>/span>span classtestiSource>img srcassets/images/web-icon.png>/span>/div>span classa>i classico-quotes-left>/i>p>Alla’s unique targeted search approach based on customer’s individual needs is quite impressive. I had had a very specific set of criteria such as proximity to top ranked schools, safe neighborhood, adjacency to parks and playgrounds, affordable price range and Alla showed me quite a few properties one of which turned into our new home. Alla has even provided us with a free inspection by a licensed plumber as at some point we had a concern that was promptly addressed by Alla. I would definitely recommend Alla as a highly professional and ethical realtor./p>i classico-quotes-right>/i>/span>/div>b classath>span classnameTag profile_thumbnail w4r_A>A/span>Alexander, Etobicoke /b>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classmainWrapper w4r_secInsec sectVisibility_both row idcontentId_221131155580 data-visibilityboth>div classrow sect section-22113115648767 _contentWidth idwidth-22113115648767>div classcontainer content-22113115648767>div classgrid-row>div classcol-12 fullWidth addmore>div classcontentBlock myBlock _customContent idcBlock_2211311561842>div styleposition: relative;>h2 styletext-align:center>span stylefont-family:Source Sans Pro Regular>span stylecolor:#ffffff>span classbold_elem>SEARCHING FOR A RENTAL THAT ACTUALLY FEELS LIKE HOME, OR HOPING TO ATTRACT DEPENDABLE, /span>/span>/span>/h2>h2 styletext-align:center>span stylefont-family:Source Sans Pro Regular>span stylecolor:#ffffff>span classbold_elem>LONG-TERM TENANTS FOR YOUR INVESTMENT PROPERTY?/span>/span>/span>/h2>/div>/div>div classcontentBlock myBlock _customContent duplicated_sect idcBlock_22329122435393>div styleposition: relative;>p styletext-align:center>span stylefont-family:Source Sans Pro Regular>span stylecolor:#ffffff>Let me take the guesswork out of navigating the rental real estate market, and help you achieve your goals quickly and efficiently, while avoiding unnecessary stress, confusion, or overwhelm./span>/span>/p>p styletext-align:center>br>/p>p styletext-align:center>span classbold_elem>span stylefont-size:40px>span stylefont-family:Source Sans Pro Regular>span stylecolor:#ffffff>Lets chat!/span>/span>/span>/span>/p>/div>/div>div classmainWrapper w4r_secInsec_new myBlock secInSec row secinsec idcontentId_22113115729776 data-visibilityboth>div classrow sect>div classcontainer>div classgrid-row>div classcol-left-s sectionChild>/div>div classcol-half sectionChild>div classcontentBlock myBlock idwBlock_22113115852150>div data-delay2000 classpmForms w4rNoLabels group-tags data-gtrack data-gtag_w4r_ data-gtagevent data-smart1 data-fbtrack data-fbevent>input typehidden classbtn_confirmation_text valueMessage has been sent! 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