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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 26 May 2024 15:36:28 GMTServer: nginx/1.21.6Content-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 46781Last-Modified: Thu, 03 Feb 2022 06:07:50 GMTVary: Accept-EncodingX-Server-Cache: trueX !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> !-- Required meta tags --> meta charsetutf-8> !-- meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, shrink-to-fitno> --> title>Algonics - AI | IoT | Embedded | Power Electronic Company in Kolkata/title> meta namedescription contentKolkata (India) based software company for Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Computer Vision, Embedded Systems, Browser based HMI, and Power Electronics. /> meta namekeywords contentSoftware Company in Kolkata, HMI on browser, HMI on browser application, Embedded Systems in Kolkata, Power Electronics Company Kolkata, OCPP, EVSE, Charge Point, EV, Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment, python development company kolkata, PIC32 based Embedded systems Kolkata, embedded Linux development kolkata, Linux development kolkata, embedded systems ARM, FPGA embedded systems, Cross-platform Mobile Apps development, HMI Development, Browser based HMI, Artifical Intelligence, Face Recognition, People Counter, Driver Fatigue Monitoring, driver distraction detection GPRS Applications, GPRS Weather Monitoring, GPRS Energy Monitoring, GPRS Signalling Systems, GPS Tracking solutions, Power Electronics, Power Factor Controller, Pure sine wave inverter, Solar Energy, SMPS welding, Energy Monitoring, Energy metering devices, High Voltage Controls, SCADA, Metering Test Bench, Railway Signalling Systems, Fail Safe networked Multiplexer, Train Management Systems, Train Control System, Data logger, Motion Control in Cinematography, Stepper motor, Servo motor, Gyroscope, Accelerometer, software companies kolkata, embedded systems, Algonics, Algonics Systems Pvt. Ltd., offshore software development /> meta nameauthor contentAlgonics, /> meta namecopyright contentAlgonics Systems Pvt. Ltd., Copyright 2008 2020 /> meta namerobots contentindex, follow /> meta namerobots contentALL /> meta namelanguage contenten /> meta namedocument-classification contentpython developer, php developer, web devel
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 26 May 2024 15:36:29 GMTServer: nginx/1.21.6Content-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 46781Last-Modified: Thu, 03 Feb 2022 06:07:50 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesVary: Accept-EncodingX !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> !-- Required meta tags --> meta charsetutf-8> !-- meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, shrink-to-fitno> --> title>Algonics - AI | IoT | Embedded | Power Electronic Company in Kolkata/title> meta namedescription contentKolkata (India) based software company for Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Computer Vision, Embedded Systems, Browser based HMI, and Power Electronics. /> meta namekeywords contentSoftware Company in Kolkata, HMI on browser, HMI on browser application, Embedded Systems in Kolkata, Power Electronics Company Kolkata, OCPP, EVSE, Charge Point, EV, Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment, python development company kolkata, PIC32 based Embedded systems Kolkata, embedded Linux development kolkata, Linux development kolkata, embedded systems ARM, FPGA embedded systems, Cross-platform Mobile Apps development, HMI Development, Browser based HMI, Artifical Intelligence, Face Recognition, People Counter, Driver Fatigue Monitoring, driver distraction detection GPRS Applications, GPRS Weather Monitoring, GPRS Energy Monitoring, GPRS Signalling Systems, GPS Tracking solutions, Power Electronics, Power Factor Controller, Pure sine wave inverter, Solar Energy, SMPS welding, Energy Monitoring, Energy metering devices, High Voltage Controls, SCADA, Metering Test Bench, Railway Signalling Systems, Fail Safe networked Multiplexer, Train Management Systems, Train Control System, Data logger, Motion Control in Cinematography, Stepper motor, Servo motor, Gyroscope, Accelerometer, software companies kolkata, embedded systems, Algonics, Algonics Systems Pvt. Ltd., offshore software development /> meta nameauthor contentAlgonics, /> meta namecopyright contentAlgonics Systems Pvt. Ltd., Copyright 2008 2020 /> meta namerobots contentindex, follow /> meta namerobots contentALL /> meta namelanguage contenten /> meta namedocument-classification contentpython developer, php developer, web devel
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