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HTTP/1.1 200 OKdate: Sat, 11 Nov 2023 12:49:39 GMTcontent-type: text/htmlcontent-length: 5388server: Apacheaccept-ranges: bytesvary: Accept-Encodingx-iplb-request-id: 3428EA69:25E0_5E174004:0050_654F7 !doctype html>html classno-js lang> head> meta charsetutf-8> meta http-equivx-ua-compatible contentieedge> title>/title> meta namedescription content> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1> link relmanifest hrefsite.webmanifest> link relapple-touch-icon hreficon.png> !-- Place favicon.ico in the root directory --> link href relstylesheet> link relstylesheet hrefcss/normalize.css> link relstylesheet hrefcss/swiper.min.css> link relstylesheet hrefcss/main_alj.css> /head> body> !--if lte IE 9> p classbrowserupgrade>You are using an strong>outdated/strong> browser. Please a href>upgrade your browser/a> to improve your experience and security./p> !endif--> div classgeneral_wrap scroll> div classlogo>ALJ/div> section idscroll> div classwrap_img_right sticky> p>Alj/p> div classwrap_img> img srcimg/IF_Bags.jpg /> img srcimg/Kopajos.jpg /> img srcimg/Lolamps.jpg /> /div> /div> div classwrap_left_text> div classstep data-step1> p>IF Bags/p> /div> div classstep data-step2> p>Kopajos/p> /div> div classstep data-step3> p>Lolamps/p> /div> /div> /section> !--div classwrap_img_right>/div> div classnav_top> ul> li> a href#>Work/a> /li> li> a href#>About/a> /li> li> a href#>Alj/a> /li> /ul> div classwrap_email> p>Contact us/p> input namemail placeholderemail typeemail classemail_wrap email_value /> textarea namemessage placeholdermessage classemail_wrap message_value/>/textarea> div classbtn_send invia_mail> send /div> /div> /div> h1 classtop_title> Testo Testo Testo /h1> h2 classsub_title> Altro testo altro testo /h2> div classwrap_work> div classcol step> div classwrap_overlay> h3>IF Bags/h3> p>eCommer
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 11 Nov 2023 12:49:40 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 5388Connection: keep-aliveServer: ApacheAccept-Ranges: bytesVary: Accept-Encoding !doctype html>html classno-js lang> head> meta charsetutf-8> meta http-equivx-ua-compatible contentieedge> title>/title> meta namedescription content> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1> link relmanifest hrefsite.webmanifest> link relapple-touch-icon hreficon.png> !-- Place favicon.ico in the root directory --> link href relstylesheet> link relstylesheet hrefcss/normalize.css> link relstylesheet hrefcss/swiper.min.css> link relstylesheet hrefcss/main_alj.css> /head> body> !--if lte IE 9> p classbrowserupgrade>You are using an strong>outdated/strong> browser. Please a href>upgrade your browser/a> to improve your experience and security./p> !endif--> div classgeneral_wrap scroll> div classlogo>ALJ/div> section idscroll> div classwrap_img_right sticky> p>Alj/p> div classwrap_img> img srcimg/IF_Bags.jpg /> img srcimg/Kopajos.jpg /> img srcimg/Lolamps.jpg /> /div> /div> div classwrap_left_text> div classstep data-step1> p>IF Bags/p> /div> div classstep data-step2> p>Kopajos/p> /div> div classstep data-step3> p>Lolamps/p> /div> /div> /section> !--div classwrap_img_right>/div> div classnav_top> ul> li> a href#>Work/a> /li> li> a href#>About/a> /li> li> a href#>Alj/a> /li> /ul> div classwrap_email> p>Contact us/p> input namemail placeholderemail typeemail classemail_wrap email_value /> textarea namemessage placeholdermessage classemail_wrap message_value/>/textarea> div classbtn_send invia_mail> send /div> /div> /div> h1 classtop_title> Testo Testo Testo /h1> h2 classsub_title> Altro testo altro testo /h2> div classwrap_work> div classcol step> div classwrap_overlay> h3>IF Bags/h3> p>eCommer
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